The same man who danced the night away with beautiful women while 58,000 of his generation died in Vietnam. A draft dodging, crotch grabbing loser of the first order.
That came to me because of my sis who passed April 12th, she was married to a Baptist Deacon, an upstanding pillar of the community, had two grown sons (twins) and a grandson when hubby divorced her because she got tired of giving him blow jobs.
Incidentally he married a younger model, desperate for a bread winner as she had to young children and needed support, but she divorced him as son as the kids were older and own their own.
My father wrote a short story which was later turned into a Twilight zone segment: "It's a Good Life.”
While the television segment bore a resemblance to the story, the motion picture version showed virtually none.
The story could of course go into more detail and was more visceral, and has been called by reviewers "The most frightening story in the English language."
The central premise was an omnipotent (and due to others' deference and fear highly spoiled) child; imagine the anger of a young child when you take away a toy or tell them no, and then imagine it backed by the power of God. Pretty damned scary.
Trump is the poster child for an e-mail tagline which I've used since W was elected:
Power without wisdom is akin to an adze with a ruined edge, and is suited more to the vandal than the builder.
I'm retired and can keep my head down in a small town of 150 people; that said, for this country and this world I am deeply frightened.
I have thought of that episode daily since he was elected in 2016. Was that the one where the boy would "wish them into the field" if they opposed him?
The boy in question was Billy Mumy who went on to play the young son in "Lost In Space" in the 1960's. Someone on this substack gave the link to this program so I watched it and, yes, this episode of Twilight Zone was disturbing ~
Roger, but Toddler-Trump would pose with it as though he did and even if it were upside down, his toddler playground playmates would nod and say something like "that's a great way to hold that gun, I wish I had thought of that." Heck all he did was hold a basket of French fries and hand something to some people through a window at McDonalds and his toddlers thought he had worked at McDonald's. They dysed Kamala Harris for claiming she had worked at McDonalds when she actually did. What is wrong with us!!!
It was a short story, so by the book I presume that you mean an anthology.
The one which comes to mind is Space by the Tale, which is pretty hard to find these days; if only the proofreader hadn't screwed up the second to last word in One Way Street...
Anyway, since these days almost noone knows about the original story, my 102-year-old progenitor would be happy to hear that, had he not shed this mortal coil in '98.
Terrifying episode, especially to the young girl I was when I first saw it. But it is apropos of the world as it is unfolding. Only Trump will have others do his bidding.
During Shit Show 1.0 I frequently referred to him as the Titanic Toddler.
It's tempting to call him Twitler or Hiro Cheeto, but neither of those really fits.
He's actually in many ways very similar to Benito Mussolini; that waste of carbon styled himself as Il Duce (the Duke) so depending upon which of his aspects I choose to emphasize I usually refer to Trump as:
It’s better to be feared than loved it keeps the employees on their toes.
Long term it gets old and the employees get restless and leave but it’s a good way to start.
His plan is to put everyone off balance and see the weakness of his opponents all the while he trying to obtain his objective ( whatever that is besides look at me; me; me…)
Inmate No. P01135809 tries to portray himself as fearsome in that portrait. Portray him in counter propaganda as evil and nail that portrayal as the embodiment of evil to that portrait! For example, a single word below that portrait for one of the 7 deadly sins. As an example, imagine that portrait captioned with the single word "AVARICE," or "LUST" or "HATRED." Or perhaps simply "EVIL."
A thought that just occurred to me this afternoon:
Since filibuster rules seem to have not changed, I encourage everyone having a Democratic senator to recommend they whenever they see fit to filibuster - early and often - simply repeat Jack Smith's report on 1/6, along with anything they can get their hands on concerning the Mar-a-Lago espionage investigation, along with transcripts from the NY and GA prosecutions over and over, rather than just trying to gibber BS for hours on end. Just repeat that stuff over and over. Useful additions would be any news commentary or social media comments - including Dr Reich's essays. Rub the RepubliMAGAts' collective noses in it and continue to rub their noses in it. Once again, send this suggestion to all Democratic senators and keep reminding them from time to time. Make it a regular Fox indoctrination, feeling free to make a big deal of personal editorial points as they see fit.
just to make clear what Inmate No. P01135809 elect's so called business acumen entails!
Tell them to make filibuster a kind of Olympic game among themselves. Go for record breaking filibuster lengths and then go on to trying to beat each other's records!
DZK, I am guessing the filibuster rule is going to go as soon as Republicans can get to it. They don't have any sense of fairness and used it all the time, but Dems couldn't bring themselves to ditch it in favor of the American people. Republicans will ditch it in favor of the whims of their Toddler-Trump and the billionaire occupants of the toddler playground that Toddler-Trump oversees.
Point taken. But that doesn't mean the Democrats shouldn't attempt such a strategy anyway and keep leaning on it whenever and wherever possible. That's their response to any attack the RepbuliMAGAts try to mount, particularly when they try to get righteous about morality or law and order.
