Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I don't understand why we keep referring to a "democratic party" or even to politician "X" or "Y." We keep acting like personal stances matter, as if proclamations from websites or speeches or conventions in any way reflect what a politician or a party will actually do.

There are corporations and the rich. That's it. What they want is, with very few exceptions, what politician X or party Y will do. Words and speeches and bold tweets aside, if we were to objectively review what rich people and corporations were asking for and what the Democrats are or are not doing, there would be a frighteningly strong positive correlation.

We MUST STOP speaking as if there is a legitimate political system in this county. All this effort trying to slowly fill the party with better representatives or to pressure elected officials...it's just the democratic illusion designed to keep our eyes off of the actual people and organizations that determine exactly what will and won't happen. Name the corporations. Call them out. Enter their offices and leave literature for their employees calling out the horrible things their employer does. Make videos and tweets and websites and books about the true role of firms in destroying regulations, in propping up the most racist, anti-science, anti-democratic policies. Protest in front of every store. But for the love of god, let's stop acting like these politicians truly have beliefs that can be swayed. They are little more than talking-point-delivering puppets, pinatas in suits designed to take the heat for policies designed in backrooms and boardrooms across America.

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As a woman who has been both upper middle class economically and also living under the poverty line because of a drunk driver, I think the driving force in how non-entrenched voters choose candidates is who is going to sustain their way of life for the privileged and who speaks their minds and hearts for the poor. There is ample evidence what poverty and lack of economic security does to a person's ability to think critically. I have regained economic status by becoming an online therapist. Neither group of wealthy people who run this country cared about when the drunk driver ruined my body and destroyed my financial ability to provide for myself. And neither wealthy group cared while I struggled to recover nor now as I help others as a petmanently disabled senior citizen. From my vantage the Democratic Party is doing what its wealthy, predominantly white members want.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I think the worst damage to democracy in America was Ronald Reagan's nullification of the Fairness Doctrine. People have been lied to for so long that they can't see the truth anymore. And they are so attached to their convictions that they would rather kill than give them up. Ask any of us old yellow dog democrats - it all started with Reagan.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

The last thing this country needs is a bombastic big mouth like the last guy, however we do need a strong voice that is committed to helping the working class. President Biden is a strong union supporter and has consistently shown that, but many workers have no unions to protect them, they depend on policies that provide them with a fair playing field. I'e watched so many administrations come and go over the decades and few of them have addressed many of the workers needs, except Robert Reich who saw the danger ahead and gave a stark warning. Too bad they didn't listen. We better pay attention now, if we lose the House and/or Senate in November, there's no second chance to save democracy as we know it.

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The Democrat disease may be fatal. Dems lost the working class. That is a disaster.

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I understand the working class being disillusioned by the Democratic Party we know today. I however can’t for the life of me figure out how they see Republicans as the better option, (the lesser evil if you will) especially since Trump. Who is nothing more than a semi rich con man pretending to care about the working class (and the religious) when in reality he cares about no one except himself.

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I agree. Except it is more then just two tiers. Those of us who are disabled, unable to engage in substantial work , are treated even worse.

We are told that it is our fault that we are the way we are.


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Professor Reich, I know you want to save capitalism, but I'm not sure why. Everything you describe here is a natural consequence of a capitalist economic system. I audited your most recent Wealth and Poverty class, and I think the distinction you made there between stake-holder and share-holder capitalism is an important one, but it doesn't go far enough. The fact that we once enjoyed stake-holder capitalism in this country, but that it was transformed into share-holder capitalism should be evidence enough that capitalism always moves in the direction of enriching the already-rich and impoverishing the already-poor. We DO need a working-class movement in this country, but as long as it exists within the limits of capitalism it won't go far enough.

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Robert: I agree with you except your mild-mannered words describing repubs as "authoritarian populism" is soooo out of whack with their policies of pushing guns into everyone's hands, US's growing prison population and the growing white male racist, misogynistic groups: This is FASCISM!

The "F" word must be stressed!! Fascism!! America is on the verge of being taken over by a rw fascistic police state!!!!

