In light of A.G. Garland’s exemplary appearance Thursday afternoon, I am starting to believe that Republicans who have latched themselves to Trump will have so much to answer for in the coming weeks that no amount of money, likely, will save them. If I’m right, we’ll have a real shot, in 23, of resurrecting H.R.1 For the People, that aggressively tackles getting money out of politics. I should note this legislation passed in the House back in 2021. We just need to hold the House and pick up, I imagine, at least 4 seats in the Senate.
Before you vote me off the island for being a cockeyed optimist, please, again, heed the words of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who once wrote, “Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.” As I posted recently, I simply would add that only in retrospect is the true value of persistence in the face of difficulty revealed.
Yay! Barbara Joe! I needed to hear your words. I have a bit more hope for Garland acting since the FBI visit to Trump's compound. I think if we persist and don't get either complacent or start feeling nothing will get better, we can win those seats in November.
Sounds to me like he's just trying to "get ahead" of the situation. I have no doubt he'd continue stonewalling if he thought he could get away with it. No 5th Amendment option available for this - that he's already claimed to his Tweety-tosser base that only criminals rely on.
Why would he do that? It seems the exact wrong thing to do, i.e., revealing precisely what he illegally removed from the White House. If the contents discuss things nuclear, he will look very bad.
So he could claim >exactly< what he's claiming now: that the corrupt FBI was planting evidence to bring him down. I'm surprised you'd wonder. His fundamental strategy has >always< been to controvert anything brought against him. That's an old union-busting strategy. "He said, She said" forever! Look no further than how the trolls we get here behave. Hell! Look at how the Republi-wankers behave. They don't bring proposals and they don't state platforms. They controvert the Democrats at every turn.
I thought I had an evil mind, but apparently not evil enough. His denial is going to appear, I would think, extremely weak, ridiculous even: The FBI would never risk their reputation doing something so sensational if it were illegal. They must have their ducks in a row. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain if this search were political; I don't think the FBI is political: Why would they be? Yes, Hoover was biased and had an agenda, but it was his agenda, not anyone else's.
Still naive (or is it stubborn), I think that Trump should have fought revealing the contents of the warrant; by doing so, he could say that the contents were harmless, and as president he has the power to declassify them on the spot, which he did before he left office.
Trolls? Here? Yeah, I've noticed only one, which allows me to stick around: I'm too old to quarrel.
Far-right Republicans, like Far-left Democrats are beyond the pale, unhelpful in virtually every way. Which is a warmup for stating that moderate Republicans, and I think many exist, e.g., George Conway, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Joe Scarborough, Steve Schmidt, even George Will, whom I personally despise, have wisely and bravely left the new Republican Party and rejected Trump and Trumpism. As have Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, whose views oppose mine, but they haven't gone insane. They are the last Republicans standing, and we shouldn't group them in with Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise et al.
And thanks for responding. I enjoy the human contact, even if online.
MSNBC was quite gleeful last night about the WaPo story that the search was related to nuclear secrets. POTUS cannot declassify such documents.
One big test is Cheney's Tuesday primary. Will WY voters believe the WaPo nuclear story? Can Daddy Dick help convince them that Liz was/is right to purge the QOP of TheRump? Would DespicableMe DeSantis help lead the cheerleaders for purging TheRump from the QOP?
Garland put the former guy in a box in an efficient, chess-like move, gave him what could be called a Hobson's choice. If tfg doesn't go along with releasing the warrant and inventory, he has no defense for the lack of transparency and clearly appears to be uncooperative and hiding something (which most readers here know he's been doing forever; witness his taking the Fifth 440+ times in a civil suit earlier this week) -- he can't point to DoJ as the bad guys since DoJ gave him the chance to object to the release. If he does go along with the release, he obviously risks being exposed and then having to explain away how all those super-secret documents just happened to end up in his safe and what he intended to do with them (or, perish the thought, may already have done with them).
His only play, really, is to try to retake a little bit of the high ground, swampy though it may be, and bluff and BS his way through the s - - - storm that will surely follow the release. He'll have to continue ignoring the fact that he could've released the warrant, etc., all along and try to appear ever so magnanimous and gracious (I know, oxymorons when juxtaposed with the character of the man), and hope that the propaganda machine plus an extra-heavy-duty dose of bluster and inflammatory lies can throw enough feathers in the fan to obscure what the documents say and mean.
I'd speculate that he'll go along with the DoJ filing, then declare it to be fake, a counterfeit, a pile of lies from the Deep State, etc., but will not release his own copy of the documents, which would of course exactly match DoJ's. (Or maybe he'll come up with his own counterfeit, though his whole operation has historically been notably bumbling and ham-fistedly incompetent.) That's a very weak position indeed, but having rejected the concept of empirical reality, the Kool-Aid people won't notice or care, instead seizing on the inflammatory lies and carrying on in their present manner (or, very possibly, worse, with more actual violence).
He would do that for two reasons: 1) he - or no likely his advisers- know that when serving a subpoena a copy is required to be left at the premises searched along with a receipt for items removed. 2) it was his fans chanting to release the subpoena and the receipt. How would it look to them if he
He'd just claim the evil FBI planted it, and the Tweety-tossers would eat it up - then fly their blue lives matter flags! The good news is that he's a bit committed to that strategy, which weakens his position. The AG could've possibly announced all that pre-emptively and include that "ol' Tweety will predictably claim we planted any evidence of wrong-doing we find."