Thank you for that. I don't keep a Substack forum of my own because I'm far better suited temperamentally as a kibitzer, rather than an essayist. As a kibitzer, I've been known to have my moments! 😉
I actually had a substack where I just reposted things that I wanted, essentially, to "bookmark" for myself. The other day I became infuriated with Joni Ernst. After thinking how nice it would be to shoot her (NO!!! I won't even touch a gun!!!), and then crying for a very long time out of helplessness, I got to wondering: what the HECK is going on with her?? Her actions made absolutely zero sense, given her life story. So WHY was she supporting Hegseth (and so enthusiastically)? Money just didn't fit. So I thought some more. She knew she'd lose her election in two years if she voted against him. Still, not enough motivation IMO. So I thought some more. Suddenly it came to me: SHE'S TERRIFIED for her life, for her daughter's life! So I thought and thought some more, and the billionaires came into my mind. What the heck were they doing, "bending the knee" as everyone calls it. They're all Democrats. They are all rich enough to thumb their noses at any and everybody. And I realized: THEY ARE TERRIFIED -- not just for their fortunes, but for their lives. Not sure why, but I over the years I'd read about the "disappearances" of the three wealthiest businessmen in China; and the very suspicious deaths of nearly 40 of the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen in Russia. They lived in fascist dictatorships. Zuck, Bezos, et. al. are about to live under the same form of government. With this insight, I wrote "Fear is Chasing the Billionaires" (again, for myself). I guess it was the first time I actually wrote anything (as opposed to posting things other people wrote). Apparently it got a very surprising (to me) bit of attention. I'll just keep posting other people's work (with credit, of course!) But maybe I'll have another idea or two of my own. P.S. I always love your comments!
kdsherpa, the problem with fear is that once it is invoked, it will become the central feature of the person's relationship with the guy in charge. I know one does fear for one's life when someone like Donald Trump and his playground are around, but that is why we need some serious law enforcement to be looking into these threats and arrest those doing it, even if it is Trump himself. I am guessing it is not as hard to do that as implied. So Ernst falls, then who is next, and she is a military type. Where does that leave the rest of us? Who will be left to stand against the bullying toddlers who have not only no moral compass, but no personal controls. Musk for example thinks he is invincible, so takes some powerful drugs. Trump is a criminal and revels in his criminality because he got away with it and it is likely he will order all kinds of crimes done, probably mostly on the side and as in his previous administration, none of those around him will baulk at following through and then not telling anyone else of the actions Toddler-Trump is up to. (They failed to mention until it was too late, that Trump rarely did any work and knew nothing.) They covered as they will continue to do for their baby. We need Ernst to stand up for what is right and tell the world the threats she is receiving. People need to know what kind of a creep they voted for so they can be prepared for the possible horrors ahead. Yo Sen. Ernst, stand with your daughter in the Senate and tell the truth and don't vote for Hegseth no matter what you have been threatened with, then ask people to help protect you, not Trump and Kump, though.
"Yo Sen. Ernst, stand with your daughter in the Senate and tell the truth and don't vote for Hegseth no matter what you have been threatened with, then ask people to help protect you, not Trump and Kump, though." YESSS!!! Now, who's going to tell her this?
That's a really incisive take on that bending of knee that hadn't occurred to me! Well done! Make double sure you post that on your Substack and good luck!
Judy, it is good when a picture shows a jerk as a jerk and a smug liar, fake, and cheat as what he is too. That takes care of both Trump and Vance. Neither is worthy of anything like the offices they have been elected too. Neither ever grew up but think they deserve to own the world. That really is disgusting!
They say every human has a type of dog whose face captures their inner spirit. After viewing Trump's inaugural photo I'm at a loss to find a breed of dog that looks that stupid.
Well, guess I don't have to say anything, because that's exactly what I thought! Scary thing is, though, that little spoiled petulant boys tend to grow up into dangerous petulant men. And that's what we're looking at here. That's unnerving, given the power he has to damage our country.
Maureen, I can only imagine the picture of Baby Donnie, a pouting brat. I do not believe I ever saw Trump smile in all thetimes I saw him interviewed before losing my vision. I never found him attractive as a person or in the things he said. His tone of voice even in conversation grated on my nerves and that was back in the '70s and '80s. It never improved. Clearly I am not one of the type who can be seduced by his voice or charm or whatever it is that has bamboozled a bunch of racist, misogynistic, pseudo-christian, homo/transphobic, xenophobic people who are so desperate to believe they are somehow superior to everyone else, they proved their ability to think and reason are inferior to most. Enjoy your portrait Trumpers and Trumpettes, because I am guessing you will be experiencing your last joy for a while on Monday, and maybe if you are standing outside while Baby Donnie does his bit for the rich a-holes inside the Capitol, you might have some buyer's remorse. Nah! You were trained to believe you are supposed to suffer on Earth. Maybe that in addition to everything else helped you to vote for an evil SOB and foist him on the rest of us who would prefer love, joy, peace, and hope for a better future for all.
Maureen I tried to reply. I am a Hatfield on my mother's side. Her father was William Hatfield a pharmacist living in Tennessee. My granddaddy Bill. A loving, sweet man.
And I thought that JDV looked "pretty vacant" to use a punk band song title. I wonder who will implode first though? The demands of presidential office were beyond Trump the first time round and you wouldn't go in front of JD in battle unless you wanted to be shot by friendly fire.
and I sense that he loves being seen as 'dangerous'! ... I believe he is 'cunning'. What saddens and disturbs me is how many Americans are captivated by him. Who see him as a 'savior' or a man who expresses what they're feeling.. A man who 'knows' them.
