May 29, 2022Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

I can still remember as if it was yesterday, the shock and horror of the Dunblane school shootings in Scotland in 1996. We haven't had anything like that since. I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to live in a country where this can happen week in week out, year after year and to seemingly be helpless to do anything to stop it. My heartfelt sympathies are with everyone affected by these tragedies and who wants to do something effective to stop them.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

Robert...your emotional intellect, is like a steady, flowing, gleaming steam on the most brilliant of days. COMPASSION. Thank you for all that you do.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Keep up your sterling work, Mr Reich ! Cheers, in solidarity, Lorne Walters from Belgium

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(Pancha Chandra): Robert, you guide us with amazing sensitivity; how I wish more statesmen follow your lead! Those who follow Donald Trump should be given lessons of humility, civics & good governance. Think of those who are killed & maimed by gun violence. Shocking!

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I feel the same, Dr. Reich.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Another weekend for the caption, Dr. Reich. We all stand together in our grief and sadness.

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Every child matters. A loss of our children is a loss of our future. Trauma is a lifelong social wound for the survivors, parents and the rest of us. There is no peace without justice, there is no justice without peace. May these dear children and their teachers rest in peace.

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I totally understand, and feel the same way. What is wrong with this country? smh

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We understand. Thank you.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Thank you for you vulnerability and sensitivity.

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(Pancha Chandra): We need more ethical leaders to express themselves from the core of their heart & call out those leaders who shamefully follow the N.R.A. (the National Rifle Association). Donald Trump is prominent in his support of the National Rifle Association & should be named & shamed! How many more innocent victims of gun violence, Mr. Trump? Still, you spew your callous philosophy of availability of more lethal guns. You are certainly not a leader of peace, but a callous proponent of sheer brutality! You sully the name of American Presidents by your endorsement of the National Rifle Association. Guns kill and maim innocent people permanently!

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I don’t know how much more our democracy can take in a country that loves guns more than children.

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Completely understandable and appropriate

How sad that your dignified approach is not replicated elsewhere.

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Thank you for sharing just how fragile our human assistance is. It’s humbling to breath in deeply the tragedy and the pain, the senseless loss of these little life’s, along with their teachers. Maybe if we hold on a little longer to this horrifying reality we can change this madness. Peace.

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Understandable.. I’m afraid we’re becoming complacent. We are a nation who does not grieve. It just so happens to be Memorial Day weekend and we’ve lost so many to the pandemic and drug overdoses including children who’ve shot them selves! I will not give up hope that we will get back to being human again. We NEED TO MOURN!

Thank You Dr Reich

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Thanks to the musicians, the writers, the filmmakers and you ! who with words and love and compassion but also with indignation bring these issues under our attention and do not step back. So important. It means one is not helpless, one can do something, speak up, vote, write about it. So thanks. Ghent Belgium, ex-exchange student in USA with AFS.

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