You have one nominee who is worthy and the other who is worthless! I said quite a while ago that the only thing I agreed with Trump was that Corporate Media is the enemy of the people and I got a lot of flak. I’m not singling out the journalists but I am saying that the billionaires who manage the big media networks are the enemy! They only care about their bottom line. So they will continue to let Trump skate!

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Exactly …

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The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. They want Trump to win because long term that's what helps them.

They can stage fake wwf battles while actually helping each other profit!

Harris has done numerous media interviews while Trump dodges debates and sit-downs with anyone but his sycophants.

I can't wait for Kamala Harris to defeat loser Trump once and for all this coming November and for him to leave our country alone!

I can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz epic victory wearing this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt on November 5th 👇 🤣


I'll be celebrating in the streets like everyone else!

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Trump might be gone, but Trumpers never will be. Neither will white Christian supremacists and nationalists. They are the major backers, with lots of money, who are behind project 2025 and nothing will stop them JD Vance is one of them too. It is no accident that he was selected as Trump‘s running mate.

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Indeed, the test going forward is MSM going to dispense with the dishonest both-side-ism that consistently gave trump a pass. In no small measure, for 8+ years MSM's lopsided. 24/7 coverage allowed him free of charge to recruit his cult with nonstop lies. Harris had 3 months to unite us and MSM has her under a microscope, Yes, The NYT's Editorial Board.has a double standard problem .

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No, not really. On DAY ONE, when Bunkerboy declares himself dictarortot, what will happen? ILLEGALIZE NEWS STATIONS! DAY ONE MSM will be GONE. Do they not realize this???

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"Day one: msm will be gone". - Now THAT's worth waiting for! The NYT is the mouthpiece of the White House, and the rest are mouthpieces for corporate America. The Christian Science Monitor and the New York Review of Books are good will do me - and they're not msm outlets. (I don't expect Trump to have heard of either).

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The NYT is the mouthpiece of the White House? Say what? Please provide some solid reference points!

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Ellen - When it comes to foreign policy, yes the White House, especially when it is inhabited by a Democrat president, his warmest supporter is the New York Times. In fact, off-hand I cannot recall a time since, say, 1970 when that rag didn't support the president or sympathised with his political dilemma. Can you think of a significant foreign affairs issue when the Times disagreed with a Democrat president? (I'm referring to their editorials).

Take the Ukraine-Russia War. Has the Times ever stepped out and pointed out to Obama, for example, that he ought to pay heed to Kissinger's warning in February 2014 that Ukraine is a 'special case' and that the West ought to seek an accommodation with Putin over this woebegone land with its ancient history in step with Russia - Tsarist, Communist, post-Communist? The Times could play a moderating influence on some U.S. presidents; I don't recall a case where they did so.

Another example: has the NYT ever disagreed with U.S. foreign policy on North Korea? Has the Times ever suggested that the U.S. ought to negotiate with North Korea in regard to their development of their own atom bomb? If so, I'm blissfully unaware of it.

It has not always been like this. There was a time - in the 1950s - when D. F. Fleming could do his research for his magisterial two-volume tome "The Cold War and Its Origins 1917-1960", published in 1961, using the New York Times as one of his sources. He couldn't do that today!

In fact, I reckon the NYT should put every future Democrat president on their payroll as their chief op-ed person. Given the unrelenting stress he is under, the U.S. president could do with a salary rise!

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Gunnar, even assuming that your assertion is correct (" The NYT is the mouthpiece of the White House, and the rest are mouthpieces for corporate America") you imply that it is perfectly OK for a government to suppress news organizations. You seem to believe that smaller outlets like the Monitor will escape Trump's notice -- remember,Trump is only the figurehead and the mouthpiece of the reactionary forces. His appointees will be the real hatchet men.

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R. Hodsdon - I agree that Trump is a reactionary in some fields - like, on abortion. In other fields he is a pioneer - like, being willing to talk to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. No U.S. president since 1953 has dared to break with 'conventional wisdom' and talked directly to the head of North Korea. And where did this 'global' isolation of North Korea get us? Nowhere! They now have nuclear weapons and missiles that can reach Japan and far into the Pacific. If we refuse to negotiate with them, in a few years they'll have missiles that can reach Lost Angeles. The U.S. cannot force any country to be 'an island unto itself'. It simply isn't possible.

Secondly, Trump has said he will negotiate a peace deal with Putin over Ukraine. No other U.S. president has had the courage to defy 'conventional wisdom' and negotiate with Putin. As for the Gaza-Israel War, Kamala Harris will follow Joe Biden and do nothing to stop Israel's genocide. Trump is an unknown quantity, but I wouldn't be surprised if he were to decide, as U.S. president, that enough is enough and stop supplying Israel with weapons systems. If so, he becomes a pioneer in the field of useless, expensive, and bloody proxy wars.

Finally, Kamala Harris is politically shallow. She behaves like a teenage girl in front of her pop idol - the American people. Coy and indeterminate. I don't trust Trump but I don't trust Harris, either. Two awful candidates.

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Gunnnar, it not only MSM that will be gone. Have you checked a summary of Project 2025? Most everything that sane people care about will be gone. It is a roadmap for a trump dictatorship.

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Gail, when I 'welcomed' the possible disappearance of the mainstream media by writing "Now THAT's worth waiting for!" I was speaking tongue in cheek. Of course, our msm's are useful reminders of how effectively the powers-that-be can achieve propaganda domination through its 'opinion shapers' - from shock jocks to celebrities.

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They will not be removed if they hang out in his designated bunker! Plus share their returns/profits with HIM! If Trump gets something, money or power, from them, he will allow them to exist!

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I think that MANY of high level gop and others are really "going along to get along", hoping if they curry enough favor they will land key positions in an orange cabinet, etc., and then be protected; they'll "survive" the authoritarianism. Pretty ignorant "thinking" but that's what we've been seeing for years anyway and that's why we're in this mess.

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Rather than the MSM wanting to help Trump win they want to grab attention and make money. We could argue their motivation till the cows come home. The reality is much of what they do is helping Trump to win.

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Steve, I agree with you that the M. Media like any other capital-intense enterprise are compelled to serve the corporate bottom line and make a horse race out of this election. Their problem for them is that they are picking apart the wrong horse, and blowing their journalistic foot off in the process. If Mr. Big prevails, they may become the Moscow Times, NY Bureau, and the White House, the Kremlin on the Potomac.

