I am about to be leaning really hard on the bureaucrats this week,alongside my brother.We found his disabled wife in her bed yesterday morning,she had passed during the night/early morning.Now we have to stop her benefits,and get other stuff put in place to get stuff done for her.

I plan to thank these people with heartfelt thanks,just for being there in the hard time we just had drop out of the sky on us.THIS is why we need our bureaucrats,to lead us back to some since of normalcy amongst unimaginable chaos that finds its way to our lives.

We covet and appreciate any and all prayers for our extended family.Thank you guys for hearing me vent.

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I'm sorry, Melissa. (I'm currently sole (disabled) caretaker for my 93-yo mother, after losing my father and brother in the past 4 years. I understand your pain, and I hope your memories will give you and your brother peace.)

I had someone in the house to talk about options for Mom (an obvious Trumper, so distracted by my "Protect, Believe, Love Trans Kids" (HRC) shirt all she could do was constantly giggle uncomfortably, until I actually had to tell her to STOP! But then, this is the rural Deep South.)

I had to finally say, "We actually have NO IDEA what programs are, or will be available, do we?"

And as she telling us that Medicare and Medicaid would not be touched, Trump had already THAT recent morning promised both NOT to "touch" them, as well as a promise TO take them both. (If Trump says he'll do something horrible, he will. If trump says he WON'T do something terrible, he WILL!)

I hope you and your brother can take comfort in family, and never forget the love that was shared.

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Thank you so much,and I wish good things for your family.I hope that there are people you can lean on for support.

I have been worrying about the people who are disabled and suffering from chronic illnnesses.We should be taking care of them,not casting them aside.

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I had a knee replacement in August and was planning on the other one this year, but at this rate I may never get it. I am one of the lucky ones there, but I also get home care 5 mornings a week, approved through Medi-Cal (what Medicaid is called in California). Through Gray Panthers, I have been working on several projects on nursing home care - and the outlook for nursing homes is already dire, as private equity has moved in. National Council of Gray Panther Networks published a gray paper on nursing homes, and New York City Gray Panthers is working on the EINSTEIN option. Google them for details on a program about it on Wednesday, 2/26. At 9 am PST.

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Foofaraw & Chiquita, what a beautiful reply of comfort and sharing you wrote! I am so sorry for your multiple losses, your mother’s struggles, and all you are facing with responsibilities and the threats of cuts to needed help on top of it all. Please know that people care. I hope you can have some quiet moments and some uplifting, restorative, supportive time for yourself somehow. Being a caretaker for someone we love is an honor, yet it is draining, and we need all the kind uplifting possible in such times. I hope you have moments of peace and a chance to inhale deeply each day while enjoying a glimpse of nature. I believe we all are trying to save avenues of the official help needed in our own ways, and I wish the result of total success for the sakes of everyone.

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Thank you, JP4M,

I'll be the first to admit that this Substack acts as therapist, friend and confidant, and your words are a GREAT comfort.

But one thing about this type of situation: it forces one to focus on the current moment to the exclusion of other things, and at this time in history, I need a focus that is other than Trump, and other than myself. Mom and I have never been closer than we were recently (until she took a turn), and that presents as nothing but a WONDERFUL gift.

Again, I thank you, JP4M.

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Being a sole carer is hard. I had to do this for my mother who had dementia. We are in the UK and it's hard to imagine how I would have coped without the medical, and social support we had. As it was I had heart trouble later that year. It's appalling that people in your position have to deal with this uncertainty and wondering whether there would be any to be had. I can't understand the mentality of these right wing types who think that money is more important than this.

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I cared for my father for 13 years, as he declined into physical and mental illness (dementia, and not the happier kind). This resulted in my having to retire early, as the burden of doing three jobs (being a therapist, a homemaker, and a caregiver) began to overwhelm MY aging body, sapping it of energy. Toward the end of this period I had to give him over to the care of a nursing care home, which, because this is costly, drained his savings, leaving me with a lot less than I would have inherited. He was once a CEO and international 'fixer' for an international tech company, a Harvard grad and caring father. But do you think Medicare helped with the long term care? No. He got less than three months, and then it was up to us to pay the horrific costs of maintaining him with some sort of dignity. Every time I watch a shoe on Britbox and look at the contrast between your care for the aged and ours I want to cry. Or howl at the moon.

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I was lucky Dad had a good pension and I paid for Mum's care home fees out of it plus rental on the flat. Under UK law I had control over the finances, but couldn't sell their property. If I had had to cope with medical bills too, I would have been in trouble. If the tech bros and their pals paid their fair share there would be a small deficit, and enough to give retirees decent medical care. I have no idea how the ordinary Joes manage in the US.

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Leigh, I am so sorry for the agonizing reality you faced and that your father experienced. I wish you peace and comfort in recovering from the pain of it all and from your devoted dedication. May life improve for you!

I recall that Medicare paid for ninety days in a hospital situation we faced lots of years ago. Then a change had to be made because of their rules. Until reading your posting, I had forgotten about that somehow. We had to move my mother for other needed care. Various situations happened which involved returns to the hospital at times. Although I do not remember the timing, I do know that there is a point at which Medicare will start over to allow ninety days of coverage. My father’s situation did run into that complication. We made it through, and my siblings and I still are here.

I am grateful for each caregiver who lived up to the description. We were blessed with many good people in each situation, although nobody could change the time limitations determined by Medicare. I do know that we were fortunate to have its coverage to the extent we did.

Now I wish you healing and comfort.

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My husband and I (age 80 & 78 respectively) are terrified that King Orange Felon and the MuskRats will slash Medicaid and Medicare, both of which are *essential* for our daughter, disabled from birth and about to celebrate her 46th birthday. Her chromosome deletion (22q11.2) syndrome includes schizophrenia and a 120-pound weight gain from decades of necessary meds.

If we have to pay out of pocket for her medical, counseling, psychiatric care, we'll go bankrupt in a few months.

Also thanks to America's lack of "socialized medicine," which civilized countries have, if either or both of us winds up in a nursing home we'd likely suffer lousy care from underpaid, undertrained, overworked aides. I have a disability (near-constant spasms + a spine built like a Jenga tower aka spondylolisthesis) that requires opioid medication. That medication would vanish into someone's pocket while I'd lie there suffering. And he, having observed his mother in a nursing home, also fears them.

So he and I have agreed to commit suicide the day we find our only other choice is nursing home care. Fingers crossed that's years in the future. Our daughter would deeply miss us, but she knows old people do eventually die, and at least she'd inherit something, unless the American economy collapses as well as our Constitution.

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I understand. (The link at the bottom is my circumstance with a lifetime of pain, which you likely do not need to read. You already know what it says.)

As well, once my mother no longer needs me, I'll have a choice to make that will likely either be VERY easy, or VERY difficult.

In the meantime, I have a mantra that I have repeated to myself (and told others) no doubt more than 10,000 times in my life:

"If there may be even one moment in the future that feels worth experiencing, it will be worth ANYTHING it took to get there."

But I also understand that the good moment I describe will eventually become fully fiction for many of us.

And while I would never suggest anyone take their own life, for those who might judge an act of suicide as a "sin": I have yet to know a single person who is not contributing to their own death. Be it by overwork, poor diet, lack of exercise, reckless driving, excessive drink, tobacco use...everyone is busy shortening their own lives. Simply at varying speeds. And no one calls it suicide.


