Thank you Public Servant and thank you too all Civil Servants, but this is going to require the Courts and the determination of the majority not to accept a dictatorship.
Dear God I hope you’re not a bot. Maybe this time you guys can make him feel warm and fuzzy and go ahead and give him a moat and alligators somewhere. Children are easy to distract.
I want to thank you but in the back of my mind I hear an echo of MAGA saying "see I told you so....they are out to get us.. " If you're for real, Public Servant, do not share this.
Thank you so much. It warms my heart and gives me hope to know civil servants are protecting our democracy from the inside. You know how our government works better than anyone.
We’re on our way to becoming the 💩hole country Trumplethinskin rails about. Did he not say if elected we wouldn’t have to vote anymore?? Among those most guilty is Moscow Mitch and six of the Supremes enabling his kingship.
If you support the felon in his illegal activities that makes you complicit. If you think he's correct that birthright citizenship is not defined in the Constitution, that immigrant families should either be torn apart or their American citizen children should be deported, that the felon can refuse to release funds already allocated by Congress, that he can ignore contractual obligations toward federal employees, then you should worry about your own illegal activities.
"I did a study at a community mental health clinic in New York to evaluate the accuracy of therapists’ and caregivers’ evaluations who brought children in for treatment. I asked the children, their therapists, and their mothers to rate how they thought the children were feeling.
When I analyzed the data, I was amazed to discover that the therapists’ accuracy was about zero. And the mothers didn’t do any much better! There was pretty much no correlation between how the children felt and how their therapists (or mothers) thought they felt.
The errors were not trivial. For example, the mother of one little boy rated his depression and suicidal urges at zero. She was convinced that her son did not feel depressed, and the therapist agreed with this assessment.
How did the boy actually feel?
His depression and suicidal scores were at the top of the scale! In the margin of the assessment test, he wrote that he had borrowed a gun from a friend and had plans to kill himself on Friday. In this case, mind reading* almost resulted in the death of a little boy, but the assessment test alerted the mother and therapist to what was really going on and likely saved his life."
Dr. Haidt(2022):"It’s Going to Get Much Worse ...'We are immersed in an evolving, ongoing conflict: an Information World War in which state actors, terrorists, and ideological extremists leverage the social infrastructure underpinning everyday life to sow discord and erode shared reality,'...our institutions, our political system, and our society may collapse...We must harden democratic institutions so that they can withstand CHRONIC ANGER AND MISTRUST... and... prepare the next generation..."
Michelle, Toddler-Trump has no clue what the consequences are of the papers he signs. He just likes putting his name on things that he knows will hurt people. He hopes they will be people he doesn't like, (OK, that is everyone), but he doesn't understand or care. His handlers, also toddlers get gleeful as they hand him those papers they are pretty sure are illegal but since they know nothing of our constitution, our history, what it means to be anything but rich, white, and male, they are orgasmic at every Toddler-Trump signature. They love the power they have and just don't care about the consequences. It would be a great miracle if somehow birds flew into their meetings and somehow gave them all bird flu. It would be good if they could actually suffer. Then if medical personnel couldn't get to them quickly . . . OK, that is mean, but it is what I am feeling right now. These people surrounding Toddler-Trump are simply, evil and they are enabling each other!
The “will of the people”?! What people? Those who voted for a cretin to find his way back into the WH and wreak havoc on our way of life?! Those people? Shove it with the self-righteousness and hypocrisy regarding “illegal” activities. It’s Trump and his minions who are breaking the law and dismantling our Constitution.
We are going to have a hard time with this portion of our population. They are not simply "voters" any more but all too willing participants in a cult for way too many of them. It feels good to get good and angry at them but that will not serve us. We have to find ways of reaching them in a different way. This whole MAGA movement exists in large part due to keyboard warrior behaviors and which it is easy to demonize a faceless "other". I think if we find small issues here and there where we might see one another as "neighbors" and chip away slowly at first, at the tribalistic tendencies...we may begin to alter the political landscape for the positive. It will take discipline and patience in the face of our own betrayal and anger at them to resist the impulse to "bust chops" and be compassionate instead.
James, I would like to hear more messages like this one. “This whole MAGA movement exists in large part due to keyboard warrior behaviors and which it is easy to demonize a faceless "other". I think if we find small issues here and there where we might see one another as "neighbors" and chip away slowly at first, at the tribalistic tendencies...we may begin to alter the political landscape for the positive. It will take discipline and patience in the face of our own betrayal and anger at them to resist the impulse to "bust chops" and be compassionate instead.”
Thank you for saying this. It is how I see the dilemma as well, but feel as if I’m in the minority. I have made a decision to stop thinking of trump voters as my enemy, and instead remind myself as often as necessary that they are whole people. Humans are complicated. I believe we have more in common with them than not.
Well said by reasonable, thinking citizens! To clear the air: I do not think of TRUMPIES as my enemies, never did! I feel very sorry for them as they "do not know" what they are doing to themselves and the country - I know they love it as much as anyone. Even the billionaires getting even richer on this scheme are a sorry bunch of human beings- and have sold they souls to the devil (German Philosopher Wolfgang Goethe's FAUST character). My German ancestors and grandparents could tell us Americans what may become "legal" next time around.
I'll say this to that, almost none of our neighbors support this insanity in any way, fortunately; our neighbors aren't the ones "in need of convincing."
Those who claim to represent the "will of the people" tend to be terrorists. We still have a representative form of government for that reason. Are you aware of that?
I agree. ConOld’s administration is acting illegally and should find justice swiftly and experience first hand the consequences. Deport all his immigrant family members. President Musk. And all republican criminals wherever they are should now be arrested and held in concentration pens pending ?
I would give up all hope of swift justice. As justifiable as it seems...we know t hat no one is coming to rescue us from the shit show. We are going to have to fight for what is right...and hope that it never gets to the point of armed resistance.
We don't really know if this post is real - do we? Cheap AI distractions will do us all in by wasting time and energy - their objective. Of course, we can do the same to them - but playing their games is a so "not attractive" alternative to building effective opposition groups.
I live in a very liberal part of Califonria and still we have people on this road who voted for T and one who wants nothing to do with my gay neighbors who have lived here over 20 years. Actually the gay guys are much more popular than the one!!!!!
Yes, and he met with the Republican Congress at Mar A Lago. More $$$ in his pocket. Everything is aimed at making him money. It equates to his self worth.
Michelle - Makes me furious that on the day of Holocaust Remembrance, when a good amount of other leaders were in attendance, not only could he not be bothered to go there but he could not be bothered to say anything. Not surprising. He was too busy playing golf while the rest of the world were acting like grown ups.
As frightening as so many insane things are, 'AI' is likely the most dangerous of all, as 'if life is all fantasy,' then we have no info to move forward with.
YES! Diversity of tactics!!!!! Everything from silent vows in our heart to never comply up to organizing, getting legal scholars involved, letter writing campaigns, and protests to make enough noise that they HAVE to address our concerns.
Re: will of the people. More people voted for someone else than for Trump. And more people chose not to vote than vote for him. Hardly a mandate to do anything.
When “the will of the people” is enacted by an adjudicated felon who is otherwise elected but acting on contravention of the constitution, it is not only the right of federal employees to violate the presidential authority, it is the RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO if the alternative action is within the law as outlined in the constitution. You are going to find resistance to his bad instincts at EVERY turn….in ways that are obvious and visible and at times quite invisible as the attitudes and values of those of us who see this regime for what it is, refuse to comply, refuse to give in, refuse to allow any of this to occur without a fight. We will fight by slow rolling policy roll outs, in the courts and in our hearts…and if need be….in the streets (I hope this never is needed).
And WHY we must fight in other ways. But we should not keep that off the table altogether....I hate that idea more than I can describe. I have seen what that looks like.....and do not want it for my kids or grandkids....and it should be avoided if at all possible. I think we CAN defeat this mess nonviolently....but we are going to have to organize....strength in them that there are more of us than there are of them and that their power is derived from our consent. No simple task....but failure is not an option.
SF Bay, do you seriously believe that *this* is what people voted for? The Project 2025 Plan, that Trump "knew nothing about" and that he disowned, forecast almost all of Trump's actions since the inauguration. I doubt that many of Trump's voters knew much about the plan and very few of them actually read it. In other words, they were lied to and flew blind in voting for Trump.
Illegal activities? Like having a college degree? Our country has become so hostile to educated folks the smart people (the elites) have to dumb down so the uneducated MAGAs of the world won't be offended.
Oh, SF Bay, so only tRump and his cronies, especially his nominees for Cabinet positions are allowed to break the law? Further he and they have broken laws in the past and been pardoned etc. Though I doubt Public Service's post refers to nothing illegal, it sure seems that you only care about honesty and compliance with laws when it involves Democrats. Shame on you.
Not to mention McConnell and Garland and every single judge on his criminal courts and lest we forget about the SCOTUS6 as I affectionately (sarcasm intended) call the traitors.
It's not the Democrats who are the problem, it's the Republicans. Until the Republicans are willing to stand up to Trump, he will continue to push the boundaries. It's not clear where ultimate boundary is, but I'm betting if he tries to touch Social Security and Medicare, Republican senators' constituents will rise up loudly.
It's also the democrats. The number of articles I've seen (and it is always this way) about democrats trying to work with republicans on issues.... we are beyond that now. We are at a crisis point. Republicans are certainly a problem but the silence from the democrats is deafening.
After all, this is still a tightrope walk to decide just how much to let Trump (metaphorically) hang himself. And I have to believe Nancy P. is still calling some shots.
Trump & Co told us that they now decide what the "rules" are, and they will decide if and when they want to follow them. The Republican Supreme Court recently ruled, in effect, that the "rules" are whatever the party in power says they are, as long as the party in power is the Republican Party.
Very true, but they need to be shouting DAILY to anyone that will listen about the pain that Cheetolini's actions are causing.
Remember the stickers with Biden saying "I did that" pointing to gas prices? We need similar ones for all the pain and suffering this administration is causing.
Maybe she is orchestrating a political equivalent of Ali's "rope-a-dope" strategy when he fought George Foreman. While he did win the fight, he probably suffered damage from it that lasted the rest of his life.
I don't think anyone is diluting the republicans fault. I'm emailing and calling my republican representatives. I want to work to get better suited people in office. That said, I'm tired of just pointing at the republicans. Democrats have plenty of blame to share. They also need to be held accountable. AOC just pointed out the hypocrisy that's exists in congress and used the example of insider trading. How much money to Nancy make during her time in office? Democrats drowned Bernie's campaign not the republicans. I don't think there are good people on both sides and clearly the republicans have gone down a very dark path. But the democrats time and time again don't stand up and try to appease and get along with republicans. I'm tired of it and I hold them all responsible for the parts they've played.
There is no dominating voice for least none that have arisen. They are weak, feckless & kowed. Chuck Schumer....unlike Mac would could keep his troops in line...has no authority with some Dem Senators....just as Senators from West Virginia & Arizona simply flipped him the bird & proceeded to sabotage Dems efforts. Fetterman is going to be an issue.
Voters choose their reps, not Schumer. He has to let them navigate their ability to get those voters to vote them into office. Not all democrats and voters are cookie cutter versions of each other.
And since the past election showed, to me, how little people care about each other, that is a situation Schumer can’t change.
I'm good with public shaming. That's not nasty. But I have no more answers than anyone else. More and more I find myself being open to other methods. I just don't want yo become them. But I also believe that we are long past getting alone, finding grace, thinking the best of everyone....
I haven’t heard of democrats working with republicans on serious issues that matter, and if there are, it’s probably a small minority.
I think democrats are tactically being quiet because the republicans are cutting themselves enough rope to hang themselves with, metaphorically speaking, so why stop the process.
And even if one yells, if you don’t have the majority, it is of no avail anyways.
We Democrats were poorly prepared for this. instead of warning people that Trump was a fascist, we should have described what fascism IS. It means neglect of the needs of people to bend them to your will. It means censoriship. It means concentrating the nation's wealth to a few individuals. And now that he has made himself a martyr for surviving an assassination attempt, it means idolization of a leader. No god I should worship would have ordained him, but that's what he's selling.
No matter what facts the Dems had communicated, I don't think the "Republicans" (RINO) would have paid attention or reacted. This is a cult. Truth has no meaning.
We were yelling it from the rooftops, they called us snowflakes, woke, and didn’t listen. I guess they are in the finding out stage. Too bad we have to be along for the ride. I’m calling my red senators and reps daily, calling the White House. I will keep making noise.
