One thing I would add is to please make sure the memes and other things you share about Trump on social media are factual. A friend shared one this morning claiming Trump had been fined for child sexual abuse in multiple cases, listing names and amounts. Pretty sure that was false but it only took me two minutes to do a search and confirm that it was. Spreading misinformation doesn’t help. It only riles up emotions on both sides.

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I agree- senseless fabrications or insults just make our cause look cheap, muddy the facts, waste the capital we DO have without flinging extra stuff around.

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And we have plenty of political and social capital.

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We certainly do.

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Misinformation, slander and lies are the lifeblood of Trump, Musk, and MAGAts, and it works for them, all too well, why not for us? Do we want to lose again and finish off what is left of our democracy.

Our founders didn't create a Democracy, they left us a Constitutional Republic, it took three amendments, the 13th, 15th and 19th create a democracy. We weren't a real democracy until women got the right to vote.

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And the US will STILL not a be a real democracy until the demise of the Electoral College, so it will truly be one person one vote

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Don't Forget the 14th Amendment, and "Indian Citizenship Act. On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. The right to vote, however, was governed by state law; until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting."... The United States is a Work-In-Progress... Hopefully that Progress is FORWARDS...

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Native Americans are the REAL AMERICANS!! This was their land and was taken away from them!! To me, that's disgusting!!

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Don't expect them to get back their lands-- too many valuable resources there. Project 2025 promises minor concessions.

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Project 2025 would give significant concessions to Native Americans, but would also give away our public lands to corporations, including the entire state of Alaska. They see it as progress.

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Hello Victor... Same old Story... I can't think of one Treaty with the Indigenous Peoples that wasn't broken... The Death Knell of the Buffalo ( Bison ), and the Indigenous Nations was "Gold Was Found", later it was "Oil Was Found"... Ken Burns created a Very Good Documentary on the near Extinction of the American Buffalo....

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"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." - Lincoln

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James Michener wrote a couple of books many years ago about the electoral college.

So warnings about this system have been around for years and now his insights are becoming truth. We live in 'interesting times'.

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And the two senators per state,.There are seven states with only one representative, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Delaware

The problem is that the Red States, the taker states,have smaller populations than blue states. but there are more red states than blue states, and it takes 38 states to ratify the constitution. Until there are 38 blue states that won't happen, and if there were 38 blue states, the Democrats would perceive an electoral college advantage and they would oppose changing the constitution.

Catch 22

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Hopefully, some red states will become purple due to economic and demographic changes. NC and Georgia come to mind.

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Utah is becoming Purple as more West Coasters move there... Having lived in Utah for awhile, the typical Utahn is Moderate... It is the Church Leadership, and Politicos that are Deep Red... As always, Time-Will-Tell...

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Georgia was purple in 2020, but the Republicans have been ultra busy in NC and GA with voter suppression laws and activities. I've been tracking them and scratched them as possibilities.

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Absolutely! What is the sense of us "voting" when the electoral college decides who's the winner!! And they must be sold to Trump! He must go to prison, not the W.H.!

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We don’t need lies, we have “weird “.

People who have privilege and power for too long get weird. Think Skull and Bones secret societies and Project 2025.

People working for equality, freedom, safe schools,air, water, climate, Bread and Roses don’t have time for weird.

Make the choice clear!

Don’t vote for weirdos!

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Especially malignant weirdos.

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“When they go low, we go high.” We can win without becoming like MAGA. Lies and fear mongering do motivate people who already live their lives in fear. One way we can help heal the rift in our society is to help people form a real connection with their inner source of competence. When people are less afraid, they are less socially conservative.

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Misinformation and cheating brings advantages, which is why it never goes away; but the antidote, which brings far greater rewards, is vigilant and proactive rejection of provable lies and cheating, thus enabling liberty and justice for all. The alternative is Orwellian.

The US is not a democracy in the sense of direct democracy, and which some of the founder thought of as "democracy" at the time. Direct, vote in everything democracy does not scale well. Our "consent of the governed" republic is still a fundamentally democratic framework, although it's initial application to ALL the people was blatantly hypocritical, and there are always those who want to lord it over others.

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But they have already taking women’s rights away.

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Two steps forward one step backwards.

No sooner than we celebrated V J Day, than Rosie the Riveter was called into a classroom in the factory and shown a film how to wear lipstick, a sun dress,and prepare meals for her hubby, and create a happy family (I am not making this shit up, it actually happened) then she was fired and replaced with returning G.I,.s., and we get the 1950's which the reactionary right is so nostaligic about, Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Mayberry, even Beverly Hillbillies and the Honeymooners. A Wonderful Life,

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and then riveters were replaced with robots.

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True, but the point was about culture and the role of women, not labor.

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Let’s remember that the women’s suffragette movement had African American support (maybe women AND men)-- and then left them out of the voting rights they negotiated. That was another piece of democracy that wasn’t brought in till later.

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Actually Ruth it is the opposite, the abolition movement had suffragette support, Africans had no economic or political power, not even avoice. The lone black voice was Frederick Douglas and it was the likes of Susan B Anthony that supported him

When itwas time for voting rights, Douglas said htat it was more important that black men get the right to vote than women, that women 's rights can come later.

That is a fact, look it up if you don't believeme.

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I do believe you. It’s been awhile since I read up on this!

Excellent books out there.

Here’s one on my shelf:

America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines. Gail Collins.

I know the library book I read (some years ago, probably this decade) on suffragette movement as well researched and it blew my head off.

Happy to hear any book recommendations you have.

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I am 85 and have read thousands of books, walked away from two libraries,the third one is in cardboard boxes in my garage because I don't have shelves to put them on.

The only books I have outare quick reference on genealogy, myu avocation in old age.

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Yes, William, but JD Vance will have a remedy for that.

