That weak shell of a person standing in a mostly empty Senate chamber crying as he announced his future departure, reviewing some of his history through selective memory, and acting as if anyone with even a modicum of integrity would feel even one tiny bit of regret at his announcement was a nauseating moment. He is a despicable elected whose "legacy" is one of deep, long-lasting harm to our nation, one of hateful racism in his treatment of President Obama, and one of a craven, cruel perspective on governance beyond his own self-interest, power and self-enrichment.

The happiness that his departure will engender can only be exceeded by the happiness on the day that trump and his criminal organization are in prison.

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Professor Reich,

It’s Hard to believe they could find anyone worse than Moscow Mitch. He almost single handedly created the mess we are in now!

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McConnell is the prime example of the damage that a politician whose first allegiance is to their party can do. The one thing that I can never forget or forgive him for is presiding over destroying the Supreme Court as a useful institution. There were, of course, lots of other examples of the damage that he helped facilitate, but nothing as significant as far as I'm concerned.

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Professor Reich: moscow mitch has left the congress and the world worse than it was when he was elected to public office. for example, with a rethuglican SCOTUS peopled with religious extremists (sometimes -- rightly IMO -- known as the "christian taliban"), only wealthy white men and corporations will be treated as human under the law. the climate is guaranteed to continue its rapid deterioration and all life on the planet will be decimated, leaving Earth as a hot dry dustball for many millions, or even billions of years. this crisis is apparent to all with eyes: even leaders from nations around the world are openly appealing to the US government to stop the horseplay and get our shit together.

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“Surprise”, (sarcasm)The Supreme Court of the United States ruled yesterday in Trump’s favor!! They are taking his case of whether or not he has total immunity as the president. And guess what?

They won’t even hear the case until April 22.

Why can’t they be honest with the American people and just say they are going to leave it up to the voters in November?

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"One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter," he said in his floor speech. "So I stand before you today... to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate."—Moscow Mitch

Sorry Mitch, that ship has sailed! The time to leave was about 30 years ago; YOU ARE A DISGRACE!

It’s one thing to be an evil, morally bankrupt fool; it’s in your nature, you are a republican, after all.

However, when democracy was in the line and fascism was staring you in the face, instead of meeting the challenge, you collapsed faster than a cheap lounge chair. When the red menace had reared its ugly head, where were you Mitch? That’s right, carrying water for Putin’s puppet.

Your legacy won’t be as the longest serving Republican majority leader; it will be of a spineless, pathetic old man, who enabled a feeble, wicked, narcissistic sociopath.

Oh wait, I’m pretty much describing your entire party. Never mind!…..:)

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McConnell and Trump have turned the republican party into a legalized crime syndicate.

The modern republican party was never the people's party to begin with and perfected the use of racial animus to deliver their agenda which, ironically, abused the very voters who supported them (and still do).

Yes, McConnell is currently the worse, and history will not and should not offer him any kindness; however, more robust criminals are waiting in the wings to extend and surpass McConnel's treachery to this country.

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“McConnell has always put party above America.”

Because ALL political issues are, at their most fundamental level about one thing, and one thing only — MONEY — and because Republicans’ ONLY true priority is looking after the interests of the rich and corporations — who then reward them, in the short term, with campaign cash to get them elected and keep them in office so that they can continue to look after those interests, and in the long term, with extremely lucrative consultancies, lobbying jobs, seats on corporate boards of directors and deals with conservative publishers to write books that they know perfectly well no one will ever read — this has NEVER been about party, or politics, and certainly not principle.

It’s actually about nothing but lining their own pockets, about the aforementioned MONEY, and there are no more vivid poster children for the pocket-lining McConnells, Mitch and his wife, Elaine Chao, who have amassed a fortune well in excess of $50 million on his senator’s salary, and hers as a sometime cabinet secretary.

Call it the Miracle of McConnells’ Creek.

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I did not like the things that Sen. McConnell did during his time in the Senate. I really hated the fact that he tried to prevent President Obama from selecting judges and promising he would only be a one term president which did NOT go as he planned. The way he tried to prevent everything President Obama attempted showed me his racism and his hatred over the fact that a black man was elected to be president. Obamacare is still going strong and is still very popular. I hated the fact that he wouldn't even attempt to help people from his own state who suffered from black lung disease. He was basically telling them he didn't care and had no concern to help them. History will not be kind to Mitch McConnell but then if trump gets back in the White House, children will learn an alternative history and all republicans will be revered. Anyone trying to tell children the truth will be imprisoned!! Moscow Mitch would probably like that. Vote Blue, America!!!

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McConnell seems to occupy the same space as William Barr, Jeff Sessions, and Mike Pence. Awful Republicans who yet failed to completely yield to Der Trumpler's absolute rule. Of course, Turtleface was far more damaging to our nation than the other three. McConnell may enter history as a contemporary John Calhoun, a man whose defense of slavery and nullification of federalism helped precipitate what may become to be known as The First Civil War.

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i ain't spilling NO TEARS here for moscow mitch ... he single-handedly could have swerved the needle by doing the honest thing : to convict the insurrectionist-in-chief after 6 january in the second impeachment trial ... then we would NOT be in the absolute mess that we are in now, with his own diabolical supreme court revealing to the whole world that the "shining city on a hill" is really the ultimate "shithole country" ... do us a favor, & step down before the end of your grim wreaping term, bitch mc connell ...

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McConnell is single most destructive person in history to American Democracy, champion of the super-rich, GOP donations-at-any-cost, and Russian transnational organised crime puppet (FBI report)

He would burn America to the ground to keep his power.

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sadly he isnt going anywhere. he may be stepping down as the minority leader (in 9 months), but he is still going to stay the senator of kentucky. (where he will continue to keep his state at the bottom , as he has for 40 years!)

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Tyrants, theocratic, authoritarian, dictator - all relevant social disorders very normal in the GOP... Narcissist, psychopath, sociopath - all relevant pathologization of "effective" capitalistic behavior MAGA embodies... this country is declining rapidly with our current education level.

Your average citizen is to caught up in social manipulation to SEE the threat - they ONLY see the threats created for them 🤦🏽‍♂️😏

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Thanks for this summary of what Mitch McConnell did against the wellbeing, health, and safety of the people he nominally represents.

McConnell's failure to vote to convict Trump on either of his impeachments, and his failure to lead the Senate to do the same, will surely stand as his most heinous actions-- a horrendous legacy for perhaps generations.

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Mitch Mc Connell is a honest “politician

Once he was bought by the big Republican money Koch he stayed bought, trumpet 🎺 placed his second wife 30 years younger second trophy 🏆 wife as Secretary of Labor. Bush

Made her Secretary of Office of Personnel management. She had no expertise other than being the Wife of Mitch McConnell Connell leader of the republican in Congress…

This is a case of where term limits would have cured the problem.

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