Professor Reich: thank you for your thoughts and comments. like most people, my lived experience has firmly been rooted in discovering that the american dream was an ephemeral dream, fleeing before i ever got a chance to taste it.

i have recently been dealing with depression (not exclusively due to the political polls, but also due to my terror of climate change and crashing biodiversity) which makes it really difficult for me to get out of bed.

thank you for noticing that even those of us who firmly support kamala are not doing very well.

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After teaching environmental science and agroecology for 25 years the pressures of not having a solution to our problems mounted. We could do little things, like riding bikes (electric in my case - getting old) or expanding the garden, but the systemic change required is almost too big to grasp. Harris does not have the ability to solve the deeper ecological problem, but she does recognize at least part of it and will try. The other guy, no comment. Depression is normal when the birds are quiet and the only wildlife you see lies dead on the road. But flowers still bloom, and when you have a garden boosted by a diversity of flowering plants growing without toxins, the pollinators come back. There is hope in that. I already voted. That felt good too.

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I miss the bugs; the birds. The silent mornings in the rural setting where I live in the country are unreal and unsettling. Deer feed on acorns behind my house in groups of dozens, rousted from habitat destroyed by the development of a 1000 acre megasite nearby. When the highway is widened into an interstate there will be no woods. Then where will they go?

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Danny, I am sorry you have lost the sounds of nature because of some development. It has happened in my home state and I have repeatedly said 'they paved paradise to put up a parking lot'! There is not much left of the old Florida I grew up in. Now, it is just about wall to wall concrete! No wonder we're sinking! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Vote BLUE and plant natives!


Native plants support your regional bugs, vital food for chickadees and other birds

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Excellent comment, Maryk. It needs to be said continuously: plant native flowers, shrubs, and grasses. That eliminates the need for chemicals and most watering.

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We in the Northeast have had that problem for years! Wall to Wall McMansions and tiny cardboard condos going for 2500 a month and up! Meanwhile, the roads built in the 1950s are clogged with trucks and SUVs. Where are the trains and busses?

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Edie, I would love to see our transportation upgraded to what they have across the pond! Trains and busses crisscrossing America! Many would be able to do away with their automobiles and just use public transportation. Boy, that would go a long way in curbing emissions and eliminating the persistent smog!

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I've said for years that light rail is the answer, Peggy. We're as far behind in that as we are in healthcare.

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It was built before cars.

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We need to walk to the store and to school and to the woods.

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Here (exurban MA) it's 7 miles to the nearest supermarket. It used to be 4 (business consolidation) but even then it was not a walk for groceries. Getting older we are living compatibly with the woods, wildlife ( animals, birds and insects) still. We need our cars. This country was and is built for cars. If you go EV you still need electricity. And when that goes out, what then? The generators run on oil. The electric companies run on coal right? So we need some sea change governmentally, laws regulations and we are not doing it. WE need to live differently.

Climate change is only indirectly talked about and even denied by folks while the effects are dire in front of them (Florida). Measures, when passed, or mandated, if not opposed, even for some slight movement, even for the future, are hard fought and then celebrated as a win. We ALL have known about this for decades. The fact is we are headed for more disaster and suffering; the planet cannot sustain us this way.

People need birth control, family planning, abortions, not only for personal freedom but to help limit population. The Pope is wrong.

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I had to look up the lyrics. Joni Mitchell sang that. We're hoping the number of electric cars will increase and mass transit will grow where we live before they widen the road behind us. Traffic has increased significantly over the past 20 years, and we fear they will take a big bite of the precious forest reserve across the street from us to widen the road.

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Gloria, that song is a fitting epitaph for the Florida I grew up in! Miles and miles of dirt roads, Spanish moss hanging from the trees, pastures stretching out for miles loaded with bayheads and so many different species of wildlife. Sadly, all of that is being eaten up with development. It truly breaks my heart.

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While we are past the tipping point, and our children and grandchildren might not enjoy,or even be around, to enjoy the life that we have had, we do have a life to enjoy, maybe. If we can keep the reactionary fascists away from the levers of power, if they don't win now, they will come roaring back in two years or less with the congressional elections and four years with the general.

Robert makes an appealing case for trying to capture their hearts and minds, but for the life of me, I don't see how that can be done, considering that which motivates them is visceral level fears and needs. Male supremacy, theocracy, racism, classism those are deeply embedded fears and needs, they have been around since the homo sapiens.

What concerns me at the moment is getting through the next four years, heck getting through the next year without being killed by a MAGAt or even LEO or the Military.

Even if Kamala manages to snag the electoral college votes on Nov 5th it isn't over, and we delude ourselves to thing that it is, because the Republicans have put into place the machinery to call the electoral college into question or thwart it, but certification controversies, and if that happens then the vote goes to congress for a contingent election,.

In congress each state gets one vote. At present there are 28 red states and 22 blue states, that means that the Democrats need to hold on to all of their seats and pick up 7 more seats. that is a tall ask, basically a blue wave.

The new congress gets seated on Jan 3rd, the electoral ballots are counted on Jan 6th.

At the start of a new Congress, those voting to elect the speaker are representatives-elect, as a speaker must be selected before members are sworn in to office; the House of Representatives cannot organize or take other legislative actions until a speaker is elected.

Jan 3rd, the day that the Representatives are sworn in is a Friday, Jan 6th when the electoral votes are counted is a Monday. The Democrats have a weekend to select a new speaker. if (a big IF) they win.

It is not over until the chubby lady sings.

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I spent summers in FlorIda, staying with my divorced dad. I got a summer job cutting line for the County. I loved inland Florida then: semi-rural, lots of citrus groves. I make it a point not to go back, ever, so I can hold on to my memories of the Florida I once knew.

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We used to vacation in Florida many years ago. The really old Florida gone but some could still be experienced in the islands, the keys.

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see my above to Catherine. Joni sang that decades ago. People need to change their life style, how they are used to living... for the sake of their kids. And not have so many kids without thinking seriously about what they are going to have to deal with.

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I know where the deer are. They like corn stalks and sweet potato leaves. I need to put a fence around the garden. The brown thrashers like a strawberry now and then, but I can tolerate a couple of them in the bush. The interstate highway system will one day be exposed for what it is; a deliberate part of the military industrial complex. Perhaps we would be in a lot less trouble if Dwight Eisenhower had liked trains.

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You’re fortunate to have brown thrashers. I think I’ve read they are in decline in some areas. I used to see a pair every year. This year there was only one.

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Brown thrashers feed on the ground in the open, but must have nearby shrubs, bushes, or a good hedge nearby for escape and nesting. If you have the right edge environment, they will come, but perhaps don't put the strawberries too close to the hedge. I wonder what the country would look like if Earl Butz hadn't told farmers to plant fencerow to fencerow and rip out the hedges? Loggerhead shrikes and brown thrashers would have thrived. Maybe the Mississippi River would thrive too.

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I would happily plant strawberries just for the brown thrashers!

The brown thrasher likes to pick through fallen leaves. I always leave the leaves in beds and a section of the yard. Everyone should give a section of their yard to wildlife.