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I deeply sympathise with your predicament. We in the civilised world cannot understand how the America public has put up with this appalling standard of "healthcare" - where the poor, sick and needy are not given the resources and treatment they require & deserve. US "healthcare" is all about making obscene profits & bonuses, and sweet FA about getting people healthy. And if I hear another American tell me again abut the evils of "socialised healthcare" (free at the point of delivery) I SHALL SCREAM! The NHS may not be perfect, but no one has gone bankrupt to stay alive, or had to live on the streets to pay for healthcare, or just die because they couldn't afford the overpriced drugs.

WHY DO AMERICANS PUT UP WITH THIS BOLLOCKS?! - Come back Luigi - your job is not yet over!

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You have so many genuine concerns, and I hope th programs needed will be helpful as planned. I sm sorry for all of your understandable concerns.

At one point, with a parent in a special care situation, I know that many of the residents/patients were on either Medicare or Medicaid. Overheating a conversation in a hall, I learned that the workers were aware of the difference. They took care of each person in the same ways. After all of these decades, I am not aware of how that works now, but I hope help will be available for each person as needed in any situation.

I trust my senators to do all they can to see that medicare and Medicaid remain available.

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A courageous decision, but consider this: what's your dtr's life expectancy?

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There are two types of right wingers Colin. The wealthy who have money and power, and the common base who are all into the culture wars. The war against feminists, trans, gays, immigrants, Asians people with black and brown skin. But it is not an either or situation . The wealthy like Trump, Musk, etc are also culture warriors, you have them in England as well. The graduates of Public Schools and the like. Your entitled upper class.

My wife and I are disabled, but our disabilities differ, so she does what I can't and I do what she can't.

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Thank you, Colin.

Recently, it has been kindness such as you have expressed that has helped most. I can only begin to understand how much the effort (including the emotional cost) took from you. I hope you received the same degree of care and concern that you expressed toward your mother for so long, when you needed care yourself.

And for a complete reversal, as far as the wrong-wing in America.

These are people who buy guns, though they have no ultimate purpose beyond destruction. And why? So they can shoot someone's child someday.

I don't presume that (most) right-wingers love their guns more than they love their children. But these same people ABSOLUTELY love their guns more than the care about anyone else's children. After all, school shootings are generally of children. The people they (far too often) hope to kill are/were someone's child.

If I may offer an extreme response? (No quiz, I promise...)

"Lies For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner"


Thanks again, Colin.

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You’re welcome, Foofaraw and Chiquita, and I understand.

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How nice of you to reach out to her. Your message was a comfort to me too as i read it. Cant wait till snow and ice is gone so i can ride to the woods and breath!

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I am so sorry to hear this. My mom died this past November and it is hard.

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I'm sorry, Kathy.

After more than a year, I still miss Dad every day, and sometimes it almost seems I catch a glimpse of him.

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I am so sorry, Kathy. My mom died in 2011 and I miss her so much every day! I feel she sits on my shoulder and is constantly guiding me and giving me a good whack on the back of the head when I'm headed in the wrong direction! She was a truly remarkable woman and the best mom in the whole world!

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As a family caregiver, I recognize and sympathize with all of this conversation. I am so very fortunate to be a main caregiver, but with LOTS of family help, too. I offered respite care for my sister’s primary caregiver, was the main provider of care for another sister and for my Mom and now my Dad. All along, though, my family has been there for me, too. I am so grateful to be able to care, and to be so well supported.

A client of mine [I’m a freelance editor] wrote a book about caring for the caregiver! And she became a consultant to the national Alzheimer’s association on that very issue.

All of this is so pointedly real … and important in our world and our society … All best and deepest sympathies and good wishes to you all!!!

{And let us hold our country in the palm of our hands, and in or hearts, and care together for IT, too! ❤️}

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Pat, it can be so very hard for caregivers! The last three weeks of my mom's life, I spent right by her bed. The strain of taking care of her and knowing that she was going out of my life was almost unbearable. All of my sisters were there so the caregiving was so much easier. Stay as strong as you are, Pat, and know that my heart is with you!

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And the only way we can succeed...is to fail.

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40 years ago I ran a Senior Transportation program, I had to teach drivers how to care for those with Alzheimers and Dementia, as two of our routes was to Respite care centers. The respite was for the caregiver,not the patient. It is so sad, care givers were so stressed that they often died before their relative.

Most of the patients had regressed to childhood, but a few were very angry and hostile.. Had a lot to do with natural temperament and characer.

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Dementia sneaks up on you gradually, and it is easy to miss the first signs. It can be dangerous if the victim drives or cooks. If you are a caregiver read as much as possible about dementia, even if you see no signs of it.

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Kathy, I am so sorry for your loss. As we read here, there are so many good people who care, who always will care, and who probably, just like you have and I have, have learned to care from wonderful mothers and from wonderful gathers, family members, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Although decades pass since their passings, a mother’s love and a father’s love will always be with us. Not a day goes by without feeling their presence in some way. Love is forever. I wish I had as much wisdom as each of my parents and family members have, and I wish I knew exactly what they would do in these tough and rapidly changing, challenging times. As it is, I am thankful for everything I can recall, and that bits of recollections come at any tine, all of these years later. I believe they always will. It is beauty and love that live forever.

Ksthy, when my mother died, a wise, dear friend, who is older than I am, though at that time was younger than I am now, told me, “Your mother is always with you.” Believe me, that statement has remained a source of comfort, contemplation, and wonderment all of these years. I believe it might help you, too. I also feel that my father is always with me in his ways, too. We carry them always in our hearts, and in our minds and souls, as well as in our genes.

I wish you comfort, and I know so many good people do. I thank each and every good, kind, caring person.

Reading here is such a gift to us all, as we learn of good people who make up much of our country, its true fabric, each caring in ways they can. Thank you, everyone.

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Well said, foofaraw & Chiquita!

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Thank you, Peggy.

Kindness from people not trapped within themselves, but instead focused on the world, and other people...

Is such a WONDERFUL gift!

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You spread that kindness, foofaraw & Chiquita! You are so appreciated! Thank you!

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Thank you, Peggy.

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I wish you strength and send appreciation and recognition for your compassionate care of your Mom. It is sad you also now have to worry and fear what magaman will do. Blessings.

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I can remember having drills with my parents about what to do if they hear shouting and breaking glass in the night.

Both are past rolling to the floor and getting under the bed, but maybe the cultists have something else to worry about right now.

Thank you, Marilyn.

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Please accept my heartfelt condolences on your loss.

My wish is that you both will find some comfort from the last verse of the traditional Welsh lullaby: All Through the Night.

Hark, a solemn bell is ringing

Clear through the night

Thou, my love, art heavenward winging

Home through the night

Earthly dust from off thee shaken

Soul immortal shalt thou awaken

With thy last dim journey taken

Home through the night

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Thank you for sharing that verse of the hymn, Jimmy D. I have not heard it in a long time, and I had forgotten that it is Welsh.

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Jimmy D this is comforting and so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

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I am so sorry for your loss and for what your sister-in-law must have suffered. I’m thankful you and your family were able to get help for her, and I hope all that you need to do will work smoothly. It must be terribly hard to deal with these tasks on top of a loss. Thank you for the steps you are taking and plan to take to look out for other people by ensuring that help will remain available.

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Thank you so much.I have began to reach out to a few people around me that have been through similar events and I am slowly getting a plan in place.I still have others to talk to as well.

I know the people who are still around in the agencies really do need our support and gratitude to do their jobs and trying to serve others whilst weathering this unimaginable chaos that is swirling around not only them,but us too.

