So why is a third or more of America continuing to put their trust in a con-man who continues to lie to them about everything and is a disgraceful human being!
A big reason why is because his party in Congress, of which he is the leading candidate for president, has pledged to support Trump’s
“Cult 45” oath of WWG1WGA and obstruct any and all of President Biden’s policies that help the American people! These Republican Congressmen and women took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution and instead they are putting their full support behind a man who wants to destroy our Constitution and our Democracy! This is NOT your mother and father’s Republican Party. Trump and his Congressional representatives are leading their party into an unprecedented crisis that will all but destroy them!
And the network media stations are not doing us any favors either! Instead of reporting how Trump and his cult members, with help from our worst adversaries, namely Russia, are trying to turn our citizens against each other and constantly undermining our Constitution and our democracy! The major network news channels have shown that they don’t care about reporting the cold hard truth, they only care about their ratings! Thank God we have independent journalists and independent news sources that call out Trump and his cult for the hypocrites they are!
Keith--It's a third of Republicans, which probably means around 9 to 10% of voters so around maybe 6% of the population.
Prof. Reich has heeded my advice and avoid the mistakes on non-relativity in reporting numbers.
But. . .we must be aware of the idea of a tipping point. Malcolm Gladwell estimated in his book by the name of "The Tipping Point" that 10% of a group or population can be sufficient. There are several factors that are make or break. Gladwell described ideas such as whether a message has stickiness, context, and momentum.
Countering this requires making the fascist message repulsive, clearly identifying the context including the heinous crimes in the Ukraine and Gaza, and building momentum through force multipliers in a progressive movement.
If not, be sure your passport is renewed before summer.
Dr. Gilbert, I know how repulsive the fascist message is because I learned all about it in of all places, public school! The younger generation may not have learned how horrible fascism was and they are the voters we need to ensure will NOT vote for trump! My question is how do we do that?
Yes, young people today don't know anything about history. Schools are not teaching kids about the past or civics. Too many cuts to education over the years.
Migel Cardona needs to step up as President Biden's Education Secretary and begin to make a difference here. Public schooling should always be available for all children and his job should be to see to it that our public schools are the absolute best they can be. These states (like the one I live in) should not be allowed to dictate to their constituents what their children will learn, what they will read, and what false history they want to teach them. I don't know how all of this can be reversed but it definitely needs to be!!
Yes, cuts to education but many teachers are speaking truth to our students. My third graders were taught about the horrors of slavery, and Hiroshima to name a few. I can say this from CA. Maybe it’s not true in FL, though.
Thanks for sticking up for public education teachers after this onslaught from commenters. I taught English and US History and Civics for 40 years in CA. My grand children have had excellent government and civics teachers and now they are voting.
Arts vary by school district. However, when one of my kids was in his final year of completing a fine arts degree in college, the rug was pulled out from under his program. The top quality instructors left when their courses were restricted by new rules, and they were replaced by people connected to heavy donors.
When I was in high school in the late 60s, my dad and I compared my coursework in civics and the sciences to his high school coursework in the late 30s. It became obvious that his coursework had been much more rigorous than mine. By the time I was graduating from university the second time around in the late 80s, my college level physics was a couple of tiers below what his had been. Later on I began a second career teaching in public schools and I realized the country is DOOMED not solely due to lax standards, but by what the parents were sending to the schools: spoiled undisciplined kids who had no interest in personal nor educational standards and the parents who wouldn't support any out-of-school-time reinforcement of learning objectives and activities. Kids and parents lied straight to our faces and undermined most of what we tried to do. It wasn't economics that made me take early retirement; it was being abused by kids, parents, and administrators who are a toxic morass of laziness and ignorance.
Yes, the quality and funding for education have been on a steady decline for decades. But the vocal and rabid push-back against uncomfortable or undesirable facts is relatively recent, as right-wing deniers demand that history they don't like be ignored, suppressed, or re-written. Nowhere is the maxim "All politics is local" more evident than in our public schools.
Nor in my day either, the 1940's and 1950's. American History was the revolution and civil war, in the south it was the civil war, as a war of northern aggression. In the north the 4th of July was celebrated with fireworks and patriotic displays, not in the south. Christmas was celebrated with fireworks, the 4th of July was all but ignored..
I lived and attended school in Philadelphia and Louisiana.
That's been true for decades. Arts (and now sports) are generally separately funded by parents as after-school activities. Both my kids loved their middle-school music teachers, but music was also caught. Music class/band/orchestra was an island of safety and refuge for many kids during the school day; and I dare say many were harmed emotionally when that escape was taken from them.
UPDATE: Here's an antidote to the dreary news and current events. I watched this short film last week, and was thrilled when it won an Oscar last night.
The Last Repair Shop | 2024 Oscar-Winner Documentary Short
Yes, kids aren’t learning civics these days which is an injustice to our children. My kids are 22 and 19 and I don’t recall them learning any significant history. So sad
Laura, I truly believe that is why it is so easy to brainwash these younger voters into thinking that trump is okay. They don't know and don't understand what that little orange man is doing and plans to do to our country!!!
Peggy- exactly my point too - the younger gens have not experienced any painful economic downturns or are familiar with WW2s dire effects of fascism and dictatorship that almost destroyed the world.
That is why it is important to me that these young people learn, learn, learn about all of this history. When they learn it, then they can make their decisions based on facts and truth not propaganda!! Oldsters, like myself, need to be talking to the young people about fascism and the horrors associated with it. We also need to talk to them about economic downturns as well. The more we educate our young, the better decisions they will be able to make!
When I talk to my kids (born in late 70s) that Trump is talking like a fascist or has dictatorship in his plans, I rewind and bring up the world as it was to father and mother during WW2 - fighting fascism and Hitler that killed 6 million Jews - they can’t relate that to Trump for some reason. My 7 siblings and I were born just after WW2 and the memories and horrors for all Americans were fresh in their minds. Today’s youth are only concerned about their iPhone updates and how to stream music and movies. What would be interesting is to go to college campuses and interview 1000s of new voters to see what their opinions are about Trump and their freedoms here in usa.
For a moment, I chuckled, because upon reflection, my own public school was a bit fascist. We opened every morning with a salute to the flag, a reading from the King James Bible or a Christian mediation book, and, sometimes, the Lord's Prayer. In the 1950s, only white students could attend our public school, but we shipped our used textbooks across town to the Black school. Schools in that North Georgia county have only been integrated since the early seventies, if I remember correctly. I have to wonder if that's why some people there are not so freaked out by impending aspirations of Christian nationalists.
Seems like there would be a movie that would show a repressive government, like the kind that Trump promises. I think the History Channel has some - they need to run those again.
Gordon, PBS had a show done by Rick Steves called “The Story of Fascism in Europe”. Rick Steves usually does travel show so I wasn’t expecting that, but it’s very good. It’s on YouTube now also.
Public high school teacher here from CA—many of us in the English dept. are teaching Orwell’s classic 1984 and working hard to make sure students understand the danger of electing a wannabe dictator—and encouraging our students who are 18 to vote
Erin, you are a true hero!! I am heartened to hear that teachers, even facing retaliation from republicans, are making sure our kids are getting the knowledge they need to face challenges ahead. I truly admire your efforts!!
Support the young people. They are working hard to save democracy and the planet, not to mention their own lives. Don't sell them short, or their teachers, or public education (of all places!) Thanks for the kick in the stomach.
Mac, I don't believe anything that I wrote in any way shows that I do not support young people!! I absolutely believe that the more they know the better they will be saving Democracy and the planet!! I in no way sell them short!! As a retired educator in the public education system, I know how hard it is for educators today and I support them 100%!! Nothing I said should have made you feel as if you were kicked in the stomach!!
And while you are at it, by all means open a bank account abroad and establish links to domestic accounts to enable remote transfer of money, and brush up on your language skills (unless you are thinking of moving to an English speaking country. (I'm all set. Fertig! Prêt!)
The MAGATs have convinced 15-20% of the population that Democrats are evil destroyers of white America and that'll of our government institutions are totally corrupt supporters of the child-traffickng Democrats. So destroying/killing democrats is “Patriotic”! Changing that narrative and belief system is difficult especially when half the preachers in America repeat it from their pulpits…
Peggy I fear that people don't understand the word fascism, and what it means, other than "bad' or something I don't like.
The word was coined by an Italian poet and adopted by Mussolini, it refers to the Symbol of the Roman Senate which was a fasces, abundle of sticks in which was secured an axe head. The symbology was that while you can snap one stick, you can't snap a bundle of sticks.
Mussolini's fascism started out as a corporate state, or state capitalism, in which their parliament or chamber of deputies was staffed by representatives from corporations, pretty much the same as our congress only more directly and openly.
With the advent of Hitler and Franco, and Japan fascism became much more.
The 14 defining characteristics of fascism chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
An interesting read, Lee. Now that I understand the word fascism better, I truly understand why I don't like it and I don't want it here in America!! Thank you for sharing the information!
Your welcome. Fascism comes in many forms, including religious. Christofascism, Islamofascism included., and in Israel Judeo fascism., that is not to say that Christianity, Islam and Judaism is fascist, but there are theocratic fascists in all religions and forms, including Hindu, PM Modi of India is a prime example, and the scary part is that fascism is on the ascendancy, secular and sectarian.
It is scary, Lee! I prefer to fall back on my Christian upbringing. I don't attend church anymore because they have become way to political. My church is the great outdoors, my guide is the Bible, and I choose the true teachings of Jesus Christ which is love and acceptance. It may not fit with any religion, but it brings me peace and happiness. Keep putting out the information, Lee, and I'll keep soaking it up like a sponge!!
You're right, SumPissdChck! Civics should definitely be a requirement in all high schools!! Students must be required to pass the course otherwise we will continue to get the idiots we have in Congress!!
Dr. Doug Gilbert: A political scientist from Turkey pointed out that it was 40 to 60 Ukrainians who sided with Putin and thus, brought about the Ukraine war. That's 40 to 60 individuals. What is happening in our Congress, this very small group of Republicans, scares me. This small group can indeed get their way and make life one living hell for the rest of us.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure many who vote for Republican representatives can be dissuaded that a Democrat in Congress would be a check upon Trump. Even those suburban people who can’t stand Trump and identify as republican will still probably vote for their Republican representative if they still identify as Republican
How did any Ukrainians bring about the Ukraine war? Who exactly were these 40-60 people? Elected officials or random joe's on the street ? The Ukraine war was triggered in part from various through US and NATO provocations. See recent expose in New York Times that clarifies our clandestine operations in Ukraine since 2014 and our complicity for Ukrainian nationalist political assassinations. Also look up Putin's red-line on google.
At this point we have almost a decade of evidence showing that the only resistance any of them put up against trump is symbolic at best.
Besides, there's no ideological difference between trump and the rest of the GOP. Trump just says out loud what they always said behind closed doors and took advantage of all the damage they'd already done to our political system to enact the Republican agenda and give Republican voters a permission slip to take the mask off and be the fascist shit bags they always wanted to be.
Trump is the inevitable end state of the GOP. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else maybe a few years or decades down the line. Point is, he is the Republican party, and as long as the Republican party continues to exist it will churn out candidates like him when it gains too much power.
We HAVE to rid ourselves of the Electoral College! Let’s implement one person, one vote! NO Republican has won the popular vote since Ronald Reagan. So “Publicans” are not going to give up their tyranny over the minority!
One of the necessary comprises installed by The Founders . .like Two Senators per, A Life Time High Court, The Sacred Right to Bear Arms . .to Unite against a Mad King! . .Irony Rules . ..
I don't think this "Gladwell" method is working. Patients on both sides of the divide seem infected with their own variety of mind virus. Both are blind to the board in their own eye while pointing out the splinter in their neighbor's. Both are being distracted from a middle way between both polarizing and weaponized extremes. Both are being conquered by being divided and by baited into semantic insanities. The middle ground is affirming our common humanity above all else , establishing unconditional empathy for all , above belief systems, above political bias , above historical narratives , above ideological fixations, above management by statistics, apart from any ism etc. etc.
The tipping point, in my opinion , must be the meeting ground of a common concern on both sides.However, If each side hates and cancels the other side to the point of not being able to listen respectfully and find some agreement then the best interests of the whole country cannot be served, just those of the take all by any Machiavellian means winner.
I've seen the same Dr Doug, only the tipping point in which a culture changes is about 17%. I am talking of a radical shift in the culture. Europe is faced with such a cultural shift, with the unchecked immigration from the Mideast West and central Asia and Africa, the culture of western civilization is under threat, and on the verge of Islamization, and with it misogynistic control of women and the banning and death of LGBT.
In fact there is a direct correlation between the influx of Muslims into Europe and the rise of the right. It is what has propelled Orban into dictatorial power
For progressive women think of having to choose colors of Abaya and Chador, and that is in Iran, one color, black, fits all in the Kingdom.
I am no exaggerating either. And please spare me the epithets and accusation, they go nowhere because I don't care.
Facts are facts, and we have to deal with them. Like the influx of Muslims into Europe has resulted in the rise of the right. We can scream and holller about bigots and racists and all of that, but that is what is happening.
American immigration is different, the Hispanics are conservative Catholics, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and actual MAGAt and theocratic allies. the right wing hype about immigrants is racial, not cultural, Where as in Europe it is cultural and not racist
I noticed you left out Russia. Now that's some stupidity. BTW, we don't have a liberal media in this country. They haven't been aiding and abetting anyone except the criminal right. If we had a real liberal media Trump would have been in prison a long time ago. And social media like "X" and "Meta" are exactly what helped Trump get elected in the first place. Not a single President has ever had any indictments handed down to them. Ever. I suspect that were going to find out that 91 of them aren't all false accusations. Donald Trump, the guy that hates our government so much is in essence saying he hates our country. What most people in this country hate is an authoritarian dictatorship the very thing he and his lackeys are striving for. Trump doesn't belong anywhere near the White House. He belongs in the Big House.
East Palestine, Ohio, -- which is a stone's throw from the border with Pennsylvania -- was a major lost opportunity. Besides Trump's scrapping the braking regulation meant to prevent catastrophes like this one, Biden could have mentioned how Norfolk Southern was devoting billions to stock buybacks while throwing out peanuts to mitigate the damage they caused.
Yes Daniel but only 2,000 Republicans voted in all of DC so that's not really saying much. I did take courage in the fact that a neighbor of mine who was staunchly Republican totally Pro Trump, now no longer talks about Trump at all. This is going from talking about Trump every time we meet to not talking at all when we meet. I am totally relieved that more Americans are jumping the American fascist parties ship as they well should if they have any brains at all.
I’ve found a lot of people unwilling to talk any politics bc they have no recourse but to admit Trump speaks lies, Has no Christian values and hangs out with dictators
Thank you for spelling this out. Let’s remember that bullies are cowards. Trump’s increasingly extreme language reveals his growing fear. One solid punch in the nose is enough to make most bullies turn tail and run, but Trump seems to believe he has an army at his back. Those are the people who’ve been hurt and left behind by the runaway greed in our health care system and too many employers so focused on the bottom line that they are brutally indifferent to the humanity of their employees. How can we help them?
2,000 Republican voters in DC. That’s about as scientific as the flawed methodology New York Times/Siena College polls the NYT keeps churning out and twice as many people. (The poll use btwn 800 to 1000 people. See Jay Kuo’s Substack where he drills down on the red flags in poll methodology.).
S Howard. If you live in a purple to blue area as I do, your tRumpster friend may be like many neighbors I have - getting more silent in public, watching this as much tRump on Newsmax, OneAmerica and Fox at home with a big smile.
The DC results are very encouraging and definitely indicate that not everyone in the GOP is on board with Trump's fascist autocratic rhetoric. The fact that Trump's platform is only for revenge and to stay out of prison should be a major factor with most voters who support democracy. A victory in November for an indicted madman facing 91 felonies who is in obvious cognitive decline, would be an epic disaster.
Exactly. This ought to motivate everyone to get out and vote for a straight Democrat ticket: Republicans have a working roadmap "Project 2025" which among many other undemocratic things, gives the president the power of a virtual king; the Department of Justice will not have oversight, there will be no check,s on the executive branch.
That is the same as saying the president can order a Seal Team to do any operation he might like. Given Trump's vows for vengeance on political enemies, his known petty responses and other animosities, why take a chance?
The basis is simple: The vote was in Washington DC. We know what some on the Trump side think of Washington DC- a cesspool of corruption with a large Black population. To Trump’s supporters DC stands for Dis-Counted. Give it time; Trump will question Haley’s win as will others on the “ right”.
Trump could not pose a threat as an authoritarian strongman unless he had powerful Establishment backers who want him in power to do what they want.
Trump is "Mr. Bankruptcy" and the powers-that-be envision the need for the United States -- in the throes of global de-dollarization and consequent financial chaos -- shredding the social safety net (General Welfare, Social Security and Medicare) as hyperinflation ruins the life savings of the Baby Boomers.
It takes a "big stick" strongman to weild power in times of bone-crushing austerity, and some of the powers-that-be have decided that Trump is the man for the job.
What do you think the incompetent handling of the Covid-19 pandemic was, if not a prelude to how older and other vulnerable people will be treated under a Trump 'administration'?
Elderly people that are recovering from illness or injury often are sent to skilled nursing facilities to recover. Are you suggesting that covid patients be put out in the streets?
The result was to kill off vulnerable old people as covid spread death through the nursing homes, and then GovernorCuomo tried to lie about it, ruining his career:
tRump did not want to touch the Covid treatments, except to auction respirators off to foreign interests in a New Jersey warehouse, and talk Ivermectin and injecting bleach and anti mask and anti Vax 'treatments'!
Incompetence is trying to do-- or thinking you are-- doing the right thing.
What can you say about someone who KNOWS a deadly disease is spreading, untracked, through the air, has the power to put into motion a public health response, yet SAYS NOTHING for weeks?
More than a million Americans died and are still dying-- who didn't bother to get vaccinated, wear a mask, or socially distance. Some asked to be vaccinated as they were being wheeled into the hospital for intubation-- their last public communication before dying.
Instead of modeling best practice disease prevention, Trump brought a neuroradiologist on board who advocated 'herd immunity'.
"Trump elevates Scott Atlas, a doctor with a rosier coronavirus outlook
TO THIS DAY, AMERICANS ARE DYING OF COVID-19. How many of them are those who refuse to get vaccinated, wear an N-95 mask properly, or socially distance themselves? How many evolutions of this particular virus will we see? Will it ever be gone? What would Trump do if it were something like the polio virus, and people are paralyzed from exposure?
How easy would it have been for Trump to 1) tell America what he knew early, when the spread could be stopped, and 2) to have not politicized the CDC and let them do their job of identifying and stopping the sperad of disease, and 3) model safe behavior during a pandemic-- thereby teaching his supporters how to stay safe and enjoy life instead of dying, as they have, of COVID-19?
What can anyone say about a leader who fails to lead in a time of mass disease?
Explain who you think are the "Establishment." I agree that Trump is supported by evildoers, and I do think there are those who would "genocide old people" if given the chance because they believe it is in their best interest, but they are the fascists that we need to defeat by overwhelming them at the polls this November. We must elect Biden and Democratic majority in both houses and be ready to counter any claims of stolen elections. Poll watchers will be needed.
I just now listened to the Ralph Nader Radio Hour with Bishop William Barber talking about the "Poor People's Campaign." He explains how that voting block can make a big difference and why they have been ignored.