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Have idea what you are referrring to Vic, what comment?

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And there with the comment of Tom High, you have the voice of Putin.

His trolls know the trigger words that get liberals salivating, MIC,imperialist, colonialist, neo liberal,neo conservative . genocide and they inartfully work them into comments that are intended to demoralize, sway and tug at liberal sensibilities, but never, ever do they mention them in regard to Putin and HAMAS,.

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I’m an organizer for Lean Left Vermont and think giving our volunteers letters to X advertisers is great idea. I could use some factual talking points. Thoughts anyone?

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I would simply send some of the excerpts of drivel from Trump's speeches and interviews, quoting times, dates and links, and ask them if they think Trump is sane enough to have their support to become the next President of the USA.

In fact if hundreds of people set up X accounts and did the same, posting Trumps drivel, then all those Trump and Rep followers on X would be faced with a deluge of Trumps stupidities, day after day.

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That's a disgusting suggestion.

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Stooping to the same reprehensible lies and falsehoods as the Former Liar in Chief djt only plays into the beliefs his misguided followers.

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Absolutely. Lying is what they do because they know they have to cheat to have any hope of winning. We need to be truth warriors, exposing their lies and offering positive, attainable solutions.

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"President Donald Trump on Monday (March, 2020) came right out and admitted his Republican Party would soon be defunct if voting in the United States was easier in a way that allowed more citizens to vote in elections, telling a national television audience it was a good thing that Democratic proposals for increased voting protections and ballot access were left out of last week's coronavirus relief package.

The comment came during an interview with Fox & Friends, the president's go-to show for positive coverage.

"The things they had in there were crazy," Trump said of the voter protection and expansion proposals in the bill. 'They had things—levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.' "


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I remember he said that if vote by Mail was passed states wide Republicans would never win another election ever.

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That tells you something right away.

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…like Tim Walls allows undocumented illegal immigrants to get a drivers license and become a voter. We know why the Dems love unbridled immigration; VOTEs and to aid in Obamas “fundamental transformation”

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I despise Trump by the way…

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You are not alone! What his supporters see in him really completely escapes me! I cannot find a single redeeming quality. What is it that his supporters find so compelling? He’s a liar, a racist, rapist, cheater on and on and on. It’s so disturbing to realize that this man with all this garbage attached to him still has thousands of supporters. What kind of people are they to support such a creep?

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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and of your ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - Orwell

It's the mental malware that defines a cult.

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In short, Donald Trump’s supporters DON'T BELIEVE any of the charges against him, including those he has been convicted of doing. They actually believe he has been the target of a partisan (Democratic) "witch hunt". Surreal, I know, but there it is. 🤷‍♀️

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Perhaps it is not surreal but half-real. Lots of voters have real grievances, which Fox News exploits.

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Fragments of facts get stirred in with total falsehood. Even MTG's (Soros) "lasers in space". set fires for some unknown reason (pure "Dr. Evil", I guess).

There has been in the past some speculative discussion of building solar collectors in geosynchronous orbit and transferring the energy via laser beam (which does raise the question of "What could possibly go wrong?), but none have been built and it's not like such a system could be successfully be deployed in secret. In the hands of manipulative fabulists, a plot worthy of "action comics" is recited as fact.

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We need to contemplate how Trump’s people will try to disrupt the counting of votes thus potentially throwing the election to the House to resolve and, with a Republican majority, give it to Trump. THAT is what we need to stop.

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Many people I know (some of whom I love) despise his manner, his delivery -most everything about him - except of course the crucial republican(?!), christian(?!) and his border policies ... we know, the policies that have gotten us to a much despised status around the world. And he's such an inconsistent nitwit with that rambling incoherent narrative. Bleah. We won't lose heart. We gonna win :)

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I keep reading stacks from Mary Trump and she says that most of his siblings don't like him much either, his own family, sad

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Private settlements are not recorded anywhere. Women who made public accusations are not the entire universe of people who have accused him. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped. DOL had a case involving an underage foreign model who accused him of bringing minors to the US for illegal purposes, but the complainant failed to file in time and the case was dismissed. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/08/donald-trump-model-management-illegal-immigration/

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My point was that the meme I saw this morning cannot be verified and, though I don’t mention it here, was classified as false by both Politifact and Snopes. That doesn’t mean Trump isn’t capable of this type of behavior nor that he hasn’t made settlements with anyone. All I’m saying is that if you can’t verify what’s in a meme floating around social media then don’t share it. There’s plenty of verifiable behavior that he can be called out on.

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Post the meme.

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I can’t seem to copy the image into the reply here. But here’s a link to the Politifact article discussing it. From there you can also link to the Snopes article.


And I’m done with this discussion. I brought up the meme as an example and I have no desire to spend more time discussing that specifically. My comment was meant to speak to unverifiable memes in general.

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The names are published. What do purported victims say?

Politifact used "rule out" logic -- "There’s no evidence that Trump made six settlements to 10- to 13-year-olds, as the list claims. We rate that claim False."

Still within the realm of possibilities. The names are published. Politifact did not contact the families.

"The numerous allegations of sexual misconduct—unwanted, unwelcome, often aggressive sexual behavior—levied against Donald Trump merit attention and redress. Despite obstacles to civil remedies, there has been some litigation, but it has mostly been unsatisfactory. The many allegations reported in the media have not been amenable to judicial, legislative, executive, or political resolution. Women, including women who allege Trump committed sexual misconduct against them when they were minors, have generally not been afforded the remedies to which they are entitled.

