I look forward to voting for Biden again. He has been and continues to be a strong and good president,

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Biden should SMILE more! He has a wonderful smile! The few times he smiled, he looked great and with it. He spent too much time standing with a gloomy poker face that made him look weak and frail, IMHO.

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He should also wear glasses because he squints all the time--it makes him look like Ogee McGoo from my childhood!

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Was it a bad performance, or a disqualifying performance? In politics truth has value only in its utility for gaining/holding power. Meaning, it's natural that Dem leadership puts on a game face and circles the wagons. I fear their groupthink has led us to a point where there may not be good options anymore.

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Steve, good options are other candidates despite the time frame because in America great marketing can change a story in weeks! It's foolish to discount the power of communication with a new candidate who would be smart enough to not need a teleprompter--that tells me Biden is not as fit as folks think. Being able to spell out situations and know your facts without a prompter is required for the job IMHO. We'll see how this all plays out. TBC.

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His team bears some responsibility for that. They filled his head with 40 hours of data and arguments for a 90 minute debate. Trying to pull all of that out in a 2 minute space is daunting for anyone. Further, they should have stuck to the "Trump's Greatest Hits" playbook. It is all about immigrants killing, stealing jobs, voting, and sucking social services. Even Trump appeared to be amused how he could stick to that playbook and confuse the conversation.

Joe is an experienced speaker, statesman, politician, and compromiser. Trump is a bully. If there was an error, it was not a teleprompter, it was they trained him for the wrong fight.

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Could not agree more, Dane!

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If you don’t see the merits of continuing with our current President, with his record breaking achievements, I can’t change your mind! Since the MSM owned by the Wealthy, cannot be trusted with the truth anymore! It would be nice if the cowering @DNC picked up the slack! It would also be nice if they started impeachment proceedings on the traitors in our SCOTUS, before they ask voters for another dime towards their re-election! All they have to do is make the gesture, our reluctant AG will just put them on the pile of GOP traitors, he has allowed to stay in our Governing body and beyond! Will someone please tell me why we allow AG Garland to remain in office, all these political movements asking for money……do something!

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Garland was probably Biden's worse appointment and can be blamed for the troubling situation we are in concerning tardy Trump trials.

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You do not like Garland? Think the impossibility of getting any replacement AG confirmed even back then. The GOP closed ranks around Trump by late summer 2021.

"Do something" is not a plan.

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I am not supposed to provide a “plan” the timid @DNC is supposed to know what to do! It might have been very hard to get Garland appointed….but he has allowed traitors to remain in our Governing Body since 2021! We are in this mess because he isn’t doing his job! I was suggesting he speak to the DNC and motivate them to start impeachment proceedings against Alito and Thomas! In a later post I said these would probably be put on the pile along with the other traitors he let’s stay in our Governing Body! Why defend him…when we live in chaos every day he doesn’t do his job?

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Impeachment of a SCOTUS justice is exactly like it is for President. Majority in the House. 2/3 the Senate. This would be a waste of time and the very definition of "politically motivated". The best (and what we do not know because how the DoJ operates, is an investigation into Thomas. Alito being mealy mouthed about flags and privately (he wished) commenting on his personal bias is his right.

The AG oversees 114,000 people, a $38 billion operation, and every federal law enforcement function. What is "his job"?

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Yes, they need to make his image up from now to November, and control what he says and how he says it. In 2020 he really was the stable person the country needed, but now he needs to show a bit of anger and determination to change things (whatever that means, remember "change" was the key word for Obama's campaign?). And seriously get on a side campaign to demolish the appeal of Trump in people (one issue at a time, this is what he says vs. this is what he did).

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Excellent point.

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I will vote for Biden if he’s the Democratic nominee; but I think he should step down from this Presidential race.

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It's too late for that! It's now the best president since FDR, or a convicted criminal/civily liable rapist who was THE worst. Don't like it? Too bad.

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I respectfully suggest Daniel that your idealistic and way over the top comparison between FDR and Biden is absurd. Biden has not passed sweeping transformative legislation, like Social Security. What he has done is boosted support for our infrastructure, chip making here that is not that strong yet, and the pathetic stabilization of the cost of some pharma drugs--not that impressive. But I will cast my vote for him if the DNC and others from our oligarchy fail to pull someone else into the race who could blow Trump out of the water with vigor and charisma. It can be done. Don't underestimate the innovative techniques that made the USA the most advanced country on Earth to date. Now maybe I am being idealistic:).

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What Biden has done is get passed a number of laws and taken actions that are a bold departure from prior administrations both Republican and Democrat. I think one could argue,that much of it is transformative.

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Nice try Steve but I consider it incremental when you compare it to countries, like the Netherlands, Norway, etc. that are miles ahead of us when it comes to social safety nets and these countries, to name only a few, are thriving advanced democracies. And they are high on the list of having happy citizens, based on the data collected by the UN. We can do much better here but our Congress has sold out quite a lot to having corporations become embedded into our country in such a way so policies won't interfere with their profits. We can learn from others and better adapt for the sake of the people. If not, more trouble ahead for most everyone except a few.

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Netherlands is 2/3 the size of West Virginia and has the population of less than New York. Norway has the landmass of New Mexico but a population of 5.5 million, about the same as South Carolina. These are far more simple to legislate than the US so it is comparing apples to watermelons.

No place is immune from populism, as has been witnessed in the recent EU elections, and seen spreading though the western EU.

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Totally disagree again.

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The thing FDR did was his CONSTANT communications with the American people. He didn't depend on media pundits to relay his message. (And people wonder why the American people can't see Biden's accomplishments. He has only himself to blame.)

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Also, poor advisors too Thomas. It's sad for him and the country too.

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I wish there was a “thumbs down button. I totally disagree.

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Yes, Joan, it can be done. It must be done!