Neither Trump nor the GOP can ignore that 70 million Americans voted against him. And they are surprised that the 70 million of us who voted for Harris still don't like him. We are disappointed but not resigned. We will stand for the rule of law for the next four years and beyond.
I admire your vocational choice, and your optimism. However, with the GOP political class being nearly fully engulfed by fascists, our judicial elite at the highest level fully corrupted as a majority, and our fourth estate in tatters, I can only hope your commitment will indeed, save the day. Godspeed.
You are right; the for-profit news outlets are likely to eventually succumb to Donald’s will in order to hang onto their wealth . (think: Bezo and his Washington Post), as Donald and his MAGA militia turn up their fear factor in order to control or destroy them.
However, with no hordes of wealth to protect, the non-profits like PBS (that are hopefully supported by folks like you & I) may have a chance at surviving.
I saw a Public Servant post somewhere today. PS is fearful his/her job is on the line, therefore concerned about the financial future..... is hoping people might be generous enough to consider buying a year's subscription at discount in order to keep things going if terminated...
I certainly hope so. Dt--a toothless ( really ugly picture for what? Posterity??) kitten ( Don't mean to insult kittens) but there's no way he looks fierce? fearful? Certainly not presidential at all. Just really goofy.
And not leadership material but a cringing yellow coward. Witness Pvt. Bonespurs, skipping the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Armistice cemetery event in France (because rain?), and his distain for those who bettered him simply by being in the military at any rank.
What he actually says is "it is much safer to be feared than loved." Here is an excerpt from the opening paragraph from Chapter XVII Of Cruelty and Mercy, and Whether It is Better to Be Loved Than Feared, or the Contrary: "I say that each prince should desire to be held merciful and not cruel." Throughout The Prince, Machiavelli cites the value of traditional virtues," e.g., "I say that it would be good to be held liberal" (XVI). However, he always goes on to say that traditional virtues will be the downfall of the leader, so it's best to subvert them to be successful. It's also important to note that Machiavelli was writing from exile, after being tortured and briefly imprisoned; and he was willing to tell Lorenzo de Medici what he wanted to hear in order get into his good graces.
Plus, I've always suspected his ultra stern father called him a loser many times from his early years on. In that household, even sickness was not allowed. Got a cold? Or even a serious illness? Not allowed. Not to be discussed. Get up and get going as though everything is normal.... or you're a LOSER.
Hmmm, is right. Interesting idea...that's kinda why I was hoping that he'd insist on his Inauguration being outside. Trump could bloviate to his heart's content; we could tell him that he should make the longest speech in Inaugural history for two hours+ and emulate William Henry Harrison who did the same in March of 1841. In fact, I would love to see Trumpo emulate poor ol' President Harrison's entire term--which ended in April of that same year. Shortest Presidency in U.S. history.
It's a stupid picture, but he doesn't look like Adolf or Benito - He looks like someone making a face in the mirror. Should I be taking this seriously?
I stand corrected. The teeth, at least one set of them, were set in ivory. I try to do my fact checking before I post but missed this one. The wooden dentures I see is a common myth, and I fell for it.
First seeing the two portraits but particularly Trump’s, my thought was first what a complete clown, and second, that people would vote for this clown making faces like that, or support him are under a bizarre spell that is simultaneously comical and frightening and really, just insane.
It makes ME feel pretty good about our eventual President Vance. (He may be an alt right couch-lover, but other than that he SEEMS like a loving family man.)
He better stay the hell away from me or be even dickless than he is right now. I'm might be old but I carry a big cane. Do NOT mess with an angry rage filled cat lady.
Because he feared his father but admired him too, yes he wants to be feared. I don’t think there is any love in him to give so he doesn’t know it can be a beautiful feeling too.
😏of course they are. But I think we’ve learned from the last election cycle that truth doesn’t matter, only perception. And if only a few more swing voters had perceived them as uncool…
But I believe that under the scowl is a fearful man-child. Weak and dependent on accolades from his admirers. I’d suspect he knows he’s a fraud at some deep level.
Fully HALF of this voting nation wants a cruel, sadistically evil fascist regime fully in power, for life/forever this time, and it sickens me that this is the reality of our 'republic'.
They essentially voted him in. I hate to feel this way, but a polically active 'movie star' should have kept his mouth shut about Biden and the Media placed too much emphasis on Biden's lack luster response and gave Trump a pass for all the crazy lies he spewed during their debate. The GOP did everything they could to destroy Biden's health and to prevent a vital bill to prevent gouging by corporations to pass. I would be second guessing why President Biden did not admit he was too ill to debate. The GOP would have used that.
Decades of back door meticulous plans to stop Social Security, women's rights to health care, control of the supreme court, destruction of the middle-class, starting with former President Reagan's crushing of the power in labor unions which is rich considering he at one time was the president of the union supporting actors and writers. No surprise. The GOP, the party of hypocrisy. I have to stop venting, but thank you for allowing the platform
I don't think this is a cult; it's not cohesive. For instance some could have just been voting for change, or against a woman, because they could not vote for a Democrat, or they believed what they were led to believe.
