"America has socialism for the rich." Say it loud, say it often.

For what is not paying your taxes, other than government welfare?

Ronald Reagan inverted Adam Smith. The Rich are the new Welfare Queens.

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Make fun of Biden if you must - be he is not wrong to call out shinkflation! (It is insult on top of injury!)

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Shouldn’t TRUMP now be required to hold a press conference with all his foreign policy expertise and answer questions from the press?! Why isn’t he!? Demand it!

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Seeking Reason, I would love to see that press conference, not at Fox, and what our lovely media would do with that one. It would be great if they asked Trump the same questions they asked Biden yesterday.

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It would be another UnHinged 'Gish-Gallop'... DJT would claim that all Dictators are his friends, and he would end all Wars....

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TFG's claims are all akin to his claim that he is a stable genius and like all of his lies they are true in their opposite. Stable genius = unstable idiot.

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Trump is not up to reporting on anything but HIMSELF! He is good at that and goes over the same things at rallies that he did several years ago. Nothing new with Trump other than telephone conversations Trump may have had or appearing on a Hannity Show. Trump never understood World policies or international matters. Too deep for his pea-sized brain! Mr. Bigly Deal really isn’t much!

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How interesting that trump is exactly the opposite of what he claims to be. Not as rich, not as health, not as smart. As for his golf, it is common knowledge that he cheats, which would surprise no one. His lies are usually the exact opposite of the truth. His insults are pure projection. So why does he have the support that he has? My guess is he represents anti, you name it, any and all minorities, women, the government, the elite, science, etc. etc., and all those unhappy people out there who need to blame someone and or something for their dire situation he is their retribution. And they think that a fascist dictator will fix things. How is that for delusion?

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It is always easier to blame someone else for your own faults. Trump is a master at that. All his life the only way he could feel big in the playground was to bully. He is still that kid

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My guess is that a lot of those who revere an authoritarian leader grew up with authoritarian parents. My parents were not of that sort but growing up in Ohio I encountered more than adult in a children's leadership position that literally terrorized kids who they saw as uncooperative, in ways that would not be legal today. The aim is to control by instilling PTSD, and I suspect the effects are often lifelong.

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H Kravetz

It is escape they seek from having to take charge of their own lives by using the democratic system to effect the change that they want.

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That is insulting Peas!!!

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Yes, peas deserve better. I think Trump has a brain but it's filled to the brim with garbage about his own superiority. Not that he believes it (or he would not be so thin skinned) but he hopes that you do.

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To all of us who more than realize what tRump is have to, by now, recognize that his base is as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. And for the most part, so is Biden's. This election like most is a "beauty contests" i.e. "perceived" personality. For the mass of ignorant voters who will vote for the candidate who they feel they can relate to. tRump strong and decisive vs Biden old and weak, except the reality that issues, facts, and accomplishments are completely irrelevant.

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Seems to me that TV has had a major hand in trivializing real-world qualifications for a critical societal role. Much of the campaign hoo-hah is trivial compared with what ultimately matters. Lincoln and Douglas debated; televised debates now look more like a game show, with the press keeping the scoreboard for landed "zingers".

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Seeking Reason

That is a great new plan for democratic victory in November. It will start the crash to the bottom of the Republican Party. A dollar to a donut says that tfg hasn’t read the

How to get the mainstream media to answer the call is another matter.

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In Bunkerboy's defense: even his own CULT MEMBERS know his a-brain is rotting from ALZHEIMERS.

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Dan, and they still worship him like all good cultists would.

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Exactly right, Mr. Kravetz! It IS a Deathcult, with literally "the end of the world" as their only goal. (If Bunkerboy steals a second election, he WILL surrender to obsolete fossil fuel companies and humanity WILL quickly go extinct like every OTHER living creature.)

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Except for the UBER Wealthy who will have built their private space ships and blasted off to their private 'colonies' on the Moon or Mars or even beyond (Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos come to mind here ~ ).

The movie industry has already created movies that depict just such


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He has already surrendered with his billion dollar proposal to the oil executives.

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Rocco--Nice thought, but my doctor wants me to cut back on my colterol level. In his professional opinion there is far too much "Oil" in my diet as it is.

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Uck! Bunkerboy would be so greasy and fatty that even the HEALTHIEST American will pass on the pot from TRULY explosive diarrhea.