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Victor, let's hope some clarity is being advanced as I write this note to you.

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Daniel - This is a bit off-topic, but in claiming Joe Biden to be "the best president since FDR", I think you are overlooking the very substantial progressive legislation signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson. From his presidency we have the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Right Act, Immigration Act and Medicare and Medicaid and more. And yes, sadly also the escalations of our adventures in VietNam.

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Biden should role play with someone who will take the part of Trump rampant. Over and over and over until Biden is thoroughly hardened to Trump's assault. I thought Biden froze up in Trump's headlight Thursday night. Biden and a good coach could take turns playing Trump until the shock wears off. After all, Trump's style is well known. It wouldn't be hard to make a game plan. Biden appeared totally caught off guard in that debate. Incidentally, I think the chickenshit demands that Biden "step down" need to stop. This is the time to support our president, not indulge in channel-surfing.

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He’s never earned my support. Only voted for him in 2020 because of my loathing of Trump and the expectations that the Dems would choose and support someone more progressive, less exaggerating and arrogant, without a history of falsehoods and lies (although I admit Bidens are nothing compared to Trump but…lies are lies), someone who would truly make a difference for the working poor, support Medicare for All. But alas, Biden is all you offer even when there are several much better, stronger, charismatic, younger, enthusiastic choices. So, in 2024 it’s not my vote wasted on Biden. My conviction will not allow me to cite for Biden. My only decision is skip the presidential portion of the ballot or cote 3rd party.

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Not voting for Biden/Democrat or voting 3rd party, is a vote *for* Trump. But good for you. They will make a bumper sticker you can display with "Don't blame me I voted for [fill in the blank], if that can assuage your feelings as abortion is banned nationally, gay marriage is reversed, contraception is outlawed and no-fault divorce is evaporated. Oh, and the climate, if you needed more things to feel smug about.

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LOL. Thank you for thinking so highly of my vote. If those things are so important to the Democrats, as they should be, they should’ve stepped in and made Biden step down. No one else to blame. And I am proud that part of our constitutional democracy is my right to a third-party vote. If you don’t like that, then, perhaps it should be changed to where we only have a two party system. Oh wait, that’s pretty much all we have. And it’s a two party system not even to vote for who the best is, but try not to vote for who the worst is. If that’s all you have, so be it. Smug, no. Proud that I won’t be threatened and intimidated, you bet.

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Hedda, Iknow the appeal of a magical "Third Party Candidate" riding to the rescue so that people can vote their conscience rather than "the lesser of two evils," but please think again about what NOT voting for a Democrat for President might do. I voted for 3rd party candidate, John Anderson, and we got Reagan (he would have won in a landslide anyway, but still...) in following my conscience I tacitly helped a conservative movement that changed America in ways that precipitated the rise of Newt Gingrich, The Tea Party and the MAGA movement.

So, sorry everybody, but I thought following my conscience was more important than winning an election!

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We need to emphasiize the extent of Trump's lies.

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Trump's lies were epic. If Trump would've been asked about his low polling numbers with women, this is what I think he would've said:

Trump: ALL women love me. Even ALL the lesbians adore and worship me. Here's how I know. Every year at Halloween they have the GBLT Masquerade Ball in New York. I'm not gay so I remember it by thinking of a Giant Bacon Lettuce & Tomato sandwich. I always know when it's almost Halloween because hundreds of lesbians call me and ask to borrow one of my suits, or at least a tie, so they can go to the GBLT Masquerade Ball as Trump because they love me so much. Well you know they say imitation is the biggest form of flattery, so I'm flattered. And on the night of that gay BLT Ball, New York is the safest city in the country because 100 lesbians dressed up as Donald Trump are walking around the city. All the criminals are so scared they run to another Democratic run city. When I was in El Paso Texas at Biden's open border, you know El Paso, Texas, they have those great tacos, oh I love those delicious tacos, those tacos are my favorite. I told the Border Patrol while eating tacos that I could send down 100 Trump impersonating lesbians who love me and they would close the border overnight so the all the border patrol agents could take a vacation. So they love me and are building a statue of Trump. I'm going to clean up Biden's open border in one day with one GBLT Masquerade Ball. I think it's GBLT, but it might have another letter or two, but I don't know because I'm not gay. I'm just loved by ALL the gays. ALL the illegals are going to be so scared when they see 100 lesbians dressed as Donald Trump that they will run back to their home country and stay there. Then they will tell everyone don't dare try to sneak into America anymore because 100 Trump lesbians are working with the border patrol. I'm going to secure Biden's open border with one big gay GBLT ball because the gay community loves me and they don't even respect Biden.

Jake Tapper:

President Trump, this is an extraordinary statement. Because this debate is so important to America's future, and it's so important for the American people to know where you and President Biden stand on these major issues facing the US, can you categorically tell the American people, that in no uncertain terms, your favorite food is TACOS?

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Yes- this sounds authentic Trump - 100% bullshit - and the moderator just goes along with it

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*AUTISTIC Trump. I have a strong feeling he was born with some form of autism, as he displays most signs.

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Don't blame autism for moral depravity!

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Sounds exactly like our current reality to me! Which is a heavy dose of Trumpian dystopian unreality.

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Danny Piper . . . this is the only all-out laugh I've had since the debate and all that's been said about Biden and NOT been said about the Greatest of ALL Time Liar Trump. I am cheered up immensely. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Mary Jean. Laughter is the best medicine. I really should be a speech writer for Biden. But sometimes I think I should be a writer for SNL or Stephen Colbert. I'm on a roll!


ALL women love me so much that the National Organization For Woman was going to give me the award for "Man Of the Year" but Biden's Femi-Nazi Justice Department stopped them. 🤣

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Jun 29Edited

True enough. On the other hand, it's clear to me that Biden's debate skills suck. However, I'm not voting for Debater in Chief - or some kind of goddamn Swine Caller in Chief! SoooooWeeeeee! My vote for Biden as POTUS >remains< unchanged. I'm not even moved to reconsider voting for Biden in November, while my likelihood to vote for Newsome in '28 has increased tenfold!

