Yesterday I met some Scots who said they couldn’t imagine why anyone supported Trump. They said with one look at him you could see his character - and then when he opened his mouth, it confirmed their direst suspicions. How can so many Americans be so blind?
THAT is how I have always felt - since around 1979 first noticing him & his antics I've had the deepest loathing of him - nobody else comes close in generating so much disgust in me ! I'm a Brit & he is what when I was young in London were called 'wide boys' - that is guys who would sweet talk their way into your life & then walk off with your assets while smiling as they went ! IOW "Danger - do not trust !" - why so many did not recognize him for what he was amazed me !
Vcragain- See my comment to Judy above. The majority of people voted against the lunatic. It is our bizarre electoral college and good old fashioned cheating/corruption that got him in. The problem also lies in the republican corruption of police forces & military…by another name it is called fascism.
The electoral college is a vestige of the slave vs non-slave states, giving "equal" representation to slave states which had far lower population of voting men (white men, no women yet). It was part of the "original sin" of our mostly perfect Constitution.
So true. Definitely one of the reasons the Constitution is not perfect. And so many say not a democracy, a republic, because the Constitution doesn't specifically say democracy. Of course as a matter of practicality we can't be 100% democratic. But as for choosing the leader of our country there's no reason not to be a true democracy.
I have vacillated on the electoral college but have come to realize that while we are Americans we largely define ourselves from the State we reside to one another. Then I recall the name of this country: United STATES of America. Each stripe on our flag commemorates the original 13 while the stars commemorate the current number of states. Unless the political climate is such that the smaller populated states are hardly relevant, it is highly unlikely an amendment to delete the Electoral College will prevail.
Me too. And I felt like all the voters not in the few states whose votes put him over the line were simply discarded like yesterday's garbage. I was outraged!
It’s also the fault of the Democratic Party. By nominating Hillary Clinton at a time in history when all indications were Americans were wanting to vote for someone who was an outsider with fresh ideas, someone like, oh, I don’t know, maybe SANDERS, Democrats did themselves no favors. Worse, due to literally decades of anti-Hillary nonsense from the Republican Party, the Democrats nominated the one unique person Republicans who literally loathed Trump couldn’t bring themselves to vote for as the alternative.
I probably shouldn't be, but I'm kind of surprised that people haven't been paying attention to all that happened right after the 2016 "election and are still making statements like the one above.
There is no ONE REASON why Clinton lost.
1) Electoral College
Yes, Clinton won the popular vote by a landslide. However, even if Sanders HAD won the popular vote, the college would have had a similar outcome, with "socialism" being their bs excuse.
This is all we need to know why the college has become an outdated major liability. The college no longer applies to today's America and hasn't for decades.
You stated that people voted for trump because they just couldn't accept the alternative. That is almost SOLELY because America still isn't intelligent or mature enough to believe a woman can lead the nation, even though Clinton was the most qualified candidate, male or female to ever run for president. Senator Warren's terrible results in 2020, even in her home state, despite her fierce intelligence and election platform, slammed this home and put this country's misogyny and socialistphobia in stark relief.
3)Putin and election tampering
Clinton learned a great deal about Putin during her tenure as Secretary of State and had no qualms about calling out his corruptive influence on many worldwide events. She brought this up during one of her debates with trump, correctly labeling him Putin's puppet.
Putin couldn't stand Clinton and with likely help of several GOP legislators and definite help of trump cronies, was behind the foreign interference in the 2016 election. Some time later, FBI and CIA investigations confirmed Russian election interference.
I disagree for the simple reason that Sanders was a candidate Republicans looking for an alternative to Trump would’ve considered a viable alternative. Clinton was poison to them.
And the reasons why she was poison were multi-faceted, yes, with misogyny being one of the facets.
I firmly believe Sanders would’ve received enough votes to overcome the inherent electoral college bias, and just imagine where we’d be today had that happened eh?
Agreed, Philip. Bernie burns TFG walking away if he was nominated instead. Nothing against HRC's credentials but DNC had to take the temperature of the audience before choosing what to offer. They still do a poor job of reading the electorate.
I hope that the Democratic party learned a LOT from 2016 and the trump years. I think they have and we owe a lot of it to The Lincoln Project! Thank God for them to have “woke” the Dems up to what was really going on in plain site.
Please don’t forget ,the orange tinted one got more votes when he ran the second time. Try to figure that one out.As Carlin would say , there’s a lot of dumb m-----er’s in this country.
And we need to repeat that with even more votes in 2024 to rid this country of vile fascists and pave the way for more progressive candidates. We cannot split the vote.
