There will be no evidence. No one is looking for the evidence. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain that Musk and his satellites and I T geniuses changed the votes for 45. No one is looking for evidence. Anywhere.

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My civil service colleagues and I are gathering evidence of fraud and theft. The muskrat and his minions have been committing crimes, but we have set traps to catch them. They and the orange felon will be thrown in jail where they belong: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/no-one-elected-elon

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It is time to call a halt to Musk and to arrest him and to call for a number of Republicans to support another indictment/ impeachment of Trump once again drafted by Congressman Raskin. James Hawley

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Perhaps a first and obvious step is to have the appropriate congressional committee issue Musk a subpoena. Grill him about authority to execute the actions he has committed, and most importantly, what is trump's role in this charade. Then, proceed with impeachment against trump.

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Great idea, but about as likely to actually happen as the Secret Service arresting Trump for high treason.

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Leave my dreams alone please

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Just what might those dreams entail?

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Who is going to do all of this, Jacquelyn? All congressional committees are run by the Rs, so there won't be any subpoenas or an impeachment. And it's not as if Muck would obey a subpoena, anyway.

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Can't contradict your impressions. But Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman were recently (like a couple of days ago) on some news shows discussing how to proceed. But I still don't see a way forward until Musk first gets subpoened, and then implicates trump. I know all this seems impossible now, but I think ground in Congress will gradually shift towards accountability. For now....

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Sorry, Jacquelyn, but I have zero optimism about the ground shifting. Why would it? At this point, no one but the orange blob and Muck have any enforcement powers. And again, if all the Congressional committees are controlled by Repubs, who's going to issue that subpoena, and who's going to compel Muck to testify?

As much as I admire Jamie Raskin, I haven't heard that he's come up with a way to do as you suggest.

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No it won’t- sadly

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Then (f)Elon will be held in contempt of court.

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While we are busy watching the ping pong of muskrat, vought & the rest of the White House terrorists, repugnant Congress is writing legislation to gut Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The criminals from Jan 6th insurrection are the threats to red Congress apes to keep them voting to GUT 'we the people". And, the threat to primary them from their freebie job with good benefits almost none of the rest of us have anymore.

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And that has been done by folks in Scump’s previous administration. They just didn’t show up. And it didn’t mean anything. Nuh-thing happened to them. Such a joke.

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And? He'll ignore that and/or Trump will pardon him.

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And....so what? Courts have no enforcement power.

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Jacquelyn, the problem is that The Congressional committee has a majority of Republicans on it and those mostly white men just can seem to care about the people of this nation (those most targeted are people of color and other vulnerable people) who are being harmed. Dems tried to get Toddler-Musk subpoenaed but the Repubs sayd "no," of course they did. Their master, Toddler-Trump gives them orders and despite their job being to represent the people of their district, they will obey a toddler rather than the people. It is disgusting and I don't know how to change that. I am guessing Toddler-Trump is holding something over each and every one of them that they don't want released to the public which the toddler threatens to do, maybe even make up something about them. Courage is not a Republican trait as far as I can see.

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Ruth, what you say is NOW absolutely true. But please have a look at my other posts nearby. I believe events are shifting very quickly, especially in the courts. If the courts shift towards subpoena, then I believe Congress will shift as well. Also aggressive dems like Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman are hot on it. As odious as this may sound, we really do have no other recourse than to await these, hopefully positive developments.

And Russell, you're not wrong. We can't hope that the US Marshalls will march into the Oval and arrest trump point blank. But I listened to another former federal prosecutor yesterday on, I think, MSNBC who replied that if the courts resounedly rebuke trump and order Marshalls out, they will follow their constitutional duty.

I never thought I would be one to say this, but "thoughts and prayers.' Naturally, I jest.

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"If the courts shift towards subpoena, then I believe Congress will shift as well."

I may be wrong, but it's my understanding that courts only authorize subpoenas. It's the role of prosecutors (the state) to request subpoenas. If that's correct, and again, the Dems can't overrule the Rs in charge, then where are the subpoenas going to come from? To me, it seems that the shifting you're depending on to make things happen is unlikely in the

extreme, at least until after the country crashes. Maybe not even then, if the disaster capitalists have their way.

I'm not saying to throw in the towel, but I think the assumption that normal legal procedures and precedents will save the day is wishful thinking at best.

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Shirley you jest, Shirley!

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I think the GOPs (Grifting Old Party) is afraid Dumpster will send magats with a hammer to fracture the skull of anyone who dares speak out against him. Family members are eligible for a fractured skull, too. Remember Paul Pelosi.

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Can't leave out -BLACKMAIL. As we have seen, so many republicans lack morality while pretending to be beyond reproach, god fearing Christians. I would imagine much of their deviant/cheating/ perverted/criminal behaviours need to stay in the closet.

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Love the "Grifting Old Party" 👍

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But the repukes actually support what muck and dump are doing.

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Cowards, all.

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All but a few have been bought and many have no integrity or balls.

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They are weak wankers.

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Nothing will happen. Unless congressional Republicans get a spine, nothing will happen. Trump does everything by threats, lies, and holding money back.

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He'd ignore it. Like Trump, Musk believes he's above the law.

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'Pubs outnumber dems on all committees! So, not gonna happen!

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that i a great solution but with the majorities in the House and Senate impeachment is highly un likely, The first time he held office the senate refused to impeach him. the Dems owned the House and brought up charges then. But that is the correct procedure as out lined in the US Constitution to remedy a corrupt president

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Good luck getting the apes in Congress to do anything against their darlings!

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There’s already been one rep. calling for trump’s impeachment.