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We cannot honestly project since we don't even no what will happen tomorrow.

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Jun 29Edited

True enough. However, you may find this piece of counterintuitive interest:


(Hell! >Everything< about elections seems counterintuitive, these days!)

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Constantly, tirelessly, and all the way to November! Trump has gotten away with proverbial murder with his lies. We need to all stand up to him and heckle back! (Sorry, but that's what bullies require - language they can understand.)

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Right you are, Sari! Biden should have done this during the debate. Stating the obvious in NC was too late.

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Winner, winner, chicken dinner

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Why do Democrats attack their candidate for one bad performance? The SOTU speech hit it out of the park! That wasn’t long ago! His campaign managers should have said that Presidents don’t debate Felons, Rapists and Seditionist-inciters! And why the hell pick CNN owned by a RIGHT WING billionaire!!!?

Robert, your question goes straight to Biden’s presidential abilities rather than talking about Trump’s non-answers..he offered ZERO ideas to move the country forward…just the tired out lie that he’ll “make america great again”.

You should gripe about the lack of fact checking! No surprise that CNN did nothing about trump’s lies.

Here is a list of Biden accomplishments. But please, if he has a bad day, flush him down the toilet so we can help put a Felon Fascist in power!

*Biden passed much needed legislation after trump mangled the pandemic, destroyed the economy and led a deadly INSURRECTION to overthrow the government.

*Biden lowered unemployment from 6.3% to 3.5% and has held the unemployment rate below 4% for the longest period in 50 years!

*Biden created 15 million jobs in a little over 3 years (A Record).

*Bidenomics grew the economy at 3.1% last year and reduced inflation to 1.9% from 9%.

*Biden cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan

*Re-joined the Paris Agreement to fight Climate Change

*Provided $10k-$20k college debt relief for those who earn under $125k/yr.

*Biden united the West to help Ukraine fight Russia.

*Biden passed the first gun safety legislation in thirty years.

The following legislation was also passed during Biden's first term:

*bipartisan Infrastructure legislation

*The Electoral Count Act

*Science and CHIPS Act

*Respect for Marriage Act

*American Rescue Plan

*PACT Act (expands VA health benefits)

*Inflation Reduction Act (2022)

*Biden cracked down on junk fees

*Banned non-competes for workers

*Banned medical debt from Credit Reports

*Capped drug prices for seniors

*Expanded overtime pay

*Capped credit card fees

Trump’s turn….based on another commenter..author unknown

Donald launched his political career on the racist lie Barack Obama wasn't born in America

Donald called for the death penalty - and still won't apologize after their exoneration - for 5 innocent Black and Latino teenagers

Donald was accused of saying the N-word

Donald was sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination

Donald became the first Presidential candidate to say there'd be a "bloodbath" if he lost

Donald failed to lead our country during

COVID and suggested Americans inject themselves with bleach

Donald said there were "very fine people" among the crowd of white nationalists and neo-Nazis who chanted "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville

Donald dreamed of a "unified Reich" if he was to win in November

Donald called veterans who gave their lives for our country "suckers" and


Donald lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden by more than 7 million votes

Donald lost 61 court cases after his election loss

Donald "lit that fire" of the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6

Donald has promised to pardon the violent rioters who attacked law enforcement on Jan. 6 who he called

"hostages" and "warriors"

Donald was the first presidential candidate to ask a state's Secretary of State to "find" him 11,780 votes

Donald posted a $175 million bond in his fraud judgment

53. Donald oversaw the largest single-year increase in violent crime ever recorded

54. Donald was sued by U.S. Capitol Police


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"His campaign managers should have said that Presidents don’t debate Felons, Rapists and Seditionist-inciters!"

That was my position. I said don't debate anybody who doesn't accept that he is the legitimately elected president. (No Democrat should.) If they denied the results in 2020 they are likely to do it again; it's subverting democracy so why honor their dishonesty?

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I never wanted to see Biden debate Trump. Reich's worst fears were realized: Trump looking strong (and unusually hinged) and Biden looking weak. They misjudged. What else ?

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You don’t seem to be as incensed as I am! Aside from a few warriors, the Democratic Party is not willing to fight for anything except donations for their re-election! I’m old enough to remember the traitors in the GOP dressing up in their Demi-God’s daily outfit and cheering him on….where was the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth when he was found guilty of all 34 counts of fraud? I will vote BLUE all the way down the ballot for BIDEN, who in my opinion has saved the @DNC from oblivion! You should all address this injustice to our President….or find a more moral person to take your place!

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Trying to reason with a sociopath is like trying to fly out of a waterfall !!

All the reasons and proofs brought forward are and always will be diminished if not pulverised by the bully.

This is not about JB's personality solely, it is about Democrats and about their ability to keep restrained a loose bully and to put a STOP to it once and for all.

That's why no debate with a bully is ever going to do any good to JB (or any other for that matter) or opening willingly a platform (like CNN did ) to the bully to spew lies and poison with no restraints whatsoever!

Justice should be done by the law and by the not corrupt lawyers and judges.

A Society without restraints is a wild wild west place , free for all the lawless people to do whatever they want with no real consequences.

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What happened here was boys playing in the sandbox.

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Also: America's candidate doesn't have ALZHEIMERS! Remember: his criminal daddy died in his 90s WITH ALZHEIMERS. The difference? Bunkerboy is MORBIDLY OBESE, so his disease moved significantly faster.

