Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I find it interesting that people who are so upset by stagnant wages, little healthcare availability, and inflation will vote for people (in this case Republicans) who would prefer to see them all working for nothing or as close to it as possible), fending for themselves when it comes to healthcare coverage, skipping college because "it isn't for everyone, you know," paying taxes so the rich won't have to, and more. I think the problems we Democrats have, in addition to those described by Dr. Reich include believing in this nation and our ability to stand up together as Americans, convincing ourselves that unions really are worth the struggle, recognizing that workers like farmers are so essential we need to stop taking their work for granted, and shouting from the rooftops that our children are truly precious enough to make us do whatever is necessary to insure their future. We also have a challenge with our current media that know what will happen to most of them if an autocracy happens here, yet still give Republicans/conservatives (who have no positive, helpful ideas), a greater voice than they deserve. I am not concerned yet whether Joe Biden will run again for a second term or can win. We have a lot of ground to cover before then if we are to preserve our democracy. I like the idea that Biden should produce now, a lot of executive orders for things we as a nation need. It will take time for the challenges to get through the courts and in the meantime, we could be working seriously to stop global warming, to getting apprentice programs going for our young people, offering incentives for communities that are developing new strategies for positive community safety, better protecting our public lands, dealing with waste, and so much more. People will come to want those programs and start demanding them. We Dems need to take the lead instead of just reacting to what Republicans do and say. We already know they have nothing but conflict, division, blaming, and shirking responsibility to offer. We can do better. Let's prove it! R.Sheets

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I totally agree about Clinton and Obama. The Democratic Party's embrace of neoliberalism won them Wall Street donors and elections but cost them their soul. I hope Biden leads them back to it before it is lost for good because, once it is gone, so is America's democracy and greatness.

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I'm not a Biden fan. I don't think he has a persuasive, captivating, leader's personality, so I think he's not maximizing potential for Democrats. Still, I don't see how any voter looking for truth and fact couldn't recognize that the reason Biden can't accomplish much is the Senate, and the reason for high gas prices and inflation is corporate greed. When the GOP is responsible for obstructing Biden and is pro-corporate greed and anti-democracy, how the whole situation could translate into "vote Republican," I can't comprehend. Except unfortunately, I guess I can. Scary situation. I fervently hope Democrats find ways to overcome Biden's personality and communictions shortcomings.

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The Democratic Party must return to the party of the 1930's through the 1960's

We need to shuck big donors, corporate leaders and return to the middle class majority. I have stuck with the Democrats since 1967, but recently as the lesser of two evils. While I deplore the apathy of the voters, it's easy to understand their despair. In both parties, moreso in retrumplicans, their main interest seems to be staying in power at any cost. So, they sell their souls, and lower our standard of living, in order to retain that power. If Biden wants to be reelected in 2024, he must forget his longtime friends in the Senate and push hard to end the filibuster. Then he must push to end the endless pursuit of money for the numerous PACs

He needs to convince the Democratic Party to represent ALL the citizens of the USA ignoring the deep pocketed donors. We don't need never ending TV ads, we need good, honest, politicians who keep us informed every step of the way

We also need a Senate rule that NO bill can get put in any Senators desk, never debated, never put to a vote.

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Excellent piece, particularly on the dismal corporate display of the Obama presidency, to which Biden had a front row seat. One tiny criticism, if I may, from the perspective of a liberal scientist who wants progressive societal change, and who has studied and thought about climate change for the last 20 years: the tacit assumption that sufficient numbers of American voters care enough about climate change that they will move elections.

They do not and will not. Understandably, perhaps, what Americans most care about is inflation and gas prices. Reagan in 1982, like Biden in 2022, was hit by both items, which helps explain the similarity of their presidential ratings, despite the gross dissimilarity of their worldview.

