If they had a decent educational system and long term critical thinking, they would, but alas repugnicans would prefer an idiot populace as they are far far easier to manipulate and control to maintain their power. Religion does the same thing to maintain its power, using slightly different forms of manipulation, primarily guilt.
Vote them out…. Need to convince their constituents of their local and national toxicity.
They tried in KY to help constituents understand how keeping mcconnell in office was working against them but it didn't work..
@MM. It didn't work - yet!!
Do you think they’d elect a true democrat in West Virginia???
Voting for fake Democrats is a strategy too, it seems.
If they had a decent educational system and long term critical thinking, they would, but alas repugnicans would prefer an idiot populace as they are far far easier to manipulate and control to maintain their power. Religion does the same thing to maintain its power, using slightly different forms of manipulation, primarily guilt.