"Because litigation and media accounts have proven inadequate to the task of addressing Trump’s sexual misconduct, there should be a government inquiry and resulting Report. Such a Report—a Misogyny Report focused on Donald Trump—would assist the nation in assessing and contextualizing the troubling and persistent allegations of his sexual misconduct. An inquiry and Report could provide a forum for considering each individual woman affected and as part of a pattern of Trump’s conduct. Further, an inquiry and Report could ameliorate the silencing of women—through isolation, threats, and nondisclosure agreements— and propose remedies to empower these women as well as other women. A Misogyny Report could also suggest specific correctives to obstacles in the path of bringing and completing litigation that could address the alleged sexual misconduct of Trump and ultimately of others. A government Misogyny Report initiated by Congress or some other governmental body could provide a much-needed reckoning."

Recommended Citation

Ruthann Robson, The Sexual Misconduct of Donald J. Trump: Toward a Misogyny Report, 27 Mich. J. Gender & L. 81 (2020)." https://repository.law.umich.edu/mjgl/vol27/iss1/3/

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Mores the pity. He seems to get away with all his crimes. It’s sickening.

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Manufactured crimes

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I think I know which list you're talking about. It has about half a dozen names of girls & boys ranging in age between 10 & 13 or 14, & fact checks indicate no basis for this. But there are a couple of girls, for whom there is more credible evidence of Trump raping, along with Jeffrey Epstein.

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Oh, yeah. That’s the one. And I do think he’s certainly capable of this type of abuse. Maybe one day we’ll see solid proof of that. I’d love to see his butt kicked into jail.

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This stuff needs to hit the blogosphere, The thousand monkey thesis. By the time a thousand monkeys learn something, all monkeys have learned the same thing.

That is how the right wing, and Putin Trolls, spread lies and disinfo, we can use to spread truth and should not above using our enemies tactics, because the work.

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"Trump is weird, and he stinks, too." Please verify.

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We ALREADY know the inhuman, abominable stuff Bunkerboy did! Good point: no need to take a page from the Traitors by spreading horrible things he LIKELY DIDN'T do.

Did he assault his under-aged daughter he told us he wants to f_ck? Probably, but we have more than enough FACTS that we don't need to look into it just now. Thanks for making it easy, tubby!

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Exactly. We can stick to the stuff we know. It’s more than enough.

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No it is not. It got out that he shits his pants and wears diapers, and they show up wearing diapers and T Shirts real men wear diapers. Women wear T Shirts with "Grab me by the and an arrow pointing to their crotch.

As the song says, You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland before you.

The Republicans have taken the low road, from Voter suppression laws, voter intimidation, legal briefs drawn up and waiting to be filed, fake electors already drawn up and ready, lies, smears, circulated in social media, and we play "fair"?

A recipe for an everlasting fascist dictatorship, and we have learned nothing from the experience of Italy and Germany.

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No apparently we have not learned a thing from the Horrors of WWII let alone WWI! I bet half the citizens in this country never even heard of DDay let alone December 7th. They know who Hitler was but don’t believe about the Holocaust. Even when there are films of these events! What happened to teaching the horrors of 20th century history so we don’t make the same mistakes again? Instead we have almost 50% of Americans worshipping a man with absolutely no moral core, who says the most terrible things about people of color, people who are disabled, women and on and on. Why does he want to be our Dictator? I fear for those he hates and what , like Hitler, he will do to them. He’s nothing but a FASCIST Dictator wanna be!

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One can not count the wars of men,from the moment the first animal hide clad homo sapien picked up a mammoth thigh or jaw bone of an ass,

AS regards Trump and MAGAts, MAGAts are people looking for a white male Christian that would assert dominance over non white, women and queers, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and atheists.

They have accumulated nonwhites, Jews, Hindus, Muslims as camp followers looking to improve their financial and social standing.

Trump is simply their avatar, they even know he is a fraud, doesn't believe what he says, but don't care, because he is a means to the end, and the end is a white male dominated theocracy. And the people with money, the billionaires, plutocrats, aren't interested in culture wars, except that victory means male domination, they see Trump and Trumpism as simply a tool and tools to be used to gain and keep power,much like the German Industrialists of Weimar Germany or 1920's Italy.

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Donald Trump is a very modest man. His supporters want him to be dictator for life, but he, with great humility, agreed to be dictator for one day only. Doesn't that bring tears to your eyes?

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Isn't it just crazy?! That level of obsession?! Wearing diapers and cheesy bandages on their ears?! I'll bet some of these people would have been ashamed of themselves for parading the way they do. Covering their properties and vehicles 365 days a year with huge banners and all kinds of flags and stuff.... It's gaudy as heck....

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The MAGAts are people who have been longing for a messiah,to deliver them from the clutches of atheistic, people of color, "feminNAZIs", as they see it, and to restore what they see as the natural order of things, a white male run Christian theocracy.

Back before the towers came down, I was on a forum (I forget the name of it now) in which a member posted that when they (Christian Reconstruction) take over they will "restore order", Christian reconstruction is another name for Dominionism . or https://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/fundienazis/royal_race.htm

It is ecumenical, transdenominational and has Catholics like Mike Pence and Opus Dei, and protestants like Mike Johnson and the New Apostolic Reformation. It is a movement not a church.

It is Islamic Sharia law, Taliban Style, as Christian, Republic of Gilead style.

Death, by stoning, to less than observant Christians, feminists, adulterers, juvenile delinquents, LGBT. This is what Peter Thiel and out gay billionaire, who says he is an ex gay now, embraces.

Trump is the very definition of the Christian anti Christ, but they love him because he is their avatar. When they look at Trump they see themselves, when they look in the mirror they see Trump.

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It‘s insane how they‘ve twisted the Bible to suit themselves. They actually think they‘re Christians! I can’t detect any Christ like behavior in anyone them, only determination to dominate.

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Tribalism/nationalism is the default mode of those who do not know anything better.

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The default is tribalism, and has nothing to do with knowledge.

A persons identity determines which tribe (and tribes) one identifies with.