I was only dimly aware of Donald Trump but considered him something of a self-promoting windbag. When I first heard he was running for president, I said, "Who would listen to anything that old blowhard would have to say?" All these years later, now realizing the destructiveness and the danger the man poses, I have to ask, "Who would listen to anything that old cult leader has to say?"
Read ON TYRANNY by Timothy Snyder. It explains how authoritarians get their "authority". As with any barker at the circus knows, you tell the people what they want to hear and they follow each other into the freak show.
"Freak show" is the correct term! By the way, I didn't go in and still won't. MAGA people are like a coven of rattle snakes - play with them and they bite you.
Once again you folks are stealing my man’s thunder. George Carlin always said” when you’re born in this world you get a ticket to the Freak show, but if you are born in America, you get a front row seat“.
It is a worthwhile (and short, for those who choose a book for their book report based on the number of pages!!) read. Madeleine Albright's book, Fascism: A Warning is another very worthwhile read on the subject.
Here in Arkansas so many STILL think he's the second coming of Christ. It is nauseating and I hope to leave this part of the country ASAP. It is disgusting how many fools around here are deluded by this man's fascist diatribe. I have read many articles saying he taps into America's racism, misogyny and homophobia, therefore they will accept ANY of his policies because HE HATES LIKE THEY DO.
Despite all the wars this nation has fought, how many civil rights leaders (and gay rights leader)have been assassinated, feminist leaders maligned, this country STILL hasn't learned from its terrible past. It is appalling.
It isn't just Arkansas. I'm sure you've read articles about the faction of his cult who actually DO believe he is "the" (or some kind of) messiah! Maybe this is related to their beliefs about "end of days" and all of that, but the ideation among his followers ranges from crass, craven con-artistry in the "say anything to get the money" genre to those who have some kind of religious or mystical beliefs to the outright psychotic. Was it serious or circus performance when his followers camped out in Dallas, TX expecting JFK, or JFK, Jr., to return and become tRump's VP.
I mean, what can you say......
The reign of tRump has revealed endless flaws in democracy and in our particular form of democracy.
Had forgotten about the Dallas fiasco. There are so many of these wackadoo trump incidents I've lost track. I recall a bunch of his fanatics gathering in Tulsa, UNMASKED, of course, followed by a major COVID spike in that area.🙄
Even more horrific than tRump being elected was the fact that there were so many who eagerly voted for him, and there still are, still so many sending him money - even now. He will eventually go away, one way or another (I hope in leg irons and shackles!!) but those who chose him will still be around (that is, if any of us still are). I'm not aware of any really good scholarly work dealing with WHY that is so. We hear various theories - the hate-filled biases and bigotry of many, the grievances supposedly felt by many..... but I don' t think we really KNOW why. It is just unconscionable to realize that so many whose, say, fathers or grandfathers fought AGAINST fascism, maybe died or were wounded in WWII fighting fascism are now, to one degree or another, embracing it here.
It is hard to see how we turn this ship around. History usually shows us that some catastrophe - usually war - causes a change in some national direction. War today could mean annihilation. How do we reverse course without that kind of catastrophe? Climate change might be the "new" catastrophe, but again, what will survival look like?
Do abused individuals understand their abusers? Mostly not; but fear, loathing and the depraved need to be 'right' keeps these poor souls chained to them nevertheless. The same applies to a terrifying number of Americans who wallow in their own twisted version of 'patriotism'.
Yes, he does and he chooses depraved henchmen of his own ilk who know and use the same tricks. This man and his fellow strongmen around the world are a plague unto themselves that no mask can protect us from. May he, they and we live long enough to witness their just undoing.
It is a well-written blog on why the British don't like Trump. He didn't mention something obvious to British people and Trump's supporters: Trump is not a gentleman.
I read this when it was first posted quite some time ago. It was a work of art then and even more poignant now. IDK why people didn't dump him the minute they heard his "grab 'em by the p---y" comment.
The "killing someone on 5th Ave." was to me the most shocking of all. Not just because Trump dared to speak about killing a person, but even more because of his arrogant confidence that he had his supporters programmed to endorse a murderer.
His traipsing around in front of the Queen in her own country should tell anyone all they need to know. After the class, charm and polite demeanor of the Obamas, she had to have found this appalling. Her children despised him.
I hope Charles hated him. Charles is a pretty decent environmentalist. tRump is the opposite, both in the "decent" category and in the "environmentalist" category.
Best video I ever saw from UK was the statement by the senator in Ireland when trump was "elected."
"America has just elected a fascist.'
I remember reading alarmed posts from around the world, wondering what the hell we were thinking. It was humiliating, in my opinion.
I had former co-worker tell me when she returned from student exchange in Sweden that people came up to her, genuinely alarmed at what had happened. They couldn't believe we had made such an awful decision.