Sometimes I feel I don't know where I'm living anymore. I've been disappointed and upset with Republican administrations in the past. But I've never felt the fear that I now have. For myself, partly, but mostly for the folks who depend on government services for survival. But then I remember, government provides a wide array of survival mechanisms and servives for ALL of us. And then the fear really kicks in.
First, I like your thoughts and agree. But I must point out that there was no assassination attempts that were not staged for a sympathy vote. These people have no shame in lying and doing deceitful things like that. Secondly, he is and has said as much that he definitely is NOT A CHRISTIAN which is quite obvious and as to him being the second coming, he has blasphemously stated wrongfully that he is the chosen one of God and the Jewish people when clearly God’s Word declares that Jesus Christ is the only Chosen One of God and the Jewish people. His cult are nothing more than Religious Pharisees who are responsible for putting Jesus on the Cross. I’m absolutely shocked that the Church he so mockingly said was terrible that he didn’t burst into flames. 🔥 He is the Antichrist and if one knows God’s Word it’s been confirmed more than one occasion. He is the epitome of evil.
No instead of calling him a fascist Biden should have been forced out immediately n a proper primary should of run. Kamala would not have been the choice naybe ya all would have had a chance. But no we had to let the guy that is losing his marbles try to take a second term. Gavin Newson could have slammed Trump if given the time to properly run.
Also the feds could of actually prosecuted trump on the three cases in the four years Biden was office...but nothing was accomplished
The WH calls the probability of CAUSING HIV/AIDS deaths among 20.6 million patients...
"A moral imperative."
Remember how angry we got when Reagan laughed at AIDS?
Well, I suspect that the GOP isn't alone feeling justified in expressing a "moral imperative". and this one will come from every corner of the world. Obviously, he'll feel fully justified (and joyous) at his new-found homophobic power to kill in a new way, but I suspect this will not turn out as he expects.
We can never forget that Trump's super-power is hate, not intelligence, empathy or compassion. His total lack of comprehension of any concept involving benefit to others (combined with his certainty to ignore all advice), may well be his undoing.
But I can't believe that when they said "HIV/AIDS" to Trump, he didn't immediately know he could appeal to white evangelicals by letting "gays" die, and to white supremacists, because many of the victims will surely be in Africa.
My neighbors are gay. One lost his twin bother, partner and brother's partner to AIDS. He and his husband are both on AIDS drugs. BTW I was a witness when they married.
Our “government” has had the cures for decades for every single disease out there. When I worked in healthcare for over 30 years I will never forget a nurse who worked for a doctor who was high up in the government and she was his assistant. They were trying to blow the whistle but back then that wouldn’t have had any protections for them. I firmly believe that djt had the Covid virus made here in America and I’ll tell you why. I have saved all the little actual news articles out there that were buried in the papers and news media.
#1 We all know that Donnie had three meetings with the leader of China. We also know that he was embarrassed by the Chinese leader when on the third meeting, the Chinese leader said no deal. So here we go with a tiny little toddler publicly embarrassed and shamed on a global scale and his having the least self esteem on the planet you know he’s all about retribution for his enemies. So stands to reason that he would fight back and retaliate. And he did.
#2 A lot of people don’t know that he sold most of the items desperately needed to help Covid patients was sold to Putin.
#3 Donnie owns a lot of stocks in Moderna and Purdue and Pfizer pharmaceuticals. Coincidence I think not. All 3 vaccines were manufactured there thus making huge profits for him and his oligarchs while people were dying left and right. To which his response was “I take no responsibility at all” and he still won’t. (Follow the money)
#4 He called it a hoax and a witch hunt which I absolutely abhor seeing as there are witches out there and I’m sure they don’t appreciate that. Anyway, He got his revenge on being globally embarrassed and humiliated and of course he and his oligarchs made a lot of money from this. Recall the two Senators who were removed by the people for insider trading which I figured out weeks before it happened and I wasn’t surprised. More money for him and cleaned up his tracks.
You may think I’m crazy and that’s fine but it stands to reason that he would not hesitate to get revenge for being internationally embarrassed and shamed.
Just my opinion but it also makes sense knowing him.
Michelle - I have a friend who identifies as a Wiccan and their spirit animal is a wolf. It always makes my eyes roll every time I hear the phrase “witch hunt”.
The rich get richer every time there is a depression or a pandemic. You can’t tell me that they don’t get insider information prior to the event happening.
That is HOW they make their billions! What else is there? Being smart and effective etc INCLUDES knowing how to use (abuse) the system! Even TRUMP said so!
I’ll fight him every step of the way if he even deigns to make good on his threats to the LGBTQAIP community of human beings. I lost my son to hate and I advocate against hate for those who identify as lgbtqaip. A son and his husband I “adopted” and many friends… h**l no my house is a safe space and I have no problem firing a gun that I have via FBI background checks. I may not win this alone but if anyone needs anything and I can help I most certainly will.
Unfortunately, most Trumpsters won't believe anything unless it's on Fox or similar media, even if it's happening to themselves. If they were open to facts, they wouldn't have voted for Trump and his Republican accomplices.
I honestly believe that he has been blackmailing them but the question is with what? I think it very likely could be a list of people who were at Epstein Island and don’t want their names put out there to be exposed. I can’t think of anything else that he could use that would conjure up their abhorrent loyalty.
Trump seems pretty happy to comply, and I think it's safe to say that this horrific measure (as with everything "Trump") was directly vetted by Moscow.
Michelle, it would seem that they would wear being on Epstein Island as a badge of honor to them. That sort of thing does not bother them in the least! They just gave the appointment of Hegseth to Secretary of Defense and you know what type of person he is!
Michelle - sexual extortion has been a tool of realpolitik since forever. i also believe that is the reason for most of the pretzeling. rich people believe that the laws don't apply to them, and our legal system pretty much substantiates that belief.
What makes you believe that they won’t touch SS? They’ve told us who they are and their power hungry lemmings in the house and senate will make a little noise but then capitulate.
I agree, but we need ALL Democrats in Congress to vote NAY on every Repub bill that will harm people. (Which is most, IMHO). We also need them to do everything in their power to stop this runaway train whether or not they are up for reelection soon. Do they think capitulating to the Repubs will keep them from being "primaried?" It won't. They need to stand up to these fascists now! They need to stop trying to be nice and be more like Jamie Raskin. Civil, but strong.
He won't do that. He knows he'll generate a backlash. Not taxing SS income, not touching SS and Medicare, and allowing servers to take their tips without taxation is a way to buy them off. Meanwhile, he has this fantasy that the lost revenues from taxing tips and SSI will be replaced by revenue from tariffs, which might also partially buffer the deficits caused by the tax breaks provided to corporations and wealthy individuals. It's a scam.
Sheila, republican politicians' constituency should be rising up loudly right now! They should be as appalled as all of us at the crap that orange man is trying to do!
Call them! I've been calling them today. Be a pain in the ass. The ones I spoke with said they are being overwhelmed with calls today. Make some noise!
Please remember those calling to demand full approved funding of the NIH, NSF, EPA and Inflation reduction act as well as grants and all other federal agencies.
Don’t forget FEMA. The states don’t have the wherewithal to tackle huge disaster relief projects that’s what we pay taxes for those big problems not for tax breaks for billionaires .
Write these things in the papers in the districts of MAGA representatives. An email to their website only gets you a canned response and NO ACTION. But publicly shaming and mocking them might actually send a message.
I'm calling MAGA Senators and Representatives, asking them why do they hate us so much. And telling them, they're doing a bang up job protecting white privilege and their wealth. They're telling us to go straight to hell.
Haven’t got that far myself yet…so I am not sure. But my first instinct is to say, don’t assume they won’t publish it…try first. Community organizing might be a good next step….getting like minded people together at the local courthouse to sign petitions has been useful in my very red town to get a Confederate Statue removed from the courthouse grounds and moved to a Civil War battlefield to the satisfaction of most of those who opposed it being at the courthouse
This is the same thing that the politicians and the big news agencies have been doing to all of us. Make us anxious and angry and we’ll keep tuning it so if we make a little anxiety and anger that might get people to keep tuning in.
I would Recommend contacting your Congress Person, and let them know how this affects You & Your Children Personally... We need to start building a 'Grass Roots' Movement... If School Lunches are affected, our Children will begin to go Hungry... This is while DJT maintains his Golfing Schedule... DJT has just declared War on the USA as We-The-People know it... Time to Fight Back...
But fight HOW???? The Dems are quiet, without a leader. And the republicans are supine, kissing the butt of the worst man in the country. Who can fight with nothing? Where is our government when we need it?? At least the Air Force restored the history of the valiant Tuskegee fighters! But the wrecking ball is laying waste every protection in the country!! This has to end!!!!
The Dems need more than one leader to be a voice right now. They should designate individual senators and congresspeople to be the lead voice for specific topics: healthcare, economy, clean energy, justice and democracy, foreign affairs, etc. and those leaders need to be out there every day hitting the media with the democrats winning messages. We can’t keep letting Trump and Project 2025 own the news cycles.
You said it, Shiela! Terror of being “primaried” has paralyzed the entire GOP. This is thanks to the gift of the Supreme Court’s CitizensUnited decision—-money thrown at mid-terms can defeat any and all opposition to presidential fascism.
I live in France. The government is responsive to popular anger because the Gauls have a sting in their tail. They will riot in the streets and make life very uncomfortable for people in government to the point that they will fear them. A few cars or trucks or RVs can shut down transport in the US as it has in France. If we argue for powerlessness we will be powerless.
All this while the Doomsday Clock is now 89 SECONDS from midnight.
The closest ever...
"Consequently, we now move the Doomsday Clock from 90 seconds to 89 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been to catastrophe. Our fervent hope is that leaders will recognize the world’s existential predicament and take bold action to reduce the threats posed by nuclear weapons, climate change, and the potential misuse of biological science and a variety of emerging technologies. "
I went to Merkley’s town hall with Maxine Dexter. They need to vote against this in Congress and implore their colleagues on the other side of the aisle to have brains and balls and not take this shit! Merkley said it’s not going to be easy and the next however many years will be challenging.
He is a defender of the people! I lived in Oregon (now back up in WA) and he is terrific! Oregon has some good senators and representatives. We need them and we must thank them. I watched him and my senator, Murphy today and am so very proud of the Pacific Northwest fighters!
Not exactly. When asked whether she would attend the inauguration, AOC adeptly explained, "I don't celebrate rapists". Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) teamed up with Meidas Touch to expose the greatest fraud on Earth. Sen. Chris Murphy to the Senate called out harshly drump's illegal pardons of 1500 hundred convicted felons. We need many more to stand up.
Not covered because bought-off major media conveniently swept them under the rug. Independent media like Robert Reich and other Substacks, and discussions among private citizens have become our main sources for accurate reporting.
I definitely don’t have any fear of this reprehensible non human and I’ve already been since I was in high school as I didn’t like him then and even more so now.
I've now subscribed to multiple substacks, and am paying for both Prof. Reich's and the new start-up, The Contrarian. Most of us can't afford to pay for all of tbe "news" we need...thankfully many (including here) are offering free reading of posts.
The Democrats DESPERATELY need a powerful media to reach and speak for the middle/working classes. NOW.
What happened to Janet Yellen's warning on the damn debt ceiling? The R's are NOT in lock step with raising that. The D's could use this time to threaten all of them backing away from extending it - "we are just tRumping this, his playbook, ya know"
Better to do something as opposed to nothing. As a multigenerational military family member I won’t stand idly by and accept this inane psychotic nonsense from the nosebleed seats. We all have to stand together and push back so hard their bodies will reach their motherland.
What can they do anyway? Republicans control all three branches of government. They can vote against all of this ungodly policies and Trump will still get his way. Its gonna get a lot worse.
Not only that, Trump will claim that he getting rid of "woke" money and battling corruption. We must denounce his power grab, mobilize people at the state level. People will be hurt.
Even though they do not have the votes, the D's can take advantage of this attention. Yelling - in my book - is not wise use of attention, but I get it. We desperately need stories of real impacts, clearly presented, with images. Over and over. Lay down the counter narrative with clarity and deliver what the real impacts are. Every single D has a chance to do this in both chambers. Short, real clarity - go for it!!!
Cath.....even when the right wing is OUT of 'power' they still manage to gum up the works and sabotage Dem efforts. (See last years & 2023 sabotage by 2 Dems that have left).