For instance the Muslim tribe rallies the troops and circles the wagons, when it perceives that it is under attack by kaffir (kufr, infidels, non believers).

Christians or more accurately conservative Christians, have been told by their shepherds that Christianity is under attack by heathen liberals and have been told to rally around the orange "antiChrist" whom they perceive as a messiah.

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There's no need to resort to using misinformation or lies against trump regardless of the impulse to do so. Trump is so unethical, immoral and corrupt, there's more than enough factual info of his and his cohorts misdeeds to sink the trump ship of garbage. Just use factual information.

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Give people hope and they will vote for you.

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❤️Reich❤️:"Trump and his enablers will throw whatever they can at her. Even though nothing has seemed to stick so far, we must be ready for the possibility that something will."

Karen:"make sure the memes ...are factual."

Me:"...or:'make sure the memes ...are ...'...funny..."🤣😁🤯

Me:"HARRIS SHAPIRO IN UTERO" is my new podcast that addresses both:

❤️Reich❤️:"Consider that women now compose a remarkable 60 percent of college undergraduates"

Me:"Consider that women now compose a remarkable 100 percent of college undergraduates[in utero🚼... about 18-21 years earlier than college]"🤔


America wants younger candidates.🚼


The GOP will protect the unborn🚼(more than the born).👩🏿‍🎓

Since the best place for Dems to avoid GOP attacks is "in utero" and THAT'S WHERE THE YOUNGEST CANDIDATES ARE MADE...



My podcast logo will be


with the faces of Harris and Shapiro pasted on...🤣😁🤯

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Mitch McConnell meets with each new Dem President:"I'm going to abort your seeds"(Mitch pledges to thwart any new legislation by the new President... he did so with the newly elected Obama and the newly elected Biden and he will try to "abort the seeds" of legislation in the Harris Administration)


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I get where you’re coming from but there’s a big difference between satire and misinformation. I’ve no problem with funny.

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This is war and to win the war we have to use the same weapons as the enemy.

Ukraine is struggling and might lose, because Russia can bomb Ukraine but Biden won't let Ukraine Bomb Russia.

Is that a way to fight a war, one hand tied behind your back.?

Fight fire with fire. Unless you want to lose.

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Putin propagandist Tom. Blame the nasty old USA, poor innocent Putin, it is always the USA isn't it, I guess it is the USA that poisoned and jailed Navalny, I guess it is the USA that is committing genocide of Ukrainians, their language and culture. I guess it is the USA that kidnaps Ukrainian kids, hauls them to Russia to be raised as Ukrainian hating Russians. I guess it is the USA that assassinates Russian defectors, I guess it is the USA that murders or imprisons journalists in Russia. I guess it is the USA that uses the KGB (FSB) to squash opposition. I guess it is the USA that suppresses speech and press in Russia.

But always the USA, poor, innocent, victim Putin.

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Poor little Pootin. He had no choice but to invade Ukraine. and all those other countries.

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Oh boy I agree. While I do not totally agree with Michelle's "when they go low we go high" famous or infamous response years ago, I do agree that we have the high ground. We do not need to lie and cheat to get our views to stick. But they do, because not only do they represent the darker elements of our nature as a society, but to gain power in a democracy where majority rules, they indeed must resort to lying and cheating and other nefarious tactics. If we do same, then we lose credibility the same as them. That said - we must strongly point out to anyone with ears and a brain just what we are up against, and call them out for what they are and what they do. And do it on Fox and Newsmax and OAN.

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Always double-check information before spreading it. Let the others spread misinformation.

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Yes, we already are angry enough!

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Good point!

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Agreed, there is plenty that is negative about Trump without making it up! Stick to the facts, because we know his camp won't.

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There is enough dirt on that dirtbag that having to invent stuff is a waste of time. Treason espionage rape and fraud ought to be enough.

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January 6 should be enough. Harris has to show the videos on all channels. She will need lots of money for this.

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I agree, but I would also suggest to you that you should ask your "friend" and all others from where the information came. Online factchecks are helpful, but not always the entire truth. That's why it's called "research" and it means digging into records beyond the internet's fact checks.

As for Donald Trump, it needs reminding that the "imperfect savior" has a sordid post that repeats. https://19thnews.org/2023/10/donald-trump-associates-sexual-misconduct-allegations/

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"save democracy for us"? !! Democracies abound, but name another that has a Constitution based on ideals that CAN evolve for everyone. However, this all RELIES ON US, including YOU and your ability to think outside of beliefs not based on facts! The agendas this year are plainly visible. READ PROJECT 2025 - and realize how opposite is the Republican autocratic agenda being proffered to that of the Democratic Party's aim.

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I saw her interview....after the Revolution all troops were apportioned free land...which made them the equivalent of British yeomen. At the time of the Revolution only male property owners could vote.

The Constitution originally left it to states to determine who is qualified to vote in elections. For decades, state legislatures generally restricted voting to white males who owned property. Some states also employed religious tests to ensure that only Christian men could vote. Generally Catholics and Jews could not take the oath of office.

In "commonwealth" states all citizens owned an undivided share of "common" lands. A citizen in Boston had the right to graze a cow at Boston Commons.

"Life liberty and property" became "life liberty and the perfruit of happineff" as all their sses looked like f's. https://www.loc.gov/static/programs/national-recording-preservation-board/documents/Stan-Freberg-Presents-USA-Early-Years_Donovan-Freberg.pdf

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I relate our current situation in America to our Awesome Olympian, Simone Biles. Back in 2020 Simone pulled herself out of competition because she had a temporary loss of awareness. As President Biden said, “When you get knocked down, you get back up!” And incredibly Simone got back up to become the Greatest Of All Time! Simone Biles, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have given us all the incentives we need to get America back on track after being derailed by a small number of traitorous, power hungry politicians!