25%. 25% voted for the rapist felon, 23.5% voted for the successful and joyful NY prosecutor, and 50% of lazy anti-Americans . . . jerked off instead of voting? Not a clue!
Mr. Wassiter, what nation are you taking about? Can't be the U.S. SOME of us want peace and love, sure....but the MAGAs are full to the brim with raging hatreds and anger. I really don't think they want "love" or "peace". The reverse, in fact.
We already know who he is. He is a dangerous person and is poised to create more damage. Though I find the comments amusing, I think organizing against him at every turn by calling your senators to oppose for example, his pending appointments, working at the local level to fend off his minions on school boards, libraries, county commissions, etc.-to stem the damage is the best use of energy. The midterms are also where we need to work like hell.
I am sorry, I see this and can’t help but laugh! Scary? Yes, for sure, but in a petulant, pouting little boy kind of way.
I know...his efforts to looks imposingly stern and authoritarian make him look more like a sulking tweenie.
The same man who danced the night away with beautiful women while 58,000 of his generation died in Vietnam. A draft dodging, crotch grabbing loser of the first order.
You said it all.
I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Machiavellli in The Prince says better to be feared than loved. Love is fickle, ephemeral, lasts only so long as one receives favor.
Ask any woman who has been divorced because she tired of giving her husband blow jobs.
Wow!!! I didn’t see that coming. 😂
That came to me because of my sis who passed April 12th, she was married to a Baptist Deacon, an upstanding pillar of the community, had two grown sons (twins) and a grandson when hubby divorced her because she got tired of giving him blow jobs.
Incidentally he married a younger model, desperate for a bread winner as she had to young children and needed support, but she divorced him as son as the kids were older and own their own.
I hope Machiavelli ended his life at the of a rope.
A pathetic loser comes to mind when I see his picture!
Hi T L, .....or a sulking weenie!
My father wrote a short story which was later turned into a Twilight zone segment: "It's a Good Life.”
While the television segment bore a resemblance to the story, the motion picture version showed virtually none.
The story could of course go into more detail and was more visceral, and has been called by reviewers "The most frightening story in the English language."
The central premise was an omnipotent (and due to others' deference and fear highly spoiled) child; imagine the anger of a young child when you take away a toy or tell them no, and then imagine it backed by the power of God. Pretty damned scary.
Trump is the poster child for an e-mail tagline which I've used since W was elected:
Power without wisdom is akin to an adze with a ruined edge, and is suited more to the vandal than the builder.
I'm retired and can keep my head down in a small town of 150 people; that said, for this country and this world I am deeply frightened.
I have thought of that episode daily since he was elected in 2016. Was that the one where the boy would "wish them into the field" if they opposed him?
This episode really stayed with me too. Wow.
Yup. The boy with a wet, purple gaze who was born with six teeth.
The boy in question was Billy Mumy who went on to play the young son in "Lost In Space" in the 1960's. Someone on this substack gave the link to this program so I watched it and, yes, this episode of Twilight Zone was disturbing ~
“It’s a good life“ is one of my all-time favorite twilight zone episodes! On another note, I, too, am terrified……..
Did you notice that the featured town was in Ohio? [Just watched the episode on-line.]
If Trump were handed an M-16 he wouldn’t know which end the bullet comes out of.
Roger, He is now a felon and not allowed near guns. Nuclear codes OK, but not a pistol.
Where has the sanity gone?
By golly, there may be a simple fix! New York needs to pass a law and make it retroactive: Felons may not possess guns OR nuclear codes.
Jurisdiction might be an issue, though.
Pity the poor generals and admirals in the Pentagon who will have to deal with Trump and his selected lackey, Pete what’s his name.
Roger, but Toddler-Trump would pose with it as though he did and even if it were upside down, his toddler playground playmates would nod and say something like "that's a great way to hold that gun, I wish I had thought of that." Heck all he did was hold a basket of French fries and hand something to some people through a window at McDonalds and his toddlers thought he had worked at McDonald's. They dysed Kamala Harris for claiming she had worked at McDonalds when she actually did. What is wrong with us!!!
Ruth, my aunt was fond of saying "Between thee, me, and the gatepost, everyone is mad [crazy] but we 3 -- and sometimes I wonder about thee."
What isn't?
More than half the electorate are mooks whom I'd not trust to hold my coffee while I answer the telephone.
I would prefer the mooks
Mandatory voting and the abolishment of the electoral college will provide a better government.,,
I personally would like to see an end to Universal suffrage.
People should have to pass the same exams immigrants take as part of naturalization before they are allowed to vote.
Hmm…pondering that possibility.!
I have been mentioning that story re: dump for years!
This Twightlight Zone segment was on in the month of December. It is a frightening premise. Those he didn’t like went into “The Cornfield.”
A very precise turn of the word, Bixby.
One of the few times I wish I were full of beans.
My SIL was at the last Serlingfest and said there was a lot of talk about the parallels to Trump at the Fest
Sterling played with the notion of dystopian leadership on a number of occasions; thinking man, he.
My SIL is a huge fan and has the original book!
It was a short story, so by the book I presume that you mean an anthology.
The one which comes to mind is Space by the Tale, which is pretty hard to find these days; if only the proofreader hadn't screwed up the second to last word in One Way Street...
