It was exhausting to watch this, just as it was to live through it. Good reminder of what it was like- especially for the young people who are first-time voters this year.

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I don't think that's going to happen. The election is pretty close. It's also looking like the Republicans will take back the Senate. Montana Senator John Tester is 6 points behind Republican Tim Sheehy and with Sen. Joe Manchin stepping down, the Republicans will take that seat and if Sheely wins in Montana the Senate will have a Republican majority. Which will mean if Harris wins she won't get much if anything done. A president Harris won't be able to get any of her appointees on to any federal courts. I don't see anyone even mentioning the Senate races. Then there are all the state level races which the Democratic Party has failed to work towards at least trying to win. The Republicans are out spending the Democrats in state level races two to one. People forget that without winning both Houses of Congress a president can't get much done.

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Vote blue up and down the ballot. Btw - the polling on Tester is pretty iffy. It’s more likely he’s close to even.

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I'm not sure where you get that polling data from, but Tester is 6 points behind Sheehy and that number is going south for Tester every time a new poll is taken. At this point it's not looking like the Democrats will keep the Senate. As I said that would mean a Harris presidency would get nothing little to nothing done.

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As I understand it, those polls are being taken by Repub operatives. They are skewing the results.

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That’s one of Republican strategies - to puff themselves up and try to get democrats to get discouraged and give up. There’s a lot of bad and misleading polling out there.

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I'm reading the polls from 538. Tester is behind Sheehy. The Senate race in Ohio is also a toss up at this point.


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I heard that the Harris campaign has taken in soooo much $$$ that they have already spent $25 million on down-ticket campaigns. With more to come, hopefully. If We're lucky, that might help the Dems to keep their Senate majority.


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It’s about time Americans stop tying the hands of our government. I think you are wrong about this. But you do you

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Well at least President Harris will have a big voice to broadcast what she'd like to do to counteract the obstructionists & maybe in 2 years things will turn around.

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Yes, that's possible, but the math is not in the Democrats favor for the Senate. The Republicans have 49 seats, the Democrats have 47 with Independent's holding 4 seats. Two of the four Independent's, Sander's and Angus King vote with the Democrats which ties them with the Republicans. VP Harris was the 50th vote on a lot of legislation and has the record of breaking more ties in the Senate, 32, than any other VP in history.

I forgot about Kyrsten Sinema, who's not running and Ruben Gallego has strong lead in Arizona. The Republicans would still have 51 seats to the Dems 47 plus 2 Independent's.

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You seem confident mathematically the Republicans will win, but Trump will lose. He’ll be in prison besides. “The Republicans” that win will not be MAGA. A 2-party system is a democracy. Good bye to MAGA.

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More than 56% of Montana voters are women. Plus the polls are always wrong, and do not reflect the registration trend is heavily Democratic.

Follow the trend. I follow Katrina Christiansen in North Dakota. The trend is also favorable in FL, TX and even MO.


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I'm not saying Tester can't win but Donald Trump won Montana by 16 points in 2020. The Republicans don't have to win big to take back the Senate, all they need is one seat. Florida and Texas are long shots, expensive states to run uphill campaigns in, and right now the Democrats are spending a lot in Montana as that is the state to win to keep the Senate. The polls are close, so yes, Tester can win, he can also lose. Montana, in the 2016 and 2020 elections, was roughly 11 points more Republican than the nation overall and the polarization has gone up in the state, as it has nationally.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information but the Republican Party has been taken over by Trump and MAGA is not looking as if it's going away anytime soon even if he loses in November.

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I doubt that he'll be in prison (where he deserves to be). If all else fails, he'll skip the country and flee to some non-extradition nation, taking much/most of his wealth with him.

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Are they listening?

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I hope they will take the time to listen to this. The young people I meet seem to be pretty fired up and eager to share their enthusiasm with their friends. We need to keep wet p reaching out!

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There are so many more, it is beyond belief!!

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Trump hates dogs. Stole from kids with cancer.

MAGA Grandma for Kamala.


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separated children from their families at the border which Physicians for human rights declared constituted torture,

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Yes, it was the torture of children. And still is.

It shakes me to the bones.

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Yea, I have to choose 3-4 of what I think are his most grievous sins; the rest I post as pictures on social media. Although I went thru a couple email accounts and deleted everything that had his name in it, I still have hundreds of pictures, some corresponding to overt acts of betrayal, violence, treason, sexual abuse, ETCETERA.