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Oooh--- and the haters, who incidentally call her a "loser" and "quitter" for putting her mental health and well being first can't even hold a candle to her on her absolute worst day!

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Terri, yes those armchair athletes have a lot of criticism, but nothing to back it up, athlete-wise. Those criticisms are most pointed when the athlete they are criticizing is female. Fancy that!

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And Black.

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Let's call those power hungry politicians what they really are. Fascist Republicans.

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Republicans who falsely claim that they are republican.

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Who would that be ?

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I love this, Keith!

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Thank you

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7 gold medals 🏅 some loser people are going to be jealous and hate. I love watching her do her black job as she herself called it. Love her ❤️ 💕

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Who allowed these wars to start ? Who left the border open to cartels, terrorists and millions of foreign opportunists ? Who will pay for all the “free health care and meals and education that is burdening our system? The Biden Harris Soros Obama regime has been a disaster for America. Kick them out hard. Before they start a war with Iran and turn their back on Israel. If times get rough like they appear they might - I want a leader like Donald Trump in charge.

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Don't forget that this is a Cain and Abel situation. Many Whites feel that "the elites" favor the once despised Blacks.

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I share your concerns about what a cornered felon might attempt to get his followers to do to disrupt this election. Might be a fine time for folks to vote early by mail (where possible) and get their ballots counted ahead of whatever mayhem might ensue at the polls.

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I live in a very red area. In 2016 I volunteered at the polls to make sure democrats would not be harassed. Poll workers are in short supply. Especially if you live in a red area, consider being a poll worker. Actually, I was surprised at how much fun I had with people I totally disagree with.

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Bravo. My group of volunteers are making calls to recruit poll observers and voter assistance hotline, among other things. Look into signing up for these calls with the Dem’s voter protection teams in a swing state.

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Very good , we don't need another ok corral here

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Good work!

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I’m betting that most people agree that it’s not a good idea to vote for someone that tried to take over our government.

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That's my biggest concern. I'm confident that Harris will get the votes, but I'm concerned about the fraud the cult will pull.

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That’s Noce but :


Keep Running as Hard as your are able The time to feel Good is After you have actually won the election


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It’s not over until the fat lady/man sings

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It is evident we are in for a real fight. Kamala has given us a path that can lead to the defeat of Trump but that doesn't mean things to come will be written in stone. The cure for what ails us comes in the form of the vote and we need to make sure we use it. If the good people of this country get out and express our opinions Trump will spend the remainder of his days grumbling about how life has been so unfair to him, as if. Again, this coming election isn't between two people, it's between our future and Trump's efforts to recreate a past that failed in Germany in the mid-1940s. This country is better than that.

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Trump won't take his coming defeat laying down, that's how he likes his women.

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At least his are women, Biden likes them as little girls

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Trolls always get it backwards. Biden is a faithful Catholic, Trump is a pederast.

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You might want to look at the word “faithful”. First he is is pedo when he took a shower with his teenage daughter. Also he is a rapist. But lastly everyone knows that a “faithful” Catholic would be against abortion. Since that is the very foundation of Catholicism

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Being anti abortion is not the foundation of Catholicism. Rather, the message of Jesus is: Love one another as I have loved you.

A Basilian monk friend of mine always asks, "Are you pro-life or pro birth?" Pro life involves supporting the mother and child till the child is 18.

It is my personal contention that we would have far fewer abortions if we improved our access to education regarding sexuality and provided school nurses and pediatricians for every school age adolescent.

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Since he made the comment that Biden was a faithful Catholic I simply pointed out that one of the foundational tenets of Catholicism is proLife.

There is so much “education” of sexuality in schools now that they are coming out sexualized.

It is not the business of schools to educate on sexuality. No more than it is the governments job.

I am pro-life which means i want a baby not to be murdered. Since when is expecting a mother who has a child be responsible to care for said child being “pro-birth”? This day and age where people can blame others for poor choices is stupid.

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Limiting Catholicism to opposition to abortion is trivial, dishonest, and willfully ignorant.

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Since I didn’t do that your post is moot

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Evidence of this, please?

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Wow, you don’t watch much of any news. All you have to do is watch him around little girls and his hands are all over them.

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Fox News isn’t news, moron.

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Number 1 I never mentioned Fox and second CNN is not news moron

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Brad, why are you here? You will get no acknowledgement of your false statements, outright lies, and shameless ignorance. I suggest you spend time expressing your hate elsewhere.

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David, only on the left is disagreement called “hate”. I understand when you have only a weak argument that you have to call everything “hate” that disagrees with your horrible view point

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Donald's last comment was IMO unnecessary and bordering on inappropriate. But I understand the hatred against a man who is only in it for himself, to stay out of jail, and who cares not one whit for the aversge American. He also cheated on his wives, sexually assaulted at least one woman, is a convicted felon by his peers, and if allowed to go to trial, will likely be convicted of other crimes, including an attempted coup while in office. That you have the gumption and ignorance to support such a man as a "patriot" or "leader" worthy of your vote, while simultaneously buying into the bologna (thinking stronger word) concocted by idiots and self-serving liars regarding President Biden, who has given his entire life to public service, is a testament to your poor judgement. Good night and good luck.

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David you typical of most leftist. Just because I despise Biden and Harris and refuse to allow leftist to lie about Trump does not mean I support him. I despise anything to do with the left their policies and politicians are corrupt and despicable.

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Just a simple, probably naïve question: Would billionaires and their economic allies be capable of creating a recession (or even a depression) in order to get Trump elected? While I doubt the premise of the question, our global economy is highly unstable, and a downturn at the wrong time could lead to trouble. Kamala and Democrats in general are better on the economy than Trump (as long as you ignore externalities that is, then both are about the same) but a downward stock market always favors the party out of the presidency. That is my biggest fear.