They launched the campaign on March 2nd and the details about volunteering are on the program which I found on Youtube. There are millions more poor white people than other minorities and we need to acknowledge that fact and go after their votes as well as all poor people's votes. All who work for a paycheck are on the same side, no matter how much or little we earn. Details to volunteer at
Thank you, Gloria. I will listen to this radio hour and find out how to volunteer. We need to get all of the votes we can for President Biden. Vote Blue America!!
I didn't say we're all going to be killed. I said some people who want to see that happen. I took a course from Ezekiel Emanuel and his attitude frightens me. The booming hospice industry and lobbyists promoting assisted suicide scare me, especially after what happened with my father. It was Matt Gaetz's family business, and you know how ethical he is. The Washington Post and Propublica did series concerning the for profit hospices and end of life care. We need to pay attention.
It's currently being used as a verb by many. What kind of person are you to say something so cruel? Apparently you have enough money to be a founding member.
Back in the 1930s these imperialist Establishment fascists tried to use Marine General Smedley Butler to pull off a coup against "socialist" President Franklin D. Roosevelt:
"George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" gives a series of chapter-by-chapter studies of the Establishment at work. There has never been a more "Establishment" president than George H.W. Bush, but "Corporate Joe" Biden comes in second.
We still have time to get rid of Biden, but the Establishmentwill fight that. The only way that their man Trump can win is if their man Joe "mashed potato brain" Biden is his opponent.
Please stop "dissing" President Biden. He understands world politics - and Humpty Dumpty does not. Maybe you are too young to remember the Vietnam war - but our soldiers could easily be dropped onto foreign soil by Trump like Vietnam. He has no memory of that war & never fought in it. Biden does. For that, we must realize that the man you call "mashed potato brain" Biden is the man who is far better suited to lead our country during other highly dangerous and contentious countries' wars.
What an astonishingly stupid thing to say. Biden, by cynically using Ukraine's far-right thug regime to provoke Russia, has ruined the German economy (because of the energy sanctions) and brought us stumbling toward World War III while simultaneously provoking accelerated global de-dollarization and exposing the weakness of our military industry's production capabilities.
Much on social media and propaganda in general begins with some truths and leads to a fallacy as you have done here. After the mashed potato brains that Trump vomited this weekend, forgetting again that he isn't running against Obama along with all the rest of his loosely associated sentence fragments, I don't know how your Establishment can even continue to back Trump.
Good Lord!! You mean they will be coming for me?? I guess I'll have to keep my cast iron skillet next to my bed. I may be old but no one is going to take me out before I am ready to go!!!
Ever notice how her AI generated programs for speech of the time give out gibberish? You better check your text before you hit the Go Button because it's probably all messed up.
Actually, after years of teaching English as a second language in three Asian countries, I was concerned to observe that my English had started mutating.
These days, there is an emerging version of English spoken by many millions of international second-language English speakers among themselves, with relaxed rules about what is correct.
Your point about the media is spot on. What I wonder is if they don't realize they'll be one of the first he goes after. I mean, how many times have we heard "fake news" and him calling out various media outlets? Yet they keep kowtowing the Trump drivel in order to get clicks on stories. It'll be their undoing.
It feels like this all started a long time ago with the Tea Party Republicans whose main interest was in preventing any Democrat policy succeeding, irrespective of whether or not it was beneficial to the majority of American citizens or American global interests. The current GOP MAGA cadre have taken this to unthinkably toxic limits while the rest of the Republican Party has sleepwalked into allowing key leadership posts to be taken by Trump loyalists. It's genuinely frightening; if Trump is re-elected, it will be absolute carnage for decades. Even when Trump goes, his acolytes have scented the blood in the water...
This seems even bigger than the U.S. There is a world-wide battle going on between democracy and autocracy. The billionaires are helping the autocrats. The people will suffer.
Keith, thank you for your excellent, but very despairing, commentary. Please read Simon Rosenberg’s (a 30 year veteran of politics and a Democratic strategist) Hopium Chronicles on Substack. The bottom line: “Do more, worry less!”. Join DNC phone banks, contribute to the Biden-Harris campaign, wear a USA 🇺🇸 flag pin, along with your Biden-Harris pins, talk to your family, friends, and neighbors, put up a “Dark Brandon” Biden sign in your front yard! Get cracking! Our precious democracy is at stake!
Keith, You got that right! Or should I say, correct? 😊
The media is right wing owned and specifically working AGAINST democracy. The media IS the right wing. They are doing the job of their ultimate masters. The MAGA nuts are a small group in terms of voters. We must keep writing that AND saying that. They are DESPERATE to cheat.
Apathy is the only thing that can help them. If we want to keep our democracy and our freedoms we need to win a LANDSLIDE ELECTION in November. The good that came from our present situation is we now know who the MAGA maniacs are!
If he can avoid these trials before the election, he believes he will be president even if he loses the election. I'm sure MAGA Mike Johnson already has his marching orders. If the democrats retake the house, he will contest enough of the seats to hold the house until January 6. Then he will not accept the election results and throw the election to the states where each has one vote. Since republicans control 26 states, they will make trump president. It is all legal.
"Legal" or not, it is another coup attempt and this time it is being aided and abetted by 6 traitors on the Supreme Court. Biden in his State of the Union address must call out these traitors in no uncertain terms. Without question they have defiled the Judicial Branch of Government, not to mention violated their oath of office. They should be in prison now as enemies of the state. These are drastic times and require unprecedented drastic responses.
I'm guessing it will be five to four, because John Roberts is smart enough to know if trump wins, he's out of a job they won't need a Supreme Court, because the law will be whatever Fanta Hitler says it is. The Christofacists however...
During and after WWII, I always found it surprising that the US had joined the war on the side of the Allies. I thought it would have made more sense generally if the US had joined on the Axis (fascist) side, given the tenor of the times in this country. Now we are finally coming to play out our true fate. The war sucked all the oxygen out of the room for about thirty years. Will this coming adventure be that commanding or are events moving faster today? If the crazies turn to nuclear weapons, our time will be much shorter.
You wrote, “[W]hy is a third or more of America continuing to put their trust in a con-man…?”
The answer is that one third of all humans have an “Authoritarian Personality.” That is, they LIKE dictators.
Nobody can change THEIR minds. What we need to focus on is exposing Trump’s lies, incompetence, and anti-Democracy positions to inform and influence the Swing Voters.
The Democrats, have squandered their opportunities to decisively show that they aren't Republican Lites. In the recent past they have had control of the House, Senate and Presidency but have chosen NOT to move forward with "daring" legislation. Abortion would be one of those issues. Health Care, Housing and Banking Reform would be others where the Democrats could have shown they were different from the Republicans.
If both Party's serve, or appear to serve, the same Corporate and Oligarchic masters, why wouldn't people listen to a voice that promises them change? Even if that voice is one of the (minor) oligarchs? If you beat a dog enough times, it will eventually bite you.
I agree that the Democrats are not forceful enough and are influenced by the wealthy but they do support the United States Constitution as opposed to the party that supports a dictator wannabe!
Let US remember this old saying “ To be forewarned is to be foreARMED. We’re not helpless in this. We need to stop being heedless and remember cowards like Trump flex their muscles from the rear of the mob. Nothing about Donald Trump speaks courage or a willingness to sacrifice. Dictators and autocrats surround themselves with bodyguards because they know they are DEAD wrong and live in constant fear of the retribution of the righteous.
Somewhere I read a person threw a tomato at Trump during one of his rallies. He reacted like it was a grenade. Trump is the least fearsome wannabe dictator on planet earth. He’s dangerous because he has convinced too many of his followers their lives are worth sacrificing for him. What’s rarely said is there is no quid quo on that. People like Trump put on a brave face. And that’s all it is, a mask. If we’re ever confronting Trump’s followers you can best believe he’ll be “ leading” them by “ truth social” from the warm comfort of Mar-a-Lago. Napoleon he’s not…..
Bodily Autonomy is on the chopping block first, if they win, they are gaming the system as we comment. "fertilized eggs are children!" Tell me you flunked biology or are crazy!
Every congressperson should be required at the beginning of the year to publicly renew their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. If not willing to do so show them the door,
I disagree because that's why they are in office anyway. The bad congressmen would take the oath thinking all they do is right even if it isn't. It's just a waste of time to me.
I agree my comment could easily be considered naive, but once a year doing a refresh can’t hurt. I suspect there are certain members in Congress that would relish the opportunity to demonstrate their unwillingness to support the Constitution as it would enhance their popularity among their constituents. Are we not scratching our heads as so many in that group seem to be ardent supporters of Putin?
Your WORD used to be the most trustworthy thing a person could do. As a 70 year old who was raised with a father who never went back on his word, that truly made an impression on me that I will always live by. I never took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution but I will till the day I die! I love my country and my freedoms.
Considering the decision the Supreme Court just came out with, what's the point? The oath is obviously meaningless. Violating it won't even get you a slap on the wrist.
I think there are exceptions. My daughter and her wife are in the process of emigrating to Europe as a proactive means of preserving their marriage, their dignity, and their human rights as non-binary persons. Even if Trump isn’t officially elected, he will continue to act as dictator from the sidelines, as he is doing now. He will still use his stacked Supreme Court to erase my kiddos and countless more LGBTQIa+ humans. He said so. Abortion was first; he will continue checking offf his list.
Your daughter and her wife will find the atmosphere much more reasonable here in Europe - especially on the Continent. I do not know where they are headed, but I do wish them good luck.
There's a book, written the 1935 and authored by a fellow by the name of Sinclair. It's well worth reading. It's called it can't happen here. It was another case of America building the wall on the border. It's a great read.
That would be Sinclair Lewis, not to be confused with Upton Sinclair (also a great American author). Lewis wrote "Main Street", "Babbitt", "Dodsworth" and "Arrowsmith" and of course "Elmer Gantry" as well as "It Can't Happen Here". His novels take a satirical look at the US and trends toward conservative conformity.
Upton Sinclair was a Socialist and ran for Governor of Cailfornia in 1934 and came close to winning. He wrote "The Jungle" but his most impressive work is the Lannie Budd series that looked behind the scenes at WWII espionage, including Nazi infiltration of the Republican Party.
Pamela, I understand what you are saying. My daughter has assured me that she will be fine. They have been together for 25+ years and they both told me that nothing was going to change that. There are so many LGBQT+ in our country and there are so many of us that support them, trump can rattle his saber all he wants but we will protect our own!! Tell your daughter and her wife that I wish them well and be happy!!
Thank you, Peggy, and I so agree with you. We mama bears will stick together and keep fighting. I applaud your daughter and her wife for bravely facing the threat.
I believe that the light will always overcome the darkness. But while we stay and defend ourselves and others against MAGA, I pray that everyone who needs to stay safe finds a means to do so.
Me, too, Pamela!! It is my opinion that if trump, his maga loyals, and far-right nutters don't like our country, THEY should be the ones leaving, not us!! I will always fight for Democracy, truth, and the absolute right for ALL of us to live in peace! Vote Blue America!!
The answer is to support those policies to create upper mobility, reduce economic inequality, And support universal healthcare.
Until we improve well-being for many there may just be another Trump that will come along to take advantage of very real grievances. Biden is working in that direction but it’s hard with obstructionist Trump party in Congress.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a backup plan if Trump “wins.” Moreover, I think it’s quite possible that even if he loses, the Republicans are better positioned this time to seize total power--permanently. For example, do you really think the Republican-controlled House will certify the election results if Biden wins? More immediately, I certainly think the Supreme Court’s latest move to facilitate Trump’s candidacy by delaying his being tried for January 6th is a very ominous sign. If Trump returns to the White House (a very good possibility), take him at his word--there will be a bloodbath, which won’t be confined to people in leadership positions or outspoken celebrities, writers, etc. You only need to consider the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany to figure out how this story and many, many lives could end.
Ann Coulter suggested a week or so ago that Trump would help his country if he kicked the bucket. Not in those words but the same meaning. I agree. This would sidestep all of this for him but does not rule out that the repubs would not try something with their own stooge candidate not being Nikki Haley. Do not think she would go along with this.
At this point, I don’t think that we can rely on some divine intervention. We need to plan for the worst, which may include staying, resisting, and all the risks that implies. I have thought about leaving, but I don’t know how reliable my retirement income will be with an extremist takeover. Like many people, I may not have a viable plan B.
The GOP have been wanting to get rid of Medicare and SS for a long time. I’m thinking we’d lose those if trump gets in office. They will find a way to steal a chunk away. They are talking about privatizing social security now. So, yes, any retirement plans are unreliable.
If I can do it, anyone can do it. Just don't think you are going to live on the French Rivera. There are many affordable places to live in the World and where you can live a nice life.
I honestly don't think I'm responsible for the deplorable mess the United States has become. I accept the fact that the 21st Century robber barons are calling the shots and are hell bent in turning the world into a de facto feudal society. They have billions upon billions to use to destroy democracy and the rule of law. The US is a perfect example of the best government money can buy.
You can choose to call my views as defeatist, if you want. It won't get you anywhere when you have to face reality.
Michael, I agree. This is more than trump now. He has all the nut cases lined up to do their destruction. The SCOTUS decision about allowing trump on the ballot as made with seditionists on the bench. Absolutely disgusting. When it suits rescumliCons they scream about states rights. Had republicans wanted a Dem removed, SCOTUS would have found a way to make their interpretation fit the bill. If they were an honest SCOTUS, there would have been recusals on this particular issue. Once again, the danger of not following through with consequences when we should have.
I don’t find their judgment so unreasonable at all. Certainly would hate for example for the Missouri Supreme Court to decide Biden should not be on the ballot if the tables were turned. In actuality. Trump should have been impeached and found guilty by Congress for his incitement of insurrection. that was a trial of sorts and Trump falsely was not convicted for inciting an insurrection.
Cheryl, the current makeup of the House will change (hopefully to majority BLUE) prior to the election certification…I think on the 2nd or 3rd of Jan, can’t remember exactly. Not that there won’t be immense problems when Biden wins, but there is some hope here
But if Republicans lose the House (something very likely) Johnson won’t be Speaker.
Like every other Congressperson his term will end on January 3rd, three days before certification occurs. Certification will be done by the new, in all likelihood Democrat-controlled, House.
But the current House narrowly controlled by Republicans could hold up new appointments based on questioning the legitimacy of their election results—or whatever pretense they concoct. I don’t think we can count on Republicans following the protocols of a smooth transition, which relies on both sides honoring legitimate democratic outcomes. What we can count on is chaos however they choose to create it. Just look at the current Congress, which is barely functioning—by design. We need to anticipate and be prepared for even worse—as awful as it is to contemplate.
Oh, we DEFINATELY can’t count on Republicans following the protocols of a smooth transition. On the contrary, they WILL use any thing they can to block having election results certified up to and including trying order the Capitol Police to arrest Democratic members of the House.
Cheryl. The 119th Congress starts at noon January 3, 2025. As of noon that day, Johnson is not Speaker nor is anyone else until a new Speaker is elected. It’s the new House that participates in the Certification.
I'm a college student, and sentiment among Gen Z about Biden is not promising at all. The current government's response to Israel's "aggression" (to put it extremely lightly) against Palestine has many people considering third party votes, at least from what I've seen.
Biden isn’t President of Israel. He doesn’t control it or Hamas. A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump. If you don’t like Biden, think about the Supreme Court. We are always voting for them. Everyone who couldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton is responsible for the Supreme Court we have now. It is short sighted to think only about the candidates. Look at all that has been affected because Trump won in 2016. Vote Biden Harris and get actively engaged in the next candidate.
The question I posed to my daughter (admittedly Millennial) was “How would you deal with Netanyahu?” She was speechless for about 10 seconds. Her answer was then something like “I don’t know”.
This problem is decades in the making with many Republican cooks in the kitchen. In 70 years there has been no progress by any Republican administration in the Middle East. Don’t expect any candidate other than Biden to have the knowledge, contacts, and ability to work through to a solution.
Please tell them there lies the road to ruin. Don’t fall for anti-Biden propaganda that leads us to a Republican victory. Trump would be the worst, but any Repub in thrall to the Heritage Society and their ilk will usher in the CPAC types who pledge to replace “democracy” with “theocracy.”
Biden needs to make it CLEAR that while he has supported Israel, he ALSO supported justice for Palestinians, and a stop to the monstrous destruction of humanity in Gaza. And that he HAS been working behind doors to stop the bombing and get aid to the people. Palestinian champions need to know Biden hears them, too, and he needs to make it known.
Republicans right now don’t believe in helping anyone but other Republicans.
Jared Kushner was quick to claim success in the Middle East with his friend, Netanyahu. I haven’t heard him asking Netanyahu to stop attacking Gaza and yet the people that want a 3rd party would risk putting Kushner back in government.
Alisa, I encourage you and all Americans to vote for Biden. What is unfolding is not about a single issue. All the challenges we face have a better chance of receiving positive action from caring Americans if we support him. A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump. Under him you won’t even be able to express your opinion without fear of retribution. That’s what this whole thread is about. Let us all stand together in destroying fascism and then get back to the business of addressing all our and the world’s pressing concerns.
I teach at a college and I am witnessing the same from the young ones up through 30-40 yr olds. I can’t understand how they don’t see what is truly at stake here.
You can bet that the Russians and GOP are putting out a massive propaganda campaign using Gaza. The young people don’t understand that they are being propagandized.
They should watch “The Great Hack” and see how a propaganda campaign was waged in Trinidad (I believe it was Trinidad). The citizens were convinced not to vote.
This needs to be discussed. My initial reaction is they think politics is dirty, and they want none of it. They stand apart from it all . Which is false, of course, And/or they prioritize their moral stand over real life consequences. It seems likely that’s because they don’t have an appreciation for the consequences..
Alisa, while I understand the younger voters are unhappy with President Biden about Israel, it is so important to understand that he is working to broker some kind of agreement between these parties but it does not happen quickly. Yes, he needs to work on that but if Gen Z wants to be able to vote and voice their rights to anything the government does, they absolutely need to put President Biden back in the White House for a second term. If trump gets in there Gen Z and everybody else will be screwed!! Voting third party or uncommitted is not making the statement they might think! It is only going to ensure that President Biden will not win! They will be putting the orange man back in power!
Even if Trump is NOT the candidate for some reason, the Republicans are still bent on theocracy and anti-democracy. They are TELLING us that daily. They don’t hide it.
We are not dealing two parties working for the good of the country. One party wants to remake us as an autocratic theocracy. We can’t put them in the White House for four years and expect to survive as the America we love.
Peggy, People think the way things have been while they grew up are the way they will always be.
I am editing a book right now about Vienna from BEFORE the Anschluss and into the Nazi era and the war. It’s horrid. Scary. Sneaks up on people. Moves in where they don’t expect it.
We do not have the luxury of perfetion. If we want a better government, we have to work at it. And being angry and letting the Republicans take over the White House is the death knell for our democracy.
Trump would be the biggest disaster, but any Republican who is beholden to the RNC and the Oligarchs, will harm our country. They are showing us what they are willing to do.
Pose to your colleagues the following questions: in a binary election, which between the two, Biden & Trump, will be harsher against Palestinians, as well as Arabs, Muslims, POC, LGBTQ, immigrants, women, etc.? Who will completely ignore all signs of climate chaos & prioritize industrial profits over planet inhabitability?
It is likely that Russia used classified information they got from Trump about Israeli military operations to help Hamas plan the attack on Israel with the dual purpose of diverting international attention from their brutal invasion of Ukraine & to sow division in Western societies, which, if everything works their way, could lead to a Trump victory in the upcoming election. Are young people okay with being pawns in their scheme?