You are so brilliant, so why aren't you seeing this?????!

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Shame on Biden for continuing to invite Manchin and Sinema for White House meetings when he should have been KICKING THEIR ASSES for obstructing so much legislation that would help the working class. And NOBODY has done enough to counter the reckless corruption spewing out of the Supremely Useless Court.

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In the 54 years I've been paying attention, one thing I've noticed is that whenever Democratic candidates attempt to appear more "centerist" in order to woo moderate Republican voters, it turns out that in most cases they fail. When faced with the choice between a real Republican or a Democrat trying to sound like a Republican to gain their vote, Republican voters will chose their candidate 9 times out of 10. The fallacy of the "moderate" Republican should be dispelled.

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Democrats fight for the policies and investments that work for everyone including the working class. But Democrats have never explained how what they do works. People understanding a few simple fundamentals driving our economy will make them more BS proofed against the constant and decades long misinformation campaign from the GOP. Democrats say that trickle-down does not work and bottom-up economics works, but do not explain how. They point to evidence of both, but a deeper understanding comes from understanding the processes at work. Here is a short video with the fundamentals that explain how and why bottom-up economics works and how and why trickle-down does not work. All voters need to understand these few principles driving our economy to vote for those candidates and office holders that are on the right side of the fundamentals and against those that are not. Adding these messages to the national conversation can only help win back more working-class voters and others that should be voting for Democrats. www.votereducationproject.com/hbuew

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CRAM IT DOWN OUR THROATS!!!! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Everything you spoke of has its root in money, more money. MONEY defines our culture, our values, our mores. There is no ideal of morality to sustain our culture. There is no ideal of America and equality to sustain our culture. We have tried and failed to sustain a culture of MONEY!!! Capitalism and MONEY are a snake that has eaten its own tail. Capital was freed up by the government because companies were not producing enough gross profit to allow organic growth. The quickest way to improve gross profit was to cut labor costs. That started the race to inequality, fewer dollars for consumers to spend, less demand for a new factory! What's a corporation, a capitalist to do with all that cheap capital? Remember, capital seeks the greatest return with the least cost. The answer, buy market share or, even better, buy back stock. The corporations we hate are just operating in the system we have given them to operate. "IT'S THE SYSTEM STUPID" The root of all of this rests with gross profit dollars and its function as a percent of sales. Inequality and consolidation are the result of capitalism doing what it is naturally inclined to do.

Russia and the Republicans know this, and they know the next step has usually been autocracy. This is not an economist speaking. It is an idiot who has owned his own business for forty years and has observed what has happened in an industry. Easy on me, Dr Reich.

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Joe Biden came into office with plans to improve the lot of the middle class, and Minchin and company would not allow that to happen. His plans were torpedoed by his own party. Don't blame Joe! I believe he is sincere, and frustrated by the action or these DINOs!

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Robert - Thank you for one of your best columns.

I have been a progressive Democrat since 1972, and the decline in Democratic principles saddens me. I hope that the young will seize this opportunity to reorient the party.

Instead of Independence Day, we should celebrate an Interdependence Day. We only succeed when we work together to build strong, inclusive communities that make the most of what each of us can contribute.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Biden and Democrats are coming into focus for who they truly are. The republicans have shed their sheep clothing and are full out at war with our country. They are the wolves in plain sight. They have their middle finger up for any opportunity for bipartisanship. It’s obvious. There’s no negotiation unless you’re in Biden’s fantasy head. Republicans are ripping our throats out and Biden’s leadership is to whine and say “Go Vote “ There are too many things he could do to mention. Expanding Supreme Court for just one. I’m sure Biden is smarter than me so what’s up. A Republican Party wears their corporate employee status with great pride and tells us to go to hell. Biden and the Democrats are not that honest. I believe they also are employees of corporate America. It’s a sick game. Money first. The people need to understand the seriousness of our situation and revolution is the only option. This is not an intellectual exercise. Take back our Government is our only solution and understand anything less your a pacifist living in denial. Maybe time for our own insurrection only get rid of all of them. If you think this is radical then wait till you see what is coming with our inaction

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