New film free today by connecting on Thom Hartmann or called Vigilantes Inc. This is a must watch film, regarding the severe new contractions on the right to vote in RED states, propagated by Billionaires, their lawyers, their organizations. As evil as the KKK. Maybe worse. Whiteys are challenging 32,000 US citizens 'right to vote'. In these rotten Red states, the votes are not counted, and this is submitted up to Election Day. VOTES by US CITIZENS!
32,000 votes by one person. 4,000 votes challenged by another Red whitey. 200,000 votes by another . Invalidates women, folk of color, native Americans, college kids. Progressively, getting worse over the past few elections. Severe Voter Suppression active now.
In his sick mind, Trump probably imagines that if he wins the election(God forbid), his numerous felony convictions will magically disappear as will our memories of them. WRONG.
Ilene Winn-Lederer ; The media says that if he wins, as President he can make all these lawsuits go away, even the felony convictions !? That would make him a King! Talk about inciting riots! they better disappear off the face of the Earth.
Not amendments, but a brand new constitution. One that makes us a democratic parliamentary constitutional monarchy like Canada with His Majesty Charles III and his successors as the head of state.
His lifetime of accrued bad karma will rise up and consume The Donald . As difficult as that may be for it to digest . Burrrp ! One must watch what they eat .
The 'red mirage' falls in line with drumpf's political strategy and empty policy platform, since it is all a mirage. He has been running on fumes for eight years.
Mary Ann - I truly hope that the judge has the balls to put him in jail/prison. trump has delayed his court cases for far too long so I hope that the judge doesn’t let him delay any longer. It might be a pipe dream to wish him to finally pay for his crimes but one can always have hope.
Roy Cohn taught him that whatever happens claim victory. People think that tRump is tRump when in reality he is the reincarnation of Roy Cohn. For those who are not familiar with RC he was the personification of evil.
Maybe Roger Stone was inspired by Roy Cohn, as well as Richard Nixon, when he said "possession is 9 tenths of the law", as he plotted back before the 2020 election.
Yes, Roger Stone loved Nixon so much he has him tattooed on his back. The evil Roger Ailes was also a Nixon Aide, in charge of his television media. Which is why he came up with the idea of Fox (so-called) News: so no republican president would ever have to step down. Sad that Stone is still around.
Yes. The demonic Roy Cohn is still pulling Trump’s strings even from his grave. Maybe he should be dug up and have a stake driven through his heart if they can find it.
In 2016, Trump didn't pivot to the middle after the Republican primary OR the General election. This was very unconventional. He went hard right, instead. This cost him the election in 2020.
What's really strange is that he's gone hard right again. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that moderates and independents are néeded to win. Maybe he's trying to appeal to the middle with his lies and just can't control himself from lashing out?
Yeah, he blew it alright. Lol! It was great! He was losing it complaining about the microphone... Then he stroked the mic stand and leaned over it with his mouth open. Pure gold!
It was so funny, I thought that they used AI or editing to create it. I did a search with 3 key words and saw it had happened, indeed. I bet his staff had to take his phone away so he didn't see what everyone was saying about his demonstration with the microphone. LMAO!
Similar deal the Supreme Court could have postponed the Dobb decision until after the election. They must have been very certain of Trump winning to risk the backlash.
They just shot down a protest about excepting mail in's ( filed this week) .
They wanted votes discounted- state Court canceled it-_-_went Supreme court they ALOWED. They got stuff changed a week before election🚷🦺🛂fiddle/fiddle- thanks
Right. Just like last time. You Marxists are delusional and the funny thing is that whatever you accuse President Trump of doing is precisely what you all are guilty of doing. Cancerous Raskin and other Marxists are already “promising” not to accept the results. Funny how that’s not Trump or American Patriots promising this.
How do you call yourself a patriot and support a man who stole the nation's most protected secrets, wouldn't give them back when asked by the Justice dept, hid them and stored them in a restroom next to a copy machine? It could not be more obvious that he was selling them to our enemies. That's treason and the opposite of patriotism.