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He would make for some good Chicharron. Fried pig skin.

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I noticed that in 2009, Investment Bankers got their Bonuses paid with Public Money and Auto-Workers got Pink-Slips... Millions of working People lost their Homes which then bought by the Financial Elite... So we now have a Housing Crisis in which Blackrock is the largest Landlord...

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Michael, kudos for giving Mr. Smith his due! No intellectual from that era of European history is without what we properly consider blemishes (or worse) today, but Adam Smith was far ahead of many contemporaries, and was absolutely not a fan of what passes for capitalism today. Stuart Hart's long but deep book "Beyond Shareholder Primacy: Remaking Capitalism for a Sustainable Future" has some of this history which many don't know. Lots of resonance with what Mr. Reich has been saying also.

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Jayna, my favorite Einstein aphorism is "Any fool can take something simple and make it complicated, it takes genius to do the reverse." It's so true. We live in an age driven by computer programmers writing sloppy code to make the world ever more complicated.

Adam Smith lived in a world where most people thought that the wealth of a nation was how much money the king had. They identified with the king, so the king could exclaim "L'Etat c'est moi" and get away with it (at least for a time).

The corollary was that each nation had to fight all the other nations, erect trade barriers with rival nations, and soldiers would go out and die for their king (even as late as 1914). Nowadays, such ideas are regarded as preposterous, in large part because of Smith. So he took something complicated and he made it simple: wealth is labor, trade with other nations should be encouraged, nations shouldn't fight, the government has to collect progressive taxes and protect the free market.

I think if he had to debate Milton Friedman he would never stop throwing up.

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"Labor is wealth" - exactly! And yes, the thought of those two in the same room does not lead to a peaceful easy feeling... 😏

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Great summary of the differences between the US and other industrialized western societies in their treatment of their citizens. And some people still say, “American is the greatest country in the world.” On what basis I would ask?

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It isn’t. But if you say that out loud in a group you may be stoned. A Japanese attorney I worked for years ago said, when I asked him about their New Year’s habits, said America is a “baby country”. (He had been the Emperor of Japan’s roommate in college.)

We are a very young country of immigrants with the exception of Native Americans. Immigrants work in our fields harvesting food for our tables; factories & sweatshops making things corporations sell us; clean hotels, homes. (Including TFG’s buildings per their own admission); food processing plants, and much more. When Customs & Border enforcement comes around all those people disappear. Then the rich cry about “no one wants to work” — but that’s not the problem. Many Americans don’t want to do physical labor that is done by “those people”.

This is just one of many issues that are in the forefront of political debate today. So, why did my ancestors come here? Irish famine (1800s), religious freedom (1600s), leave the salt mines (1840s France salt mines). Mother Theresa said it best: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other.”

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Wealth brings power and recognition. How many want to share that?

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In it's defense, it's not the WORST . . . in most Northern states at least. Russian civilians are being shoved into a meatgrinder to please their criminaly insane czar! North Korea has ZERO freedoms!

I guess I am saying that it's pretty bad in some states, but we enjoy more freedom than most nations!

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What puzzles me is how this country can dismiss the intentions of a good man in favor of the sick views of a socially depraved individual.

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The Putin press is right on it. Another danger of Fascism…control of media.

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media, inattention, superficiality/lack of comprehension,belief Trump will be better for their personal economics, then you can add all the usual unfavorable personality traits as you like.

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Only because he shouts the loudest. I think that’s why people “listen” to him. They don’t actually hear & understand his garbage.

I showed an intelligent man a speech TFG made about Elton John and “records”. It was a confusing mess and made no sense and had no direction. He said he understood it just fine. TFG was talking about the 200,000 people at his previous rally. Then he told me the main stream media didn’t post the truth & I was watching fake news. He is Jewish, in his late 80s, & had family in concentration camps who were murdered. He still did not hear Hitler’s words out of TFG’s mouth. 😔 there was no mention of rally size in the mess TFG said. And has he had any crowds of 200,000 in recent weeks? (TFG= ‘the former guy’ to quote Pres. Biden)

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The Republican “base” are too inculcated in the tRump cult to even notice Biden’s intentions. I don’t think most Democrats & Independents dismiss his good intentions (and good works), it’s that they doubt he is up for the job for 4 more years. In my life I’ve seen people argue over policies and ideals, but not whether the candidate is too old or capable. We should have discussed, debated, decided that question before the primaries.