Paula B. yup they're making tempest in teapot noises again:
Senate Democrats vowed to fight a White House freeze on federal financial assistance, calling for a delay in the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominee for White House budget chief, threatening potential court actions and warning Republicans about potential impacts on their own states.
That's rich about warning repugnants about impacts on their own states. they don't care who gets hurt. they've got theirs, and screw everyone else. ya think sara huckabee sanders gives a rats ass about anything except herself (and her podium)?
Sad thing is most people don’t know that the blue states are paying for the red states with the amount of taxes and the people who pay their fair share
With the power the MAGAs now wield, the Dems will be usurped at every point. This is what happens when fascists become the leaders.
Oh, we've not heard about Putin lately, but I'm sure he's just as happy as a clam. The most powerful country in the world is being reduced to a failed state, with no leadership and chaos being the norm.
Friends, perhaps the most effective non-Putin news source in Russia now is MEDUZA. I've been supporting them monthly, and others may wish to give something as well...
Why not go at ones that are doing all of these things, the Republicans. The Republicans have all of the power. Including unfettered power through the Supreme Court. The voters hold the responsible for what they are doing. They told you what they were planning on doing and you voted for the wannabe dictator and his President Apartheid Elonia Muskrat anyway. The Democrats weren’t in the voting booth with you. Grow a spine, a backbone , and cojones and fight back.
So let me get this straight. The democrats shouldn't fight for us? Gtfoh btw I have gone after the republicans. Now do your part instead of coming on my comment. 🤬
You can't blame Democrats, they told everyone what would happen and you had 9 million people that sat this one out because they would not vote for a black woman. I'm sure they will learn once they are thoroughly screwed but they are taking all the rest of us down with them.
Don't blame the Dems; there really isn't anything they can do. The short-sighted, spoiled-rotten, instant society in which we live decided that Biden's remarkable efforts weren't working fast enough, so they decided to go back and believe the lies of the liar who nearly broke our country the first time and all his minions in the House and Senate.
Well you're asking where are the Dems, like they could do something. Unless I misunderstood and you were asking, "WTH are the damn democrats" was your way of just wondering where in proximity to the White House, they physically were.
They are neoliberals. Except Bernie, AOC, Warren and the like. They haven’t yet learned that allowing corporations in their pockets is part of the problem. They roll over and compromise. Work across the aisle. The rules of the game have changed and they haven’t yet figured out how to create a new high road within the new playing surface.
Unfortunately I've read the bio of Mao. Stalin's purges were no picnic. The Dems are the voices of the Damned being offed to the gulag. It is scary so our communities must band together in resistance from the ground up.
Americans asked for this government. They love TV celebrities and money. All kids want to be now is an INFLUENCER or RAP Star or a football player like Kelce. We are a very rich nation with lower-class tastes and an anti-intellectual bent. What's Wrong with AMERICA is AMERICANS.
second, there were good alternatives to the Duopoly: Jill Stein and Cornel West. they got less than 1% !
By those numbers how can you pretend that there are alot of people unhappy with Trump? and what exactly do you imagine the latter can do "to stop him" ? All a voter can do is vote and pester your senators and congressman. Good luck with that!
I'm not ready to just give up. There were a lot of things wrong with the last election cycle and many that came before that. I feel hopeless some times and don't know what to do. Staying engaged, talking to others, being as loud as possible to those that have direct power to change this.... I just can't sit here and watch him burn down the world.
I think the world of resistors. But I dont think it is resistance to vote for a Duopoly candidate that backs the foreign policy of Biden: Gaza genocide. And Ukraininan proxy war.
There's something appealing about issuing a citizens order that we will no longer pay taxes to the federal government and instead pay the equivalent amount to specific programs and services. Obviously not the method but sure fun to think about. I realize we'd end up with penalties and maybe jail because the rest of us have consequences.
My kid wants to be an ornithologist and loathes Trump and what he’s doing to this country and the environment. She turns 9 on Friday. There’s still hope for future generations!
Are you an American? You appear to distance yourself from Americans by referring to them as "they," but then you turn around and call the country "we." If you *are* an American, I have to wonder why, since your opinion of Americans really couldn't get more disdainful. If you are not, well....I'll be sure to give your opinion all the consideration it deserves.
Lawsuits are the only effective resistance at this point. Robert's pessimism about SCOTUS notwithstanding, they are not all "in Trump's pocket" - really only two of them are in that category. John Roberts would still like to have a reputation left at the end. We must fund a veritable blizzard of lawsuits from the ACLU and many other sources. Not another dime to politicians' campaigns.
I wish I could be more optimistic about the ACLU, but during my personal 8 year battle with my public community college employer over the efforts of Christian Nationalists from the local RCC within the college to turn the college into a trainer for RCC programs (1999-2007), the local ACLU wouldn't even provide me with a mailing address to send FOIAed docs that supported that to.
Among the docs was even one from a Dean thanking the architect of the scheme for "doing God's work" in attacking me and the secular American music history classes I taught for decades. I was also plagiarized from when they cut and pasted my syllabi and recruited a religion professor from a Catholic school to 'teach' it.
I later found that members of the college's legal team were also on the ACLU board that made those decisions. The Jewsish guy they had call me to explain clearly didn't agree with their decision either. I did eventually prevail, but my guess is that support from the ACLU would have cut years from that. Luckily, the arbitrator could easily see what had been happening, and while tossing my grievance based on blown timelines, did it in such a way that union and management quickly found a way to get me back to work, f/t, which I had never been before, just so that they could be rid of me.
Jayna Sheats : All three of trump's appointees are beholden to him, and the others who were also appointed by " Presidents" that did not get the popular vote have a record of being lawless and corrupt, like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito..
John manyjars: So your point is to make this all the ""D's" fault? And suggest that it is usual ? Not helpful, and ignores the illegality of trump's power grab. He already has enough without petty sycophants distracting and projecting blame onto the party that is Not behind the mess we are in. Follow the money.
Laurie: the reason I say this is because they are *not* beholden to him, unlike politicians who still have to get elected or appointed. That is the good and the bad of the lifetime appointment. They are only concerned with their legacy now. Thomas and Scalia know exactly what legacy they want to leave behind: slavish devotion to tyranny. (I could be more eloquent if I tried, but that's the essence of it.)
Even the rapist on the court would like to be remembered as a "real" SC justice, I'm quite sure. I am assuredly not defending him or Gorsuch, just assessing how they may cast their votes. It's purely tactics in a war, and that's how we must regard our situation.
Jayna Sheats : , Trump's Attorney, Alina Habba, made a statement on Fox 'News' that the three justices whom he appointed to the Supreme Court "owed him".. I know exactly how I Will regard our situation. There is NO "must" about it. Corruption is corruption . I will not forget.
Don't you think Thomas is going to be the first to leave - honor to the clown and all - and the Heritage goons will make sure he gets a comfortable send off. We of course will go crazy with the clown's appointment choice....arghh
Jayna Sheats ; the justices in question are not in the situation of those needing to get elected, fo sure. but anyone who does not capitulate to "the Don" can face adverse moments, and threats. like the ambassador who faced what tRUMP said "might go through some things". He is a criminal mob boss who threatens people and their families. Think of Paul Pelosi in his 80's, while still in pajamas, getting assaulted with a hammer to his head. because the Tyrant in chief wanted to cause Nancy Pelosi pain and fear. He is beneath the pit.
Anne ; it is good that you were able to care for your mom, and see an improvement. It is an effort that took a toll. Wonderful that you could do that, sis. Remember to take care of yourself now.
"John Roberts would still like to have a reputation left at the end." Bwah-hahahahahah, bwaaaah-hahahahahahaha, (cough, wheez) bwaaaaaah-hahahahahahahahahahahahah!
remember that roberts, kavanaugh and barrett were part of the legal team that worked with/for the supreme court that gave bush the election in 2000. he's doing exactly what he's always been paid to do. remember how he told obama how unseemly it was for a sitting pres to criticize a supreme court decision (Citizens United)?
Oh no! I am so sorry. This has got to stop. I sent an action item to 25 people today. We should all tell everyone we know to contact their representatives.
Until then, everybody stop work. General strike. Since almost everyone is employed, there are virtually no scabs to fill in. Watch how Donnie and the dumbshits flail.
LOL, reminds me of participating in a useless "conference call" with Stabenow c. 2004 or so, over the war crimes in Iraq, not that SHE would have ever admitted it was criminal.
Sure. But. The more you can go, the more powerful your message. A physical letter is worth 10x an email. A call 10x that, a meeting 10x that. 10, 20 or 100 people requesting a meeting on one specific issue can make a huge difference. Huge!! Itnonly takes 1 person at a time to be outraged. Adds up fast.
I have written to both my D & R senators about specific issues only to get form letters telling me about "all the great things they have accomplished for me". When I replied that all that is great but what about my specific question...crickets....
If enough constituents write/ call/ visit the staffers get a vibe and pass on "there are a lot of people worried about x"
If the number of people that have written about it is some tiny percent of the "silent majority" suddenly writing in - they start to change their tune/ do research etc.
It takes time, and lots of letters.
Stay hopeful.
You can do it America. You can save the world from WW3.
2008 was this empires 1929 crash.
Hopefully the oligarchs don't crash the world for their greedy selfish need to try to hold onto wealth.
That could be nearly every American mind, as the $$ is crashing with the BRICS coming to give everyone an alternative.
Sigh, I only see 'value' in letters if they're comprehended; if what I write is contorted into something that I did not mean, and used to endorse what I've condemned, I don't see any positives in that.
He is so destructive on so many levels, it’ll take years to recover. It’ll take years for the Republican’s to grow back their spines and stand for the people instead of a person.
But I do believe it will happen. I do believe we can be a better nation, a healed nation. It’s too depressing and oppressive to think otherwise.
Mmm... this is that: for people who espouse toxic rhetoric (to the point where they can't be invited to speak in public - because of the security budget required), there is nothing which stands for the people more than populism; note that we are "healed" of stolen elections.
Bonus point: over before it began (the executive of question doesn't seem to have any compunctions about tying up the courts & judicial resources, let alone any second-order consequences).
The one good idea I’ve seen… but remember all the maganuts out there cheering him on, and the armed criminals he unleashed to shoot us in the streets and the 49% who voted for him because they believed he could bring the price of eggs down. They’re still just as dumb as they were.
Last time I checked their permissive gun laws apply to us as well and could come back to bite them in the ass. We need to stop bringing folk songs to gun fights - I hate that reality, but that is where we are at. This won't be won by bipartisanship or polite requests or civility . . . ships have sailed, trains left stations . . .
Probably not the most eloquent, but this is what I wrote them:
Dear Senator Hagerty,
Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress holds the power of the purse. Congress has approved payments that our President Trump is freezing. I believe these funds are being impounded, which is illegal per the 1974 Impoundment Control Act. The Act bars a president from not spending money Congress has appropriated. Please do not allow a 90 day freeze on foreign aid spending, which is jeopardizing congressionally authorized foreign assistance including military aid to Ukraine and distribution of medications to Africa and developing nations.
I do not wish to see our form of government dissolved - please let's maintain our checks and balances.
Start by kicking your neighbors in the ass who voted for them . . . because they are not really your neighbors . . . they hate so much they are willing to destroy you. Trump has dragged us into a jungle. You won't win this battle with unicorns and rainbows.
'After all, you can help them to identify yourself as one of their enemies!'
In this day and age, I can't imagine that they NOT keeping track of who their self-identifying enemies are. For confirmation, just take a look at who advertises in "left" on-line pubs - I've seen many an RNC and RNC leaning ad in such places.
In the past, I'd have to say they were pretty ineffective; one of the 'classic' ones was from Stabenaw's office about 20 years back, thanking me for supporting policies I'd thoroughly condemned in my letter... The letter I sent was in no way "unclear," let me assure you.
I took Civics all through school and I learned about our constitution and the three parts of the government , Executive, Legislative and Judicial, equal and separate. That doesn’t mean the Executive gets to trample the others. He is not king!
But GOOD NEWS: There is a group actively working to thwart the efforts of Trump & equally important the forces behind Project 2025. Democracy Forward was organized in the wake of Trumps Nov 6 victory and has attracted top talent to take these vile forces to the courts - where the more often than not lose (YES, but when they win we feel it HARD) And now Democracy Forward involved in Democracy - "We are 350+ organizations representing millions of people, committed to working more quickly, more strategically, and in greater numbers than ever before to defend our democracy and disrupt far-right attacks on the American people." Right now - Trump is following the Bannon playbook and "flooding the news" with rapid fire INSANE measures. STOP, take a deep breath & exhale, pace yourself - and be aware that we are the REAL majority. The impact of 350+ organizations and lawyers who are not in it for the money will be immeasurable. Sen. Reich - TRY to focus on the positives!!