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I agree about Biden’s accomplishments; but, I am afraid that he’s perceived as weak and not mentally alert; and may lose the election to a criminal and felon who is totally unfit to run for the Office of the President of the United States. ▪️

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He’s not perceived as weak. The right wing media puts this crap out there, even though he is standing next to a FELON, RAPIST, SEDITIONIST. The debate WAS a poor performance. Trump has had 10 million bad performances.

Ask why Trump us allowed to run, not Biden. Quit biting on rightwing BS.

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We are only strong if we stand together. Internecine quarrels sap our strength by dividing us. Joe Biden had an off night, and showed how he act/reacts when he is under pressure on an off night. I love the guy, but want him to declare he is ready to retire of a suitable successor is willing to step up.

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Yes, this has nothing to do with his accomplishments in office or Trumps lies or the goodness of Biden or even loyalty to the President. This is about working the odds to win.

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Guess what…President Biden speaks before World Leaders who say nothing about his stutter! trump on the other hand, can crap himself in the middle of a speech! I am not making fun of it! Many older people need diapers, but I read up on Adderal addiction after it blew out of his nose at a meeting…..it causes bowel incontinence after years of abuse! During his trial, people were offended by the odor emanating from the Prosector’s table! Rapist, criminal, fascist, false prophet, liar, pedophile and drug addict! Quite a resume! 🐀💣💣. I forgot traitor!

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Nothing to do with accomplishments! Do you realize how stupid that is! It’s all about accomplishments!

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Okay, whether Biden should be replaced has something to do with his accomplishments, but for many voters, unfortunately, the disparity in clarity and

physical energy between the 2 candidates will be a or the primary factor in their vote. If it were all about accomplishments there would not be all this talk for Biden to step down. This is really about what is the best path for Dems to win in 2024.

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I think you will find, based on what I’m seeing across several chat groups that there is a big pushback from people who want Biden to stay. Robert Reich, Thom Hartmann, and about 10 others have heard mostly pushback on this.

By the way, I protest Biden’s handling of Israel/Gaza. The world is not with the US for good reason. Netanyahu is a right wing lunatic who should be taken out of power. And the US and our citizens are put at risk because of the actions of Israel & funding from the US. It is unfortunate that Israel is our intelligence for all the Middle East. I think that greatly complicates breaking off with Israel. They can strengthen themselves by bringing in an enemy state to us. Also, the Joint Chief of Staff provides that strategic direction for the president. What we need back is freedom of information from the press! Almost every single media conglomerate is owned by ultra right. This is as dangerous as trump himself.

Having said all this, I have a far larger fear of Trumpian Fascists edging in. Biden is surrounded by a pretty impressive administration. This is a life/death situation for the US. And Europe is in fear of us falling, as they become less protected as well. We can still fight past this, if Biden wins and we get a controllable majority in Congress. If not, SCOTUS snd the rest of the Fascists will prohibit us to protest, let alone change this outcome.

There is a post-Biden era for us but not a post-Trump one.

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SeekingReason, your concerns are entirely rational. Trump and his Republican backers intend to rule by unconstitutional means. Chaos will ensue.

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I generally agree but don't think it terribly relevant to the question whether Biden shoud be replaced to improve odds of winning.That's the issue, not who is more worthy of our vote.

We can also fight past this if another Democrat wins. Does not have to be Biden.

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Steve reed

Weak strong

Holy smokers!

A good portion of the democrats are brainwashed by the media BS.

Someone stands on a stage and spews insults and filthy lies and that makes him strong? Put your self in Biden shoes at the “debate”. I saw a stacked deck against Biden from the start. He was prepared to actually talk about the issues presented. Instead he was the target of a withering and totally untrue barrage of demagoguery. Think about that. You are the brunt of this attack and the only fact checker and person saying anything about it. Facing that was strength not weakness. CNN did a great job of setting tfg with a venue he could really use in his sick dispersal of lies and abuse. Who ever negotiated the rules, or rather the no rules of this matchup, must be on tfg payroll. This event was a mockery of a Presidential debate. The psycho won?

Not by a long shot!!!

I am 100% behind Biden for another term!

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You are correct: in marketing 'perception' is everything. That's why advertising is successful.

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Most Americans understand the concept that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

In the Navy, we used to say that "One Aw-Sh*t wipes out a thousand Atta-Boys." Enabling the mass-killing and horrific wounding of thousands of innocent children and woman is one serious Aw-Sh*t.

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Thomas -- When you get down to it, anything we Americans do harms our planet -- our dependence on fossil fuels, the consumption choice we make, the "greed is good" mentality of many of our business leaders and legislators (the list goes on). oe Biden has spearheaded progressive legislation (as in, progress toward rebuilding the country in an ecologically-helpful way). He doesn't make policy for Israel or for any other staunch ally. Jawboning goes only so far with a hardliner like Netanyahu.

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True about Netanyahu — but all Biden had to do was stop the flow billions of dollars worth of weapons to be used for ethnic cleansing and war crimes.

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Thank you so much for that much-needed jerk awake! Thank you for your time in compiling that LO-O-O-NG LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS FOR US! Much appreciated!

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Concerns about Biden's ability has been long-lived, it is not based on one bad performance. The lack of interviews and press conferences reveals the concerns about his ability to respond without a script. This was painfully evident in his "comeback" in Raleigh last night. He is so dependent on teleprompters that he can't spontaneously respond to cheers from the crowd: he has to stick to the script. This will become an issue for pundits ere too long.

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Cletus, bullshit. You must not see Biden in crowds. He looks people in their eyes, is sympathetic, he listens and he is genuine in his care. I’m sorry you’re so easily sucked in to the right wing propaganda machine or you’re just trolling. Biden has been traveling the world taking care of US business, he caught a cold and clearly needed rest. Trump on the other hand is a 34 count felon, seditionist traitor, rapist, who spews lies endlessly. Trump is psychopathic as well as suffering dementia and delusions. Biden has done an excellent job so far despite a totally uncooperative republican majority. Republicans NEVER would throw away their candidate after one poor performance, that’s why we can’t get past them!