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Partial truths often serve as foundations for outrageous lies. The article mentioned by Prof. Reich delivered a partial truth.

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Also, the corporate owners of the media--for the most part-- are Very Wealthy White Guys. They are looking at their own personal bottom line in that Trump has promised to continue with tax cuts for the Very Wealthy folks in this country. Don't tell me that doesn't hold any sway with them.

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I just got one of those t-shirts in the post too! I'm trying to decided whether or not to wear it before the election. Would that be tempting fate? My situation is kind of unusual, though.

I'm a NJ ex-pat of 46 years and counting who left the States in 1979 at age 22, just out of university. Lived and worked in Amsterdam till 1985, then my work brought me over to Ireland where I just recently retired. Ireland is a real work hard/play hard kind of place. Love it, and never considered going back to the States. Best pint of Guinness in the world over here, not to mention single payer health care. And very few MAGA types. Socialism: it works!

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Again and again, like a broken clock, Trump was right, the media is the enemy of the people, evidently the chattering class, as Spiro Agnew called them, want to elect Trump, because that is the consequence of diving on, belittling and antagonizing Kamala, while simultaneously normalizing and giving Trump a pass.

The media elected Trump in 2016 by covering every fart, and are trying to do so again.

Why? Ideological preference or because his rambling and actions sells.

Either way they are fools, he has already announced his dictatorship desires, and the Heritage Foundation has gave him the blueprint (Project 2025), Do the fools think that they will survive much less prosper under the dictatorship? Idiots.

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William, while I agree with the tenor of your comment -- that the Press has helped Trump by obsessively covering his every utterance -- but think it is legitimate "news" for this focus.

A Trump "fart" is news to a segment of the readership: such news inflames Anti-Trumpers who use it as evidence of his unfitness to serve, while the Pro-Trump team seizes on such reports to claim MSM bias proves it is "fake news."

Reporters are always on the hunt for juicy tidbits from their sources: policy statements are pretty dry, but revelations about candidate attitudes can make hot headlines, e.g. "Harris Hates Bibi, but Will Send Bombs to Israel" (I made this up, btw). Reporters' reputations are made by uncovering what was previously unknown.

Any headline that starts with "Twice-Impeached Trump says...X..." will be an attention-grabber. Doesn't matter to the reporter or editor or the outlet whether this eventually helps or hinders the Trump campaign, it's news, and will sell papers and attract eyeballs.

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What I am referring to R Hodson is that the press has normalized Trump,his lies and especially his threats. Take the situation in the wake of Hurricane Helene, he is spreading lies, lies that are believed, that actually hurt his constituency, just as his lies about Covid, actually killed his constitutency, on the other hand I see that as a good thing, The less of them the better for democracy.

Back in 2016, I remember turning on the TV, I want to say it was CNN, but it could have been MSNBC, and the camera was focused (for 20 minutes) on an empty podium, waiting for the Orange Jesus who bless us with his appearance.

I don't much watch TV today, except to record series like the "Chicago's" or a documentary or a movie, but do catch snippets, but only MS NBC, I have no idea what CNN, ABC, CBS are doing, as they are the corporations that gave us Trump in the first place.

MSNBC, The Today Show, and Last Week Tonight, will show snippets of Trump making a fool of himself, and his joyful, clapping and smiling audience, just as they showed Elon Musk, high on some drug, jumping up and down making a complete fool of himself.

That kind of coverage is great, but not the kind that normalizes him, and covering him like that without pointing out how he lies and threatens people and democracy is in fact normalizing him.

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William - For the first 10-15 minutes of The Daily Show will usually give you the same kind of laughs that it sounds like you try to seek. If I can’t DVR a show to speed passed commercials I won’t watch it. Gave up on tv news a long time ago and mostly read about 30 different publications just to try to get some truth.

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Unfortunately true!😮‍💨

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I guess the don’t like their Medicare, Social security check or their freedom! Because if he gets in, they could kiss all that goodbye 👋

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Yep. A lbertarian paradise. Art 1, 1936 Soviet Constitution. "In the U.S.S.R. work is a duty and a matter of honour for every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat."

The principle applied in the U.S.S.R. is that of socialism : "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work."

By the way that is not Socialism, That is the mentality of the Bolsheviks who created the USSR.

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William - The only thing that I ever liked about Spiro Agnew is that someone figured out that the letters in his name rearranged spelled out “Grow A Penis”.

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Eadie, I don't understand your emoji. remember I am an old fart, don't even own a cell phone.

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Daniel, yes, it is possible to keep the truth from a whole lot of people, particularly when so many of the outlets are owned by a single corporation that has no integrity. Then, the social media platforms are designed so only what a person is used to is shown to them and so many people won't take the time to look further. It really is a kind of sabotage of our American system and We the People have permitted it under the claim of "free speech." It is nothing like "free speech" it is restricted speech, in reality.

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Many are clueless Daniel. Just as in the media reaction in 2015 when they reported on the Russian "meddling" with the election. Too many in the media have learned little, though certainly there is more coverage of Trump/Putin than before. But thin gruel.

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Clueless no Steven. Complicit yes.

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I lean more toward stupidity and ignorance to explain things. I believe you are giving them too much credit in understanding what's going on. But regardless, they are fools.

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I am not giving them any credit at all Steve. Stupid means that they fall on the left side of the bell curve. Ignorant yes, ignorance means lack of knowledge, not intelligence. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, Sherlock Holmes professed his ignorance in geography, because knowledge of geography served no purpose for him.

Most of these people are not stupid, if they were they wouldn't own $50,000 Ford F150's, Boats for Trump boat parades, car dealerships, real estate brokerages, or afford to travel to D.C. and stay in hotels for events like Jan 6th

But for those who are not ignorant and/or stupid, they are complicit, because they are emotional involved and Trump has pulled their chain and triggered their lizard brain, the amygdala.

This election, like all elections, is a contest between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.

There is pretense that man is a rational being, but he votes and acts on emotions,

Why does man vote and act against his own best interests? Because he doesn't. His emotional needs define his own best interest, not reason.

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Yeah, I dont see a concerted effort so much as going after "if it bleeds it leads". Trumps buffonery is a story thats been told, Kamala is relatively newer.

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William, yes, complicit because they willfully chose to ignore Trump's threats and promises.

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Yes they do choose to ignore Trumps threats and promises, but that begs the question. Why?