I want these morbidly wealthy people who have overbloated bank accounts to know that they are not the only people who matter!It is barbaric to basically see the sheer lack of compassion and empathy towards the folks who need help,from these heartless people.I believe that karma has big things in store for them,and they will one day get what's coming for them.

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You are wise, brave, and kind to take steps to save the much needed programs, Melissa. I also believe that your kind acts can help you and your brother heal by knowing you are helping other people.

As for cuts being made or attempted, I am not sure they are legal. Surely somebody who knows more than I do will step in to monitor such attempts and preserve what help our country

needs. These services are part of what makes our country the special place it has been for some time.

Another avenue of help for many people is Hospice. There is much more to its services than I had known before being introduced to a team of presenters at a meeting. If you or anyone you know needs help, Hospice might be worth calling. They can explain their details and options.

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Good point, JP4M,

Hospice is possibly the ONLY reason Dad was able to pass at home in his sleep, with his family near.

There was once a more standard time period involved with hospice: a person's last 6 months. But as I've learned from several people over the past week, even that geneous timeframe is no longer as limited. Some stay on hospice for years, and there are cases of people LEAVING hospice...ALIVE!

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Leaving Hospice care alive, what wonderful news! I was exceptionally impressed with the people on the team I met. I hope this wonderful service is protected.

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I didn't even think of that..

But you're right, and it needs to be our new mindset.

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P. S.

I’m so glad your dad could be at home because of the kind Hodpice service. Not everybody is that fortunate to be at home for various reasons. Wherever it is, parting is hard, yet it is honoring to know that our loved ones have lived good lives being who they are, and their love and good ways are forever in our hearts and a part of us.

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Sometimes I wish it would come sooner rather than later!

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Trumpet 🎺 is Too Old,

Too Uneducated

Too selfish

Too Corrupt

Too much of an Orange Man-baby to lead anything !!!

The Primate in us will unseat him before he can do anymore Damage to our Country.

Pray to god and read the obituaries…

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Thanks for your heartfelt and really quite poignant comment, Melissa. Despite the problems that exist in my country (Australia) - inclusive of those relating to government health support - we nevertheless have a system in place which ensures that ALL Australians have access to 'Medicare' (as it is known) support, or as you would call it, 'insurance'. Your 'society' - I'm sad to say - is both brutal and violent, and especially so as it concerns the treatment of its older and disabled citizens (with emphasis on the word 'citizens' rather than the obscene monikers further to that language which is 'neoliberalism speak' in defining people as 'customers' and 'individuals') with all of that set to become even worse further to Musk's obscene CPAC chain saw display, and Citoyen Trump's overarching directives. For now, 'we' here continue to send us you best wishes and 'support', while hoping that things will 'somehow' become reversed - and especially so following that 'scrambling' which Musk and his morons had to enact when they recently realised that they had to re-hire sacked agriculture and nuke weapons workers - further to the Stalinist purging's that are continuing at your Federal Gov. bureaucratic level.

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Well said, Marcus. We in Canada have a similar system in place which ensures that all Canadians have access to Medicare. While there are many problems that need to be fixed, such as long wait times for some operations and a lack of general practitioners, it is generally a good system. And now, Trump, with his talk (or threats) of Canada becoming the 51st state, he intends to take this all away from us. Canadians are united in saying that this will never happen!

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Trumpet 🎺 is Too Old,

Too Uneducated

Too selfish

Too Corrupt

Too much of an Orange Man-baby to lead anything !!!

The Primate in us will unseat him before he can do anymore Damage to our Country.

Pray to god and read the obituaries…

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Oh Melissa. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My sincere condolences to you and your brother and your family. Vent on. People are here for you. Despite it all, things will get better, but right now, take the time to vent. <3

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Venting is so important, DILLIGAF?IDO! You are right. These people on these substacks are always ready to lend support for any of us needing to let off steam and know they won't be ridiculed or not taken seriously. I have felt the warmth and compassion many times from my substack community.

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Thank you Peggy <3 I too am a carer (hence my screen name) and I have experienced a lot of loss these past few years, so I speak from experience. Grief is healthy but good mental health in these awful times is so important and it is so essential people know there are safe spaces out there.

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I am with you and your brother and family with my heart.

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Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your love and support.You are truly amazing.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. And having to descend into the bureaucracy and I hope you'll find navigating these waters to be gentle. It's never easy when dealing with the government but all the cuts in so many departments are certain to cause issues. Those who help people such as yourself and your brother are, by and large, very compassionate and caring souls. I hope it remains so now when they are probably so short on staff and some people get ugly with them and their patience frays... Best of luck and be sure to thank those whose job it is to ease the way for you. My mother retired from the Social Security Agency so I know a bit about the turmoil you face. Sending caring thoughts your way.

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I'm really sorry to hear of your plight and hope you get the help you need and quickly.

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Canada We Know You Have our top and we appreciate you, all of You.

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Your Loss is isolating but all that is left is to Go Forward ; Be Good to Yourself , control the parts of this life that you can control…

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My deepest condolences, Melissa. I am praying for you and your brother. 💙

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Melissa, my heart goes out to you and your brother! I am so sorry for your loss. We do need bureaucrats to bring normalcy back. This chaos must stop!

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I’m so sorry for your loss. May you all find peace. Your brother is fortunate to have you as his sister and not have to go thru this alone. So many hoops to jump thru, I‘s to dot, and t’s to cross at the worse time possible. Be sure to try to get sleep and eat to keep you both clear-headed and able to function. (Cat naps and fruit, veggies from the fridge count!) And know it’s OK to take a break when needed. A big hug from far away to let you know you’re not alone! ❤️

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May her memories be a Blessing. My heart hurts for you.

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Whilst I share your horror of destruction of the USA by a Nazi dictator, I must correct your misconception of monarchies. It is true that George III was an absolute monarch - what he said went. And in 1776 the USA's founding fathers invented an elected absolute monarch but called him a president (NEVER a her). The so called checks and balances were just straws in the wind, as we have seen recently.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, absolute monarchies gave way to constitutional monarchies & parliamentary democracies. We have a king who is head of state, NOT head of government. He has many unpleasant duties to perform on behalf of the government, and probably the most unpleasant will be hosting Donald Turnip on a state visit, being nice to him, laughing at his jokes, listening to his half baked rants. And, I would argue, the electoral college is not at all democratic - amounting to gerrymandering on behalf of Republican states

Sweden has issued a document to all its citizens, telling them to prepare for war. I, too, believe that war in Europe is more likely than not (I REALLY hope not!), because of Trump's betrayal. It is becoming obvious that Trump has been a Russian asset for decades, and this coup has been a long time in the planning

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Just yesterday I read an article that asserted that Trump has been a Russian asset for many years. It certainly seems to be a good possibility.

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Putin is not only a well known groomer/manipulator, but also considered among the best (if NOT the absolute best) in the world at it. He is also extremely patient. He saw trump's vulnerabilities decades ago and took full advantage of them. . .trump has been putin's puppet since before trump's first presidency. What's interesting, although probably not surprising, is that trump believes he is swimming with the putin-xi, etc sharks right now, absolutely clueless that another master is still in charge. Pretty sure trump's wealthy (and disturbed) side kick is being manipulated simultaneously, and this is all happening right when P2025 came to be (not sure if "accidental" or coordinated). If we and so much of the rest of the world weren't in the trouble we're in right now, it would actually be fun to stand back and watch this "game".