Quit helping the Felon with a plan for NAZI USA!

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Seeking Reason, I am sensing your fear. The only people we can blame for this awful presidential cycle is us--the people. We didn't protest enough when it was obvious our country had elected a behaviorally ill man, and we continued not to take him seriously enough in his term as president. So we don't have time now for 'sour apples' or calling names. We must course-correct for the sake of the nation; plus, not rely upon insiders who may have motives not even relating to the desires of the American people. But we have a collective voice and need to use it.

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President Biden's issue? He is a STUTTERER like me! Mine came back after a brain injury in my early 20s, his came back from age.

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Your take on Biden’s invisibility on TV interviews is a RIOT! MSM has very little interest in President Biden…..it is owned by the wealthy, who he told point blank, he will reverse trump’s obscene tax break of 2017, and not replace it! He will audit their tax returns, and make certain they pay their fair share in taxes, now they pay only 8%!!! Check your return!! Traitor trump has promised them another enormous tax break over and above the previous ones, even he has to cut Social Security to do it!

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Bunkerboy spent 130,000% of his a-time PRETENDING his administration wasn't a COMPLETE FAILURE . . . aside from tanking his own party.

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Daniel H L, He lives in a world of delusion and self grandeur. Great traits for prez! 🙄

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Yes, SeekingReason! Well said!!

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Biden has done many good things, He could do one more, decide that the Presidency is a job for a younger man or women, and he's ready t pass the torch to someone with the courage, and stamina to carry on the fight.

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I love you SeekingReason!

Here is the curriculum to launch public education to this scum who will not president!

How can we put this in front of those who can make it happen?

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Thanks M J - we only have smaller venues like Free-Speech TV and numerous Substacks, chat rooms etc. But the right wingers listen in carefully and troll all of these. They already announced that Biden’s debate performance isn’t succeeding in deflating the Dems. That’s what I have seen. I think we’re hitting turning points and the public will no longer buy into the republican slams on Biden when they support a deadly seditionist inciter, 34 count Felon (so far) and rapist!! The fact that Rs can distract from the orange Fascist disaster is what happening when the media is bought out by the right wing.

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This was the latest of many events showing Biden's declining competence.

Biden & Trump agreed not to have fact-checking during the debate.

Biden is also a war criminal actively supporting genocide as we speak.

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Sure, but Bunkerboy is PRO-FACIST. Anything and everything President Biden does bad, the failed ex-president does WORSE.

A lesser of two evils this time involves THE END OF DEMOCRACY.

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Genocide is genocide. Even T probably can't do worse than that.

Do you mean the democracy where the party and Congress ignore the will of the majority, where the Supreme Court ignores the Constitution, where the system constantly transfers wealth to the already-wealthy??

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A million people died in this country because the orange FELON denied Covid was dangerous! Funny how you fail to see reality. You sound like your dear leader.

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I detest Trump and all he stands for. I wish Biden really was a moral person who knows right from wrong — but he is also committing felonies under US law (and war crimes under international law). That is reality. . . . I could never vote for a maniac like Trump and I could never vote for someone who is an active partner in genocide. Too bad the corrupt leaders of the major parties couldn't come up with decent, trustworthy candidates.

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So many genocides occur around the world. It is an atrocity. But have you been screaming about other genocides? If you say it’s because of US $ being used, I consider you as immoral as you accuse others. Wars are forms of genocides. But ignoring EVERYTHING Biden has done makes you as hyper focused as MAGA. And blind to realities of Fascism here which WILL result in death for numerous groups of people and the loss of rights. Do you understand what Fascism will do? We are part way there with book banning, pushing christian religion in schools, oppressing people of color, and deadly consequences for LGBTQIA also.

We will never get past this point if we don’t re-elect Biden…because we will have a choice after him.

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Peter -- It is tempting to hold oneself above the fray and not sully one's shirtsleeves with the dirty business of politics, but please think again. Polishing your halo will do nothing to bring about the better world for which I surmise you hope would emerge without any help from you. I sincerely hope you will find a way to support a Democrat for president, even if he does not live up to your ideals.

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Biden has been secretly blocking arms shipments to Israel. Google "letter cotton Biden ".

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Let's hope good news is on the way...

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Peter, regarding Biden as a "war criminal," well, I think he's just living in the past as influenced by all the talk via the holocaust after WW11, and the Pentagon supports military aid there because there's money to be made--tragically. Biden isn't looking at the big picture and realizing, no matter what, injustice in one place is injustice everywhere--think Bosnia, Sudan today, etc. Hopefully, because of instant global news, people are no longer ignorant of injustices. I certainly hope the tragedy in the Middle East can be resolved as it continues to be a heartbreaker of major consequences. I share your pain of the situation. Plus, I didn't know there was a no fact-check agreement that's dumb! It's not favoring truth. Again, this all needs course-correction to save democracy. CNN made gobs from the debate in terms of getting more clicks and viewers. Ugh.

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Biden knew beforehand what Trump's lies would be, and he should have started from there.

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The situation in Palestine may be a heartbreaker, but it is genocide. As a signatory to the Genocide Convention, the US is required to do everything within its power to prevent and stop genocide; instead the US vetoes ceasefire resolutions and violates international and US law by supplying arms to Israel. Complicity in genocide is also a crime under the Convention.

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Peter, I totally agree with you. Sadly, there are not enough people that care enough to collectively gather and force human decency. I am reading Dr. James Doty's book "Mind Magic," whereby he explains why people behave the way they do and how we can rewire our brains so our decisions are made not for selfish, fearful motives but to find meaning for oneself and others too. I think you would enjoy his book. It has helped me confirm why people make crazy choices and that's about two-thirds of our society! But we can overcome this tragic situation.