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Remember all of the tweets?

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I have ben enraged repeatedly that in the US punitive measures against Trump have been non existent. Trump's wealth has paralyzed the laws because cowards fear to confront him. Even the Attorney General is mute when his leadership should be loudly defining insurrection and the criminal acts of gun toting uneducated idiots. His wealth does not paralyze my logic that he is a phony with no qualification to lead. Wake up America ..... The entire Republican Party is to blame for ignoring Trump's childish behavior. We need a Republican Party only after the current crop of republican assholes are fired.

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And by not really going after him, lots of morons think his behavior is ok.

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IT'S DISGUSTING how the DOJ, CHRISTOPHER WRAY, AND THAT COWARDLY WOOSE MERRICK GARLAND HAVE LET TRUMP GET AWAY WITH VIRTUALLY MURDER EVER SINCE JAN. 6, 2021! I used to call the DOJ regularly and leave messages to Garland and Wray about this! Biden should have fired both their asses long ago! Everybody and their brother are afraid of being "[too] political!" God damn Donald Trump to HELL! GARLAND AND WRAY HAVE NOT CARED THAT TRUMP AND HIS VILE HATRED, VITRIOL, SPEECH, LIES AND ACTIONS HAVE JUST ABOUT DESTROYED THIS COUNTRY!!! I hope Garland never sees the light of another job after he is relieved of his duties as U.S.A.G.!

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I can't agree more 👍💯

I'm really disgusted with AG Garland. Spineless. While I like Eric Holder and the work he's doing against gerrymandering, I was very pissed off at him for not going after G.W.Bush and his administration for the lies and getting us into the Iraq war. Needlessly causing the deaths of our brave service people....and innocent Iraqi civilians. That whole group got off easy. That coward Bush can't even say whom he endorses. That speaks volumes.

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It's disgusting how the "criminal justice system" works in this country. Run a red light, the cops might kill you. Start a war "because you want to," you can go home afterwards and take up hobbies, like painting, for instance! When my nephew announced one Sunday at the dinner table at my parents' that he was "going to sign up" as soon as he graduated from high school, I looked him straight in the eye and told him I would personally wring his neck if he even thought of doing such a stupid thing and then explained the whole Saddam-not-involved truth to everyone about 9/11. That was the most horrible war-of-choice situation! 😕 I still say Bush should be tried in the Hague and hanged for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Bush won't endorse? Who would want his endorsement?? It's as good as meaningless, IMO. I wouldn't want it . . . It'd be like, "Ooh, get off me," like a cockroach crawling on you.

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Yes, you have a point about an endorsement from Bush .... it's a double edged sword in a way. I also remember Colin Powell addressing the UN and knowingly lying about weapons of mass destruction. He knew it was all a lie. He was shameful in what he did that day. So many have gotten away with SO MUCH at the expense of our fellow countrymen and women. They continue to do so. 😞

I totally agree that Bush needs to be tried in the Hague. He's a war criminal. Same with Dick Cheney.

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To both Diane and Jody, Powell knew there was no anthrax piled up in Iraq, and yet he sat there with a little vial of what was SUPPOSEDLY anthrax and testified for the Bush administration before God and all the world that there was! Shameful, shameful, shameful! There is a book in my public library titled "The Case Against George W. Bush," and it was painstakingly researched about how Bush and his "security team" (CondoSLEEZA Rice) treated the constant warnings about the imminent threat of planes being used to attack America. It charts how many times they discussed that issue vs. how many times the subject of oil in Iraq was discussed. Saddam's oil many more times, I can assure you.

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Absolutely, yes. I've read these reports. I could never stand CondoSLEEZA Rice 🤮. I always knew she was duplicitous. Here's the other thing that ties into these reports and the book on Bush, do you remember how intensely divided and angry the country was at what the SCOTUS did, STEALING THE ELECTION from Al Gore?? Well, the pressure was really heating up about that, it was dominating the news cycle and Bush couldn't get away from it. There were groups of politicians who were starting an inquiry into the ballot counting in Florida to try to invalidate the installation of Bush, unjustly, by SCOTUS....They were researching the actual Constitutionality of what SCOTUS did etc. Al Gore fell into a deep depression over the whole fiasco and simply gave up, he wasn't able to mount a fight to challenge that election fraud.

