I would nominate Jensen Huang of NVIDIA. He runs the most advanced and forward thinking tech company in the World. Instead of building rocketships to nowhere; he's creating new universes, or metaverses on Earth. A humble and balanced man he has created the best culture in the industry. These aimless narcissists make the cover of magazines while Jensen will make history; and a lot of money which he'll put to good use. Take care, stay well, and Peace!

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I have long been uncomfortable with the number of Catholics on SCOTUS. Except for presumably Catholic Justice Sotomayor , the rest all seem intent on doing just what Justice Barrett suggested should happen in her 2006 Notre Dame address. Dangerous thinking and totally antithetical you the Enlightenment/Masonic thinking of America’s founders.

Looking back as Alito does in both his leaked and final opinions, we should be further concerned because there is still an office of the Inquisition, though under a different name. In the mid-nineties a Canadian PBS affiliate produced a trilogy on womens’ issues, starting with “The Burning Times,” a movie about the deaths of “witches” incarcerated, tortured, tried and burned at the stake under the Inquisition. It was estimated that of a probable six million killed in Europe, 80 % were women. The actual number killed may go as high as ten million. Records were not kept. The move to criminalize abortion in several states, recalls this ugly history all too clearly.

In her history of the Far Right, Duke University Professor Of Modern U.S.History, Nancy MacLean, calls what she has uncovered a Far Right “Stealth Plan.” Finding an unguarded office on a southern College campus, she organized and recorded the devious plot of a Chicago School of Economics Professor and the Kochs et al to develop and further the 20th Century economic plot for which yet he USA was not yet deemed ready. At the conclusion, she predicts that Americans will not like it. Given the recently runaway SCOTUS under Clarence Thomas, MacLean is correct.

In what might be called a “prequel” to MacLean’s book, Naomi Klein details the experimentation of this free market plan across the world in the 20th Century: including Poland, South Africa, many Central And South American countries which became laboratories for just how ugly this economically-driven plan might be carried out. Disappearances, torture, and other mayhem resulted along with starvation and extreme economic hardship.

I suspect theocracy is a part of it, but also there is always The Money. Republican oligarchs and Republicans like Texas’s Abbott and Florida’s De Santis are trying to arrange their victory by removing voters from the rolls, gerrymandering, changing voting rules, and slowing the mail, for example. Manchin and Sinema are blocking BIDEN’s agenda and the voting rights legislation in the Senate. The media generally runs BIDEN’s administration down, as if on cue from corporate offices.

Yes, we are headed for a rough ride and need to do all possible—singly and in organizations—to make 2022 as big a success as 2020 was —in preparation for the next Putin-sponsored Coup D’Etat, 2016 being the first.* Legislating to remove dark money provided free rein by oxymoronic “Citizens United” and fully meeting the required goal of electors to activate the National Popular Vote Act are the Democrats and Independents’ tasks. Best get busy.

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