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Donald, those who feel they have been disrespected and taken advantage of.

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Generation after generation of conditioning! Brainwashing and outright lies combined with ignorance of science and reality are the barriers that millions live with and the consequences are the country is just as divided as if the Civil War had never been decided!

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I thInk that they are confused. We need more socialism. They probably think it is totalitarianism, which is what they will get if Nectarine Nero gets his foot in the White House again.

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Nectarine Nero 😂

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Nectarine Nero💥

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In my view, one problem we have not adequately tackled rests with votes we invariably lose to Republicans who shrewdly prod voters to conflate a regulatory state aimed at containing unfettered, runaway capitalism with a form of totalitarianism. Unless we get better at disallowing Republican deceptions and distortions to go unanswered, voters, who otherwise would vote Democratic, will continue to vote against their self-interests.

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Barbara: "Unfettered capitalism" is a contradiction in terms. Adam Smith fully intended his economic system to be fettered, through high taxation and government regulation of the markets. So, capitalism is, by definition, fettered.

In 1980 Milton Friedman stood Smith on his head, with a crazy economic theory called trickledown, based on the assumption that if the wealthy didn't have to pay taxes they would wisely invest the money for the overall good of society. But, as many economists at the time warned, it would be "trickle up."

The rich didn't invest, except in their own stock portfolios, through buybacks. Moreover, they colluded against the public interest, through monopoly. The result is socialism, not for the common man, but for the wealthy, for what else is not paying your taxes but government welfare?


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Michael, In my view, while capitalism is a theoretically productive system for organizing human labor, it’s not very good at distribution unless wedded to social democratic institutions aimed at containing its excesses and moderating its self-serving impulses. In this regard, the descriptor “unfettered” conveys the absence of said protections.

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Agree that capitalism is a productive system compared with socialism (no better example than West and East Germany). As for distribution, Smith fully intended this to be achieved through progressive taxation, which served two purposes.

First, it would prevent anyone from becoming so wealthy that they would have the power to buy the government, monopolize, and thereby distort the free market (best example of where this has failed: America since Reagan).

Second, the money raised through taxation would be redistributed into things that the capitalist would have little interest in, but which enhance the common good (e.g., bridges, roads, schools, etc. (best example US in the 1950s, postwar West Germany and Japan).

Adam Smith did not regard himself as an economist but rather a moral philosopher with an interest in promoting the common good. His ideas were grossly misrepresented by Friedman.

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In any event, capitalism is not a political system.

Where I live 20% of the population has been looking for a caudillo since 1961 and Trump is the personification of one. They use the term "communist" to apply to any of their enemies. When they were in charge, especially in Cuba, they had a system where the government, mainly Batista and his friends and family, took a cut from any endeavor, public or private.

In this country we had "communistic" and "socialist" societies here long before Marx and in some cases before Wealth of Nations. In the gallery at Independence Hall in 1776 and 1787 were members of the Iroquois Nation. Four (4) of our states were founded as "commonwealths." Each citizen owns an undivided share of the whole "commons."

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Daniel, While I appreciate your informative commentary, I would note, contrary to your opening remark, I didn’t categorize capitalism as a political system. My point merely was to underscore the brute indifference of raw capitalism without the restraining container of democracy, of the rule of law, of civil society, all of which level the effects of capitalism.

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As a matter of fact, we NEVER had "unfettered" raw capitalism in this country.

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Daniel, Fortunately, here in the West, to varying degrees, capitalism has come with a restraining box. Still, the corporate gouging driving up prices people are paying is indicative of a potentially runaway wild capitalism.

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Daniel - I see capitalism as the first step towards fascism, which is a political system. Fascism is funded by oligarchs at first, it's how those wanting all the power get their start. Moreover, one cannot separate politics form economics. The two are inextricably linked, because wealth is power. So I see any system that determines the distribution of goods and services necessary to life as political.

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Yes, Daniel, and the architects of the Constitution were admirers of the Iroguois "commonwealths." If Trump wins it will be up to each state to decide what it wants to be. Trump would become the sole unifying element of these dis-united states. After he leaves it would be another emperor.