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Most North American birds are in decline-- it's a ****storm

GOOD NEWS: we can turn this around by voting BLUE AND requiring public planting projects to plant natives.

STATE OF THE BIRDS The United States and Canada have lost 3 billion breeding birds since 1970—a loss of 1 in 4 birds


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😢. The birds are “the canary in the coal mine”. We have wildlife in our suburbs that some people complain about…but where are they to go? We must live in harmony with nature and share the earth. Some people are so detached from the natural world that they think it should not exist.

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Where I live if you have a garden you have to have a 10 ft fence to keep out the deer, our medical center has a fruit tree garden of plum and apple trees surrounded by a deer fence.

I have a delicious golden plum tree in my front yard, no fence and it is a race with the deer to get to the plums. This summer the tree was loaded with unripe plums, then they started disappearing, I picked some, there were 10 left, I went out the next day, and even though not fully ripe they were gone, plum seeds all over the driveway.

We also have racoons, who can climb trees, and they dig under fences.

As regards the Interstate Hiway system Wayne, it was built at the urging of Ike, who famously uttered the warning about a MIC. As Supreme Allied commander in Europe he saw how a national high speed,multi lane system, like the one in German, facilitated national defense, and his argument with Congress which didn't want to spend the money, that the interstate system was essential for national defense . in fact it was called National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956.

You people have to get over your obsession with the military industrial complex. What do you want, us disarmed and helpless in the face of a hostile world? Better red than dead?

Do you have any idea how many cultures and nations want to take over and dominate this land, which they falsely perceive as a cornucopia.?

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Well put!💯💯 the busses only go to NYC what about the thousands who don't work there. A 20 minute trip by car takes over an hour by bus!😡😡😡😡

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Can’t land a B-52 on a train. The deer drove me out of a wonderful garden spot-owner would not fence. They like bean vines and tomato vines and new plant slips too.

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Like you, I noticed my cherished insect friends missing this year. Almost no ants, few bees, and my windshield hardly ever needs cleaning. Birds are few, squirrels rare and my deer population is less…and I live in the mountains. I weep for our planet, my home.

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Very sad. What can be done? Do you and your friends talk about it?

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At least contact authorities, planning boards etc. And point out

1) their plans take all the habitat away and

2) they can create habitat *everywhere* by PLANTING NATIVE PLANTS, in particular, 'KEYSTONE SPECIES' like OAKs, GOLDENRODS, ASTERS, ETC. :

HOMEGROWN NATIONAL PARK website has *all* the info on how, no matter where you are:


Sometimes it seems people just don't process the fact that they take away food and shelter from birds, bumblebees, et al.

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It would be great if cities put wildlife corridors in their plans. We should require developers to have wildlife sections in their plans.

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When I was five years old, many years ago, Dad took me to a pristine trout creek in far northern Wisconsin, where I angled my first fish, an Eastern Speckled Brook Trout, as fine an animal as I had ever seen. This unnamed creek has suffered many turns of fortune since those times, including once when it dried up to a mud cake remnant of a creek, in time of drought. I will credit President Franklin Roosevelt, and Teddy before him, as being instrumental in the preservation of our natural environment.

As part of his New Deal and much to the dismay of the robber barons who wanted him dead, he put my dad and other young people to work in the Civilian Conservation Corps. (CCC), a sort of boot camp for north woodsmen. We of the back country still may enjoy the remnants of that, which diminish by day and year. One horribly sad thing seems likely, that if the one per centers and their fascist leaders have their way, remnant wonders of nature will be fenced off from us peons. Pity future generations having to go to a "tree museum to see one" (Joni Mitchell).

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Silent spring or rather autumn. I live in the UK,I live in a city,but it's very green,all this year it's been birdsong, everywhere. It's sad that your air is now silent. I will be going outside to garden tomorrow (it's night here) and I will hear birdsong all the time in working. Ditto if I go for a walk,in every part of this city,even in scrappy bits of green with a few bushes in the inner city,birdsong. Sounds like USA got it wrong some time,some how

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And people say that we need more people - to cover more land, I guess.

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"the systemic change required is almost too big to grasp"

Wayne and GrrlScientist, I would like to comfort both of you--by directing your attention to the book, Brighter: Optimism, Progress, and the Future of Environmentalism, by Adam Dorr, Director of Research at the think tank, RethinkX. You can get a quick introduction with a series of YouTubes, also entitled Brighter. There are about a dozen of these in the series, each about 15 minutes long. RethinkX researches four Disruptions in various stages of development that will be essentially completed within fifteen to twenty years: Energy, Transportation, Food, and Labor. Their website, where you can explore their research is: https://www.rethinkx.com/ .

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Please be skeptical of think tanks and read Monbiot and Hutchinson's "Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism." George Monbiot refers to them as "junk tanks" and says they're intermediaries that go to battle on behalf of their donors in the class war waged against by the rich against the poor. In the book, he explains how the think tank guys don't just sit around and think but work to get the ideas the wealthy elites already have for increasing their wealth into forms and wording in the media that make what they want to do acceptable to the masses. One example is "trickle-down economics."

If you read the bios of the players in RethinkX, you'll see they are wealthy businessmen and investors with some science and research background. This new idea of "disruptive technologies" sounds good on the surface, but beware and do your homework. The world's energy system can't be changed by 2030.

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Gloria, for those that can't or won't read the book, here is a synopsis


The substack author is a Canadian

"These past four decades have also been a time of slow crumbling. We’re not building new bridges and updating infrastructure. (The Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to turn this around, but we’ll see.) Things folks relied on the government for have reduced funding. The college degree for which I paid scant tuition now costs young adults tens of thousands of dollars.

The U.S government does less. I just mentioned the Inflation Reduction Act. This climate change legislation works largely through tax credits and other incentives. It is unlike the U.S. government achievements such as the Civil Rights Act or the Endangered Species Act, legislation based on real laws, not just incentives.

It’s no coincidence that all of this happened in the U.S. during the rise of right-wing talk radio and Fox News. While Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh distracted people with critical race theory and transexual immigrants, the real work of enriching the rich goes forward. Psychologically, this is a feedback loop. As jobs dry up and people grow more frustrated at the ever diminishing services of our government, they become susceptible to the rantings of demagogues."

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William: The link is informative but not a substitute for reading the book. The end of the book was weak on suggestions about what to do to restore a more equal society. Thom Hartmann's book on the same topic, The Hidden History of Neoliberalism, proposes breaking up monopolies and reversing privatization of core government functions. Imposing tariffs incrementally and intelligently, which is different from what Trump proposes, is suggested. Progressive populism is necessary and getting big money out of politics. As Trump showed us weaknesses, structural changes to the Constitution will likely be required. Harris must win this election.

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The problem with all of the book recommendations that one sees on the interwebs is that no one has time to read them all. I have three books I would like to read, but I am not a speed reader. I absorb, ponder, think, analyze as I read and then there is the matter of money. I can afford to buy all of the books, but I don't have the wall space of shelving, in fact I have about 10 cartons of books in my garage after my last move, because I have no place to put them.