Peter I sense you are using the positive network in your brain that supports meaning instead of despair and destruction. Have a pleasant weekend! Joan

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Doty's book sounds interesting. Is it new? (I've never seen it) I'll see if I can find a copy in the library.

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Peter, the book came out in May so it's new. Also, I suggest you google Dr. Doty on the internet since there have been some great interviews with him done by hosts of many podcasts. Have a peaceful weekend! Joan

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Peter - so what should voters do? Throw the "war-criminal" (so-called) out and prosecute him, while thus ensuring the election of an actual criminal as our President?

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Don't kid yourself — Biden is an actual criminal, even if he hasn't been indicted.

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Sorry, but I found his state-of-the-union speech mediocre and not that impressive even in terms of content. People forget that great achievements have been done by others in his potion as president. But he's my vote for now until something else occurs and I bet something will change the course of these events. TBC.

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For the next debate:

1. No split screens;

2. Candidates in SEPARATE rooms so they can’t see each other (but TV’s so they can hear what they said);

3. Instruct them to answer the question in their time limit. If they don’t and go off on a tangent, their mic should be cut off;

4. Fact check along the way. If it is a lie, let the audience watching know it’s a lie by telling the candidate it is a lie. (Otherwise, the uninformed will believe it as TRUTH. The other candidate shouldn’t have to waste their time explaining their opponent’s lies);

5. Have the debate in the morning. Biden is a morning person. Trump is a night owl. It’s only fair to have it when it is beneficial to Biden this time;

6. Have a question that asks about Project 2025, Trump’s dictatorship plan;

7. Ask Trump what he would do with NATO, Social Security, Medicare and Climate Change.

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I think the questions Trump didn’t answer should he shoved at him daily until he answers

1) what will he do with the immigrants currently here illegally ? How will he handle the border and lack of security ?

2) what will he do with social security and Medicare - will he make sure it is solvent?

3) will he continue to support Ukraine?

4) will he make sure climate change is addressed and a plan in place to address air, water and pollution?

5) will he support NATO ?

6) will he back a background check for all gun sales and a minimum age of 21 to buy a gun?

7) since the majority of women in America think abortion is healthcare, how will he protect a women’s right to choose on abortion , contraceptives and IVF?

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Excellent questions. We need to find out the moderators and email these well in advance. (A few days in advance doesn’t give them time. They won’t even look at it).

But I don’t understand WHY the media isn’t wondering why they didn’t ask these obvious questions. What people want to know! NOT who’s better at golf which was Trump’s focus.

Read HCR’s excellent newsletter on the debate:


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Marlo, as an advocate for journalism, this was an awful showing by CNN! What seems to be happening is insiders having too much power over the news media. This is as scary to me as Trump! Our oligarchy and fascism is two sides of the same coin. We are in trouble more than most realize with a growing dystopia.

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Read Heather Cox Richardson's great response, Joan, and stop worrying!

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Heather Cox is another voice who is privileged. We all have our versions of reality based on culture, background, etc.

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She's "privileged" in what way, Joan? Because she studied hard and made something respectable of herself, and now she can speak in a way that makes people want to listen? I would say that she is a very positive contributing voice who has a lot to offer.

"Versions of reality"? Sounds like something the Ult-right Republican'ts would say! Are you sure you're not secretly pitching for the maggot? I am beginning to suspect that is the case.

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The lies about trumps “expertise” at golf, made me laugh! Serious golfers will not play with a cheater….trump not only cheats, he blatantly cheats! Instead of debating it, a clear headed Joe Biden, would have said….”In the four years of your presidency, you had time on your hands, every weekend, to perfect your game; how often do you practice now?”

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To say trump “won the debate” is asinine! There was no debate! trump didn’t answer one question seriously, changed the subject, many times! Lied with everything he said, including his economy! Everyone said President Biden froze…I think he was flabbergasted! Who would expect those blatant lies to go unchecked? I was appalled that it continued, with no rebuttal…a man who lies as often as he takes a breath…..only an idiot or some one who pays no attention to politics, would believe his BS! Please for God’s sake EDUCATE yourself before you pull the lever….your children and grandchildren, will be the victims if you don’t! Project 2025 is ChristoFascism is this what you want for your children….wealthy ministers teaching classes on their so called Christian values??? Child molesters, who have never been prosecuted, with no Education degree because they need a job? This is war….

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a fact check scrolling at the botom of the picture would have really exposed T.

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Hand feeding Biden should not be necessary. He needs to resign before our democracy is forever lost.

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It would take Biden to resign. It’s complicated with the delegates, etc.

A bigger complication:

who would be his replacement?

He has proven to be a good decision maker, the most important thing. He puts the country first. He has integrity and he is clever.

Trump is a convicted felon. He encouraged an insurrection! He stole top secret documents and KEPT them. He LIES and he is going to be a DICTATOR and yet no one is talking about replacing HIM.

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SO . . . TRUE!

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Luckily, those of us with cooler heads will not want to lose the President we already have! All of Biden’s record breaking achievements, go under reported! We cannot lose him! We need a Blue House and Senate which will give him his BBB agenda! This will make life easier for working families! And despite lies the GOP and the orange POS traitor, tell you, reversing trumps obscene tax cut for the wealthy…and the audits so they pay their fair share, will pay for it! Only in a fascist regime do hard working families barely afford to live, while the elitists pay less taxes than they do!@DNC

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Spoken like a Johnny Come Lately to the political scene! Those of us who follow politics, know that the Biden wins that were accomplished during the past 31/2 years, were achieved in spite of the fact there was only one functioning political party! GOP with their ridiculous impeachment inquiries did nothing but waste time! Only MAGA cult believes their lies! He is an honest man who will make sure the wealthy pay their fair share! This is why MSM bashes him every chance they get! Most are monopolies owned and controlled by the wealthy! I am ridin’ with Biden!

