Republicans are the ultimate not invented here folks. If they cant take credit for it they dont want it. The current proposed "cuts" are sickening since republicans always attack the poor for later tax cuts for the rich. Its getting blood from a stone and they and their big donor constiuents dont care. Why would they? They never interface with the trully desperate in their lives.
Republicans are the ultimate not invented here folks. If they cant take credit for it they dont want it. The current proposed "cuts" are sickening since republicans always attack the poor for later tax cuts for the rich. Its getting blood from a stone and they and their big donor constiuents dont care. Why would they? They never interface with the trully desperate in their lives.
As the new book by Desmond (2023) makes clear, it is about "POVERTY, by America." Desmond calls for Poverty Abolition, like in Abolitionists rising up (as they did against Slavery), to abolish American Poverty. The Scandinavian
Countries did so after WWII ... American Poverty Abolitionists need to step up and do it.
The debt ceiling is a constant source of concern for this country. Not being from the political arena I to worry about what would happen if the payment went into default. Question: who do we owe money to and how much to each do we owe. What exactly would take place if we did hold off on a payment? Besides us who would feel the pinch from not receiving their money? What countries have we aided for one reason or another then charged nothing for our assistance regardless of the expense to this country. Who helped rebuild Europe after WWII, who comes to the aid of other Democracies with military help when the occasion arises. Yes we have been called the world's sheriff but at what cost? Maybe it's time to balance the books and have those who we have borrowed money from credit the accounts for our past assistance. Who comes to the aid of any country in need of help from a national disaster, without a question as to how we will be repaid. The national debt isn't an account that we just keep paying on even as we incur more indebtedness. It's an unsustainable situation, and sooner or later something will have to happen which will involve the United States reneging on our responsibility to pay. When you get a sliver in your foot, it's an annoyance and you just sort of live with but as time goes on it becomes more and more painful until finally it becomes infected. Prior to the onset of gaseous gangrene the decision to remove the foreign object is made, no matter how painful the extraction process is you know the removal is mandatory. At what point do we face the fact that the national debt has to be handled in a manner other than just bleeding out annual payments to other countries that in many ways owe us money that they never intend to repay.
Republicans are the ultimate not invented here folks. If they cant take credit for it they dont want it. The current proposed "cuts" are sickening since republicans always attack the poor for later tax cuts for the rich. Its getting blood from a stone and they and their big donor constiuents dont care. Why would they? They never interface with the trully desperate in their lives.
The poor held hostage and the GOP makes sure that there will always be more hostages.
As the new book by Desmond (2023) makes clear, it is about "POVERTY, by America." Desmond calls for Poverty Abolition, like in Abolitionists rising up (as they did against Slavery), to abolish American Poverty. The Scandinavian
Countries did so after WWII ... American Poverty Abolitionists need to step up and do it.
A MetaEcon, here, as in Metaeconomics... Bing or Google it, you might like it!
The debt ceiling is a constant source of concern for this country. Not being from the political arena I to worry about what would happen if the payment went into default. Question: who do we owe money to and how much to each do we owe. What exactly would take place if we did hold off on a payment? Besides us who would feel the pinch from not receiving their money? What countries have we aided for one reason or another then charged nothing for our assistance regardless of the expense to this country. Who helped rebuild Europe after WWII, who comes to the aid of other Democracies with military help when the occasion arises. Yes we have been called the world's sheriff but at what cost? Maybe it's time to balance the books and have those who we have borrowed money from credit the accounts for our past assistance. Who comes to the aid of any country in need of help from a national disaster, without a question as to how we will be repaid. The national debt isn't an account that we just keep paying on even as we incur more indebtedness. It's an unsustainable situation, and sooner or later something will have to happen which will involve the United States reneging on our responsibility to pay. When you get a sliver in your foot, it's an annoyance and you just sort of live with but as time goes on it becomes more and more painful until finally it becomes infected. Prior to the onset of gaseous gangrene the decision to remove the foreign object is made, no matter how painful the extraction process is you know the removal is mandatory. At what point do we face the fact that the national debt has to be handled in a manner other than just bleeding out annual payments to other countries that in many ways owe us money that they never intend to repay.
McCarthy just may have inadvertently forced this country to remove the splinter that has been festering for far too long.
What cuts? IтАЩve seen no budget from the right.
True. Oppositional defiancy does not count as a budget.