The Right has a very limited political dictionary Patriot Woman. Progressives are not Marxist, on the other hand Libertarians, and that includes at least half of the Republican party (that half that is not down right fascist) are Marxist.
You see Marx was a proto libertarian, yes he was. He was a free trader, and a gold bug.
In the period of the 19th Century in which he lived there were no concepts, no words for lower class, middle class, upper class. So called the lower class, the proletariat and the middle class the bourgeoisie,
But there is not a word in his writings for the upper class, the ruling class, because they were who financed him as The League of Just Men.
Marx had a partner, Frederick Engels. Fred had inherited a textile mill from his father, and textile mills exploited labor, especially child labor, dangerous places for kids to work, fatality rate was high as the kids rushed between and under looms.
Fred had problems making a profit, because he had to import the cheaper and inferior Egyptian Cotton, as Southern Cotton was too expensive.
Southern cotton was expensive because of slavery. Buying and maintaining slaves was not cheap. Slaves have to be fed, clothed, entertained, brainwashed by preachers who teach them about Jesus and how Jesus told them to obey their masters. (It is in the Bible)
Marx wrote scathing letters to the editors of Southern papers, imploring them to free the slaves and hire them back at market wages. Which would have reduced the cost of southern cotton.
The Soviet Union, priding itself on being Marxist, adopted a 100% gold standard, where a ruble equaled .981 grams fine gold, and restricted the amount of rubles in circulation to the amount of gold on hand, thus creating a perpetual shortage of money, which is a depression.
The Soviet Citizen could not present a ruble to a bank and get gold, but a foreigner could, at the NordBank in Paris, and that reduced the quantity of gold, making the depression worse, and so the Soviet Union forbade the export of Rubles, and anyone caught trying to carry a ruble out of the USSR found themselves in prison.
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
Speaking of FL, the media called it for Gore before the polls closed in FL in 2000. This mattered because people thought it was safe to vote for the Green Party in FL and across America. So yes, I totally agree that the election should not be called until after all polls are closed.
Agree- 80 million mail voted here in PA.With another 80million voting in- person.Let the count last 3-5 days( every state does it different ) ,we waited this long.All of congress is in flux.The red states habitually underfund election equipment; yet they want a decision in hours.•
Too bad it is not a mirage, but a completely bought election. And Donald trump says the elections are "rigged " against Him. He has also said that there should be an investigation. Haha!
Mike - I was wondering if there will even be a red mirage this time since trump got so desperate that he was encouraging his followers to vote by mail (something that he has been doing himself for a long time). Maybe it will be a blue mirage with a continuation of an even bluer shift.
Don’t understand how he can try to claim that he won tonight when our time zones are so different.
All I know is that I am looking forward to no more damn political ads bombarding me.
The pollsters dont/can't poll the younger voters who don't have a landline. How can the polls not be biased?
Heck, I haven't had a landline in 10 years. I'm not a young voter either. So in all likelihood the polls are only reaching voters aged 60-100 who are more conservative.
I think you might be overly optimistic here. Pollsters do use cell phone contact as well as online surveys You're also assuming that we Baby Boomers are "more conservative"...that would be a big mistake! But I'm with you all the way - we will have President Harris in January!
I didn't say anything about Boomers. Younger voters are more liberal than older voters. Geography matters. In general, younger voters are less conservative... For good reason.
IMHO the SS trust fund issue is paramount. Facing possible imminent and immediate default if Trump wins....I speak to a lot of people who have flipped.... "Don't slit your own throat."
Sorry, but they are "only: 65-35. Hattians should be 100%. Ukrainians close to that. Blacks 85-15. Jews 70-30. Yellow Dog Democrats 100%. Women 60% in FL.
35 % for Trump is a disgrace. Que idiotas. We have a longstanding problem in central Florida....
There is a reason for "A man from Florida" is followed by an example of stupidity. There is a limited TV series, "It is Florida, Man" One episode featured a redneck that went for a midnight swim in a Lake or Swamp.