Because he knows he can LIE about everything and so far get away with it. How do we sleep knowing this creep is getting everything he needs : attention!!!! There is nothing Trump and his mafia won’t do. Why oh why are we accepting such disgraceful, blatant and mental derangement from this crook.? What do we tell our children? What do we tell ourselves? Are we so bored with ourselves that we consider this behavior to be interesting? This is not fun. This is wearing our selves out. Is it worth it?
And yes, we can celebrate that Garland is acting like a grown up , morally motivated leader.
Gerald, I appreciate your reply. Nonetheless, I must note, my comment notwithstanding, that, in my view, hope has nothing to do with optimism. In truth, I am not optimistic about America, nor about the plight of the human species overall. There simply is not enough evidence to infer things are going to get better. Still, even as I call optimism into question, I persist, as I hope we all do, because we believe our cause is right and just and moral.
As Americans we always FIGHT for TRUTH, JUSTICE, and a more perfect union. Trump's ACTIONS have betrayed America and as I write this I would not at all be surprised if he has sold nuclear information to Russia and any other country who would gladly pay for it. Trump is a despicable human being proven by his ACTIONS time and time again. He is another reason that OUR Constitution MUST be modified to put more QUALIFICATIONS and REVEAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION for people running for office. The corporate media in this country has also BETRAYED the people as they did NOT expose Trump properly for what he is. FAUX "news" (and all other media outlets) should be held ACCOUNTABLE for SPREADING LIES WITH IMPUNITY. The FCC has LOST ITS WAY as, I believe, FAUX is registered as "Entertainment" though people believe them to be an actual NEWS source. This MUST be corrected, and these media giants FINED and worse for these lying tactics such as telling people NOT to protect themselves with vaccinations and masks while they themselves are doing just that! How pathological is that? ACCOUINTABILITY for wrongdoing MUST come back to OUR democracy.
Absolutely. Millions of Republicans joined with Democrats in 2020 to dump trump.Sadly, they voted down ticket for obstructionist Republicans. I'm hoping that they will be smart enough to recognize in November that the Pro-Fascists have taken over the entire Republican party, and will reject them.
Linda, I imagine the far right MAGA voters who vote in the Primaries are not the same voters who rejected Trump in 2020. I expect these MAGA primary voters comprise about 35% of the country.
Linda, I write back because I realize I had misread your comment. I agree this November we need to be concerned about voters in 2020 who rejected Trump, but voted a straight Republican ticket down ballot. In my view, aside from running on their accomplishments this fall, Democrats, up and down the ballot, need to amplify the opposing Party’s lack of regard for the rule of law, for the balance of powers, and, last but not least, for truth itself.
If we're going to be optimists: Perhaps if the jack arses hold the House and pick up just 2 Senate seats, (1) to displace Manchin & Sinema from thwarting everything, and (2) to end Sinema's endless lobbyist largesse, Sinema will (1) realize Gallego will immediately announce his candidacy for her seat in 2024, and, to counter, (2) she'll immediately transform by seeking an end to the filibuster during the lame duck session, plus DC statehood and an expanded SCOTUS
the past 24 hours have been, literally, the stuff of nightmares for me. i am beyond words when i think about DJT and his theft of nuclear secrets when he vacated the white house. i am beyond words when i think about what he planned to do with these nuclear secrets. but in the light of these revelations, so much makes sense now, including that mysterious payment of $2billion to jared & ivanka by MBS, and who knows how many billions more to kushner and mnuchin. the saudis aren't running a charity for elite spoilt white brats, which raises the question: why? were these nuclear documents meant to be transferred to the saudis? the early evidence certainly points in that direction ( ) especially knowing that DJT tried to sell nuclear secrets to the Saudis once already.
i cannot fathom the intense hatred that the wealthy elites have for anything and everything that they cannot break down into small pieces and sell to the highest bidder, whether it is companies or entire nations. there is just no other way to think about this: the rich are the enemy of the people and the GQP are their closest and most devoted acolytes, their jostling mob of joseph goebbels.
Science Girl, I, too am extremely concerned about Trump and Kump. He and his whole immediate family that hang out at his Florida compound are evil and proud of it. They are daring us to do anything about it. I sure am hoping that AG Garland really is doing a deep investigation as he says he is because if not, we are really in trouble. Baby Donnie keeps throwing his little tantrums every time he gets caught and everyone backs off. He whines that he didn't know the FBI was coming to get documents he stole from the White House when he clearly did. The man lies so often he can't say when he is telling the truth. That's why he pled the 5th for more than 400 questions the other day. He can't answer under oath. The first answer except for his name would be a lie. How do we the people deal with this? I know activism is critical, but Baby Donnie has people who will die for him. How is that possible that a child-man with no positive social traits can have that kind of hold on people. Are white people so scared of everyone who is not white that they will let a total jerk send them to death? I sure hope not many.
El pendejo! Love the new name. As a former criminal defense attorney I recognize the claim. Only one in all those years did my investigation of the “planted evidence “ charge pan out
1 rule that seems pretty hard & fast is that accusations by Republicans are projections of what they have done, are doing or are thinking of doing.
2nd Republican rule is to accuse investigators of planting the evidence that they've found against you. When the guilty make that allegation before the investigators reveal what they've found, it means there is incriminating evidence that they're afraid the investigators have found or will find. Every accusation is a confession.
@RS: You and everyone else may enjoy this comment from a bona-fide former member of ol' Tweety's inner circle, that concludes what you assert here:
Cohen is a lawyer & he knows what he's talking about.