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If he's not, he may as well be. It makes little difference. His actions support Pootin.

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Watching on from the UK too, Andy. Can't believe this is happening. It feels like we're living in some parallel universe. Also feels like war is inevitable, everything is pointing in that direction - I also very much hope not. Truly terrified of what's to come for us all.

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I am worried for my grandsons...........jeez....... I already went through one war and have seen first hand the chaos of the late 1940s and 50s when the British empire was ending. I thought my children would be safe..........but no, Trump arsehole was elected by people who do not have a clue of the trauma of war!

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Teenage sons here and feeling the same, Margaret. Hoping for a miracle.

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for the future, maybe history should be taught in a way that more makes people feel the emotions of an historical period.

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I fear for my grandsons as well. I'm waiting for the reestablishment of the draft. I think it's coming.

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I too believe draft or conscription service is coming. Part of it will be to remove able bodies from pushing back while part will be for recruitment of like-minded hateful bigots. I also expect internment camps for various groups of society.

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immigrant detention at military posts. Impossible not to think of their possible future use for resisters of the Trump regime, once it really gets going. As was part of their intent.

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Andy you are absolutely right and timely to point out the difference between a monarch – King or Queen – who has absolute powers as Trump aspires to be as opposed to a constitutional monarch who does not and is above politics yet can have influence. Our late revered Queen Elizabeth 2nd was a wonderful example of the latter – and King Charles 3rd is doing his best to follow in her footsteps.

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Andy, please know that so many of us that did not vote for the orange man are embarrassed and ashamed of what he has done on the world stage! I especially feel bad for the king who must endure the orange man's horribleness!

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Don't forget "furious."

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No worries, Peggy, I am well aware of that. I have a penfriend in Florida I have known for 60 years

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Despite the good Professor Reich's exegesis, the fact is that this bloke - pseudo monarch or otherwise - is in charge of the power levers (along with dumb Jay Dee!) for the next 4 years, with no amount of fulmination by RR or others ever changing that reality. It therefore does no good to continue to screech and squawk about that 'truth' (as with one of my country's white cockatoo birds!), while at the end of the proverbial day, one has to attempt to find - and as hard as it is to even conceive of them! - ways to oppose the tyranny by method of far more practical means which at the end of the proverbial day are intended to protect citizens - and specially those ones who are being persecuted. Within that understanding, it seems to me that Edmund Burke's notion concerning the forming of 'little (social) platoons' may have some validity here (Herr Nevas please take note following your good work), while I'll attempt to say more about that either in a future post here or in a substack entry. With best to all etc.

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You do not really believe that he would leg power Slip Away after four years without getting the us and Europe into a fully fledged war with anyone near?

Hell destroy anything he can to stay in power.

=> he said beforehand that these would be => the last elections necessary

He wont give anybody a chance, and there wont be any government or constitution to go back to

Hell burn western states to the ground with glee!!!

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"he said beforehand that these would be => the last elections necessary"

Hitler said EXACTLY that prior to the 1936 election that swept him to power

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Hitler came to power in January 1933, and the Reichstag fire 2 months later was the Nazi equivalent of four weeks of the Muskrat with a chainsaw.

The 1933 elections were held a week later. Hitler won 44% of the vote, so even with a minority support, after considerable Brownshirt muscle, he was still able to consolidate his power long before 1936, which was less an election than a forced plebiscite.

The fact is that a dictator can survive with a bare 30% continuing electoral support.

Now it is all about what you guys do about it.. You have our full support.

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well I had substantive comment in hand which disappeared before I could post! Bummer!

Hitler was elected as chancellor in 1933, with 33% of the vote. When President Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934, Hitler did not hold an election to replace him.

Instead, he declared himself President, Chancellor and Head of the Army and became known as the Führer .

A useful primer here from the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjjjh4j#zyt3dnb

It's almost as if Trump using this as a guide for destroying democracy in the US

Before the 36 election Hitler told the major industrialists to support him, or else, and there would be no more elections. Just like the tech morons that flocked to Trump, so the German industrialists flocked to Trump - many became ministers and some appeared in the dock at Nuremburg (So maybe there will be a chance of revenge on Musk and his fellow rats?) - and Hitler became elected president with a huge majority.

We all know what happened next - and it is uncannily like the goose stepping march into the history books that Trump is taking. That doesn't bode well for the world, not just America,

But as you say "Now it is all about what you guys do about it.. You have our full support." - if only our dear leader has the guts to stand united with the EU - he has not shown any sign of that yet!

In 1976 I was a chief petty officer on HMS Bacchante, in New York celebrating the bicentennial - parade of sail, Broadway parade, the lot. A great run ashore - I doubt the 250th next year will be much of a celebration - and a very much doubt there will be a tricentenary in 2076

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Thank you.

We have a solid way to rid ourselves of this horror .Impeach. Impeach! Use your words America!!!!! Otherwise lose everything good and orderly.

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The current problem with “Impeach. Impeach!” Is that Trump, et al. control SCOTUS, the increased power of the Executive Branch as they fire nonpartisan employees, the Cabinet secretaries who would not use the 25th Constitutional Amendment, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, and the primary-ing of those who don’t kowtow to our current leader as well as the increasing condition of oligarchs controlling our government.

Understanding that everyone has problems and activities, etc. that take presence in their lives, and that “some people” define being woke as a negative thing, it is my belief that more people need to become awakened or “woke[n]” up to the possibility of our country ending up as an authoritarian dictatorship as our freedoms become eroded and end.

If and when more Trump voters and non-voters become more disenchanted by what is happening to our Democratic Republic, perhaps-maybe-hopefully citizens will organize recall elections and vote out legislators who have forgotten their duty to “we, the people,” the Constitution, and the rule of law.

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I live in a really Red state where vote results that don't fall into line with those in power, are ignored. Since the US Constitution is now ignored, I would not bet on voting as a solution.

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Let's just keep it straight. Dump is a traitor to our allies and to everything this country stands for. And 99% of what comes out of his mouth is pure bullshit.

Our main question is how do we make resistance effective ... how do we get him and his thugs out of our government??

Let's start by boycotting everything connected to these thugs, from their businesses to the supreme court. Make a list of everything connected to them and stop buying. No bitcoins, no hotel rooms, no fake Bibles, no Tesla anything, no X anything, no Washington Post, no Amazon, no Putin, etc. As Jimmy Carter said "No nothin."

Once we get their attention we'll deport them, to Moscow or North Korea where they will feel at home.

Meanwhile, start with the Boycott and then perhaps even liberate the letter 'X' from the muskrat.

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The founding fathers purposefully set up a system where the president had limited powers for the exact reason that they feared an absolute monarch, having fought a bloodily revolution to tear themselves away from that system of government. It wasn’t until the 20th century that the idea of increased presidential power came into being. However, this fascist has taken that idea to the extreme as fascists tend to do. He has attempted to usurp the power of the other branches given to those branches in the Constitution. It is not that the other branches do not have the authority or power to resist this power grab. It is that the cowardly Republicans in Congress refuse to exercise that power, some because they are afraid of losing their jobs and some because they agree with these policies but know that they people would be against them if they actually had to raise their hands in support of these policies in a vote. Still others remain silent because they know that they could never get what they want if it actually came up for a vote. The founding fathers purposefully limited the power of the presidency. But it assumed that the people in the other branches would stand up in defense of the Constitution, something they have sworn an oath to do. We need to demand that they stop ceding their power and do the job they were elected to do under the Constitution.