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That and $7 will buy a cup of coffee at your local establishment.

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Who's going to stop Muck and arrest him, James? Mango man controls all law enforcement.

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One has to wonder what the Pentagon will do…

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Under Pete Hegseth? He's too busy doing push-up with the SF unit in Germany and finding a WWII private with the last name of Bragg so that he can change Ft. Liberty back to Ft. Bragg (the aforementioned private did get a Silver Star for his actions, but, come on.) Hegseth is a loyal servant of Dumpy and isn't going to use the military against anyone in the current monarchical regime.

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Thr GOP is frightened into submission. Trump will have his "Moonies" attack them and their families. He will push them out of office at their reelection. Not every Repub is wealthy enough to afford 24 hour personal security

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Again, can't refute your position right now. But things are developing very fast in the courts, and it looks like trump is going to ignore court orders. That action, will precipitate further escalation from various quarters -- courts themselves, congress, public opinion. So, as odious as my statement sounds, I guess we'll have to wait a while to see what develops. I do believe things will develop.

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Trump is lawless. He will ignore the courts. The courts may sign an order to put Trump in contempt, but Trump will ignore them. When some actual force is applied against Trump, He will go to war against the courts. Civil war will be the result. The MAGA have been indoctrinated to follow Trump. Many think he is the 2nd coming.

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He is the Antichrist

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Sounds like a Mob Boss..not an American President

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I sympathize with your feelings; but the army needed to accomplish what you suggest is still invisible.

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The evidence is there

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Great idea but will never happen. Reps will never vote for impeachment.

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There are NO brave or patriotic Republicans left. None. Do not expect any help.

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But they won't do it.

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God Bless You and Your Colleagues. Prayers will be sent everyday for your success!!!

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Thank you and I pray your work will help put our democracy back in place. Be strong.

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also praying for divine retribution on Dumpster.

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I only have questions. How does the public demand evidence, which I feel certain they don't have? Why does the "news" media not ask and pressure the co-presidents for evidence? Where is child protective services to protect Musk's son X from exploitation by his "father?"

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This stupid ad again. BLOCK IT!

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They keep changing the account name, and it keeps slipping through. ANNOYING!

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Report it! It takes only a couple of seconds :)

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Report it! It only takes a few seconds :-)

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I reported it and it vanished from my thread.

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Check out this post from an X/twitter software developer whistleblower if you haven’t already, it was going around TikTok a few weeks ago https://substack.com/@theconcernedbird/note/p-154577954?r=4t4hg&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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They are doing it in our face and NOBODY is doing anything about it. This is a coup and they're ignoring judges' orders. Wait two 1/2 years to vote in the midterms? That is no solution. This country has been screwed in just 3 weeks.

He also didn't win. He won by voter suppression. Republicans have to cheat to win.

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That is, IF there are midterms, which I think is unlikely.

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I tend to agree.

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It’s very scary and all going according to plan. This is a must watch https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no?si=K2UF9ZphJc84RAo0

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No one wants to admit that this is COUP #2…rolling down the tracks like a runaway freight train..carrying nuclear weapons….

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A well known and over used tactic of accusing others of that which you are doing.

Hitler used it when in Mein Kampf he accused the Jews of the big lie

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This is dynamite. I will write to my MP telling them to switch off X in this country.

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OMG! If this can be proven, America is in worst shape than anyone envisioned.

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A few years ago I took the time to read the very long biography of Mask. At that time I viewed him like a mixed bag. Doing some good things (EV and nurolink) but really nasty in how he treated people. Is he on the spectrum, probably, which helps explain how he focuses on something relentlessly. Is he bipolar? Probably, these folks swing from high highs to low lows. Does he abuse drugs? Probably to self medicate for the bipolar. It was an interesting read and worth reading to understand what we are dealing with here.

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Thank you! Look into Sarah Kendzior as well. She has a Substack and a number of books detailing Donald Trumps calculated rise and the erosion of American democracy.

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You guys need to talk to ACLU or other friendly law firms ASAP about filing a class action against Musk for $1 trillion for defamation, falsely accusing you of fraud, a crime, is defamation per se. You don't have to prove no fraud, Musk has the burden to prove the civil service IS riddled with fraud which he cannot do, everyone who doesn't have dementia knows that.

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I’ve continued to say public servants are the ones who will be protecting the system. Thank you and your colleagues.

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You should not have put this on line. You never know who might read it. We need you safe from the Musk Axe.

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Please tell us this is true!?!!

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But who can you present this to?

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You have to get someone to care first. It's all about the Republicans doing something. Keep calling the congressional offices, tell them you are a Republican and you don't want this!! 202.224.3121.

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What? Lie? Not a bad idea, however.

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We all have to keep on calling our 2 federal senators & 1 federal representative & tell them that you want the mass voter challenges by republicans recruited by True The Vote to stop!! 🛑 Tell them that you recognize Jim Crow tactics when you see them. Ask the aide who is taking your call to write down the documentary’s name, “Vigilante, Inc” & you would like the senator or representative to watch it.

Call every damned day about this, or about Elon accessing your private data & health information, or about Congress (republicans) rolling over & playing dead. Just CALL ☎️ & write an email if you’re feeling energetic.

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We can CALL ☎ 📞 2x/day according to a former aide. The former aide added that the aide will recognize our voice and get tired of our calls; but she said to KEEP CALLING! 📞📳 There is high turnover with aides anyway.🤸🤹🔚🔜!

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Be very careful! Thank you for your service.

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Please find evidence. Good luck As I wrote, the whole thing doesn't smell right

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Trouble is now that Dumpf has corrupted the FBI who are you going to call?