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Right on Michael. I read one of Friedman's books while in college in the early 1970's. I was not an economics major and I was totally shocked about how totally ignorant his ideas were. I think he also won the Nobel Prize about that time. That certainly lowered my regard for that institution. Cheers... GH

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Well, Economics Nobels are at the bottom of the Nobel food chain (Physics>Chemistry = Medicine and Physiology (then a long gap, followed by) Literature >Peace>Economics).

Even so, Friedman's Nobel was a disgrace.

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I have never succeeded in changing belief by presenting facts. "They say.."

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Miriam, Actually, borrowing from fellow Substacker Daniel Solomon, I’ve had some success by pointing to policy like extending the child tax credit that would have passed in 2022 had 2 then-Democratic Senators, neither of whom is returning to the Senate, not voted with all 50 Republicans to block it.

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Barbara Jo, I’ve also talked to some young people at my office about some important things Biden passed, PACT Act (expanding VA benefits), Respect for Marriage Act, banned medical debt from credit reports, capped credit card fees, banned non-competes (which were sometimes stupidly used for low level jobs).

They actually said, they didn’t realize he did these things.

That is the fault of our press. They will NOT report Biden successes. So we have to.

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In particular, libertarianism as the strongest strain of this viewpoint that regulating capitalism is a slippery slope to totalitarianism. Power is a zero sum game. If government doesn't hold more of it others (corporations) will rush into the vacumn. The libertarian thinks he/she will be the beneficiary of less regulation. Utter naievte of how the world works.

The Republicans sell the view that the US government overregulates when most of the EVIDENCE is that the US government underregulates e.g. vis-s-vis other developed democracies. But then, when did media or voters look at other countries very much?

The utter stupidity of the voters does give one pause at times about the virtues of democracy. How could it not? Still, I go with the wisdom of crowds, though sometimes they go beserk, and/or are greatly misinformed. I am concerned however about kind of a death spiral around climate change where as things deteriorate the voters/donors become more resistent to things which government needs to do and politicans are cowed into status quo--which is not sustainable. Not predicting one way or the other on this.

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Denial is the first response to bad news, then comes anger (the stage at which we are now); this is followed by bargaining and, eventually, acceptance. The last stage may come too late.

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Good way of looking at it. Climate could cost someone born today on the US $500,000 over their lifetime.

More should be done to help people understand the mounting cost to them of climate change: cost of food, car and home insurance, mainenance, taxes, etc


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I remember when the U.S. led the world in social security in all facets of life! It was called the American Dream. When a man was able to make an honest living for himself and his family. Some of my closest relatives had families much larger than today. This was in the 1960s when you could raise a family of 10 or more on one income! I had one aunt and uncle who had 11 children and owned their own home. They were well off living happily on my uncle’s income from a local manufacturing company. He was a shop hand. Where has that American dream gone to?

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for lack of a better country...

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@Keith/ We still lead the world in virtually every economic category. Lead in creating business opportunities. We need unity. Enlarge the base.


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Daniel, we might have a better chance of expanding the base with a "gray horse" candidate, one free of negative baggage. Independents will decide the outcome of the election.

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Keep up the good fight brother!

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I will try to explain to you what has happened to the American Dream that you talk of. I am a first generation American; came to US in 1975 to do my PhD from the poorest city in the world (Calcutta, India), was on 2/3 scholarship, and sent money home from this and never went to student canteen, but ate porridge and milk 3 times a day. I did my PhD, was a speaker at the commencement. I was hungry to learn, to work hard, and felt blessed that I had this opportunity in life.

In the USA, two generations ago, there was similar hunger. People were still either immigrants or one generation Americans. Then came this idea that because my grandfather was able to make a good living from some non-technical non-specialist job, and my father also did --- there is a God given certainty that I must also be able to do so.

However, as globalisation happened, the poor in Bangladesh and South Asia who had similar level of skills sets and earned a fifth of the US worker started to sell their products to USA. It was not the fault of capitalism. It was simple economics, that slowly for equilibrium, the wages of the poor South Asians and those of the American will reach the same level -- the former's will rise and the latter's will fall.