I do whole heartedly agree with Thom and you. The answer is indeed progressive populism which is wnat Bernie espoused.

But the corporate Demons who control what the public thinks, has made of populism a right wing thing. Hitler was a populist, Trump is a populist, but there is no definition of the difference between different populisms.

Mussolini used leftist populist sentiments to attain power, and then turned it to the right (corporate)

Trump and his corporate masters have done the same thing. At root of the MAGA base is an anticorporate sentiment (the so called swamp), however the corporations have used that sentiment and pulled a switchereoo, they redirected the anger, angst and frustration from them, the overseer class, to scapegoats like POC, LGBT, "feminists" and now immigrants.

The drum they are pounding loudest is immigrants, and their sock puppet Trump is blaming them for all of our social ills and financial problems.

Just like Nixon did the blacks., and as always on the periphery are those feminists and queers.

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Kamala will continue the neoliberal policies the ensured poverty and the concentration of wealth and that will leave America vulnerable to there being a President Vance. Bob knows that. He knows that Kamala’s billionaire donors have already had her reduce Bidens proposed tax measures, and she won't commit to keeping Biden's anti-trust initiatives. Like Biden she is a neoliberal and a neocon. She calls Genocide "Israel's right to defend itself" White Christian Nationalism like any sickly nationalism is the result of mass insecurity caused by grotesque inequality caused by the neoliberal policies of corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans. Erich Fromm described such insecurity led to the fascism of Nazi Germany and the fascist threat to America in his 1941 book Escape from Freedom and later in The Sane Society. Reagan, Clinton, Bush Sr. W. and Obama’s 36 years of neoliberal policies caused the gross inequality/insecurity that led to Trump. Kamala's neoliberal policies supported by billionaire donors will lead to future fascists like horrible possibility of a President Vance. Neoliberalism is the evil that causes fascism today. Going after Neoliberalism and neocon thinking is the way to defeat fascism and work towards a fairer more secure, less reactionary society. Both the corporate Republican Party and the corporate Democratic Party have a monopoly on American politics. This monopoly which staves the nation leads to fascism. We already have corporate totalitarianism. Fascism followed that with Trump and will likely follow Trump with a President Vance. There is no way out according to Bob. You must vote Democrat. But there is a way out. It’s called Jill Stein. It was called Ralph Nader and for a brief moment it was called Bernie, but the corporate Democrats shut him down. There may never be an opportunity for a Bernie Sanders again. Sanders went after the neoliberal policies, the only way out of the wreckage.

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Third parties cannot win. A vote for one this year is like a vote for trump. You are trying to put the cart before the horse. If you want to promote third parties, get rank choice voting in place throughout the country. Until then, your third parties are impotent.

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Well said, Midwest.

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3rd Party = MAGA's "Drill,Baby, Drill!

Don't Do It, my friend!

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Glen Brown: You are probably right, Kamala will continue the policies, because she has no choice. It takes legislation to change course, and that means that the Democrats need to control the Congress and be progressive.

More importantly Glen, the only other choice than Kamala is Trump

If it is a choice between having a cat scratch you or be eaten by a lion, I will take the cat scratch.

Jill Stein is a Putin proxy

First of all there is no way she can win enough electoral votes, but she can siphon off votes for Kamala and ensure a Trump win, which is what Putin and Iran both want.

Here is a picture of Jill Stein, Mike Flynn, and Putin and his cronies having a great time at dinner: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696

All considered Glen you are either dumb as bag of rocks,or a Putin Troll.

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Thanks for showing the photo, William. Important to show 3rd Party Voters, Bernie Voters, Putin and Trump are happy with your vote!

3rd Party = Your vote goes to MAGA-Trump!

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Glen, you are a Trump troll. Fools who voted for Nader gave us GW Bush.

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Those are pretty big words to hide behind!! I think good and evil does a better job-is it ok to save democracy from the current onslaught of evil first, and then we can return to pointing fingers and neo-whatevers!!

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Gloria, you read George Monbiot but did you comprehend that supporting corporate Kamala's neoliberal party is the opposite of what he advises. You should listen to George's conversation with Chris Hedges.

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How will living under a dictator facilitate building the movement we need? Harris is the only way to go at this moment.

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Glen Brown is a Jill Stein troll, Jill Stein is a Putin Asset.

See this photo https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696

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Says the Putin troll. I respected Chris Hedges until he proved to be a Putin Troll.

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And Glen, you should brush up on your Russian!!

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You should listen to common sense. This election will be won by either Harris or Trump. Note also that fascists hate all liberals, neo and old alike.. Some libertarians are fascists, others are neoliberals; the latter may not support Trump.

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Corporations and Billionaires will be happy with either Kamala or Trump. Both will serve corporate needs first starving people's needs. Bob has done so much damage on this site with his promotion of the Democratic Party as the best of two evils. If you only choose between two evils, then you are ensured EVIL.

He has stayed stuck in the evilness and worse he has promoted an evil party with propaganda that stunts growth that ensures that a third party stays unnourished. He has never looked at Jill Stien's policies in his columns here. If he did, his readers would see that they are aligned with his more than Kamala's neoliberal ones. Jill proposes many of Bob's most insightful measures for change. But that matters less to Bob than being a Democratic political operative. Thats all he really is. That's Reich's legacy.

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Jill Stein is a Putin asset. Putin is an imperialist and a genocidist.

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Evil is in the mind of the beholder, and Glen has a worm in his mind, a common affliction among Trump supporters.

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Bob has done so much damage on this sight with his promotion of the Democratic Party as the best of two evils. If you only choose between two evils, then you are ensured EVIL.

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It’s reality, Glen. Like it or not. You have to change the duopoly. The only thing I’ve seen to change it is rank choice voting. But that won’t get rid of evil.

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Changing the duopoly Midwest is a big ask, Teddy Roosevelt tried with the Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) but failed. He had the best chance.

A third party will always fail, because of the constitutional structure of our government, the constitution did not set up a parliamentary structure, but a legislative, executive and judicial, and the legislative structure was set up for a two party system. In fact it wasn't even set up for two parties, but one party. In which property owning white men would select their representatives.

Thomas Jefferson warned against factions, which evolved as he watched into political parties, and in fact he helped create the Democratic-Republican Party, in opposition to the Federalist Party, the first political party created in 1789, dominated by Alexander Hamilton, which elected John Adams.

In 1854, the Republican Party emerged to combat the expansion of slavery into western territories after the passing of the Kansas–Nebraska Act. The early Republican Party consisted of northern Protestants, factory workers, professionals, businessmen, prosperous farmers, and, after the Civil War, former black slaves.

The Republican Party formed to replace the Whig party which collapsed in the wake of the Kansas Nebraska Act.

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Glen, I believe in the philosophy of Kant, but we live in the real world. As a practical matter, Harris is our only choice.

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Go away Putin troll, go away

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Troll-real name Brownovich!

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Sorry but I’m skeptical of anything with X in the name.