And that is the most important question, and one apparently no one asks.

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Given the candidate's genders, the double standard is textbook sexism. The male is not being judged, while the female is being judged unfairly. It's unprofessional and unacceptable journalism. Hopefully many influential women will stand up and call out the NYT reporter's sexist double standard.

After two major climate change driven events in less than two weeks that have made many thousands of climate change refugees, a sexist double standard is evident on this major issue. On one hand, Trump boasts "drill, baby, drill" that would exacerbate the climate crisis. Trump ignores and mocks the mountains of evidence that prove a serious risk to the planet and civilization. Trump thinks it's a hoax. Amazingly, the MSM mostly ignores the issue and does not discuss the consequences of "drill, baby, drill." Trump would drive the country over the cliff. Over ten years ago, the Pentagon declared climate change a matter of National Security. The MSM knows the stakes, but gives Trump a pass and immunity on the crucial issue facing America.

VP Harris, on the other hand, supports the Green New Deal for less fossil fuels dependency and a sustainable energy policy. The GND is crucial to avert complete climate collapse. Without action to address climate change, climate disasters will increase in size and frequency. Harris, Biden and Dems in Congress have taken steps to address this crucial issue. However, has the MSM pointed out that Harris and Dems are taking crucial action to avoid climate collapse and climate disasters? No! Not a word from the MSM.

Trump gets a pass and immunity for exacerbating the most serious issue facing the next generation. Harris and Dems have a responsible plan that creates good paying jobs. Sadly, Harris is not getting credit for taking charge to solve the crucial issue that threatens the planet and humanity. The candidate's policies are polar opposites with extremely different outcomes.

The science is clear. We need a leader to take action on climate change for human survival, crop production and National defense. The stakes could not be higher.

Yes, it's an obscene double standard and blatant sexism. This must change. #climatetruthmatters



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Upupup! The male RAPIST.

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I agree with everything you said except that women need to stand up against sexism. We all need to do that as you did with this post.

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But come now! Remember when Kamala Harris ran ALL of her casinos INTO THE GROU-oh wait . . .

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Keep in mind that Trump's advisors explained to him that building another casino would NOT increase gambling revenue and another casino would only divide the gaming revenue. This is very simple math. Trump ignored this simple math.

The result was a failed casino, as predicted. Sadly, over 2,000 small businesses that helped build the ill-advised casino got burned by Trump in the process. The $64,000 question is why aren't these people's stories being told about the boy genius who didn't listen to his advisors and do the simple math?

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Humans' disparate treatment of two people is so dependable there is a therapy technique called the "Double Standard Technique"



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My fiancée caught me and dumped me:"Have you had a Happy life?"

I couldn't answer "YES!" because I was so focused on making her happy (and battling my demons to do so). Shrinks treating anxiety and depression and relationships (anger, etc) start with anger... NO! .... Anger is the MOST STUBBORN... anxiety is the quickest by far... but the treatment is painful ("Do one thing every day that scares you" Eleanor Roosevelt) and shrinks are insecure and want their clients to like them ...so they use our tendency to be "soft on other people" to be "soft on our shrink"... meanwhile we continue to be hard on ourselves.

What everyone misses is the huge placebo rate for anxiety(up to 60%) and the common possibility that we have no anxiety because our placebo is working.... BUT THAT PLACEBO IS ANGER! (e.g., FoxNews, social media AI algorithms, etc)

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"...therapists rarely use exposure when treating youth ...they are more likely to endorse ...a sub-optimal replacement ...therapist endorsement of more clearly defined imaginal exposure was significantly lower than other techniques such as ..more intensive forms of exposures. ...therapist [lack of]use of imaginal exposure is suboptimal and unlikely to improve treatment outcomes."


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Keith, and they can't get past the corporate racism and misogyny, so have to present it in some way on a regular basis. Constant criticism of Harris for things that are already out in the world, like her positions on the major issues proves it. And, the reporters to a significant extent don't have sufficient courage to stand for what is right and even call out their corporate racist and misogynistic handlers.

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Even Robert Reich is not immune: Above he characterized the NYT as a " . . . leading newspaper. .", which is wrong on both counts.

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It is a leading, major newspaper. It has readers across the country. The only paper with more reach is possibly USA Today because hotels give them away.

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Please make a clear distinction between journalists and oped writers. These are two different profession. Just because an opinion piece stinks to high heaven does not mean that the news reporting, and the entire media, is rotten. Alas, the quality of reporting has gone down, and that is because people would rather watch screens than read, which takes some effort.

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Yes, Keith!! Chaos sell snews that sells ads!!!

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"I said quite a while ago that the only thing I agreed with Trump was that Corporate Media is the enemy of the people.."

Only Trump did NOT say "Corporate Media." He said "the press," which could just as easily be interpreted as a "free press." You agree with Trump in THAT context? Seriously?

There is a free and independent media out there -- and that's the kind Trump would consider "the enemy," because they report the truth on him.

And yet you agree with Trump.

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Very good point, Thomas.

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It is the American way - Corporate Media are in making money $$$ business. Every quarter they look at how much $$$ (good stuff) they made not how honest they reported. LET'S NOT EXPECT ANYTHING MORE FROM AMERICAN CORPORATE MEDIA.

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Super sad

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You say that "the billionaires who manage the big media networks are the enemy! They only care about their bottom line".

I'm not so sure that this is how it works. The proprietors of the media would find ways of making money - whatever their opinions might be. Their secret is two-fold: (1) agree with each other, as far as possible (don't be an iconoclast); and (2) find the most effective ways of presenting the world to your viewers, readers and listeners.