Anyway, since these days almost noone knows about the original story, my 102-year-old progenitor would be happy to hear that, had he not shed this mortal coil in '98.
Terrifying episode, especially to the young girl I was when I first saw it. But it is apropos of the world as it is unfolding. Only Trump will have others do his bidding.
During Shit Show 1.0 I frequently referred to him as the Titanic Toddler.
It's tempting to call him Twitler or Hiro Cheeto, but neither of those really fits.
He's actually in many ways very similar to Benito Mussolini; that waste of carbon styled himself as Il Duce (the Duke) so depending upon which of his aspects I choose to emphasize I usually refer to Trump as:
• Il Dunce;
• Il Douche;
• Il Cookie.
Use any of the above in good health, my friends.
Yes! I thought it ridiculous actually (and just so sad that this is the maturity level of our great nation’s leader). Ugh.
He’s not a leader. He’s an arsonist who would set the Constitution on fire if he got the chance.
Don't you mean "money," Roger?
He's got the chance, Roger.
Yes he wants his directions to matter.
It’s better to be feared than loved it keeps the employees on their toes.
Long term it gets old and the employees get restless and leave but it’s a good way to start.
His plan is to put everyone off balance and see the weakness of his opponents all the while he trying to obtain his objective ( whatever that is besides look at me; me; me…)
Besides look at me... pay me if you want my help... Suck up to me if you want my help...
Pay me; pay me ; pay me ; I matter, pay me ; I matter, pay me, I matter, pay me …
Trumpet 🎺 has set a new low for political ethics and exploitation for personal gain. Give me your money ..,
Imo our nation isn't great as long as Don the Con's living in our White House, 3rd.
A relevant piece I just came across that pins down in concrete terms what we know instinctively about Inmate No. P01135809:
Inmate No. P01135809 tries to portray himself as fearsome in that portrait. Portray him in counter propaganda as evil and nail that portrayal as the embodiment of evil to that portrait! For example, a single word below that portrait for one of the 7 deadly sins. As an example, imagine that portrait captioned with the single word "AVARICE," or "LUST" or "HATRED." Or perhaps simply "EVIL."
A thought that just occurred to me this afternoon:
Since filibuster rules seem to have not changed, I encourage everyone having a Democratic senator to recommend they whenever they see fit to filibuster - early and often - simply repeat Jack Smith's report on 1/6, along with anything they can get their hands on concerning the Mar-a-Lago espionage investigation, along with transcripts from the NY and GA prosecutions over and over, rather than just trying to gibber BS for hours on end. Just repeat that stuff over and over. Useful additions would be any news commentary or social media comments - including Dr Reich's essays. Rub the RepubliMAGAts' collective noses in it and continue to rub their noses in it. Once again, send this suggestion to all Democratic senators and keep reminding them from time to time. Make it a regular Fox indoctrination, feeling free to make a big deal of personal editorial points as they see fit.
They should also have their aides make a transcript of the following to include in their filibuster, as well: ,
just to make clear what Inmate No. P01135809 elect's so called business acumen entails!
Tell them to make filibuster a kind of Olympic game among themselves. Go for record breaking filibuster lengths and then go on to trying to beat each other's records!
DZK, I am guessing the filibuster rule is going to go as soon as Republicans can get to it. They don't have any sense of fairness and used it all the time, but Dems couldn't bring themselves to ditch it in favor of the American people. Republicans will ditch it in favor of the whims of their Toddler-Trump and the billionaire occupants of the toddler playground that Toddler-Trump oversees.
Point taken. But that doesn't mean the Democrats shouldn't attempt such a strategy anyway and keep leaning on it whenever and wherever possible. That's their response to any attack the RepbuliMAGAts try to mount, particularly when they try to get righteous about morality or law and order.
OK, I'm going to be a crude teenager here, but EFF the repugnicants! We'll do what WE WANT to do!!!
I just posted this on my substack, with credit to you, of course! The world needs to see this!!!
Thank you for that. I don't keep a Substack forum of my own because I'm far better suited temperamentally as a kibitzer, rather than an essayist. As a kibitzer, I've been known to have my moments! 😉
I actually had a substack where I just reposted things that I wanted, essentially, to "bookmark" for myself. The other day I became infuriated with Joni Ernst. After thinking how nice it would be to shoot her (NO!!! I won't even touch a gun!!!), and then crying for a very long time out of helplessness, I got to wondering: what the HECK is going on with her?? Her actions made absolutely zero sense, given her life story. So WHY was she supporting Hegseth (and so enthusiastically)? Money just didn't fit. So I thought some more. She knew she'd lose her election in two years if she voted against him. Still, not enough motivation IMO. So I thought some more. Suddenly it came to me: SHE'S TERRIFIED for her life, for her daughter's life! So I thought and thought some more, and the billionaires came into my mind. What the heck were they doing, "bending the knee" as everyone calls it. They're all Democrats. They are all rich enough to thumb their noses at any and everybody. And I realized: THEY ARE TERRIFIED -- not just for their fortunes, but for their lives. Not sure why, but I over the years I'd read about the "disappearances" of the three wealthiest businessmen in China; and the very suspicious deaths of nearly 40 of the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen in Russia. They lived in fascist dictatorships. Zuck, Bezos, et. al. are about to live under the same form of government. With this insight, I wrote "Fear is Chasing the Billionaires" (again, for myself). I guess it was the first time I actually wrote anything (as opposed to posting things other people wrote). Apparently it got a very surprising (to me) bit of attention. I'll just keep posting other people's work (with credit, of course!) But maybe I'll have another idea or two of my own. P.S. I always love your comments!