"Mandarin Mussolini" is the perfect name for him. One of the favorite nicknames applied to Trump is "Mango Mussolini" because of his fascist authoritarian ways & his orange color (like a mango). But a mandarin (fruit) is also orange (even more deeply & uniformly than a 🥭), & also carries with it an oblique reference to Manchuria & the Manchurian Candidate, which many consider Trump to be (I like to call him the "Siberian Candidate", but Manchurian works fine for me, too).
That's the problem I have with all of human history! Why anyone in their right mind would go to war (in droves!) and die for some rich Megalomaniac! What is the button for such control? He stated "I could shoot someone on Broadway and these people would still love me"! And it's true!
Apparently he would also imperil national security, too, & still his flock will defend him even though they would be in as great danger as the rest of us, whereas they wouldn't be if he openly shot someone.
White people went extinct in 1186 BC during the Trojan Wars. Half breed white people went extinct in 791 AD at the Battle of Uppsala Sound, when they returned from America to defend their home from the advance of Christianity. All you see is color.
two sentence summary: white people are, in general, so consumed with racism and xenophobic hatred that they vote for politicians whose policies harm THEM TOO because they don't want nonwhite people to get any benefits -- healthcare, housing, food assistance, etc. these white people see themselves as living sacrifices on the pyre of hatred.
No, this white supremacy attitude/belief is a product of European wealth/education success in the last several hundred years that prompted an outpouring of studies and “proofs” of actual physical racial superiority taught and promoted right up to today and bought into by a large portion of humanity.
Obviously... there aren't enough resources on the planet for everyone to do as they wish, which is why people don't understand government. Law gives resources to those people who the government feels will utilize the resources for advancements. Those decisions will disadvantage more than 50% of the population somehow. The divide will increase with every generation as the ruling parties can only see their point of view. When a majority of people are outpaced, social unrest. Then... war, death, extinction.
But doesn't that mean that xenophobes who are racists against white people funded the politician who would hurt them? How else could the politician rise to power? The problem is 100% everybody. Everything is occurring from all sides. People who are actually greedy racists point out the side they experienced, but do not offer the counter point which brought about the behavior engaged in. This in turn divides people into factions. Hence, the term 'divided we fall'. Democrats and Republicans are causing the fall of America. Greedy racist people. Neither is American.
As much as we would all like to toot our own horns, the Greeks were 40,000 years ahead of everyone. They would have won, or did win, in a free market society. The only way they could have been taken down was a racist movement against them. In turn, in a bid for survival, they would have become racist against that party. War. Death. Extinction.
If I may, I'd like to complicate the matter even further. The issue is more about sexism than race or class. But, there is no one left alive who can write the book.
I think it was written 21 years ago by historian Robert McElvaine - Eve's Seed - Biology, the Sexes, and the Course of Human History.
The book contains the same themes, but doesn't address the 'my mother wears army boots' motif. Men are responsible for evolving people from the jungle by applying subordination by force. Women are responsible for taming them to a civilized force. Men who do not follow their Mother (religion) are denied offspring. Men who leave their religion and join another family are joined by sentinels in Holy Matrimony. Sentinels are Valkyrie, in the Old World they would replace their husband's seed with the priest's seed... since he had already been trained. In the New World, it's her body-her choice. Men only exist where religion does not, otherwise they are trained circus animals. Men left Greece for Mesopotamia. Men left the Mediterranean for Mesoamerica. Women are right, men will evolve to become evil. They are blind to equality... women evolve the same way. The lack of intelligence in this country is astounding. E.L.E.
Money - speech. Like I said yesterday, this is such an extremely unpopular idea that even Republican lawyers, let alone MAGA/Tea Parties/Don't tread on me Confederate radicals, individually reject the notion that money should be considered to be speech,
Daniel, I hope their money is wasted too. I always wonder who is collecting all those millions. Maybe it is helping the economy of the states of the candidates they are dumping their millions into. Those folks who claim to be opposed to money being speech don't speak up very loudly do they. They don't call their rich friends out for making such huge donations or making all the dark money contributions. The Roberts Court knew what they were doing. They were piece by piece undermining our democracy, occasionally tossing a bone to the people to keep us off the scent: not ditching the whole ACA, equality of marriage, ending Title 42 (which they had to since it was a president who set it up in the first place). Citizens United was big, but so was destroying the Voting Rights Act, Roe v. Wade, New York's century-old gun laws, and coming soon, giving state legislatures the right to pick the president from their states despite what the voters want. Yep, we are in trouble unless we stop them!
Once upon a time, Montana state law provided that a "corporation may not make ... an expenditure in connection with a candidate or a political committee that supports or opposes a candidate or a political party." Mont. Code 13–35–227(1). The Montana Supreme Court rejected a claim that the statute violated the First Amendment. In American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, 567, U.S. 516 (2012), in a per curiam decision, the Court held that the findings in Citizens United also applies and that political speech is protected regardless of the source. The Court also held that all of the relevant arguments were addressed in the Citizens United decision and reversed the decision of the Supreme Court of Montana.
On one hand, they invoke states rights whenever it suits their agenda, on the other, they elevate money-speech to a higher priority.
Ruth Sheets ; Maybe the disenfranchised voters in said states will focus more on who is actually robbing them of their votes. It is hard to imagine people just passively allowing state legislatures to get away with taking their voices away.