I'm glad you liked it. If you're not completely fed up with hearing about Trump, you want to read the three books David Cay Johnston wrote about him: "The Making of Donald Trump", "It's Even Worse Than You Think", and "The Big Cheat". I've read them all; he's a great writer. If you had to pick just one, I think the last title would be a fine choice.
Thank you for posting the link to this very satisfying piece of writing, a most apt critique of the shame of America. It brings back to mind, along with a return of the cringing and nausea, the times when he was in England and Europe: he kept Queen Elizabeth waiting and waiting and waiting. She was standing there in her little pumps, purse in hand, hat on head, in the sun, waiting for that vulgar oaf. She was going to take him on that tour of the guards that seems to be something always done when American leaders meet with British monarchs. When he did finally arrive, late, he put his big oafish buffoon body in front of her and walked ahead of her, hurrying on ahead of her, as if HE were in charge, as if it were HIS place. (Feeling sick again....)
The other time was early on after the election when he went to Europe for a meeting of the heads of state (don't remember the meeting, just the shame and horror). The "heads" were standing together when all of a sudden here comes that gross bull in a china shop pushing his way through the center and literally pushing the man at the front out of his way, elbowing him as he forced himself in front of the group.
He has shamed America from the beginning, but America also shames itself. America handed him the keys. He has brought shame, disgust and danger, but he has also revealed this country's very worst features and we cannot ignore them.
The wealthy entitlement of the Rupert Murdoch/Charles Koch/John Birch Society propaganda arm of American Conservatism is the reason why so many have fallen for the Trump/GOP fraud. Trump wears his megalomania & arrogance like a suit of honor, much to the nation's great shame.
My first intro to Trump was in England, watching the movie You've Been Trumped, which he tried (succeeded?) in getting USA banned. How despicably he treated Scots to build his golf course! I slumped in my seat, absolutely ashamed at being American.
Back in Trump's very early beginning, when his essence still had a tail, his mistake was entering a cell wall that began a series of catrostrapic events all associated with his birth. An event that turned out to be a crying shame.
why didn’t all the news outlets repeated report on this and his other outrageous and illegal actions instead of reporting n every tweet and false claim the man made? I continue to feel very let down by owners of news who went for sensationalism and likes instead of vetting the candidate and giving us needed information.
The media made catastrophic errors giving this idiot airtime because people found him "entertaining.". It was horrifying. CNN didn't learn their lesson and gave this lunatic airtime during appalling town hall. CNN fired CEO shortly thereafter. Well, DUH!
I saw that movie when it originally came out (2011?). Talk about massive self-important arrogance that goes beyond the pale. It's never been banned in the US but I believe he tried to get it banned in the UK, for obvious reasons. Not sure if he succeeded. There's also a "You've Been Trumped Too" sequel which focuses on the major disruption thrust on the neighbors whose property trump wanted in order to put his golf course wherever the f he wanted, no matter who got screwed. Released in key election year 2016, it's never been banned in the US either. Even though MANY of the con man's devout followers should relate to the residents who were treated so horribly, they were/are so blinded by "celebrity" and "wealth" that they probably excuse deplorable behavior by him as something a "millionaire/billionaire's gotta do".... or has "earned the right to do???" .. IDK. SO hard to explain the adoration.
Americans have been so manipulated and played by the "Marketing" geniuses of Madison Avenue, that we have become slaves to the mentality that unfettered and deregulated capitalism is SYNONYMOUS with democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"We need small government", ie we need lower taxes for corporations and rich people and cart blanche to do whatever despicable or world destroying things they want. It has to be repeated over and a smoke screen otherwise those politicians would be voted out. Like Krysren Sinema soon will be.
I was in Scotland Last year (my Grandparents immigrated from Scotland) and I didn't meet anyone (even those distantly related) who thought he was a qualified President. How COULD people be so blind? Last count it was 70 Million that voted for him, WTAH?
It’s an indictment of our largely failed educational system and the massive amounts of money behind certain media outlets steering the propaganda to the easily hoodwinked masses…
Judy, I would say to the Scots, we didn’t support or elect him. That was done with shear corruption. For the past 30+ years the popular vote losing Republican has taken the presidency over the popular vote winner….The votes of THE PEOPLE.
Don’t let anyone get away with thinking he has EVER had the support of the citizens of the US.
True! He didn't have the support of the majority of voters. But still - 70MM people supported him, either out of ignorance or greed, or a combo of both. It's still unfathomable to me.
The "Elvis" frenzy and the evangelical cult make for a lethal mix. It's my take on the YouGov poll this week that the 18-29 age group is especially susceptible to culting. We were hoping the Boomers would have an end point, but political devilry and Fox seem to be major influencers. Hope I'm wrong.