Alisa, if trump get in office, what they see happening in Gaza will be happening in America to every Democrat, minority and woman. trump is a madman and so are his sycophants. Stephan Miller is inhumane. They do not understand what we are up against. The trump side will use Gaza as a way to power. Don’t be fooled.
By the way, I hate that our electoral system is binary & that only Democrats & Republicans can win in this system, leaving true progressives with nowhere to go but a centrist, corporatist party like the Democrats, since the alternative is an extremist, fascist, ultra-corporatist, un-American party.
I know that people don’t like our binary system but that is what we have to work with. You do realize I hope that coalition governments don’t always work to society’s advantage either. Israel is where it is because they couldn’t put together a strong coalition government to defeat Netanyahu. The two main bugaboos that make our system less than ideal is 1. the electoral college and 2. an electorate that is ill informed and apathetic.
If young people split the Democratic vote, they play onto Trump’s hands. We need a running mate for Biden who enjoys broad support. I am not confident that Kamala Harris is ready to step into the Oval Office if Biden dies in office. There are others who might be preferable.
Jamie Raskin has gained tremendous & almost universal admiration from pro-democracy Americans. He never flees from the truth or from confrontations with those who distort the truth or pervert the Constitution & democracy. He'd be an excellent VP (if not President) choice. Place Kamala in the position of Attorney General, replacing Garland.
No vice President is truly “ready” for the awesome power that immediately falls on their shoulders when the President is no longer the office holder however, the way our system is currently set up, this vice president, as every vice president since Harry Truman, is a very capable person to carry out the duties of President. It is extremely foolish to believe otherwise. All that being said, right now this current government is still stable. Throw 45 back in the mix following the Project 2025 plan, and all that stability immediately flies out the window. What no one else has mentioned however, is the fact that the stability of this country has led to some phenomenal foreign investments, both for good and ill. When we no longer function as we always have, the world’s economy takes a giant dump with only a few left standing. I don’t believe that at that point anyone will truly feel secure no matter where they are.
Jude Irwin ; Kamala Harris is President Biden's pick for a reason. this country needs a good, strong prosecutor, who knows the law! Sexism and Racism be damned! It's the racist sexists that think Kamala "may not "enjoy broad support". I would not trust most polls in this media environment owned by the enemies of Democracy. They allowed tRump to get into office with their constant coverage of him before the 2016 'election' by the Electoral College! I call B.S!
I think they lack life experience living in America to understand what terrible consequences for them personally could very well ensue by going third-party. You don’t deal with terrible choices as they see it by opting out, which is what a third-party vote is. it’s a part of maturity to understand that life, particularly in politics often gives some really lousy choices, and it’s up to people to make the least bad choice.
Alisa, I completely understand their position but the perfect is the enemy of the good. This country will never elect a third-party candidate. Look at history and you'll see that. Third-party candidates can, however, end up sending Republicans to the White House. I refer you to Ralph Nader's candidacy in 2000. Please do not do this.
Biden's occupation of the presidency and his obduracy in insisting on running after his shameful actions in Gaza, are playing into the right wing's hands, just when we need something new. It is a terrible coincidence to have to deal with the blindness of an old man's ego and the idiocy of the ossified Democratic Party. I can't bring myself to vote for Biden, though it won't matter because I live in California. What a fix, where the stupid selfishness of one man can be instrumental in handing a victory to Trump. Now Biden is proposing a pathetically ineffective air supply to Gaza, to try to rescue just a few chestnuts from out of the fire. Why can't he just read the riot act to Netanyahu, instructing the Israelis to stop the killing - NOW! Biden holds all the cards, if he were only not so cowardly. His pathetic reluctance to assert his power bodes poorly for the next few months. Trump never hangs back that way.
Paul Palmer ; "His shameful actions in Gaza" are actually Netanyahu's shameful actions in Gaza. As has been pointed out here in this thread, by Peggy Freeman ; "working to broker an agreement between parties does not happen quickly." President Biden wants to get the hostages out and stop the killing in Gaza. Get more information before voting for anyone else at this juncture. Unless you are trolling for tRump.
Laurie Blair: Somehow you just know that brokering an agreement does not happen quickly. How convenient! So are you thinking we should just lean back and be prepared to wait for another year at which point not one Palestinian will still be alive in Gaza but you will have your 'time"? I'm not aboard with that. I know about Netanyahu's actions in Gaza but in the context of the US election I am more concerned with the President who sends the bombs and the annual funds. If the US were to say STOP! no more bombs, no more bullets, no more money, no more vetoes in the UN, stop the massacre now, that would be the end of Netanyahu's actions. He would have no choice but to stop the massacre. Right now! The US is not involved in a nice pattycake negotiation to make an "agreement between parties". The US is in charge! I hate the position I find myself in, where Trump is used by you as a weapon to deprive me of any independent action. I understand your logic perfectly. How could I not? But I am emoting here, out of desperation. Who are you trolling for? Those zionists and liars who want to pretend that Genocide is somehow transmuted into self defense just because Israeli propaganda says so? I don't believe you! I don't believe that Biden wants to "get the hostages out and stop the killing in Gaza" as you claim. I don't know what he wants but stopping the killing is not included. His actions testify to that. Yes, he wants to give an IMPRESSION of wanting to stop the killing, so he can have his cake and eat it too. I am sorry you are so gullible.
Read Gershon Baskin in The Times of Israel, with ideas about what needs to happen. THIS MAN may not be everyone's favorite person, but he has been in the middle of the fight for peace and justice is Israel for literally DECADES:
Pat Goudey OBrien ; Thank you for this. Did you see/hear Vice President Kamala Harris' speech at the Edmund Pettis Bridge aired on today's Deadline Whitehouse? She made some remarks about the situation in Gaza and efforts to get a cease fire, in addition to opening lines for aid to Gazans, and eventually, self determination for Gaza and the West Bank.
Laurie - That's not how the world sees it - apart from the U.S.'s loyal little friend across the pond: the UK. More importantly in the long run, that's not the way the judges of International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague seem to see it. I anticipate years of deliberations, with evidence from case studies and statistics, revealing the U.S.'s political and practical military support for Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip. Of course, neither the deliberations nor the outcome will receive much attention in the Anglo-American mainstream media, so you and I will know little about it unless we watch Al Jazeera TV. But some of it will filter through. In any case, people in other countries across the globe will see and hear the news from The Hague, and their view of the U.S. and UK will count.
Gunnar Svein SIVERTSEN ; It seems that most critics are safely away from the horrors and not in any way involved. What would YOU do? I suspect you are another troll who wants to lay blame on Biden, because you like tRump. Trump reportedly would have EXTERMINATED Gazans. I believe that President Biden wants to get the hostages out, and still hopes to broker a two state solution. Bibi Netanyahu does not want that , and by the way, He is the one making decisions about how to use bombs. His allies, the right wingers are kicking Palestinians out of their homes on the West bank and killing them. Netanyahu wants to clear Gaza for more settlements. Anger should be directed to the ones who are not even trying to be decent. this is a very challenging and long term problem. Biden is trying to solve it alone. Netanyahu is a problem. His people were protesting before the attack, He wants to avoid justice like tRump! I think the whole attack on Oct 7 was planned long ago to get Biden enmeshed in a hot mess, to help the fascists!
Don’t vote for Biden and we will have the conditions that you see in Gaza right here in the U.S. trump and his crew are evil and inhumane. Every Democrat, minority and woman will be treated like the Palestinians are being treated.
Picture someone dedcated to real peace AND SECURITY in Israel trying to work out a plan like the one described below, if TRUMP were in the White House? [Or any hard-line Republican, for that matter.}
I strongly suspect there is much more to Biden's decision to continue to support Israel that any average American knows. I, too, am disgusted by the treatment (for 50 years) of Palestinians by Israel. But I don't pretend to know, nor should any of us, what Biden knows about this humanitarian catastrophe. The politics of the Middle East is extremely complicated.
That’s true. I hate to see the US veto UN resolutions for a cease-fire, but I have to acknowledge that there may be good reasons why that’s not the best route to a more lasting peace. It’s still hard to watch and the outcomes are not changing.
“Occupation of the presidency?” This is some very odd wording there pal. What’s your agenda? Super suspicious stuff. This is not a change election, that was 2016. This is a status quo defensive election—to preserve a good president and American democracy in the face of a fascist autocracy and a deeply corrupted and criminal Republican Party. If you aren’t on board with Biden, you are MAGA.
The time for this talk was in 2016. There is no room for that now. We thought Trump would lose and Clinton had it wrapped. I voted Bernie in the primary and was all about changing the status quo. Now, the status quo is all I want until 2028
What I, and most of us who think like you, thought in 2016 was that Trump was a joke and would lose to anyone. Clinton was status quo at a time of Obama’s ineptitude and we wanted Bernie to come and change things. The fact that Trump actually won was a huge wake up call that fascism can and does win in America. I no longer believe we can gamble with democracy. We are hanging on by a thread and people like you want to throw it away for a chance at something that isn’t gonna happen for decades.
Right. Except those of us who are older may not have the physical energy to live in the chaos. My husband and I are in our 70s. We’ve marched, phone banked, and registered voters. We’ve been members of our local Democratic Committee and we’ve knocked on doors. However, we don’t have the energy to continue to work in our professions which would maintain our home, healthcare, and ability to enjoy our later years. We are leery of driving across country to see the beauty of the US. We don’t like skipping an entire tier of the country for safety’s sake.
We moved to France last summer and now belong to Democrats Abroad. We can phone bank and write letters from here. However, we don’t have to worry about gun nuts shooting up schools and supermarkets. Sure, there are the odd wackos but we don’t have to constantly worry about violence. We can visit beautiful sites and enjoy the beauty while our health is still good enough to do these things.
Don’t belittle and try to guilt those of us who want a peaceful retirement. We may still be fighting, just from a safe distance.
Only for the very wealthy. What you're saying is the rest of us 70 year olds (and older) who can't afford your luxury should just "deal with it" in America. You are selfish to even tell us of what your wealth has allowed you to do.
It has nothing to do with wealth. We live on Social Security (if that’s even any of your business). There are places in the world that are far less expensive to live in than the States. Some of those places are accessible from the US by car. It’s not impossible. However, if you feel better by insulting someone online about whom you know nothing, I don’t know what to tell you.
“But can you see where others might think that is insane?”
Only if they’re insane themselves.
Seriously, you’re suggesting “Biden hasn’t made mention of others who are running against him.” is some serious threat to democracy?
Trump has outright declared publicly that he’s going be a dictator, use the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies, and put citizens in concentration camps and you see “Biden didn’t say RFK Jr’s name in his last speech” as the real assault on democracy. Are you insane?
“is that why he has refused to acknowledge any primary challengers”
You mean folks like Dean Philips who are getting so few votes they’re barely a blip? Hardly what I’d call a “challenger”?
And Biden hasn’t said they can’t run for the Dem nomination. He hasn’t tried to get them removed from ballots. He’s running his campaign and letting them run theirs. How is that a rejection of democracy?
Biden is not a person running for president from OUTSIDE the office. He is a sitting president whose party is running him for a second term. Why would he spend inordinate amounts of time campaigning and validating challengers from within his party, unless he were somehow an unpopular and failed president.
Others can run. Others can campaign. Biden needs to focus his time on governing.
Biden is the PRESIDENT, and his party is running him for a second term.
I would rather our sitting president take care of the business of the country — deal with Ukraine, China, Gaza, our border, the insane Republican caucus that does nothing but obstruct governance …
This is not a year in which the party is looking for a new standard bearer, which would make debates and primaries critical. This is a year when the incumbent is doing the work of the country, and NOT running around running for president.
He IS the president, and the party is running him for a second term.
I'm an old person, but my grandkids aren't. They're still in grade school! I made 72 phone calls to voters on Saturday. It's a start. Voters should be made aware of rule changes for voting. We should not assume that the voters we speak with even know how desperate the situation is. Get out there!
We expats can and still do vote from abroad. I moved for work, originally. The former congressman moved because he has a legitimate fear of violent retribution if trump is re-elected.
I moved to Hamburg for work, but stayed when I could see the handwriting on the wall. I also vote in every election I am eligible for. Now, even with the war going on in our backyard, I still feel safer and better taken care of in Germany than I ever would in the US.
Seriously, between this his recent posting promoting Klein’s ludicrous “Biden should resign so Dems can have an open Convention” nonsense I’ve seriously started to wonder if Dr Reich has been kidnapped and his Substack is being written by a Republican imposter.
I hope that the American people give this man another 4 years. In my opinion, he has the strength to make it through these years in decent health. (Trump does not in my opinon). Biden has done what few other presidents have had the courage to do. And he has done it without ego. He is one of the best presidents we could have at this time.
He was not my guy during the primary in 2020. Glad he became the guy.
I am sure that he is doing what all good professors do and that is challenging us to think for OURSELVES and not to look for any guru to guide us to "the promised land"
As a 70 yo (doc), must say in my view America needs a much younger leader in the age of internet enabled AI, space-based armament, autonomous flying/running/swimming military robots, surveillance capitalism, global industries of disinfotainment, CRISPR-CAS9 genetic re-engineering, and designer pharmaceuticals. And the coming hyper-speed conflicts.
I sincerely hope a Plan C for an orderly succession is fully in place.
Good point, Christopher! We should never run away from thugs and bullies! We do need to stand together and hold on to our Democracy!! Vote Blue America!!
I agree with you, but what Robert Reich discusses here has been on the minds of many, many Americans & should be discussed. Many people are rightfully terrified of what another Trump regime might bring.
Discussing and advocating are two different things.
Sure, we should discuss what to do if we fail to reelect Biden. But declaring “If Trump wins then just move to your second house in Europe” isn’t discussing things.
I didn't get the sense Dr. Reich was advocating emigrating from the US, but maybe I'm wrong, since you're not the only one here who apparently got that impression.
Exactly. It’s pointless. Here we are talking about how difficult it is just to make ends meet and now we are talking about an option available only to the top one percent.
Yes, fight like hell, but it's smart to have a Plan B just in case. I think of the German Jews who left Germany when Hitler came to power, and those Jews who did not and suffered as the result.
Well I've also fled America. And I am not defeatist. I am scared. Trump should be in jail right now. Besides everything in the news now, the Mueller report detailed the obstruction evidence, and the Zelinsky call was chock full of crimes. Offering bribes and asking for bribes, blackmail, extortion. Trump is not in jail because that is what the oligarchs want. I have zero faith in the democratic party to throw off their corporate donors and actually put up anywhere near the fight necessary. It can be done but I don't think it will be done. Maybe it's because no one is scared enough. Well the republicans have spoken and liberals will be arrested, tortured, and killed. We will be under a Putin like rule. And while I agree that the more votes the better, I don't think votes will matter. They will seize power.
“And I am not defeatist. … … We will be under a Putin like rule. And while I agree that the more votes the better, I don't think votes will matter. They will seize power.”
Your comment ended a lot different that it started.
Well when you put it that way... 🙂. I guess to me I'm here because I want to warn and impress the seriousness of the situation. I do believe that it will not end well. That said I don't think it's inevitable. That's why I don't think I am defeatist. I'm not advocating giving up. I'm advocating speaking up and standing up. Maybe I don't have a good grasp on being a defeatist. I was thinking it means admitting defeat and giving up. I don't think that thinking there is a high probability of losing is defeatist. I think it's realistic. I absolutely think that Biden could stop it but it takes real serious action. Arrest all the republicans that voted to reject the election results. Suspend the SC and appoint a tribunal in its place. AOC, Sanders, Porter come to mind. Treat the federalist society as the enemy it is. Nationalize Twitter, Facebook, SpaceX, starlink, Port Arthur refinery, whatever is needed for national security. Thom Hartmann just wrote about the Saudis and the oil refinery and gives a great history about past nationalizations. There are paths out of fascism. That's why I don't think I am a defeatist.
I agree being realistic about the threat is not being defeatist. We are in extreme danger. The Republicans have shown they will stop at nothing. Literally. Breaking the law, protecting traitors, being willing Russian agents, suspending the Constitution, throwing citizens in camps without trial. They’ve publicly done or called for each of these.
But they can be beaten. Not by any of the steps you suggest, each of which would be just as tyrannical and offensive as what Republicans do and would result it the most massive electoral defeat Democrats have ever experienced. (It would drum up the Republican voters even more and Democratic voters would, rightly, withdraw all support from the new dictator in office.)
But by continuing the fight by speaking out, registering voters, campaigning against the fascism supporters running for office, making sure they are opposed in every possible way for as long as it takes. (Which is five years. 2024 and 2028 are it for the Republican Party. We beat them back through those two cycles and they’re done.)
in theory Christopher you're right. We should all stay put and vote for the man who will keep our country together. But if you recall 1930s Germany, there were many people, particularly wealthy ones, whose prescience, fortunes and connections enabled them to leave the country before it fell apart. Yet even among those, the notion persisted that Hitler was a nightmare, from which they would all awake. The end result of that was the eventual loss of their wealth and lives to the Nazi regime. I know this from my own family, who lived in a small town in Germany and were among the towns' wealthiest citizens. They managed to get some of their children to the United States under sponsorship, and had planned to leave themselves, however, before those plans could be completed, the Nazis got hold of them and it was too late. Because of popular disbelief in the inevitable, the inevitable happened. their photos and memories sit on my fireplace mantle Telling their story every time I walk past. I will vote Democratic in November, but their stories are a sad reminder that I and my family cannot afford to find a safe home elsewhere. All we can do. is vote wisely, and pray that we have learned something at least from history.
You can vote from abroad and your vote counts the same as if you were in the US. Democrats Abroad is a vital and strong organization that many Democratic members of Congress appreciate. A couple months ago, Jamie Raskin addressed the organization and thanked us for our votes.
Point being, most people can’t aren’t able to just move abroad.
Nobody is deny a vote from a citizen living overseas doesn’t count just as much as for someone living domestically. But the “just pick up and move” attitude I’ve seen from many here shows a largely of blindness to their privilege in being able to do so.
You do realize that Central and South America are easily accessible, don’t you, You’d be surprised by how many US citizens have moved. Granted, not everyone is able to do that for one reason or another, nor does everyone want to. However, it really isn’t horribly out of reach.
Thank you for telegraphing your intentions if Fatboy wins an election. Best you leave NOW as TRUE BLUE won't tolerate your DEAD WEIGHT whimpers & cries heard from your trembling lips. DISGUSTING, you are.
I am an American citizen who has lived outside the US since 1985. My motive for moving was a dream job, not personal safety or politics (though at the beginning of Reagan's second term the political situation made it easier). Along the way I also became a citizen of the country I live in. Here's the rub: You can't really escape Trump and Trumpism. There are at least two reasons: (1) Trump and his handlers/minions are a threat to the world, especially to those democratic countries who have been allies and neighbors of the US. If Americans repeat the mistake of 2016, great damage will be done to every international organization and institution of which the US is a participant. (2) Trumpism travels. Here in Canada we saw the so-called "Freedom" convoy invade Ottawa and there is still fallout from that. The current leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is using the Trump playbook in hopes of winning the next election. Several provincial premiers are deep into right-wing populism and use Trumpist rhetoric and tactics. QAnon is here. I can certainly understand moving to France or Portugal or Canada, but don't think that you will be leaving Trump behind. The only way forward is to defeat Trump and every Republican we possibly can in November. I say "we" because American citizens who live abroad can still vote and are required by law to pay American taxes. We vote from our last residence in the US, so expatriates who lived in swing states really, really need to register and vote.