I'm afraid that far too many who can vote actually pay attn to the issues... unless there is a stacey abrams & friends running around in the faces of constituents continually pointing out, explaining, enrolling, etc., people just do not know... they are too busy to pay attn and too focused on ways they might survive the ravages of inflation or the abortion situation (two examples of issues that really affect daily living or might otherwise go unnoticed..) Maybe (hopefully) I'm wrong and there ARE people "on the ground" doing this work where it's needed...
MM Harris ; If only they had this forum! I'm just recovering from Covid, so I 'get' that there are distractions in life. I really do believe that if people see the truth, they will make the best choices for themselves, and their communities. ; the Common Good. 'Everyone does better when everyone does better.'
And maybe the people in oppressed states will copy the voters in Kansas and get out and vote, too! Martha. you would have fun flying. Imagine being able to do that?! When I was very young, maybe 6 or so, I dreamed I was flying over my neighborhood in Holyoke and over Mount Tom to Easthampton, right over the house I live in now. I never saw that house until I was in my early 60's! Dreams are magic.
Flying dreams are not uncommon, I have read. In some cultures, the information received in dreams is taken as factual, and treated accordingly. However, "magic" implies outside of the bounds of physics, DNA, and other laws of nature. Turns out the more we learn the more elastic those boundaries are seen to be. See, for example, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's, while noting that this material won't change GOP behavior..
Most of the extremely wealthy people I know are introverts. People like Musk have an inability to socialize -- he blames it on Asperger's.
In the small town where I was raised, virtually all of the wealthiest "bluebloods" were Scotch Irish Protestants, mostly Presbyterians, who despised "new money" and were "thrifty" to a fault. One of my neighbors, once the richest private banker in the US, had a chauffeur and many staff, but wouldn't buy a new car, didn't tip, and during his lifetime, gave nothing to charity. He never socialized, but once in a while would eat lunch at a restricted men's club. He was nasty to bank staff. But on his death he left everything to charity, ala Andrew Carnegie.
None of the bluebloods had large weddings or funerals.
At school we were taught Protestant work ethic and Presbyterian modesty.
"asperger's" syndrome is a kind way to say "penishead". it's also incorrect and vicious to those people who actually DO have asperger's syndrome but who are NOT penisheads. musk is a flaming liar.
Got me thinking about the wealthier people I know. Most of them are gregarious, friendly, generous, participate as leaders in charities, funding the arts, etc. Of course, they're San Franciscans. That's probably the difference.
As my dad, a :"minority" student at Geneva College who represented "the other" used to say, we had more Presbyterians per square inch than anyplace else in the world. Think Puritans. At Geneva, no smoking, drinking, singing, dancing.
At one time, the suburbs of Pittsburgh were also the wealthiest communities in the world. We also had Disciples of Christ "old money."
My neighbors were related to the Phillips Petroleum family who sponsored several colleges , but also Mellons (Alcoa, Gulf Oil, etc) and many who had partnered early on with the Rockefellers or had been in steel, ceramics and natural resources.
This is the failure of our justice system to immediately take Trump into custody after the Capitol Insurrection which he clearly & openly planned, organized & incited. Many of us could see back then (& long before that) how dangerous & traitorous Trump was & still is. How is he still a free man? How are Bannon, Flynn, Stone & Giuliani still free? How are Hawley, Cruz, Graham, Ron Johnson, McCarthy, MTG, Gaetz, Jordan, Gosar, Boebert, Gohmert, Cawthorn, Briggs, Brooks, etc. still in Congress?
I specifically opened this link to speak to exactly what you just wrote. I have no doubt that this mafia family sold the materials, probably to the Saudis for the $2billion that jared got. i also wonder why the repugnants are against any good things that helps the common good. I never thought I'd live in a theocracy, ruled by a minority terrorist party.
Yes. yesterday & last night all the talking heads were asking, "What would he DO with that information??".... and my immediate reaction was he'd sell it.... He will do ANYTHING for $$$, whether desperate (his current state) or not. And I believe he also wouldn't think twice about selling it to the Chinese or putin & buddies. He has NO scruples whatsoever.
In light of A.G. Garland’s exemplary appearance Thursday afternoon, I am starting to believe that Republicans who have latched themselves to Trump will have so much to answer for in the coming weeks that no amount of money, likely, will save them. If I’m right, we’ll have a real shot, in 23, of resurrecting H.R.1 For the People, that aggressively tackles getting money out of politics. I should note this legislation passed in the House back in 2021. We just need to hold the House and pick up, I imagine, at least 4 seats in the Senate.
Before you vote me off the island for being a cockeyed optimist, please, again, heed the words of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who once wrote, “Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.” As I posted recently, I simply would add that only in retrospect is the true value of persistence in the face of difficulty revealed.
Yay! Barbara Joe! I needed to hear your words. I have a bit more hope for Garland acting since the FBI visit to Trump's compound. I think if we persist and don't get either complacent or start feeling nothing will get better, we can win those seats in November.
Trump will not object to opening the warrant.
Sounds to me like he's just trying to "get ahead" of the situation. I have no doubt he'd continue stonewalling if he thought he could get away with it. No 5th Amendment option available for this - that he's already claimed to his Tweety-tosser base that only criminals rely on.
He would indeed
Yet Trump could have opened it, and published it, any time he wanted.
Why would he do that? It seems the exact wrong thing to do, i.e., revealing precisely what he illegally removed from the White House. If the contents discuss things nuclear, he will look very bad.
So he could claim >exactly< what he's claiming now: that the corrupt FBI was planting evidence to bring him down. I'm surprised you'd wonder. His fundamental strategy has >always< been to controvert anything brought against him. That's an old union-busting strategy. "He said, She said" forever! Look no further than how the trolls we get here behave. Hell! Look at how the Republi-wankers behave. They don't bring proposals and they don't state platforms. They controvert the Democrats at every turn.