Which brings me back to climate change. As a scientist, I disagree with my liberal friends in one thing alone: I'm agnostic on the issue of whether human beings are having a significant impact on the slight upward fluctuation of global temperature in the last century. Unknown to most liberals is that there is a vigorous scientific debate about this, and with very good reason - which I can happily explain if there is any interest.

The reason I bring this up, at the risk of finding myself on the ash heap of your blog, is that I want your readers and you, especially, to just consider the possibility that climate change policies are a losing issue.

I agree with Paul Krugman up to a point: even if there is scientific doubt about the causes of global warming, we should err on the side of assuming that human beings are causing it, because the economic costs are so low, and the potential societal costs of ignoring it are so high.

But in the world of realpolitik things are different. If human beings are indeed causing global warming, the problem will continue to be solved by technology. Windmills, solar power and EVs are all happening now. Diesel will soon be banned in Paris, and by 2030, I believe, we will have a greener, much less polluted planet. And all of this will happen without the meddling of politicians.

Which brings me back to realpolitik, and the reason we have lost some very tangible benefits in the last year. Joe Manchin was prepared to vote for $1.8 trillion of the BBB package, and might have been persuaded to go higher, if we had loosened up a little on the Green New Deal. But no! GND was just too perfect to be held hostage by a corrupt coal magnate. So guess what? BBB, as I predicted, ended up in the crapper. [By the way, to my knowledge, none of the politicians in the "progressive wing" is a scientist. May I suggest the book of my friend and colleague, Franco Battaglia, endorsed by 1,000 scientists, including Nobel Laureates, "There is no Climate Emergency"].

With apologies for this lengthy piece, and in the full knowledge that I will likely be ignored by your readers.

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Maybe if he can get some of his agenda passed but it seems highly unlikely. We really need a wealth tax so we have money for things we need!

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My optimistic self (very bruised at this point) says we will reverse the trend at mid-terms! My cynical self (snarky more often) sees more of the same we have now. The young people MUST vote and the Dems need youthful leadership to lead the way. Let's be optimistic and get out the vote!!

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I think it's critically important Tim Ryan wins the seat Portman's walking away from.

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I agree with your analysis. Another big problem is that the Democrats don’t seem to have a younger leader ready and able to be elected President in 2024. We need a leader old enough to have learned through life experiences and young enough to have full energy and be more connected with the younger people in our country, who, after all, are the future. I hope that President Biden recognizes this and helps the right younger person become the Democratic nominee instead of running again himself.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

I think that Biden was elected with the realistic expectation that he wasn't ol' Tweety. I think his approval rating has fallen because of unrealistic expectations concerning what is constitutionally possible to accomplish as president. There's also an unrealistic expectation that the current crop of Republicans will >ever< approve of >anything< >any< Democrat will do in office. (Indeed, the >general< polls >never< identify the political affiliation break-down of the respondents polled, while treating the outcome as if the polls' respondents are politically independent. Approval ratings by party affiliation give a clearer picture.)

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I personally hope Biden does not even run. In my opinion, as an outsider, the Dems need to move away from the Center, and aim about 8 o'clock to the left, if not more. American caspitalism is failing the workers, and just about everyone else too. America needs not only a wealth tax, but also to either put a cap on election spending, or give every politician a set amount of money from a mixed fund of political contributions. In other words, those who want to donate to election funding donate into a non-partisan fund from which each politician can withdraw up to, but not over, that set amount. Obviously a lot of corporations will stop donating, but that can be countered by designating a definite percentage of the monies from the wealth tax directly into the Electioneering War Chest. How the funds will be distributed and to who will take a lot of skill, no doubt, but if the two parties, and Independent representatives do not work together, then the fund gets frozen until they do. The point is for everyone to have adequate funding, but just enough to campaign without going overboard on spending. This will also allow less wealthy people to run for office snd still have a reasonable chance of winning.

