May 7, 2022Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Thanks for these Sat chats you two. Good for my soul! Re why don't Dems play hardball very well: it's occurred to me that this "softness" is an inevitable unfortunate side effect of Dems' positive qualities including our NON authoritarian instincts and our ability to think broadly, put ourselves in others' shoes, entertain intelligent self doubt. These good qualities make us harder to herd (herding cats!) and more cautious about exxageration, hyperbole, sloppy pronouncements of "fact", which are pretty handy for playing hardball.

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Well, I keep praying that Ginni Thomas is revealed to be the leaker. She has abetted and enabled her husband in their right wing agenda. They never even declared her salary as a lobbyist early in his term, and she brags about "access" to her clients. This is such a breech of ethics that I can't see why Chief Justice Roberts has not called it out. Nevermind, that the Supremes aren't covered by the code of ethics in lower courts. Justice Thomas needs to go, and even though it won't change the balance. (The preceding is a Left Wing fantasy, of course, but I think Justice Brown Jackson is going to put some of these Republican appointees to shame. I give Biden credit for appointing her when other Black women with lesser conviction were put forward. Democrats just need to keep being bold.)

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May 7, 2022Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Thank you, Heather, for saying aloud what I have been feeling for some time now: the Dems are losing, constantly. And thank you, Professor Reich, for saying something else that I have been thinking: "might is right" is inexorably replacing civilized, lawful behavior. As others have noted, these two are likely connected. I've also been wondering why those Dems in positions of power (the people we elected to be our leaders),--who can affect real change--aren't. There seems to be no plan, no pushback, just feeble bleating into the wind. Bills that pass one chamber of Congress don't count. Nor do hearings that only a teensy fraction of Americans (i.e. us) will ever know or care about. The brief spike of hope that I felt when Biden/Harris were elected and the American Rescue Plan passed is long gone. :(

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How can we get through this?

Question with your question.

Why haven't the lawyers filed motions for disqualification of Thomas, Alito and Roberts and asked for a separate emergency hearing?

28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a)Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

Alito, Thomas have made extrajudicial statements about Roe for years. Thomas also has conflict problems. Roberts knew or should have known about the extrajudicial statements. Alito is the last person he should have named to write a majority opinion.

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Reich - you missed it. Why do Democrats always seem to lose? The answer is that the Democrats are not a united party; it is quite splintered. We have moderates from fairly red states who need to compromise in order to get reelected. As long as Congressional lines are gerrymandered, we will not have a united party. Without a united party, we cannot defeat the right wing who may be in a minority but dominate enough states to pull off wins. Remember how did the Dakotas become two states to begin with? Because the South needed those Senate votes. You need to recognize the conservative nature of our Constitution.

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I listened, I always listen —- but somehow missed the part about how we get through this!

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I have been saying the same thing for years! Repugnicans subscribe to Hitlers theory of Total War! Democrats do not have the money to wage total war let alone the inclination to be unfair! We would prefer to wage a gentlemanly war based on reason and fairness! By nature, we are considered weak because of our compassion and sense of fair play! To criminals we are considered to be weak! We never play hardball! The institutional advantage or bias is in the favor of right wing theorists! Big money exerts big propaganda influence and economic blackmail! We do have to mobilize in the same fashion and adopt total war! It’s the only way democracy can survive! I’m telling everyone to mark my words and heed my warning! We are going to have to adopt this nature bending philosophy! The war in Ukraine is a perfect example of the liberal Democratic west dragging its feet while for survival Ukraine has to adopt total war! Being optimistic does not serve us well!