Don't overlook the Clown Car aspect of his antics. He tried to "hide" piles and piles of "his boxes", not only from FBI, but even from his own lawyers. Then he asked one of his lawyers, Corcoran, to take some of the "bad ones" with him to his hotel. He thought that's what lawyers are for -- co-conspiracy.
Yup. The Boomer effect. I'm referring to the crowd that loves Vegas, Branson, and all the vulgarity that goes along w/ them. I was born in Year # 1 of the Boomers, and despite the critical quality of his music, many of us couldn't relate to the Elvis experience, but he's alive and well in the Heartland. More than the physical Elvis, I'm talking about what seems to be the first time that the "groupie" phenomenon seemed to emerge in pop entertainment. It's an emotional seduction not unlike the Trump Cult. The two make for a powerful mix that appeals to various age groups.
You combine that w/ the emotional draw of many evangelicals, it's a poisonous mix for politics.
Some say the reality show The Apprentice set Trump up to run for president. The carefully edited episodes (falsely) portrayed him as a very successful businessman and leader, able to make wise decisions, and totally in control.
Carolyn, I had heard that it took more than 200 hours of videotaping to get 42 minutes of each "Apprentice" episode. Of course the contents were manipulated to make Trump look like something he is not, a competent forceful leader. Reality TV has done a lot of damage to our culture because people who don't take time to actually think about it, believe there are no scripts or set-ups for situations and retakes. I guess we the people can be made to believe anything if we don't stay at least mostly on guard against the implicit lying and the manipulation on behalf of corporate actors/big money.
Knowing what we do now of the con man's "style" it's not hard to imagine what being on that set must have been like; it's surprising it didn't take even more.!!
MM, I have heard young women claim that they were just so grateful for the opportunity to be on "The Apprentice." They only publicized the ones who said how gracious Trump was. I can't imagine Trump being gracious to anyone he couldn't get something from. Makes you wonder what he got.
It was the only enterprise that was actually a financial success. And the only time he was a star in anything but the National Enquire. Can't wait to see what top secret document he sold to them.
That show literally brought him into people’s living rooms - some people are so addicted to screen reality, they probably had the feeling they knew him personally.
Reading through the replies, I was surprised to find that nobody mentioned Trump's most loyal and active supporters: white Christian evangelicals. The church leaders were able to convince their flocks that Trump -- as flawed as he appeared (and truly is) -- was "anointed" to the Almighty's purposes, and that a vote for Hillary was a certain ticket to Hell.
McConnell's holding out approving Obama's choice of a justice to replace Scalia was another master stroke.
I asked my E-Free (evangelical nutter) brother how he could possibly vote for t-rump. His response - "any means to an end", i.e. bringing about a ban on abortion. They're willing to bring down the country over one issue.
Yesterday I met some Scots who said they couldn’t imagine why anyone supported Trump. They said with one look at him you could see his character - and then when he opened his mouth, it confirmed their direst suspicions. How can so many Americans be so blind?
THAT is how I have always felt - since around 1979 first noticing him & his antics I've had the deepest loathing of him - nobody else comes close in generating so much disgust in me ! I'm a Brit & he is what when I was young in London were called 'wide boys' - that is guys who would sweet talk their way into your life & then walk off with your assets while smiling as they went ! IOW "Danger - do not trust !" - why so many did not recognize him for what he was amazed me !
Vcragain- See my comment to Judy above. The majority of people voted against the lunatic. It is our bizarre electoral college and good old fashioned cheating/corruption that got him in. The problem also lies in the republican corruption of police forces & military…by another name it is called fascism.
I hate the electoral college. When I found out he got elected. I was in shock and disbelief.
The electoral college is a vestige of the slave vs non-slave states, giving "equal" representation to slave states which had far lower population of voting men (white men, no women yet). It was part of the "original sin" of our mostly perfect Constitution.
As long as the "Electoral College" exists, we are not a true democracy.
They have "Elections" in Russia, where Putin always wins. That is not a democracy and the Electoral College will soon do the same to our elections.
So true. Definitely one of the reasons the Constitution is not perfect. And so many say not a democracy, a republic, because the Constitution doesn't specifically say democracy. Of course as a matter of practicality we can't be 100% democratic. But as for choosing the leader of our country there's no reason not to be a true democracy.
There are definitely opportunities to teach our countries founding....differently than the "jingoistic nonesense" I was brought up on.
No longer opportunities to do that in Floriduh. It would be called "woke education" or CRT and it is now outlawed by Fascist Repugnant Party law.