I thought I had an evil mind, but apparently not evil enough. His denial is going to appear, I would think, extremely weak, ridiculous even: The FBI would never risk their reputation doing something so sensational if it were illegal. They must have their ducks in a row. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain if this search were political; I don't think the FBI is political: Why would they be? Yes, Hoover was biased and had an agenda, but it was his agenda, not anyone else's.
Still naive (or is it stubborn), I think that Trump should have fought revealing the contents of the warrant; by doing so, he could say that the contents were harmless, and as president he has the power to declassify them on the spot, which he did before he left office.
Trolls? Here? Yeah, I've noticed only one, which allows me to stick around: I'm too old to quarrel.
Far-right Republicans, like Far-left Democrats are beyond the pale, unhelpful in virtually every way. Which is a warmup for stating that moderate Republicans, and I think many exist, e.g., George Conway, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Joe Scarborough, Steve Schmidt, even George Will, whom I personally despise, have wisely and bravely left the new Republican Party and rejected Trump and Trumpism. As have Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, whose views oppose mine, but they haven't gone insane. They are the last Republicans standing, and we shouldn't group them in with Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise et al.
And thanks for responding. I enjoy the human contact, even if online.
My pleasure, my friend. Your contributions are >always< worth paying attention to.
MSNBC was quite gleeful last night about the WaPo story that the search was related to nuclear secrets. POTUS cannot declassify such documents.
One big test is Cheney's Tuesday primary. Will WY voters believe the WaPo nuclear story? Can Daddy Dick help convince them that Liz was/is right to purge the QOP of TheRump? Would DespicableMe DeSantis help lead the cheerleaders for purging TheRump from the QOP?
He’ll find some way to spin it. Mark my words.
Consider them marked. (How can anyone spin stealing nuclear secrets?)
Jewish space lasers, Democratic pedophiles, Putin is a hero, etc. It doesn’t have to make sense but people will believe it anyway.
Garland put the former guy in a box in an efficient, chess-like move, gave him what could be called a Hobson's choice. If tfg doesn't go along with releasing the warrant and inventory, he has no defense for the lack of transparency and clearly appears to be uncooperative and hiding something (which most readers here know he's been doing forever; witness his taking the Fifth 440+ times in a civil suit earlier this week) -- he can't point to DoJ as the bad guys since DoJ gave him the chance to object to the release. If he does go along with the release, he obviously risks being exposed and then having to explain away how all those super-secret documents just happened to end up in his safe and what he intended to do with them (or, perish the thought, may already have done with them).
His only play, really, is to try to retake a little bit of the high ground, swampy though it may be, and bluff and BS his way through the s - - - storm that will surely follow the release. He'll have to continue ignoring the fact that he could've released the warrant, etc., all along and try to appear ever so magnanimous and gracious (I know, oxymorons when juxtaposed with the character of the man), and hope that the propaganda machine plus an extra-heavy-duty dose of bluster and inflammatory lies can throw enough feathers in the fan to obscure what the documents say and mean.
I'd speculate that he'll go along with the DoJ filing, then declare it to be fake, a counterfeit, a pile of lies from the Deep State, etc., but will not release his own copy of the documents, which would of course exactly match DoJ's. (Or maybe he'll come up with his own counterfeit, though his whole operation has historically been notably bumbling and ham-fistedly incompetent.) That's a very weak position indeed, but having rejected the concept of empirical reality, the Kool-Aid people won't notice or care, instead seizing on the inflammatory lies and carrying on in their present manner (or, very possibly, worse, with more actual violence).
He would do that for two reasons: 1) he - or no likely his advisers- know that when serving a subpoena a copy is required to be left at the premises searched along with a receipt for items removed. 2) it was his fans chanting to release the subpoena and the receipt. How would it look to them if he
Fair point from a different perspective. Always worth considering.
Not a good look, but to easily allow its contents to become known sounds worse: nuclear secrets? Man, that's double evil.
He'd just claim the evil FBI planted it, and the Tweety-tossers would eat it up - then fly their blue lives matter flags! The good news is that he's a bit committed to that strategy, which weakens his position. The AG could've possibly announced all that pre-emptively and include that "ol' Tweety will predictably claim we planted any evidence of wrong-doing we find."
Because he knows he can LIE about everything and so far get away with it. How do we sleep knowing this creep is getting everything he needs : attention!!!! There is nothing Trump and his mafia won’t do. Why oh why are we accepting such disgraceful, blatant and mental derangement from this crook.? What do we tell our children? What do we tell ourselves? Are we so bored with ourselves that we consider this behavior to be interesting? This is not fun. This is wearing our selves out. Is it worth it?
And yes, we can celebrate that Garland is acting like a grown up , morally motivated leader.
And me as well, thanks Barbara Jo. You cannot tell me that he wasn't watching via CCTV, 45 has his entire club on cameras.
Go, Roe, go.
it is essential to codify roe
Thanks DZK, once again, for providing a helpful link that both reinforces and broadens the conversation.
Thanks Barbara.
Thank you for your words. Optimism is hope and it is much needed in our country and around the world.
Gerald, I appreciate your reply. Nonetheless, I must note, my comment notwithstanding, that, in my view, hope has nothing to do with optimism. In truth, I am not optimistic about America, nor about the plight of the human species overall. There simply is not enough evidence to infer things are going to get better. Still, even as I call optimism into question, I persist, as I hope we all do, because we believe our cause is right and just and moral.