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We might get a deal on Ecstasy-probably what needs to be taken to support Trump onstage at a rally-even for a pompous blowhard in training like Musk!!

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For anxiety depression habits but not relationships:


Note: try asking for a free subscription

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Please❤LIKE❤ if you know any candidates for the New Nader's Raiders with many of:

Dark humor

Googled Science of anxiety depression habits relationships...long long ago

Possible addiction to oxytocin

Einstein like

Loves to sue government quacks etc for science denial etc

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That you, Don! This is a great resource!

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I agree. Even the smallest contribution to our environment will make a difference. If you can plant a tree or shrub on your property, great. If you don’t own property maybe just plant a container with flowers to help the pollinators. Any and all efforts can make a difference to a pollinator.

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And if you can keep a clean source of water out for birds in safer spot. I always had a birdbath out but did not put it out this year because there are now too many loose neighbor’s cats. Please, cat owners, keep your cats in the house or on your own property. They kill birds.

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And then there's the fact no one is comfortable mentioning... our Planet is Overpopulated. Offspring can only promote more ecological demise. As we are already at that tipping point, why would anyone with a shred of awareness encourage progeny???

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Project 2025 would throw us beyond the point of return.

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Garden along the roadside. Just do it. Don't ask permission. The local authority will say no. For good legal and insurance reasons. But I'm in UK so no one minds. Probably get you arrested in USA. Blackrock owns the sidewalk or something.

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Beautifully stated.

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Putting The Cart Before the Horse will cause you to crash !!!

Counting You Votes Before The Election 🗳️ Will Cause You To LOSE.

In this Election we CanNot afford To Lose

Our Country Our Way Of Government to a Big Orange Baby.

Trumpets 🎺 Past Practice of Robbing The Poor To Give Tax Cuts to the RICH

(A R Regan Policy done with a smile…)

Does not help this country one Damn Bit…



First Things First…

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Putting The Cart Before the Horse will cause you to crash !!!

Counting You Votes Before The Election 🗳️ Will Cause You To LOSE.

In this Election we CanNot afford To Lose

Our Country Our Way Of Government to a Big Orange Baby.

Trumpets 🎺 Past Practice of Robbing The Poor To Give Tax Cuts to the RICH

(A R Regan Policy done with a smile…)

Does not help this country one Damn Bit…



First Things First…

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Dana Milbank, Washington Post columnist, has excellent articles about keeping the biodiversity in his larger plot of land in still partially rural VA.

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I have yet to see any widespread info or wake-up call of the Environmental & Ecological devastation which the damn borderwall causes. The crucial watershed from the Chiricahua range is hindered at the wall. The migratory paths of endangered species once roaming freely there, jaguars & ocelots etc., are blocked. There was scant mention as the damn wall was built at Organ Pipe Nat'l Monument, when evil rumpus decimated centenarian Saguaros & endangered cacti. I wait for someone with a national platform to inform the ignorant of the Planetary harms and dominoe effects no one considers when they chant for building that wall. It is a call for senseless construction causing Ecological DESTRUCTION.

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Wayne, i hate to bother you with my questions about these electric bikes again, but how long does the battery charge last, and does very hilly areas reduce the charge time, and does it go fast enough to outrun a particularly aggressive dog?? I almost purchased one of these bikes a year or so ago, however, when i heard that these electric automobiles have a significant reduction of charge time in steep hilly areas. Thank you for your help. Oh, one more thing, does all electric bikes have the pedals on them to manually operate them??

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Been depressed myself too, Wayne. I am appalled that there are so many stupid and gullible people here in the USA that vote for terrorists such as Donald Tramp. I have been thinking about buying one of those electric bicycles, do you know how they perform in hilly and steep roadways like the ones in my area?? I wonder if they would stall going up a steep ridge like the one very near me??

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Burt, I ride on hills all the time. My son-in-law and I made a video about it for the EPA electric vehicle challenge and actually won the contest. You can see it here: https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/ev-video-challenge-winners , under the personal mobility category. I have ridden up Massanutten Ridge easily on a road and a trail, though with my bike I can't go on rocky routes or jumps.

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We have to look for the "small wonders".

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Thanks, Wayne, I needed that! I, like you, find some hope in my small plot of the natural world; also doing what I can to contribute to keeping democracy functioning in small ways.

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Remember just a few years ago the sky cleared during the pandemic due to decreased cars on the road, etc? So it’s still reversible if we stay the course.

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Yes, and wildlife started roaming more freely! Humans, too, who were all going for walks just to get outside. That was lovely. The quiet from no traffic was a beautiful quiet, in tune with nature.

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YES! Smaller communities where we CAN walk and bike? Seems like the entire US is experiencing urban sprawl. When desatan tried to develop our state parks the general public FINALLY woke up and clearly said NO. Wake up murica.

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L Duffy, I live in Chicago and we are widening sidewalks and limiting wide roadways in preparation for making this even more pedestrian friendly. Protected bicycle lanes are going in everywhere. We need the kind of people we have here in office to implement these things.

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Great point, Mike!

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Dude that was terrible. We were forced to stay inside. My job is over a two hours walk away, 15 mins if I drive. And even if we added bike paths, so now I have to leave even earlier for added time, worry about getting run over by cars, and leave my kids even sooner than I would have to now. That “paradise” ain’t never happening again.

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Sounds like you think climate change is a hoax.

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People on here swooning over the environment are the exact “snowflakes” trumpers detest. When will you learn…. Trumpers don’t give 50 f*cks about the environment if it costs them their livelihood.

Keep swooning and romanticizing about the environment and JD Vance will be in office in 4 years and the republican oligarchs will run away with everything.

Reality is this: f*ck your environment feelings. I want to win (Democrats) and hold onto it. That means jobs are first and your environmental feelings are waaaaay down the list

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We can have both.

It is Not jobs ahead of the environment.

It is Not the economy ahead of the environment.

If we are clever, it will be the opposite ie. look after the environmental issues and the jobs, the economy, and better physical health and emotional wellbeing will all improve.

Win - Win.

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If you want to keep maga out of the white house, it’s all about jobs jobs jobs. And good paying jobs you can retire with.

I grew up in maga world and I’m telling you maga people despise environmental topics UNLESS it’s about the water they drink. That’s all.

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GESTALT THERAPY. Try a little hopium. Simon sez: Don't worry work harder.

More we can do.

FT 5 and Movement Labs are still registering Democrats in selected states. Yesterday texted to unregistered Pennsylvanians. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/

DNC Anytime Training signup link (call on your schedule!) Share the link with your own message in an email or text: https://events.democrats.org/event/551644/

To share on any platform, just click on the link and share from there!













We have the capacity to flip Trump 2020 voters. . https://rvat.org/

Place comments on social media...."Not suckers or losers" to vets groups, military, military dependents, history sites. Vote vets has thousands of testimonials of 2020 Trump voters that flipped. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans or active duty members on Facebook, and 12.5 million family members of veterans or active duty members on Facebook.

Trump hates dogs. Pet/animal charity sites.

Trump stole from kids with cancer.

Don't slit your own throat.

In your gut you know he's nuts.