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About a likely war - The tide is turning against the trump/musk kingdom of evil. They are alienating vast swathes the population including the maga base and those in the military whose loyalty they would need to carry out trump's ridiculous imperialistic aspirations. It is highly unlikely that the majority of Americans would be willing to go to war against former allies on behalf of a new 'axis' of evil', which aligns the USA with Putin and the other fascist autocrats. There would be massive protests and civil disobedience.

Secondly, take a hard look at the trumpy folks now in charge and appointed to key positions. They are all stooges, criminals, traitors and lackeys with a variety of clinical personality disorders - sick with greed/power, paranoid, sadistic, deluded, demented, drug/alcohol addled, psychotic, and unqualified MORONS on stage without any ability or understanding of the actual roles they are supposed fulfill other than to torch. The level of ineptitude is, indeed, dangerous, but they might end up shooting themselves in the foot.

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Or humanity in the head by starting WW III.

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I should add a bit to the King's duty of entertaining arsehole heads of state - I can GUARANTEE that when he does come & stay at the palace, he will embarrass himself and his country by making passes at the Queen, and even more at Princess Catherine. (Well, we all know he's God's gift to women!) Luckily, the palace is adept at hushing up faux pas by guests - but I'm sure it would leak out eventually

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In my post I referred to Sweden issuing a document to its citizens telling them to prepare for war. It can be found here - an English version is available. Whilst a lot of it is Sweden specific, a lot of it is useful generally, and I have downloaded and printed a copy for my family.

- "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum." (if you wish for peace, then prepare for war, attributed to Roman general Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus)


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I will be at 2 rallies this week. One at SpaceX (LA) and one in Temecula. We need to be out as much as possible. FIGHT THE POWER!

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Er - no. Read some real history rather than swallow the usual American myths about the war of independence. George III had much more power than his modern descendants, but it was still circumscribed, and one of the important factors in the war was change from one governing party and how the incoming party treated the American colonies. For a brief introduction try "The Mask of Folly" by Barbara Tuchman, where she dissects British hubris and ineptitude at the time. Not completely accurate but good enough as a start.

It's quite a contrast with the current American situation, where it looks as though you're going to "enjoy" the absolute monarchy that the English had been whittling down since the Middle Ages (remember Magna Carta?).

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I thought I had replied to this - but but seems to have been disappeared.

whilst George III's power was not that of Henry VIII's, it was still considerable - and in any case, the principle applies - there is no way that monarch or prime minister could have carried out the coup that Trump has, without involving firepower, certainly not in the pseudo legal way that Trump has.

American independence is stuffed full of myths - a glaring one being the Boston Tea Party, which is utter nonsense from beginning to end, but does make American hearts swell with pride. (But hey, we Brits have our own sacred myths too)

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Russia is pretty well exhausted from its war, They are going to need time to regroup.

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I want to say something useful, or pertinent, or even witty. But these days everyone else is up in arms too and saying it for me. I am nearing retirement and it just occurred to me I might not live to see all this turmoil resolved. I am speechless!

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I downloaded a copy a few months ago. There's a lot of info. Those who think that preparing for war is overreaction need to recall that we've had a few on our soil already. We will likely have another, maybe soon.

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Me too. I have started adding items to the grocery lists - items that can be stored easily - muesli, rice pasta, loo rolls, TEA (I cant function without several mugs of loose leaf tea a day!) matches, candles, batteries. Additionally, I keep the vehicles topped up with fuel and the campervan with gas, fuel and water. If the shit hits the fan loo rolls seem to be the first items to fly off the shelves.

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This announcement should not be oversold, or undersold. But it is a sober warning about the treats Sweden faces.


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We need to organize, act now and act fast. It’s hardly been over 30 days and the damage and moral degradation has been astounding. Time is not on our side. My hope is that with all their long term grand scheming and shock and awe, they’ve sorely underestimated the American resolve.

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In 30 days, Project 2025 has completed 30% of its planned coup. Agent Orange stated he has some big surprises coming. Only took 30 days. Republicans will not stop him.

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They’ve barely scratched the surface regarding Project 2025.

Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security are going to be trashed.

I work with MAGAs who continue to attest that Trump disavowed Project 2025.

The deprogramming of MAGA will take years.

Meanwhile, we have to continue to treat the MAGAs we know that they are dead to us. Now and Forever.

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Sure Debra, but what are your practical ideas regarding 'organising' and 'acting', and where will you be when it comes to manning (and womening) the barricades etc. Talk is cheap etc.

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Marcus, I can't vouch for Debra. I'll be standing at one. I'll be damned if my father was sent to Germany in 1944 for this cancer to come here. We have kids, grandkids, and recently a great grandkid. "Today is a good day to die", if it comes to that.

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Me too. My father was with the allied fleet gathering in Australia and the Far East for the (likely very bloody) assault on Japan when the atomic bombs ended the war. He would never have dreamt that war would come again to Europe, least of all by the betrayal of treacherous US president. I WILL stand up to do my duty. (NB in the Swedish war prep doc referenced above it states that in the event of hostilities ALL people (male & female) aged between 18 and 60 will be immediately liable for military service

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My 99 year old father walked across Europe ruining his feet as an 18 year old radioman at the height of WW II, living in foxholes in the dead of winter. I will be damned if I will let him down.

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Thank you, Gregg. I’ve lived my life and I’m not afraid of a whole lot at this point. “Today is a good day to die.” Yes, if that’s what it comes to.

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Marcus, I didn’t know where to begin to respond to you, until I read Gregg’s response. Read it and know that is my response to you. Do you have children or grandchildren, Marcus? Are you or someone you love a veteran? Because this, and the fact that my country that I love is being invaded by oligarchs and Christian Nationalist fascists, is what is driving me. If you think I’m sitting around on the sidelines shaking my head, you are sorely mistaken. Gregg and I are hardly alone.

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It is so heartening to receive your writing!

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As to that jerk JD Vance: I tried to read Vance’s bullshit book. He is full of shit and a total opportunist. He will do and say anything if it benefits him.

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I agree, but unfortunately I think when Trump is finally put in a madhouse Vance will become the President. Argh, the opportunist has won then! Look at the line up, after Vance, Johnson.etc........all just a nightmare.......evil seems to be prevailing!

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Vance is dangerous.

He is a TechBro to the core.

The goal, in the end, is to run a government on A-I, convert its currency to Crypto, and see what happens.

This is not going to end well.

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It will likely take the entire world down of not stopped soon.

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We need to impeach Vance first, then Johnson, then the orange pile of slime.

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Tragically, I bought that book when it first came out in paperback. (But NOT from Amazon!)

So all I can do now to protest is to continue to NEVER read a single page. (Talk about a pyrrhic victory. At least it was only the cheaper paperback version.)

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Yes, but how to stop him? How to stop this sheer madness, this charging ahead to a catastrophy that could prevail even after this felon is gone?

Did Americans vote for this dictatorship? Did they vote for this madness unravelling day after day?

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If the recently dismissed high-ranking military officers refused to leave, what would Trump do? Seems to me that's the last best opportunity to remove Trump peacefully. Arrest Trump for treason. They can't be happy about a lower ranking undistinguished retired general in command or losing longtime allies or aligning with longtime enemies or no longer being the defenders of democracy or the potential for repressing American citizens.

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It may be too soon.

If Trumusk is digging themselves a hole, waiting is likely worthwhile.