But do Americans understand what is happening? Watching this from abroad in Europe, the situation is clear. History repeats and the time is ripe for a 🇺🇸 Revolution. Europeans are also scared since the movement is global and China is currently in the lead for winning at technology. Whataworld...
I don't think many do understand. It has been a flurry of orders and changes so fast that it has been impossible to fully keep up. Also, if they are watching only conservative news, it's being hidden or presented as a positive thing.
Hi eugene-at 1st I thought probably so, but then I thought he is too much of a coward to get involved with any of NYC's 5 families, and if he had, they would have owned him like any other chump. Who knows?
This is what i am nervous about. Overall the usa media is heavily propagated. The tech bros bought out legacy mainstream sources nearly a decade ago created a new forced-fed reality. This has been years in the making.
It doesn't matter. This is Trump's country now, a fascist dictatorship in which his word IS law. All of this has been years in the making, the GOPs slow march to fascism has arrived! What can democrats do? They hold no power! We hold no power!
No fascist dictator in the history of the world has ever given up his power willingly. Period. There is only one way this ends.
Is resistance enough? It seems to me Ryan SD is not cowering or obeying but calling for a revolt. That may not be resistance but it might be the thing we need.
It starts with a deluge of responses at the federal, state and local level on a constant basis - not just once, but daily or weekly for months on end - emails, phone calls, texts, fax, even postcards. Republicans opposed to these and forthcoming measures, notify your party that you are changing your political affiliation to Democrat or Independent and send a copy to your local, state and federal politicians. If you donate regularly, stop all political donations. While doing this, those so inclined can begin working towards organizing a General Walkout or a General Strike. It will take an extraordinary amount of work to organize such an action, a year or more. If such an organizing group evolves, volunteer to help where you can.
It will take commitment to participate like this on a sustained basis but think of it as walking your talk or fighting in the trenches. In serious times, serious commitment is essential for success.
Guns are still accessible. Organization is still possible. Revolution is always possible. His word is not law, it is only law if we think power resides in him and it does not. It resides in us. We just need to organize, take, and use the power the gods gave to us.
Thank you, Robert Reich, for clearly stating what so many people want to pretend isn't happening. It's up to each of us to speak truth everywhere we can to oppose Trump. We don't need to cave or capitulate. We must speak up publicly to oppose Trump and his administration.
Thank you, Mr. Reich, four spreading this information. I had no idea about the 1974 impoundment act, and now I will, of course, write to my senators. Even as I know they will support the impoundment act, I think it is important for them to know that their constituents are aware
Indeed, he's openly talked about that. Jared wants to spend some of his hedge fund money on a luxury hotel on the strip where he daddy-in law, Musk and Vought and Netanyahu can go and hang out.
WTH are the damn democrats. 🤬
Our media and elected officials are failing us. Take heart that career civil servants like me will protect our sacred democracy. We are undermining Trump from inside the government, just as we did during his first term:
Thank you Public Servant and thank you too all Civil Servants, but this is going to require the Courts and the determination of the majority not to accept a dictatorship.
Public Servant, please stay the course! We all appreciate what public servants are trying to do. Thank you.
If Trump can't get rid of you! Be very careful, please we need you there.
Thank you, Public Servant! Thank you.
Thank you a million times for this
Dear God I hope you’re not a bot. Maybe this time you guys can make him feel warm and fuzzy and go ahead and give him a moat and alligators somewhere. Children are easy to distract.
I want to thank you but in the back of my mind I hear an echo of MAGA saying "see I told you so....they are out to get us.. " If you're for real, Public Servant, do not share this.
Your backbone is our lifeline, Public Servant. Huge thanks. Stay the course.
Thank you so much. It warms my heart and gives me hope to know civil servants are protecting our democracy from the inside. You know how our government works better than anyone.
How can we help?
We’re on our way to becoming the 💩hole country Trumplethinskin rails about. Did he not say if elected we wouldn’t have to vote anymore?? Among those most guilty is Moscow Mitch and six of the Supremes enabling his kingship.
Glad to hear it, hope you have some talented legal representation.
If you support the felon in his illegal activities that makes you complicit. If you think he's correct that birthright citizenship is not defined in the Constitution, that immigrant families should either be torn apart or their American citizen children should be deported, that the felon can refuse to release funds already allocated by Congress, that he can ignore contractual obligations toward federal employees, then you should worry about your own illegal activities.
This sort of an attitude is a good part of the reason why Trump was re-elected, even as a convicted felon!
Trolls are everywhere. Wonder if this is a bot… 🤔🧐
1.)Obey the Law to Stop the Killing(see below)
1.)Mission Impossible is afflicted by extreme case of American Gullibility
1.)Why did America "vote for"(aka "buy pills from") the Mass Murderer** over the First Lady's FREE HEALTHCARE and FREEDOM FROM FEAR?*
Why did Americans put the Mass Murderers pill in their mouth and swallow it*** 2.3 billion times in ONE YEAR?
Why did America ignore Ms.FDR. and believe the Mass Murder's "our pills aren't addictive?"
**science denial by Purdue Pharma(used Valium sales to launch the opioid epidemic)
***Valium was the most prescribed medication for the years 1969-1982
Eleanor Roosevelt:"Do one thing every day that scares you."
The scientific consensus agrees. Two top scientists' statements are available on DM request... DONT SUBSCRIBE UNLESS YOU WANT TO JOIN OUR FOCUS GROUP.
"Feeling Great" by Dr Burns
"I did a study at a community mental health clinic in New York to evaluate the accuracy of therapists’ and caregivers’ evaluations who brought children in for treatment. I asked the children, their therapists, and their mothers to rate how they thought the children were feeling.
When I analyzed the data, I was amazed to discover that the therapists’ accuracy was about zero. And the mothers didn’t do any much better! There was pretty much no correlation between how the children felt and how their therapists (or mothers) thought they felt.
The errors were not trivial. For example, the mother of one little boy rated his depression and suicidal urges at zero. She was convinced that her son did not feel depressed, and the therapist agreed with this assessment.
How did the boy actually feel?
His depression and suicidal scores were at the top of the scale! In the margin of the assessment test, he wrote that he had borrowed a gun from a friend and had plans to kill himself on Friday. In this case, mind reading* almost resulted in the death of a little boy, but the assessment test alerted the mother and therapist to what was really going on and likely saved his life."
UC Berkeley Prof's documentary how corporations conspired to stigmatize/thwart part of democracy(torts):
Mayo Research Clinic Director to "[among US licensed Mental Providers]we’re not treating people with what actually works"
...with my highlights:
Dr. Haidt(2022):"It’s Going to Get Much Worse ...'We are immersed in an evolving, ongoing conflict: an Information World War in which state actors, terrorists, and ideological extremists leverage the social infrastructure underpinning everyday life to sow discord and erode shared reality,'...our institutions, our political system, and our society may collapse...We must harden democratic institutions so that they can withstand CHRONIC ANGER AND MISTRUST... and... prepare the next generation..."
None of this is my will, nor is it the will of the people to do most of the things that Project 2025 is so hell-bent on doing. Read some polls.
Do you honestly believe he gives a f**k?!!
He never did give a f**k! In Melonia's words on the jacket she wore, "I really don't care. Do You?"
Ah yes, the trashy jacket that looked like someone grafittied her while waiting for the subway!
Michelle, Toddler-Trump has no clue what the consequences are of the papers he signs. He just likes putting his name on things that he knows will hurt people. He hopes they will be people he doesn't like, (OK, that is everyone), but he doesn't understand or care. His handlers, also toddlers get gleeful as they hand him those papers they are pretty sure are illegal but since they know nothing of our constitution, our history, what it means to be anything but rich, white, and male, they are orgasmic at every Toddler-Trump signature. They love the power they have and just don't care about the consequences. It would be a great miracle if somehow birds flew into their meetings and somehow gave them all bird flu. It would be good if they could actually suffer. Then if medical personnel couldn't get to them quickly . . . OK, that is mean, but it is what I am feeling right now. These people surrounding Toddler-Trump are simply, evil and they are enabling each other!
Just a little " schadenfreude" from our King Un-presidential to his
dotty lemmings , Ruth ???
The “will of the people”?! What people? Those who voted for a cretin to find his way back into the WH and wreak havoc on our way of life?! Those people? Shove it with the self-righteousness and hypocrisy regarding “illegal” activities. It’s Trump and his minions who are breaking the law and dismantling our Constitution.
We are going to have a hard time with this portion of our population. They are not simply "voters" any more but all too willing participants in a cult for way too many of them. It feels good to get good and angry at them but that will not serve us. We have to find ways of reaching them in a different way. This whole MAGA movement exists in large part due to keyboard warrior behaviors and which it is easy to demonize a faceless "other". I think if we find small issues here and there where we might see one another as "neighbors" and chip away slowly at first, at the tribalistic tendencies...we may begin to alter the political landscape for the positive. It will take discipline and patience in the face of our own betrayal and anger at them to resist the impulse to "bust chops" and be compassionate instead.
The anger is keeping me sane at the moment. The anger is also keeping me determined to do things that make a difference.
BRAVA, Lily!
James, I would like to hear more messages like this one. “This whole MAGA movement exists in large part due to keyboard warrior behaviors and which it is easy to demonize a faceless "other". I think if we find small issues here and there where we might see one another as "neighbors" and chip away slowly at first, at the tribalistic tendencies...we may begin to alter the political landscape for the positive. It will take discipline and patience in the face of our own betrayal and anger at them to resist the impulse to "bust chops" and be compassionate instead.”
Thank you for saying this. It is how I see the dilemma as well, but feel as if I’m in the minority. I have made a decision to stop thinking of trump voters as my enemy, and instead remind myself as often as necessary that they are whole people. Humans are complicated. I believe we have more in common with them than not.
Well said by reasonable, thinking citizens! To clear the air: I do not think of TRUMPIES as my enemies, never did! I feel very sorry for them as they "do not know" what they are doing to themselves and the country - I know they love it as much as anyone. Even the billionaires getting even richer on this scheme are a sorry bunch of human beings- and have sold they souls to the devil (German Philosopher Wolfgang Goethe's FAUST character). My German ancestors and grandparents could tell us Americans what may become "legal" next time around.
I'll say this to that, almost none of our neighbors support this insanity in any way, fortunately; our neighbors aren't the ones "in need of convincing."
Those who claim to represent the "will of the people" tend to be terrorists. We still have a representative form of government for that reason. Are you aware of that?
I agree. ConOld’s administration is acting illegally and should find justice swiftly and experience first hand the consequences. Deport all his immigrant family members. President Musk. And all republican criminals wherever they are should now be arrested and held in concentration pens pending ?
I would give up all hope of swift justice. As justifiable as it seems...we know t hat no one is coming to rescue us from the shit show. We are going to have to fight for what is right...and hope that it never gets to the point of armed resistance.
It is disheartening to see someone in the Bay Area write this! We have to work many different ways to stop this menace.
We don't really know if this post is real - do we? Cheap AI distractions will do us all in by wasting time and energy - their objective. Of course, we can do the same to them - but playing their games is a so "not attractive" alternative to building effective opposition groups.
I live in a very liberal part of Califonria and still we have people on this road who voted for T and one who wants nothing to do with my gay neighbors who have lived here over 20 years. Actually the gay guys are much more popular than the one!!!!!
Of course they are! They are usually classy, fun, and stylish. The hateful are dull, gullible and never fun.
How do your Trump voting neighbors in California feel about Trump conditioning FEMA wildfire aid?
While I agree with your point,
I’d like to add that what these distractions are really about is so he can invoke martial law against all Americans.
The breaking news today: “He’s playing golf!” Of course on our money!! Wonder what foreign oligarchs will be meeting him there today hmm 🤔
Yes, and he met with the Republican Congress at Mar A Lago. More $$$ in his pocket. Everything is aimed at making him money. It equates to his self worth.
Michelle - Makes me furious that on the day of Holocaust Remembrance, when a good amount of other leaders were in attendance, not only could he not be bothered to go there but he could not be bothered to say anything. Not surprising. He was too busy playing golf while the rest of the world were acting like grown ups.
As frightening as so many insane things are, 'AI' is likely the most dangerous of all, as 'if life is all fantasy,' then we have no info to move forward with.