The answer is not protection and tariffs. Whether Rob Reich (not an economist) or Trump says this -- it is bad economics, and MAGA type of thinking. There is no God given right that in a rapidly changing world, going through a third industrialisation, those who live in USA and remained less skilled should get their high wages compared to similar set of people in developing countries. The tariffs are a selfish way of keeping the latter out of the US markets. The answer is education, training , in higher technology (see Solow, Nobel prize winning economist and my professor) to increase productivity. IF the government follows this -- then the US worker will benefit -- not in the low tech industries where others can compete, but in high tech industries. Subsidies and Tariffs only enshrine inefficiencies in the economy (Hayek is another to read on this).

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Sorry for posting off-topic. This is not what I want to say. This is what needs to be said on Biden. To win, a candidate must bring out the base and win a majority of independents. In swing states like MI, the base is divided and many independents think Kennedy is a good option.

Due to four factors, President Biden is the weakest candidate of all Democrats. Three of the factors are out of Joe's control. No doubt President Biden has done a super job correcting Trump's course and recovering from COVID. However, these four issues create a perfect storm for Biden by dividing the base and independents

1. Kennedy. The spoiler effect is in full swing. Independents have grown from 30% to 50%. It's a two party system, but most people do not understand that if they vote for a 3rd party it's still a two party system. Spoilers were difference in 2016 and 2000. Even if only 5% of voters vote for Kennedy in swing states, that is more than the 2020 margin of victory.

I have increased my attention to everyone who suggests Kennedy, but I can only talk with a tiny fraction of the voters planning on voting for Kennedy. Remember, Gore lost FL by 687 votes when the SCOTUS stopped the recount. Nader got 89,000 votes in FL. Kennedy needs to drop out of the race. If he doesn't, the only way to get these voters back is to run a fresh candidate.

2. Gaza. Too many people in MI, an important swing state, unfairly blame Biden for the horrors in Gaza. I'm a major defender of Biden on the subject. I remind people that nobody can control Netanyaho. In all likelihood, Netanyaho is causing the humanitarian disaster to further his plans which require Trump in the WH who will continue to oppose a two state solution.

Ironically, not voting for Biden will make matters worse in Gaza forever. Indeed, too many people don't get it. Again, the amount of MI people willing to not vote for Biden is more than the 2020 margin of victory. This group will compound the Kennedy spoiler effect.

3. Joe's age and poor debate performance. I have been Biden's biggest defender and supporter. I think he's done a magnificent job. However, the past 3.5 years is not a factor when considering current and future health issues.

My father, a very smart man, recently passed from Parkinson's. Watching Joe in the debate reminded me very much of my father. My father's mind worked fine, but mobility and falls became an issue. After retiring from the Treasury Department Management in DC, he worked for the State Department. It got to the point that it would take him almost two hours to get dressed and leave by 5:50 AM. I do not think that Biden will be able to campaign across the country, AND do the extremely demanding job as President 24/7.

While I think that Biden's mind is up to the task, I'm afraid that Biden will fall during the campaign and injury himself. This would make him look frail and unable to do the job. As I've said, politics is about perception. Again, the 2020 thin margin of victory in swing states does not allow for much defection.

4. The MSM is showing their corporate bias and judging Biden with a double standard. Biden looked weaker in the debate, but Trump's answers were ridiculous. The MSM should've pointed out Trump's repeated lies and gross distortions. Regardless of party, we can all agree that Americans need a President who will tell the truth. In fact, Trump is delusional about J6 and the past and continues to push outrageous and dangerous lies.

I was very disappointed when even hosts on MSNBC threw Joe under the bus after the debate rather than rail on Trump's lies that prove he's delusional and not mentally fit for the job. When some MSNBC hosts were unfair to Joe after the debate, I figured that it was bad. The last two weeks have shown this to be the case.

Regardless of Biden's great record and Trump's outrageous lies and failed policies, Joe and Dems cannot change the debate back to policy. This is the main problem, I'm afraid. Yesterday's news of the 8 visits of the Parkinson's doctor to the WH has not helped matters.

IMO, the only way for Dems to win the WH is for anybody but Biden to run. ABB, Anybody But Biden, I really hate to say. Any other candidate would erase the four significant issues I've listed here, except the MSM's corporate bias.

The only way to make up for the unfair coverage that ignores Trump's record and Republicans' failed two step program of deregulation and tax cuts for the rich is to trounce Trump at the polls with a huge turn out. Unfortunately, Joe is not motivating people to vote. I don't understand it because he is a great leader and helped people of all backgrounds, from dirt poor to super rich. IMO, everyone should be very proud of President Biden.