Why I agree with you, Keith, is because you recognise the mainstream media proprietors as the enemy. But they are driven by their personal opinions - their ideology - not just by their concern for the profits of their TV and radio stations, or newspapers and current affairs magazine. First and foremost they want their opinions to prevail. Then, they want their opinion to become mainstream and to call this position "objectivity". To do this effectively, they expect their employees to show political "self-abnegation". Here is an example from a history of Reuters:

"One problem was how to handle ideology, not least at 85 Fleet Street itself. Derek Jameson has written about the small left-wing cell on the editorial floor at 85 Fleet Street in the late 1940s, of which he was himself briefly a member. If Reuters had ever been forced publically to admit the existence of this group, the agency's name for objectivity would have been tarnished. The left-wingers numbered perhaps a dozen, of whom only three or four were Communist Party members; the rest were fellow-travellers. Their leader was Lawrence Kirwan, one of the duty editors. The purge came after Frances Wheeler, one of the group, was found to have omitted an important reference to the Cold War in a speech by President Truman. Was this omission politically motivated? According to Jameson, the left-wingers had always been careful not to let their politics influence their news handling; others in Reuters felt differently. Callled to explain herself, , Wheeler revealed all about the cell. There were no sackings, but the main figures were removed from positions of responsibility, and gradually left Reuters. Several reasppeared working for TASS and other Communist news organisations. The obligation of all Reuter staff to maintain political non-commitment was emphasised by [the general manager, Christopher] Chancellor in a letter to Kirwan, dated 24 June 1950. 'Working for Reuters', wrote Chancellor, involved the staff 'in a form od self-discipline and self-abnegation. Those of you who feel strongly on political matters must be doubly careful in the position of trust which working with Reuters involves'".

Apart from the use of tendentious language ('cell'; 'fellow-traveller') - replaced by today's 'troll' and 'Putinista' - this extract from Donald Read's book, "The Power of News. The History of Reuters" (published 1992), pp. 370-71, raises one interesting question: the desirablility of uniformity of political opinion across the editorial board in any news organisation - is it a good things? Diversity of opinion would surely stimulate discussion within such organisation. When Chancellor penned his letter to Kirwan, the Korean War was about to begin; would diversity of opinion have strengthened the authority of Reuters' editorials? I'm thinking of the so-called 'alternative history' of the Korean War presented by D.F. Fleming in his book "The Cold War and Its Origins 1917-1960), notably in volumer 2, chapter XXI: "The crucifixion of Korea", pp. 589-660, which suggests that the Reublicans gained far more from the Korean War than did Truman and the Deomcrats. Why is it that Democrat Presidents feel they must copy the Republicans in 'militancy' - I'm sure Joe Biden is less than luke warm about Israel's war on Gaza, but he sticks to the Republican 'script', wonderfully.

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The Duopoly does not enjoy a virtue based meritocracy in which its leaders or candidates are even minimally reviewed or tested objectively before they seek office. One can go very far and rise all the way to the top - become an attorney general of California and a vice president or a Senator or a President - merely by obeying one wealthy sponsor. Thats more or less how JFK rose to become President in '60, barely winning the WH over Nixon. By all accounts, JFK was a mere epicurean, but then he was sobered up by the Cuban Missile Crisis. Trump and Harris show no sign of any significant testing and chastening. They are merely ambitious. They dont show any character or give a hoot about anything.

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actually, the worthy candidates are the ones who will represent the People best, not corporations (Cornel West and Jill Stein).

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They are both spoilers.

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"Worthy"? Sorry, robert, "worthless" would be more apt. Neither has any chance of doing more than sucking votes away from viable candidates. And with due respect to West and Stein as individuals, they are not in any way prepared to run USA, Inc.

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The #1 issue for Trump voters is the economy, with immigration reform a close second. Harris should pummel Trump on both.

1. Inflation was the direct result of Covid, and the US did better than any other country in the advanced world. Interest rates are already coming down, and will continue to come down as we mend the economy, and unemployment is at a 50 year low. What is Trump's plan? More tax cuts for billionaires.

2. We had a bipartisan Bill for comprehensive immigration reform which could already have been in place, but Trump called Republican Congressmen and told them to kill it, because he felt it would hurt his election chances. What sort of patriot would do something like that?

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DJT is no Patriot... DJT, and his Minions have Perverted the Meaning of the Word "Patriot"...

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They've also hijacked words like "liberal" and "feminist." Made them dirty words. I have liberal feminist friends who are afraid to say that's what they are, out loud.

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100%!! I used to hate when anyone called me a liberal feminist....Ive been a feminist since grade school but it wasn't until 2016 (drumpt bragging about grabbing women by the pussy) when I said enough!

Now I own it. And, I no longer apologize that I'm a liberal feminist!

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Good for you, Rush and the rest of the right have demonized the words liberal and feminist, and to my chagrin, progressives have played into the ploy and propaganda.

Recently on an RR thread some wanna be fascist tried to intimidate me by calling me a leftist, a socialist. He was totally perplexed when I proudly owned the labels. he didn't know what to do, he was programmed to think that I would run away, deny, get defensive and his whole playbook was based on attacking the left.

Our problem is that we have been conditioned to worry about what others think, and to deny and run away from ourselves.

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W F said, "....we have been conditioned to worry about what others think." Funnily enough, the is part of the process called "socialization."

Oh, the irony!

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Excellent. I too, say, "That's right. I'm a proud liberal. Now about those rights of mine you want to take away...."

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Good job! NEITHER word is "bad." You know what ARE "bad words?" "Adjudicated Rapist" and "Convicted Felon." When someone attacks being "PROGRESSive," they admit to being "REGRESSive."

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You should never have to apologize to anyone about being a liberal feminist. I was raised by 2 of them, am married to another, and both my daughters proudly claim that distinction. And my granddaughter also.

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I don’t shy away from that title either!!

To hide or keep silent about one’s feminist values is to capitulate to patriarchy & misogyny, imo, & I defiantly refuse to do that.

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The Republican Party did that hijacking years ago, more like decades ago. Name calling had gotten worse under the tea party wing, and now maga has taken over of the whole party.

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I have never stopped claiming the "liberal" label. Especially after that sick, lying traitor Rush Limbaugh first came on the scene. The root word is Latin for "free". Which is also the root of "liberty". The quality or state of being free. (I looked it up!) Seems the GOP who has always claimed to be the leading party for "freedom" has lost it's way... big time. Time to vote these Anti-Americans fascist out for the next 5 or 6 election cycles. Vote Strong Blue. Cheers... GH

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what do they think is going to happen to them ?

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Anyone who displays the American flag along with four trump/maga flags off THE BACK OF THEIR TRUCK!!! is disrespectful and NO PATRIOT! I live in a strong military community and it amazes me how active and retired military improperly display our flag. There are rules! I would think that respect for the most ubiquitous symbol of American would be drilled into their heads...

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Bill, the "patriotic" right wing disrespects the flag every minute of every day.

4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.

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And so many of these "patriots" are also my family members! I've grown to hate the holidays...