I doubt he lives in the Bay area, just using that as a name.
Trolls always do that.
YES! Diversity of tactics!!!!! Everything from silent vows in our heart to never comply up to organizing, getting legal scholars involved, letter writing campaigns, and protests to make enough noise that they HAVE to address our concerns.
If they are actually in the Bay Area. Who knows but it might easily be a bot 🤖
Nothing personal, but how are any of us to know who is truly a bot and who is not? Do background searches on every poster?
Re: will of the people. More people voted for someone else than for Trump. And more people chose not to vote than vote for him. Hardly a mandate to do anything.
I respect your point but don’t forget about all those ballots musket gave him to win.
When “the will of the people” is enacted by an adjudicated felon who is otherwise elected but acting on contravention of the constitution, it is not only the right of federal employees to violate the presidential authority, it is the RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO if the alternative action is within the law as outlined in the constitution. You are going to find resistance to his bad instincts at EVERY turn….in ways that are obvious and visible and at times quite invisible as the attitudes and values of those of us who see this regime for what it is, refuse to comply, refuse to give in, refuse to allow any of this to occur without a fight. We will fight by slow rolling policy roll outs, in the courts and in our hearts…and if need be….in the streets (I hope this never is needed).
That’s just it though. He wants total anarchy so he can declare martial law. That and his oligarchs making billions that he plans on taking from them.
And WHY we must fight in other ways. But we should not keep that off the table altogether....I hate that idea more than I can describe. I have seen what that looks like.....and do not want it for my kids or grandkids....and it should be avoided if at all possible. I think we CAN defeat this mess nonviolently....but we are going to have to organize....strength in them that there are more of us than there are of them and that their power is derived from our consent. No simple task....but failure is not an option.
That is probably his game plan.
SF Bay, do you seriously believe that *this* is what people voted for? The Project 2025 Plan, that Trump "knew nothing about" and that he disowned, forecast almost all of Trump's actions since the inauguration. I doubt that many of Trump's voters knew much about the plan and very few of them actually read it. In other words, they were lied to and flew blind in voting for Trump.
Sadly, by ignorance and willful stupidity thinking only about the cost of eggs and a gallon of gas
Illegal activities? Like having a college degree? Our country has become so hostile to educated folks the smart people (the elites) have to dumb down so the uneducated MAGAs of the world won't be offended.
I hear ya. Completely
I've been "called out" for talking as if I'm intelligent, as if that was something I did just to offend people.
If the "will" of the people is empowering a fascist convicted felon who ignores law and order, then resistance is more than expected.
Oh, SF Bay, so only tRump and his cronies, especially his nominees for Cabinet positions are allowed to break the law? Further he and they have broken laws in the past and been pardoned etc. Though I doubt Public Service's post refers to nothing illegal, it sure seems that you only care about honesty and compliance with laws when it involves Democrats. Shame on you.
Not to mention McConnell and Garland and every single judge on his criminal courts and lest we forget about the SCOTUS6 as I affectionately (sarcasm intended) call the traitors.
You mean the will of tRump
Report and block this bootlicker
You mean, like those who committed violence, damaged and smeared human feces at the Capitol January 6, 2021?
It's obviously one of the smearers.
It's not the Democrats who are the problem, it's the Republicans. Until the Republicans are willing to stand up to Trump, he will continue to push the boundaries. It's not clear where ultimate boundary is, but I'm betting if he tries to touch Social Security and Medicare, Republican senators' constituents will rise up loudly.
It's also the democrats. The number of articles I've seen (and it is always this way) about democrats trying to work with republicans on issues.... we are beyond that now. We are at a crisis point. Republicans are certainly a problem but the silence from the democrats is deafening.
I'm not yet ready to write off the Dems.
After all, this is still a tightrope walk to decide just how much to let Trump (metaphorically) hang himself. And I have to believe Nancy P. is still calling some shots.
Trump & Co told us that they now decide what the "rules" are, and they will decide if and when they want to follow them. The Republican Supreme Court recently ruled, in effect, that the "rules" are whatever the party in power says they are, as long as the party in power is the Republican Party.
Kafka would be terrified.
Very true, but they need to be shouting DAILY to anyone that will listen about the pain that Cheetolini's actions are causing.
Remember the stickers with Biden saying "I did that" pointing to gas prices? We need similar ones for all the pain and suffering this administration is causing.
This isn't exactly that, but it's close...
I've made numerous purchases, and this is a top-notch site. They don't have a lot of stickers now, but it might be worthwhile to keep an eye out.
Maybe she is orchestrating a political equivalent of Ali's "rope-a-dope" strategy when he fought George Foreman. While he did win the fight, he probably suffered damage from it that lasted the rest of his life.
This is squarely on the Republicans. They own Congress, SCOTUS and the WH. You are making a mistake to dilute Republican’s blame and hypocrisy.
I don't think anyone is diluting the republicans fault. I'm emailing and calling my republican representatives. I want to work to get better suited people in office. That said, I'm tired of just pointing at the republicans. Democrats have plenty of blame to share. They also need to be held accountable. AOC just pointed out the hypocrisy that's exists in congress and used the example of insider trading. How much money to Nancy make during her time in office? Democrats drowned Bernie's campaign not the republicans. I don't think there are good people on both sides and clearly the republicans have gone down a very dark path. But the democrats time and time again don't stand up and try to appease and get along with republicans. I'm tired of it and I hold them all responsible for the parts they've played.
A policy of appeasement does not work. We have many historical examples of this.
There is no dominating voice for least none that have arisen. They are weak, feckless & kowed. Chuck Schumer....unlike Mac would could keep his troops in line...has no authority with some Dem Senators....just as Senators from West Virginia & Arizona simply flipped him the bird & proceeded to sabotage Dems efforts. Fetterman is going to be an issue.
Voters choose their reps, not Schumer. He has to let them navigate their ability to get those voters to vote them into office. Not all democrats and voters are cookie cutter versions of each other.
And since the past election showed, to me, how little people care about each other, that is a situation Schumer can’t change.
Gavin n Pritzger r fighting Trump's bs
in other words, we have been too nice to a group of creeps called the GOP!!! So we should start being nasty.
I didn't say that at all. Nasty isn't what I want to see. Listen to Bernie, AOC, Warren. They aren't nasty. But they aren't quiet either.
Sure...but I think public shaming and mockery can be very effective,
I'm good with public shaming. That's not nasty. But I have no more answers than anyone else. More and more I find myself being open to other methods. I just don't want yo become them. But I also believe that we are long past getting alone, finding grace, thinking the best of everyone....
I haven’t heard of democrats working with republicans on serious issues that matter, and if there are, it’s probably a small minority.
I think democrats are tactically being quiet because the republicans are cutting themselves enough rope to hang themselves with, metaphorically speaking, so why stop the process.
And even if one yells, if you don’t have the majority, it is of no avail anyways.
Work to get out the vote. That is the solution.
Laws are being broken right and left and everyone of them has to be called out.
Yes! So would think there should have been a wake up call after the inauguration
Well, duh....YES
We Democrats were poorly prepared for this. instead of warning people that Trump was a fascist, we should have described what fascism IS. It means neglect of the needs of people to bend them to your will. It means censoriship. It means concentrating the nation's wealth to a few individuals. And now that he has made himself a martyr for surviving an assassination attempt, it means idolization of a leader. No god I should worship would have ordained him, but that's what he's selling.
No matter what facts the Dems had communicated, I don't think the "Republicans" (RINO) would have paid attention or reacted. This is a cult. Truth has no meaning.
We were yelling it from the rooftops, they called us snowflakes, woke, and didn’t listen. I guess they are in the finding out stage. Too bad we have to be along for the ride. I’m calling my red senators and reps daily, calling the White House. I will keep making noise.
Plenty of us warned he was a facist dictator wannabe. If one couldn't see that they weren't paying attention.
No one cares! Unfortunately. They don’t understand what it means. They want a “tough guy”And then most didn’t vote! Unbelievable
Sometimes I feel I don't know where I'm living anymore. I've been disappointed and upset with Republican administrations in the past. But I've never felt the fear that I now have. For myself, partly, but mostly for the folks who depend on government services for survival. But then I remember, government provides a wide array of survival mechanisms and servives for ALL of us. And then the fear really kicks in.
First, I like your thoughts and agree. But I must point out that there was no assassination attempts that were not staged for a sympathy vote. These people have no shame in lying and doing deceitful things like that. Secondly, he is and has said as much that he definitely is NOT A CHRISTIAN which is quite obvious and as to him being the second coming, he has blasphemously stated wrongfully that he is the chosen one of God and the Jewish people when clearly God’s Word declares that Jesus Christ is the only Chosen One of God and the Jewish people. His cult are nothing more than Religious Pharisees who are responsible for putting Jesus on the Cross. I’m absolutely shocked that the Church he so mockingly said was terrible that he didn’t burst into flames. 🔥 He is the Antichrist and if one knows God’s Word it’s been confirmed more than one occasion. He is the epitome of evil.
an emperor with the support of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, just like Constantine.
'For I the Lord am Your God!'
Yes, but at least Constantine came up with a great story about prophetic dreams to sell the con! Fiery crosses in the sky!
Half of me wishes the shooter had better aim
The older I get, the more appreciation I have for "unintended consequences."
You're a better person than I.
No instead of calling him a fascist Biden should have been forced out immediately n a proper primary should of run. Kamala would not have been the choice naybe ya all would have had a chance. But no we had to let the guy that is losing his marbles try to take a second term. Gavin Newson could have slammed Trump if given the time to properly run.
Also the feds could of actually prosecuted trump on the three cases in the four years Biden was office...but nothing was accomplished
Progwoman, yes, and violence too, in all its forms, including neglect & intimidation. It's a major selling point.
Agreed, and yet, "what fascism is" should NOT have to be "explained" to people legally old enough to vote...
The WH calls the probability of CAUSING HIV/AIDS deaths among 20.6 million patients...
"A moral imperative."
Remember how angry we got when Reagan laughed at AIDS?
Well, I suspect that the GOP isn't alone feeling justified in expressing a "moral imperative". and this one will come from every corner of the world. Obviously, he'll feel fully justified (and joyous) at his new-found homophobic power to kill in a new way, but I suspect this will not turn out as he expects.
We can never forget that Trump's super-power is hate, not intelligence, empathy or compassion. His total lack of comprehension of any concept involving benefit to others (combined with his certainty to ignore all advice), may well be his undoing.
Not all people who died of Aids were gay. One man I worked with had bleed ulcers and got a blood transfusion. 3 years later he was gone.
As a "queer" American, I certainly agree.
But I can't believe that when they said "HIV/AIDS" to Trump, he didn't immediately know he could appeal to white evangelicals by letting "gays" die, and to white supremacists, because many of the victims will surely be in Africa.
My neighbors are gay. One lost his twin bother, partner and brother's partner to AIDS. He and his husband are both on AIDS drugs. BTW I was a witness when they married.
Cool! I imagine you're too young to remember the early 80s, and the "gay plague". People were so scared, and SO many died.
And now they will again. And the killer won't be a virus, it will be a slimy sewer-dweller.
He can't go there if he wants to continue to breathe in NYC after four years in dc
The hate isn't at all hidden:
Veteran hater Walberg was re-elected, of course.
Ricky Ray child hemophiliac, whose preacher told his small town Arcadia, FL that he had it, and got them run out of town.
Our “government” has had the cures for decades for every single disease out there. When I worked in healthcare for over 30 years I will never forget a nurse who worked for a doctor who was high up in the government and she was his assistant. They were trying to blow the whistle but back then that wouldn’t have had any protections for them. I firmly believe that djt had the Covid virus made here in America and I’ll tell you why. I have saved all the little actual news articles out there that were buried in the papers and news media.
#1 We all know that Donnie had three meetings with the leader of China. We also know that he was embarrassed by the Chinese leader when on the third meeting, the Chinese leader said no deal. So here we go with a tiny little toddler publicly embarrassed and shamed on a global scale and his having the least self esteem on the planet you know he’s all about retribution for his enemies. So stands to reason that he would fight back and retaliate. And he did.
#2 A lot of people don’t know that he sold most of the items desperately needed to help Covid patients was sold to Putin.