If they aren't, the result of early actian could be catastrophic, even internationally. Besides, the only power these fired high-ranking military might have had (since Trump could make them "non-official" in any brief moment), they still have. Especially among enlisted persons. (After all, that power is what makes Trump FEAR them so.)

Jaime. on a PURELY selfish note, I want to see Trump become more a LOSER day by day, until his own cultists finally fire him once and for all. THEN he goes to prison, a broken fool! I think we deserve to see that happen after all we suffered, and how hard we've worked for Democracy and America.

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Remove him? that ship sailed and garland and biden were AWOL. None of this was necessary. dozens of people emailed the white house as soon as the rogue6 gave the presidency blanket immunity, telling him to arrest dumpster and all the coup d'etat planners, enablers, and actors. but no, they were worried about "legality". what a crock. Where's legality now? Look at the damage that can be laid directly at joe's feet. He abdicated his duty. As I read the posts today, I keep thinking about the common good that a responsible gov't ensures and promotes. My heart goes out to the millions of families who will suffer because of this dumpster of a regime.

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I have mentioned this before, at every stage when something could be done, which have been many, to bring Trump to justice or prevent him from taking office, & whoever was in position to do something, failed to do their duty. This is the last chance I see to depose Trump with minimal turmoil, but I'm sure that, like all other opportunities we've had, it will be missed, even though the consequences could hardly be clearer or more catastrophic.

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Agent Orange is a criminal. He is a Russian asset. Also an informat. The CIA has the receipts. The KGB has the receipts. The Mob has the receipts. They all have dirt on him. No one would give bankruptcy dude any money. He burns everyone. But, Russia did. Russia owns his ass lock, stock and barrel. Russia Russia Russia!! Putin got him elected. Americans eat up the disinformation like it's breakfast. Everyone in our government knows exactly who this fucking guy is. Republicans are bowing down to Putin. They fucking know! Who kept the boot on Jack Smith's neck? We are in big fucking trouble here. Big fucking trouble. We're fucked.

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Russia could scarcely have been more obvious if they had erected an electronic sign in Times Square reading, 24/7/365/1000, "WE HAVE THE RECEIPTS! -Putin"!

I thought these morons considered Ronald "My fellow Americans...We begin bombing (the Soviet Union) in five minutes.” Reagan to be some sort of GOD!

(Come to think of it, didn't they, once think the same about JESUS?)

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Exactly! This is a State Capture. Right fucking now. Washington has their head up their goddamn asses. Unbelievable!! A glass in a duck's ass could see this coming. And they're all standing with their dick's in their hands. What the hell????

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May I suggest you not hold your feelings back so much. I'd hate to see you as stunted and bitter as I am some day...

UNLESS it helps, then HELL YEAH!

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Well, I don't give a shit what people think of me. I cannot go through another recession. I don't have another do over left. My heart breaks for those who suffer. I hate injustice and bullies. This isn't a red or blue issue. This is a war on citizens, on the most vulnerable people on this planet. This is a 1000x worse than people can wrap their head around. We really thought we were protected from this. We believed that. Well, the Russian asset is the President. We are not protected.

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When you say "1000 times worse", I get it. (And I was simply joking. You clearly NEVER hold back anything when provoked, any more than I do.)

On election night for the 2016 election, when California numbers came in...and just didn't matter...

My world collapsed beneath me. I could never begin to explain how this loss to Trump was more instantly traumatizing than even the moment I learned my first love had been taken by gun violence. Something in me knew the coming pain for all the world. My physical reaction was so extreme that my father, the most liberal person I've ever known, told me I wasn't being "a man". (Of course, at the moment, none of that seemed the true issue.)

I wish all America had felt the absolute, bottomless fear that I did at the moment Trump's power became undeniable.

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I plan to tell my Rep and senators office that Monday morning- that they are not protecting us and we are angry.

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Russia was the only thing Trump respected because he knew they could destroy him at any time. It would only take a polonium-flavored Diet Coke. He only respects raw power.

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Only a small piece of America voted for the orange man, but many didn't vote at all and there are numerous questions surrounding the voting process in this last election. Remember, republicans project onto others what they are actually doing. When the orange man began screaming the 2020 election was rife with fraud, he was preparing the way for this past election to be exactly that by republicans.

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Your point that republicans project upon others what they are actually doing is so right on. Clearly, the brain-rotted MAGA voters just don't understand this and swallow Republican lies and false advertising every two years since 1980. This is why the people of this country now are up the Niagra River without a paddle, looking at the abyss.

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Jalan, I wish the sane American citizen did not have to suffer along with the maga idiots! I hear it all the time, it's isn't fair! We didn't vote for him! I understand their frustration and anger; however, I point out that the way to fight back is through groups and organizations, letter writing, phone calls and petitions and when the election rolls around in 2026, begin to vote the crazies out of office and put sane people back in!

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>>>Did Americans vote for this dictatorship? Did they vote for this madness unravelling day after day?<<<

Not according to Greg Palast...


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Greg's the BEST, Terri!

(DISCLOSURE: Proud owner of an autographed Greg Palast DVD.)

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Interesting site thanks for your post

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Of course most or many did not vote for the madness, did not vote for getting their benefits cut and all the other bad stuff coming down the pike.

Help spread the word about the destructive impacts and how they are because of Trump.

Many voted for Trump to see major changes to the government, not to see Trump try and destroy it to become King.

Steer clear of the "I told you so" gloating to Trump voters which will just be counterproductive.

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Hello Endee. It is sheer madness, and I can assure you that many, if not most, Americans did not want this. He received something like 36% of the popular vote. Our Republicans- and conservative operatives, along with the Republican National Committee- in Congress have been enabling this creature since 2010! We Never MAGA, Never Trump Americans place the blame SQUARELY on the Republican delegation. Second to blame is the Fox News Network, and other radical far right media outlets who have been lying to (brainwashing) the public for years.

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💙🌻 #goodtrouble🫶🏼🇺🇸

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I’ve been thinking of John Lewis and “good trouble” all this week ❤️

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Me, too, Teresa! He absolutely got into 'good trouble'! He suffered greatly but never gave up. That's what I am sure if he were still with us he would tell us. Never give up! Keep fighting for the America we want to have. We cannot go back even when we get rid of the orange man. We must work to build an Economic Democracy where every single American can live and thrive. This country is for all of us, not just a chosen few. It is time for us to start getting into 'good trouble'.

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I am SICK of the terms “roman STYLE salute", and “APPARENT nazi salute”.

They are or they aren’t, and by now, why would any nazi-inspired American traitor still be merely “pretending” to honor Hifler?

After all, it’s now the path to fame, fortune, and a mention by a real asshole on some decidedly ANTIsocial medium site that apparently only allows ALL CAPS!

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Dr Strangelove. They can't help themselves. Gloating. Their moment has arrived. I second your observation that the all caps is significant. Something deeply wrong psychologically. Afraid no one will hear him if he doesn't yell? If small is good, large must be better? Correlation to the grandiose laundry marker signature, maybe. Sad for all of us.

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Good point, Mmerose.

I had forgotten, but I think it's time to dust off that BRILLIANT classic!

(Still, I wish we had an option to indicate emphasis here, other than caps. Are there formatting options I'm unaware of? I'd give Trump's soul for BOLD.)

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And here's a new version:



"Steve Bannon gives fascist-style salute at US Conservative Political Action Conference – video"


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Jeezus!!! It’s a NAZI salute!!! People prefer blindness over sight.

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The NAZIS don't seem to be confused or conflicted about what to call it.