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Daniel, thank you for the hard work you are doing in this election. Your resources have been a valuable aid for me! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Thanks, Daniel. You're an inspiration to keep going. Btw, two neighbors told my husband they like his two signs, "I'm a veteran: not a sucker or a loser." Good talking points.

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You can recover! We need you on this team of aware, sane, intelligent, fair-minded people for progress! BEST WISHES and thanks for your bravery...

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GrrlScientist, like you, I have experienced not so much depression but more like anxiety and stress. You are right that we must first and foremost, after Kamala wins, work toward slowing climate change otherwise it does not matter what we do about anything else, Mother Earth will definitely end us. Climate Change must be front and center for everyone, even the naysayers. Please know that anyone on this substack is here for you to communicate with and hopefully someone can help you deal with the depression you are experiencing. The American dream does not have to be fleeting. Due to our circumstances right now, many have not been able to latch on to their American dream but if we get Kamala in the White House, we may start seeing the American dream alive and well. Don't give up hope. We will win in November and then level heads will start cleaning up this mess. Stay strong, GrrlScientist, I have faith in you! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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GrrlScientist, I understand your despair. I realized that I can only control my own yard so, several years ago, I stopped using things like weed&feed, pesticides. I started planting more native plants/trees, let the wild violets go and let the parsley flower (the black swallowtail caterpillars like it). My zinnias attract lots of butterflies and other pollinators. I see lots of various wasps, bees, assassin bugs, crab spiders, etc. The voles have moved into part of the yard, so it looks bad and may be out of balance but we do have foxes and coyotes about and they need to eat too. I saw a couple of grasshoppers this summer. The first grasshoppers I’ve seen in this yard and I’ve lived here 24 yrs. (We had tons of grasshoppers when I was a kid). We even have fireflies in summer.

I realize this won’t save the world but if each of us does their bit, it will help.

I know we must work to get Kamala elected. Doug Tallamy has done a lot towards waking us up about the insect/bird decline. Who leads the environmental push now? We can all support them.

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I, too, was born with a depressive gene. I'm thinking of you...this is a very difficult time in our history. I still cry when hearing songs from the 60s, another sad decade. Suggest you look into Americans of Conscience which lists all the good news going on around the country, including environmental pluses. I know. It's a Band-aid, but it's better than nothing. Best wishes for full recovery and total healing.

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It may be that our generation of humans may diminish, not for the first time, but it may give the rest of the planet a fighting chance. We shall all die, and as I am very near l can only hope this beautiful place will survive our worst depredations.

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Thank you, Professor.

I recently attended a meeting of Young Democrats. They allowed any age to attend. :-)

I bought up in conversation the idea that we have to find a way back to unity in America. While canvassing in our neighborhood I talk to everyone who will listen and if I note my message is not welcome I always follow up with ;

I am your neighbor not your enemy.

I love America just as you do.

We are all in this together to make a more perfect Union.

Plant a seed. You never really know how your words and deeds affect the future. Lead by example was my motto in my work for the Carpenters Union.

It still applies to my daily life.

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I am with you in thought and feeling. I have the same anxieties. At times I dream of donating my house and yard of oaks and pines and wildflowers to a naturalist society. Perhaps a pipe dream. I, too, am a Kamala worker and supporter and voter. Just remember, democracies are meant to involve everybody (except corporate businesses like Microsoft, Exxon etc , SCOTUS!) Democracies therefore can never be perfect or efficient, right Professor Reich? I won't give up hope.

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I've lived in the Arctic, now live in the subarctic, and can attest to the changes both self observed and research results from fellow scientists, that climate changes are advancing more quickly. 20 years ago, the morning chorus started at 3 am.Now there are almost no birds. Observation is that insect and bird populations has decreased around 70% here. Permafrost is receding, releasing climate gases and viruses. Ice receding allows China and Russia more access in the North, and more opportunity to bully and push boundaries. Frankly, I'm terrified of the Trump factor.

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GrrlScientist, I know it doesn’t fix anything, but listen to Kacey Musgraves or Bob Marley sing Three Little Birds.

You aren’t alone, girlfriend. We are trying.

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You love nature, so focus on the blue sky, the tree you see through the window. They will endure, and so will you.

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Do not give up - we’ll win … good always triumphs over evil

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Yes !

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If you want to see what happens when we lose the climate change battle and how we respond watch the movie Silent Running. The crews responses remind me of MAGA types who bought into the anti climate nonesense. You can think of Bruce Derns characters as the enforcer for mother nature. It can be a little depressing, it is also envigorating so that we keep on the fight and dont get bogged down in the nothing can be done, its already too bad, cynicism that is pushed by big oil and big money.

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Elon and Murdoch are not American. I wish they could be deported. They are buying the election.

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Nor is Theil.

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Or the Nazi Soros.

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Vlad speaks.

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Peter Thiel is a German born.

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To Mars, please. There must be some minerals up there they would like to sell to someone, right?

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Do not forget Elon is South African and Murdoch is Australian. They have not been particularly great World citizens since, like Trump, they are only looking after themselves. I do not see any of them giving thanks to America (their adopted country) for the opportunities given to them or taken by them.

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Yea. They did not grow up here. That makes a difference. You either want to make things better or destroy it. They only care about themselves

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Read what you wrote Elena Solow. Do you not believe in the first amendment or is that protection only for people who agree with you?

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TRYing to buy the election.

Not everyone buys their utter BS

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All of America is 'foreign' within a very few generations. Apart from the indigenous. Some are good, some are bad, like all of humanity. You welcome them when it is profitable.

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Points well taken. However, I think it is equally important to proceed with the judicial actions against Trump and all persons MAGA. Subpoena-evading Congressmen need to be punished. Insurrectionists need to be jailed. Whatever these lunatics attempt to do post-election needs to be met with the most forceful measures available, because this stuff should be viewed as a terrorism as dangerous (or more) than 9/11. The Obama/Biden presidencies showed that this deranged cult of nihilists have no interest in solving our problems or legislating jointly as in the past. They are bomb-throwers. That's why Boehner and Ryan and Romney and Buck all threw their hands up and left. Both Obama and Biden were far too passive in their responses to this nonsense, and Merrick Garland is the product of that weakness. The sacrifice of hundreds of thousands was nearly wasted by the defeat of Reconstruction after the Civil War. The Confederates implemented their brutal repression for decades until the civil rights movement a hundred years later finally brought a measure of justice. Trumpist fascism must be extinguished and white Christofascists need to be driven underground once again and prevented from steering the nation's course.

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It’s infuriating that they have only gone after the small fry who participated in the insurrection and not the people who planned, financed and arranged for it. Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman have both been disbarred, but disbarment is a professional sanction, not a criminal sanction. Its purpose is to protect the public from unethical attorneys and it is reserved for particularly egregious misconduct.

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Hopefully, when Kamala wins Jack Smith will put Trump in prison for life and the new AG will press charges against the traitors. If MAGAs think traitors are martyrs, so be it. If Trump flees to a non-extradition country, let’s make sure his passport is cancelled.