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More have that problem than not. I couldn't talk to my sister until she was at death's door. She would rail against socialist health care, till she came down with lung cancer, then gall bladder cancer, and it spread to her lymph nodes.

Her son called me, I sent flowers then talked a few times on the phone, she always reminisced. This time she was no longer interested in politics., or ranting against socialized medicine.

She was influenced by some supposed Brit on Face book and the books by Taylor Caldwell.

I loved her, but one less Trump voter in N.C.

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Sorry to hear about the passing of your sister. It seems that the MAGAS who complain the most are the ones who need the "socialist" healthcare!😡😡😡

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The fools who burned or otherwise desecrated the American flag during the 1960s bear a heavy responsibility for what is happening now.

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They are as guilty as the MAGAts, but not at all responsible, not even a little bit.

The flag burners of the 60's and 70's were misguided students, just like the campus idots of today.

The MAGAts that wear Flag bikin's, shorts, bandana's hide their hatred and bigotry behind the flag claiming to be super patriots.

The MAGAt behavior is not a response, and certainly not the consequence of the flag burners.

FWIW, at the time of the protestors I was active duty and fresh back from Vietnam, I even wore a necklace that said WAR in large letters.

I think I have previously made my position clear on the war, and protesters.

A good faith argument is that they were useful idiots. The alternative is that they were deluded Marxists. and given that I obtained my Bachelors in 1971, deluded Marxist is my call, but it is not mutually exclusive of useful idiot.

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I reckon Trump has perverted the word pervert to be absolutely candid

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Excellent... DJT Corrupts Everything That He Touches!!!

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I said that the term Patriot was bastardized by Bill O’Reilly in the 90’s.

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Bob Reich gives all the arguments. But the problem is: how to reign in this total stupidity, followed by half of the electorate?

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DJT is anything but stupid. He's deceitful, conniving, seemingly a born liar, misogynist...sheesh...the list goes on and on. But he's not stupid. He didn't get to where he now is by being stupid. The major bulk of his followers, however, are short on brains and long on the error filled life they lead. Now, not all Trump supporters necessarily fill this definition just given; I know a few who simply vote for his financial policies, believing that they will get richer. And yes, those people with whom I am acquainted do have some wealth. They are very austere in how they present themselves as wealthy; nevertheless, they do well financially. And to boot, they are pretty good folks who involve themselves in community activities - not really the kind one thinks would vote for Trump - well, some are by the way they express themselves. Trump is unchangeable; the electorate is where we need to focus. I know it's tough and I'm singing to the choir; however, hammering the Trump body of electorate is where Harris' campaign needs to stay and continue.

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Hard to react: Trump is a born looser. He would be better of just sitting on his inherited wealth. He is shrewed and everything you say, but he has no policies whatsoever. When he can be convinced that social policies and civility would be profitable he would be someone else.

So my problem is: why this electoral support without any believable content?

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Tom : propaganda, fear mongering, misinformation and racism are all causing some voters to believe lies and vote against even their own interests.

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Don't Forget Self-Righteousness, and wanting to be RIGHT... 'Owning' the Libs is a Sport... To European Friends, Americans are Notoriously UnIntellectual....

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That is the problem: let us celebrate his first spoken truth. But the point is: why is this lying an effective strategy? And why is the voting against one's interest so imminent? We are rational, aren't we?

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Tom: Do we know that the voting against one's interest is "imminent"? We may be 😮 surprised. The majority is rational. Majority wins.

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Tom, our rationality vanishes when we are angry or afraid. Trump and Fox News know this very well.

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No Tom "we" are not rational.

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It appears there are quite a few electorate with Trumps same morals - what a shame they only care about themselves and not the country

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Is that the case? I'm not sure. But why then do they vote for him? Is he the saviour? Is he the retribution he says he is? Why are these people so hopeless they vote for him?

I understand how the rich vote for him, because of his fiscal politics, or because Musk suggests a better world.

But I hardly hear anything about common good.

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Riad Mahayni ; No decent intelligent person would vote for Donald J. Trump. Period. the value of any monetary gain is offset by destruction.

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Believe it or not, there are a few people who, even voting for Trump, have demonstrated fairness for the other side. Look, I know that for the most part, Trump supporters are grossly and generally people who are essentially non-readers, non-travelers, non-writers, and essentially folks who look more toward the gloom and doom of their lives. I get that; however, there will always be some outliers in that philosophical sphere. Those are the people that may well be reached by challenging their intellect. One individual and my next-door neighbor is not only my friend, but also my lawyer. We've had many discussions concerning national and international issues. He's actually changed his mind, on one international issue, on which we once disagreed. For his part, he has demonstrated time and time again, that he reaches out to people in order to connect. The first time he voted for Trump, he had Trump signs on his yard; the second and third time, he showed and now shows, *NO* signs for Trump. Now, he may certainly still be voting for him; the truth is, I have no idea for whom he will vote for on this election. I didn't ask him, and he didn't volunteer. I have a sneaky suspicion that he may swallow really hard in his republican throat and vote for Harris. Regardless, he's a good person and I'll simply wait for him to tell me if he so chooses.

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Riad Mahayni : I have a brother who is intelligent and college educated, who has been a man of faith all of his life. He has not said who he votes for, but I know he has a very specific belief system. We have free will. I actuallyvthink he struggles with our present political choices. He and his wife have investments that they rely upon as they are both retired. We "agree to disagree" , and I love him because he is my brother. As far as I know, he may vote for Harris. But I will not ask. He has also developed Alzheimers. He lives 900 miles away, and we see each other on texted pictures. We laugh sometimes. And have fun. But it isn't easy.

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Laurie, thanks for sharing about your brother. You are showing loving kindness, which reminds me that we should treat everyone with a degree of kindness, even those with whom we disagree.

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Laurie, I feel for you; I really do. My wife has dementia and Parkinson's. I wish she could be more conversational regarding these days' events; however, her diagnosis relegates her pretty much to the sidelines where much of my time is spent. My wife Bonnie is the same in that she also is a person of faith; how she wound up with someone like me 😅 who is an atheist, I'll never know, but it has worked for more than 2 decades. I wish the best for him, his family, you, and yours.

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Laurie, I have found that when I discuss issues without mentioning names, people agree with me So the question is: "Why then do they vote for Trump?"

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Are you suggesting he believes that Trump might be better for his investments? If so, there's no basis for that (unless he's big into oil stocks).

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That is the spirit I hope to use...

