Jan 30·edited Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

There's a great African proverb that points quite well to the incessant, GOP screeching fear-mongering (terrorists, crime, and more terrorists) propaganda strategy. "The sheep spend their whole lives fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd."

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Such a betrayal of our country. Instead of working together to get to a bipartisan bill, Trump orders his lackeys to kill it. Why? Because he wants to use it as a campaign issue. It’s all about Trump, not the country. Vote in November!!!

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

“Trump says he welcomes criticism from GOP senators. “Please, blame it on me. Please, because they were getting ready to pass a very bad bill.”

Excellent lesson professor. That said, it’s almost as though Trump and Netanyahu have the same campaign teams. During the JCPOA negotiations, Netanyahu would tell everyone, that “any deal” is a “bad” deal. Never specifying why.

I happened to hear it directly from Netanyahu when I visited the Knesset in Israel as part of UJA. You can’t break through to these people. They have a narrative, and the entire team parrots their fearless leader, Netanyahu or Trump; regardless how ridiculous their position is.

And what would Trump know of a “good” deal vs a “bad”deal? He’s the worst deal maker around.

He tried to repeal the ACA, which he promised to do again, even though more American’s have enrolled than ever before (over 25 million) and love it; replacing it with “what”? Exactly!

He betrayed the Kurds after an hour conversation with Erdoğan. He pulled out of the Paris Accords for climate change; apparently because windmills cause cancer. He couldn’t decide whether COVID was real or a democratic hoax, yet, took credit for the vaccines. And when he finally built his 50 miles of new wall along a 2,300 mile border, Mexico didn’t pay for it.

I mention all of these shenanigans because it shows that Trump has no plan. He had the house and senate for his first two years in office, yet couldn’t produce an immigration bill, because immigrants he was told (Stephen Miller), were responsible for all the drugs and crime. Wrong!

He had an infrastructure month every year, yet couldn’t produce an infrastructure bill, or even brought one up for a vote. Yet, watch Trump try to claim credit for every project the bill financed in red states. He wouldn’t be alone. Have you listened to all the republican lawmakers claiming credit and handing out the checks from the infrastructure Bill and the CHIPs and Science Act? They all are going home and bragging about all the pork they brought to their respective districts and states, yet, none of them voted for these bills.

So what did Trump accomplish during his first term? Three things: a perpetual state of chaos. Three fascist SC picks and......wait for it......wait for it ......TAX CUTS for the rich.

So tell me America, what exactly did most of you get from Trump, except a daily migraine, a recession, and an extra $20 to $40 bucks a month in their paychecks?

Now ask yourself was it worth it? Exactly, and the reason we should never choose Trump again! It’s a clown car run by narcissistic sociopath, and a bunch of spineless politicians, who are so obtuse and weak, that collectively, they all couldn’t find the ocean, if they were standing on the beach!

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When you give all your power away to a lunatic, who has hijacked the electors, you create a party of frightened losers and wimps ...

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The house and senate republicans and Michael Johnson is particular are acting as Donald Trump’s “fluffers.”

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich


If the democrats had plans to make a move the video I've seen of the situation at Eagle Pass is a sure reminder that this border controversy is just a means to extend our conflict between the parties.

Eagle Pass, Texas is an example..... One highly protected gate with armed military and vehicles, razor wire etc. Yet stay on the road and observe all the gates that are swung wide open. Had a friend make that trip and in 4 miles there was 17 gates wide open and not a person in sight. 300 yards past the gate and you're into neighborhoods ... nice neighborhoods.

What's that tell you?

It tells me that that the best share of this border problem is just a 'put on' by the news media.

Strong movements from the Dark Side are playing 4 D Chess.... they are excellent in confusing the nation.

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

Biden may have 'caved in' simply as a tactic, to enable him to cite it whenever necessary, so that it is a side issue. Perhaps the main election material for Democrats should concentrate on these points (refutations of lies).

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Politics is about perception, a Poly Sci Professor once said. The images of thousands at the border are sad. Stats about backlogged cases in courts are bad. The repeated images in the media have caused many people to think immigration is a major issue this election. I think other issues are far more important for USA's long-term security.