The really important thing, in my view, is restoring integrity to the media and silencing QAnon (Flynn) and mis-and disinformation sources (Lachlan Murdoch and Elon Musk) that milked the gullible for so long.

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Visiting D.C. right now and just toured the Holocaust Museum. The parallels to Trump/Vance/MAGA are truly frightening and maddening. I agree 100%, the U.S. has been far too passive in allowing disinformation to spread freely. Other democracies limit disinformation without devolving into dictatorships. Can’t we do the same? Can the U.S. learn from MAGA and reform our elections, media, economic policy, and judicial system, all of which are stacked to benefit the wealthy? I think Biden and some progressives in Congress have started this process, and I have hope a Harris/Walz administration, WITH Democratic majorities in Congress, will continue.

I agree with Dr Reich - if Trump’s lower-income supporters get to experience the benefits of more just and sound policies, the political right’s nightmares will come true. I think it helps to keep in mind the goal is for everyone to benefit from these policies, whether they voted for them or not. In that vein, please, please let us on the left reject the terms “MAGAt” and “maggot” and classist insults about low education, low IQ, trailer parks, etc. Dehumanization is no better coming from the left than from the right. It all serves the divide-and-conquer tactics of the wealthy. Right now former MAGA supporters are voting for Harris/Walz, and we want this coalition to grow. Trump supporters are human beings. Misguided, many extremely prejudiced against us, some criminals who need to be punished through the courts, but human beings.

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We were thrown into a fight-or-flight response since trump came down the escalator and began his brutal reign. MAGA or not, we all feel it. I’m sorry for the young people that do not know the more peaceful world before social media, far-left and MAGA provoking forces.

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What total libtard gaslighting!! Kamala is a vapid vacant mouthpiece for the globalist machine as are you Dr. the corruption and elitism of the left is mind numbing and to qualify any disagreement as disinformation worthy of first amendment suspension is horrifying. One need only compare the 4yrs of Trump policies with the 12 yrs of Obama/ Biden/ harris to see the division and hatred and antihumanism of the democrats. Crawl back under your rock.

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Your observations are interesting after having visited the Holocaust Museum. As a relative of family members who were murdered in Auschwitz, I certainly acknowledge the German supporters of Nazism as human beings. But I also believe that the truth of history and the calamity it visited upon them are responsible for the shame and devastating awareness that changed them. Tens of millions of “us” can see where Trumpist Christofascism will lead us, but they are blinded by victimhood, hostility, ignorance, and the manipulation of the billionaire class. Sadly, the MAGAts will not change until they have brought disaster upon themselves. Covid didn’t do it, but the next thing might. Meanwhile, the earth is burning, the despots are ruling, and the world has lost our very imperfect but vital leadership.

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You should go through SE DC if you want to see some low info dem voters. Maybe Trump will work on fast tracking a TDS vaccine when he wins - you should definitely get the jab

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In fact, much of the remaining threat, after any win, can be attributed to MSM. Think of the many, many other multiple felons out there: Ever hear anything about them, after a conviction? Neither do I.

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Say it, Brother!! Our prisons are filled with men and women of little means, while the jerks you mention remain free to exploit, to grow even more wealthy; to avoid their comeuppance.

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💰 Money talks, !💩💩 walks! Still true

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Sadly, retribution invites counter-retribution even if it is justified by documented events. I agree that Garland is weak and cautious, but ever since Reagan Republicans, and their unknowing neoliberal Democratic brethren, the courts are rigged to protect the rich rather than the innocent. I don't place trust in our judicial system. Did you ever hear a Christofascist quote this verse, "Consider the lilies of the field, they neither sow nor spin, yet even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Perhaps we should plant lilies in the backyard of billionaires and refuse to buy what they produce.

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We have already been classified as “the enemy within” when in fact the MAGAts are the enemies of democracy. Just as a class war was declared by the rich upon the rest of us, a political war has been declared by the lunatic right against the center and the left. Just sitting and taking it is the cause of our problems, which include the destruction of our biosphere and the imminent loss of habitability of much of our country.

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Which is why I plant trees, grow vegetables and make sure there are lots of flowers around, which is my wife's favorite part. I have punched back, but that just seems to make the right louder. Ignoring them and doing what is right works better at a personal level. Perhaps a politician has to punch back, but I find it more satisfying to learn about mycorrhizal fungi than arguing with clueless idiots.

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You’re right. We all have our things to do in the world. I definitely meant the punch back stuff for our politicos.

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I found Suzanne Simard’s book, “Finding the Mother Tree” interesting. It’s been a while since I’ve read it and, if I recall correctly, it had personal stories that were off the subject to me, but I enjoyed the info about her work. Trees communicate.

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What does mycorrhizal fungi do? Is it as good as reishi?

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Midwest is right in their comment. Simarad's work is great and the book is a good read. You can also try Merlin Shelldrake's "Fantastic Fungi" book, or anything by Paul Stamets. In short, mycorrhizal fungi form mutualistic relationships with the roots of trees, exchanging nutrients they collect from soil, rock and decaying organic matter for sugar the trees produce. Some make great edible fungi like truffles, matsutake (pine mushrooms), and boletes, but not all.

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I couldn't agree more. I'm a 69 y.o. Canadian and I have been saying for 4 years that the insurectionists needed to be held accountable in a public spectacle as soon as possible. If you consider how much like a 3 year old a crowd can be, then the consequences have to be immediate and appropriate in order to have an impact. The other part of the fix would be to dismantle the biased reporting. I don't know if media is covered by free speech, but I don't think it should be. There should be consequences for denying the public access to honest reporting, because that has contributed to the place we've reached in a big way. My daughter asks why I'm following your elections, why I care. I remember the impact Trump had on the rest of the world, and I fear we could never recover from another term.

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I would add that Vance is also astonishingly inexperienced, especially in contrast to Harris and Walz. Also Reich notes that Harris was masterful in her pushback against Bauer; this should debunk the absurd assertion that seems to having resonance in the ether of the undecideds universe that as a woman she would not be able to stand up to overarching world leaders.

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Vance is a wholly owned subsidiary of Peter Theil, and an acolyte of Curtis Yarvin (as is Theil).

Yarvin's goal is to end democracy.

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True, and unfortunately it seems to be working. RationalWiki has a good summary of the antisocial goals of the Dark Enlightenment worshippers like Yarvin and Thiel. The Springfield News-Sun recently published a scathing editorial against Vance, whom they called unprepared. Unfortunately, Thiel bought him as one of our senators.

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True. But Thiel didn't buy Vance as one of OUR senators. He bought him as one of THEIR senators.

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Unfortunately, Gloria, when it comes to a senate vote, the results are all of ours. So, yes, he is unfortunately one of our senators.

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Oct 18Edited

Heritage Foundation grooming, support, and advisors.

See the Klaus Maria Brandauer movie "Mephisto."


It's an old movie from an old playbook that was produced in 1981, at the beginning of the Reagan years, where we continue to suffer instant replays of that "alternate reality."

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Terrific film, and a tremendous performance by Brandauer.