I have vacillated on the electoral college but have come to realize that while we are Americans we largely define ourselves from the State we reside to one another. Then I recall the name of this country: United STATES of America. Each stripe on our flag commemorates the original 13 while the stars commemorate the current number of states. Unless the political climate is such that the smaller populated states are hardly relevant, it is highly unlikely an amendment to delete the Electoral College will prevail.
This is what is needed. We're closer than you think:
Me too. And I felt like all the voters not in the few states whose votes put him over the line were simply discarded like yesterday's garbage. I was outraged!
I was numb for weeks, George.
It’s also the fault of the Democratic Party. By nominating Hillary Clinton at a time in history when all indications were Americans were wanting to vote for someone who was an outsider with fresh ideas, someone like, oh, I don’t know, maybe SANDERS, Democrats did themselves no favors. Worse, due to literally decades of anti-Hillary nonsense from the Republican Party, the Democrats nominated the one unique person Republicans who literally loathed Trump couldn’t bring themselves to vote for as the alternative.
And STILL Clinton won the popular vote.
I probably shouldn't be, but I'm kind of surprised that people haven't been paying attention to all that happened right after the 2016 "election and are still making statements like the one above.
There is no ONE REASON why Clinton lost.
1) Electoral College
Yes, Clinton won the popular vote by a landslide. However, even if Sanders HAD won the popular vote, the college would have had a similar outcome, with "socialism" being their bs excuse.
This is all we need to know why the college has become an outdated major liability. The college no longer applies to today's America and hasn't for decades.
You stated that people voted for trump because they just couldn't accept the alternative. That is almost SOLELY because America still isn't intelligent or mature enough to believe a woman can lead the nation, even though Clinton was the most qualified candidate, male or female to ever run for president. Senator Warren's terrible results in 2020, even in her home state, despite her fierce intelligence and election platform, slammed this home and put this country's misogyny and socialistphobia in stark relief.
3)Putin and election tampering
Clinton learned a great deal about Putin during her tenure as Secretary of State and had no qualms about calling out his corruptive influence on many worldwide events. She brought this up during one of her debates with trump, correctly labeling him Putin's puppet.
Putin couldn't stand Clinton and with likely help of several GOP legislators and definite help of trump cronies, was behind the foreign interference in the 2016 election. Some time later, FBI and CIA investigations confirmed Russian election interference.
I disagree for the simple reason that Sanders was a candidate Republicans looking for an alternative to Trump would’ve considered a viable alternative. Clinton was poison to them.
Sanders was NOT an alternative for the GOP. His pro socialist beliefs were anathema to the Republicans.
And the reasons why she was poison were multi-faceted, yes, with misogyny being one of the facets.
I firmly believe Sanders would’ve received enough votes to overcome the inherent electoral college bias, and just imagine where we’d be today had that happened eh?
I came up with about 16 right after the election.
Agreed, Philip. Bernie burns TFG walking away if he was nominated instead. Nothing against HRC's credentials but DNC had to take the temperature of the audience before choosing what to offer. They still do a poor job of reading the electorate.
Spot on. Corporate Dems fealty to unfettered capitalism and the neoliberal way has craftily stalled a progressive asendence. Maybe forever.
I hope that the Democratic party learned a LOT from 2016 and the trump years. I think they have and we owe a lot of it to The Lincoln Project! Thank God for them to have “woke” the Dems up to what was really going on in plain site.
Please don’t forget ,the orange tinted one got more votes when he ran the second time. Try to figure that one out.As Carlin would say , there’s a lot of dumb m-----er’s in this country.
And don’t forget that Biden got even more votes than that, in sufficient quantity it overcame the electoral college bias.
And we need to repeat that with even more votes in 2024 to rid this country of vile fascists and pave the way for more progressive candidates. We cannot split the vote.
It's also the Murdochs. I so wish they would have their citizenship taken away and we could kick them out of the country!
I was only dimly aware of Donald Trump but considered him something of a self-promoting windbag. When I first heard he was running for president, I said, "Who would listen to anything that old blowhard would have to say?" All these years later, now realizing the destructiveness and the danger the man poses, I have to ask, "Who would listen to anything that old cult leader has to say?"
Read ON TYRANNY by Timothy Snyder. It explains how authoritarians get their "authority". As with any barker at the circus knows, you tell the people what they want to hear and they follow each other into the freak show.
"Freak show" is the correct term! By the way, I didn't go in and still won't. MAGA people are like a coven of rattle snakes - play with them and they bite you.
Once again you folks are stealing my man’s thunder. George Carlin always said” when you’re born in this world you get a ticket to the Freak show, but if you are born in America, you get a front row seat“.
Yes. This little book is awesome although we have already lost on many points Snyder makes.