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"seemingly a born liar"

Seemingly? Really?

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OK, so you missed my sarcasm. I'll try to do better next time. For the record, your challenge is recognized as legitimate. Clearly, there is nothing "seemingly" about his chronic lying.

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Yeah, missed the sarcasm. Sorry, but easy to do.

My actual pet peeve/great irritation about "seemingly" is that liberals keep wimping out when it comes to calling Republicans out on their shit. I am tired of reading articles and comments that, for example, report Republican lies in detail and yet conclude with a cop out "they appear to be misleading", or "seem to be", or "suggest s they are".

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Christopher, I don't disagree with you. It's a legitimate pet peeve and I suppose I need to say what I mean instead of constructing word play. Believe me: we're on the same page.

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Christospher--OK, seemingly is a little weak. The man "is" a born liar. Trump reminds me of a branch of our evolutionary past that Mother Nature saw no relevance in continuing. Darwin would agree.

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Donald: tRUMP is a Russian plant. He has a job to do: he even complained one time. Saying how he worked his @$$ off on a campaign stop or two. It's a job for him. To make money, and have power.

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No one is born a liar, they are taught, & Trump had 2 teachers; his father participated in shady business ethics & then there was that major influence on his life, Roy Cohn. He drilled him with the tenet that it doesn’t matter if what you say is true or not, just keep repeating it & they will believe you.

He also taught him to deny, deny, deny & to never ever admit guilt or defeat.

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Hard to find someone more vile than Roy Cohn.

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Riad, in 2015-16 Trump's cunning lies helped him destroy other Republican candidates and got him the nomination, and then the Presidency. At that point his personal shortcomings and unsuitedness for office were glaringly apparent to the whole world. And yet there remained a very large segment of the US population who believed in him. What kind of madness causes this weird behavior? Is it the psychopathology of a cult, or is it simply ignorance and an inability to recognize harmful deviant behavior in an authority figure?

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The cult, Hodson, full of everything from rich people protecting their portfolios to poor people with no future, to needy people looking for a protector. And poor people who watch Shark Tank and think their big break is right around the corner and they have to save their future fortunes from the tax man.

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Yes, TRUMP is crazy like a Fox.

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A Fox (News) character he is.

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Sorry Riad....on a basic level, Trump IS stupid. But as a sociopath, he has mastered the art of manipulating people for his own gain. And having wealth enables him to get his way.

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And I appreciate your reply, David. On a basic level, Trump on many occasions has done, without doubt, stupid things. As a sociopath, he is naturally talented, as other sociopaths, of manipulating situations. That, for instance, was Roy Cohn's strong suit and DJT learned it well. The term "stupid" is too simple for the likes of Trump. He can get away with what he does simply because people will call him stupid instead of what her really is, and you put your finger on it very well indeed, a sociopath. It would be interesting to dissect his brain one day and take a good look at the patterns of the convolutions of his brain. I strongly suspect he is somewhat diseased.

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Well, many of the statements are right, but in the end, he is pretty stupid and self serving. He happens to come along at a time where a portion of the electorate have not disposed themselves of the alpha white male. Move the society forward some years when we have better education and the politics of fear does not have the grip it presently has and run a candidate like trump or even backwards. This type of candidate would have a very difficult time making it to mainstream.

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Trump is creative in a number of ways, despite the fact he rambles repetitively about things. Some of his creativity is that of a 3 year old acting out though.

But not all of it. He does take in new informaton, adust his strategies. But its chaotic as hell - creative you could call it.

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Sure PT Barnum was creative as well, but we are not talking creative, crazy and with nuclear codes.

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You may be mistaking motives for reasons.

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Tom Van Doormaal : I think the pollsters and the media want US to believe that MAGAs are 50% of the electorate. They are a minority.

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Could be, I hope so...

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Tom ; Just remember who won the last election. also how the "red wave" that was predicted was actually blue.

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Tom van Doormal ; Talking about a problem is the way to find a remedy and end the denial. Don't blame the good messenger. He wants US to think.

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Sure, Bob Reich is very laudable. He does something against the massive stupidity. And it is not Trump only: the speaker of the house is not smart enough to be elderman in my village to mention one.

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that guy Johnson is dumber than we can imagine

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I agree. Clearly, not ready for prime time.

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Tom: tRUMP and speaker Mike

Johnson are both working for the big oil and rich corporate interests. They do not deserve to have power in our Democratic Republic.

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Tom: Problems have solutions. There is no solution, ergo it is a difficulty, not a problem.

Difficulties can only be mitigated, not solved.

National stupidity is a fact, not a problem to be solved.

Rent or buy Idiocracy, it was produced by 20th Century Fox, but distribution withdrawn when Trump was elected. Still available: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=idiocracy+movie&crid=22M0Y18WMOR3D&sprefix=idiocracy%2Caps%2C276&ref=nb_sb_ss_pltr-mrr_3_9

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It’s not half the electorate! Not even close. But the right wing owners of almost all of our media got you to say that out loud.

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Rein in. And to answer your question, you can't fix stupid.

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Tom, HOW, INDEED!?!?

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@Michael Hutchinson, The #1 issue for Trump voters is hatred.

Economics is a classic pretext. Have to be crazy to vote for a crazy person.

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Let's say you are right. How is that actionable? as opposed to believing that economics is a major motivator and thus Harris needs to drive home a positive economic message ? Not being snide. Honest question.

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It's visceral, The fact that he stole from kids with cancer works. Hates dogs. Is nutsy koo koo.

The media is not our friend. Pollsters should factor in the fact that Trump underperformed in the primaries, that his former close associates now support Kamala -- due to national security and criminal issues. The economy has nothing to do with it.

These people vote contrary to their own economic and physical health. On a one to one basis, it's different.

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OK I could have been more precise. You're right, they're not given the option of choosing hatred, and if they were they wouldn't choose it. The way I see it, amongst likely voters in the 3 key swing states, Trump is at about 47%, on average, and Harris is about 48%, with about 5% still sitting on the fence and up for grabs. Since this group of undecideds is not already in the Trump camp means they are probably not card-carrying haters, and these are the people worried about the Border and Inflation. Trump needs to get to 49%, Harris to 51%, which means she must persuade at least 3/5 of the undecideds.

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All the polls are off. Do not reflect that Trump underperformed in the primaries. Do not reflect "new" registrations. In a FT 6 phone conference, Jason Berlin said we already registered 4.5 million new Democrats. More to come. E.G. registrations close in Pa Oct. 31. The polls do not consider them as "likely" voters.