Directed by the Hungarian István Szabó, as Hungary was successfully experimenting -- behind the Iron Curtain -- with a new system they called "goulash communism."

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Oct 18Edited


Thanks for the background. It just goes to show, real truth overshadows politics! For the skeptic, how many actors, popular artists, and moronic football coaches & players have held high office in the US since at least Shirley Temple ‽ Ohio even produced an astronaut senator! Like the felon candidate, even "The Old Ranger" president of the '80s 'hosted a weekly TV series - "Death Valley Days." "Mephisto" is spot-on for truth - and it doesn't give a tinker's damn about the producers' political persuasion.

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Haven’t watched the film yet but as to football players, in Missouri, there is a Chiefs kicker campaigning with Josh Hawley. He may be a Christian Nationalist but I don’t know.

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The link says the film is not available in my area.

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Sorry to hear that. Try this link: https://youtu.be/bNiii1C6448?si=-AcWlwotBB4Vq25q

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Vance may be inexperienced in governing for the people but he sure is experienced in BS and lying. He is slick. What is that movie about the evil doll?

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I am not sure, despite having liven for a long stretch in the same town as Stephen King, I am not a fan of horror. I think of Vance as fitting the mold of Worm Tongue in his current incarnation; I know he is one of these far right Tolkien fans, https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/19/lord-of-the-rings-jd-vance-00169372.

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Vance, like Trump, is manipulated.

It seems all he sees is more money for himself and his family.

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IMO, an opportunist. I wish all the MAGAs would know about his tech bro money. And here’s another man telling women what will make them happy whether they like it or not.

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"Recall that Vance was put into play — made a senator and then pushed into being Trump’s vice presidential candidate — by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch. "

All three are immigrants. Could they be the enemy within?

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And Vance...could he be The Alien?

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I see him more as Damien in The Omen, all grown up and fully formed evil.

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Winning the election is only the start of a long laundry list of items that will need to be done to ensure Trump or someone like Trump doesn’t happen again. If Harris wins, and I strongly believe that she will, we will only be in a position to start to win the American people’s trust back. What comes next will be hard work and perseverance as we hold the line and also extend a hand to those across the isle to ensure that we work together as we chart a new course in equality, success and a shared value of what we all see America becoming.

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The big problem is that in order to achieve these goals, we have to get more reformers in Congress and the Senate, and it isn’t likely to happen in Congress as Republicans have gerrymandered the states they control. In Ohio, we have citizen redistricting on the ballot, and our state Supreme Court allowed Secretary of State Frank LaRose to put a misleading summary of Issue 1, which is designed to break the Republican stranglehold on the state. There are signs telling people to vote No on Issue 1 to prevent gerrymandering, when the truth is that voting No would perpetuate gerrymandering. LaRose had pulled this stunt before, but lost.

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"...we work together as we chart a new course..."

A new course. Right now, I think we all are aware that that is nebulous. That new course is going to have be much better defined.

The old middle-class standard of living was based on cheap energy, mass consumption, and planetary degradation. Not to mention spiritual decay. A "new middle class" will have to be based on a very different approach.

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This is very well said, but it does not mean forgiving the criminal behavior of the likes of republican representatives in congress. They will deserve forgiveness after they serve hefty prison sentences: the Josh Hawleys, Mike Johnson’s, Mitch McConnels. It is literally a crime to support and perpetuate the lies that have brought our country to this precipice.

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I'm not big on incarceration, especially not in America. It's another gross inhumane injustice, as is capital punishment.

In my view, they will be eligible for the first stage of forgiveness once they have confessed and swear to repent and devote themselves to public service -- just not in elected office.

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Like they do in jail, swearing that they have Found Jesus?

Sorry, that sticks in my craw.

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Make them home health aides or nurse assistants and live on those salaries.

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Not sure they can be believed when they pledge allegiance. We keep letting them off. They keep turning coats. Agree with you about capital punishment. Maybe Fucault (sorry, spelling) had it right. Public whippings, not prisons. Cheaper, too.

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Yes, how many times do they have to lie to us before people realize they are liars? And liars gonna lie. You can’t believe a word from Josh Hawley. What kind of oath do they take to become a senator? Does it match his behavior on and leading up to Jan 6?

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That's why I mentioned forgiveness in stages.

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Good point.

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Kamala is definitely losing. The polls are terrible for her. Good chance its a landslide

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Where you hearing that?

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Everywhere. Look at Polymarket. Every poll is trending downward. Thats not a good sign. Also, Trump has historically underperformed in the polls. If that's true again, you're looking at a landslide.

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What I’m hearing is that because the polls were off in determining trump’s support the last time, they have adjusted for that this time.

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They haven't. Alot of these polls are oversampling democrats by 7%+

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While Religion is so prevalent you will have problems. Improve Education, encourage the ability to think rationally and Enlightenment may return. Vance would be Torquemada Reborn.

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“Third, as early voting begins, I’m seeing an extraordinary outpouring of enthusiasm for Harris” Thank you for this. I’m generally a pessimistic person; I wish I wasn’t but I am.

I’m not sure I’d want to stay in this country if Trump wins. I can’t stand his voice. I can’t look at his face, I was born in a Central American country ruled by dictator so I know what the US could look like only too well if he becomes an insane despot with the ambitious S. African Musk at his side. Disaster would loom supreme.

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You’re absolutely correct that we have to do something about inequality. However, everyone leading these discussions has missed the corruption in our schools that I’ve been trying to expose since 1995. Please look at WhiteChalkCrime.com and discover a big piece of the puzzle you missed. Education is democracy’s pillar. That pillar is on its side with the schools we have. School shootings are the unheeded warning.

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But the teachers union is a critical bluanon ally - can’t expect them to actually be accountable- dems need low info voters and teachers union dues

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Even if you’re correct that this is what they want, I’m sure the chaos in America has shifted many small minds and they realize these schools can’t hold up a democracy. But if you knew what unions are up against, you’d start thinking more like me: this is what they’ve settled for.

It really is Harvey Weinstein-like. There’s way too much power at the top and the unions have capitulated. I was on e-mail chains with Randi Weingarten years ago. She ignored my organization but she really tried to help good teachers retire as if she felt guilty. It was as if the powerful own the place and we’re stuck. She accepted reality. I haven’t.

They do own the place because no one will stand up to them. That’s why I made this my life’s work to stand up to them. If you read my book you’ll understand this. Looking at education from the outside isn’t enough.

There are truly wonderful teachers operating in hostage mode. People just don’t understand the world of education. That’s why I wrote this book as a memoir of a called to teach teacher so they’ll understand the problem.

My book also explains why a person like me hasn’t happened before. Besides being able to work without making money - what I’ve done for 29 years (I spent all the money I made as a teacher on legal costs so I didn’t have that money either. ) I had to have all kinds of skills to do this work that most teachers don’t have. And above all it seems hopeless because people think like you do - we’re so powerless so why bother. So they haven’t. Instead many have turned to Trump. After all when you know you’re powerless you seek power.