Thankfully, Trump is a very weak candidate weak. He might be the worst candidate Republicans have ever run. Considering that Trump has low numbers with women and youth, Democrats should win easily. However, Biden and Dems have broken the first law of campaigns: NEVER let the opposition define the candidate.

These four factors are largely out of Biden's control. I am the first to say that these four negative factors are not fair. Nevertheless, Biden and Dems now face a perfect storm that is similar to the factors that doomed Clinton and swept Trump to victory in 2016, including a 3rd party candidate, and a media that failed to discuss Democrat's proven policy of infrastructure investment to invigorate the economy, and Trump's ridiculous, failed policy plans.

For these reasons, I think the Dems are better with anyone else at the top of the ticket, including Harris. I really hate to admit this, but I'm being honest and logical. Any other candidate would attract the Gaza-centric voters. Most younger candidates, especially a progressive, would attract the misguided Kennedy voters.

Any other candidate would have a chance to shift the debate back to policy, including Bernie. Nobody is better at shifting the debate back to policy than Bernie because he's been doing it for so long. As the runner-up in 2020, Sanders has a claim to be on the short list.

A Midwesterner Governor with important Executive experience, like Whitmer or Bashear (KY), would easily win. Governors Martin O'Malley and Howard Dean would also win in a landslide and continue progress.

I am afraid that people are underestimating AIPAC's influence and their quest to elect Trump so a two state solution is off the table. Dems really should demand an end to big money in elections. Dems can try to get Republicans to agree to an end to unlimited dark money in elections.

Regardless, the DNC needs to have more spokespeople who will hammer on Republican's failed policies. Biden cannot do this because he must remail focused and Presidential. If DNC cannot have serrogates on all the stations to inspire voters and hammer Republicans, I don't know if any Dem can win the WH, and Congress will likely to be lost too.

Im an optimist, but things do not look good now for Dems. I see 2016 unfolding again. I think it's important that I speak up and point out the perfect storm brewing. The MSM must hold Trump accountable for J6, one of the worst days in American history.

I hope everyone demands the MSM starts to address important issues like climate change, health care, and the rigged financial system. Dems are fixing these problems. Republicans would exacerbate these problems. Regardless of who the Democratic candidate is, we must demand the media address important issues and compare party policies.

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For these reasons, VP Harris is not the best candidate. Some independents would unfairly hold her accountable for Gaza. Given the Netanyaho-Trump love affair recently chronicled on Frontline, it's possible that Netanyaho will go after Hezbl in Iran and elsewhere. If this happens, oil prices will spike and inflation would come roaring back. Netanyaho is well aware, and he doesn't care. He hated the Obama/Biden Administration, as recalled on Frontline. A fresh Democratic candidate, with the exception of VP Harris, would insulate Dems from the uncontrollable factors that stand to give Kennedy a record 3rd Party turnout and deliver swing states to Trump.

Yesterday, I got a text asking me to canvass for Kennedy. (I'm on the elist to hear what he's blabbering.) I'm afraid he's being successful at harnessing discontent with the 2 party system and on-going wars. He's Trump's pawn, no doubt. But the Kennedy name puts him in the game. It's easy to out flank Dems to the left when you will never have to deliver results. He was NOT held accountable for being anti-vax that likely cost many thousands of lives.

Like Jill Stein, a Russian social media campaign can bouy his support with Gen Z now at 30%. Stein was not discussed after Hillary's 2016 loss, but Stein swung some swing states to Trump. Again, a fresh Dem would likely attract the foolish, misguided Kennedy supporters.

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Danny, I don’t see younger people going for RFKJr with his anti vaccine stance etc. only a MAGA young person would…so let them.

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I'm not being alarmist. A Kennedy person, not the Dems, asked me to canvass this weekend. If that doesn't say a lot,

this is from a reliable source:

"While it remains a long shot that he’ll win the White House, Kennedy has established a legitimate support base. In both Wisconsin and nationally, some polls have found him receiving low double-digit support. That would translate to hundreds of thousands of votes in Wisconsin, a state where the 2020 election was decided by just 20,000 votes.