Of course, the reality is everyone is now afraid they'll be sued for telling anything other than specifically constructed and directed lies.

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AND, to his credit, the French far right leader walked out and gave a short press conference on why. France suffered terribly under the Nazis. Nobody should underestimate the courage of the French Resistance movement in occupied France, risking torture & death. America has not had a war on its territory since the Civil War - although Trump seems to be working on fixing that

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Everyone should know about the White Rose...


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Such incredible courage! I often wonder whether I would have that sort of courage - and I hope I never have to find out

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I doubt it. He tried to overthrow the government last time AND WAS VOTED IN AGAIN.

Have you noticed you keep throwing facts at Trump supporters proving the lies are lies and they ignore you? Are they stupid? Maybe some are, but most go along with the truly awful stuff because they want it. They accept the lies because it makes them feel good about being vile to migrants, the poor, government workers, LGBT (all criminals, spongers, lazy and corrupt, perverts). They don’t really believe it but it’s a great excuse to indulge in selfishness, bigotry, bullying, getting an advantage.

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First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

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First they came for the federal workers...Shit! I'm a federal worker! That's what is really happening now.

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First they came for the immigrants. Then they came for the fed workers (not the 1st time they have been pawns in the political games- but not like this).

I'm wondering what the mood is of fed workers around you. Defiance, defeatism, wait and see-ism?

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Well, if they're around me then I guess they're probably feeling relieved because I live in the UK. But you're right: they always come first for the immigrants (but not the South African ones apparently).

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The bureaucracy is close to the top of the elimination list during an authoritarian coup.

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I should mention they also came for DEI .

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Time to resist

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We the people hold ALL of the power over the Fascist AMERICAN Oligarchy and will never bend a knee to them.


Let’s show them who really holds the power and the purse strings.

Canadians are preparing to create a retail boycott/blackout on Friday February 28th 2025 of all U.S. retailers doing business here in Canada.

For one day we the people will show them who holds the power and the pursestrings.


AMAZON, MCDONALD’S, STAPLES, THE GAP, TOYS R US, COSTCO AND ANY OTHER U.S. owned business . For one day support only Canadian or Mexican retailers.

The time is NOW to show the Fascist Regime in they.S. that we will NEVER take a knee in obeisance to them.



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F & the F,

I boycott MANY evil companies: Amazon, Meta, PayPal, VISA, AT&T, Home Depot....

And I WANT to boycott Walmart.

But for many of us in rural areas (especially here in the Deep South), there is literally no other choice available, other than to spend hours that we may not have (especially if we are disabled ourselves, while acting as sole caretaker for a 93 yo mother, who has to stay home ALONE for however long it takes me to shop...on the rare occasions I leave the house at all. Yesterday's trip to the mailbox was my first in 3 days, and it's only about 100 feet away from the house. LITERALLY.)

Not all good choices are actually the more practical ones. I wish they were...

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I sympathize. I too am the caregiver to my parents, both in their mid-nineties and rely heavily on Amazon to bring me just about everything we require. I will arrange our week so that for one day, February 28th, I make no online ( or in-store) purchases. Just one day , if enough people follow the, we can show the oligarchs that it is actually we that are in charge. We control completely how much money they make. We the people, regardless of our socioeconomic standing, truly hold the purse strings to the world.

Best wishes for the invaluable care you are providing. What you are doing is priceless.

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What you are doing is wonderful.

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Thank you F & the F.

Yes, I think I can manage to spend no money consciously on 2/28. (Only possible bank drafts.)

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I think I do understand how things are for you. I have similar experiences. I’m also caring, in my case for my partner with advanced MS. I send you my gratitude for caring because that is the best a human can do. Take care

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Thank you, PMC.

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And my thoughts are with you as well. Remember to be kind to yourself.

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We all play a part and every act counts! Good for you boycotting whom you can!

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You too for sure

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Perfidious he may be in internal affairs, but nothing compares with his treachery in selling Ukraine down the river and destroying the diplomatic architecture that has sustained peace in (most of) the world these past three generations.

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Russia has been cultivating Trump for FORTY YEARS!

All most people have to do is tell him how thin he looks to get anything they want, so just imagine how TREASONOUSLY SIMPLE it must be for PUTIN by now...

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy"


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Since 1987 to be exact, allegedly. Why, even dumb Don Jr admitted publicly on more than one occasion "We get all our money from Russia!" Diaper Donald certain has been a useful idiot to Putin, hasn't he? And now he has help from the musky Musk!

Fascinating how he can say all the "quiet parts out loud" and hardly anyone in that cult of Stockholm Syndrome bats an eyelash, much less an eye. (Anything he says is an admission. Lying is a strategy.

Everyone says this man doesn't read. He reads what he wants to read and apparently that includes the playbooks of every dictator and horrible leader the country and the world has ever known. They all thought Hitler was an idiot his first time out, too). Well, that's not exactly true. Many of his followers (not the flaming red hat MAGAts), saw the light eventually, but it was too little, too late.

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Indeed, Terri.

It was not a stupid move to claim to love stupid (or "under-educated") people, the result being almost as if the T-cultists instantly became involved in the world's biggest "reality" show, "Just How Stupid are You!?", with the winner MOST BELOVED in all the cosmos of GAWD-DADDY Trump.

So it's OK now to be "too dumb" to even attempt to understand data (especially NUMERIC data, with % and $ and stuff like that.) And WAY too stupid to realize that it wasn't Covid that killed their loved ones as much as it was Trump's debilitating FEAR of any woman or person of color capable of making him look bad (such as with a Pandemic Plan that might have saved most of 1,000,000 lives (and mostly Trump voters) had it been used.)

So, in today's world, STUPID is carrying a VERY heavy load. But then, that's what STUPID is famous for.

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Yeah, there was a reason he said "I love the poorly educated!" Easier to manipulate. And no, it wasn't a compliment, folks. You can work with ignorance. But stupidity? That's a way tougher nut to crack. You can reason with someone who is ignorant. But the stupid ones are dangerous to themselves and others. They hear and see what is true and instead of changing course, they DOUBLE DOWN.

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I heard Lindsey Graham boast that he had shown Trump a map detailing Ukraine’s rare earth and mineral resources, but regardless how he found out, Trump’s greed immediately knew no bounds. According to Statista.com between Jan 24, 2022 and Dec 31, 2024 the USA provided $119.2bn in aid, equal to 0.2% of GDP. In return Trump wants $500.0bn in Ukrainian assets. After extracting minerals worth $119.2bn who will benefit from the remaining $308.0bn? I don’t imagine it will be the USA if left to Trump. Certainly won’t be any of the other countries who aided Ukraine.


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I'm attempting to map out Trump's changing motivations (me being a layperson), and I think this represents part of a change:

1) It seems that when Trump began (2015-first term), he was as surprised about winning as anyone (except PUTIN), and decided to run a scam, yet maintain a bromance with Putin in order to have a place to run after wearing out his welcome in America. (He had once attempted (unsuccessfully) to have one of his tacky MOTEL 6 motels built in Moscow.)

2) Then, as Trump's campaign (2024) seemed to show strong signs of life, I suspect Trump's existing subservience to Putin changed: Trump may be starting to see the possibility of himself RULING THE WORLD, but likely only alongside a leader such as Putin...or possibly Xi. (Notice how "generous" all Trump's trade talks have been toward China? Almost as if Trump is internally debating, "Do I want my partner to be powerful and ruthless...or rich?")