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Good luck & be safe. Thank you for your service.

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Hope so…

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Can hardly wait - and hope it is one of the old jails in the southern USA - withoubair conditioning and no golf course.

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ABSOLUTELY. TRUMP DIDNT WIN. I’m sorry YOU DONT HAVE KENDRICK LAMAR PLAY THE BIGGEST STAGE IN AMERICA AND END UP WITH A POS MAGA winning. Sorry for the caps but I legit want to scream at the top of my lungs while flinging fists. I need a drink.

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You're correct he didn't win.

It was voter suppression

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And (magot)voter inflation

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Kamala should have DEMANDED a RECOUNT.

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Brianna I don't know what you are talking about, nor do I know who Kendrick Lamar is, but watching Jimmy Kimmel It sounds like it had something to do with half time at the Superbowl, which I didn't watch, because I don't give a shit.

Watching overpaid professionals fight is about exciting as watching another group of over paid professionals fight...in court.

The dudes are basically enslaved by a contract to some asshole who owns the team for his ego and to impresss others of his privileged class.

Regardless of which team wins, my life is no better for it,unless I have gambled and then it is 50/50 whether I have improved or worsened my position.

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William - I think I’m speaking in pretty plain English last time I checked. Your apathy and cynicism isn’t a good look.

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William has nothing better to do than shit on anyone speaking the truth. Just ignore him, he's an asshole. I will join you for that drink.

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Yeah, he’s a real Debbie Downer.

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So what. You are kind of arrogant to think that I care what you think.

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Just Shut Up, arrogant Prick.

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LOL, like you think I care what the fuck you think. You are not only arrogant but dense.

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I also have some apathy about football in general. Cynicism? I guess I have some of that too so there we are. I often wonder what it would look like if all the money that went into competitive sports in America, were re-channeled, for just one year, into something positive for the country that would be more lasting.

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We are still the same as we were in Rome. Bread and Circuses

Big difference is Romans were so poor that both were free

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I couldn't agree more (spent the evening with a really good book). Next will be a month of "March Madness" dominating the news. Small wonder we are where we are.

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I think basketball is just an excuse for gamblers. I mean watching grown men race back and forth on a small court, throwing a ball at a hoop,, or watching grown men smack a tiny white ball and chase it for miles, or grown men kick a ball back and forth across a field for an hour, and hardly any ball being kicked into the net. It is like watching paint dry or grass grow.

But, gambling, well that's another thing entirely.

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Per se, I have nothing against games and sports, but their purpose and importance is way out of proportion. Football coaches at elite universities are paid millions of dollars per year, while professors and adjuncts compete for scraps. As you say, they build stadiums at public expense. Players in some cases get hundreds of millions in contracts but that's because the owners are billionaires that are not taxed properly. They use every excuse and threat in the book for their socialism and the public accepts it.

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Same here Fred. Games are essential to human social and personal development, and the fact that every culture, save Islam, has games and emphasis on them.

But they have been, basically deified, become sacred, sacred enough that people will impoverish themselves to subsidize them.

It is insane.

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Europeans can't understand why our colleges have sports teams, like football, that drain resources from the supposed purpose of college, which is higher education. Neither can I. I, too, have been thinking about the comparison between the super bowl and the Roman gladiators. Opiates for the masses. Keep them entertained while we go about our business. In fact, an image of a cat batting at a dangling piece of yarn comes to mind as well.

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I lived in a small Louisiana town. Life there was meaningless and boring. One woke up everyday, the father went to the pulp mill, the mother cooked biscuit and eggs, Wednesday night prayer meeting, Sunday church, wash rinse repeat, Kids grew up followed their parents footsteps.

The one big event was Friday Night lights, high school football games.

It is said of the south, that football is a religion, and it is .

The town I lived in had a black HS and a white HS. The black high school was all state, the white HS got it's ass kicked. The town was super proud of the black HS football team, and barely mentioned the white team

What ever the black HS needed, the black HS got, they even got a new HS building before the white.

Other than football, they lived in a boring, mundane world, every day was groundhog day.

Also sports are promoted, advertised and covered by the media, as there is money in sports.

To show you how stupid we are. We will voluntarily tax ourselves to build expensive stadiums to benefit team owners, real estate developers and business.

People are so empty that they identify with a highly paid group of professionals,owned by a millionaire or billionaire, just because the team bears the name of their city or state. And the members of the team are hired from all over the country and the world.

Pst toasties vs Kellogg's Cornflakes.

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I am with you! Who cares! 🤔

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Tom Lehrer from the 1960's - time machine

"Gather 'round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun,

a man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience

call him a Nazi, he won't even frown

Nazi, Schmazi! says Wernher von Braun

Don't say that he's hypocritical

Say rather that he's apolitical

"Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?

That's not my department" says Wernher von Braun ...

The idiot incinerated the nose cones of 100 V-2 (vergeltungschlag) rockets before he figured out that the mild steel in them was melting before it could exit earth's stratosphere. Now, scmukzi burns $3B of taxpayer $$ every time one of his monstrosities explodes. fraud! moron!

pig! shithead! His Martian dreams are dead on the launchpad. (BTW my personal CV includes an 'A' in the course 'Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design' and not such a hot grade in 'Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics'

as a post grad in the Chemical Engineering dpt. of MIT way back in 1969 when such an accomplishment really meant something. Don't ask me to supply proof, just call them). Enjoy life before all these festered pustules destroy our once fair planet. Jokers! liars! thieves! Shittiest excuses for humans ever!

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So, not a Musk fan I take it.