It is a worthwhile (and short, for those who choose a book for their book report based on the number of pages!!) read. Madeleine Albright's book, Fascism: A Warning is another very worthwhile read on the subject.
Thanks for the suggested reading. I'll find a copy today!
I've read the book, thank you.
He's like a Jim Jones type guy,does absolutely nothing for the folks and they still listen to him.
Here in Arkansas so many STILL think he's the second coming of Christ. It is nauseating and I hope to leave this part of the country ASAP. It is disgusting how many fools around here are deluded by this man's fascist diatribe. I have read many articles saying he taps into America's racism, misogyny and homophobia, therefore they will accept ANY of his policies because HE HATES LIKE THEY DO.
Despite all the wars this nation has fought, how many civil rights leaders (and gay rights leader)have been assassinated, feminist leaders maligned, this country STILL hasn't learned from its terrible past. It is appalling.
It isn't just Arkansas. I'm sure you've read articles about the faction of his cult who actually DO believe he is "the" (or some kind of) messiah! Maybe this is related to their beliefs about "end of days" and all of that, but the ideation among his followers ranges from crass, craven con-artistry in the "say anything to get the money" genre to those who have some kind of religious or mystical beliefs to the outright psychotic. Was it serious or circus performance when his followers camped out in Dallas, TX expecting JFK, or JFK, Jr., to return and become tRump's VP.
I mean, what can you say......
The reign of tRump has revealed endless flaws in democracy and in our particular form of democracy.
Had forgotten about the Dallas fiasco. There are so many of these wackadoo trump incidents I've lost track. I recall a bunch of his fanatics gathering in Tulsa, UNMASKED, of course, followed by a major COVID spike in that area.🙄
Even more horrific than tRump being elected was the fact that there were so many who eagerly voted for him, and there still are, still so many sending him money - even now. He will eventually go away, one way or another (I hope in leg irons and shackles!!) but those who chose him will still be around (that is, if any of us still are). I'm not aware of any really good scholarly work dealing with WHY that is so. We hear various theories - the hate-filled biases and bigotry of many, the grievances supposedly felt by many..... but I don' t think we really KNOW why. It is just unconscionable to realize that so many whose, say, fathers or grandfathers fought AGAINST fascism, maybe died or were wounded in WWII fighting fascism are now, to one degree or another, embracing it here.
It is hard to see how we turn this ship around. History usually shows us that some catastrophe - usually war - causes a change in some national direction. War today could mean annihilation. How do we reverse course without that kind of catastrophe? Climate change might be the "new" catastrophe, but again, what will survival look like?
Do abused individuals understand their abusers? Mostly not; but fear, loathing and the depraved need to be 'right' keeps these poor souls chained to them nevertheless. The same applies to a terrifying number of Americans who wallow in their own twisted version of 'patriotism'.
Well said
He taps into their ignorance and subsequent fear and hate.
Yes, he does and he chooses depraved henchmen of his own ilk who know and use the same tricks. This man and his fellow strongmen around the world are a plague unto themselves that no mask can protect us from. May he, they and we live long enough to witness their just undoing.
Right? He has lying Pig written all over him!!
Insult to pigs! 🐽❤️
They are sweet and much smarter!
I think you might find this interesting:
It is a well-written blog on why the British don't like Trump. He didn't mention something obvious to British people and Trump's supporters: Trump is not a gentleman.
I read this when it was first posted quite some time ago. It was a work of art then and even more poignant now. IDK why people didn't dump him the minute they heard his "grab 'em by the p---y" comment.
It was horrifying. So was his ridicule of handicapped journalist.
The "killing someone on 5th Ave." was to me the most shocking of all. Not just because Trump dared to speak about killing a person, but even more because of his arrogant confidence that he had his supporters programmed to endorse a murderer.
His traipsing around in front of the Queen in her own country should tell anyone all they need to know. After the class, charm and polite demeanor of the Obamas, she had to have found this appalling. Her children despised him.
I wish she had never invited that loser.
By her children, did you mean her corgi's? I ask because Trump suppeosedly hates dogs and I think it is because dogs know evil when they smell it.
Grandchildren I should have said, although I don't think Charles cared for trump, either.
It would've been great if the Corgis had bitten him, they may have received knighthoods.
I hope Charles hated him. Charles is a pretty decent environmentalist. tRump is the opposite, both in the "decent" category and in the "environmentalist" category.
Best video I ever saw from UK was the statement by the senator in Ireland when trump was "elected."
"America has just elected a fascist.'
I remember reading alarmed posts from around the world, wondering what the hell we were thinking. It was humiliating, in my opinion.
I had former co-worker tell me when she returned from student exchange in Sweden that people came up to her, genuinely alarmed at what had happened. They couldn't believe we had made such an awful decision.