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This is beginning to sound like justifications for the South's lost cause: if only General Lee hadn't done this, or that.

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So you think Biden should resign? Who would replace him at this late date? Is there enough time to “sell” that candidate?

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Yes, there's a lot of time in the marketplace to well position another candidate.

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I would agree, except that someone might then ask, "Who would you put forward then?" and my answer would have to be, "No comment", because I really don't know. That is to the high and moghty of the Democratic Party to decide, not for the likes of me (or others on this blog),

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Under a Representative democracy, the people decide who they desire. Historically, our founding fathers warned of the danger inherent in having parties gain too much influence that favors their own interest over that of the people. You are important to the process and can get involved in selecting candidates: that is what works best for all and not just a few.

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Joan - I honestly haven't a clue who would be a good candidate who meets all the criteria I have mentioned -- relative youth, stamina, experience, stable personality and wise to the ways things get done in Washington. Joe prevailed in the 2020 primaries as a "uniter" and not just an alternative to DJT -- is that still possible? I do not believe so. The Wise Elders of the Party will doubtless have some ideas.

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WAPO suggests a list of 10 Dems that qualify.

The Guardian on Friday morn had a list of 6 Dems. Some of the suggested appear on WAPOs .

PBS Washingto Week discussed the how(s) and the requirements to advance a different candidate. Easiest route would be for Biden to step down based on his own decision.

His insistence on re running for the office was the first selfish move by Biden et al .

His digging in is a second selfish act. If trump wins , call Biden to complain about our loss of democracy...and every other nightmare that follows.

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Excellent! I think ABC is hosting the next one.

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Depending on what happens, I don't envision another debate with the same players.

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trump lied from beginning to end! Joe was hardly in top form, between globe trotting and a cold! I am 77 had a cold at Christmas, and did not take my tree down until almost Valentine’s Day! No one questions my abilities! This was an important time for Joe to really shine! His staff should have requested a postponement! God knows trump is a master of postponing his criminal cases…..ask the thousands of people he has conned who ran out of money waiting for a court date! He is a master!p

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What do you mean, Joan? It's stupid to even hold another "debate" because the maggot will never play by the rules. I wish everyone would QUIT predicting Biden's demise. IMO, the best thing to do would be to let Biden keep running -- AND working -- on his agendas and plans, let him win, and then his health and abilities can be monitored as he goes. Wasn't it Woodrow Wilson's wife who stepped in and took over once Pres. Wilson became too ill to govern? Worse things have happened!

Please stop acting like you have all the answers. You don't.

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Biden should have simply deflected all questions as Trump did and repeat these points against Trump: 1) Incompetent business man who ran for president in 2016 to avoid his seventh bankruptcy and was elected thanks to Putin. 2) The main reason Trump is running again is to avoid accountability. 3) Not only America but the whole free world cannot afford to have a crooked and incompetent businessman as president. Nothing else needs to be said because the facts speak for themselves.

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yeah, but you should have added a repeat of "convicted felon"

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There is absolutely no reason for the President to drop out of the election! This was not a debate! trump lied every time he opened his mouth! If you put the sequences of lies together, he was repeating his usual talking points from his mediocre rallies! Half the time President Biden looked astounded at the vitriol coming from the traitors mouth! There was also no fact checking after this ridiculous “debate” sequence! The talking heads couldn’t wait to start in on Joe’s poor performance! He was sick and should have asked for a last minute postponement……trump is the master of his criminal postponements…..many now scheduled well after the election!

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Agreed, agreed, agreed, could not agree more!!!!! Biden needs to quit being Mr. Nice Guy, especially when it comes to looking after his own needs!

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Replying to dameemstr - There is a reason for Joe to pass the torch -- actually, millions of them. I am referring to the millions of people who saw our president look helpless and clueless, stumble over his words, repeatedly make verbal gaffes...and this in a situation for which he has been preparing for weeks. He shure wasn't the Joe Biden who commanded the room giving his State of the Union Address just a few months ago.

After the debate even seasoned Democratic politicians have to be wondering which Biden gets that 3 am call saying, "Mr. President an American warship has just been sunk by an enemy missile." We need a new candidate.

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Biden’s clogged head was full of facts and figures…he didn’t need to provide! This was not a debate….trump lied, didn’t answer what they asked! Used his rebuttal time for more lies! Acted like the pompous deceiving ass he is! And got away with it by a station that is in trumps corner! My advice is to cancel CNN NYT and WaPo, I already have! The only thing the wealthy owners will understand is loss of revenue!#WelfareQueens2017 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐀💣💣

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In reply to damemestr - With respect to you and the news to which you subscribe, it would be like making an own goal to cut oneself off from news sources simply because they report from a point of view which does not completely support your own. The analysis and editorials offered by CNN, NYT and WaPo are read by many millions, are authored by responsible, professional journalists and editors who are not afraid of reporting or offering opinions which may conflict with readers' views. I frequently see the NYT criticized by supporters of Democratic candidates (typically of the "which side are they on, anyway?" query when something mildly negative about Joe Biden is printed). The answer should be, "they are on the side of reporting on and printing news and views which are relevant to the issue."

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Obviously, you are on the side of Project 2025! I didn’t read the 90 page manifesto in either WaPo or NYT! Since Project 2025 is a Christo-Fascist entity that is using trump as a stooge to get into our political arena, there are enemies against our republic that are not being exposed by them!

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Dameemstr - you wrote, "Obviously, you are on the side of Project 2025". To which I reply, "You could not be more wrong if you really, really tried."

My position is that we should not avoid engaging with people whose viewpoints challenge our own. I do not mean that time spent listening to Trump's or Trumpers' lies is worthwhile.