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he he, and not afraid

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As one who loves the wit and artistry of Tom Lehrer, Musk’s bizarre intrusions into the sensitive computer systems of federal agencies brings another Lehrer song to mind, this one - titled Who’s Next, if memory serves — regarding nuclear proliferation.

With the Musketeers accessing our government’s most secret systems and porting them to privately held servers, will these secrets remain secret much longer?

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Muskrat Love

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I so miss his satirical music. I wonder what he would write about today's world?

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So agree.

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Trump uses his own money for his enterprises!!!

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No, he uses everybody else's and when it fails he sticks everyone else with the losses.

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😂 I know the EXACT SAME feelings you are having. Many of us DO WANT to scream at the top of our lungs. 🫁😤😡 So, don't apologize for using CAPS, we completely understand the anger and frustration you feel. It's hard to even go each day, without hearing at least one horrible thing, if not more, that Trump and his wife Elon, have done and will continue to do. Keep your chin up, girl! I know it's very difficult at times, but we can prevail if we all join together as "We The People of The United States of America", and overthrow this Coup and the Fascist traitors and the non-citizen, currently in the Whitehouse!! Enough is Enough!!!

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Thank you. 🙌🏼❤️ we do got this.

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Well, not quite "no one." Here are accounts of evidence-based research into the widely-accepted results of the 2024 Presidential election:

“So Clean,” by Lulu Friesdat of SMART Elections, at https://smartelections.substack.com/p/so-clean

“Convincing evidence of likely manipulation of 2024 Presidential votes in Nevada,” by Ray Lutz of Citizens Oversight, at https://substack.com/home/post/p-154291476

And here's video of public statements by Trump and Musk, before the election, about how the vote will be fixed, and showing how oddly confident Trump was that he'd get enough votes:


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My point exactly

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Check out noted expert Greg Palast Substack:


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trump announced on live TV, 'Elon's satellites, they really know those voting machines.'

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Our voting machines aren't connected to the internet

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From my understanding this is true in SOME states. Like PA I was reading that. But the thing I find more disturbing is the suppression if mail in ballots being contested, lost, never mailed to the voter as well as - at least in PA - right before the election they purged the voter registration. My mom was purged from the list for no reason. She has actively voted elections. Her mail in ballot had been sent MONTHS in advance while she was registered. Then come to find out she has been purged. They may have been “legal” means of cheating but it’s still cheating

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They only needed about 100k such cheats between 3-5 states. My sister’s mail in vote was delayed by DeJoy… and not counted though mailed weeks in advance.

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I absolutely think this is what happened. I think it was through the suppression of mail in ballots bc who votes the most with them? Democrats. I was dead set on going physical to the polls. My guy told me not to trust mail in.

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But they can easily made so.

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Red herring. Trump minions supress vote. Trump blabs nonsenses " look over there" American corporate media looks over there.

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Yep. Check out this supercut video:


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what follows is my scenario, which i think is very plausible.

The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.

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I have wondered about the election as well. My side didn't seem to make a peep, whereas when Joe Biden won, the capitol building was stormed. What's up with that?! I will vote again, and hope it counts. It just seemed so weird that the results were accepted so quickly. It reminded me of when John Jerry conceded. So quickly, although at the time I thought he conceded elegantly, to help our Republic go forward .

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I absolutely believe that Musk infiltrated the vote reporting process in swing states and turned the election to rump’s favor. Look at what his incel gang is doing now to all of our information. There was no howling about corruption or voter fraud, no sniffing around poll workers handing out throat lozenges or voting machine tampering, not when the outcome was a foregone conclusion. It was a stupendous and apocalyptic con.

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Nor is anyone arrestingbthevSeditionist for illegally occupying the WH. And every idiot command that lunatic felon trump gives is complied with in seconds! What the hell! Not one branch of military or FBI is doing what needs to be done. Take him out-remove by force. Their duty is to the Constitution but they refuse to lift a finger to carry out their duties. We don’t need lawsuits and 4 years of waiting. We need action. Now!

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I absolutely believe down to my bones that you're right, Elle. But the Dems caved even before all the votes were counted, so AFAIK, that ship has sailed.

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Kamala should have demanded a RECOUNT

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It was most definitely obvious to some of us!! When it was voting day, my Boyfriend and I were watching the map of where most of the Blue votes were, as Kamala had quite a few States that she was GOING to win. Even some Swing States appeared to be hers. Within about 5 minutes, right before our eyes, all of these "Red votes" took over, and they stole her Swing States and other States, as well. That's because all of the votes were being sent up to a Starlink satellite, which is obviously one of Elon Musk's satellites. Musk then loosened the security of the info being held in the satellite, enough so that the Russian hackers could get into the votes and change them, to not only make DJT the "winner" of the Presidency, but also to change votes, in order to make the MAGA party win the Senate and the House!! That didn't happen on its own. It was all rigged, and that is EXACTLY why Donald Trump told his supporters at one of his Presidential campaign rallies, that "he didn't need their votes,", because he knew that his MAGA team would make sure that he was installed as President. I have seen some recent articles on here and other places, that are showing these people that know what they're talking about, and they found out about all of these Harris votes that were either hidden or destroyed. They also know about the whole Elon Musk's satellite debacle. Oh yeah, after the election and the loser(& losing) candidate (Drumpf) was announced as the winner of the 2024 Presidential Election, suddenly the satellite that had the votes stored in it suddenly fell out of the sky and the information was

"lost/destroyed". Hmm.. I wonder why that satellite conveniently just fell from the sky?? So, Madame President Harris, is who we SHOULD have had Presiding over us now. I don't know why the Democratic Party, as in Harris/Walz, didn't ask for an immediate investigation into where their votes just disappeared to. But, it's like the Democrats (which I am one, lol) just wanted to prove a point to the Right-wing. It's as if, not fighting Trump/Vance on it, was the mature, peaceful way to go about it. DID ANYONE THINK THAT THE RIGHT-WING WOULD EVEN CARE ABOUT HOW PEACEFULLY CIVIL AND BY THE BOOK, THE DEMOCRATS SHOWED THEM WE CAN BE!?!? If your answer is, in any form, a "NO!!!", you're correct. 💯 WE MUST BE FAR MORE TOUGH AND COMBATIVE!!!