Now, what better way to completely annilate the investigations, the press coverage and totally distract the entire public ??? Not act upon a known security threat that was imminent....911. They knew it was coming. Knowing how incompetent Bush is, his inner sanctum headed by Cheney (aka Darth Vader) most likely kept critical information from him to allow for "plausible deniability" so he'd look shocked when the tragedy occurred. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch, but I'm also a former Fed. and I've seen a lot of things that most people simply wouldn't believe.

I also had spoken with multiple law enforcement members who knew other LEO's in Florida. They were told that those LEO's (law enforcement officers) saw Gore ballots being removed, boxed and brought elsewhere, they didn't know what happened to all those ballots, but they were gone. The LEO's said they saw a lot of chicanery taking place where ballots were being counted.

Now, if SCOTUS interfered with the outcome of that election, common sense would dictate they select the winner by who won the popular vote, GORE. But the Republican Chief Justice Rehnquist had his plan all ready to go. Sound familiar???

This election is being set up to do the exact same thing....all the signs are there to challenge the vote totals in the court. It's already clear how Chief Justice Roberts operates by the leaked information about Trump's immunity case..... now that the majority of the SCOTUS are right wing zealots, some even Trump appointees, how do you think they're going to rule????

Yeah 🤬

The Harris-Walz ticket has to win by a sizable margin to make it much more difficult for the election to be stolen. We've got to always be one step ahead of these SOB's..... take nothing for granted.

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I have read that Colin Powell did NOT know that there were no weapons of mass destruction and that he was angry when he found out that he had been lied to by the Bush Administration.

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Jody, the truth about Powell is that he was "never to blame for anything." He was a cowardly woose. When it came to being accountable, he would just crawl back under his rock until the storm blew over. I have no respect for Colin Powell whatsoever.

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Incorrect information Jody, Powell knew exactly what was going on. He was complicit in the whole ruse. He felt the ends justified the means.

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Awesome collection of truth, quickly explained. Thank you.

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I can't wait for Volume II and Volume III !

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Excellent! One missing item-

Trump says that the most humiliating event in American history was the Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan. IMO, it was the meeting of Trump with Putin in Finland where Trump seems to have kissed Putin's butt.

And, he spoke to Putin alone after dismissing his interpreter. What transpired, only Putin knows.

So what does Putin have on Trump?

And . . . how about those lost records/texts on January 6 that were required by law to be recorded and placed in the archive? They never were recovered, nor the absence of 7 hours of communications explained.

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A good effort, there is no end to the harm he has done, and is adding to daily with JD Vance’s help.

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And even after all of these crimes he has still not been held accountable!!!!!!

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Thank you for reminding us. So many people need to be reminded over and over again until the truth truly becomes the truth (a spin on Trump's modus operandi inspired by Goebels) to everyone and anyone who will remember.

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I cannot think of one thing that was good about his presidency! IF you can call that acting like a president! I hope people don't vote for him! PLEASE VOTE BLUE!

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There is only 1 GOOD thing that I can think of about the Trump presidency:

Trump FINALLY vacated the White House!

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As always, I learn so much from you, Robert Reich. Thanks a million!

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Thank you for again reminding us of the volume of atrocities that are Trump.

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a friend sent it to me before I got this. I posted it to Facebook as it needs the attention of all voters. I bet there are more than 75. He called Bidens a crime family. I would say he is the head of the Trump Crime Family. Thanks for a great video Now I would like to see that son in law of his investigated for the money from the Arabs. Something really fishy there.

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That's a start!

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I'll send this out to the usual suspects & hope for the best.

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Done - I've shared it with friend and relations who are going to be US voters. I hope the video is widely shared with the "amnesics" who might be able to benefit from the reminder.

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Miland: Amnesiacs? Poor teachers? Self-centred?

Humans seem to be very poor at teaching the lessons of past generations failures to succeeding generations, even from parents to children.

How many generations of your family’s origins can you recall?

I have modest memory back only

7 generations (~225 years) on my father’s side. That’s 128 people whose genes I’ve inherited. My mum’s family came to Québec ~1620.

They lived through many wars & plagues. Why are we still suffering?

Perhaps that’s why we are doomed to repeat them.

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10 for starters.....

Oh, I can count this high..I've run out of fingers and toes.

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