I am the exception. I know I’m powerless as a teacher but I’m doing this work as the person I am, also explained in the book.

If people won’t spend the time to learn about what’s going on in education they will soon lose democracy. It’s not what you think.

Yes most people sell out but teachers want to teach but have been sold out. We need the government to investigate and free us from unbearable power at the top that even the union just accepts.

It may have become just about blue votes but it’s this way because the Harvey Weinsteins of the world have their way, even with unions. Even though the union totally ruined my career I’m still fighting for them - only after they admit the truth - because I understand why. Please read my book. I know it can change education. My contact information is at WhiteChalkCrime.com Click on Media. I’ll send you a free ebook or pdf.

People settle for reasons. If we want to save this democracy we need to give them paths so they don’t have to settle. Whether it’s Republicans bowing to Trump or Democrats bowing to hidden corruption, most are bowing because they feel they have no choice. Education was what taught people how to have choices. It’s a mess. That’s why our country is a mess. Don’t focus on what the union is doing wrong. Learn how it got to that. Read my book.

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OK, I accept that something is very wrong.

Do you have a philosophy about education that remedies can be drawn from?

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Yes, basically people like me - called to teach - must lead. Now we have people who can’t teach well lording over great teachers and pushing them out. I go into detail with a plan. It’s a lot to explain here. Go to WhiteChalkCrime.com and contact me for a pdf of my plan, s chapter my book. It includes forcing the unions to apologize. Once you understand the system you’ll see that most teachers are like the unions - going along to get along. We need to level the playing field so they can do the right thing. It’s just impossible to do what I did so they don’t do it. We need to help them do it. My book explains things so you understand how it went south and why we need parents to force change.

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Yes absolutely. It takes a while to explain but to simplify it: called to teach teachers must lead education rather than shallow administrators seeking money and power.

As it is, people like me who love teaching and love democracy are pariahs. That’s what must be changed and easily could’ve if government removed the power they’ve mistakenly handed over.

I believe this has been an error due to not really understanding education in a nation where our top universities put little into it too. Prime example is U of Georgia research on teacher abuse from 2000 never followed up on.

They abuse teachers who care. That’s what people don’t know like they didn’t know what Harvey Weinstein wa doing. That’s what needs to change.

Since our schools are the only path for equality, if people like Robert Reich don’t know what I know but haven’t been able to expose for almost thirty years, what chance does democracy have?

I have a chapter on my vision that I know will work the way I knew when I changed my students’ lives. I was born with a gift. That’s what called to teach means; a culture who has trashed people like me has suffered from having done so. My book is a path back.

Go to WhiteChalkCrime.com and contact me on the

Media link and I’ll send you a digital Copy free. Or order it and review it and help it go viral and change this monumental mistake.

I have as much faith in my book as I had in my ability to change my students’ lives. I was the teacher I wanted for my children. But I was terminated for being that. You must read my memoir. You’ll understand.

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Great post Professor Reich, I agree with every point. We MUST redistribute wealth so everyone can live safely, with with sufficient food, housing, affordable transportation, clothing and even entertainment. I'm not suggesting we take ALL the wealth from the top 0.1% just some of it. Regulated capitalism MUST be reinstated and our Constitution preserved.

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Can you Venmo me a quick $50 - you know because of equality

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Are you listening to yourself? Regulated capitalism and preserving the Constitution are mutually exclusive. Full on commie you are. Go make your own money.

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Professor Reich,

Like you said in the video. Most of the people who are still supporting Trump are easily manipulated into believing that Trump will make their lives better! For whatever reason they just can’t see what a scumbag this guy really is. The producer of the Apprentice has come out and apologized for creating a monster. What will it take to wake these people up?

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i was hoping something like this might open their eyes...


but i found that people dont want to expand their mind but often close it tightly like a comfort blanket


hopefully better education systems might allow more people to always stay inquisitive and always look for more truth beyond what any authoritarian serves them...or worse only believe what they wish to be true

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Perhaps Isaac Asimov said it best: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

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Ignorance is fixable. Stupidity is permanent.

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Absolutely true.

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I agree, Kathy. I once sat in country stores and ate my sandwich and listened to tobacco farmers denigrate and make fun of anyone educated. A quote I remember well was, “ educated beyond usefulness.”

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My grandmother saw my budding library many years ago and asked me why I wasted so much money on books. I don't remember my answer, but she began buying textbooks for me at garage sales.

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Genius. Should be up there with the Constitution.

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It will take “Hope” on their part. For them: “Hope.”

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Great question 🤔

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This is so true, we have to find a way to include the ones that have been left behind, whose feeling of being left behind was co-opted by Trump (as if he would have ever done anything for them, but he made them feel “heard”). We need to not only hear them, but fix the inequality that has been growing ever since the 80’s (deregulation at fault, anyone?) - if we can make strong movement to strengthening the middle class to include these “left out” voters, it could prevent a Maga 2.0

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If Trump loses, I could be wrong, but I think Vance’s career is over. He’s had to stoop so low this campaign to appease Trump saying things like literal Neo-Nazi propaganda and claim the 2020 election was stolen, both of which he knows isn’t true. He definitely has the desire to be demagogue, but I don’t think he is as effective at it as Trump is. Trump has a cult of personality and I can’t see that happening with Vance. And if Trump and him lose, Trump will do what he always does and blame others around him including Vance. I hope I’m not wrong.

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He didn’t get my vote before, and he’ll never get it. I loathe his misogyny, and wonder how his wife puts up with it?

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Kathy; his wife keeps her distance.

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I hope so too, Infinite. I tend to think you are correct

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Spot on and on and on. Thank you. Truth is often harsh. I hope we have a long moment of celebration and relief from which we worker bees & believers can breathe many long sighs before we get in with the next chapters of rebuilding, rebranding and reconciling with old friends & for many of us, family near & dear.

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I hope your prescient comments come to the attention of Kamala and her assistants, and are heeded by them in the West Wing!

But first, I hope Democratic activists persuade as many waverers as possible in the next two and a half weeks, to help save American democracy.

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Oct 18
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Packing SCOTUS? Wouldn't impeaching and replacing bad ones, who have corruptly accepted gifts of favours, or lied to Congress when being selected, be more economical?

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Another wise and timely communication. Thank you

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Mr.Reich, we Must Not assume Kamala will win There are many local ads where I live that are from

People running for office who are spreading Trumps lies about immigrants and Abortion and these ads are really bigoted! He’s trying to Turn New York State Red! Kamala is doing a great job of showing Trump to be a incompetent idiot who will

do anything Elon Musk or anyone else that Rich tells him to

We must keep

Working to in sure she wins but don’t make the mistake that Trump and his loyal band won’t except anything unless it favors

Them we must win in a massive way so keep

Working !

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New Jersey too! We have a very close Senate and Congressional race. 💙💙💙💙💙💙 Vote BLUE

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Can't help feeling, you get what you deserve. If your System, your group mentality gets you Trump/Vance, then that is what your Democracy brings. Your choice.

I'd like to think you're smarter than that, but I am not sure. It will affect the whole planet, but it has no choice.

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