Why do I suggest that Biden not even run? Because while he is a nice guy, and leaders of nations cannot really be "nice guys" in our current social and political situations. In order to help the average American, whatever "average" is allowed to mean, capitalism must be tamed and brought under govermment control. Administration salaries, profit percentages, where government spends its monies, all those things and more need a total overhaul, and "rich white evangelicsls" cannot be allowed to remain in control of how everyone else lives. Biden does not appear to have the courage of convicton needed to accomplish these types of changes. America needs someone who can create real change.

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I. reluctantly, have come to the conclusion that one party, the Republicans, have earned we, the people's NO CONFIDENCE vote. They have become a party of manipulators; heartless, cruel demagogues; autocrats; liars, cheats, and all-around


However, I reluctantly, have also come to the conclusion that the Democrats are behind-the scenes aiders and abettors of the status quo, saying one thing and doing another. President Biden (and Kamala Harris) have repeatedly refused to use the power they have to intervene in the outrageous overreach occurring at the state level, in primarily Republican-run states, but also in some Democrat-run states. President Biden has the U.S. Constitution's Guarantee Clause he is required by the word SHALL in its wording, to invoke to ensure a Republic style of democracy in every state. What is a Republic style of democracy? One where the power is vested in the people; one where the people choose their representatives; one where representatives only govern by consent of the governed; one where the will of the people prevails. State after state no longer operate as Republics, yet our President takes no action to enforce the U.S. Constitution's Guaarantee Clause. Pundits say the Guarantee Clause was written for another time and was never meant to curtail state power. Really? I think a strong case can be made that it is a clear mandate to our federal government to intervene when and if the states deny a Republic form of democracy to their constituents, as many currently do. It takes political will and courage to intervene in the current over-reach by the states who are engaging in partisan and racial gerrymandering; repeated violations of state constitutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people as expressed in referenda legislation; and in votersuppressiom and election subversion. President Biden could also convene a Citizens Roundtable, which meets virtually on a monthly or quarterly schedule and is action-oriented to keep the President aware of the issues confronting the American People and how they must be resolved, so he never loses sight of why he was elected and by whom. President Biden also has the power to intervene in the states through the power granted in the statement: the states have the power to determine the manner, time, and place of elections, BUT, the federal government may override such, if necessary. (I am paraphrasing). That is what the Freedom to Vote Act was all about, in my opinion. He does not need Congress's vote to intervene when the states are denying access to the ballot box through voter suppression tactics, nor carrying out the will of the people by employing election subversion tactics. Do these federal state intervention abilities need guardrails written in law? Of course. Not all Presidents are able to.handle their power well. Ther must be parameters, IN LAW, which delineate when and how such intervention in the states can occur. But surely, when states are denying a Republic form of democracy...whether that is in the decions made about manner, place, and time of elections; through voter suppression or election subversion; or in violations of the rule of law or in violations of state Constitutions in their respective states, the power of the federal government has to intervene on behalf of the people is already present and should be invoked.

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I will never support a Republican for any office, but no longer support Joe Biden - all he did this year was kiss Joe Manchin's ass and Manchin blocked progress at every turn - to hell with bipartisanship and all that let's be friends nonsense. He also didn't DEMAND that Congress ban assault rifles - what B.S !! Biden has proved to be just another "politician" and either doesn't know or want to learn how to turn the screws to get things done.

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I sincerely hope that people see the light and realize that improving their collective quality of life, economic or otherwize, does not lie wiith Republicans.

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Thank you, Sir: Once again, you made excellent points. However you did not address the question that you postulated at the start of your talk- “How can Biden get re-elected?”

I would like to reference some of the comments that I made a week ago or so to a similar query- which I believe few people saw because they were late in the cycle:

Other than Biden keeping a focus on the fact that the House passed a measure to increase the age to buy semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines, keys for Biden to be re-elected will be:

A) Garland must follow through with the prosecution of the Jan. 6th perps after announcing the demarcation of the line that must be crossed before a President should rightfully be charged with a crime for acts taken while president (as American politicians have lived in a bubble that rightfully must continue to ensure that the judiciary is not used for political purposes- as Trump certainly did): When a sitting President breaks so many ethics rules and then, from the evidence, plots to subvert democracy, and policemen die as a result of an attempted coup, there must be repercussions to ensure it will never happen again.