I taught in China for 30 years. Many, many students and friends had similar reactions.
"If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."
Thanks -- that blog is hysterical!
I'm glad you liked it. If you're not completely fed up with hearing about Trump, you want to read the three books David Cay Johnston wrote about him: "The Making of Donald Trump", "It's Even Worse Than You Think", and "The Big Cheat". I've read them all; he's a great writer. If you had to pick just one, I think the last title would be a fine choice.
Yes! I love to HEAR David Cay Johnston TALK about tRump, too. He knows him well and has had his number from the beginning.
Tim O'Brien and David Cay Johnson make a very satisfying pair on TV panels when they talk about tRump because they know exactly who and what he is.
Thank you for posting the link to this very satisfying piece of writing, a most apt critique of the shame of America. It brings back to mind, along with a return of the cringing and nausea, the times when he was in England and Europe: he kept Queen Elizabeth waiting and waiting and waiting. She was standing there in her little pumps, purse in hand, hat on head, in the sun, waiting for that vulgar oaf. She was going to take him on that tour of the guards that seems to be something always done when American leaders meet with British monarchs. When he did finally arrive, late, he put his big oafish buffoon body in front of her and walked ahead of her, hurrying on ahead of her, as if HE were in charge, as if it were HIS place. (Feeling sick again....)
The other time was early on after the election when he went to Europe for a meeting of the heads of state (don't remember the meeting, just the shame and horror). The "heads" were standing together when all of a sudden here comes that gross bull in a china shop pushing his way through the center and literally pushing the man at the front out of his way, elbowing him as he forced himself in front of the group.
He has shamed America from the beginning, but America also shames itself. America handed him the keys. He has brought shame, disgust and danger, but he has also revealed this country's very worst features and we cannot ignore them.
The wealthy entitlement of the Rupert Murdoch/Charles Koch/John Birch Society propaganda arm of American Conservatism is the reason why so many have fallen for the Trump/GOP fraud. Trump wears his megalomania & arrogance like a suit of honor, much to the nation's great shame.
My first intro to Trump was in England, watching the movie You've Been Trumped, which he tried (succeeded?) in getting USA banned. How despicably he treated Scots to build his golf course! I slumped in my seat, absolutely ashamed at being American.
I remember watching that. It confirmed an impression I already had of him of being a real jerk.
"real jerk"..... to say the least!
Back in Trump's very early beginning, when his essence still had a tail, his mistake was entering a cell wall that began a series of catrostrapic events all associated with his birth. An event that turned out to be a crying shame.
Thank you for this link and info....didn't know about it, although I wondered how on earth he wormed his way onto a beachfront in Scotland.
why didn’t all the news outlets repeated report on this and his other outrageous and illegal actions instead of reporting n every tweet and false claim the man made? I continue to feel very let down by owners of news who went for sensationalism and likes instead of vetting the candidate and giving us needed information.
Here's another link to the story behind another sordid episode from his sordid past, this from his Atlantic City era:
The media made catastrophic errors giving this idiot airtime because people found him "entertaining.". It was horrifying. CNN didn't learn their lesson and gave this lunatic airtime during appalling town hall. CNN fired CEO shortly thereafter. Well, DUH!
"It may not be good for America, but it sure is good for CBS" -- Les Moonves, former CEO of CBS
They've been horrifically negligent for a long time now. There are a few good reporters & analysts, but most do an inadequate job.
Thanks. I was straining to remember the name of that doc this morning. It's no wonder the Scots can see right though him.
Thank you for the link. I remember the events but was not aware of the documentaries, so thank you.
I saw that movie when it originally came out (2011?). Talk about massive self-important arrogance that goes beyond the pale. It's never been banned in the US but I believe he tried to get it banned in the UK, for obvious reasons. Not sure if he succeeded. There's also a "You've Been Trumped Too" sequel which focuses on the major disruption thrust on the neighbors whose property trump wanted in order to put his golf course wherever the f he wanted, no matter who got screwed. Released in key election year 2016, it's never been banned in the US either. Even though MANY of the con man's devout followers should relate to the residents who were treated so horribly, they were/are so blinded by "celebrity" and "wealth" that they probably excuse deplorable behavior by him as something a "millionaire/billionaire's gotta do".... or has "earned the right to do???" .. IDK. SO hard to explain the adoration.
I had never felt ashamed being American until trump.
Americans have been so manipulated and played by the "Marketing" geniuses of Madison Avenue, that we have become slaves to the mentality that unfettered and deregulated capitalism is SYNONYMOUS with democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"We need small government", ie we need lower taxes for corporations and rich people and cart blanche to do whatever despicable or world destroying things they want. It has to be repeated over and a smoke screen otherwise those politicians would be voted out. Like Krysren Sinema soon will be.
