Dec 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

The correct answer is " all of the above".

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I read in the Atlantic this week,that Kissinger also did this same thing in Pakistan/Bangladesh back in the 70s,and 1,000s of people were killed in that war.Kissinger didn't like the "Bengalis"that lived in Eastern Pakistan,and encouraged their killing.India eventually stepped in,forced Pakistan to stop the fighting,and helped form Bangladesh.

It all started over an election that Kissinger didn't like and he goaded the leadership who was like 1,000 miles away to step in.The Bengalis didn't feel represented by a government that was so far away and wanted their own representation closer to home.

I have been reading also about how he was given several"birthday parties"just this year,and nary a peep about his many(!)war crimes.How the hell does that get excused so easily? People talked about him like he was practically God,and ignored any mention of his war crimes in numerous countries.

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Well, at least, Robert, this time you were both better about Palestine/Israel. But the Palestinians and Israelis are not equally wrong at all. Israel has control and has oppressed the Palestinians right from the start. Israel drove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes at Israel’s inception, and the Palestinians did not do the same to Israel. Israel has murdered Palestinians and denied their rights in many ways, all along. It’s like saying Black and White Americans, or American Indians and White Americans, were equally wrong. Yes, Black people and American Indians did do some wrongs. But by far the lion’s share of the blame goes to my race, the White. It was a LONG time before many White people admitted it. The White people were in charge and were the oppressors. There’s still a long way to go on that. It’s what’s happening here. Please go farther in your perceptions. It’s not that I’m smarter than you are, but I guess I know more. 🥸

Meanwhile, thanks for the explanation of the difference between stopping inflation and lowering prices.

I did get one negative impression of Sandra Day O’Connor. (It’s interesting that she retired rather than keeping her position a lifetime appointment.) When W. Bush won his first election because the Supreme Court wouldn’t call for a recount, it became clear that certain Supreme Court Justices stood to gain financially from it. One of them was O’Connor. At least that’s what I heard.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I’m assuming these were all rhetorical questions. That said, I answered “other” on the question. It should be ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Have a great weekend everyone...:)

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How the hell did Kissinger get the Nobel peace prize and gosh darn Medal of Honor?

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All of the above! Despicable deplorables!!!

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All of the above.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Although…it’s really all of the above, in answer to this week’s question, I chose should never hold office again b/c that is the most important consequence of all the others!!

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Trump and Santos are the poster boys of different kinds of privilege. Trump benefits from #OrangePrivilege where because of his bluster and distain for Democrats, he can do no wrong.

For Santos, his privilege is derived from clinging to the coattails of Trump. By sneaking into the House atop a mountain of lies, Santos felt he could breeze through any ethical travesties in the same manner.

That even Republicans found this beyond the pale is remarkable. There’s a very low bar for acceptability. Let’s hope that five years from now, Santos has no other options but to be spraying bowling shoes behind the counter in his next career.

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Equating Trump and Santos is making light of a dangerous situation. Even Republicans joined to oust Santos. They stand with Trump and in fear of him. Trump endangers our country. Santos a is a joke. What they have in common was voters who fell for them, but Santos has no base. Trump’s base is firmly rooted.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

Robert, Thank you for discussing that monopolies can keep prices higher than they should be and hoard even more wealth.

And don’t forget about the perpetual sales that make it appear they are lowering prices! They’re not.

Heather, Yes please! Explainer videos and encourage sharing. These are so important, especially now with the hysteria over polls that simply aren’t true about Trumpanzee having any chance if winning! (See the Guardian article 12/02/23) “Mad Poll Disease” M Podhorzer) Please read!

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That's eliding past the fact that they should never have won public office.

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I chose that that neither George Santos nor D. J. tRump should ever be allowed to serve in public office ever again.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Why was “All of the Above” not an option? Each option was equally bad & just as true of both of them.

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These two MINOs (pronounced 'minnows' for Men In Name Only) have no redeeming features. They are the apotheosis of evil, encompassing 'all of the above' with gusto,

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So unfair to limit us to one devastating insult each!

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