#3 Donnie owns a lot of stocks in Moderna and Purdue and Pfizer pharmaceuticals. Coincidence I think not. All 3 vaccines were manufactured there thus making huge profits for him and his oligarchs while people were dying left and right. To which his response was “I take no responsibility at all” and he still won’t. (Follow the money)
#4 He called it a hoax and a witch hunt which I absolutely abhor seeing as there are witches out there and I’m sure they don’t appreciate that. Anyway, He got his revenge on being globally embarrassed and humiliated and of course he and his oligarchs made a lot of money from this. Recall the two Senators who were removed by the people for insider trading which I figured out weeks before it happened and I wasn’t surprised. More money for him and cleaned up his tracks.
You may think I’m crazy and that’s fine but it stands to reason that he would not hesitate to get revenge for being internationally embarrassed and shamed.
Just my opinion but it also makes sense knowing him.
Michelle - I have a friend who identifies as a Wiccan and their spirit animal is a wolf. It always makes my eyes roll every time I hear the phrase “witch hunt”.
The rich get richer every time there is a depression or a pandemic. You can’t tell me that they don’t get insider information prior to the event happening.
That is HOW they make their billions! What else is there? Being smart and effective etc INCLUDES knowing how to use (abuse) the system! Even TRUMP said so!
Ulrike - “Agree” button
I’ll fight him every step of the way if he even deigns to make good on his threats to the LGBTQAIP community of human beings. I lost my son to hate and I advocate against hate for those who identify as lgbtqaip. A son and his husband I “adopted” and many friends… h**l no my house is a safe space and I have no problem firing a gun that I have via FBI background checks. I may not win this alone but if anyone needs anything and I can help I most certainly will.
Unfortunately, most Trumpsters won't believe anything unless it's on Fox or similar media, even if it's happening to themselves. If they were open to facts, they wouldn't have voted for Trump and his Republican accomplices.
Or when things start affecting them personally.
They will blame the Democrats
^^^THIS. It's what they have been programmed to do.
The new Republicans (a misnomer) are all Proud Boys now.
Proud LITTLE Boys....
Excited by their new-found power to smear anything beautiful or good with shit.
I honestly believe that he has been blackmailing them but the question is with what? I think it very likely could be a list of people who were at Epstein Island and don’t want their names put out there to be exposed. I can’t think of anything else that he could use that would conjure up their abhorrent loyalty.
Trump seems pretty happy to comply, and I think it's safe to say that this horrific measure (as with everything "Trump") was directly vetted by Moscow.
Or it was President Musks idea...his new office is close to felon # PO1135809's office.
It seems the culprit is uncovered:
"Russ Vought’s fingerprints are all over Trump’s new federal funding freeze
The Project 2025 architect has long argued in support of the president’s power to impound — that is, refuse to spend — funds allocated by Congress"
Michelle, it would seem that they would wear being on Epstein Island as a badge of honor to them. That sort of thing does not bother them in the least! They just gave the appointment of Hegseth to Secretary of Defense and you know what type of person he is!
Michelle - sexual extortion has been a tool of realpolitik since forever. i also believe that is the reason for most of the pretzeling. rich people believe that the laws don't apply to them, and our legal system pretty much substantiates that belief.
What makes you believe that they won’t touch SS? They’ve told us who they are and their power hungry lemmings in the house and senate will make a little noise but then capitulate.
Hummm I doubt republicans ( MAGA) will stand in his way even with Social Security
I agree, but we need ALL Democrats in Congress to vote NAY on every Repub bill that will harm people. (Which is most, IMHO). We also need them to do everything in their power to stop this runaway train whether or not they are up for reelection soon. Do they think capitulating to the Repubs will keep them from being "primaried?" It won't. They need to stand up to these fascists now! They need to stop trying to be nice and be more like Jamie Raskin. Civil, but strong.
The constituents will rise up loudly but their complaints will fall on deaf ears.
tRump will not care one way or the other he has made that clear, magas don't get it.... yet
He won't do that. He knows he'll generate a backlash. Not taxing SS income, not touching SS and Medicare, and allowing servers to take their tips without taxation is a way to buy them off. Meanwhile, he has this fantasy that the lost revenues from taxing tips and SSI will be replaced by revenue from tariffs, which might also partially buffer the deficits caused by the tax breaks provided to corporations and wealthy individuals. It's a scam.
Sheila, republican politicians' constituency should be rising up loudly right now! They should be as appalled as all of us at the crap that orange man is trying to do!
How about buy out all federal employees.
He already has....
Very much so
or not...
Call them! I've been calling them today. Be a pain in the ass. The ones I spoke with said they are being overwhelmed with calls today. Make some noise!
Please remember those calling to demand full approved funding of the NIH, NSF, EPA and Inflation reduction act as well as grants and all other federal agencies.
Some governors are publicly speaking up.
Don’t forget FEMA. The states don’t have the wherewithal to tackle huge disaster relief projects that’s what we pay taxes for those big problems not for tax breaks for billionaires .
No kidding. CA “picked” the wrong month to have a disaster. 😓
And also when a president does illegal things that should get them impeached. Let’s make a lot of noise about that too
Including ours
Not in Missouri.
I've sent emails all morning.
Write these things in the papers in the districts of MAGA representatives. An email to their website only gets you a canned response and NO ACTION. But publicly shaming and mocking them might actually send a message.
I'm calling MAGA Senators and Representatives, asking them why do they hate us so much. And telling them, they're doing a bang up job protecting white privilege and their wealth. They're telling us to go straight to hell.
Me too!
Interesting thoughts. Any tips for breaking in when most local papers are owned by the national entities known to be thought blockers?
Haven’t got that far myself yet…so I am not sure. But my first instinct is to say, don’t assume they won’t publish it…try first. Community organizing might be a good next step….getting like minded people together at the local courthouse to sign petitions has been useful in my very red town to get a Confederate Statue removed from the courthouse grounds and moved to a Civil War battlefield to the satisfaction of most of those who opposed it being at the courthouse
Good 💡 idea! We the people have to push back HARD against this POS who would let children and the elderly starve!
This is the same thing that the politicians and the big news agencies have been doing to all of us. Make us anxious and angry and we’ll keep tuning it so if we make a little anxiety and anger that might get people to keep tuning in.
Also, just thinking, controversy sells papers, and if you were raising controversy that might increase the revenue and thus you may have an in
Cowering under their desks and begging not to be hurt. This is the beginning of a new Civil War.
No. My senator of Oregon, Merkley, called this a constitutional crisis and is angry, as he should be. Some are on it.
Anger is not enough. Action is required. And that action will have to come from Republicans who are currently too afraid to do anything.
I would Recommend contacting your Congress Person, and let them know how this affects You & Your Children Personally... We need to start building a 'Grass Roots' Movement... If School Lunches are affected, our Children will begin to go Hungry... This is while DJT maintains his Golfing Schedule... DJT has just declared War on the USA as We-The-People know it... Time to Fight Back...
But fight HOW???? The Dems are quiet, without a leader. And the republicans are supine, kissing the butt of the worst man in the country. Who can fight with nothing? Where is our government when we need it?? At least the Air Force restored the history of the valiant Tuskegee fighters! But the wrecking ball is laying waste every protection in the country!! This has to end!!!!
The Dems need more than one leader to be a voice right now. They should designate individual senators and congresspeople to be the lead voice for specific topics: healthcare, economy, clean energy, justice and democracy, foreign affairs, etc. and those leaders need to be out there every day hitting the media with the democrats winning messages. We can’t keep letting Trump and Project 2025 own the news cycles.
the time to fight has come and gone. now we capitulate. thank joe biden for not doing his duty.
Joe Biden was too old to be president, he just couldn't keep up. Now trump is president in name only because Vought and Musk are calling the shots.
It Is Never Too Old To Fight... If You Can Still Breathe, Communicate, and Think, You Can Still Fight...
You said it, Shiela! Terror of being “primaried” has paralyzed the entire GOP. This is thanks to the gift of the Supreme Court’s CitizensUnited decision—-money thrown at mid-terms can defeat any and all opposition to presidential fascism.
yeah, only took $250M to buy the whole clown. Lots more where that came from....
I live in France. The government is responsive to popular anger because the Gauls have a sting in their tail. They will riot in the streets and make life very uncomfortable for people in government to the point that they will fear them. A few cars or trucks or RVs can shut down transport in the US as it has in France. If we argue for powerlessness we will be powerless.
In the U.S. that doesn't work. People whine: "I need to get to work so I can buy eggs!!!"
Republicans are Proud Boys now.
All this while the Doomsday Clock is now 89 SECONDS from midnight.
The closest ever...
"Consequently, we now move the Doomsday Clock from 90 seconds to 89 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been to catastrophe. Our fervent hope is that leaders will recognize the world’s existential predicament and take bold action to reduce the threats posed by nuclear weapons, climate change, and the potential misuse of biological science and a variety of emerging technologies. "
…or a groundswell of Democrats that can engage those Republicans that might still be in the fence about Mango
Are there any?
I went to Merkley’s town hall with Maxine Dexter. They need to vote against this in Congress and implore their colleagues on the other side of the aisle to have brains and balls and not take this shit! Merkley said it’s not going to be easy and the next however many years will be challenging.
And Wyden is too.
He is a defender of the people! I lived in Oregon (now back up in WA) and he is terrific! Oregon has some good senators and representatives. We need them and we must thank them. I watched him and my senator, Murphy today and am so very proud of the Pacific Northwest fighters!
I saw Chuck Schumer on CNN!!! What can they do???
What Chuck Schumer Say?
Not exactly. When asked whether she would attend the inauguration, AOC adeptly explained, "I don't celebrate rapists". Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) teamed up with Meidas Touch to expose the greatest fraud on Earth. Sen. Chris Murphy to the Senate called out harshly drump's illegal pardons of 1500 hundred convicted felons. We need many more to stand up.
Yes, but many of us weren't aware because these responses weren't largely covered.
Not covered because bought-off major media conveniently swept them under the rug. Independent media like Robert Reich and other Substacks, and discussions among private citizens have become our main sources for accurate reporting.
I definitely don’t have any fear of this reprehensible non human and I’ve already been since I was in high school as I didn’t like him then and even more so now.
Not nearly to the extent of the Trump Party.
The Dems just aren't getting coverage in the bought-and-paid-for corporate media.
Especially since all mainstream media are controlled by GQP CEO’s.
I've now subscribed to multiple substacks, and am paying for both Prof. Reich's and the new start-up, The Contrarian. Most of us can't afford to pay for all of tbe "news" we need...thankfully many (including here) are offering free reading of posts.
The Democrats DESPERATELY need a powerful media to reach and speak for the middle/working classes. NOW.
The media is controlled by the billionaires you.
What happened to Janet Yellen's warning on the damn debt ceiling? The R's are NOT in lock step with raising that. The D's could use this time to threaten all of them backing away from extending it - "we are just tRumping this, his playbook, ya know"
That's my fear. If it happens, it will be far bloodier than the last one.
And our enemies will laugh.
Better to do something as opposed to nothing. As a multigenerational military family member I won’t stand idly by and accept this inane psychotic nonsense from the nosebleed seats. We all have to stand together and push back so hard their bodies will reach their motherland.
Time for new impeachment proceedings.
Totally, but do you really think Mike the Ass Kisser Johnson will impeach his new buddy??? If you do, you are smoking your socks.
No, he won't, but knowing they'd fail didn't stop Republicans from trying to investigate Democrats. We need to be a constant irritant.
Not on his life. He’s completely sold his soul to Satan himself
God I can’t stand Johnson. McCarthy would have been better but as usual the Dems helped Johnson get the Speaker’s Seat
He’s already had two and the GQP under McConnell shot them both down each time. They are the biggest hypocrites in this Country.
What can they do anyway? Republicans control all three branches of government. They can vote against all of this ungodly policies and Trump will still get his way. Its gonna get a lot worse.
Do not obey in advance. Contact your representatives no matter who they are.
Hawley and Burleson don't even answer my emails anymore.
I'm not surprised but don't let them off easily. Be a thorn.
Not only that, Trump will claim that he getting rid of "woke" money and battling corruption. We must denounce his power grab, mobilize people at the state level. People will be hurt.
Democrats can impede.
A simple majority is not always enough to assure "victory".
Just like Republicans did when they were the minority. Just like the Vietnamese did to the Americans. Smaller doesn't have to mean weaker.
I'd guess it means "more determined."
Even though they do not have the votes, the D's can take advantage of this attention. Yelling - in my book - is not wise use of attention, but I get it. We desperately need stories of real impacts, clearly presented, with images. Over and over. Lay down the counter narrative with clarity and deliver what the real impacts are. Every single D has a chance to do this in both chambers. Short, real clarity - go for it!!!