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Erin go brah, Americans have gone SOFT. COMPLACENT. And many Americans went for comfort and me, me, me which created this. And, Americans think 'influencers' are a thing. And 'doing something' is running your fingers across a pad.

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I think it’s time to start looking for the evidence

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Hello Elle, I had the same thought the day after the election. Then I dismissed it, assuming it would have been impossible to hack 5 to 7 separate official state vote tallies. But then after Muskrat and his little dogies got access to the US Treasury’s payment system it seems like vote tampering is not an outlandish conspiracy theory at all.

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It takes more than "a brain" to establish facts.

One cannot support an election system when one wins (Joe Biden) then turn around and decry that system when one loses (Dumpty.) particularly when the election took place BEFORE the opposing party (of crooks) took office.

We need blue-anon at least as badly as we need belly-buttons on our elbows.

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Tossed mail-in and provisional ballots of voters whom are not considered MAGA.

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If they are looking into it they wouldn't tell us, now would they?

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In reality no one cares... "well, we know everything in Washington, DC is a lie, a cheat and self-serving. Something's gotta stop them and our new president is the man to do it." And with that thought there goes democracy. Until those folks get their butt bit, then watch out!

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Get back on your meds.

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Action: Each of the cases lodged against closing bureaus and firings (and on hold) need additional, specific charges disputing the waste, fraud, and abuse accusations. Force them to show the evidence, in public trials, to a jury. And act accordingly. #Politics

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The only thing is, bureau fraud or not does not justify their illegal activities. But sure, the public may not be able to grasp that fine point.

This is really, or should be, about their illegal acitivites which present so many risks,

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In the meantime, NGO’s have been cut off from funding based on the idea that they’re trying to save a great deal of money and they don’t care who they harm in the meantime

The long range implication to this are difficult to figure out, but we won’t know until “the planes crash into the ground “

(planes crashing into the ground was Mr. Mr. musk first voyage into the world of government in efficiencies the FAA and we all know how that turned out 67 dead.

Just men, women and children he didn’t know. Stalin said: the death of a friend is a tragedy the death of a million is just a statistic. “

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Keep those charges, but also make them prove the validity of their claims too! Haul them before the court to do so, or admit they have no evidence

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No chance of that happening it’s the old Washington game of quoting someone else. “ I heard martians are infiltrating the USAid so we are shutting it down just to to stop the invasion, furthermore the Martians are using the money they stole from the USA ID to fund the importation of fentanyl from China to help finance their invasion of the USA”

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If there was Bureau fraud, I have a feeling that would have been called out earlier on and in any case, there is such a thing as ‘due process’ unless that too, has gone up in smoke? These are very serious allegations and unless the ‘new lawmakers’ are completely beyond scrutiny, which they appear to be, it can be argued that the current upheaval is a direct attempt to undermine the legitimacy of what has been the American Constitution…I use the past tense…as alas, America is beginning to appear to be a very large autocratic state. Extremely dangerous and very scary. It’s the flexing of muscles and power crazed minds. What a tragedy.

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If the Republicans, Supreme Court & the media keeping back them, that won't work.

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If it went to trial, it would be litigated in public. That should be enough to expose the sham. They should be to embarassed to appeal.

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Not if it is not reported, as has been the case with endless trump shams.


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They and Presidents Vance and elon have one DOOZY of a shocker coming in 2028 . . . if Bunkerboy indeed does pass this year like his Alzheimer's suggests that is. (I'm looking most forward to the 130,000+ lawsuits being dismissed with prejudice the next day after Americans retake the house and senate.)

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You're kidding yourself if you think they will give up power voluntarily again.

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What kind of idiot doesn’t even know to take his hat off in the Oval Office……

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So absolutely disrespectful he looked like a slob. His toddler looked more professional than he did. And Chump quietly dozed behind his desk as Elonia rambled senselessly.

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There's only one way out of this and it's not pretty.

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Mainly, it would be public calling their bluff, in court. They probably wouldn't even show up. Leaving the court to rule against them.

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Unless it triggers a massive months-long uprising to stop them it wont matter.

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So what do you think is happening in America??

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Sadly, this may not ever happen, as Musk and Trump get to control everything. Asking the same question—don't the courts have the authority to physically remove Musk and his IT team?

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I'm not a lawyer but to me it looks like the judge(s) have good reason to hold Doge in contempt of court, and order Muskrat to appear before him, and even jail him. That could put us smack in a major Constitutional crisis. It seems the judges are bending the knee slightly for now. I think they must take a stronger stand, now, in order to possibly save America. The longer they delay, the worse off America becomes, with less of a path back. I hope folks smarter about this tham I am are getting ready to pounce, and get We The People on the streets backing them.

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Jailing Musk? Think again …he’s got the backing of the president and that’s that - it would seem…

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Thank you for this. As a federal worker, it’s refreshing to read positive words about civil servants. Ironically or not, my job involves preventing and stopping fraud, waste, and abuse. We take our role as stewards of taxpayer dollars very seriously.