The Bulwark has a new poll of Haley voters who say they will support Harris for president. If the election were held today, Trump would win just 45 percent of those who backed Haley in the GOP primary while 36 percent said they’d back Harris, the new poll shows, according to the survey of 781 registered Republicans and independents conducted by the new Democratic-leaning polling outfit Blueprint. The poll did not include Democrats or Democrat-leaning Independents who supported Haley.

The DNC has a category of "persuadables" who they swear will be breaking for Harris.

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Trump's economic plans are a roadmap to recession.


Couple that with Trump’s inane plans to deport 11 to 20 millions of immigrants, creating a labor shortage, and you've got a witches' brew that SONKS AMERICA'S THRIVING ECONOMY.

Trump is proud to tell you his plan to DEVALUE the US DOLLAR is good for workers.

BALONEY! Americans will be struggling and BROKE!

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Maryk : This plan of his is yet more proof that he is working for Putin

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Trump will take us right into a recession / he’s not smart enough to know how to avoid it

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Maryk, you got it.

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Michael, I just had the pleasure of being the guest of a friend of mine in a now booming area of Northwest Montana. She was born and brought up in a small city which was supported by the wood products, industry, and an aluminum plant, both of which have closed. She and her children have all gone through the local school system which I would describe as a very rural working class type of school district. She had planned to vote for Trump. For her, the primary issues are that it is harder for her to make ends meet financially due to increasing taxes both at the federal level and at the local level. The second reason is that she is opposed to “killing babies.“ Thanks to all the good information I have gleed from reading Robert Reich’s Substack, I was able to move the needle with this person from definitely a Trump voter to maybe not voting at all. She definitely will not vote for Harris.

To her, the economy is not so much an issue solved by the plans of either Trump nor Harris. The economy is an issue because due to increased taxes and inability to get a second mortgage on her property to improve her basement as a rental unit. As a result, she is experiencing declining purchasing power. She is a professional dog groomer and has owned her own business for many years and has seen other dog grooming businesses go out of business for the very same issues that are affecting her economically. Much of her economic pain has increased in the past four years during the Biden administration and she wants a change.

Killing babies“ is also a very personal issue to her. In her community, many girls and young women have become pregnant due to carelessness, and the knowledge that it is easy to get an abortion locally. She feels that some sort of limitations on abortion will create a pressure on the young women to not to get pregnant. She has successfully brought up two girls into adulthood essentially as a single parent, as her former husband did not participate in any positive way in the child rearing. She does not bring up immigration as any reason to vote for Trump. Illegal immigration does not affect her world as she experiences it.

This person does not watch Fox News or any news whatsoever. She did not watch the debates. She lives in a Trump dominated rural area and gets much of her political outlook from her close circle of friends, all of whom will vote for Trump. I am very grateful for my discussion with my friend around presidential politics as she gave me valuable insights as to why she and many of her close group of friends want a change from what they’ve experienced in the past four years and has the hope that a Trump presidency and administration may change all of that. After our discussion, she will not vote for Trump, but she will not vote for Harris either.

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You can tell her also that Trump will take us right into a recession that will impact small towns harder than big cities / his tax plans are inaccurate and absurd leaving USA vulnerable

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I suppose telling her 20 Nobel economists saying Trump economic plans would be a disaster would have little effect on her views. Are we educating people or what!

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The story of Marc is convincing. You are not obliged to digest visions of economists, when looking around you and talking to your peers is enough...

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Trump hates dogs. Stole from kids with cancer. Saved Putin from COVID!

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Maybe the dogd are tasty enough to eat?

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Marc -- Thanks for providing everyone with a detailed description of a Trump-leaning voter. This really helps me see her as a living person rather than just a 2-dimensional statistic. I can appreciate your friend's position, even though we all probably wish she would have a change of heart and vote Democratic this time.

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The question is why does Trump offer more hope than Harris ? Because she's been VP I guess and everything bad under Biden/Harris. ??

Thanks for the conversation with her.. That is what democracy is about. Not only having discussions in narrow information silos. Like this.

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The Republican candidate - whose name is not worth printing - has made war against the United States, which is treasonous, not patriotic!

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Yes, he must have been locked up four years ago...

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Yeah well networks like OAN have done the same.

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I do not think that issue no 1 for Trump voters is the economy. Issue #1 is the culture war. The corporate media has elevated the economy into issue #1, because for the investors and owners of the corporate media, the economy is the issue, and by economy I mean return on investment, profits and that means deregulation and corporate power.

Progressive politics are a threat to corporate power and profits.

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See my comment to Daniel Solomon, above.

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Here is the important part of your response to Daniel.

"OK I could have been more precise. You're right, they're not given the option of choosing hatred, and if they were they wouldn't choose it."

News Michael. Hatred is not an option you choose. It is not a color,or a suit. It is part and parcel of who they are, it is not choice.

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William, I think "corporations" (that is to say, the bulk of businesses making up America's economy) can find a way to make money under any government regime, conservative or progressive, even Socialistic. Profits are generally bigger when taxes are low, but as long as the economy functions properly (questionable under a Trump admin, I admit), the money machine will still keep on churning out profits for the owners of capital.

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Yes William, how to discus politics with collective wellbeing in mind? I think that is a question for every day. Return on investment is calculated every day, but what does it show? I hope there will be no bloodshed, but I'm not sure. That is why the discussion should be about other topics.

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Trump is no patriot... he sent materials greatly and urgently needed in this country to Vladimir Putin. Trump needs to be behind bars, permanently.

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So the guy who closed the border is the 'bad guy' and the administration that scraped any responsible immigration standard and let just about everyone in is 'the good guy'?

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There's always been a double standard in media when it comes to treating men vs women. Hillary Clinton got ostracized about the emails while Trump with his infamous "grab them by..." got scot free !

I think the time for women to push back on all kinds of inequalities /abuse came .... again ! 🙏❣️

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My mother told me about the double standard when I was a girl. I didn’t understand what she was talking about. Now I do.

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Yeah baby - let’s go ladies!!!!

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Yes but it's more than just a gender issue. Trump plays by new norm breaking rules whereas the media sticks to media norms.

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Whether the media is trying to rein in Harris to ensure it’s a horse race or make sure they put their thumb on the scale to keep their taxes low, their stock in trade is hypocrisy, what-aboutism, and false equivalency.