3) But I think things evolved yet again after winning in 2024. I think he is wondering if he may have SO MUCH POWER that he doesn't need to share ANY of it.

As such, I have to wonder what Trump is doing here. Is he trying to IMPRESS Putin? "Maybe VLAD is starting to see TRUMP as the powerful HERO I is!", perhaps says Trump about Trump. (Of course, if one were to examine the disastrous deal in Afghanistan (with Putin's fingerprints every inch of the way), and compare it to what is happening in Ukraine, every step (especially those yet to come) become painfully, brutally obvious.)

Or is this all about himself, and his billionaire donors (who I'd bet my house are the LAST people that will ever feel "the Wrath of Trump!")

When Zelenskyy read Trump the Riot Act, it seemed (to me) that all he had left to protect was the pride Ukrainians have in themselves and their nation, that all hope was lost. In truth THIS is the Hail Mary, not that, and I think there is much to be known before we see the whole story.

Sorry to ramble so...

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I didn’t include Putin in my comment, primarily because Putin holds The Donbas and Luhansk. Both of these areas have substantial mineral deposits and I don’t see him giving up these areas and I believe Trump agreed to this. Putin is a stone cold killer, he thinks nothing of assassinations anywhere in the world and has completely cowed the Russian people. Musk may think he is the wealthiest man in the world but it may be Putin. I think that Putin still sees Trump as a useful idiot, considering the concessions Trump is offering to end the war, there’s no reason for Putin to think otherwise.

I hope Zelenskyy does not give in to Trump and fights for the peace agreement that’s in the best interest of his people, or continues to fight until Ukraine gets the peace agreement that’s in its best interest. He has good allies in Europe (France, Germany, Poland, the Baltic states, Finland and Norway) and the UK. The EU has a chunk of frozen Russian assets and could be given to Ukraine as war reparations. The Ukrainians have been very innovative in developing armaments and their arms industries have come a long way in three years. If Trump pulls out of NATO he leaves behind an infrastructure which could be reconstructed to meet the requirements of the remaining member states and Trump leaves the U.S. weakened. I don’t think Trump will get the end results he wants either at home or internationally. Of course my thinking could be completely wrong.

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I kinda of seems odd that Zelenskyy isn't being compared to Lech Wałęsa, of Poland. He brought his nation out of a truly oppressive situation, and ended up being the first democratically elected president of Poland:


Anyone not familiar with this remarkable person owes it to themself to spend a moment learning more about him, and about the nature of courage and sacrifice.

Thank you.

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I have no idea if anything I say is even close to the reality.

Except for the parallels between Trump's Putin-led abandonment of both Afghanistan and Ukraine:

1) Only Trump and the Taliban compared to only Trump and Russia.

2) Putin coming to America (Camp David?) as the Taliban was invited to Camp David, on the anniversary of 9/11 no less!

3. Putin's friends, the Taliban received 5,000 released fighters without releasing (as I understand it) the one American prisoner they held. The deal did include the release of just 1,000 Afghan fighters. I'm sure we can expect an even worse prisoner-ratio in this "deal" between Trump and Putin...er Ukraine.

Anyone who is not familiar with the deal to give Afghanistan to Putin (as I was not until recently) could do worse than to learn about it from this article:

"Trump’s Approach to US Military Occupation in Afghanistan

Trump has been eager to end America’s two-decade-long military involvement in Afghanistan before his term of office expires."


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ARF, as far as I know know Putin was not involved in Trumps negotiations with the Taliban. The Taliban were on the Russian government list of terrorist organizations from 2003. The Russians had been having talks with the Taliban for a number of years but the US government was not involved, they also quickly recognized the Taliban after they took over Kabul. You maybe thinking of the Soviet Unions’ occupation of Afghanistan in the 80’s, Leonid Brezhnev was president at that time. The Afgan fighters gave the soviets a shellacking, curtesy of US arms and left with their tails between their legs. There is a great movie about the U.S. involvement in that war called Charlie Wilson’s war with Tom Hanks and Julia Robert’s.

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Zelensky was speaking, no, shouting to power in front of the world. He made damned sure everyone knew the truth. If Ukraine falls, it will fall with everyone in the country giving Putin the finger right to the bitter end. Slava Ukrani!

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It was a brave move, and no doubt very carefully considered.

But then again, Ukraine seems to have few choices left.

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He probably got it from the Russians. Ukraine used to be part of the USSR.

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In the same way that Czechoslovakia was part of Germany

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Right now the outrage is still just a rumble. As prices rise ( and they will ), benefits are slashed ( they will be ), overseas markets dry up ( they will ), National Parks are closed due to lack of staff ( they will be ), Americans die due to preventable illness ( they will ), and lastly, when Americans are killed exercising their right to protest ( remember Kent State ) then, and only then will the rumble become a roar. And only when the roar is loud enough will the elected officials be forced to make a choice - find some courage and stand up for “ We the people” or kneel before Trump/ Musk and all of their wealthy friends. Courage or cowardice - that is their choice. And, ultimately, it will be that same choice for every American.

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Ah yes KENT STATE, that unbelievable happening, I remember it well!

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Agree! Our voice must be like the Whos in Horton Hears the Whos by Dr Seuss, "We are here! We are here!"

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Perhaps then they will remember that there are more firearms in the US than people.

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I hope you are right. I have been reading about the end of the Roman republic and that is what Cicero used to say of the Romans, that they would never accept to be ruled by a king. Then Cicero was killed, Octavian became emperor and the rest, as they say, is history.

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Both are true. There is only 18% support for abolishing the monarchy in the UK and our ‘constitution’ was written in parts around the relationship between the monarchy and Parliament. There are issues still but the Monarchy is really a figurehead, and a constant ( and they have seen a lot and know a lot) in times of turbulence and they cannot impose or instruct government to make or pass laws - that is the prerogative of elected parliament and the other lower branches of government. They are rich and are still landowners yes, but many argue they bring much needed tourism into the country and they also carry out some important philanthropic works.

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Alex--Octavian became emperor then Cicero was murdered, and his hands were nailed to the doors of the Senate. What destroyed the Roman ruling class was "Pb."

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Sorry, that's not correct. The death of Cicero was demanded by Marc Anthony during the negotiations leading to the Second Triumvirate, which was a kind of "extrordinary" arrangement, still (formally) with the boundaries of Republican arrangements. Anyway, doesnt really matter for the end result

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In the UK we have a campaigning organisation called the 99% Organisation and it is growing. We know Elon Musk is planning to give The Reform Party £100 million dollars and it’s another attempt to embolden fascism in the West - another attempt to make billionaires even richer and the rest of us even poorer. The thing is it’s not even ‘good’ capitalism at the end of the day. Companies need a prosperous population to buy their goods so impoverishing them makes little sense. If there are any other British people on here or if you are interested in taking a look at the resistance outside of the UK parliamentary structures, the 99% Organisation is a good one and I think it will become even more important and is headed for growth. It is a cross party organisation as well.

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We don't need a childish "Burger King" with his fake crown, who has no idea what the eff he is doing. except to show off what he can get away with.

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Absolutely incredible how ignorant and pliable such a large portion (but still a MINORITY) of the American electorate has been. The rest of us need to man up, and be prepared to fight. I love our Constitution. I have sworn an oath to it. This MAGA cancer must be excised.

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Education in this country has been deliberately sabotaged since Reagan. In addition, we've had nonstop propaganda since Fox, Breitbart, etc., showed up.

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