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I cannot imagine how you and your coworkers feel. Please know that many Americans are pushing back against this unconstitutional and illegal whirlwind of one pillar bulldozing over our Constitution, our laws, our Legislature, our Judiciary, our career civil servants like you, other governments, and The People.

The People hold the power in the United States of America. Elected officials are public servants, and yes, that includes the President and our Legislators. We hold elections often so we can either re-elect our representatives or vote for someone new if unhappy with the incumbent.

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Thank you for all you do! I’m a former federal employee of the Department of Labor and worked there during the years Robert Reich was the Secretary of Labor. I have always admired him and so glad he’s here to help support us. Thank God I retired in April 2016, before Trump ran for President the first time! Hope you and your colleagues are doing ok! See my comments below.

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Also, let me Thank You for Your Service. as we are for my husbands and my military service. I stand with you. I know it helps...

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I appreciate what you do. Do you know if reports that Musk’s DOGE discovered 150-year old people still receiving Social Security are true?

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Nearly everything out of musks mouth is a lie so I highly doubt it!

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Wow, what’s their secret to such longevity?

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If Muck said it was raining, I'd find a window.

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Boycott Tesla, Starlink, and Trump properties. Stay off Facebook and Instagram. Buy as little as possible from Amazon. Lobby foreign governments and provinces to cancel their Starlink contracts as Ontario just did. Bring those stock prices down. Pass it on.

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🚫XTwitter, Meta [Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Whatsapp]. 🚫LA Times, Washington Post, ABC [$15 million settlement], MSNBC [kissing Trump's ring], CNN [demoting who Trump doesn't like].

Chose: Bluesky, Mastadon, Etsy, Rednote, Deep seek [AI].

Chose for News: HuffPost, 404 Media, RawStory, The Independent, CBS and NYT [so far].

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Yes! I would add the Guardian, Meidas Touch, Jim Acosta, the American Prospect. I'm not so sure about the NYT though. They have been derelict in holding Republicans responsible for their lies and unconstitutional behavior.

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Yes, and don’t forget about the best television news in the country, Democracy Now!., with Amy Goodman. They really go into detail about all the things that are going on, with people and journalist who really understand this. Give it a try.

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Thanks for the reminder!

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Yes, I added Media's Touch Network in another comment. Yes, Mr. Acosta is a Hero! When CNN wanted to switch him to late night because Trump doesn't ‘like' him, he resigned immediately and boldly began his independent journey in news. Bravo!

I forgot about the Guardian. Thank you for sharing the American Prospect with us, too.

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I never watched CNN (we don't have cable TV), but I've been watching Jim Acosta since he came onto Substack, and I'm so impressed with him. He really tells it like it is.

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And Dan Rather (The Steady) and Heather Cox-Richardson (Letters From An American), Joyce Vance all on Substack.

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And...of course, in addition to Robert Reich, Joyce Vance, the Contrarians, Steve Schmidt, Katie Couric. I still have NYT but am watching closely to see which way the wind blows.

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Definitely no NYT. They've been complicit from the beginning.

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I have Boycotted for a long time already. Hit them ALL where their hearts REALLY ARE in their BANKS & WALLETS!!!!

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I agree, the bottom line!😅

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I believe that Amazon is here to stay...unless there's another person out there who can mirror that service with the money going to shareholder subscribers with every order. So if you use the service it's like an investment somehow. I'm a dreamer to believe that could be done but maybe Mark Cuban could figure it out.

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I AGREE I think Mark Cuban would be an Excellent Candidate. As well as Bernie Sanders. In fact, that would be a great team...

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I haven't used amazon for years. You can bypass Amazon by buying directly from the company they are representing.

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May I add:

Pull out of their stocks if you have them; use your power of the purse. Don’t do anything that might contribute to their wealth. Keep pressure on your Congresspersons to stand up to Picasso of Pettiness ( borrowing that name cuz it’s very funny) and call them daily. Don’t let up. Join protests if you can. May a lot of “good trouble” (John Lewis)

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Yes! I had some Solar City bonds. Solar City was acquired by Tesla. Just sold them even though I lost money.

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The spectacle in the Oval Office today was disgusting.

Watch the last word on msnbc tonight. Humor me.

2/12 https://youtu.be/g7XQgI4ZDL0

OMG WATCH THIS more of what happened in the Oval Office

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I can't watch those 2 anymore. I advise others not to. I don't think its good to do so and one can fiind out what is really happening without ever watching them, or certainly minimizing exposure to their endless bullshit. It makes me upset to watch these crooks and I don't think as clearly then.

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I skip forward if I see the weird robot or orange tub of Bisquick open their "top anuses."

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Thanks for the much needed humor Daniel!

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Very witty, Daniel, while Bravo!

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Indeed, while it would/will be interesting to see any psychological studies as to the real and tangible effects which they are having on the mental health of people, Steve; that is aside from the persons who are more directly effected by their decisions e.g. USA public service workers, while make sure to look after the your health and that of your family. :-)

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A therapist I know says that all this is a major topic in her sessions now.

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I'm old enough to recall the anxiety and mental stress that Reagan caused re: WW3 breaking out before Glasnost/Perestroika took place, with people then seriously worried to the point wherein a number in the US took their own lives following the brinkmanship exercises that he and his hawks (Haig, Weinberger etc.) conducted, with similar threats coming from extreme Soviet figures such as Grigory Romanov. It's so easy to forget that many people then were deadly serious then about buying and installing a nuclear fallout shelter in their back yards, and while Citoyen T. is not (at least not for now) threatening to blow up the world (despite proxy threats re: "hell breaking loose" concerning Hamas), he is nevertheless destroying it when it comes to stuff such as climate change.