B) Putin’s rationalizations in Ukraine have stemmed from his initial rationalization for attacking Ukraine in 2014 - to arm the terrorist separatists in Eastern Ukraine to seize Ukrainian territory that Putin now seeks to annex-clearly to benefit from those initial terrorist acts. In light of that fact, Putin’s announcing that he will be targeting new things in Ukraine if America sends the advanced missile systems that can take out the Russian artillery makes it time for Biden and Blinkin to break the stalemate in Ukraine by proclaiming a countdown to declaring Russia a State Supporter of Terrorism. To avoid that, Russia must not only cease and desists from targeting civilians but must pull out of ALL Ukrainian territory, return Ukrainian citizens, and compensate for the damages Russia has caused. Perhaps 6 months would be a good target, but with one hour removed for every tank or artillery shell fired; a day for each further Ukrainian death, a day for every rocket, and a week for every missile that lands on a Ukrainian city or civilian target; a month or more for the use of banned weaponry, and an immediate terrorism designation for using nuclear or vacuum weapons. This should provide a powerful incentive because the only way that Russia is likely to shake a terrorism categorization once proclaimed would be by a regime change.

C) Biden should push for legislation to decrease drug prices and otherwise improve Obamacare coverage, with hardship insurance subsidies, and expanded coverage for non-pharmaceutical care-chiropractic and herbal, and other traditional healthcare, and dramatically improve childcare, child nutrition, and for after-school programs, and

D) for Biden to talk about how we need to insure that the Republicans will not be able to destroy healthcare or Social Security, or to increase taxes on the poor and middle class, and to close the loopholes for the rich, and that federal banks need to pay state taxes, just like everyone else, with increased minimum taxation on the rich, and provide economic rewards for carpool clubs for commuters using electric vehicles, thus cutting traffic and gasoline prices

E) For Democrats to start using terms like Moscow Mitch, and asking why people are still listening to Fox, Trump, and Carlson with the question- What will it take for you to wake up to the fact that you are being lied to, over-and over again?

F) Do Op-eds of open letters to Carlson, and Trump, and the Goofy-Over-Putin (GOP) Party asking them why they have undermined the American position in the world, preach on behalf of tyranny even while their hero, Putin, is committing atrocities to subjugate the People of Ukraine, and why did Trump cozy up to North Korea and try to destroy NATO, and harm our allies, and our diplomatic corps, and keep his talks with Putin secret, and destroy the nuclear deal that was keeping Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, and leave office with America so weakened by his actions that Putin believed he could walk into Ukraine and American would do nothing, because he knew that he had Trump, Carlson, and the Fox propaganda machine working on his behalf?

In short, it is time to stop playing nice-guy so the worm can turn.

* Biden should also push for a federal election integrity law where there be a presumption of fraud against the people of the United States if a State Official fails to certify an election without evidence of voter fraud or sufficient credibility to stand up in court and to have changed the result, and such an act caused a result contrary to the total popular vote of the nation.

Thanks for listening.

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I appreciate the comment about young people. It’s just so frustrating that many demand things he’s not really in control of, that our education system didn’t somehow get through the power of Congress, that many of them (and many older people) don’t understand the dynamics of the Senate, especially at present.

I’m a huge, huge proponent of prioritizing climate change over all else, and the bigger the bill the better in theory. But demanding the Green New Deal seems to have gotten people’s hopes so up when it’s sadly preposterously unlikely—unless they come out and vote! Politics is maddening! Corporate greed and its hold on politicians is crazy to me! Why are people who went into public service so corruptible?!?!? And the simplifying media continues to amplify Biden’s ratings and blame him unfairly, as far as I can see. AARGH!

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