Cath.....even when the right wing is OUT of 'power' they still manage to gum up the works and sabotage Dem efforts. (See last years & 2023 sabotage by 2 Dems that have left).
Exactly my question. Why aren't Democratic leaders screaming about these abuses? Where are you, Obama, Harris, and every Dem legislator/governor?
They are:
Paula B. yup they're making tempest in teapot noises again:
Senate Democrats vowed to fight a White House freeze on federal financial assistance, calling for a delay in the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominee for White House budget chief, threatening potential court actions and warning Republicans about potential impacts on their own states.
That's rich about warning repugnants about impacts on their own states. they don't care who gets hurt. they've got theirs, and screw everyone else. ya think sara huckabee sanders gives a rats ass about anything except herself (and her podium)?
I don't know, Paul. Their history certainly isn't encouraging. As usual, we'll have to do their work for them, I'm afraid.
Sad thing is most people don’t know that the blue states are paying for the red states with the amount of taxes and the people who pay their fair share
Yes, they are.
It's just about everywhere now.
With the power the MAGAs now wield, the Dems will be usurped at every point. This is what happens when fascists become the leaders.
Oh, we've not heard about Putin lately, but I'm sure he's just as happy as a clam. The most powerful country in the world is being reduced to a failed state, with no leadership and chaos being the norm.
this may however give some other countries an opportunity to step up and save the world for democracy.
And it costs him so little.
Friends, perhaps the most effective non-Putin news source in Russia now is MEDUZA. I've been supporting them monthly, and others may wish to give something as well...
Donnie is playing golf right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if daddy was there for a visit
I thought I saw reports of several DEM senators, including Schumer, yelling about this. Sorry, no links handy.
Thank you.
Why not go at ones that are doing all of these things, the Republicans. The Republicans have all of the power. Including unfettered power through the Supreme Court. The voters hold the responsible for what they are doing. They told you what they were planning on doing and you voted for the wannabe dictator and his President Apartheid Elonia Muskrat anyway. The Democrats weren’t in the voting booth with you. Grow a spine, a backbone , and cojones and fight back.
Need new impeachment proceedings.
It wouldn’t work this time either
So let me get this straight. The democrats shouldn't fight for us? Gtfoh btw I have gone after the republicans. Now do your part instead of coming on my comment. 🤬
Already contacted my Senators
You can't blame Democrats, they told everyone what would happen and you had 9 million people that sat this one out because they would not vote for a black woman. I'm sure they will learn once they are thoroughly screwed but they are taking all the rest of us down with them.
Too many of the Democrats are cosplaying as Republicans and have been doing that for a long time.
Don't blame the Dems; there really isn't anything they can do. The short-sighted, spoiled-rotten, instant society in which we live decided that Biden's remarkable efforts weren't working fast enough, so they decided to go back and believe the lies of the liar who nearly broke our country the first time and all his minions in the House and Senate.
Instant gratification has killed patience completely.
"Instant gratification wasn't quick enough"
Wayne Kramer, RIP.
Show me I blamed? 🤬
Well you're asking where are the Dems, like they could do something. Unless I misunderstood and you were asking, "WTH are the damn democrats" was your way of just wondering where in proximity to the White House, they physically were.
They are neoliberals. Except Bernie, AOC, Warren and the like. They haven’t yet learned that allowing corporations in their pockets is part of the problem. They roll over and compromise. Work across the aisle. The rules of the game have changed and they haven’t yet figured out how to create a new high road within the new playing surface.
They are fighting:
There aren’t any horror movies in the universe as horrifying as what is now going on.
Unfortunately I've read the bio of Mao. Stalin's purges were no picnic. The Dems are the voices of the Damned being offed to the gulag. It is scary so our communities must band together in resistance from the ground up.
Wait for it. They are destroying Planet Earth. And the atmosphere is assaulted with muskito's rockets.
Don’t forget he’s got Teslas floating up there polluting space.
After degrading a once fertile verdant Planet, what's a billionaire to do besides adding space junk ?
They are worse than Stephen King's nest of vampires flicks.
If only reality were of more interest, 'death might not be so appealing.'
The zombie obsession has always eluded me...
True! And I've seen plenty!
Americans asked for this government. They love TV celebrities and money. All kids want to be now is an INFLUENCER or RAP Star or a football player like Kelce. We are a very rich nation with lower-class tastes and an anti-intellectual bent. What's Wrong with AMERICA is AMERICANS.
Yes but not all Americans. Almost half the country didn't vote for him. There are a lot of us out here trying to stop him.
By my calculations Trump only got 47% of registered voters and 22% of adult Americans.
Hitler only got 35%. A politician doesn't need to get 60% like a Reagan did (& he did alot of damage)
Hoping there's an opportunity to reach those unregistered Americans and for those who didn't bother to vote last November to have non-voter remorse.
Sadly a greater plurality than Hitler's in 1933.
Alas, there's long been a large contingent of Hitler supporters in the USA.
jonni 50% of voters didnt vote last november, and ~25% voted for Gump.
first, 50% of voters didnt vote last november!
second, there were good alternatives to the Duopoly: Jill Stein and Cornel West. they got less than 1% !
By those numbers how can you pretend that there are alot of people unhappy with Trump? and what exactly do you imagine the latter can do "to stop him" ? All a voter can do is vote and pester your senators and congressman. Good luck with that!
I'm not ready to just give up. There were a lot of things wrong with the last election cycle and many that came before that. I feel hopeless some times and don't know what to do. Staying engaged, talking to others, being as loud as possible to those that have direct power to change this.... I just can't sit here and watch him burn down the world.
I think the world of resistors. But I dont think it is resistance to vote for a Duopoly candidate that backs the foreign policy of Biden: Gaza genocide. And Ukraininan proxy war.
Voting for stein or West was throwing away your vote. Period. You are part of the problem
"the problem" according to Lair, is the 74% that didint vote for Harris ! 74% refused to endorse Harris.
You re basically math is just wrong
How about we all not file tax returns for 2024 and change withholding to exempt for 2025? Stop the flow of money.
There's something appealing about issuing a citizens order that we will no longer pay taxes to the federal government and instead pay the equivalent amount to specific programs and services. Obviously not the method but sure fun to think about. I realize we'd end up with penalties and maybe jail because the rest of us have consequences.
stephanie, about 74% didnt vote for Trump.
Seems to me that Joan Breibart's comment on 'career choices and options' also would pertain to a fair number of non-Trump supporters as well.
My kid wants to be an ornithologist and loathes Trump and what he’s doing to this country and the environment. She turns 9 on Friday. There’s still hope for future generations!
My 18 year old is going to University of CA at Berkeley to become an environmental engineer!❤️❤️❤️
Are you an American? You appear to distance yourself from Americans by referring to them as "they," but then you turn around and call the country "we." If you *are* an American, I have to wonder why, since your opinion of Americans really couldn't get more disdainful. If you are not, well....I'll be sure to give your opinion all the consideration it deserves.
I’m so sad to say that much of what you write is true. 😢
Well said! They think programs like PBS are elitist
I’ve emailed both of my senators today about it, but I’m flummoxed as to what else I can do. Do you have any suggestions?
Lawsuits are the only effective resistance at this point. Robert's pessimism about SCOTUS notwithstanding, they are not all "in Trump's pocket" - really only two of them are in that category. John Roberts would still like to have a reputation left at the end. We must fund a veritable blizzard of lawsuits from the ACLU and many other sources. Not another dime to politicians' campaigns.
Upped my monthly donation to the ACLU this morning
They anticipated this. The ACLU is on it more than anyone else I've seen.
I wish I could be more optimistic about the ACLU, but during my personal 8 year battle with my public community college employer over the efforts of Christian Nationalists from the local RCC within the college to turn the college into a trainer for RCC programs (1999-2007), the local ACLU wouldn't even provide me with a mailing address to send FOIAed docs that supported that to.
Among the docs was even one from a Dean thanking the architect of the scheme for "doing God's work" in attacking me and the secular American music history classes I taught for decades. I was also plagiarized from when they cut and pasted my syllabi and recruited a religion professor from a Catholic school to 'teach' it.
I later found that members of the college's legal team were also on the ACLU board that made those decisions. The Jewsish guy they had call me to explain clearly didn't agree with their decision either. I did eventually prevail, but my guess is that support from the ACLU would have cut years from that. Luckily, the arbitrator could easily see what had been happening, and while tossing my grievance based on blown timelines, did it in such a way that union and management quickly found a way to get me back to work, f/t, which I had never been before, just so that they could be rid of me.
So is @Marc Elias
Good! I am rejoining ACLU and SPLC very soon after a lapse of several years because of other financial priorities.
I just joined last year. Very happy I did.
Jayna Sheats : All three of trump's appointees are beholden to him, and the others who were also appointed by " Presidents" that did not get the popular vote have a record of being lawless and corrupt, like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito..
Thomas has never forgotten Ds raking him over the coals though sadly enough Ds voted for the fucker in his usual.
Vile uncle Thom - if I could I'd time travel him to 1856 with his WHITE wife and leave them there
His wife was at the Jan 6th insurrections; she is full blown Trumpster
Yup. Funny how none of the big wheels were ever even charged. Yay Garland🤮
John manyjars: So your point is to make this all the ""D's" fault? And suggest that it is usual ? Not helpful, and ignores the illegality of trump's power grab. He already has enough without petty sycophants distracting and projecting blame onto the party that is Not behind the mess we are in. Follow the money.
Agreed Laurie. I wish that Ds would fight like Republicans, is all
I have heard that sentiment, and had similar thoughts. but is being criminal and cheating the answer?
'Rolling over for their 'brothers'' has been far, far too common.
Laurie: the reason I say this is because they are *not* beholden to him, unlike politicians who still have to get elected or appointed. That is the good and the bad of the lifetime appointment. They are only concerned with their legacy now. Thomas and Scalia know exactly what legacy they want to leave behind: slavish devotion to tyranny. (I could be more eloquent if I tried, but that's the essence of it.)
Even the rapist on the court would like to be remembered as a "real" SC justice, I'm quite sure. I am assuredly not defending him or Gorsuch, just assessing how they may cast their votes. It's purely tactics in a war, and that's how we must regard our situation.
Jayna Sheats : , Trump's Attorney, Alina Habba, made a statement on Fox 'News' that the three justices whom he appointed to the Supreme Court "owed him".. I know exactly how I Will regard our situation. There is NO "must" about it. Corruption is corruption . I will not forget.
Don't you think Thomas is going to be the first to leave - honor to the clown and all - and the Heritage goons will make sure he gets a comfortable send off. We of course will go crazy with the clown's appointment choice....arghh
Jayna Sheats ; the justices in question are not in the situation of those needing to get elected, fo sure. but anyone who does not capitulate to "the Don" can face adverse moments, and threats. like the ambassador who faced what tRUMP said "might go through some things". He is a criminal mob boss who threatens people and their families. Think of Paul Pelosi in his 80's, while still in pajamas, getting assaulted with a hammer to his head. because the Tyrant in chief wanted to cause Nancy Pelosi pain and fear. He is beneath the pit.
dumpster could have them impeached if they crossed him. you think moses mike would do exactly what dumpster told him to do?
"Crossing him," seems to me to be utterly out of character for any of them, as I doubt that there's much in the way of 'differences' between them.
They were groomed to be at the SCOTUS for decades.
Laurie! I have missed you. My life’s a shambles caring for my mom and taking a toll… but she is getting better little by little. No pain no gain…
So glad to see you, Sis. Be well.
Always, A.
Anne ; it is good that you were able to care for your mom, and see an improvement. It is an effort that took a toll. Wonderful that you could do that, sis. Remember to take care of yourself now.
Best, Laurie
"John Roberts would still like to have a reputation left at the end." Bwah-hahahahahah, bwaaaah-hahahahahahaha, (cough, wheez) bwaaaaaah-hahahahahahahahahahahahah!
Yeah not buying Roberts growing a pair. The son of a bitch helped the Bush v Gore coup, as a vile young attorney for the fascists
remember that roberts, kavanaugh and barrett were part of the legal team that worked with/for the supreme court that gave bush the election in 2000. he's doing exactly what he's always been paid to do. remember how he told obama how unseemly it was for a sitting pres to criticize a supreme court decision (Citizens United)?
Just donated to the ACLU
Oh, Roberts will have a reputation all right. Just not the one he thinks.
The states are suing him over this. Contact your governor and state attorney general.
Gov Lee & Sen. Blackburn & Hagerty? Pissing into the wind
Do it anyway.