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Steve, you’ve got a very sound point there.

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Two of the biggest ASSHOLES AND NAZIS in the world!!! My deceased uncle who fought NAZIs in Africa, Sicily, and France to the defeat of Germany told me after the massacre of 150 captured American soldiers by the SS in the Battle of the Bulge that any captured SS afterwards were taken over the hill and shot. I was an idealistic 18-year old at the time and asked him about the Geneva Convention. He got a grim look on his face and told me that his generation had fought the Germans twice in 30 years and we got rid of the crazy NAZIs (SS) so that your generation would not have to fight them a third time. Please remember that the Muskrats family was kicked out of Canada because of their NAZI sympathies!!!

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I think I shall never see

A bigger asshole than Donald T.

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My dad was drafted in 1944 and sent to Germany to fight the Nazis. I'm sure he's spinning in his grave these days.

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The child is musk’s son. When he walked close to trump trump turned away looking annoyed.

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IT CAN BREED?!? God help us all!

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He has 12 children with 3 wives

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The 1st passed away as an infant. The oldest has no relationship with Musk and even changed her name. Supposedly, Musk has not allowed mom #3 and their 3 children to see each for about a year because he wants to force her to agree for them to move to Texas.

Musk has moved to Texas with his companies and opened a Montessori preschool with his added curriculum??? Musk wants to start schools from preschool through college.

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OH LORDIE, when my grandson was about 4 yrs old and was told something he didn't want to hear like 'NO' he would say, "Don't tell me that." That has stuck with me and now I use it. "Don't tell me that!"

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Omg. Didn’t hear about the schools. I did hear he had his own company town built.

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Not only can it breed, 12 times so far I believe, it has a trans child from one of its earliest encounters

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LOL I saw that too. And dumps face was getting darker and darker the more mrat tried to speak...

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Perhaps he’s the Special Adviser?

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I'd ask what I missed, but for someone to say disgusting after all we've seen tells me I probably don't want to know.

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The Liar in Chief, the Liar in Charge and one small pitiable child.

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‘Pitiable’ child …yes, very sad….it must be bewildering for him and surely, not much fun when all you want is to be playing with your friends or siblings….being a child not a teddy bear ….

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He's using the kid as a human shield

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Even more painful….

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MSNBC had a clip on it. Something they don’t often do, but it was warranted.

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Watch film of today’s Oval Office meeting!!

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I appreciate those who are willing to watch the carnage live (or a video replay of same) on TV. Y'all deserve a medal of freedom. But I'm afraid I can't watch myself. Not good for the soul and I can't afford the psychotherapy bills.

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A child lodged in Musk’s crotch!!

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The boy is named X! I pity that poor kid to have an asshole NAZI as his father!!!

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I've previously described 'Ratty' at this site as being a 'Peter Pan' figure, while his 'ontology' (as we call in my trade) was on full display during that oval office press conference further to his 'neonate' presentation - an exhibition that reminded me of the pre-teenage Brooke Shields. He is indeed the man who refuses to grow up, while it's interesting (at least for me in my therapist's guise) to see (or at least contend) that Musk is drawn to 'Citoyen Trump' because of the father elements he projects.

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...Given one's fondness for metaphor, and after having seen some further footage of today's oval office 'spettacolo' of 'the boy wonder' with his kid standing at the corner of the Resolute Desk (and this with 'Citoyen' looking awkward while seemingly ignoring him), I am reminded of Macbeth, Banquo, and Fleance, while now waiting for Musk to soon be made into a ghost!

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I am glad you mentioned this. Musk had his little son he takes places---does he think this is cute? The vision of his son who was not behaving well (and why should he in such a setting) was beyond inappropriate--he was distracting what Musk was saying. Musk is mentally off the chart--yes he is brilliant but relatable? Wow.

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He's using the kid as a human shield

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I liked the kid. He was very nice.

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He has 11 children with 3 wives

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Watch the last word on msnbc tonight. Humor me.

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OMG WATCH THIS more of what happened in the Oval Office

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Watch the last word on msnbc tonight. Humor me.

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Every accusation is a confession. The fraud is coming from inside the house.

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Each time Trump blames Biden? It’s from a decision Trump made that backfired.

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Fraud in the highest order, every US Senator is involved with every high crime by not impeaching him immediately. Every American better wake up and never miss another vote 🗳️ if we have the chance? Stop the steal, stop the steal, stop the fraud, stop the fraud.

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The Senate doesn't bring impeachment, the House does.

Can you picture thst little dweeb Mike Johnson doing any such thing?

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MJ is skating on a thin majority that might just disappear with special elections.

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Less than 20 months to the midterms.

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Yes, but 20 months seems like light years away these days.

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The people are rising up! Nationwide protests are rampant. A “National Day of Protest” is scheduled for President’s Day!


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The link doesn't work and it is hard to find specifics for my state. Maybe as the day gets closer info will be easier to find. It's a great day to protest as many people are off from work.

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I think the protest is in every state's capital.

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Yes I believe you’re correct.

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I think we should send Trump and Musk to Mars

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Their home planet won't take them back, but nice idea.

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By the time they turn them around the thing will have blown up...

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Let's be nice to Mars and Martians. They need their own mansions floating in the sky like a satellite. Then, they cannot bother Earthlings. 🌎🌍🌏

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I’m pretty sure Trump is going to make sure that Musk gets paid to bring people to Mars. Whether Musk does it? He’s going to get paid and Trump International is going to get their cut.

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Wait... I thought that was what muskrat did when he BOUGHT dump...

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To say Musk has the integrity of a slug insults slugs everywhere.