I’d agree tRump’s shadow is cast across the globe and follows Americans wherever they go or choose to live. I was in Europe when Reagan was president. Many Europeans, especially Italians (Italy was left leaning at the time), all complete strangers (shopkeepers, etc) would challenge Americans on their thinking and politics. The assumption was the elected president must be representative of the feelings and thoughts of the entire country. Not saying I agree with their conclusion, but that was their perception.
What you say is so true and shows how little people understand about the role the US has been playing on the world stage for centuries not just decades. We have shaped the world in our image for good or ill and will therefore suffer the most when the economic and diplomatic foundations here are undermined by a trump or any other megalomaniacal personality that is allowed to take over the reins of power. It’s truly frightening.
i think we, as a country fail to realize the cold hard truth : the impending "next civil war" is not coming, it has all ready began ...
i believe it started in 2016, however, for those who think that is hyperbolic, then it officially started on 6 january 2021 -- when the world witnessed a coup d'etat on the united states government by maga nation ...
families, friendships and businesses have been torn apart completely because of one man and one political party in this nation ...
i know that if the former dictator somehow returns to power in this country, i do NOT see a future for this country ... his apocalyptic projections, sadly, are completely true : if he wins the election, "you won't have a country anymore" ...
(oh yeah, forget the fact that if he is re-elected, it would mean the constitution has completely gone to shit, as he is not even legally allowed to be on the ballot as he is an insurrectionist, or at the very least has indisputably given "aid or comfort" to convicted seditionists ... but who cares about the constitution ???)
Republicans and Democrats have been at war for the soul of the country for decades. Unfortunately, Democrats didn't get the message (and still haven't.)
This morning I opened the local paper here in Switzerland to see what had happened in elections yesterday. What a surprise and hope!
The voters approved a tax increase to raise state retirement benefits by 8% through a 13th payment each year. The vote was around 60% yes for this initiative supported by labor. The voters also soundly rejected raising the retirement age for the Swiss equivalent of social security.
There are also runoff races for immigrants to serve in the Cantonal legilslature. There were nativist calls around dialects but the voters chose otherwise.
There were also 30-something year olds elected to Cantonal legislatures. This clearly shows that voters are thinking of succession planning rather than entrenching politicans.
Plenty of lessons from one of the oldest democratic traditions in the world.
“But I hope people with Jim’s principles and abilities remain here to defend America against Trump’s threats to democracy, even if he’s defeated in November.”
There in lies the rub! How do we save democracy when one party will refuse to capitulate if they lose the election?
I’m hearing more shenanigans being plotted as we discuss whether our republic is worth saving. One plot has Johnson refusing to certify the electoral count based on inconsistencies (made up like last time) in the vote counts in several swing states; thereby allowing the House to pick the president, as each state would have one vote.
And since republicans control more than 25 state caucuses in the house; they intend to hand the presidency to Trump.
This would be a technically legal maneuver that could withstand the fascist court. Given past experience in Bush v Gore, and the court’s grandstanding in the immunity case, it’s not inconceivable that the court will once again steal the election in favor of republicans.
So in answer to your question; yes, one should definitely have a plan B in case our democracy is all but doomed.
My condolences to all those who can’t afford to leave; the Revolutionary War for the 21st century has already begun, America just hasn’t gotten the memo yet!…:)
i am with you ... however, there is ONE hope, which is that, based on the 2024 election, perhaps the balance of power can switch before 6 jan 2025 ... hakeem jeffries will (hopefully) be the speaker ... and hopefully we can flip the delegational power of enough states so that republican representatives do not have the majority of the states ... granted, it is a long-shot ... i agree : a plan B is a necessity ... i know that i will NOT stay in this country if we re-elect a dictator ...
True, except as long as Johnson is speaker he doesn’t have to swear in any new members. Johnson specifically refused to swear in Tom Suozzi, who won a special election for Santo’s seat, until the Mayorkas impeachment was secure.
He could do the same on January 3rd when the new house is supposed to be sworn in. Even if democrats retake the house, Johnson can claim irregularities in certain elections, and refuse to swear in some democrats before the sixth when the electoral college is certified.
Thus, he would retain the House speakership and hand the presidency to Trump.
It is wise to assume that Republicans will not go out willingly. Biden and the Democrats and the Justice Department should also be able to foresee this possibility and at the very least warn the public that Republicans are going to attempt another coup. It boggles my mind why Biden in particular does not use the bully pulpit (like Theodore Roosevelt) to circumvent and thwart any thought of a coup attempt by Republicans. Biden also needs to find ways to attack and undermine the MSM whenever they minimize the threat to America. Enough is enough!!!!!!
in that doomsday scenario, which may very well play out, i cannot see anything other than a full out revolution happening in the streets, in every city across this country ... it is truly horrifying ...
Buying a house and living outside the USA doesn't mean a person isn't a us citizen , or us tax payer. Or a non voter. Owning property somewhere doesn't mean a person can live there year round.
I never implied otherwise. My point is the fascists are already taking over. They own the courts and will continue to erode our democracy using every legal and illegal means possible.
Did you imagin democracy was ever a done deal? Liberty is a individual choice . Abusers, on the other hand are crippled between where ears usually form. No one has to follow unlawful orders. Evading a perp is not "hiding ".
If the Amended US Constitution is abandoned ,which fecal implanting blatantly incompetent appointments does do where is the leadership , the vision for Rights of individual children and adults ?
When an abuser " is looking at you " and
what have you dangling bombs , your children held hostage, packing the earth and sky with deadly poisons...yammering it up about whoelse and how soon to mass murder "them"...pointing out the liar abuset is a facist or mental cripple or life of leisure liar does not nuetralize their threats or 4500 poluting heavenly rubish that burns up in gravity gobbling atmosphere for free pollution .But sure lets word out over it .
We interrupt this Rico corporation devise propaganda to remind distractors the flux is not an inevitable goose step in a sadistic morons orgy of nonsense.
Pull his plug. Inciting by a liar traitor for his @$$ pimp$ needs the Alex Jones stfu up bill. Cause that wallet those money meanies are " the problem".
Cowardly Mitch McConnell could have ended it for all of us had he had the courage to cast his vote for impeachment when it came up the second time. He is being hailed as some kind of genius. I disagree. He did not work for the people. He was dishonest and very disloyal to the oath he took to the Constitution to serve this country.
For years, I have been asking Congress to either take violations of the oath of office seriously, or dispense with it. In my view, if you are in violation of your oath of office then you are banished from Congress. If Democrats had pursued this 3 years ago, half of the Republican Party would have been expelled.
Malignant Narcissism must be named and explained and the narcissist called on their behavior. Placating such people only turns emotional two year olds into old Hitlers and that's exactly what's happened. Trump is getting worse and worse in his outrageous behaviour, lies, threats and what he's inspired in other criminal minds. Why does nobody scream about what he says and does and promises, but if Biden said the same exact words all hell would let loose?! The world needs to understand narcissism and its totally destructive aspects to all people. These people cannot be placated to make them disappear. They are best shamed and then ignored. (Like any bully is best treated). But this orange baby man is being propped up behind the scenes by powerful forces paying for his campaign to pave the way for their own economic power and influence. If Trump dropped dead they'd find somebody else to do their bidding.
And where do the rest of us go, if not second homes in France? You know, Robert-those that are just struggling to even keep a roof over our heads? For the majority of Americans becoming an expatriate is nothing more than a pipe dream. There won’t be a hit put on us per se, more like an insidious slow moving genocide. Will the only thing that saves us will be to don red caps and fool’s gold sneakers?
The depraved former president is in a rapid state of cognitive decline, his financial empire in ruins, he will soon be spending more time in court than on the campaign trail (and it is questionable as to whether he can even afford to run a presidential campaign) and his hard-core base is diminishing. Even his primary victories show his underlying weakness in a general contest and now he has suffered his first primary loss. Come November American voters will not only put an end to him but the MAGA movement will, I firmly believe, suffer a serious blow. The everyday American will decide for democracy over a deranged and disgraced man and his Putin-led Neo Fascist Party (formerly Republican).
The situation looks bleak but I wouldn't panic, not if you believe as I do that there are still millions of well-balanced, informed and insightful American voters out there who see through Trump's hopelessly childish need for attention, his lack of statesmanship, civility, and intelligence, his snake-oil phoniness, and his misogynist attitude toward women..
If you’re Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Adam Schiff, etc.etc., would you want to sit in jail and be adjudicated by American Putin judges? We left in 2015 and although I will have to pay US taxes for the rest of my American life - I am thanking my parents for my EU passport. We live in Portugal and I won’t set foot on fascist ground across the Atlantic for the foreseeable future if Trump wins.
Just got back from Oaxaca, Mexico whrere trump is very disliked. I had no tv. Am back in USA and won’t watch tv, the press sucks. So frightening. Don’t know what to do. The so called Supreme Court makes me ill. An that Cannon sleaze should be behind bars. 🙏
Elena, the only thing keeping sanity for most of us is gathering in places like this with like-minded people. I always speak out loud wherever I am about republicans following a traitor, deadly seditionist and rapist. Shockingly, some people aren’t on to the fact that almost every media source is monopolized by the extremist right…the only kind of right wing there is now. Our nation s kicking the faces of all who fought Fascism in WWII. BUT those people have mostly died off. Good thing they aren’t witnessing the very thing they fought overseas coming to the US as a stronghold.
That a total of 35% of Democrats and Independents believe “true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country," shows us there's potential pushback against all this far right drama.
What eye-opening times we're experiencing this past decade.
Respectfully Professor, the rest of the world is looking on (Malcolm Turnbull, previous Australian PM laid out his first person account of what world leaders think of the threat with Nicole Wallace) & is fairly clear about the extent to which this man threatens the American experiment & the broader principle of democracy......Past is prologue, he has already shown you who he is, what he was willing to do & how close you came to the brink last time. If you are still undecided about the extent of the threat, we cannot help you.
I don't know if ABC Australia has a you tube channel,or if they have international blockers on their content.
There is a programme called Q and A ,last Monday Malcolm Turnbull was one of the panellists.I'm sure they have the same type of programme on public funded tv channels around the world.
On a meeting with Putin and other world leaders he said Trump was like a 12 year old meeting the captain of his favourite football team.He couldn't contain his excitement or hero worship on meeting him.The whole room was stunned by it..
Probably it will be somewhere on the internet,he didn't hold back in his feelings for Trump,a full on nutcase and a danger to democracy.
I'm an Aussie overseas & watch Q&A religiously & have to say, Turnbull talking about this issue was beyond chilling. That Americans are still trying to parse out the extent ot the threat, really is mind blowing.
A Ellis-Dunn, Many doctors have pointed out the steep rise in stress after trump was installed. It is affecting our health as we know that protests, the truth, the majority of this country are being silenced. They are not reported for the most part. My friends in England ask why there isn’t more vocal opposition. There is but it’s becoming a major burn-out with injustice after injustice being protested but essentially ineffective. I and many others are very stressed watching this horror show.
Don't give up SeekingReason. It is darkest before it gets light. I'm in the UK at the mo & I know what your friends in England might be saying to you, but perhaps they don't spend enough time with the regular warriors, those that you find here, expressing real concerns, & working out ways that they can move the dial in their communities. I know it can be exhausting. I analogise it to the the war effort & those left fighting on the home's the collective effort that brings about downfall, & preserves democracy. Keep fighting, we're nearly there.
The plus side of the fear and the continuing vile and reckless statements by Agent Orange is that it will get out the blue vote.
It’s encouraging to me that Nicki Haley has gotten a chunk of republicans voters. Many have said that they won’t vote for the mad dog from hell. Others have said that they won’t vote for him if he’s convicted of a crime.
So that leads to SCOTUS. How long does it take to figure out that a president doesn’t have immunity to try to overthrow an election? And if they DO say he has immunity then Biden should just stay in power win or loose, after all he’s president and as president, he now has absolute immunity. End of story.
The one thing you can be sure of is that Trump is scared. The bluster is getting crazier and crazier. His court cases that have been adjudicated have not gone his way. And those were the easy ones. He is facing felons. Prison. So of course he’s gone full tilt psycho. Don’t believe the bluster, just vote like your life depends on it.
I think the SC's willingness to hear the immunity case, however narrowly they presented it, is really just about throwing sand in the gears. That they took almost 3 weeks to inform they would hear it, & then a further delay of 7 plus weeks, betrays their real intent. As you point out Susan, they clearly can't say he's above the law, because Biden could then do whatever he wants, for however long he wants. Having previously given 36 hours to prepare briefings in Bush v Gore, clearly an expedited timeframe is possible......How much easier in this case, as all briefings have been made & adjudicated at the lower level courts? Vote, as your future clearly does depend on it.
So why is a third or more of America continuing to put their trust in a con-man who continues to lie to them about everything and is a disgraceful human being!
A big reason why is because his party in Congress, of which he is the leading candidate for president, has pledged to support Trump’s
“Cult 45” oath of WWG1WGA and obstruct any and all of President Biden’s policies that help the American people! These Republican Congressmen and women took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution and instead they are putting their full support behind a man who wants to destroy our Constitution and our Democracy! This is NOT your mother and father’s Republican Party. Trump and his Congressional representatives are leading their party into an unprecedented crisis that will all but destroy them!
And the network media stations are not doing us any favors either! Instead of reporting how Trump and his cult members, with help from our worst adversaries, namely Russia, are trying to turn our citizens against each other and constantly undermining our Constitution and our democracy! The major network news channels have shown that they don’t care about reporting the cold hard truth, they only care about their ratings! Thank God we have independent journalists and independent news sources that call out Trump and his cult for the hypocrites they are!
Keith--It's a third of Republicans, which probably means around 9 to 10% of voters so around maybe 6% of the population.
Prof. Reich has heeded my advice and avoid the mistakes on non-relativity in reporting numbers.
But. . .we must be aware of the idea of a tipping point. Malcolm Gladwell estimated in his book by the name of "The Tipping Point" that 10% of a group or population can be sufficient. There are several factors that are make or break. Gladwell described ideas such as whether a message has stickiness, context, and momentum.
Countering this requires making the fascist message repulsive, clearly identifying the context including the heinous crimes in the Ukraine and Gaza, and building momentum through force multipliers in a progressive movement.
If not, be sure your passport is renewed before summer.
Dr. Gilbert, I know how repulsive the fascist message is because I learned all about it in of all places, public school! The younger generation may not have learned how horrible fascism was and they are the voters we need to ensure will NOT vote for trump! My question is how do we do that?
Yes, young people today don't know anything about history. Schools are not teaching kids about the past or civics. Too many cuts to education over the years.
So true and so sad, Margaret. The dumbing down of our children needs to stop!!
Under the GOP it will only continue until they eliminate public schooling and make it a profit business.
Migel Cardona needs to step up as President Biden's Education Secretary and begin to make a difference here. Public schooling should always be available for all children and his job should be to see to it that our public schools are the absolute best they can be. These states (like the one I live in) should not be allowed to dictate to their constituents what their children will learn, what they will read, and what false history they want to teach them. I don't know how all of this can be reversed but it definitely needs to be!!
Well-focused cuts, I fear.
Yes, cuts to education but many teachers are speaking truth to our students. My third graders were taught about the horrors of slavery, and Hiroshima to name a few. I can say this from CA. Maybe it’s not true in FL, though.
Thanks for sticking up for public education teachers after this onslaught from commenters. I taught English and US History and Civics for 40 years in CA. My grand children have had excellent government and civics teachers and now they are voting.
It isn't!
What isn't?
Indeed Margaret, I am of the last generation to be educated in government and civics, and I’m 82 years old! Now that’s a hell-of-a-note!
Yes, and I guess all the arts have disappeared too.
Arts vary by school district. However, when one of my kids was in his final year of completing a fine arts degree in college, the rug was pulled out from under his program. The top quality instructors left when their courses were restricted by new rules, and they were replaced by people connected to heavy donors.
The more I learn ad time goes by, the more I discover that much of history was left out or “white washed”. Age 68.
And please note that it is "his" story.
I think the gop doesn’t want the upcoming Gen to know anything about the horrible past - they want people devoid of facts
That's the truth!
It is easier to manipulate people are illiterate!
When I was in high school in the late 60s, my dad and I compared my coursework in civics and the sciences to his high school coursework in the late 30s. It became obvious that his coursework had been much more rigorous than mine. By the time I was graduating from university the second time around in the late 80s, my college level physics was a couple of tiers below what his had been. Later on I began a second career teaching in public schools and I realized the country is DOOMED not solely due to lax standards, but by what the parents were sending to the schools: spoiled undisciplined kids who had no interest in personal nor educational standards and the parents who wouldn't support any out-of-school-time reinforcement of learning objectives and activities. Kids and parents lied straight to our faces and undermined most of what we tried to do. It wasn't economics that made me take early retirement; it was being abused by kids, parents, and administrators who are a toxic morass of laziness and ignorance.
Yes, the quality and funding for education have been on a steady decline for decades. But the vocal and rabid push-back against uncomfortable or undesirable facts is relatively recent, as right-wing deniers demand that history they don't like be ignored, suppressed, or re-written. Nowhere is the maxim "All politics is local" more evident than in our public schools.
Nor in my day either, the 1940's and 1950's. American History was the revolution and civil war, in the south it was the civil war, as a war of northern aggression. In the north the 4th of July was celebrated with fireworks and patriotic displays, not in the south. Christmas was celebrated with fireworks, the 4th of July was all but ignored..
I lived and attended school in Philadelphia and Louisiana.
I don’t know. My son teaches middle school in NJ. Cuts usually target the arts.
That's been true for decades. Arts (and now sports) are generally separately funded by parents as after-school activities. Both my kids loved their middle-school music teachers, but music was also caught. Music class/band/orchestra was an island of safety and refuge for many kids during the school day; and I dare say many were harmed emotionally when that escape was taken from them.
UPDATE: Here's an antidote to the dreary news and current events. I watched this short film last week, and was thrilled when it won an Oscar last night.
The Last Repair Shop | 2024 Oscar-Winner Documentary Short
Only 40 minutes long. Lovely, touching, and uplifting. And it's available for free online!
Yes, kids aren’t learning civics these days which is an injustice to our children. My kids are 22 and 19 and I don’t recall them learning any significant history. So sad
Laura, I truly believe that is why it is so easy to brainwash these younger voters into thinking that trump is okay. They don't know and don't understand what that little orange man is doing and plans to do to our country!!!
Peggy- exactly my point too - the younger gens have not experienced any painful economic downturns or are familiar with WW2s dire effects of fascism and dictatorship that almost destroyed the world.
That is why it is important to me that these young people learn, learn, learn about all of this history. When they learn it, then they can make their decisions based on facts and truth not propaganda!! Oldsters, like myself, need to be talking to the young people about fascism and the horrors associated with it. We also need to talk to them about economic downturns as well. The more we educate our young, the better decisions they will be able to make!
When I talk to my kids (born in late 70s) that Trump is talking like a fascist or has dictatorship in his plans, I rewind and bring up the world as it was to father and mother during WW2 - fighting fascism and Hitler that killed 6 million Jews - they can’t relate that to Trump for some reason. My 7 siblings and I were born just after WW2 and the memories and horrors for all Americans were fresh in their minds. Today’s youth are only concerned about their iPhone updates and how to stream music and movies. What would be interesting is to go to college campuses and interview 1000s of new voters to see what their opinions are about Trump and their freedoms here in usa.