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I really don't understand the Democrats nowadays. (This has been true for a while so it's not exactly nowadays!) I have read that the American voters are moving steadily and surely in a progressive direction: they want an end to squabbling and pussy-footing around and a concerted move to passing legislation that will help people and work on making this a better country for people to live and work in. They want to see things accomplished with their taxes; they want to see the credibility and integrity of the country restored; they want the US to be an example (or a positive example) to the world and lead globally, nationally, and in their communities. Instead, we are stuck dealing constantly with Donald J Trump and the disastrous policies (and people) he has inflicted on the nation. We have people such as Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy grabbing the reins of power; decrying the policies and decisions of the former Trump and yet, in the end, vowing to vote for him once again as President. (One would have thought that this would have created an uproar (seeing where Trump has left us) but, no, the Democrats meekly and obsequiously bow to the entire Trump continuation in power; they yield him a seat at the table and mildly retreat to the sidelines. If the Democrats want to exercise their power and majorities in the Congress and the Executive Branch, they will have to step on a few toes, they will have to assert themselves (and their mandate). The GOP has repeatedly shown itself to be subsumed into the Trump World and is content to remain (and prosper) in that world. But, in a way, the Democrats are worse as there is apparently nothing they will stand up for; no one they will go out on a limb for; no ideal or principle from which they will not budge. I feared this would happen and that is the reason I went for Sanders as, whatever one calls him, Bernie had ideals, principles, core beliefs. Our present leader is only too willing to get along by going along with whatever the GOP (Trump) decides on. My question is: What is it that the President of the United States and the Democratic Party will stand for unequivocally? Is there anything at all that means anything? Or do they plan on caving in on any principle, precedent, or rule of law in order to obey the will of the minority that is the Government of the former president, Donald J Trump? (I fear that this is so! And if it is, we are doomed. Let's look to President Zelenskyy as a model of a real chief executive prepared to make the hardest of choices and not flinch.)

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D's are outfoxed because the R base is willing to be violent. They use this to intimidate and terrorize folks into silence, inaction and not voting. We should have had many massive protests since the 2016 election.

Stand up together for more than a single issue! We're the diverse party, I get it, but massive protests will work. We could have swayed Impeachment#2 had we protested in the millions, and J6 never would have happened.

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May 8, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

As you were discussing stare decisis, you seemed to imply that it is a legal principle that should not be violated. While I certainly agree and hope that this should be the case for Rove v Wade, I detect a historical flaw in the logic of that: There are decisions, viz., Dred Scott, that we would all agree should be overturned and the sooner the better. And identical fundamentalist arguments are advanced regarding Roe v Wade. There's a kind of Gordian Knot here, which Democrats always seem fond of attempting to untie. Republicans just grab the sword and hack at it. And democrats must learn that you never trust a Republican nominee who pays lip service to stare decisis, especially where civil rights are concerned. We are at a point in history not unlike the 1850s, where one party is busy playing by the rules and the other is busy hacking them apart. We desperately need someone of the stature and inventive genius of Lincoln.

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1) If the Constitution doesn’t require citizens to house the nation’s soldiers in their homes, how can a citizen be required to house a zygote/embryo/fetus in their body?

2) If Dem/Independent voters don’t vote at the same rate as Republicans, we *will not* have the democracy we treasure. I expect *voters* to be tough on Republican anti-democracy obstructionists. Our turnout in a state with online no-party registration, ballot in your mailbox weeks before Election Day, absentee ballots, Voters’ Guide to explain your choices and provide links to candidate websites, and postage-paid ballot return, was <85%.

3)Heather, re: scarecrow joke: Badda-boom

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What is all the more maddening: if today we stopped electing representatives who voted up/down on laws, and instead the citizens themselves voted up/down on laws - then we would be a notably PROGRESSIVE nation.

This Sunday night football- style politics is killing us, literally.

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I enjoy these coffee klatches and Professor Reich's unique ability to deliver even the most dire reflections in a calm and reassuring manner. I was wondering during today's conversation why the subject of expanding the Court didn't arise...it seems like something the GOP would do if the tables were turned.

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Great conversation….it is time for term limits in the SCOTUS and for “we the people” to rise up and take back the country in November

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UC linguist George Lakoff has explained DP weaknesses v. GOP determinations as 'understanding uncle' v. 'strict father', with the electorate instinctively veering toward the latter ..

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The Democrats do not have enough talented young people getting involved. Term limits is the only way out of this mess, including the Supreme Court.

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