A new Marquette University Law School Poll, expected to be released Wednesday, will shed some light on the trend in Kennedy’s Wisconsin support just over four months out from Election Day. In an April Marquette survey, Kennedy garnered 13% support among registered Wisconsin voters."


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Danny, thank you for your honesty and concern. I wholly concur with your opinion. If Biden steps down he will pull the rug from under Trump. We are in a situation in which a "gray horse" candidate, free from negative baggage, could have a good chance of winning the election.

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Exactly, Victor. I believe it protects Biden's legacy too. Most importantly, any other Democrat could* shift the debate to the proven Democratic platform vs the failed Republican platform. Dems have policy results on their side, but we can't get down to the issues when Biden's age is consuming too much of the conversation. It's really not fair. I wish most people were policy wonks like us, but they're not.

Too many people will be influenced by HUNDRED$ of MILLION$ of DOLLAR$ of slick ads, the best ads that money can buy. They are being made now to blanket the airwaves during the September and October until Election Day. This looming barrage of attack ads will be much less effective on a new candidate. Unlimited dark money can absolutely buy this election for Trump. You would not believe how many attack ads Cory Bush is facing now. Her record is being distorted, just like they will do to Biden.

We need an inspiring candidate who makes people want to fight for the environment, health care, privacy, choice, justice and the future. After the debate, Gov Newsome showed how easy this can be done. People want to vote for someone, not against someone.

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I think so too. The electorate could go for that gray horse. Many just want a choice other than Trump crazy man and Biden old man besides the option of throwing their vote away on a 3rd party candidate. But I'm not real confident of that. Yet it seems the best option. Not Harris.

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Much truth in what you say. Know you meant “passed.”

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Thanks, David. RR has piece on Kennedy on YouTube. I learned the Kennedy supporters are illogical and rabid.

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also dense and paranoid.

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I agree. So how do we demand MSM do anything? They track eyeballs for profit just like the AltMedia and on-line Twitterverse. I'm glad you brought up Betnie. He's older than Joe and the Cheetohead and hitting on all his cylinders.

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That's a good question. Thank you! Emails to the Editors. Eventually, it's going to take a boycott of all companies running commercials. It's that simple.

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You make many good points. Polls indicate Gaza not much of a factor for voters. Still, it all counts. Dems can do better than Anybody but Biden.

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TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU DANNY! If any voter in this country hates what is going on in Gaza then wait until Muslim hating Trump gets in and has no restrains on Be Be.

Cheers... GH

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Isn't it strange that DNC Chair Harrison isn't on the campaign trail saying exactly that? I get Biden can't say that, but I don't get current and former DNC Chairs not spelling things out on the talk shows. I almost wrote #5, A mute DNC...

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6. Another Dem Presidential candidate would keep it a race if Trump drops out and someone else, like Nikki Haley, gets the nod. (It's odd she's not scheduled to speak at the RNC convention.) I doubt Trump will last four months on the trail. Considering his recent statements, how bad will he get before Election Day? Does he really want to be President, or just get out of legal problems and keep his campaign war chest? I think he'd rather play golf and watch the Bold and the Beautiful all day. We'll see.

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Oh, he'll last.

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I don't know. He's overweight. He seems angry all the time. He's been whoreing around his whole life. He makes Caligula look like a Mormon Bible teacher. Seriously!

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I thought he would have a meltdown before 2016 also. I was wrong.

Anyway it seems the crazier he presents the more many like it: Trump the carny, the ringmaster. Cracking the whip with Fox to keep all the other fearful trumpies in line.

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My ownly disagreement is that you appear to dnx Biden with Parkinson

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Trust me, I tried to ignore it. After the debate, several people here in the medical field posted the same thing. I would not post it if I didn't have very strong reasons to speculate. I truly respect, President Biden. I love him, in fact.

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I do not consider it not loving or respecting someone to say they have Parkinson. My point is that until Biden is examined by someone with the knowledge and credentials to make a dnx and it is announced it is either speculation on your part or and this is unlikely a breach of

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Yes, it is speculation on my part. I respect Biden's privacy. I do not expect him to disclose private health issues. I wish Joe's speech, expressions, movements, and gait did not remind me of my father. This recent NYT story was saddening.


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I have also read that in many foreign countries,there are zero homeless people.They care enough about their citizens to make sure everyone is housed.