For a moment, I chuckled, because upon reflection, my own public school was a bit fascist. We opened every morning with a salute to the flag, a reading from the King James Bible or a Christian mediation book, and, sometimes, the Lord's Prayer. In the 1950s, only white students could attend our public school, but we shipped our used textbooks across town to the Black school. Schools in that North Georgia county have only been integrated since the early seventies, if I remember correctly. I have to wonder if that's why some people there are not so freaked out by impending aspirations of Christian nationalists.
Seems like there would be a movie that would show a repressive government, like the kind that Trump promises. I think the History Channel has some - they need to run those again.
Gordon, PBS had a show done by Rick Steves called “The Story of Fascism in Europe”. Rick Steves usually does travel show so I wasn’t expecting that, but it’s very good. It’s on YouTube now also.
Thank you. I think there are a bunch of them. Rick's would be a good one - I'll have to check that out.
Yes, Gordon! Continuously on a loop!!
Amen to that!
Public high school teacher here from CA—many of us in the English dept. are teaching Orwell’s classic 1984 and working hard to make sure students understand the danger of electing a wannabe dictator—and encouraging our students who are 18 to vote
Erin, you are a true hero!! I am heartened to hear that teachers, even facing retaliation from republicans, are making sure our kids are getting the knowledge they need to face challenges ahead. I truly admire your efforts!!
Support the young people. They are working hard to save democracy and the planet, not to mention their own lives. Don't sell them short, or their teachers, or public education (of all places!) Thanks for the kick in the stomach.
Retired High School civics teacher.
Mac, I don't believe anything that I wrote in any way shows that I do not support young people!! I absolutely believe that the more they know the better they will be saving Democracy and the planet!! I in no way sell them short!! As a retired educator in the public education system, I know how hard it is for educators today and I support them 100%!! Nothing I said should have made you feel as if you were kicked in the stomach!!
And while you are at it, by all means open a bank account abroad and establish links to domestic accounts to enable remote transfer of money, and brush up on your language skills (unless you are thinking of moving to an English speaking country. (I'm all set. Fertig! Prêt!)
That is not so easy. We retained a bank account when we returned to the USA and were required to close it.
US citizens can have foreign accounts. They must report this annually to IRS -- the reporting form is called FBAR of Fincen from 114
And US citizens living in Japan must annually report (at tax time in March) the balance of their U.S. bank accounts.
The MAGATs have convinced 15-20% of the population that Democrats are evil destroyers of white America and that'll of our government institutions are totally corrupt supporters of the child-traffickng Democrats. So destroying/killing democrats is “Patriotic”! Changing that narrative and belief system is difficult especially when half the preachers in America repeat it from their pulpits…
Peggy I fear that people don't understand the word fascism, and what it means, other than "bad' or something I don't like.
The word was coined by an Italian poet and adopted by Mussolini, it refers to the Symbol of the Roman Senate which was a fasces, abundle of sticks in which was secured an axe head. The symbology was that while you can snap one stick, you can't snap a bundle of sticks.
Mussolini's fascism started out as a corporate state, or state capitalism, in which their parliament or chamber of deputies was staffed by representatives from corporations, pretty much the same as our congress only more directly and openly.
With the advent of Hitler and Franco, and Japan fascism became much more.
The 14 defining characteristics of fascism chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
An interesting read, Lee. Now that I understand the word fascism better, I truly understand why I don't like it and I don't want it here in America!! Thank you for sharing the information!
Your welcome. Fascism comes in many forms, including religious. Christofascism, Islamofascism included., and in Israel Judeo fascism., that is not to say that Christianity, Islam and Judaism is fascist, but there are theocratic fascists in all religions and forms, including Hindu, PM Modi of India is a prime example, and the scary part is that fascism is on the ascendancy, secular and sectarian.
It is scary, Lee! I prefer to fall back on my Christian upbringing. I don't attend church anymore because they have become way to political. My church is the great outdoors, my guide is the Bible, and I choose the true teachings of Jesus Christ which is love and acceptance. It may not fit with any religion, but it brings me peace and happiness. Keep putting out the information, Lee, and I'll keep soaking it up like a sponge!!
You're right, SumPissdChck! Civics should definitely be a requirement in all high schools!! Students must be required to pass the course otherwise we will continue to get the idiots we have in Congress!!
Dr. Doug Gilbert: A political scientist from Turkey pointed out that it was 40 to 60 Ukrainians who sided with Putin and thus, brought about the Ukraine war. That's 40 to 60 individuals. What is happening in our Congress, this very small group of Republicans, scares me. This small group can indeed get their way and make life one living hell for the rest of us.
The tyranny of the minority.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure many who vote for Republican representatives can be dissuaded that a Democrat in Congress would be a check upon Trump. Even those suburban people who can’t stand Trump and identify as republican will still probably vote for their Republican representative if they still identify as Republican
How did any Ukrainians bring about the Ukraine war? Who exactly were these 40-60 people? Elected officials or random joe's on the street ? The Ukraine war was triggered in part from various through US and NATO provocations. See recent expose in New York Times that clarifies our clandestine operations in Ukraine since 2014 and our complicity for Ukrainian nationalist political assassinations. Also look up Putin's red-line on google.
It's all Republicans. Not one third. The one third is just being honest for a change.
Hashtag NeverTrump was always code for "MAGA forever, I just don't want the stigma."
No it’s not
At this point we have almost a decade of evidence showing that the only resistance any of them put up against trump is symbolic at best.
Besides, there's no ideological difference between trump and the rest of the GOP. Trump just says out loud what they always said behind closed doors and took advantage of all the damage they'd already done to our political system to enact the Republican agenda and give Republican voters a permission slip to take the mask off and be the fascist shit bags they always wanted to be.
Trump is the inevitable end state of the GOP. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else maybe a few years or decades down the line. Point is, he is the Republican party, and as long as the Republican party continues to exist it will churn out candidates like him when it gains too much power.
The Poisoned Well .. plus The Electoral College .. . may be enough .. .For the Trump Won Trump Won!! . . .Revolution . ..
We HAVE to rid ourselves of the Electoral College! Let’s implement one person, one vote! NO Republican has won the popular vote since Ronald Reagan. So “Publicans” are not going to give up their tyranny over the minority!
One of the necessary comprises installed by The Founders . .like Two Senators per, A Life Time High Court, The Sacred Right to Bear Arms . .to Unite against a Mad King! . .Irony Rules . ..
I don't think this "Gladwell" method is working. Patients on both sides of the divide seem infected with their own variety of mind virus. Both are blind to the board in their own eye while pointing out the splinter in their neighbor's. Both are being distracted from a middle way between both polarizing and weaponized extremes. Both are being conquered by being divided and by baited into semantic insanities. The middle ground is affirming our common humanity above all else , establishing unconditional empathy for all , above belief systems, above political bias , above historical narratives , above ideological fixations, above management by statistics, apart from any ism etc. etc.
Would seem to say that there is no momentum and desirability of the message on either side. So, no tipping point.
The tipping point, in my opinion , must be the meeting ground of a common concern on both sides.However, If each side hates and cancels the other side to the point of not being able to listen respectfully and find some agreement then the best interests of the whole country cannot be served, just those of the take all by any Machiavellian means winner.
I've seen the same Dr Doug, only the tipping point in which a culture changes is about 17%. I am talking of a radical shift in the culture. Europe is faced with such a cultural shift, with the unchecked immigration from the Mideast West and central Asia and Africa, the culture of western civilization is under threat, and on the verge of Islamization, and with it misogynistic control of women and the banning and death of LGBT.
In fact there is a direct correlation between the influx of Muslims into Europe and the rise of the right. It is what has propelled Orban into dictatorial power
For progressive women think of having to choose colors of Abaya and Chador, and that is in Iran, one color, black, fits all in the Kingdom.
I am no exaggerating either. And please spare me the epithets and accusation, they go nowhere because I don't care.
Facts are facts, and we have to deal with them. Like the influx of Muslims into Europe has resulted in the rise of the right. We can scream and holller about bigots and racists and all of that, but that is what is happening.
American immigration is different, the Hispanics are conservative Catholics, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and actual MAGAt and theocratic allies. the right wing hype about immigrants is racial, not cultural, Where as in Europe it is cultural and not racist
Ask a maggot to define their favorite epithets "communist" or "nazi" and they are totally stumped.
I agree. Especially the part about how Hamas has ruined and bloodied Gaza.
1. We can out register, outvote them.
2. Take courage in that Trump is so weak that he lost the DC primary 2 to 1. .
That was so great to wake up to. Let’s hope DC is the start of Trump’s demolition!
Daniel, that seems to be behind a paywall.
I noticed you left out Russia. Now that's some stupidity. BTW, we don't have a liberal media in this country. They haven't been aiding and abetting anyone except the criminal right. If we had a real liberal media Trump would have been in prison a long time ago. And social media like "X" and "Meta" are exactly what helped Trump get elected in the first place. Not a single President has ever had any indictments handed down to them. Ever. I suspect that were going to find out that 91 of them aren't all false accusations. Donald Trump, the guy that hates our government so much is in essence saying he hates our country. What most people in this country hate is an authoritarian dictatorship the very thing he and his lackeys are striving for. Trump doesn't belong anywhere near the White House. He belongs in the Big House.
Chuck is an agent ot a willing idiot for Putin. Here's stuff that the public should know.
East Palestine, Ohio, -- which is a stone's throw from the border with Pennsylvania -- was a major lost opportunity. Besides Trump's scrapping the braking regulation meant to prevent catastrophes like this one, Biden could have mentioned how Norfolk Southern was devoting billions to stock buybacks while throwing out peanuts to mitigate the damage they caused.
Thank you so much for your contributions to this comment section. By the way how much is Russia paying you to speak out? Just wondering here.
Trump is a faux populist, more accurately characterized as a demagogue. Bernie is a true populist.
I'm curious as to what you think are "false accusations". The scores of indictments brought against Trump by grand juries & state & local prosecutors?
Crime is worse in res states, troll.
You support stealing from kids with cancer and disabled war veterans.
Hey genius Paul , Dunning Kruger much?
Get research and critical thinking skills
Which big cities aren’t run by a democrat?
Yes Daniel but only 2,000 Republicans voted in all of DC so that's not really saying much. I did take courage in the fact that a neighbor of mine who was staunchly Republican totally Pro Trump, now no longer talks about Trump at all. This is going from talking about Trump every time we meet to not talking at all when we meet. I am totally relieved that more Americans are jumping the American fascist parties ship as they well should if they have any brains at all.
I’ve found a lot of people unwilling to talk any politics bc they have no recourse but to admit Trump speaks lies, Has no Christian values and hangs out with dictators
Thank you for spelling this out. Let’s remember that bullies are cowards. Trump’s increasingly extreme language reveals his growing fear. One solid punch in the nose is enough to make most bullies turn tail and run, but Trump seems to believe he has an army at his back. Those are the people who’ve been hurt and left behind by the runaway greed in our health care system and too many employers so focused on the bottom line that they are brutally indifferent to the humanity of their employees. How can we help them?
2,000 Republican voters in DC. That’s about as scientific as the flawed methodology New York Times/Siena College polls the NYT keeps churning out and twice as many people. (The poll use btwn 800 to 1000 people. See Jay Kuo’s Substack where he drills down on the red flags in poll methodology.).
S Howard. If you live in a purple to blue area as I do, your tRumpster friend may be like many neighbors I have - getting more silent in public, watching this as much tRump on Newsmax, OneAmerica and Fox at home with a big smile.
The DC results are very encouraging and definitely indicate that not everyone in the GOP is on board with Trump's fascist autocratic rhetoric. The fact that Trump's platform is only for revenge and to stay out of prison should be a major factor with most voters who support democracy. A victory in November for an indicted madman facing 91 felonies who is in obvious cognitive decline, would be an epic disaster.
Exactly. This ought to motivate everyone to get out and vote for a straight Democrat ticket: Republicans have a working roadmap "Project 2025" which among many other undemocratic things, gives the president the power of a virtual king; the Department of Justice will not have oversight, there will be no check,s on the executive branch.
That is the same as saying the president can order a Seal Team to do any operation he might like. Given Trump's vows for vengeance on political enemies, his known petty responses and other animosities, why take a chance?
Keep ketchup off the Whitehouse walls!
I’m not surprised there are people questioning Haley’s win in DC. Bet Trump will be doing so too. Vociferously.
DC stands for District of Columbia, not Dem Coloreds or Democrat Country. No doubt there’re Republicans in DC. They spoke loud and clear yesterday….
BTW: I’m not a fan of Nikki Haley but I’m a believer in “ The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Haley, right now, is enemy to Trump who’s enemy to US.
The basis is simple: The vote was in Washington DC. We know what some on the Trump side think of Washington DC- a cesspool of corruption with a large Black population. To Trump’s supporters DC stands for Dis-Counted. Give it time; Trump will question Haley’s win as will others on the “ right”.
That's because you are an agent or a willing idiot for Putin.
i wonder if some Dems switched party affiliation to vote against djt to vote for Haley. can independents vote in either primary in DC?
Trump could not pose a threat as an authoritarian strongman unless he had powerful Establishment backers who want him in power to do what they want.
Trump is "Mr. Bankruptcy" and the powers-that-be envision the need for the United States -- in the throes of global de-dollarization and consequent financial chaos -- shredding the social safety net (General Welfare, Social Security and Medicare) as hyperinflation ruins the life savings of the Baby Boomers.
It takes a "big stick" strongman to weild power in times of bone-crushing austerity, and some of the powers-that-be have decided that Trump is the man for the job.
"The powers that be" want tRump to raid our treasury again; this time for twice as much in 'tax breaks' for billionaires!
Yeah, including shockingly enough, the CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon 🤮
They're not running to France - they're trying to get to Mars.
In other words, the Establishment is preparing to genocide the old people, in a variant of what we did to Russia with "Shock Therapy" in the 1990s:
What do you think the incompetent handling of the Covid-19 pandemic was, if not a prelude to how older and other vulnerable people will be treated under a Trump 'administration'?
Governor Andrew Cuomo led the way, stuffing the nursing homes with covid patients.
Elderly people that are recovering from illness or injury often are sent to skilled nursing facilities to recover. Are you suggesting that covid patients be put out in the streets?
The result was to kill off vulnerable old people as covid spread death through the nursing homes, and then GovernorCuomo tried to lie about it, ruining his career:
tRump did not want to touch the Covid treatments, except to auction respirators off to foreign interests in a New Jersey warehouse, and talk Ivermectin and injecting bleach and anti mask and anti Vax 'treatments'!
Paul, that comment alone tells me you are either a Putin follower or very uninformed. I cannot take anything you say seriously. No integrity.
Midwest, that comment tells me that you are either a cyber-fascist goon or just another opportunistic bully.
Incompetence is trying to do-- or thinking you are-- doing the right thing.
What can you say about someone who KNOWS a deadly disease is spreading, untracked, through the air, has the power to put into motion a public health response, yet SAYS NOTHING for weeks?
TRUMP KNEW and said nothing for a few weeks as a deadly disease against which noone had any immunity spread through the air.
"Trump says he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ and worse than the flu while intentionally misleading Americans"
The first thing the Trump administration did was throw out the updated pandemic rules book created by the previous admnistration. "12 ways the Trump administration botched America’s response to Covid-19"
More than a million Americans died and are still dying-- who didn't bother to get vaccinated, wear a mask, or socially distance. Some asked to be vaccinated as they were being wheeled into the hospital for intubation-- their last public communication before dying.
Instead of modeling best practice disease prevention, Trump brought a neuroradiologist on board who advocated 'herd immunity'.
"Trump elevates Scott Atlas, a doctor with a rosier coronavirus outlook
Unlike Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci, the new senior adviser is telling the president what he likes to hear. "
"Former Stanford colleagues warn Dr. Scott Atlas fosters 'falsehoods and misrepresentations of science'"
TO THIS DAY, AMERICANS ARE DYING OF COVID-19. How many of them are those who refuse to get vaccinated, wear an N-95 mask properly, or socially distance themselves? How many evolutions of this particular virus will we see? Will it ever be gone? What would Trump do if it were something like the polio virus, and people are paralyzed from exposure?
How easy would it have been for Trump to 1) tell America what he knew early, when the spread could be stopped, and 2) to have not politicized the CDC and let them do their job of identifying and stopping the sperad of disease, and 3) model safe behavior during a pandemic-- thereby teaching his supporters how to stay safe and enjoy life instead of dying, as they have, of COVID-19?
What can anyone say about a leader who fails to lead in a time of mass disease?
Explain who you think are the "Establishment." I agree that Trump is supported by evildoers, and I do think there are those who would "genocide old people" if given the chance because they believe it is in their best interest, but they are the fascists that we need to defeat by overwhelming them at the polls this November. We must elect Biden and Democratic majority in both houses and be ready to counter any claims of stolen elections. Poll watchers will be needed.
I just now listened to the Ralph Nader Radio Hour with Bishop William Barber talking about the "Poor People's Campaign." He explains how that voting block can make a big difference and why they have been ignored.
They launched the campaign on March 2nd and the details about volunteering are on the program which I found on Youtube. There are millions more poor white people than other minorities and we need to acknowledge that fact and go after their votes as well as all poor people's votes. All who work for a paycheck are on the same side, no matter how much or little we earn. Details to volunteer at
Thank you, Gloria. I will listen to this radio hour and find out how to volunteer. We need to get all of the votes we can for President Biden. Vote Blue America!!
Leaving aside the fact that "genocide" isn't a verb, Trump is an old person. If we're all to be killed, let's start with him.
Thank you. I had to comment on genocide used as a verb as well.
I didn't say we're all going to be killed. I said some people who want to see that happen. I took a course from Ezekiel Emanuel and his attitude frightens me. The booming hospice industry and lobbyists promoting assisted suicide scare me, especially after what happened with my father. It was Matt Gaetz's family business, and you know how ethical he is. The Washington Post and Propublica did series concerning the for profit hospices and end of life care. We need to pay attention.
It's currently being used as a verb by many. What kind of person are you to say something so cruel? Apparently you have enough money to be a founding member.
It may be used as a verb by some people, but it doesn’t make that usage correct.
Somebody removed the comment I am replying to.
Where to start...
"The Anglo-American Establishment" by Carrol Quigley, who taught at Princeton and Harvard before settling in at Georgetown:
"America's 60 Families" by Ferdinand Lundberg:
Back in the 1930s these imperialist Establishment fascists tried to use Marine General Smedley Butler to pull off a coup against "socialist" President Franklin D. Roosevelt:
"George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" gives a series of chapter-by-chapter studies of the Establishment at work. There has never been a more "Establishment" president than George H.W. Bush, but "Corporate Joe" Biden comes in second.
We still have time to get rid of Biden, but the Establishmentwill fight that. The only way that their man Trump can win is if their man Joe "mashed potato brain" Biden is his opponent.
Please stop "dissing" President Biden. He understands world politics - and Humpty Dumpty does not. Maybe you are too young to remember the Vietnam war - but our soldiers could easily be dropped onto foreign soil by Trump like Vietnam. He has no memory of that war & never fought in it. Biden does. For that, we must realize that the man you call "mashed potato brain" Biden is the man who is far better suited to lead our country during other highly dangerous and contentious countries' wars.
What an astonishingly stupid thing to say. Biden, by cynically using Ukraine's far-right thug regime to provoke Russia, has ruined the German economy (because of the energy sanctions) and brought us stumbling toward World War III while simultaneously provoking accelerated global de-dollarization and exposing the weakness of our military industry's production capabilities.
It's not that he's too young, Jami- he's a Russian troll.
