Have you lived there and participated in its politics and studied its history? Sounds like maybe not.
Its government is now of course pro-capitalist on steroids—without even the (rather trivial) virtues of classic capitalism such as prudence or efficiency, and hampered by the isolationist nationalism of Brexit—once a merely unpleasant fantasy, now a disastrous reality.
Have you lived there and participated in its politics and studied its history? Sounds like maybe not.
Its government is now of course pro-capitalist on steroids—without even the (rather trivial) virtues of classic capitalism such as prudence or efficiency, and hampered by the isolationist nationalism of Brexit—once a merely unpleasant fantasy, now a disastrous reality.
Have you lived there and participated in its politics and studied its history? Sounds like maybe not.
Its government is now of course pro-capitalist on steroids—without even the (rather trivial) virtues of classic capitalism such as prudence or efficiency, and hampered by the isolationist nationalism of Brexit—once a merely unpleasant fantasy, now a disastrous reality.