Same old tired story. Awaiting their quizzical looks on what to write next after the great Trump implosion. Actual journalism may be required…

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I wish the corporate media had reined in Trump and called him on all his lies in 2015 so we wouldn’t be seeing this 2024 mess! I’m

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Peter Burnett, and his Faux-Reality-Show, "The Apprentice", created a Monster...

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So now Apache we Go Forward by Getting out the Votes for Harris/ Walz And ALL Blue Votes Ballots Going Forward, only Looking Forward!

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We can’t be wasting time wishing about what shoulda been done in the past, that’s over. Deal with the present, get out the Votes for All Blue, Kamala & Tim at the top of an All Blue ticket and all the way down Ballots! Problems solved from now on and into the Future! That’s the way to go Forward!,

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Yes, Virginia, and it should've started with that escalator ride & speech. WHO IS GONNA HOLD HIM ACCOINTABLE?

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Harris was never going to get a fair shake when the media are all owned and run by people who will profit from tax cuts and unfettered greed. Even the top personalities are among the wealthy.

I also get infuriated with criticism of Harris' answers about Israel. She can't be expected to answer otherwise while she works under the Biden administration.

That's like expecting a corporate spokesperson to say their company is lousy and bad to its workers and customers.

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Trump certainly couldn’t answer that question ….

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That’s a fair point, but the fact remains that the only correct answer is to stop arming Israel (which is illegal according to our own laws).

She needs to cut them off as soon as she gets into office and spend the next four years making real progress on this issue (and helping right the wrongs done to Palestinians) or I, for one, will never vote for her again.

I’m well aware of the geopolitical reasons they think we need Israel as an ally; I don’t care. My peace and prosperity will not be bought with the blood of the innocent. If that means the fascists take over in 2028, then we will deserve it.

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Very true, but the topic here is why she cannot discuss Israel during the campaign. Once in office, we need to pressure Harris to do the right thing, despite the powerful opposition.

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Which is why In bringing it up now, because a lot of people don’t bother doing that second part. Plus, critics should understand that voting for her is not a compromise of morals, it’s giving the only reasonable candidate a chance to do what’s right.

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The MSM is owned by the oligarchs who have interest in promoting another gilded age where the elites own everything and the rest are working peons supporting the system.

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None of the media are Walter Cronkite. Since Hedge Funds and billionaires like Musk have taken over media it is no longer about public discourse and infoming, media is about ratings and advertising dollars.

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Walter Cronkite and wife were so very nice to my wife when he came into DC for The Right Stuff screening. He is just as you think of him being.

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Even if they destroy USA in the process???

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The media is biased towards the right, how many times was the president criticized for his age or gaffes, but not the disgraced ex-president? Now, this right-wing double standard is being applied to Harris.

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More interest generated by crazy people than by good people simply performing public service to the best of their ability.

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Excellent piece on these double standards being applied by the media to the Harris campaign.

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But what to do about it?

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Read The Digital Republic. We need to fix our information ecosystem. The way we do that, besides anti-trust, is through greater public awareness of our broken media and getting people in the Presidency and Congress, and in government at all levels, to fix the problem. The fix can mean greater economic justice for the public, changed economic landscape for local media, constraints on media based on size and influence, etc etc, It might be too late but there is no choice.

The public is gorging itself on junk food media and the results are all around us.

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steve reed, thanks for the book recommendation. Our elected representatives' collective lack of understanding of the tech industry and modes of modern communication is beyond irresponsible (as exemplified by asking the world's dumbest questions ever when tech titans testify in public hearings).

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Yes, Tom, WHAT TO DO?

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Like I wrote here: change the content of the debate, as Kamala does. And as Bob Reich does. It is not easy, but think about it. The common good is interesting. The problems in Boeing corporation are interesting, that is what the total fixation on return on investment leads too. Get exited and annoyed about that.

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Robert Reich: The point you make is critical in this race: The mainstream media’s DOUBLE STANDARD trained against the Joyful Warrior, Kamala Harris. The media obsessively try to fuel dissatisfaction with the ONLY RESPONSIBLE candidate for President this term.

Future President Kamala Harris is very specific on her plans and background, and the detailed implementation in the future is foreseeable through her broad outlines of political philosophy and her judicious temperament.

Trump and Vance are all-too specific: They relentlessly fire the ignorant base with incendiary race-baiting that incites violence, as in Springfield, Ohio.

If the press would concentrate on the data each candidate presents, the facts would emerge in the mainstream media, and the choice would be all too clear.

Yours is an excellent analysis of the media's double standard!

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The New York Times sucks. I never read it. It’s a Republican shill. Have hated it for years. The tv news is awful too. They are trying to crush her. Vance and his rich supporters are so evil it makes me sick.

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I’ve been a limo driver and have met Peter Thiel. His sense of entitlement as a billionaire is off the charts. Another lizard brain sociopath. And he’s the only boss that JD Vance has ever known.

Kind of makes me wonder if he wants his proxy puppet Vance to ascend to the presidency ASAP, either via the 25th Amendment or impeachment number three.

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Like. I don't know about Putin, but I have posited that Trump is totally a stooge for Project 2025. He doesn't care about anything, as long as he can live the high life So all they have to do is get him off the golf course from time to time to sign, whatever. Same Vance.

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I gave up on NYT many years ago. Even though it has many excellent articles and journalists.

Being too oblivious to climate change and ballyhooing American democracy with little awareness of looming threats - I just left it.

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Time to get our young people Journalists and wealthy ones to take over the News with Progressive Agendas, not complain about what the old ones did or do.

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Of course it's a double standard Robert. To which ANY women who works "outside the home" can attest, (and many inside the home too.) But TY for calling it out. At least they're not reporting on her hairstyle or dress.

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Yes of course it’s a double standard and thanks for calling it out.

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Misogyny, like racism, is insidious. It’s built into the patriarchy. One has to work to rid oneself of the tendency towards double standards based on an inability to accept a woman in a leadership role. As if male dominance on this planet has done such a great job of governing! You get the drift.

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I gave up reading ny times. Complete BS.

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Harris is making the case against Trump better than anyone has. Certainly better than Corporate Media has been pressing Trump on his crazy conspiracy theories.

Harris is having to run for president and do the work of journalists at the same time. Maybe they’re too embarrassed to admit it.

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