kdsherpa, the problem with fear is that once it is invoked, it will become the central feature of the person's relationship with the guy in charge. I know one does fear for one's life when someone like Donald Trump and his playground are around, but that is why we need some serious law enforcement to be looking into these threats and arrest those doing it, even if it is Trump himself. I am guessing it is not as hard to do that as implied. So Ernst falls, then who is next, and she is a military type. Where does that leave the rest of us? Who will be left to stand against the bullying toddlers who have not only no moral compass, but no personal controls. Musk for example thinks he is invincible, so takes some powerful drugs. Trump is a criminal and revels in his criminality because he got away with it and it is likely he will order all kinds of crimes done, probably mostly on the side and as in his previous administration, none of those around him will baulk at following through and then not telling anyone else of the actions Toddler-Trump is up to. (They failed to mention until it was too late, that Trump rarely did any work and knew nothing.) They covered as they will continue to do for their baby. We need Ernst to stand up for what is right and tell the world the threats she is receiving. People need to know what kind of a creep they voted for so they can be prepared for the possible horrors ahead. Yo Sen. Ernst, stand with your daughter in the Senate and tell the truth and don't vote for Hegseth no matter what you have been threatened with, then ask people to help protect you, not Trump and Kump, though.
"Yo Sen. Ernst, stand with your daughter in the Senate and tell the truth and don't vote for Hegseth no matter what you have been threatened with, then ask people to help protect you, not Trump and Kump, though." YESSS!!! Now, who's going to tell her this?
That's a really incisive take on that bending of knee that hadn't occurred to me! Well done! Make double sure you post that on your Substack and good luck!
Wonderful — copied and will do — love the failed businesses vid …
Yep. You're correct! T looks like a two-year-old who just heard the word "NO!"
JD's--smug mug.
Judy, it is good when a picture shows a jerk as a jerk and a smug liar, fake, and cheat as what he is too. That takes care of both Trump and Vance. Neither is worthy of anything like the offices they have been elected too. Neither ever grew up but think they deserve to own the world. That really is disgusting!
They say every human has a type of dog whose face captures their inner spirit. After viewing Trump's inaugural photo I'm at a loss to find a breed of dog that looks that stupid.
Turn the dog around.
I did laugh out loud! Bravo, George!
Me too, Carol!
George, you made me laugh out loud. Thanks!
🤣 Does it have a tail, George?
I have the same reaction...
Pouting little boy for sure!!
Well, guess I don't have to say anything, because that's exactly what I thought! Scary thing is, though, that little spoiled petulant boys tend to grow up into dangerous petulant men. And that's what we're looking at here. That's unnerving, given the power he has to damage our country.
Maureen, I can only imagine the picture of Baby Donnie, a pouting brat. I do not believe I ever saw Trump smile in all thetimes I saw him interviewed before losing my vision. I never found him attractive as a person or in the things he said. His tone of voice even in conversation grated on my nerves and that was back in the '70s and '80s. It never improved. Clearly I am not one of the type who can be seduced by his voice or charm or whatever it is that has bamboozled a bunch of racist, misogynistic, pseudo-christian, homo/transphobic, xenophobic people who are so desperate to believe they are somehow superior to everyone else, they proved their ability to think and reason are inferior to most. Enjoy your portrait Trumpers and Trumpettes, because I am guessing you will be experiencing your last joy for a while on Monday, and maybe if you are standing outside while Baby Donnie does his bit for the rich a-holes inside the Capitol, you might have some buyer's remorse. Nah! You were trained to believe you are supposed to suffer on Earth. Maybe that in addition to everything else helped you to vote for an evil SOB and foist him on the rest of us who would prefer love, joy, peace, and hope for a better future for all.
Maureen I tried to reply. I am a Hatfield on my mother's side. Her father was William Hatfield a pharmacist living in Tennessee. My granddaddy Bill. A loving, sweet man.
He is scary to the wimpy Republican congressmen and women who fold every time he speaks (or sends message on X). So Scary 😬
I am a Hatfield on my mother's side. Her father was William Hatfield. My granddaddy Bill. He was a pharmacist who lived in Wartrace, TN.
Hi Maureen, I thought the same thing when I saw Trump's pose. How childish? He's trying to look tough. Too bad he didn't get some prison time.
Colbert, during his monologue last night, had a picture of Dumpy with Dumpy holding a flash light under his chin. A kid at camp trying to look scary.
I actually think he would be safe in a community shower. Some things are just to gross for everyone.
Boo! he scares me!
And I thought that JDV looked "pretty vacant" to use a punk band song title. I wonder who will implode first though? The demands of presidential office were beyond Trump the first time round and you wouldn't go in front of JD in battle unless you wanted to be shot by friendly fire.
musk will be right by his side to tell him what to do... I bet he'll move a cot into the Oval first chance he gets.
What in the photoshop hell is that!?! It would be laughable if he wasn't so dangerous.
