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Lee Anne, With a few differences and details, you have written MY LETTER to Robert. Down to going carless, being fairly lively, living on SSA alone, having a fast-dwindling pension and no other resources, still trying to be a part of things, dealing with dental bills, and, oh, also doing a ton of writing and some publishing. (I was an academic wannabe and spent a lot of time writing stuff no one but an academic would read but, between covid-19 and retiring, I am now writing stuff that general readers might want to check out and that is even appealing to me, I think.) The biggest issue I have going is the fact that I have to fund a supplemental insurance policy and that, well, my pension from Macy*s is nearly exhausted and I live in fear for when it's gone. I might add that I am increasingly irritated by word that a 4th stimulus for seniors might show up but never seems to. It would help with the bills since my SSA COLA increase was consumed by inflation as, I guess, yours was.) THe deal with me is that I have pared life down to one specific discretionary expense that I will NOT surrender and writing to this and other sites (and my COngressperson (Zoe Lofgren of the Select Committee and Impeachment trials) in the hopes of supporting those who may be interested in helping. I believe it goes without saying that most of our elected officials are in a higher income bracket and receive more benefits and perks than their own constituents. While I take their duties more seriously than they do (at times), I think that they tend to live in a bubble. However, there are many of us---older, retired/disabled, homeless, working people, families and kids--who will never live in that bubble. I think we still should lay a claim to a decent and secure life--however long or short it may be--and a chance to enjoy, explore, and experience what all too many of our elected representatives take for granted. (Some of them would running screaming from the chambers of government if they were forced to live with the conditions you and I share on a daily basis!) Bravo to you and continue to share your thoughts as I will too. The government needs to respond, to learn what has happened to individuals during the pandemic era and decide to take action (not just talk about it, argue, and decide to throw a tantrum over the opposition). Every single elected official on the city, state, national level should be asking: "What can I do to help my constituents?" This is not a matter of scoring points with the party leaders or avoiding flak from those leaders but of honoring a commitment made to serve and honor the rule of law. Wasn't there an oath of office that they took and that made the same sort of statement?

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There is much work to be done and we must not give up. Your story, my story, are like too many others. We will move through this only if we stay the course and make our voices heard with the handwritten letters (see Robert's comment to me above) to our Congress women and men. Local assembly people, too. I know nothing about a fourth stimulus check and with inflation rising so rapidly I doubt that would be on the table. I've received so many wonderful comments and am overwhelmed with the kindred spirits on this forum. A huge THANK YOU, ROBERT, for making it possible for people to exchange ideas and share deep concerns with one another. I end with this quote from Margaret Mead: "Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." 😊💜

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Lee Anne, Thanks so much for your immediate response to my comments on your note to Robrt...And thanks for your reference to the quote from Margaret Mead. When I first started on Robert's website, I thought I would most likely be sort of an "odd-duck" and that no one could relate to my experiences and my background. I was very, very wrong as I am finding good friends who either share where I have been and am coming from or have enough compassion and empathy to realize that "there but for the grace of God go I." I frankly do not know how I manage but, at the same time, I can easily envision folks with far less who are struggling even harder than I do. It is discouraging to realize that I am either "preaching to the choir" (folks such as yourself) or "shouting at the top of my lungs" to people who have willfully chosen not to listen and prefer to feather their own nests. I for one am more than weary of the lies and deceit and carrying on that seem part of the system of government and of the adverse effects of 2-1/2 years of isolation and distancing, 5+ years of treachery and deceit. However, there is no way out but through. I think we have to keep trying and demanding change and action, especially from those who have decided to ignore their oath of office and focus on defending the indefensible. Our lives are essentially at stake and we do well to fight for them. Your words of encouragement help me carry on and endeavor to keep it together, write (Handwritten) letters, and hope for better days....so THANK YOU.

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Oh, by the way. I occasionally check out "news items" on MSN.com or yahoo.com to the effect that there is some sort of a BIden proposal to fund a 4th stimulus check for seniors, seeing as how inflation quickly dispensed with the COLA we were supposed to get. I have even seen photos of Joe Biden sitting at his desk and signing the executive order that will authorize distribution of the checks in a few days. This is extremely irritating and deceptive (almost as bad as some of the lies and deception by the red team!) but, well, I guess they all assume we're too old to car/won't notice/don't understand, etc. etc. I have also checked the irs.gov site for this and there is mention of the 4th check for seniors but, well, that may just be a tease. I for one am in no mood whatsoever for teaching of any kind.

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