OK, OK - I did it - almost felt the mist!
Good for you!!!
I'm in the same state. Feels pointless since all their heads are so far up the monster's ass it's ridiculous.
Yeah. Kehoe? Hawley?? Schmitt???
Already have! One of the members of our Union got fired by the Orange 🍊 Felon today
Oh no! I am so sorry. This has got to stop. I sent an action item to 25 people today. We should all tell everyone we know to contact their representatives.
Torches and pitchforks.
It could come to that.
Until then, everybody stop work. General strike. Since almost everyone is employed, there are virtually no scabs to fill in. Watch how Donnie and the dumbshits flail.
Interesting to consider. But I doubt that the electric have any more balls or ovaries than the Dems.
That would be effective.
Write a physical letter. Go and present it to them. Ask for an audience. Go as a group for more impact.
LOL, reminds me of participating in a useless "conference call" with Stabenow c. 2004 or so, over the war crimes in Iraq, not that SHE would have ever admitted it was criminal.
Sure. But. The more you can go, the more powerful your message. A physical letter is worth 10x an email. A call 10x that, a meeting 10x that. 10, 20 or 100 people requesting a meeting on one specific issue can make a huge difference. Huge!! Itnonly takes 1 person at a time to be outraged. Adds up fast.
I have written to both my D & R senators about specific issues only to get form letters telling me about "all the great things they have accomplished for me". When I replied that all that is great but what about my specific question...crickets....
I feel you. I have similar issues.
Don't feel bad. The staff read the letters.
If enough constituents write/ call/ visit the staffers get a vibe and pass on "there are a lot of people worried about x"
If the number of people that have written about it is some tiny percent of the "silent majority" suddenly writing in - they start to change their tune/ do research etc.
It takes time, and lots of letters.
Stay hopeful.
You can do it America. You can save the world from WW3.
2008 was this empires 1929 crash.
Hopefully the oligarchs don't crash the world for their greedy selfish need to try to hold onto wealth.
That could be nearly every American mind, as the $$ is crashing with the BRICS coming to give everyone an alternative.
Sigh, I only see 'value' in letters if they're comprehended; if what I write is contorted into something that I did not mean, and used to endorse what I've condemned, I don't see any positives in that.
See what I just wrote to @S H about letters :)
I get that, but when it comes to even "minor" nuances in policy, 'just a vibe' is rather limited in the 'positive effects.'
Stauber is one of mine & he has his head up the Dump's butt so he is worthless...
Got to Washington like Mr Smith did and see what happens.
just another troll
do you need help to understand my comment?
Vote your Congress n senator out in two years if they let trump get away with it
This isn’t going to end well.
At least not for a while.
He is so destructive on so many levels, it’ll take years to recover. It’ll take years for the Republican’s to grow back their spines and stand for the people instead of a person.
But I do believe it will happen. I do believe we can be a better nation, a healed nation. It’s too depressing and oppressive to think otherwise.
And it sure beats throwing in the towel.
How about we all not file tax returns for 2024 and change withholding to exempt for 2025? Stop the flow of money.
Mmm... this is that: for people who espouse toxic rhetoric (to the point where they can't be invited to speak in public - because of the security budget required), there is nothing which stands for the people more than populism; note that we are "healed" of stolen elections.
Bonus point: over before it began (the executive of question doesn't seem to have any compunctions about tying up the courts & judicial resources, let alone any second-order consequences).
Let's all have a National Walkout! Shut down everything.
The one good idea I’ve seen… but remember all the maganuts out there cheering him on, and the armed criminals he unleashed to shoot us in the streets and the 49% who voted for him because they believed he could bring the price of eggs down. They’re still just as dumb as they were.
Last time I checked their permissive gun laws apply to us as well and could come back to bite them in the ass. We need to stop bringing folk songs to gun fights - I hate that reality, but that is where we are at. This won't be won by bipartisanship or polite requests or civility . . . ships have sailed, trains left stations . . .
When will Trump declare that Congress is "irrelevant " and put troops on the floor of the House and Senate? It's coming!
He won’t have to make a formal declaration of what has been the case so far—-that Congress has only performed ceremonially to sustain illusion .
He doesn’t have to. He has the majority and the dems are rolling over
I’ll take my chances
Absolutely the way to go put a halt to al work and buying anything. Get prepared and shut down.
Up for serious consideration, but not just now.
Both my senators are Republicans. What can I do? We need to be able to do something.
Write anyway. In fact it is even more important to write Republican representatives so they know the position of their constituents.
Probably not the most eloquent, but this is what I wrote them:
Dear Senator Hagerty,
Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress holds the power of the purse. Congress has approved payments that our President Trump is freezing. I believe these funds are being impounded, which is illegal per the 1974 Impoundment Control Act. The Act bars a president from not spending money Congress has appropriated. Please do not allow a 90 day freeze on foreign aid spending, which is jeopardizing congressionally authorized foreign assistance including military aid to Ukraine and distribution of medications to Africa and developing nations.
I do not wish to see our form of government dissolved - please let's maintain our checks and balances.
Most Sincerely,
Bohnne Jones
I think it's wonderful!
Contact them anyway. They need to feel pressure.
Alot of pressure
Start by kicking your neighbors in the ass who voted for them . . . because they are not really your neighbors . . . they hate so much they are willing to destroy you. Trump has dragged us into a jungle. You won't win this battle with unicorns and rainbows.
Hell my in laws voted for fatass along with 1/2 my relatives. It was a quiet Thanksgiving for me!
I've had no problem firing my family . . . it's been a boon. Want nothing to do with them. They are Nazis.
I'd been doing that for decades already back in the 20th century, and the reasons weren't political as 'politics is way over their heads anyway.'
Same with some "old time friends."
'If you can support that, we must not have ever really been friends to begin with.'
Many of those who voted for Trump will be hurt by his policies, and some of them may become your allies. Don't kick anybody!
Doubtful. People double down.
Are from Louisiana? If not it could be worse. I voted against the asshats but we still ended up with an almost totally red state government.
Contact them anyway. They need to feel the heat.
and the subject to Ms. Blackburn's email I sent: Please do not abdicate your authority and responsibility
I call my dickhead representatives. They need to hear from us too.
'After all, you can help them to identify yourself as one of their enemies!'
In this day and age, I can't imagine that they NOT keeping track of who their self-identifying enemies are. For confirmation, just take a look at who advertises in "left" on-line pubs - I've seen many an RNC and RNC leaning ad in such places.
Same here regarding Republican senators. My emails have gone unanswered thus far.
In the past, I'd have to say they were pretty ineffective; one of the 'classic' ones was from Stabenaw's office about 20 years back, thanking me for supporting policies I'd thoroughly condemned in my letter... The letter I sent was in no way "unclear," let me assure you.
Contact them anyway, let them know you are listening, watching, and you are a voter.
I took Civics all through school and I learned about our constitution and the three parts of the government , Executive, Legislative and Judicial, equal and separate. That doesn’t mean the Executive gets to trample the others. He is not king!
Yes, you and I know that but that doesn’t seem to matter much today. I am heartened that it’s already been taken to court.
Mine too. Graham and Scott
Write to them anyway. Maybe they can be shamed
"Maybe they can be shamed."
'LOL, "good luck with that!"'
But GOOD NEWS: There is a group actively working to thwart the efforts of Trump & equally important the forces behind Project 2025. Democracy Forward was organized in the wake of Trumps Nov 6 victory and has attracted top talent to take these vile forces to the courts - where the more often than not lose (YES, but when they win we feel it HARD) And now Democracy Forward involved in Democracy - "We are 350+ organizations representing millions of people, committed to working more quickly, more strategically, and in greater numbers than ever before to defend our democracy and disrupt far-right attacks on the American people." Right now - Trump is following the Bannon playbook and "flooding the news" with rapid fire INSANE measures. STOP, take a deep breath & exhale, pace yourself - and be aware that we are the REAL majority. The impact of 350+ organizations and lawyers who are not in it for the money will be immeasurable. Sen. Reich - TRY to focus on the positives!!
We’re going extinct.
We're not but our country sure will be, and soon.
'Slay' it loud!
But do Americans understand what is happening? Watching this from abroad in Europe, the situation is clear. History repeats and the time is ripe for a 🇺🇸 Revolution. Europeans are also scared since the movement is global and China is currently in the lead for winning at technology. Whataworld...
I don't think many do understand. It has been a flurry of orders and changes so fast that it has been impossible to fully keep up. Also, if they are watching only conservative news, it's being hidden or presented as a positive thing.
An endless flurry is how a budding autocrat cements his power. The bigger the flurry, the quicker the cement drys.
when cement dries quickly it tends to crack. Let's make sure Trump never gets the chance to "cure" the cement.
Amen to that Victor!! :>)
His 'relationships' with concrete operators from organized crime are older than a good percentage of voters are.
Hi eugene-at 1st I thought probably so, but then I thought he is too much of a coward to get involved with any of NYC's 5 families, and if he had, they would have owned him like any other chump. Who knows?
This is what i am nervous about. Overall the usa media is heavily propagated. The tech bros bought out legacy mainstream sources nearly a decade ago created a new forced-fed reality. This has been years in the making.
It doesn't matter. This is Trump's country now, a fascist dictatorship in which his word IS law. All of this has been years in the making, the GOPs slow march to fascism has arrived! What can democrats do? They hold no power! We hold no power!
No fascist dictator in the history of the world has ever given up his power willingly. Period. There is only one way this ends.
Resist, even when it looks hopeless. Don't cower or obey in advance.
Is resistance enough? It seems to me Ryan SD is not cowering or obeying but calling for a revolt. That may not be resistance but it might be the thing we need.
This is exactly what I mean. Look to the French of 1789.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Of course, Napoleon followed.
Perhaps we need a General Strike. No Justice No Work!
No Justice? No Peace!
It starts with a deluge of responses at the federal, state and local level on a constant basis - not just once, but daily or weekly for months on end - emails, phone calls, texts, fax, even postcards. Republicans opposed to these and forthcoming measures, notify your party that you are changing your political affiliation to Democrat or Independent and send a copy to your local, state and federal politicians. If you donate regularly, stop all political donations. While doing this, those so inclined can begin working towards organizing a General Walkout or a General Strike. It will take an extraordinary amount of work to organize such an action, a year or more. If such an organizing group evolves, volunteer to help where you can.
It will take commitment to participate like this on a sustained basis but think of it as walking your talk or fighting in the trenches. In serious times, serious commitment is essential for success.
Guns are still accessible. Organization is still possible. Revolution is always possible. His word is not law, it is only law if we think power resides in him and it does not. It resides in us. We just need to organize, take, and use the power the gods gave to us.
"On what meat hat this our Caesar fed?"
This is exactly what I mean. Revolution is the only way it ends!
National strike!
look for allies!
go back to south Dakota you nattering nabob of negativity!!
In other words, bend over and kiss our asses goodbye?
Thank you, Robert Reich, for clearly stating what so many people want to pretend isn't happening. It's up to each of us to speak truth everywhere we can to oppose Trump. We don't need to cave or capitulate. We must speak up publicly to oppose Trump and his administration.
Repeat - “Do not agree in advance.”
I find it highly unlikely that I would "agree" ever.
Thank you, Mr. Reich, four spreading this information. I had no idea about the 1974 impoundment act, and now I will, of course, write to my senators. Even as I know they will support the impoundment act, I think it is important for them to know that their constituents are aware
The only impoundment Trump needs is, well you know ….
Florence, CO?
Cutting foreign aid: does that include Israel’s heavy suckling?
TRump would love to build hotels in Gaza and support the Right wing takeover of any land left on the West Bank.
Indeed, he's openly talked about that. Jared wants to spend some of his hedge fund money on a luxury hotel on the strip where he daddy-in law, Musk and Vought and Netanyahu can go and hang out.
Putin and other dictators would most likely be invited, too, like at Mar a Lago.
How long before Putin makes an official state visit and addresses the GOP 'Congress?'
I was wondering when tRUMP will 'just' hand over the keys to the White House to Putin.
I think he went to Mar a Lago when the other dictators and autocrats were 'feted' there.
No, Israel was exempt.
Israel and Egypt apparently.
Sisi is an authoritarian thug. No wonder Dump pays him
I figured there would be weasel words for the Zios.
no, israel and egypt were not affected
I. Illinois, the governor believes this will affect Medicaid reimbursements.
The most vulnerable, least able to cope, will be most affected. Very consistent. Classic Bully.