Biden did the right thing because funding foreign policy is necessary. We have a two party system, for better or worse. Playing politics makes it for worse. Biden played the grown up at the table, and voters know it.

Biden should keep a comprehensive plan on the table and keep asking for cooperation. Come Election Day, I hope people care more about issues that help Americans, rather than precieved threats of immigrants trying to hurt American's way of life. An "open border" is hogwash. Climate disruption and a sustainable energy policy are the real issues that threaten USA's future and security.

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

Sounding tough on illegal or indeed legal migration has become the staple debate in developed democracies with major parties vying to introduce more severe controls.Falling birthrates however are also common in the G7 economies so migration controlled or otherwise will continue to trend as war zones proliferate across the globe.The willingness of electorates to share their space and public infrastructure is being tested to the extent that newly emerging neo fascists parties are gaining votes across Europe and elsewhere.Only a courageous open dialogue led by moderate politicians which explains why migration and compassionate asylum policies are necessary in this interconnected world can avoid a return to the 1930's and Putin is evidence of the dangers of ultra nationalism and aggression.

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

I have lived the better part of my 76 years in Texas. Hispanics have been an integral part of my life. They work hard and they work smart. Family is very important to them. They bring value to our culture.

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Robert, the only thing missing from your synopsis of the southern border crisis is the fact that the current GQP of the House of Representatives and Senate are screaming for a “secure border funding” bill to stop the influx of immigrants from our southern countries.

If we recall, some time back the GQP withdrew funding from the southern border. They cut funding to the Border Patrol and other agencies who were working the border to process, place, and yes, even return those who were illegally crossing the border. So, I’m looking at what they want now, Exactly? One thing. Election leverage.

The southern border is the ONLY THING the GQP can take to their constituents and argue, campaign on, and preach to their constituents that President Biden has done nothing about.

Fact of the matter is, the GQP has created something, lost control of it, and now are scrambling to make an election issue out of it with their favorite tool. “The blame game”! They have created this issue at the southern border. Now the blame President Biden for it, and blame him further not fixing it, which is something that he’s been trying to get done for over two years!

What needs to be done is simple, and it’s up to US, the PEOPLE, to get it done. We need to VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙 in every election between right now and at least 2030. We must flush this entire GQP out of our political landscape. If we don’t, we won’t need to worry about the southern border, other than us crossing it getting the hell out of this dictatorship we will be living under!!!

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#Putin + #Trump says: (insert LIE here)

Surely GOP wankers are soaked in criminal actions for which they can be blackmailed ?

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We absolutely DO need to build a tall, thick wall, but not for the purpose of keeping out immigrants. We need to put a wall around Republicans. Preferably that wall should be on Mars, with an accompanying dome, of course. We’ll give them everything they need for self sufficiency, plus their religions and all the guns. Then we’ll let them be. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to have no one but themselves to live with, to blame, and to victimize.

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Keep pounding the drum!! Rational thinking people must get the messsge!! Wake up America!!!

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Jan 30Liked by Robert Reich

I absolutely believe that Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. But he is not the only threat. At this point, I would not vote for a republican dog-catcher. I feel like not enough attention is being paid to down-ballot races. We need to get rid of republicans in the house and senate. We need to get rid of the republican strangle-holds on state governments. My own state of NC is being destroyed by super-majorities in our legislature even though we have a democratic governor. I would love to get your thoughts on all the other races in 2024.

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“We also need to deal with immigration in a humane way by offering a broad and reasonable path to citizenship, but Democrats seem to have forgotten this basic goal.”

Today’s Substack plays like a broken record. Like too much of America today, it seems to be focused on punch and counter punch. Many are adamant that we need immigration and just as many feel we do not. Many of us have met, worked with, or gotten to know an immigrant or a family that immigrated. I’ve not met an immigrant yet that I could honestly say I wish they’d not been allowed in. Immigrants provide a lot of good to the country and why we find ourselves as a country unable to come up with a policy is baffling. Many of us are tired of the senseless banter and the real inability of us as a country to figure out what to do. Many of us don’t think we’ll find a way forward (as a country) regarding immigration ever.

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