Eileen, I became frustrated with "News Hour" too because the fake balancing act got to me after a while. I am now reading a book that explains how journalist bias or media owner bias gets translated into what "seems" to be balance when it is often using the "integrity" of the source to push or let slide through the personal leanings of t…
Eileen, I became frustrated with "News Hour" too because the fake balancing act got to me after a while. I am now reading a book that explains how journalist bias or media owner bias gets translated into what "seems" to be balance when it is often using the "integrity" of the source to push or let slide through the personal leanings of those involved. The book is "What the Fact, Finding the Truth in All the Noise" by Seema Yasmin. The "blanace" even in reputable sources is actually giving certain viewpoints far more weight than they deserve, as though an equal number of experts/scientists/analysts support both sides or all sides of an argument. They rarely do, so when giving them equal time gives the side with the least factual support a rating as though it is the truth. We the People need to demand more of our media and on a regular basis. We the People also need to see just how much we are being manipulated and shaped as those who have power and those who run our media want us to be. The current example Prof. Reich presented today is a good example. There may be two sides putting words out there, but only one is true and honest. There is no legitimate negotiation over the debt ceiling since it is money we already owe and that we must pay back. There are no deals to be made, no playing with the lives of poor and disadvantaged people. In fact, there should be no debt ceiling at all. Debt is debt and it is time Republicans start acting like adults who have responsibilities to do the job they were hired for. They need to work if they are to be paid, and they are right now, not working very hard, probably not as hard as the poor people they are trying to remove from public support.
Beautifully stated, Ruth. News should be all about the truth and reported with the proper perspective. It should never be about equally balancing all perspectives.
Well said Ruth... increasingly i see the media we all consume, CNN, NYT, PBS as the real enemy here. Their message is controlled by the advertisers or donors and not by what is in the best interest of those consuming it.
Eileen, I became frustrated with "News Hour" too because the fake balancing act got to me after a while. I am now reading a book that explains how journalist bias or media owner bias gets translated into what "seems" to be balance when it is often using the "integrity" of the source to push or let slide through the personal leanings of those involved. The book is "What the Fact, Finding the Truth in All the Noise" by Seema Yasmin. The "blanace" even in reputable sources is actually giving certain viewpoints far more weight than they deserve, as though an equal number of experts/scientists/analysts support both sides or all sides of an argument. They rarely do, so when giving them equal time gives the side with the least factual support a rating as though it is the truth. We the People need to demand more of our media and on a regular basis. We the People also need to see just how much we are being manipulated and shaped as those who have power and those who run our media want us to be. The current example Prof. Reich presented today is a good example. There may be two sides putting words out there, but only one is true and honest. There is no legitimate negotiation over the debt ceiling since it is money we already owe and that we must pay back. There are no deals to be made, no playing with the lives of poor and disadvantaged people. In fact, there should be no debt ceiling at all. Debt is debt and it is time Republicans start acting like adults who have responsibilities to do the job they were hired for. They need to work if they are to be paid, and they are right now, not working very hard, probably not as hard as the poor people they are trying to remove from public support.
Beautifully stated, Ruth. News should be all about the truth and reported with the proper perspective. It should never be about equally balancing all perspectives.
Well said Ruth... increasingly i see the media we all consume, CNN, NYT, PBS as the real enemy here. Their message is controlled by the advertisers or donors and not by what is in the best interest of those consuming it.