Looks like he’s suffering from intestinal distress and just realized he forgot to put his diaper on 🤨😬
That's just it...they coulda used AI and had far better!
and I sense that he loves being seen as 'dangerous'! ... I believe he is 'cunning'. What saddens and disturbs me is how many Americans are captivated by him. Who see him as a 'savior' or a man who expresses what they're feeling.. A man who 'knows' them.
A true Machiavellian: feared. He's obsessed with not seeming weak.
No one fears or loves him. Government workers will undermine his second term, just like we did in his first. We are protecting our sacred democracy from MAGA fascism:
Neither Trump nor the GOP can ignore that 70 million Americans voted against him. And they are surprised that the 70 million of us who voted for Harris still don't like him. We are disappointed but not resigned. We will stand for the rule of law for the next four years and beyond.
I admire your vocational choice, and your optimism. However, with the GOP political class being nearly fully engulfed by fascists, our judicial elite at the highest level fully corrupted as a majority, and our fourth estate in tatters, I can only hope your commitment will indeed, save the day. Godspeed.
He is removing the safeguards. That is to be feared
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Public Servant! You most definitely deserve our gratitude for everything you do to protect our Democracy.
He’s going to implement Schedule F and fire anyone with the least of objections to his agenda.
I wish you and your colleagues the best of luck.
Hope you will be giving major support to PBSNews organisation.
Hope the 70 million Kamala voters will be watching PBS news everyday (as I do).
You’re the way through…
You are right; the for-profit news outlets are likely to eventually succumb to Donald’s will in order to hang onto their wealth . (think: Bezo and his Washington Post), as Donald and his MAGA militia turn up their fear factor in order to control or destroy them.
However, with no hordes of wealth to protect, the non-profits like PBS (that are hopefully supported by folks like you & I) may have a chance at surviving.
Public Servant, How may we help you? Serious question. I may be 70, but I'm not dead, yet!
I saw a Public Servant post somewhere today. PS is fearful his/her job is on the line, therefore concerned about the financial future..... is hoping people might be generous enough to consider buying a year's subscription at discount in order to keep things going if terminated...
I certainly hope so. Dt--a toothless ( really ugly picture for what? Posterity??) kitten ( Don't mean to insult kittens) but there's no way he looks fierce? fearful? Certainly not presidential at all. Just really goofy.
Carmen, he's obsessed because that is exactly what he IS: pathetically insecure and weak.
And not leadership material but a cringing yellow coward. Witness Pvt. Bonespurs, skipping the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Armistice cemetery event in France (because rain?), and his distain for those who bettered him simply by being in the military at any rank.
And that's exactly what that picture portrays- pouty pathetic baby
At least Machiavelli said it was better to be loved than feared ... however. Trump went straight to fear. I wonder if he's ever read The Prince.
Has he ever READ? Voluntarily? Even in school, I’m betting very little was read. Be serious. 🧐 🤦🏻♀️
Touche' ... though I think I heard he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his bedstand.
I have heard that, too. I sincerely doubt he has ever read on his own. He seems like the most intellectually lazy motherfucker on the planet.
LOL ... He probably hasn't even read The Art of the Deal, since someone else wrote it for him.
You have it backwards. Machiavelli said that it is better to be feared than loved.
What he actually says is "it is much safer to be feared than loved." Here is an excerpt from the opening paragraph from Chapter XVII Of Cruelty and Mercy, and Whether It is Better to Be Loved Than Feared, or the Contrary: "I say that each prince should desire to be held merciful and not cruel." Throughout The Prince, Machiavelli cites the value of traditional virtues," e.g., "I say that it would be good to be held liberal" (XVI). However, he always goes on to say that traditional virtues will be the downfall of the leader, so it's best to subvert them to be successful. It's also important to note that Machiavelli was writing from exile, after being tortured and briefly imprisoned; and he was willing to tell Lorenzo de Medici what he wanted to hear in order get into his good graces.
. . . even though he is an orange-bleached tub of Pillsbury GOO wrapped in a comically ill-fitting "first prom" tuxedo.
Carmen, it's incredible how weak he really is....both mentally and intestinally....weak bowels needing super bowl Diapers 😆
I laugh when others call him "Shitler" 😂
I don’t think he knows what love is.
And himself
Plus, I've always suspected his ultra stern father called him a loser many times from his early years on. In that household, even sickness was not allowed. Got a cold? Or even a serious illness? Not allowed. Not to be discussed. Get up and get going as though everything is normal.... or you're a LOSER.
Pretty sure love and fear are the same thing to him. Fear also equals respect to him.
Lol. Is he selling his portrait as trading cards yet?
Maybe it should be one of the garbage pal or garbage can kids cards.
Give it a minute...
Is it public domain? It would be great on a Cards Against Humanity expansion pack.
I’ll take Petulant Wannabes for $600, Ken (but wish I were asking Alex).
Better yet, put it on rolls of toilet paper...
An earlier version is already there. Google it. I intend to use mine on Monday.
of THIS new photo?
🤪😅🤣😂…just give the 💩,little more time 🤮🤢👿🤡😵💫😵😬😧!
Enlarged, and used as a dart board?
130,000 bitcoin per JPG!
Maybe he wants to use it on the $20 bill?!?
Don't even suggest it! I really, really, really don't want to have to look at him when I pay for something with cash! Ugh!