As Americans we always FIGHT for TRUTH, JUSTICE, and a more perfect union. Trump's ACTIONS have betrayed America and as I write this I would not at all be surprised if he has sold nuclear information to Russia and any other country who would gladly pay for it. Trump is a despicable human being proven by his ACTIONS time and time again. He is another reason that OUR Constitution MUST be modified to put more QUALIFICATIONS and REVEAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION for people running for office. The corporate media in this country has also BETRAYED the people as they did NOT expose Trump properly for what he is. FAUX "news" (and all other media outlets) should be held ACCOUNTABLE for SPREADING LIES WITH IMPUNITY. The FCC has LOST ITS WAY as, I believe, FAUX is registered as "Entertainment" though people believe them to be an actual NEWS source. This MUST be corrected, and these media giants FINED and worse for these lying tactics such as telling people NOT to protect themselves with vaccinations and masks while they themselves are doing just that! How pathological is that? ACCOUINTABILITY for wrongdoing MUST come back to OUR democracy.
Jim, Thank you for your thoughtful and comprehensive explanation justifying the urgency to combat the existential threats to our democracy.
Absolutely. Millions of Republicans joined with Democrats in 2020 to dump trump.Sadly, they voted down ticket for obstructionist Republicans. I'm hoping that they will be smart enough to recognize in November that the Pro-Fascists have taken over the entire Republican party, and will reject them.
Linda, I imagine the far right MAGA voters who vote in the Primaries are not the same voters who rejected Trump in 2020. I expect these MAGA primary voters comprise about 35% of the country.
Linda, I write back because I realize I had misread your comment. I agree this November we need to be concerned about voters in 2020 who rejected Trump, but voted a straight Republican ticket down ballot. In my view, aside from running on their accomplishments this fall, Democrats, up and down the ballot, need to amplify the opposing Party’s lack of regard for the rule of law, for the balance of powers, and, last but not least, for truth itself.
If we're going to be optimists: Perhaps if the jack arses hold the House and pick up just 2 Senate seats, (1) to displace Manchin & Sinema from thwarting everything, and (2) to end Sinema's endless lobbyist largesse, Sinema will (1) realize Gallego will immediately announce his candidacy for her seat in 2024, and, to counter, (2) she'll immediately transform by seeking an end to the filibuster during the lame duck session, plus DC statehood and an expanded SCOTUS
Mitch, As a subscriber once wrote me, “From your keyboard to God’s eyes.”
I’m with you!
the past 24 hours have been, literally, the stuff of nightmares for me. i am beyond words when i think about DJT and his theft of nuclear secrets when he vacated the white house. i am beyond words when i think about what he planned to do with these nuclear secrets. but in the light of these revelations, so much makes sense now, including that mysterious payment of $2billion to jared & ivanka by MBS, and who knows how many billions more to kushner and mnuchin. the saudis aren't running a charity for elite spoilt white brats, which raises the question: why? were these nuclear documents meant to be transferred to the saudis? the early evidence certainly points in that direction ( ) especially knowing that DJT tried to sell nuclear secrets to the Saudis once already.
i cannot fathom the intense hatred that the wealthy elites have for anything and everything that they cannot break down into small pieces and sell to the highest bidder, whether it is companies or entire nations. there is just no other way to think about this: the rich are the enemy of the people and the GQP are their closest and most devoted acolytes, their jostling mob of joseph goebbels.
Science Girl, I, too am extremely concerned about Trump and Kump. He and his whole immediate family that hang out at his Florida compound are evil and proud of it. They are daring us to do anything about it. I sure am hoping that AG Garland really is doing a deep investigation as he says he is because if not, we are really in trouble. Baby Donnie keeps throwing his little tantrums every time he gets caught and everyone backs off. He whines that he didn't know the FBI was coming to get documents he stole from the White House when he clearly did. The man lies so often he can't say when he is telling the truth. That's why he pled the 5th for more than 400 questions the other day. He can't answer under oath. The first answer except for his name would be a lie. How do we the people deal with this? I know activism is critical, but Baby Donnie has people who will die for him. How is that possible that a child-man with no positive social traits can have that kind of hold on people. Are white people so scared of everyone who is not white that they will let a total jerk send them to death? I sure hope not many.
El Pendejo alleging the Federal Bureau of Investigation “planted evidence” is, essentially, a confession to a crime.
El Pendejo = the asshole, to those who wish to know
It literally means pubic hair.
El pendejo! Love the new name. As a former criminal defense attorney I recognize the claim. Only one in all those years did my investigation of the “planted evidence “ charge pan out
I'm surprised he hasn't tried to lay it off on one of his lackeys willing to take the fall.
Daniel, the curtain hasn’t dropped yet on this chapter. That is still a possibility. Remember, someone inside alerted the DOJ.
Someone inside was threatened with criminal charges unless they cooperated. Same as building mistrust, to create paranoia.
I’m not following your logic. Maybe I’m just stupid today.
1 rule that seems pretty hard & fast is that accusations by Republicans are projections of what they have done, are doing or are thinking of doing.
2nd Republican rule is to accuse investigators of planting the evidence that they've found against you. When the guilty make that allegation before the investigators reveal what they've found, it means there is incriminating evidence that they're afraid the investigators have found or will find. Every accusation is a confession.
@RS: You and everyone else may enjoy this comment from a bona-fide former member of ol' Tweety's inner circle, that concludes what you assert here:
Hope! Light at the end of the shit hole!