Much on social media and propaganda in general begins with some truths and leads to a fallacy as you have done here. After the mashed potato brains that Trump vomited this weekend, forgetting again that he isn't running against Obama along with all the rest of his loosely associated sentence fragments, I don't know how your Establishment can even continue to back Trump.
For the same reason that they back Biden, of course.
Good Lord!! You mean they will be coming for me?? I guess I'll have to keep my cast iron skillet next to my bed. I may be old but no one is going to take me out before I am ready to go!!!
LOL. If you're one of the fortunate ones who doesn't need high blood pressure meds, they may not have any other way to go for you.
John Schmeeckle ; Spoken like a Russian troll!
If you're going to insult someone, you might try to be coherent.
Have you drunk any bleach lately?
What a silly thing to say.
Genocide is a noun not a verb.
You're out of date. Language is flexible, and this word is evolving.
p.s. Speaking of genocide:
Today I heard about another war
It's still the same old thing they're fighting for
No way to keep from starving anymore
But who's behind the crime?
The hoofbeats of the Horsemen fill the air
But no one at the Party seems to care
There'll be chaos and destruction ev'rywhere
We're running out of time
Our worsening debt burden isn't a campaign issue, but experts are calling out alarms:
(“wield,” not “weild” power. ;) )
Ever notice how her AI generated programs for speech of the time give out gibberish? You better check your text before you hit the Go Button because it's probably all messed up.
Thanks, got it confused with "weird"
rule is i before e....except for all the exceptions
Mr. Schmeeckle is obviously an intelligent person. You would think he knows this rule. Unless English is his second language.
Actually, after years of teaching English as a second language in three Asian countries, I was concerned to observe that my English had started mutating.
These days, there is an emerging version of English spoken by many millions of international second-language English speakers among themselves, with relaxed rules about what is correct.
Your point about the media is spot on. What I wonder is if they don't realize they'll be one of the first he goes after. I mean, how many times have we heard "fake news" and him calling out various media outlets? Yet they keep kowtowing the Trump drivel in order to get clicks on stories. It'll be their undoing.
Pennie, those clicks will stop if trump wins because he will definitely do away with what he calls 'fake news'!
It feels like this all started a long time ago with the Tea Party Republicans whose main interest was in preventing any Democrat policy succeeding, irrespective of whether or not it was beneficial to the majority of American citizens or American global interests. The current GOP MAGA cadre have taken this to unthinkably toxic limits while the rest of the Republican Party has sleepwalked into allowing key leadership posts to be taken by Trump loyalists. It's genuinely frightening; if Trump is re-elected, it will be absolute carnage for decades. Even when Trump goes, his acolytes have scented the blood in the water...
This seems even bigger than the U.S. There is a world-wide battle going on between democracy and autocracy. The billionaires are helping the autocrats. The people will suffer.
Keith, thank you for your excellent, but very despairing, commentary. Please read Simon Rosenberg’s (a 30 year veteran of politics and a Democratic strategist) Hopium Chronicles on Substack. The bottom line: “Do more, worry less!”. Join DNC phone banks, contribute to the Biden-Harris campaign, wear a USA 🇺🇸 flag pin, along with your Biden-Harris pins, talk to your family, friends, and neighbors, put up a “Dark Brandon” Biden sign in your front yard! Get cracking! Our precious democracy is at stake!
Keith, You got that right! Or should I say, correct? 😊
The media is right wing owned and specifically working AGAINST democracy. The media IS the right wing. They are doing the job of their ultimate masters. The MAGA nuts are a small group in terms of voters. We must keep writing that AND saying that. They are DESPERATE to cheat.
Apathy is the only thing that can help them. If we want to keep our democracy and our freedoms we need to win a LANDSLIDE ELECTION in November. The good that came from our present situation is we now know who the MAGA maniacs are!
If he can avoid these trials before the election, he believes he will be president even if he loses the election. I'm sure MAGA Mike Johnson already has his marching orders. If the democrats retake the house, he will contest enough of the seats to hold the house until January 6. Then he will not accept the election results and throw the election to the states where each has one vote. Since republicans control 26 states, they will make trump president. It is all legal.
"Legal" or not, it is another coup attempt and this time it is being aided and abetted by 6 traitors on the Supreme Court. Biden in his State of the Union address must call out these traitors in no uncertain terms. Without question they have defiled the Judicial Branch of Government, not to mention violated their oath of office. They should be in prison now as enemies of the state. These are drastic times and require unprecedented drastic responses.
I'm guessing it will be five to four, because John Roberts is smart enough to know if trump wins, he's out of a job they won't need a Supreme Court, because the law will be whatever Fanta Hitler says it is. The Christofacists however...
If trump loses, it may be J6 all over again but worse.
During and after WWII, I always found it surprising that the US had joined the war on the side of the Allies. I thought it would have made more sense generally if the US had joined on the Axis (fascist) side, given the tenor of the times in this country. Now we are finally coming to play out our true fate. The war sucked all the oxygen out of the room for about thirty years. Will this coming adventure be that commanding or are events moving faster today? If the crazies turn to nuclear weapons, our time will be much shorter.
You wrote, “[W]hy is a third or more of America continuing to put their trust in a con-man…?”
The answer is that one third of all humans have an “Authoritarian Personality.” That is, they LIKE dictators.
Nobody can change THEIR minds. What we need to focus on is exposing Trump’s lies, incompetence, and anti-Democracy positions to inform and influence the Swing Voters.
The Democrats, have squandered their opportunities to decisively show that they aren't Republican Lites. In the recent past they have had control of the House, Senate and Presidency but have chosen NOT to move forward with "daring" legislation. Abortion would be one of those issues. Health Care, Housing and Banking Reform would be others where the Democrats could have shown they were different from the Republicans.
If both Party's serve, or appear to serve, the same Corporate and Oligarchic masters, why wouldn't people listen to a voice that promises them change? Even if that voice is one of the (minor) oligarchs? If you beat a dog enough times, it will eventually bite you.
I agree that the Democrats are not forceful enough and are influenced by the wealthy but they do support the United States Constitution as opposed to the party that supports a dictator wannabe!
Not the three Democrats on the Court. They obviously don't give a fig for the Constitution. I refer you to this morning's decision.
They have all agreed that the voters should decide.
But that's not what the Constitution says. What's the point of having Article 14, Section 3, if that's the case?
Let US remember this old saying “ To be forewarned is to be foreARMED. We’re not helpless in this. We need to stop being heedless and remember cowards like Trump flex their muscles from the rear of the mob. Nothing about Donald Trump speaks courage or a willingness to sacrifice. Dictators and autocrats surround themselves with bodyguards because they know they are DEAD wrong and live in constant fear of the retribution of the righteous.
Somewhere I read a person threw a tomato at Trump during one of his rallies. He reacted like it was a grenade. Trump is the least fearsome wannabe dictator on planet earth. He’s dangerous because he has convinced too many of his followers their lives are worth sacrificing for him. What’s rarely said is there is no quid quo on that. People like Trump put on a brave face. And that’s all it is, a mask. If we’re ever confronting Trump’s followers you can best believe he’ll be “ leading” them by “ truth social” from the warm comfort of Mar-a-Lago. Napoleon he’s not…..
Trump showed all of us who he was with his bone spurs back in the 60s!
Mary Trump says pretty much the same thing.
If Trump wins!
It just proves the point Americans have lost the plot!
And their Freedoms, and their Rights, and their integrity, and their ability to live the American dream!
Bodily Autonomy is on the chopping block first, if they win, they are gaming the system as we comment. "fertilized eggs are children!" Tell me you flunked biology or are crazy!
Every congressperson should be required at the beginning of the year to publicly renew their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. If not willing to do so show them the door,
I disagree because that's why they are in office anyway. The bad congressmen would take the oath thinking all they do is right even if it isn't. It's just a waste of time to me.
I agree my comment could easily be considered naive, but once a year doing a refresh can’t hurt. I suspect there are certain members in Congress that would relish the opportunity to demonstrate their unwillingness to support the Constitution as it would enhance their popularity among their constituents. Are we not scratching our heads as so many in that group seem to be ardent supporters of Putin?
Your WORD used to be the most trustworthy thing a person could do. As a 70 year old who was raised with a father who never went back on his word, that truly made an impression on me that I will always live by. I never took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution but I will till the day I die! I love my country and my freedoms.
Amen brother! My dad was the same.
Considering the decision the Supreme Court just came out with, what's the point? The oath is obviously meaningless. Violating it won't even get you a slap on the wrist.
Excellent post, Keith!!
Right. It started with the win at all costs attitude. They quit the team.
This whole article is very defeatist. Yes, Trump is a serious threat who is not taken seriously enough.
But the answer is not to plan for how to run away if he returns to power.
The answer is to stand and make damned sure he loses the election.
(And suggesting ridiculous options like running away to your second home in the French countryside is Gwyneth Paltrow-level ignorant entitlement.)
I think there are exceptions. My daughter and her wife are in the process of emigrating to Europe as a proactive means of preserving their marriage, their dignity, and their human rights as non-binary persons. Even if Trump isn’t officially elected, he will continue to act as dictator from the sidelines, as he is doing now. He will still use his stacked Supreme Court to erase my kiddos and countless more LGBTQIa+ humans. He said so. Abortion was first; he will continue checking offf his list.
Your daughter and her wife will find the atmosphere much more reasonable here in Europe - especially on the Continent. I do not know where they are headed, but I do wish them good luck.
Thank you! ❤️
Everyone who wants to leave should. No one should be forced to end up like dissidents in other autocratic countries.
There's a book, written the 1935 and authored by a fellow by the name of Sinclair. It's well worth reading. It's called it can't happen here. It was another case of America building the wall on the border. It's a great read.
That would be Sinclair Lewis, not to be confused with Upton Sinclair (also a great American author). Lewis wrote "Main Street", "Babbitt", "Dodsworth" and "Arrowsmith" and of course "Elmer Gantry" as well as "It Can't Happen Here". His novels take a satirical look at the US and trends toward conservative conformity.
Upton Sinclair was a Socialist and ran for Governor of Cailfornia in 1934 and came close to winning. He wrote "The Jungle" but his most impressive work is the Lannie Budd series that looked behind the scenes at WWII espionage, including Nazi infiltration of the Republican Party.
I was amazed how “It Can’t Happen Here” paralleled our current times. I was not aware of the Lannie Budd series so thank you for mentioning.
Pamela, I understand what you are saying. My daughter has assured me that she will be fine. They have been together for 25+ years and they both told me that nothing was going to change that. There are so many LGBQT+ in our country and there are so many of us that support them, trump can rattle his saber all he wants but we will protect our own!! Tell your daughter and her wife that I wish them well and be happy!!
Thank you, Peggy, and I so agree with you. We mama bears will stick together and keep fighting. I applaud your daughter and her wife for bravely facing the threat.
I believe that the light will always overcome the darkness. But while we stay and defend ourselves and others against MAGA, I pray that everyone who needs to stay safe finds a means to do so.
Me, too, Pamela!! It is my opinion that if trump, his maga loyals, and far-right nutters don't like our country, THEY should be the ones leaving, not us!! I will always fight for Democracy, truth, and the absolute right for ALL of us to live in peace! Vote Blue America!!
I like that idea, Peggy. They can go to Russia.
Yes, they do seem to like everything russian!
Putin is even building a new community not far from Moscow just for russophilic, right-wing North Americans. Go there while you still can, MAGAts!
Some of them have like that nasty Tara Reide.
Tfg is OLD. We need to be prepared for that succession now, too!
The answer is to support those policies to create upper mobility, reduce economic inequality, And support universal healthcare.
Until we improve well-being for many there may just be another Trump that will come along to take advantage of very real grievances. Biden is working in that direction but it’s hard with obstructionist Trump party in Congress.
My wife and I plan to emigrate, but can't afford to for 5 years. We are in our mid to late 50s.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a backup plan if Trump “wins.” Moreover, I think it’s quite possible that even if he loses, the Republicans are better positioned this time to seize total power--permanently. For example, do you really think the Republican-controlled House will certify the election results if Biden wins? More immediately, I certainly think the Supreme Court’s latest move to facilitate Trump’s candidacy by delaying his being tried for January 6th is a very ominous sign. If Trump returns to the White House (a very good possibility), take him at his word--there will be a bloodbath, which won’t be confined to people in leadership positions or outspoken celebrities, writers, etc. You only need to consider the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany to figure out how this story and many, many lives could end.
Ann Coulter suggested a week or so ago that Trump would help his country if he kicked the bucket. Not in those words but the same meaning. I agree. This would sidestep all of this for him but does not rule out that the repubs would not try something with their own stooge candidate not being Nikki Haley. Do not think she would go along with this.
At this point, I don’t think that we can rely on some divine intervention. We need to plan for the worst, which may include staying, resisting, and all the risks that implies. I have thought about leaving, but I don’t know how reliable my retirement income will be with an extremist takeover. Like many people, I may not have a viable plan B.
The GOP have been wanting to get rid of Medicare and SS for a long time. I’m thinking we’d lose those if trump gets in office. They will find a way to steal a chunk away. They are talking about privatizing social security now. So, yes, any retirement plans are unreliable.
And how are all those old people who voted for him going to feel when they have no Social Security or Medicare? Think they might have regrets?
I’m sure they will be told lies about it and they will believe it.
Mmm, I’m in that boat, too
If I can do it, anyone can do it. Just don't think you are going to live on the French Rivera. There are many affordable places to live in the World and where you can live a nice life.
I honestly don't think I'm responsible for the deplorable mess the United States has become. I accept the fact that the 21st Century robber barons are calling the shots and are hell bent in turning the world into a de facto feudal society. They have billions upon billions to use to destroy democracy and the rule of law. The US is a perfect example of the best government money can buy.
You can choose to call my views as defeatist, if you want. It won't get you anywhere when you have to face reality.
Michael, I agree. This is more than trump now. He has all the nut cases lined up to do their destruction. The SCOTUS decision about allowing trump on the ballot as made with seditionists on the bench. Absolutely disgusting. When it suits rescumliCons they scream about states rights. Had republicans wanted a Dem removed, SCOTUS would have found a way to make their interpretation fit the bill. If they were an honest SCOTUS, there would have been recusals on this particular issue. Once again, the danger of not following through with consequences when we should have.
Yes but all nine of them agreed on this one. What's up with that?
I don’t find their judgment so unreasonable at all. Certainly would hate for example for the Missouri Supreme Court to decide Biden should not be on the ballot if the tables were turned. In actuality. Trump should have been impeached and found guilty by Congress for his incitement of insurrection. that was a trial of sorts and Trump falsely was not convicted for inciting an insurrection.
But the tables wouldn't be turned because Biden isn't an insurrectionist.
Spot on!!!
Not a fan of Nikki at all, but she's nowhere near as bad as Trump & so many other Republicans.
She doesn't have his cult following. As awful as she is, that's probably a good thing.
She is simlply a more polite form of Trump .Exactly as immoral and deceitful.
Cheryl, the current makeup of the House will change (hopefully to majority BLUE) prior to the election certification…I think on the 2nd or 3rd of Jan, can’t remember exactly. Not that there won’t be immense problems when Biden wins, but there is some hope here
There is concern that Speaker Johnson will claim election problems and refuse to certify the Democrats that win.
They'll try every mechanism & maneuver to prevent the reelection of Biden.
But if Republicans lose the House (something very likely) Johnson won’t be Speaker.
Like every other Congressperson his term will end on January 3rd, three days before certification occurs. Certification will be done by the new, in all likelihood Democrat-controlled, House.
But the current House narrowly controlled by Republicans could hold up new appointments based on questioning the legitimacy of their election results—or whatever pretense they concoct. I don’t think we can count on Republicans following the protocols of a smooth transition, which relies on both sides honoring legitimate democratic outcomes. What we can count on is chaos however they choose to create it. Just look at the current Congress, which is barely functioning—by design. We need to anticipate and be prepared for even worse—as awful as it is to contemplate.
Oh, we DEFINATELY can’t count on Republicans following the protocols of a smooth transition. On the contrary, they WILL use any thing they can to block having election results certified up to and including trying order the Capitol Police to arrest Democratic members of the House.
Exactly. The terms of every member of the House end on Jan 3 at 12:000 pm. At that point Johnson is no longer Speaker.
Cheryl. The 119th Congress starts at noon January 3, 2025. As of noon that day, Johnson is not Speaker nor is anyone else until a new Speaker is elected. It’s the new House that participates in the Certification.
All Democratic candidates should congratulate spring '24 graduates, remind them to register, to vote and ask for volunteers.
Gen Z can save us.
They can help. We can’t just look to others to save us. We ALL have to be in the trenches.
They are part of “us.” Not “others.”
I signed up.
I'm a college student, and sentiment among Gen Z about Biden is not promising at all. The current government's response to Israel's "aggression" (to put it extremely lightly) against Palestine has many people considering third party votes, at least from what I've seen.
Biden isn’t President of Israel. He doesn’t control it or Hamas. A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump. If you don’t like Biden, think about the Supreme Court. We are always voting for them. Everyone who couldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton is responsible for the Supreme Court we have now. It is short sighted to think only about the candidates. Look at all that has been affected because Trump won in 2016. Vote Biden Harris and get actively engaged in the next candidate.
I have no idea exactly why but it falls on ears that somehow know something else. They are currently rejecting this idea. It’s early.
The question I posed to my daughter (admittedly Millennial) was “How would you deal with Netanyahu?” She was speechless for about 10 seconds. Her answer was then something like “I don’t know”.
This problem is decades in the making with many Republican cooks in the kitchen. In 70 years there has been no progress by any Republican administration in the Middle East. Don’t expect any candidate other than Biden to have the knowledge, contacts, and ability to work through to a solution.
Please tell them there lies the road to ruin. Don’t fall for anti-Biden propaganda that leads us to a Republican victory. Trump would be the worst, but any Repub in thrall to the Heritage Society and their ilk will usher in the CPAC types who pledge to replace “democracy” with “theocracy.”
Biden needs to make it CLEAR that while he has supported Israel, he ALSO supported justice for Palestinians, and a stop to the monstrous destruction of humanity in Gaza. And that he HAS been working behind doors to stop the bombing and get aid to the people. Palestinian champions need to know Biden hears them, too, and he needs to make it known.
Republicans right now don’t believe in helping anyone but other Republicans.
Jared Kushner was quick to claim success in the Middle East with his friend, Netanyahu. I haven’t heard him asking Netanyahu to stop attacking Gaza and yet the people that want a 3rd party would risk putting Kushner back in government.
Unbelievable how some people are thinking … or not thinking.
Alisa, I encourage you and all Americans to vote for Biden. What is unfolding is not about a single issue. All the challenges we face have a better chance of receiving positive action from caring Americans if we support him. A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump. Under him you won’t even be able to express your opinion without fear of retribution. That’s what this whole thread is about. Let us all stand together in destroying fascism and then get back to the business of addressing all our and the world’s pressing concerns.
You missed the discussion yesterday. First get registered.
The default is a Republican Party that is openly discussing deporting US citizens if they are Moslem.
Would outlaw abortion.
I teach at a college and I am witnessing the same from the young ones up through 30-40 yr olds. I can’t understand how they don’t see what is truly at stake here.
And we ARE being bombarded with Russian disinformation and rabble-rousing to get us fighting each other and get Trump elected again
You can bet that the Russians and GOP are putting out a massive propaganda campaign using Gaza. The young people don’t understand that they are being propagandized.
They should watch “The Great Hack” and see how a propaganda campaign was waged in Trinidad (I believe it was Trinidad). The citizens were convinced not to vote.