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President Biden had a bad day. He has a cold and was a little foggy ( much like I feel with a cold). He is still an excellent candidate, especially in comparison to the habitual liar Trump. Biden’s speeches today were very good and he seemed more “with it” and he acknowledged his poor performance at the debate. It’s not like he is walking around in a constant daze. He is still the better candidate in my opinion. I don’t know who Democratic leadership would replace him with at this late date or that it would make a difference. Trump is still the same liar he always has been and he is only out for number one.

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The past four years, President Biden has had many accomplishments, the media NEVER covers! He got Mexico to pay 5 Billion towards Border Security, yet you never hear him brag about it! He put together a Windfall Profits Tax that would stop price gouging after the Pandemic…the GOP voted 100% against it! Now their wealthy donors are making record profits on Groceries and Fuel! The only two areas working people judge the economy for! With a Blue House and Senate…there is no end to what he will accomplish for the working people….you know the ones who actually PAY their taxes! The wealthy will pay their fair share, which is the reason they donate millions to the trump campaign! He not only wants to extend the obscene tax credit…..he will give them an additional tax credit of the same magnitude, even if he has to cut Social Security to do it!

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The show on Thursday was absolutely disgusting, but I wasn't surprised! I'll take a meek, humble human being over someone parading around thinking he is God. I'm sick and tired of it all, but greatly appreciate your efforts to maintain a level of civility and truth on the subject of politics and our lives!!!

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I think Biden needs a team of aggressive “dogs “ to follow up with the lies Trump puts out. These researchers or watchdogs need to catch trump telling lies on camera and put together ads that show (prove) they are lies. the people need to see with their own eyes that Trump is lying to them and that he is lying to them on a continual basis. . He needs to be called out every time he tells lies.

This needs to be as relentless as trump is and even more so if possible.

Find a pair of spokespersons to be the face of these ads showing the truth to trumps lies. They need to be credible and they need a team of people to capture as many moments as possible, plus a team to assemble/produce them.

No matter who trump is up against, his lying needs to be exposed early and often.

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The WaPo Fact Checker column with Glenn Kessler has done an excellent job of listing all the lies, and even included Biden's misleading answers. The list for Trump is so long I am still reading it! But I am determined to see my way through!

The irony of all of this is that T-rumpus is even being allowed to run at all! And that this terrible victimization of Americans is still happening after 9 damn long years!

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All viewers saw that Biden was not even capable of "saving " himself debate night. All of the "muscled" oversight people in these responses are calling for, would not be necessary if B. was not in such decline.

He needs to resign before our democracy is lost!

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I'll admit I was looking for the sharpness of the SOTU address or how well he spoke at the D Day observances. But I still back Biden. Trump would be a disaster to return to the WH.

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Biden will get my vote, even if he is on a stretcher and oxygen. Because I trust that his team are cohesive, and know the right direction that this country should be going. Also the alternative will be catastrophic.

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I'm with you on this, I will support Biden/Harris even if Joe is on life-support. Even if he needs to be in a wheelchair like FDR, who Joe most reminds me of. I trust Kamala almost as much too! But seriously, I would vote for ANYONE WHO IS NOT tRumPutin!

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Thanks Professor and Heather for a useful conversation. I think the country was ill served with this “debate” which was skillfully constructed like a reality show to give an advantage to a party trying to overthrow democracy making it feel normal. Too many folks drank that cool aid unchallenged which is why we’re having these post debate conversations. If this had been constructed as a useful debate, Trump would not have joined. But he was accommodated just to be a player it seems. Too bad, but we must keep struggling to preserve our democracy. Failure is not an option.

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My poll response: I really wanted Bernie Sanders to be the nominee in 2016 and 2020. That said, I have been pleasantly surprised by the Biden administration on most issues. Everyone is saying that if Biden is replaced there is no chance it will be with someone from the progressive wing of the party. If we can't have a progressive nominee, I'd rather stick with Biden.

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Yes Houston, we have a problem, but that is no reason to abandon the idea of helping this country by giving it to a fool like Trump. Donnie Boy's diaper is full, do we change it or send them both to the cleaners? To those who feel their glass is half empty, it most likely is, deal with it. However, put Trump in a place where he belongs. On a heavy-duty bassinet over seen by someone with a strong stomach. The fool has no place in our political system, as 40 of his original 44 member staff said Trump has no business ever being President of this country at any point in our future. Could they be wrong, I doubt it. Our Chicken Littles are running scared.

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I expected more, but refuse to give a #$%& Hitleresque, demigod the right to steer our ship. The non-debate, because it was not a true debate, was disappointing and yes, if there was another strong candidate in the wings to be considered, maybe a change, but I think it is too late to change the democratic course/ candidate. I do think Biden can continue to keep us on the right path.

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The current party in power is headed by the duo of Biden and Harris. These two individuals are fully capable of running this country. When looking at Trump, his ticket is incomplete. How can anyone support a man who hasn't declared his running mate? No doubt Trump's partner in crime will be just that, a collusive individual that will be nothing more than a yes figure inserted to satisfy the mob. I don't know about you, but Trump's ability to find anyone of consequence in the field of possible running mates is questionable. Once decided upon I think public opinion will denounce Trump's choice. Why sail on a vessel that is full of holes when you have one completely sea worthy at your disposal. Trump is a bottom dweller, and that is precisely where his ship is headed.

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Trump can’t even pick a VP or answer a question - geez at least a dog can be trained to do a couple of simple exercises

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Susan, Project 2025 is funding trump, and using the brain dead stooge to enter our political arena with his notoriety! If this were not true, he would have had a complete month of publicity out of it…making the contenders jump through hoops for his approval! 2025 will choose the VP, and as soon as trump makes a pest of himself, pull the 25th Amendment and get rid of him once and for all! He is a means to and end for Christo-Fascism to end our Republic….nothing more! All hat and no cattle!

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It's going to be Vance because he's the most awful possibility. He scares me half to death.

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Great analogy! So true!

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