Cohen is a lawyer & he knows what he's talking about.
"Mandarin Mussolini" is the perfect name for him. One of the favorite nicknames applied to Trump is "Mango Mussolini" because of his fascist authoritarian ways & his orange color (like a mango). But a mandarin (fruit) is also orange (even more deeply & uniformly than a 🥭), & also carries with it an oblique reference to Manchuria & the Manchurian Candidate, which many consider Trump to be (I like to call him the "Siberian Candidate", but Manchurian works fine for me, too).
I liked that too! LOL!
me too!!!!!
That's the problem I have with all of human history! Why anyone in their right mind would go to war (in droves!) and die for some rich Megalomaniac! What is the button for such control? He stated "I could shoot someone on Broadway and these people would still love me"! And it's true!
By the way I am white, male and a Veteran and I absolutely detest this person (if he qualifies as such)!
As well you should.
I'm just saying not all white people are clueless some of us occasionally pull our heads out for a look around! Not defending anyone.
Apparently he would also imperil national security, too, & still his flock will defend him even though they would be in as great danger as the rest of us, whereas they wouldn't be if he openly shot someone.
White people went extinct in 1186 BC during the Trojan Wars. Half breed white people went extinct in 791 AD at the Battle of Uppsala Sound, when they returned from America to defend their home from the advance of Christianity. All you see is color.
read the book, dying of whiteness by jonathan metzl, then let's chat about this question that you posed here.
Can you give us the bottom line please?
two sentence summary: white people are, in general, so consumed with racism and xenophobic hatred that they vote for politicians whose policies harm THEM TOO because they don't want nonwhite people to get any benefits -- healthcare, housing, food assistance, etc. these white people see themselves as living sacrifices on the pyre of hatred.
No, this white supremacy attitude/belief is a product of European wealth/education success in the last several hundred years that prompted an outpouring of studies and “proofs” of actual physical racial superiority taught and promoted right up to today and bought into by a large portion of humanity.
Obviously... there aren't enough resources on the planet for everyone to do as they wish, which is why people don't understand government. Law gives resources to those people who the government feels will utilize the resources for advancements. Those decisions will disadvantage more than 50% of the population somehow. The divide will increase with every generation as the ruling parties can only see their point of view. When a majority of people are outpaced, social unrest. Then... war, death, extinction.
But doesn't that mean that xenophobes who are racists against white people funded the politician who would hurt them? How else could the politician rise to power? The problem is 100% everybody. Everything is occurring from all sides. People who are actually greedy racists point out the side they experienced, but do not offer the counter point which brought about the behavior engaged in. This in turn divides people into factions. Hence, the term 'divided we fall'. Democrats and Republicans are causing the fall of America. Greedy racist people. Neither is American.
As much as we would all like to toot our own horns, the Greeks were 40,000 years ahead of everyone. They would have won, or did win, in a free market society. The only way they could have been taken down was a racist movement against them. In turn, in a bid for survival, they would have become racist against that party. War. Death. Extinction.
If I may, I'd like to complicate the matter even further. The issue is more about sexism than race or class. But, there is no one left alive who can write the book.
It's all of those.
I think it was written 21 years ago by historian Robert McElvaine - Eve's Seed - Biology, the Sexes, and the Course of Human History.
The book contains the same themes, but doesn't address the 'my mother wears army boots' motif. Men are responsible for evolving people from the jungle by applying subordination by force. Women are responsible for taming them to a civilized force. Men who do not follow their Mother (religion) are denied offspring. Men who leave their religion and join another family are joined by sentinels in Holy Matrimony. Sentinels are Valkyrie, in the Old World they would replace their husband's seed with the priest's seed... since he had already been trained. In the New World, it's her body-her choice. Men only exist where religion does not, otherwise they are trained circus animals. Men left Greece for Mesopotamia. Men left the Mediterranean for Mesoamerica. Women are right, men will evolve to become evil. They are blind to equality... women evolve the same way. The lack of intelligence in this country is astounding. E.L.E.
Hope their money is wasted.
Money - speech. Like I said yesterday, this is such an extremely unpopular idea that even Republican lawyers, let alone MAGA/Tea Parties/Don't tread on me Confederate radicals, individually reject the notion that money should be considered to be speech,
Daniel, I hope their money is wasted too. I always wonder who is collecting all those millions. Maybe it is helping the economy of the states of the candidates they are dumping their millions into. Those folks who claim to be opposed to money being speech don't speak up very loudly do they. They don't call their rich friends out for making such huge donations or making all the dark money contributions. The Roberts Court knew what they were doing. They were piece by piece undermining our democracy, occasionally tossing a bone to the people to keep us off the scent: not ditching the whole ACA, equality of marriage, ending Title 42 (which they had to since it was a president who set it up in the first place). Citizens United was big, but so was destroying the Voting Rights Act, Roe v. Wade, New York's century-old gun laws, and coming soon, giving state legislatures the right to pick the president from their states despite what the voters want. Yep, we are in trouble unless we stop them!
This started with Buckley v Valeo, 1974.
Once upon a time, Montana state law provided that a "corporation may not make ... an expenditure in connection with a candidate or a political committee that supports or opposes a candidate or a political party." Mont. Code 13–35–227(1). The Montana Supreme Court rejected a claim that the statute violated the First Amendment. In American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, 567, U.S. 516 (2012), in a per curiam decision, the Court held that the findings in Citizens United also applies and that political speech is protected regardless of the source. The Court also held that all of the relevant arguments were addressed in the Citizens United decision and reversed the decision of the Supreme Court of Montana.