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Perfectly legit point Wayne. The market, as we know, is now in a phase of irrational exuberance, and will inevitably fall off the cliff at some point. I think we can expect a decline in the markets between now and the election. We’ll just have to hope that it isn’t sudden and substantial.

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Well this is probably a simple naive answer to your question but it is my untutored opinion that markets like stability and Trump`s unpredictability is the antithesis of stable. While there are notable billionaire Libertarians who will never learn to play well in the sandbox I think that most of America`s big corps are not coming out for Trump. If Wall Street likes anything it is predictability as that equals a greater guarantee for profit.

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The problem is that the billionaires are libertarians, and they are funding Trump. Thiel, Musk, Andrew Mellon, Adelson, Wynn , Casino owners, owners and CEO's of media

Despite the ruling of SCOTUS corporations are not people, they are, however, owned and run by people, and the people that own and run them, are profit driven, and Democratic party values, are inimical to their interests, taxation and regulation, whereas Republican values are in line with their interests, no taxes and deregulation.

Stuck pigs squeal, and these people will turn on the beneficiaries of their largess when they feel the pain of a pinch in the pocket book.

There is never enough, and they don't think long term, they live by the quarterly profit and Loss statement and want more, and the way to more is the promise of more deregulation and lower taxes.

Check Opensecrets.org. For instance Charles Schwab has given over 4.5 million to Republicans and nothing to the Democrats. Andrew Mellon 50 million to Trump, 25 million to RFK jr, nothing to Democrats.

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Years after he was gone I found out that the much exalted Mr. Irrational Exuberance himself, Alan Greenspan, was a Libertarian…possibly the most irrational pipe dream system imaginable. For a man of that persuasion to be elevated to a position is beyond the pale.

Is there a true libertarian economy anywhere on the planet that works?

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No John, there is no such thing as a working libertarian economy.

I spent about two years on Liberty Forum, now defunct, founded by a billionaire, an opponent of the Bush's illegal war in Iraq. Most of it's members were Libertarian, and it's moderators were, One was a Mennonite, another, Nuke Buzz Cut, believed that women had abortions should be executed.

He did not see the contraction, because libertarianism stops at the dollar bill.

There were a number of plans floated for a perfect libertarian society, one was in Montana. The idea was no government, everything done by contract and adjudicated by a court, they didn't see the conundrum, that in order to have a court, you need a judge, and a police, which means a government. Also one needs an infrastructure, roads, water, electricity sewage and garbage disposal and those require a government.

There solution was that everything was privately owned, and you collected tolls to use even the sidewalks, can you imagine paying a toll to drive on a road, every x number of yards, maybe like automated toll roads they have on Interstates, and Turnpikes, where sensors calculate the number of feet that a vehicle drives on a private portion.

No commons, no public parks,to enforce it all you would need a police force, and laws, that means legislatures, city councils, county commissioners.

Joint stock companies, once chartered and dissoved, by the sovereign, evolved into Corporations that could be chartered and dissolved by the states, by since the CharterWars started by John D Rockefeller, they are now chartered in perpetuity,and per SCOTUS are considered people.

Corporations are in effect, a defacto libertarian govenment, they basically have free reign to do as they please, any laws that exist, do so mainly to protect them from each other, not the people, not the commons, but from each other.

Their use of the commons (government) is to provide them the infrastructure, police, courts and defense that they need to conduct their business.

The only time any of the libertarians get prosecuted and go to prison, is when they phuck with another of their class like Bernie Madoff, Martha Steward, SBF.

They were prosecuted and spent time in jail because they stepped on the wrong toes, not because they screwed the public.

Our cabinets were created to serve the public and safeguard it from misuse and abuse, but it didn't take long for the libertarian's to capture them, and our politicians, yet still time to time, a cabinet fulfills its original purpose.

If you want an example of a true libertarian paradise, you have to look to the African continent. Somalia was one, until it became an Islamic theocracy, but for business it is a full blown free market libertarianism, Sudan another., most of the African continent, unregulated, unfettered, unrestricted free enterprise runs rampant, and the courts , police and military exist to protect the interests of the ruler, and ruling class, and corporations, and are paid for that service.

Resource extraction is the name of the game

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Thanks! Very thorough but I had to laugh when I saw Somalia. I used to use that as example of Libertarian paradise!

I was on a train ride once sitting next to a Libertarian true believer. He offered me a copy of some Libertarian magazine. Unloaded a bunch of stuff about roads and other infrastructure and national defense. I took exception to oligarchs having military and suggested that they would either ally with others or fight each other just like kings. He hadn’t thought that far ahead to an obvious issue. Looney tunes in my book.

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Libertarians are not too bright, in the sense of thinking things through to their ultimate conclusion. That Liberty Forum I mentioned had a female who was downright adamant about charging tolls to walk on sidewalks, there was no such thing as an easment in her world. I have five acres to access it I have to travel a dirt road through easements, and the north side of my property has an easement that the 7 acres adjoining has access, unfortunately it has since become a wetland (the easement,BUT if someone wants it they can build abridge over the wetland,

Imagine living in that cutthroat world.

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and the billionaires are lusting after our public lands and its resources.

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Lusting, they already have 75%, access to grazing, mineral rights, right of ways, they don't want to own it, they just wan access and control, and theThe Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs) include: the Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and the Department of Defense, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have handed the control and access over to them.

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Jobs report and the fed not acting on interest rates have caused the markets to tank. Today’s futures are WAY down. Trump will blame it on Biden and Harris.

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Economic experts predict a much more robust economy under Biden/Harris than under Trump & Project 2025.

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Dream on!!!

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It's interesting that a rising market does not give Biden any "points" But a falling market seems to have a meaning. Some of this is just media hype.