Here’s a cut that I found on YouTube It was called the “Do So” campaign. Put on by Cambridge Analytica
Can’t compete with all the drama on TikTok.
Have you asked them? What do they say?
This needs to be discussed. My initial reaction is they think politics is dirty, and they want none of it. They stand apart from it all . Which is false, of course, And/or they prioritize their moral stand over real life consequences. It seems likely that’s because they don’t have an appreciation for the consequences..
It merits discussion.
Check out Cambridge Analytica’s “Do So” campaign in Trinidad. They targeted the young voters.
Alisa, while I understand the younger voters are unhappy with President Biden about Israel, it is so important to understand that he is working to broker some kind of agreement between these parties but it does not happen quickly. Yes, he needs to work on that but if Gen Z wants to be able to vote and voice their rights to anything the government does, they absolutely need to put President Biden back in the White House for a second term. If trump gets in there Gen Z and everybody else will be screwed!! Voting third party or uncommitted is not making the statement they might think! It is only going to ensure that President Biden will not win! They will be putting the orange man back in power!
Even if Trump is NOT the candidate for some reason, the Republicans are still bent on theocracy and anti-democracy. They are TELLING us that daily. They don’t hide it.
We are not dealing two parties working for the good of the country. One party wants to remake us as an autocratic theocracy. We can’t put them in the White House for four years and expect to survive as the America we love.
So right, Pat! We need to vote Blue down ballot and remove the politicians hell bent on doing away with our Democracy!!
Peggy, People think the way things have been while they grew up are the way they will always be.
I am editing a book right now about Vienna from BEFORE the Anschluss and into the Nazi era and the war. It’s horrid. Scary. Sneaks up on people. Moves in where they don’t expect it.
We do not have the luxury of perfetion. If we want a better government, we have to work at it. And being angry and letting the Republicans take over the White House is the death knell for our democracy.
Trump would be the biggest disaster, but any Republican who is beholden to the RNC and the Oligarchs, will harm our country. They are showing us what they are willing to do.
Will we let them do it?
Pose to your colleagues the following questions: in a binary election, which between the two, Biden & Trump, will be harsher against Palestinians, as well as Arabs, Muslims, POC, LGBTQ, immigrants, women, etc.? Who will completely ignore all signs of climate chaos & prioritize industrial profits over planet inhabitability?
It is likely that Russia used classified information they got from Trump about Israeli military operations to help Hamas plan the attack on Israel with the dual purpose of diverting international attention from their brutal invasion of Ukraine & to sow division in Western societies, which, if everything works their way, could lead to a Trump victory in the upcoming election. Are young people okay with being pawns in their scheme?
Whoa, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe he *was* instrumental in that Hamas attack.
US classified intelligence on Israeli military operations -> Trump -> Russia [-> Iran] -> Hamas -> attack on Israel
Now that's a crime, and if Aileen Cannon doesn't think so, *she* can move to Russia.
Alisa, if trump get in office, what they see happening in Gaza will be happening in America to every Democrat, minority and woman. trump is a madman and so are his sycophants. Stephan Miller is inhumane. They do not understand what we are up against. The trump side will use Gaza as a way to power. Don’t be fooled.
By the way, I hate that our electoral system is binary & that only Democrats & Republicans can win in this system, leaving true progressives with nowhere to go but a centrist, corporatist party like the Democrats, since the alternative is an extremist, fascist, ultra-corporatist, un-American party.
I know that people don’t like our binary system but that is what we have to work with. You do realize I hope that coalition governments don’t always work to society’s advantage either. Israel is where it is because they couldn’t put together a strong coalition government to defeat Netanyahu. The two main bugaboos that make our system less than ideal is 1. the electoral college and 2. an electorate that is ill informed and apathetic.
You’re overlooking the fact that we have an aggrieved electorate in many cases, and rightfully so
A protest vote we all will have to suffer with for at least a generation, if not more.
If that happens, the election may very well be handed over to fRump.
And Putin, who is again flooding our communications with disinformation and pro-Trump propaganda.
Smirnov- Just put him and his lies out there and the Jim Jordans and Comers of this world will do the rest. An easy layup shot for Putin.
If young people split the Democratic vote, they play onto Trump’s hands. We need a running mate for Biden who enjoys broad support. I am not confident that Kamala Harris is ready to step into the Oval Office if Biden dies in office. There are others who might be preferable.
Jamie Raskin has gained tremendous & almost universal admiration from pro-democracy Americans. He never flees from the truth or from confrontations with those who distort the truth or pervert the Constitution & democracy. He'd be an excellent VP (if not President) choice. Place Kamala in the position of Attorney General, replacing Garland.
Too late Jamie. It’s going to be Kamala.
No vice President is truly “ready” for the awesome power that immediately falls on their shoulders when the President is no longer the office holder however, the way our system is currently set up, this vice president, as every vice president since Harry Truman, is a very capable person to carry out the duties of President. It is extremely foolish to believe otherwise. All that being said, right now this current government is still stable. Throw 45 back in the mix following the Project 2025 plan, and all that stability immediately flies out the window. What no one else has mentioned however, is the fact that the stability of this country has led to some phenomenal foreign investments, both for good and ill. When we no longer function as we always have, the world’s economy takes a giant dump with only a few left standing. I don’t believe that at that point anyone will truly feel secure no matter where they are.
Into, not onto.
Jude Irwin ; Kamala Harris is President Biden's pick for a reason. this country needs a good, strong prosecutor, who knows the law! Sexism and Racism be damned! It's the racist sexists that think Kamala "may not "enjoy broad support". I would not trust most polls in this media environment owned by the enemies of Democracy. They allowed tRump to get into office with their constant coverage of him before the 2016 'election' by the Electoral College! I call B.S!
Yes, which is why Kamala should replace Merrick Garland as AG. Raskin or Warren would make an excellent VP choice.
I think they lack life experience living in America to understand what terrible consequences for them personally could very well ensue by going third-party. You don’t deal with terrible choices as they see it by opting out, which is what a third-party vote is. it’s a part of maturity to understand that life, particularly in politics often gives some really lousy choices, and it’s up to people to make the least bad choice.
Alisa, I completely understand their position but the perfect is the enemy of the good. This country will never elect a third-party candidate. Look at history and you'll see that. Third-party candidates can, however, end up sending Republicans to the White House. I refer you to Ralph Nader's candidacy in 2000. Please do not do this.
Biden's occupation of the presidency and his obduracy in insisting on running after his shameful actions in Gaza, are playing into the right wing's hands, just when we need something new. It is a terrible coincidence to have to deal with the blindness of an old man's ego and the idiocy of the ossified Democratic Party. I can't bring myself to vote for Biden, though it won't matter because I live in California. What a fix, where the stupid selfishness of one man can be instrumental in handing a victory to Trump. Now Biden is proposing a pathetically ineffective air supply to Gaza, to try to rescue just a few chestnuts from out of the fire. Why can't he just read the riot act to Netanyahu, instructing the Israelis to stop the killing - NOW! Biden holds all the cards, if he were only not so cowardly. His pathetic reluctance to assert his power bodes poorly for the next few months. Trump never hangs back that way.
Paul Palmer ; "His shameful actions in Gaza" are actually Netanyahu's shameful actions in Gaza. As has been pointed out here in this thread, by Peggy Freeman ; "working to broker an agreement between parties does not happen quickly." President Biden wants to get the hostages out and stop the killing in Gaza. Get more information before voting for anyone else at this juncture. Unless you are trolling for tRump.
Laurie Blair: Somehow you just know that brokering an agreement does not happen quickly. How convenient! So are you thinking we should just lean back and be prepared to wait for another year at which point not one Palestinian will still be alive in Gaza but you will have your 'time"? I'm not aboard with that. I know about Netanyahu's actions in Gaza but in the context of the US election I am more concerned with the President who sends the bombs and the annual funds. If the US were to say STOP! no more bombs, no more bullets, no more money, no more vetoes in the UN, stop the massacre now, that would be the end of Netanyahu's actions. He would have no choice but to stop the massacre. Right now! The US is not involved in a nice pattycake negotiation to make an "agreement between parties". The US is in charge! I hate the position I find myself in, where Trump is used by you as a weapon to deprive me of any independent action. I understand your logic perfectly. How could I not? But I am emoting here, out of desperation. Who are you trolling for? Those zionists and liars who want to pretend that Genocide is somehow transmuted into self defense just because Israeli propaganda says so? I don't believe you! I don't believe that Biden wants to "get the hostages out and stop the killing in Gaza" as you claim. I don't know what he wants but stopping the killing is not included. His actions testify to that. Yes, he wants to give an IMPRESSION of wanting to stop the killing, so he can have his cake and eat it too. I am sorry you are so gullible.
Read Gershon Baskin in The Times of Israel, with ideas about what needs to happen. THIS MAN may not be everyone's favorite person, but he has been in the middle of the fight for peace and justice is Israel for literally DECADES:
Pat Goudey OBrien ; Thank you for this. Did you see/hear Vice President Kamala Harris' speech at the Edmund Pettis Bridge aired on today's Deadline Whitehouse? She made some remarks about the situation in Gaza and efforts to get a cease fire, in addition to opening lines for aid to Gazans, and eventually, self determination for Gaza and the West Bank.
Laurie - That's not how the world sees it - apart from the U.S.'s loyal little friend across the pond: the UK. More importantly in the long run, that's not the way the judges of International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague seem to see it. I anticipate years of deliberations, with evidence from case studies and statistics, revealing the U.S.'s political and practical military support for Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip. Of course, neither the deliberations nor the outcome will receive much attention in the Anglo-American mainstream media, so you and I will know little about it unless we watch Al Jazeera TV. But some of it will filter through. In any case, people in other countries across the globe will see and hear the news from The Hague, and their view of the U.S. and UK will count.
Gunnar Svein SIVERTSEN ; It seems that most critics are safely away from the horrors and not in any way involved. What would YOU do? I suspect you are another troll who wants to lay blame on Biden, because you like tRump. Trump reportedly would have EXTERMINATED Gazans. I believe that President Biden wants to get the hostages out, and still hopes to broker a two state solution. Bibi Netanyahu does not want that , and by the way, He is the one making decisions about how to use bombs. His allies, the right wingers are kicking Palestinians out of their homes on the West bank and killing them. Netanyahu wants to clear Gaza for more settlements. Anger should be directed to the ones who are not even trying to be decent. this is a very challenging and long term problem. Biden is trying to solve it alone. Netanyahu is a problem. His people were protesting before the attack, He wants to avoid justice like tRump! I think the whole attack on Oct 7 was planned long ago to get Biden enmeshed in a hot mess, to help the fascists!
Don’t vote for Biden and we will have the conditions that you see in Gaza right here in the U.S. trump and his crew are evil and inhumane. Every Democrat, minority and woman will be treated like the Palestinians are being treated.
Picture someone dedcated to real peace AND SECURITY in Israel trying to work out a plan like the one described below, if TRUMP were in the White House? [Or any hard-line Republican, for that matter.}
I strongly suspect there is much more to Biden's decision to continue to support Israel that any average American knows. I, too, am disgusted by the treatment (for 50 years) of Palestinians by Israel. But I don't pretend to know, nor should any of us, what Biden knows about this humanitarian catastrophe. The politics of the Middle East is extremely complicated.
That’s true. I hate to see the US veto UN resolutions for a cease-fire, but I have to acknowledge that there may be good reasons why that’s not the best route to a more lasting peace. It’s still hard to watch and the outcomes are not changing.
That is bullshit.Paul Palmer
“Occupation of the presidency?” This is some very odd wording there pal. What’s your agenda? Super suspicious stuff. This is not a change election, that was 2016. This is a status quo defensive election—to preserve a good president and American democracy in the face of a fascist autocracy and a deeply corrupted and criminal Republican Party. If you aren’t on board with Biden, you are MAGA.
Do you think Taylor Swift will help, Daniel?
I hope so....
The time for this talk was in 2016. There is no room for that now. We thought Trump would lose and Clinton had it wrapped. I voted Bernie in the primary and was all about changing the status quo. Now, the status quo is all I want until 2028
What I, and most of us who think like you, thought in 2016 was that Trump was a joke and would lose to anyone. Clinton was status quo at a time of Obama’s ineptitude and we wanted Bernie to come and change things. The fact that Trump actually won was a huge wake up call that fascism can and does win in America. I no longer believe we can gamble with democracy. We are hanging on by a thread and people like you want to throw it away for a chance at something that isn’t gonna happen for decades.
Trump, that’s what.
Yeah, I know, it’s impolite to holler.
You're not rational.
Right. Except those of us who are older may not have the physical energy to live in the chaos. My husband and I are in our 70s. We’ve marched, phone banked, and registered voters. We’ve been members of our local Democratic Committee and we’ve knocked on doors. However, we don’t have the energy to continue to work in our professions which would maintain our home, healthcare, and ability to enjoy our later years. We are leery of driving across country to see the beauty of the US. We don’t like skipping an entire tier of the country for safety’s sake.
We moved to France last summer and now belong to Democrats Abroad. We can phone bank and write letters from here. However, we don’t have to worry about gun nuts shooting up schools and supermarkets. Sure, there are the odd wackos but we don’t have to constantly worry about violence. We can visit beautiful sites and enjoy the beauty while our health is still good enough to do these things.
Don’t belittle and try to guilt those of us who want a peaceful retirement. We may still be fighting, just from a safe distance.
Only for the very wealthy. What you're saying is the rest of us 70 year olds (and older) who can't afford your luxury should just "deal with it" in America. You are selfish to even tell us of what your wealth has allowed you to do.
It has nothing to do with wealth. We live on Social Security (if that’s even any of your business). There are places in the world that are far less expensive to live in than the States. Some of those places are accessible from the US by car. It’s not impossible. However, if you feel better by insulting someone online about whom you know nothing, I don’t know what to tell you.
Hear, hear.
You are right Kathy—someone who insults you and doesn’t even know you must be miserable—no amount of money will change a crap attitude
Don’t equate Biden to Trump. To do so is to say a person who has vowed to destroy our democracy is the same as the person who is fighting to save it.
“But can you see where others might think that is insane?”
Only if they’re insane themselves.
Seriously, you’re suggesting “Biden hasn’t made mention of others who are running against him.” is some serious threat to democracy?
Trump has outright declared publicly that he’s going be a dictator, use the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies, and put citizens in concentration camps and you see “Biden didn’t say RFK Jr’s name in his last speech” as the real assault on democracy. Are you insane?
“is that why he has refused to acknowledge any primary challengers”
You mean folks like Dean Philips who are getting so few votes they’re barely a blip? Hardly what I’d call a “challenger”?
And Biden hasn’t said they can’t run for the Dem nomination. He hasn’t tried to get them removed from ballots. He’s running his campaign and letting them run theirs. How is that a rejection of democracy?
Biden is not a person running for president from OUTSIDE the office. He is a sitting president whose party is running him for a second term. Why would he spend inordinate amounts of time campaigning and validating challengers from within his party, unless he were somehow an unpopular and failed president.
Others can run. Others can campaign. Biden needs to focus his time on governing.
Biden is the PRESIDENT, and his party is running him for a second term.
I would rather our sitting president take care of the business of the country — deal with Ukraine, China, Gaza, our border, the insane Republican caucus that does nothing but obstruct governance …
This is not a year in which the party is looking for a new standard bearer, which would make debates and primaries critical. This is a year when the incumbent is doing the work of the country, and NOT running around running for president.
He IS the president, and the party is running him for a second term.
You are a troll.
Now that's just ignorant. Let's see how you feel when you're older and someone says that about you.
Go away, Troll.
I'm an old person, but my grandkids aren't. They're still in grade school! I made 72 phone calls to voters on Saturday. It's a start. Voters should be made aware of rule changes for voting. We should not assume that the voters we speak with even know how desperate the situation is. Get out there!
We expats can and still do vote from abroad. I moved for work, originally. The former congressman moved because he has a legitimate fear of violent retribution if trump is re-elected.
I moved to Hamburg for work, but stayed when I could see the handwriting on the wall. I also vote in every election I am eligible for. Now, even with the war going on in our backyard, I still feel safer and better taken care of in Germany than I ever would in the US.
Seriously, between this his recent posting promoting Klein’s ludicrous “Biden should resign so Dems can have an open Convention” nonsense I’ve seriously started to wonder if Dr Reich has been kidnapped and his Substack is being written by a Republican imposter.
Reading the posting of Klein's stupid article brought me up fighting from my chair. I was thrilled when I read the comments to Dr Reich's posting so I did not need to yell. Stuart Stevens, a former republican operative, posted the following article: . Also social science scholars recently ranked the presidents. Biden came in #14 while Trump rolled in at 45. .
I hope that the American people give this man another 4 years. In my opinion, he has the strength to make it through these years in decent health. (Trump does not in my opinon). Biden has done what few other presidents have had the courage to do. And he has done it without ego. He is one of the best presidents we could have at this time.
He was not my guy during the primary in 2020. Glad he became the guy.
I am sure that he is doing what all good professors do and that is challenging us to think for OURSELVES and not to look for any guru to guide us to "the promised land"
There is putting questions before your students and there is advocating positions to your students. His recent articles have been the latter.
As a 70 yo (doc), must say in my view America needs a much younger leader in the age of internet enabled AI, space-based armament, autonomous flying/running/swimming military robots, surveillance capitalism, global industries of disinfotainment, CRISPR-CAS9 genetic re-engineering, and designer pharmaceuticals. And the coming hyper-speed conflicts.
I sincerely hope a Plan C for an orderly succession is fully in place.
Good point, Christopher! We should never run away from thugs and bullies! We do need to stand together and hold on to our Democracy!! Vote Blue America!!
Really? Cause I’m a lot happier in Europe away from Trump voters and that’s really all that matters. You sound jealous
I agree with you, but what Robert Reich discusses here has been on the minds of many, many Americans & should be discussed. Many people are rightfully terrified of what another Trump regime might bring.
Discussing and advocating are two different things.
Sure, we should discuss what to do if we fail to reelect Biden. But declaring “If Trump wins then just move to your second house in Europe” isn’t discussing things.
I didn't get the sense Dr. Reich was advocating emigrating from the US, but maybe I'm wrong, since you're not the only one here who apparently got that impression.
Me and the 90 people (so far) who liked my comment.
So, not just me.
As I said. But Reich said he hopes people will remain in America to defend it from Trump & Republicans.
Exactly. It’s pointless. Here we are talking about how difficult it is just to make ends meet and now we are talking about an option available only to the top one percent.
Yes, fight like hell, but it's smart to have a Plan B just in case. I think of the German Jews who left Germany when Hitler came to power, and those Jews who did not and suffered as the result.
Well I've also fled America. And I am not defeatist. I am scared. Trump should be in jail right now. Besides everything in the news now, the Mueller report detailed the obstruction evidence, and the Zelinsky call was chock full of crimes. Offering bribes and asking for bribes, blackmail, extortion. Trump is not in jail because that is what the oligarchs want. I have zero faith in the democratic party to throw off their corporate donors and actually put up anywhere near the fight necessary. It can be done but I don't think it will be done. Maybe it's because no one is scared enough. Well the republicans have spoken and liberals will be arrested, tortured, and killed. We will be under a Putin like rule. And while I agree that the more votes the better, I don't think votes will matter. They will seize power.
“And I am not defeatist. … … We will be under a Putin like rule. And while I agree that the more votes the better, I don't think votes will matter. They will seize power.”