Now wait a minute. No one alive can be featured on American currency.
Hmmm, is right. Interesting idea...that's kinda why I was hoping that he'd insist on his Inauguration being outside. Trump could bloviate to his heart's content; we could tell him that he should make the longest speech in Inaugural history for two hours+ and emulate William Henry Harrison who did the same in March of 1841. In fact, I would love to see Trumpo emulate poor ol' President Harrison's entire term--which ended in April of that same year. Shortest Presidency in U.S. history.
It's a stupid picture, but he doesn't look like Adolf or Benito - He looks like someone making a face in the mirror. Should I be taking this seriously?
It does insofar as none of them is smiling. Even Washington with his rotting teeth and wooden dentures attempted a reasonable smile.
Acktually: Washington mainly wore painful dentures made of human and/or animal teeth. Poor Hero.
I stand corrected. The teeth, at least one set of them, were set in ivory. I try to do my fact checking before I post but missed this one. The wooden dentures I see is a common myth, and I fell for it.
Didn't we used to shine flashlight up in our faces when we told scary stories around the campfire? When we were seven years old?
Perfect! :DD
He is despicable.
First seeing the two portraits but particularly Trump’s, my thought was first what a complete clown, and second, that people would vote for this clown making faces like that, or support him are under a bizarre spell that is simultaneously comical and frightening and really, just insane.
It makes ME feel pretty good about our eventual President Vance. (He may be an alt right couch-lover, but other than that he SEEMS like a loving family man.)
Yeah, maybe loving family man,
Remember when he said, "My wife is Indian, but I love her anyway." ?? In response to Trump complaining about Indian Immigrants.
That’s satire, right?
When he says “I’m going to protect women, whether they like it or not”, I’m thinking fear.
He better stay the hell away from me or be even dickless than he is right now. I'm might be old but I carry a big cane. Do NOT mess with an angry rage filled cat lady.
They could have used you in Springfield, Ohio.
The thing is, Mike, the women I know really do not want that orange smear protecting them or anything else. We all wish he would just go away.
Yep. 100%.
Because he feared his father but admired him too, yes he wants to be feared. I don’t think there is any love in him to give so he doesn’t know it can be a beautiful feeling too.
Which is precisely why the Walz approach of laughing at them and calling them weird struck such a chord
But they are weird. The cat lady nonsense and the dog and or cat eating immigrants?? I mean, come on!
😏of course they are. But I think we’ve learned from the last election cycle that truth doesn’t matter, only perception. And if only a few more swing voters had perceived them as uncool…
Greg. If only the 7M people who didn't vote, did.
Backfired on Timpon Tam, though.
But I believe that under the scowl is a fearful man-child. Weak and dependent on accolades from his admirers. I’d suspect he knows he’s a fraud at some deep level.
Well, that is why he keeps projecting his actions, flaws and thoughts onto others.
Sharon, he doesn't care if he's a fraud. He cares if he WINS.
Fear begets fear. He’s mortified of being loved. He doesn’t know love. It’s tragic for a nation that basically wants love and peace.
But does this nation really want/desire that?!??
Fully HALF of this voting nation wants a cruel, sadistically evil fascist regime fully in power, for life/forever this time, and it sickens me that this is the reality of our 'republic'.
An even more sickening reality is that 90 million people did not bother to vote.
They essentially voted him in. I hate to feel this way, but a polically active 'movie star' should have kept his mouth shut about Biden and the Media placed too much emphasis on Biden's lack luster response and gave Trump a pass for all the crazy lies he spewed during their debate. The GOP did everything they could to destroy Biden's health and to prevent a vital bill to prevent gouging by corporations to pass. I would be second guessing why President Biden did not admit he was too ill to debate. The GOP would have used that.
Decades of back door meticulous plans to stop Social Security, women's rights to health care, control of the supreme court, destruction of the middle-class, starting with former President Reagan's crushing of the power in labor unions which is rich considering he at one time was the president of the union supporting actors and writers. No surprise. The GOP, the party of hypocrisy. I have to stop venting, but thank you for allowing the platform
I don’t believe that this is what they want. They will not want what they are going to get as well. We’re going to see.
People voting against their interests and needs. A CULT
I don't think this is a cult; it's not cohesive. For instance some could have just been voting for change, or against a woman, because they could not vote for a Democrat, or they believed what they were led to believe.
Potter. Or they're racists.. misogynists.. both. Or apathetic. Or all 3.
25%. 25% voted for the rapist felon, 23.5% voted for the successful and joyful NY prosecutor, and 50% of lazy anti-Americans . . . jerked off instead of voting? Not a clue!
Mr. Wassiter, what nation are you taking about? Can't be the U.S. SOME of us want peace and love, sure....but the MAGAs are full to the brim with raging hatreds and anger. I really don't think they want "love" or "peace". The reverse, in fact.
Cra cra
We already know who he is. He is a dangerous person and is poised to create more damage. Though I find the comments amusing, I think organizing against him at every turn by calling your senators to oppose for example, his pending appointments, working at the local level to fend off his minions on school boards, libraries, county commissions, etc.-to stem the damage is the best use of energy. The midterms are also where we need to work like hell.
Here...Here! and Hear...Hear!