On one hand, they invoke states rights whenever it suits their agenda, on the other, they elevate money-speech to a higher priority.
Yup. And the cure?
Get rid of the Supreme Court! They are a Corporate System not "For The People By The People"!
Uh-huh. In the meanwhile, serious suggestions are in order.
Citizens United was a 5-4 decision. Sweep the midterms. Redefine "speech" legislatively.
See my lengthy analysis, just posted.
Ruth Sheets ; Maybe the disenfranchised voters in said states will focus more on who is actually robbing them of their votes. It is hard to imagine people just passively allowing state legislatures to get away with taking their voices away.
I'm afraid that far too many who can vote actually pay attn to the issues... unless there is a stacey abrams & friends running around in the faces of constituents continually pointing out, explaining, enrolling, etc., people just do not know... they are too busy to pay attn and too focused on ways they might survive the ravages of inflation or the abortion situation (two examples of issues that really affect daily living or might otherwise go unnoticed..) Maybe (hopefully) I'm wrong and there ARE people "on the ground" doing this work where it's needed...
MM Harris ; If only they had this forum! I'm just recovering from Covid, so I 'get' that there are distractions in life. I really do believe that if people see the truth, they will make the best choices for themselves, and their communities. ; the Common Good. 'Everyone does better when everyone does better.'
You did? No wonder! I noticed you were absent from these conversations for several days in a row around a week ago. Yes, I missed you.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you're feeling much better.
Give the 3 things to control a mob and they will cut their own arms off and beat themselves with it! Fear, an Enemy and a Lie.
Maybe I'll sprout winds and fly.
And maybe the people in oppressed states will copy the voters in Kansas and get out and vote, too! Martha. you would have fun flying. Imagine being able to do that?! When I was very young, maybe 6 or so, I dreamed I was flying over my neighborhood in Holyoke and over Mount Tom to Easthampton, right over the house I live in now. I never saw that house until I was in my early 60's! Dreams are magic.
Flying dreams are not uncommon, I have read. In some cultures, the information received in dreams is taken as factual, and treated accordingly. However, "magic" implies outside of the bounds of physics, DNA, and other laws of nature. Turns out the more we learn the more elastic those boundaries are seen to be. See, for example, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's, while noting that this material won't change GOP behavior..
Daniel Solomon ; Could it actually become uncool to be rich?
Most of the extremely wealthy people I know are introverts. People like Musk have an inability to socialize -- he blames it on Asperger's.
In the small town where I was raised, virtually all of the wealthiest "bluebloods" were Scotch Irish Protestants, mostly Presbyterians, who despised "new money" and were "thrifty" to a fault. One of my neighbors, once the richest private banker in the US, had a chauffeur and many staff, but wouldn't buy a new car, didn't tip, and during his lifetime, gave nothing to charity. He never socialized, but once in a while would eat lunch at a restricted men's club. He was nasty to bank staff. But on his death he left everything to charity, ala Andrew Carnegie.
None of the bluebloods had large weddings or funerals.
At school we were taught Protestant work ethic and Presbyterian modesty.
"asperger's" syndrome is a kind way to say "penishead". it's also incorrect and vicious to those people who actually DO have asperger's syndrome but who are NOT penisheads. musk is a flaming liar.
Agree. I know people with Asperger’s and they don’t seek the limelight.
Got me thinking about the wealthier people I know. Most of them are gregarious, friendly, generous, participate as leaders in charities, funding the arts, etc. Of course, they're San Franciscans. That's probably the difference.
Martha Ture ; Do any poor people actually live in San Francisco?
Bunches of them.
As my dad, a :"minority" student at Geneva College who represented "the other" used to say, we had more Presbyterians per square inch than anyplace else in the world. Think Puritans. At Geneva, no smoking, drinking, singing, dancing.
At one time, the suburbs of Pittsburgh were also the wealthiest communities in the world. We also had Disciples of Christ "old money."
My neighbors were related to the Phillips Petroleum family who sponsored several colleges , but also Mellons (Alcoa, Gulf Oil, etc) and many who had partnered early on with the Rockefellers or had been in steel, ceramics and natural resources.
It certainly seemed that way in the sixties. The pendulum swings …
Citizens United, Daniel.
This is the failure of our justice system to immediately take Trump into custody after the Capitol Insurrection which he clearly & openly planned, organized & incited. Many of us could see back then (& long before that) how dangerous & traitorous Trump was & still is. How is he still a free man? How are Bannon, Flynn, Stone & Giuliani still free? How are Hawley, Cruz, Graham, Ron Johnson, McCarthy, MTG, Gaetz, Jordan, Gosar, Boebert, Gohmert, Cawthorn, Briggs, Brooks, etc. still in Congress?
Mine is Mike Garcia. Ditto.
I hope you can get rid of her this November.
I specifically opened this link to speak to exactly what you just wrote. I have no doubt that this mafia family sold the materials, probably to the Saudis for the $2billion that jared got. i also wonder why the repugnants are against any good things that helps the common good. I never thought I'd live in a theocracy, ruled by a minority terrorist party.
Yes. yesterday & last night all the talking heads were asking, "What would he DO with that information??".... and my immediate reaction was he'd sell it.... He will do ANYTHING for $$$, whether desperate (his current state) or not. And I believe he also wouldn't think twice about selling it to the Chinese or putin & buddies. He has NO scruples whatsoever.
Exactly my assessment.