I was in Scotland Last year (my Grandparents immigrated from Scotland) and I didn't meet anyone (even those distantly related) who thought he was a qualified President. How COULD people be so blind? Last count it was 70 Million that voted for him, WTAH?
Can you say hate. Like all dictators and wannabe dictators they need a target for their venom.
He tapped into America's racism, misogyny and homophobia.
It’s an indictment of our largely failed educational system and the massive amounts of money behind certain media outlets steering the propaganda to the easily hoodwinked masses…
End Citizens United
And restore the full Voting Rights Act, intact.
Judy, I would say to the Scots, we didn’t support or elect him. That was done with shear corruption. For the past 30+ years the popular vote losing Republican has taken the presidency over the popular vote winner….The votes of THE PEOPLE.
Don’t let anyone get away with thinking he has EVER had the support of the citizens of the US.
True! He didn't have the support of the majority of voters. But still - 70MM people supported him, either out of ignorance or greed, or a combo of both. It's still unfathomable to me.
No, MJ, his popular vote was 62 million, compared to Hillary's 65 million.
The "Elvis" frenzy and the evangelical cult make for a lethal mix. It's my take on the YouGov poll this week that the 18-29 age group is especially susceptible to culting. We were hoping the Boomers would have an end point, but political devilry and Fox seem to be major influencers. Hope I'm wrong.
Don't overlook the Clown Car aspect of his antics. He tried to "hide" piles and piles of "his boxes", not only from FBI, but even from his own lawyers. Then he asked one of his lawyers, Corcoran, to take some of the "bad ones" with him to his hotel. He thought that's what lawyers are for -- co-conspiracy.
Yup. The Boomer effect. I'm referring to the crowd that loves Vegas, Branson, and all the vulgarity that goes along w/ them. I was born in Year # 1 of the Boomers, and despite the critical quality of his music, many of us couldn't relate to the Elvis experience, but he's alive and well in the Heartland. More than the physical Elvis, I'm talking about what seems to be the first time that the "groupie" phenomenon seemed to emerge in pop entertainment. It's an emotional seduction not unlike the Trump Cult. The two make for a powerful mix that appeals to various age groups.
You combine that w/ the emotional draw of many evangelicals, it's a poisonous mix for politics.
Thanks for explanation
Frustratingly true! They should not judge us by our messed up voting system!
Unfortunately, he had enough support to keep electoral college in his favor and that was all he needed.😠
Some say the reality show The Apprentice set Trump up to run for president. The carefully edited episodes (falsely) portrayed him as a very successful businessman and leader, able to make wise decisions, and totally in control.
Carolyn, I had heard that it took more than 200 hours of videotaping to get 42 minutes of each "Apprentice" episode. Of course the contents were manipulated to make Trump look like something he is not, a competent forceful leader. Reality TV has done a lot of damage to our culture because people who don't take time to actually think about it, believe there are no scripts or set-ups for situations and retakes. I guess we the people can be made to believe anything if we don't stay at least mostly on guard against the implicit lying and the manipulation on behalf of corporate actors/big money.
Knowing what we do now of the con man's "style" it's not hard to imagine what being on that set must have been like; it's surprising it didn't take even more.!!
MM, I have heard young women claim that they were just so grateful for the opportunity to be on "The Apprentice." They only publicized the ones who said how gracious Trump was. I can't imagine Trump being gracious to anyone he couldn't get something from. Makes you wonder what he got.
Frightening thought
True. And even the end result was nauseating to many of us.
Carolyn Herz; Yes, The show gave him some 'respectability'
It was the only enterprise that was actually a financial success. And the only time he was a star in anything but the National Enquire. Can't wait to see what top secret document he sold to them.
That show literally brought him into people’s living rooms - some people are so addicted to screen reality, they probably had the feeling they knew him personally.
His nasty daughter liked to fire people.
I bet some of the people who work on the show have seen him at his not so best, & would probably have some interesting things to say about him.
Reading through the replies, I was surprised to find that nobody mentioned Trump's most loyal and active supporters: white Christian evangelicals. The church leaders were able to convince their flocks that Trump -- as flawed as he appeared (and truly is) -- was "anointed" to the Almighty's purposes, and that a vote for Hillary was a certain ticket to Hell.
McConnell's holding out approving Obama's choice of a justice to replace Scalia was another master stroke.
I asked my E-Free (evangelical nutter) brother how he could possibly vote for t-rump. His response - "any means to an end", i.e. bringing about a ban on abortion. They're willing to bring down the country over one issue.
And one that’s none of their business...