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Yes, except that Biden's FTC and Justice Dept have been quietly coming for the Big Tech companies. This could cause a backlash. I'm overjoyed at the prospect of finally enforcing the Sherman Act after a 50 year hiaitus.

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Any body remember when Ralph Nader and Wynona LaDuke Ran against a Democrat

pretending to be a republican ? They wouldn't even let them into the debates . Has,t it

occurred to anybody yet that Democrats really just republicans in disguise ? Hoow do you think they always win when they are so horrible at governing .

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I have wondered that as well, Wayne. I keep reading articles talking about increased fear of a recession/depression. I don't know if billionaires would be capable of doing that, but to be honest, I wouldn't put it past those jerks!

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One needs to look at the winners in a recession or depression. The banking crisis of 2009 saw a lot of losers, like Lehman Brothers, but the winners like Goldman Sachs, which ate the bones of Lehman Brothers came back even more powerful.

The great despression which produced hobo's , soup lines and the Civilian Conservation Corps, also produced the expensive Classic cars of the 1930's so desired today, the Cord, Auburn, Packard, Cadillac,, Duesenburg. The Rich got richer,

Weak companies crumble and are eaten by stronger companies, and when it washes out, there is less competition.

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It is all so very depressing given that we the people have no say. Yes, we vote but it does not stem the tide of the conglomerates and ultra rich from using us a chess pieces in the childish, petty games!

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Wayne Teel: Billionaires and their allies are capable of this and much more. It doesn't matter how much better things are under Dems. The power goes to he who controls the media--used to be he who holds the keys to production has the power. So. Who controls the media?

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Corporations, of course

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They could try. Putin & MBS are cutting production of oil to raise prices. Large multinational companies, especially in the food & oil industries, have been price gouging.. Fed Chairman Powell, originally appointed by Trump, has been accused of keeping interest rates high to slow down the economy, which is beginning to happen with fewer jobs added & unemployment rate rising above 4%. Who knows what Musk might do?

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That’s the most likely course for the Republicans. I read a story that Trump has told Powell that he doesn’t want interest rates lowered ostensibly to keep a trend towards a recession.

Looking forward to more on this from Prof Reich.

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And Wayne, Friday's July jobs report was not great and as usual, scared mostly rich white people panic and have driven the stock market down and it looks like it will continue down today. It is ridiculous, but I do believe Fed Chair Powell is delighted because he wanted a recession when he was allowed to continue in that Trump-appointed post by President Biden. I think that keeping Powell was a bad move by Biden, but as I am nothing, it didn't and doesn't matter what I think about that. It does matter that Powell made up an inflation rate that was nearly impossible to meet after a major pandemic and kept raising interest rates hoping to trigger a recession. It didn't happen yet, but could now, even though it is only one month's stats. And, who knows whether those interest rates will be lowered in Sept. as suggested they might. Those interest rates have nearly crippled some industries because people can't afford to take out loans. This is an area to really pay attention to. Trump's nuts will find a way to get media to spin this as Biden's fault rather than the fault of the Fed which is supposed to be independent of the government.

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Wayne, I share your fear as well as those concerned about corrupted election officials and the corrupted judges that will be ruling on the cases brought forth by the Democrats to protect election integrity.

We needn’t look further than Russia and Saudi Arabia manipulating oil production output in cahoots with independent domestic producers to cause an artificial shortage and major oil price spike starting the last week of September. I don’t gamble even though I’m a short drive from multiple Native American casinos and the Nevada state line, but I’d put money on this one happening.

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I don't doubt your premise at all - - it was the first thing that came to my mind.

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Yes, we’ll follow the suggestion. Many are not going to be too surprised if KH goes on to win both the popular vote and the Electoral vote that not only will the Republican House members, the speaker and the JDV call for recounts, claim fake voters, modern-day ballot box stuffing, etc., but millions of fellow citizens, some the like of the January sixth goers will take to the streets to some degree one guesses. All the more reason to use our noggins to be calm, cool, and collected in the coming weeks so we can weather whatever storm is brewing within the Republican party and DJT’s campaign people. I plan to vote as early as I can and hope everyone else votes for KH as after reading Project 2025, which took weeks to do, that what it envisions reads like HRC’s Substack today about democrats of the past and the party of Lincoln. People really need to show up and vote, as much is at stake.

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Yes. Also concerned their response in the states could be militia based - I wonder if the current administration and homeland security are monitoring any possible coordinated activation of the 200+ militias? At least 4 militias per state, they could do a lot of damage very quickly - block highways with a few truckers, take state governors and Congress reps. Could be very bad, very quickly. Very concerned.

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Nara, I too am concerned about the pent-up violence among Republicans. Scared white people are unpredictable as has been proven in the past. They can be very violent, particularly against people who do not look or think like them or who might want to share some of their privilege, and of course, that varies by region. Our law enforcement contains too many of that group within its ranks at all levels, so we don't know if anyone will be available to protect the nation from those militias. I am hoping the FBI and other government law enforcement groups are keeping a careful watch on the militias and will be ready to act should violence be noted.

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Nara, I agree with minor edit. Don’t be surprised if some of those Red state governors and state trooper chiefs are slow to react to put down MAGA violence, break up road blocks, and massive non-permitted demonstrations.

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I would not be surprised. Indeed, and horrifyingly, I expect it. And this is why I am terrified.

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And you think MAGA won’t be blamed for that?

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The militias ARE maga, are they not?

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Trump running around the country spreading mayhem is a failure of our justice system. That January 6 th , as he unleashed his radical army that beat police officers , he should have been arrested at that moment. Watching my fellow 🇺🇸 Americans citizens starry eyed over one man that wants the power to take everything we own is insane . Disabled people should be disposed of says Trump. He loves the Christians, if you vote for me one last time , you will never have to vote again.