Your comment ended a lot different that it started.
Well when you put it that way... 🙂. I guess to me I'm here because I want to warn and impress the seriousness of the situation. I do believe that it will not end well. That said I don't think it's inevitable. That's why I don't think I am defeatist. I'm not advocating giving up. I'm advocating speaking up and standing up. Maybe I don't have a good grasp on being a defeatist. I was thinking it means admitting defeat and giving up. I don't think that thinking there is a high probability of losing is defeatist. I think it's realistic. I absolutely think that Biden could stop it but it takes real serious action. Arrest all the republicans that voted to reject the election results. Suspend the SC and appoint a tribunal in its place. AOC, Sanders, Porter come to mind. Treat the federalist society as the enemy it is. Nationalize Twitter, Facebook, SpaceX, starlink, Port Arthur refinery, whatever is needed for national security. Thom Hartmann just wrote about the Saudis and the oil refinery and gives a great history about past nationalizations. There are paths out of fascism. That's why I don't think I am a defeatist.
I agree being realistic about the threat is not being defeatist. We are in extreme danger. The Republicans have shown they will stop at nothing. Literally. Breaking the law, protecting traitors, being willing Russian agents, suspending the Constitution, throwing citizens in camps without trial. They’ve publicly done or called for each of these.
But they can be beaten. Not by any of the steps you suggest, each of which would be just as tyrannical and offensive as what Republicans do and would result it the most massive electoral defeat Democrats have ever experienced. (It would drum up the Republican voters even more and Democratic voters would, rightly, withdraw all support from the new dictator in office.)
But by continuing the fight by speaking out, registering voters, campaigning against the fascism supporters running for office, making sure they are opposed in every possible way for as long as it takes. (Which is five years. 2024 and 2028 are it for the Republican Party. We beat them back through those two cycles and they’re done.)
in theory Christopher you're right. We should all stay put and vote for the man who will keep our country together. But if you recall 1930s Germany, there were many people, particularly wealthy ones, whose prescience, fortunes and connections enabled them to leave the country before it fell apart. Yet even among those, the notion persisted that Hitler was a nightmare, from which they would all awake. The end result of that was the eventual loss of their wealth and lives to the Nazi regime. I know this from my own family, who lived in a small town in Germany and were among the towns' wealthiest citizens. They managed to get some of their children to the United States under sponsorship, and had planned to leave themselves, however, before those plans could be completed, the Nazis got hold of them and it was too late. Because of popular disbelief in the inevitable, the inevitable happened. their photos and memories sit on my fireplace mantle Telling their story every time I walk past. I will vote Democratic in November, but their stories are a sad reminder that I and my family cannot afford to find a safe home elsewhere. All we can do. is vote wisely, and pray that we have learned something at least from history.
You can vote from abroad and your vote counts the same as if you were in the US. Democrats Abroad is a vital and strong organization that many Democratic members of Congress appreciate. A couple months ago, Jamie Raskin addressed the organization and thanked us for our votes.
Point being, most people can’t aren’t able to just move abroad.
Nobody is deny a vote from a citizen living overseas doesn’t count just as much as for someone living domestically. But the “just pick up and move” attitude I’ve seen from many here shows a largely of blindness to their privilege in being able to do so.
You do realize that Central and South America are easily accessible, don’t you, You’d be surprised by how many US citizens have moved. Granted, not everyone is able to do that for one reason or another, nor does everyone want to. However, it really isn’t horribly out of reach.
Staying, fighting, and beating back the fascists, making America very much a place people want to stay in is also very much within reach.
Instead of running off to Europe, or South America, how about we make America the place where those who don’t like it can run off to Russia.
Thank you for telegraphing your intentions if Fatboy wins an election. Best you leave NOW as TRUE BLUE won't tolerate your DEAD WEIGHT whimpers & cries heard from your trembling lips. DISGUSTING, you are.
You talking to me? I was advocating staying and fighting. How is that being “dead weight” and whimpering?
(Do you enjoy being a bot?)
I am an American citizen who has lived outside the US since 1985. My motive for moving was a dream job, not personal safety or politics (though at the beginning of Reagan's second term the political situation made it easier). Along the way I also became a citizen of the country I live in. Here's the rub: You can't really escape Trump and Trumpism. There are at least two reasons: (1) Trump and his handlers/minions are a threat to the world, especially to those democratic countries who have been allies and neighbors of the US. If Americans repeat the mistake of 2016, great damage will be done to every international organization and institution of which the US is a participant. (2) Trumpism travels. Here in Canada we saw the so-called "Freedom" convoy invade Ottawa and there is still fallout from that. The current leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is using the Trump playbook in hopes of winning the next election. Several provincial premiers are deep into right-wing populism and use Trumpist rhetoric and tactics. QAnon is here. I can certainly understand moving to France or Portugal or Canada, but don't think that you will be leaving Trump behind. The only way forward is to defeat Trump and every Republican we possibly can in November. I say "we" because American citizens who live abroad can still vote and are required by law to pay American taxes. We vote from our last residence in the US, so expatriates who lived in swing states really, really need to register and vote.
I’d agree tRump’s shadow is cast across the globe and follows Americans wherever they go or choose to live. I was in Europe when Reagan was president. Many Europeans, especially Italians (Italy was left leaning at the time), all complete strangers (shopkeepers, etc) would challenge Americans on their thinking and politics. The assumption was the elected president must be representative of the feelings and thoughts of the entire country. Not saying I agree with their conclusion, but that was their perception.
What you say is so true and shows how little people understand about the role the US has been playing on the world stage for centuries not just decades. We have shaped the world in our image for good or ill and will therefore suffer the most when the economic and diplomatic foundations here are undermined by a trump or any other megalomaniacal personality that is allowed to take over the reins of power. It’s truly frightening.
well, thank you for that great news ... 😱😱😱
i think we, as a country fail to realize the cold hard truth : the impending "next civil war" is not coming, it has all ready began ...
i believe it started in 2016, however, for those who think that is hyperbolic, then it officially started on 6 january 2021 -- when the world witnessed a coup d'etat on the united states government by maga nation ...
families, friendships and businesses have been torn apart completely because of one man and one political party in this nation ...
i know that if the former dictator somehow returns to power in this country, i do NOT see a future for this country ... his apocalyptic projections, sadly, are completely true : if he wins the election, "you won't have a country anymore" ...
(oh yeah, forget the fact that if he is re-elected, it would mean the constitution has completely gone to shit, as he is not even legally allowed to be on the ballot as he is an insurrectionist, or at the very least has indisputably given "aid or comfort" to convicted seditionists ... but who cares about the constitution ???)
The ‘next’ civil war started when SCOTUS put Bush in the White House.
Some have correctly called it the Cold Civil War.
Republicans and Democrats have been at war for the soul of the country for decades. Unfortunately, Democrats didn't get the message (and still haven't.)
This morning I opened the local paper here in Switzerland to see what had happened in elections yesterday. What a surprise and hope!
The voters approved a tax increase to raise state retirement benefits by 8% through a 13th payment each year. The vote was around 60% yes for this initiative supported by labor. The voters also soundly rejected raising the retirement age for the Swiss equivalent of social security.
There are also runoff races for immigrants to serve in the Cantonal legilslature. There were nativist calls around dialects but the voters chose otherwise.
There were also 30-something year olds elected to Cantonal legislatures. This clearly shows that voters are thinking of succession planning rather than entrenching politicans.
Plenty of lessons from one of the oldest democratic traditions in the world.
“But I hope people with Jim’s principles and abilities remain here to defend America against Trump’s threats to democracy, even if he’s defeated in November.”
There in lies the rub! How do we save democracy when one party will refuse to capitulate if they lose the election?
I’m hearing more shenanigans being plotted as we discuss whether our republic is worth saving. One plot has Johnson refusing to certify the electoral count based on inconsistencies (made up like last time) in the vote counts in several swing states; thereby allowing the House to pick the president, as each state would have one vote.
And since republicans control more than 25 state caucuses in the house; they intend to hand the presidency to Trump.
This would be a technically legal maneuver that could withstand the fascist court. Given past experience in Bush v Gore, and the court’s grandstanding in the immunity case, it’s not inconceivable that the court will once again steal the election in favor of republicans.
So in answer to your question; yes, one should definitely have a plan B in case our democracy is all but doomed.
My condolences to all those who can’t afford to leave; the Revolutionary War for the 21st century has already begun, America just hasn’t gotten the memo yet!…:)
i am with you ... however, there is ONE hope, which is that, based on the 2024 election, perhaps the balance of power can switch before 6 jan 2025 ... hakeem jeffries will (hopefully) be the speaker ... and hopefully we can flip the delegational power of enough states so that republican representatives do not have the majority of the states ... granted, it is a long-shot ... i agree : a plan B is a necessity ... i know that i will NOT stay in this country if we re-elect a dictator ...
True, except as long as Johnson is speaker he doesn’t have to swear in any new members. Johnson specifically refused to swear in Tom Suozzi, who won a special election for Santo’s seat, until the Mayorkas impeachment was secure.
He could do the same on January 3rd when the new house is supposed to be sworn in. Even if democrats retake the house, Johnson can claim irregularities in certain elections, and refuse to swear in some democrats before the sixth when the electoral college is certified.
Thus, he would retain the House speakership and hand the presidency to Trump.
Right! As ably described by Thom Hartmann:
It is wise to assume that Republicans will not go out willingly. Biden and the Democrats and the Justice Department should also be able to foresee this possibility and at the very least warn the public that Republicans are going to attempt another coup. It boggles my mind why Biden in particular does not use the bully pulpit (like Theodore Roosevelt) to circumvent and thwart any thought of a coup attempt by Republicans. Biden also needs to find ways to attack and undermine the MSM whenever they minimize the threat to America. Enough is enough!!!!!!
100% Agreed…:)
in that doomsday scenario, which may very well play out, i cannot see anything other than a full out revolution happening in the streets, in every city across this country ... it is truly horrifying ...
Yes, I think this time there will be great pushback against such attempts to steal the election.
Buying a house and living outside the USA doesn't mean a person isn't a us citizen , or us tax payer. Or a non voter. Owning property somewhere doesn't mean a person can live there year round.
I never implied otherwise. My point is the fascists are already taking over. They own the courts and will continue to erode our democracy using every legal and illegal means possible.
Did you imagin democracy was ever a done deal? Liberty is a individual choice . Abusers, on the other hand are crippled between where ears usually form. No one has to follow unlawful orders. Evading a perp is not "hiding ".
If the Amended US Constitution is abandoned ,which fecal implanting blatantly incompetent appointments does do where is the leadership , the vision for Rights of individual children and adults ?
When an abuser " is looking at you " and
what have you dangling bombs , your children held hostage, packing the earth and sky with deadly poisons...yammering it up about whoelse and how soon to mass murder "them"...pointing out the liar abuset is a facist or mental cripple or life of leisure liar does not nuetralize their threats or 4500 poluting heavenly rubish that burns up in gravity gobbling atmosphere for free pollution .But sure lets word out over it .
We interrupt this Rico corporation devise propaganda to remind distractors the flux is not an inevitable goose step in a sadistic morons orgy of nonsense.
Pull his plug. Inciting by a liar traitor for his @$$ pimp$ needs the Alex Jones stfu up bill. Cause that wallet those money meanies are " the problem".
Robert Jaffee, and the revolution is being televised.
Malignant Narcissism may be the former president's problem. Let's VOTE to be sure it doesn't become a further problem for everyone else.
Cowardly Mitch McConnell could have ended it for all of us had he had the courage to cast his vote for impeachment when it came up the second time. He is being hailed as some kind of genius. I disagree. He did not work for the people. He was dishonest and very disloyal to the oath he took to the Constitution to serve this country.
For years, I have been asking Congress to either take violations of the oath of office seriously, or dispense with it. In my view, if you are in violation of your oath of office then you are banished from Congress. If Democrats had pursued this 3 years ago, half of the Republican Party would have been expelled.
Spot on!! That would have a thing of beauty!
Malignant Narcissism must be named and explained and the narcissist called on their behavior. Placating such people only turns emotional two year olds into old Hitlers and that's exactly what's happened. Trump is getting worse and worse in his outrageous behaviour, lies, threats and what he's inspired in other criminal minds. Why does nobody scream about what he says and does and promises, but if Biden said the same exact words all hell would let loose?! The world needs to understand narcissism and its totally destructive aspects to all people. These people cannot be placated to make them disappear. They are best shamed and then ignored. (Like any bully is best treated). But this orange baby man is being propped up behind the scenes by powerful forces paying for his campaign to pave the way for their own economic power and influence. If Trump dropped dead they'd find somebody else to do their bidding.
True. He is a useful TOOL. He is out in front but he is not in charge. He is a noisy floating head for the guys behind the curtain.
Naw. The guys behind the curtain are pulling the strings on the rubes on the barstools. The rubes only think they are acting on their own ideas.
If he drops dead, they would surely try. Democracy needs a Plan C.
I would amend your post to read "let's VOTE to be sure it doesn't"...
Voting may not be enough. You can count on the Republicans to refuse to certify a Biden win.
Need a Plan C.
Like the 400,000 or so, who died because of his egoistic mishandling of the Covid pandemic.
And where do the rest of us go, if not second homes in France? You know, Robert-those that are just struggling to even keep a roof over our heads? For the majority of Americans becoming an expatriate is nothing more than a pipe dream. There won’t be a hit put on us per se, more like an insidious slow moving genocide. Will the only thing that saves us will be to don red caps and fool’s gold sneakers?
It’s not only $ that stop us but age and health. The genocide in Gaza will be coming here. Democrats, minorities and women will be targets.
...immigrants, gays, Muslims, Jews...
The depraved former president is in a rapid state of cognitive decline, his financial empire in ruins, he will soon be spending more time in court than on the campaign trail (and it is questionable as to whether he can even afford to run a presidential campaign) and his hard-core base is diminishing. Even his primary victories show his underlying weakness in a general contest and now he has suffered his first primary loss. Come November American voters will not only put an end to him but the MAGA movement will, I firmly believe, suffer a serious blow. The everyday American will decide for democracy over a deranged and disgraced man and his Putin-led Neo Fascist Party (formerly Republican).
I sincerely hope you're right!
Probably best to keep quiet about your safe house location, though 😬
RR, hope the named small town of xyz where your colleague now lives was a misdirect...
That was my first thought too! France is not that big of a place and who would want such info out there?!!
I was thinking the same thing…
The situation looks bleak but I wouldn't panic, not if you believe as I do that there are still millions of well-balanced, informed and insightful American voters out there who see through Trump's hopelessly childish need for attention, his lack of statesmanship, civility, and intelligence, his snake-oil phoniness, and his misogynist attitude toward women..
Dream on, my friend. Dream on. The morons elected the f*cker once. You don't think they'll do it again?
If you’re Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Adam Schiff, etc.etc., would you want to sit in jail and be adjudicated by American Putin judges? We left in 2015 and although I will have to pay US taxes for the rest of my American life - I am thanking my parents for my EU passport. We live in Portugal and I won’t set foot on fascist ground across the Atlantic for the foreseeable future if Trump wins.
Just got back from Oaxaca, Mexico whrere trump is very disliked. I had no tv. Am back in USA and won’t watch tv, the press sucks. So frightening. Don’t know what to do. The so called Supreme Court makes me ill. An that Cannon sleaze should be behind bars. 🙏
Elena, the only thing keeping sanity for most of us is gathering in places like this with like-minded people. I always speak out loud wherever I am about republicans following a traitor, deadly seditionist and rapist. Shockingly, some people aren’t on to the fact that almost every media source is monopolized by the extremist right…the only kind of right wing there is now. Our nation s kicking the faces of all who fought Fascism in WWII. BUT those people have mostly died off. Good thing they aren’t witnessing the very thing they fought overseas coming to the US as a stronghold.
My father would have a heart attack if he were alive. After fighting the Italians as he did in WWII, to see this.
That a total of 35% of Democrats and Independents believe “true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country," shows us there's potential pushback against all this far right drama.
What eye-opening times we're experiencing this past decade.
You can't add percentages like that. You have to average them out. So it's more like 18% between the two.
Respectfully Professor, the rest of the world is looking on (Malcolm Turnbull, previous Australian PM laid out his first person account of what world leaders think of the threat with Nicole Wallace) & is fairly clear about the extent to which this man threatens the American experiment & the broader principle of democracy......Past is prologue, he has already shown you who he is, what he was willing to do & how close you came to the brink last time. If you are still undecided about the extent of the threat, we cannot help you.
I don't know if ABC Australia has a you tube channel,or if they have international blockers on their content.
There is a programme called Q and A ,last Monday Malcolm Turnbull was one of the panellists.I'm sure they have the same type of programme on public funded tv channels around the world.
On a meeting with Putin and other world leaders he said Trump was like a 12 year old meeting the captain of his favourite football team.He couldn't contain his excitement or hero worship on meeting him.The whole room was stunned by it..
Probably it will be somewhere on the internet,he didn't hold back in his feelings for Trump,a full on nutcase and a danger to democracy.
I'm an Aussie overseas & watch Q&A religiously & have to say, Turnbull talking about this issue was beyond chilling. That Americans are still trying to parse out the extent ot the threat, really is mind blowing.
A Ellis-Dunn, Many doctors have pointed out the steep rise in stress after trump was installed. It is affecting our health as we know that protests, the truth, the majority of this country are being silenced. They are not reported for the most part. My friends in England ask why there isn’t more vocal opposition. There is but it’s becoming a major burn-out with injustice after injustice being protested but essentially ineffective. I and many others are very stressed watching this horror show.
Don't give up SeekingReason. It is darkest before it gets light. I'm in the UK at the mo & I know what your friends in England might be saying to you, but perhaps they don't spend enough time with the regular warriors, those that you find here, expressing real concerns, & working out ways that they can move the dial in their communities. I know it can be exhausting. I analogise it to the the war effort & those left fighting on the home's the collective effort that brings about downfall, & preserves democracy. Keep fighting, we're nearly there.
Maybe 1 reason for our declining longevity.
Putting trump in prison would give me back 10 years! 😄
Yes, I saw it somewhere on the internet, probably on Twitter, er X. One of the most accurate descriptions of Trump I've seen by any world leader.
The plus side of the fear and the continuing vile and reckless statements by Agent Orange is that it will get out the blue vote.
It’s encouraging to me that Nicki Haley has gotten a chunk of republicans voters. Many have said that they won’t vote for the mad dog from hell. Others have said that they won’t vote for him if he’s convicted of a crime.
So that leads to SCOTUS. How long does it take to figure out that a president doesn’t have immunity to try to overthrow an election? And if they DO say he has immunity then Biden should just stay in power win or loose, after all he’s president and as president, he now has absolute immunity. End of story.
The one thing you can be sure of is that Trump is scared. The bluster is getting crazier and crazier. His court cases that have been adjudicated have not gone his way. And those were the easy ones. He is facing felons. Prison. So of course he’s gone full tilt psycho. Don’t believe the bluster, just vote like your life depends on it.
I think the SC's willingness to hear the immunity case, however narrowly they presented it, is really just about throwing sand in the gears. That they took almost 3 weeks to inform they would hear it, & then a further delay of 7 plus weeks, betrays their real intent. As you point out Susan, they clearly can't say he's above the law, because Biden could then do whatever he wants, for however long he wants. Having previously given 36 hours to prepare briefings in Bush v Gore, clearly an expedited timeframe is possible......How much easier in this case, as all briefings have been made & adjudicated at the lower level courts? Vote, as your future clearly does depend on it.