These countries also make sure all their citizens have healthcare without forcing people into bankruptcy,and childcare that don't require a separate job to pay only for the childcare,before bills get paid.

These countries impose higher taxes on their citizens,but those taxes go back into making sure the citizens have what they need.They don't go into corporate welfare,or to allowing wealthy people loopholes to avoid taxes,or get lower taxes.

The billionaire class in our country,are allowed to bribe our representatives to work only for them,and give everything to them,and the rest of us have no voice.This absolutely needs to stop.

Yes, socialism is only for the rich in this country.I bet they don't have to fill out invasive paperwork or prove how much money they have to continue their corporate welfare or subsidies,that only they qualify for.

This country has long failed to work for the regular citizens,the working class,the less fortunate.Our voices are silenced and drowned out by the handful who have too much money,who get anything they want and are almost never held accountable for anything.

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Melissa, People in these countries pay higher taxes sometimes but they don’t have the expenses we do with $$$ homeowners in property taxes, car ins, homeowners ins, fees to realtors etc. They pay a tiny fraction compared to us. I have a few friends in England and their jaw drops when I tell them what I’ve paid for these things. They make less than we do but live more comfortably and with some peace of mind.

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Germany has a very strong social support system, yet there are large numbers of homeless here. :-(

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Off topic but important...MAJOR NEWS FLASH CONCERNING DJT!

The first sub-species of human has been discovered...homo Distorta...Jabberata...Trumpini or DJT for short. This first sub-species discovery is strange. It's only been around in this form since 2016 when it mutated, escaped NY city and found its way into Washington DC where it has infected a particular needy group of unsuspecting victims. The DJT off spring are being closely monitored for the same distorted noises heard from the mutated first specimen. These noises can be life threatening. There were 5 reported deaths in Wash DC, January 2020 due to distorted noise released by DJT. It's unknown how long the effects of these noises will last. All this is being monitored closely in MEDIA labs across the nation and the world. It appears that some of the MEDIA labs have been affected and are now making the same noises as the first mutated sub-species so it is contagious! Stay tuned for more details about this important scientific first. Before you fall victim to these noise distortions make sure to check your facts. EARS OPEN! NO FEAR!

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More research has been published for your ongoing interest. See the latest addition and feel free to add any knowledge that comes to you about this scientific breakthrough. You may know someone who has been afflicted with DJT and needs your help! : )

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Just one correction, if you don’t mind. Replace “ Trumpini” with “Trampini”

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Thanks Dawn. We all need some humor in these times! Cheers... GH

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Hey Gary, if you know of any additions to my research, feel free to share.

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To many Republicans the word "Socialism" is a dirty word. Basically, because in countries where that form of government exists, social unrest follows. Like communism, which in reality has never been put into practice, Socialism is the handle dirty little dictators use to describe their form of oppression they force upon the people they are currently subjugating. Republicans use a third world fear to maintain control over the newcomers to our land. Sick politics if you ask me.

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You know why this is true in America? One word - IGNORANCE!!!!!!!! Americans are ignorant. That is the only explaination for why we are where we are.

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Harvey…and rooted in racism, religious lunacy and a monopolized press.

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For anyone outside America, the thought that the country is 'socialist' is laughable!

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Only in America. Only in a America which has the cruelest most crass capitalism could the rich get away with describing America as socialist.

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Amen, thank you! The ‘wealthy elite class’ continues to escape facing true justice in our legal & economic systems.

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I like the Truman statement- against progress. So true!

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And yet here we are 2024 and Robert has to remind us of how poor many of our people are. And that income bracket is growing each year whether it’s Republican or democrat in the office. The Democrats have lost sight of how to vote to make real change. We preach about Democrats socialism and we vote for moderation that appeases the Republicans. That tells me the Democrats have a very weak Party. They’re all grouping together to vote for moderates or anyone who can win and prevent Trump.

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Yes, we must remind voters of what Truman stated. It is still true today. Hard to believe!

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Watching the infighting, the state of politics is pretty discouraging right now. Biden paid attention to us little people and delivered.

A couple of examples of what they mistakenly think is socialism.

Student loan forgiveness that allows young adults to start contributing to the economy after graduation instead of working a decade or more just pay off student loans.

Infrastructure which republicans have ignored and allowed to decay too long.

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