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A nice call to arms, sir. Immediately before reading it I saw another one. It was staring at me from my list of solicitations. From Josh Shapiro: "Future generations are watching us." Hold that thought deeply considered and motivation is built in. And though it sounds corny to say it: "God Bless America."

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No time to rest on laurels is right. Nobody believed he'd win the first time, they even laughed at him. This time, he and his loyal henchmen have had time to do their homework, learn from their mistakes and win more pointedly. Like electing a slate of Republican gatekeepers of the vote, legally and legitimately, in swing states, ones who will do his bidding and overturn those votes despite the outcome. Listening to him tell his base that they will "not have to vote again" is ominous and telling. Oh yes- he's up to something alright and he's not bumbling along this time... they've learned from their mistakes. He is desperate to stay out of jail and anyone that desperate is dangerously determined to win at ANY cost. He's like a big fat cornered RAT! (And that's an insult to rats)...

Hopefully enough independents on the fence and some of his sycophants see through him and his tried and true name calling and buffoonery this time around.

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I live overseas but follow US politics closely through the internet. After Harris succeeded Biden as the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party I talked to another ardent news watcher (then a stranger to me) who said, "US Politics used to be completely depressing and boring with Trump, but NOW it is truly EXCITING!" The world is watching America with hope that Harris will be elected.

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Yes the world is watching! Like yourself I am an avid follower of American politics. (having grown up in USA then moved to Scotland 36 years ago) Because what happens in America influences the rest of the world. I noticed very much that Trump’s vile politics has unleashed and given a more open voice to right wing politics here and in Europe. We are seeing the violence they can perpetrate continuing even in the last few days in the UK- influenced by social media & people like Farage, Robinson, Tate & Hopkins. Professor Reich is correct to be concerned. The far right will not back down, now that Trump & his henchmen have unleashed them & empowered them. Beware even if Harris wins there will be trouble, not just in USA but elsewhere. Yes the world is watching but still holding its breath with hope for the future.

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You find it EXCITING! when the Democratic Politburo practices a Communist style one-party leadership transition? For months we have heard complaints that a Trump victory would destroy democracy (even though we are a Republic at the federal level). But you find destroying the choice of primary voters EXCITING! I will hope that you are no longer a citizen of the US, unable to vote on November 5th.

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And the primary voters chose Kamala to secede Biden if his health failed. They were already going to do a virtual count of delegates before the Democratic Convention because Ohio law requires the names of the candidates before that - the votes are coming in now and Harris already has enough to win.

More important - it’s mostly Republicans who are criticizing this, because it’s working. No Democrats are challenging it.

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"And the primary voters chose Kamala to secede Biden if his health failed." I'm certain the primary ballots did not read with any condition on Biden's health as you are indicating. What you are calling a primary is post facto, i.e. a second primary being run after Obama put his arm about Joe and told him to stand aside. No Democrats are challenging this second so-called primary because you always put the Party first as demanded by Lenin.

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Yes, it's true that Kamala Harris has invigorated the voters, and yes it's potentially true that she could get far more votes than Donald... BUT what can be done about the Right's current attempts to purge hundreds of thousands of Blacks and/or Democrats from the voter rolls -- without those voters' knowledge or permission -- so that their November votes will not be counted?

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Each of us should check their voter registration information. In NY, use https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov

For other states, try searching for

voter registration <2-letter-code>


voter registration PA

voter registration CA

voter registration DE

If your voter registration is incorrect, contact your county Board of Elections and get it corrected.

Check once a month *and* just before going in to vote. And, try to go vote on the first day of early voting. If there's a problem, you have time to solve it.

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@ Upstate Bob. Try this. https://voterizer.org/

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Bob, we also need to remind people numerous times to be sure to follow every instruction when voting by mail. Despite the fact that any ballot will only be used in one election ever, if there is not a date sent on the envelope in many states, the ballot is thrown out. ?That is wrong, but just another way to keep people from voting with a totally unnecessary requirement.

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Puddin Tain, I would really like Kamala Harris and whoever her VP partner turns out to be to push every single voter in this nation to check their voter registration even if they have just recently voted. It is clear Republicans will cheat by voter suppression of all kinds if they are not caught and called out on their cheating. Volunteers should hold voter registration rallies where they can help people check their voter registration status, particularly in communities with large populations of non-white residents. Then if a number of people who are still alive and well have been purged, it should be reported to the media, both local and national. The Department of Justice needs to get involved too because voting is a right for every American citizen aged 18 and older in our Constitution, and when voting is denied to any of those citizens, that denial needs to be publicly and legally challenged and fingers pointed to the officials responsible so citizens will know whom not to vote for in the future.

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Hopefully Kamala's choice of VP will be a further booster (whether a former astronaut or not).

Good luck saving your country's democracy.

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Excellent analysis, as usual, Mr. Reich. Many Europeans will be rooting for Ms. Harris as well.

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And many of us here in Australia. Following closely, with particular thanks to our esteemed Professor and the Pod Save America crew.

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Thanks, as always, for the succinct assessment of our political reality. The threat of the House of Representatives determining the outcome of the 2024 election is too real. But hope is alive and its inspiration keeps our Democracy alive !

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The president of the United States is also the commander-in-chief of our armed forces.

TWO key things have happened since 2023 that should compel people to at least stop and think.

One thing is the civil case in which Trump was found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman. (He has attacked more than one.)

That makes him guilty under Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which deals with rape and sexual assault. Put simply, do you really want a rapist and sexual predator in charge of our women and men in uniform?

The second thing is his felony convictions -- and there is a UCMJ article that covers those.

Donald Trump is supremely UNFIT to serve as commander in chief.

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That’s Noce but :


Keep Running as Hard as your are able The time to feel Good is After you have actually won the election


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