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Just remember every accusation Elon throws is an admission of guilt.

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Speaking of Fraud

The continued fleecing of everyday Americans. The Grifter and Chief is finding new ways to make money off of working people ‘legitimately’.

The intention of this post is to provide some background on these products so people don’t blindly waste their life savings.

Being in Financial Services for over 30 years I have seen a few bubbles and the aftermath in the investors. This bubble is being inflated with daily rhetoric.

The foundation of these new ETFs is Cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional currencies, crypto is not backed by physical assets or government promises. The value comes from scarcity and trust in its security mechanism. So pure speculation.

Memecoins are a type of cryptocurrency that are often inspired by internet memes, characters, or trends. They are typically supported by enthusiastic online communities and are generally intended to be light-hearted and fun.

The only real purpose of most meme coins is speculation: users create or buy them in the hope that their value will soar so they can make a lot of money very quickly.

Please educate yourself and understand that the President is just looking to profit from blind loyalty and does not care if you lose everything.



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EXACTLY!! Perfectly explained. Further... I don't think dump can be involved in investments or businesses while in office. risk of CONFLICT OF INTEREST...

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Thank you. Just want people to be informed and look deeper into all the moving parts designed to consolidate power and wealth.

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He already is; he’s planning a big resort over the rubble and lives of Gaza. He’s getting money from foreign interests.

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I'm afraid that

"In other words, Trump-Musk have declared open season on real fraud and bribery"

means exactly the opposite of what you think it means. What it really is is a blanket AMNESTY for fraud and bribery.

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Yes it is. We’re now in 1984 land - a dystopia where up is down, tall is short, liars are honest, etc.

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Thanks for clarifying that, original statement is ambiguous and misleading.

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If one is still intent on employing the word “open” to express the thought, then “Trump and Musk have opened the floodgates on fraud and bribery” would work well.

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Declaring open season on something means letting everyone hunt that thing. The connotation is to do anything to eliminate that thing.

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To the 89 million eligible Americans that did not vote, this is exactly what you were told was going to happen, Democracy is now teetering on the edge of total collapse! 89 million eclipses what Harris or Trump received!

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That was totally irresponsible. They had 2 choices and 1 was to shoot themselves in the foot

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Guess what? The vast majority of them still have little idea. IDK maybe there's a good poll on this.

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A poll by CBS news said trump has a 53% approval rating. Biden had 57% approval at the same point in his first year, about 3 weeks into the term.

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Keep in mind Trump is suing CBS for $billions over something juvenile. Would the media company not want good numbers for him in their poll? Just wondering.

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ABC had a good chance of winning in court. Free Press has strong protections in our Constitution. Disney owns ABC and they choose to settle. Possibly, it was just a 'legal' way of donating to Trump. Who knows?

What this settlement did in the public eye was symbolically legitimize Trump's accusations of "fake news" to his followers. The settlement also emboldened Trump in his attempt to control US media with fear tactics leading to news platforms 'self-censorship.'

Support independent news sources: HuffPost, 404 Media, RawStory, Associated Press, Reuters, and The Independent. NYT and CBS seem OK, too.

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That number is down in the 30s now...

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which shows you how we got here. Blind leading the blind leading....

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And today there was an emergency decision for the James Webb telescope to study an asteroid heading towards earth with at this time, a 3.2 % chance of hitting us and wiping out all life. Sounds freakishly similar to the plot of “Don’t Look Up.”

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According to recent updates from NASA, asteroid 2024 YR4 currently has a 2.3% chance of colliding with Earth on December 22, 2032, meaning there is a roughly 1 in 43 chance of impact; however, scientists are still closely monitoring its trajectory and expect the probability to change as more data becomes available.

Meanwhile we have a 100% chance of getting cooked if we don't go balls to the wall to stop climate change.

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Has no one noticed that Muskrat was in the Oval Office, speaking for POTUS and schooling the nation, explaining away his actions like he was in charge, like he had the authority to decide what this country "needs"? All the things he is doing have government entities responsible for doing those, and laws that determine how they are to be done. WHERE IS CONGRESS- on break? And yes, THE COURTS CAN AND WILL TELL THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH WHAT THEY CAN & CAN'T DO--- LEGALLY, not based on the whims of weirdo think tanks and project 2025 power grabbers.

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He thinks the government is just another corporation like X or Tesla. He is in "CEO mode".

Not a clue that the government is there to serve the people, not turn a profit for the CEO and owners. He does not grok that.

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Yes! And where is our real VP? Haven’t heard much from him lately, except yesterday when he said something like the court CAN allow what Trump/Musk/Vance want, as far as going hacking into Treasury to get employees’ personal and confidential information?! BS! No one can do it without going through the proper legal channels, a court order or subpoena, etc., at least when it’s government employees. Same goes for any Department of Labor court case involving the agency or client agency for example, where the opposing counsel client agency is asking for confidential information about an employee and vice versa. I know bc I worked for the Department of Labor for years! It would be the same in the private sector too, including doctors and hospitals- no one should be able to get personal and confidential information, without permission. That’s what the Privacy Act, HIPPA, etc., are for! I know it can be a pain in the butt, signing all that Privacy and HIPPA, but here are. Vance should know better, he’s a lawyer! They all think they are above the law!!

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Shelley, of course Vance knows better, they all do. Performance Politics! Vance was in Europe telling the world that the US is gonna dominate AI & they should give it a free rein (or does he mean reign?) Ye gads and oh S_ _ t!

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I noticed and feel the same way! Further... if a woman had done such a thing the press would have jumped on it!!! Bigotted bastards!!!!

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