The undemocratic Electoral College must go. My vote is worthless compared to Pennsylvania which is not the way democracy works. It is left over from slave days; shame on us for not getting rid of this after the Civil War.
100% agree, Molly! After Kamala wins the election, I am going to devote my time on working to get the electoral college abolished, term limits for politicians and judges, ending citizens united, fixing our broken education system and getting dark money out of politics! At my advancing years, sometimes I think there is so much to do and so little time! Onward and blue!
Peggy Freeman, you're a great role model. I love your list except for one goal. I hope you don't mind if I give my opinion on it. The word term limits for elected politicians always scares me. (For judges, I agree because they are appointed.) Elected politicians already are term limited by elections. That's when we throw the bums out.
Whereas legislating term limits also throws out the good. This is the problem. To strengthen our democracy and improve the well being of the people, we need more good Dems who are for all the people, not Corporate Dems. It's more difficult to find progressive Dems and get them elected. Corporate Dems and especially Corporate Republicans are easy to find and get elected because they have oodles of big money and a media ecosystem that sings their praises and incites fear and anger against electing progressive Dems. Imagine what big corporate D and R donors or big "Christian Fascists" donors think about term limits. Wouldn't they be happy to see Bernie Sanders, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jasmine Crockett, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, etc booted out?
To me, Bernie Sanders has done more than anyone to give the people words to their anger, to validate the anger, and give hope for a more progressive future. He has lit a fire of hope and action under millions. What if he had been term limited? He's has long been a thorn in the side of the big bad donors. Wouldn't it make sense for these big bad donors to fund a campaign to convince citizens that they should be in favor of term limits? Knowing full well that those harmed will be the people.
The people who yearn for smart, experienced, wise Dems who have built relationships with big good donors, other politicians, and communities (think Nancy Pelosi) so they can more rapidly help bring about change. We want fighters not schmucks. The big bad donors don't want a more fair and just America, a more robust democracy. No, they want dime a dozen Dem schmucks who will do their bidding. Term limits don't harm them. They harm us.
The one thing we can all count on is that Trump will NEVER CONCEDE, even if Kamala wins 500 electoral votes!
He’s due in Judge Merchan’s courtroom in NYC later this month, for sentencing on those 34 felony convictions.
Staying out of prison is a hell of a motive.
New film free today by connecting on Thom Hartmann or called Vigilantes Inc. This is a must watch film, regarding the severe new contractions on the right to vote in RED states, propagated by Billionaires, their lawyers, their organizations. As evil as the KKK. Maybe worse. Whiteys are challenging 32,000 US citizens 'right to vote'. In these rotten Red states, the votes are not counted, and this is submitted up to Election Day. VOTES by US CITIZENS!
32,000 votes by one person. 4,000 votes challenged by another Red whitey. 200,000 votes by another . Invalidates women, folk of color, native Americans, college kids. Progressively, getting worse over the past few elections. Severe Voter Suppression active now.
DJT is FERAL.... Cornered, Wounded Animals Are The Most Dangerous... Let's Hope For The Best....
Yes, I have always said he has a feral cunning which helps him identify marks and suckers for his cons.
You got THAT right!
Another "reason" he wants to "win" before the count is finished,
The ONLY reason
L Duffy: anything else he comes up with is illegitimate. A real loser!
Who LOSES MONEY ON CASINOS?!? THE bigliest loser in American history!
Too much laundered Russian money, they are parasites that eventually suck the host lifeblood dry.
True. And we'll said!
In his sick mind, Trump probably imagines that if he wins the election(God forbid), his numerous felony convictions will magically disappear as will our memories of them. WRONG.
Ilene Winn-Lederer ; The media says that if he wins, as President he can make all these lawsuits go away, even the felony convictions !? That would make him a King! Talk about inciting riots! they better disappear off the face of the Earth.
Laurie, are you saying that a president can pardon himself?!? WTF! If so, we desperately need some serious constitutional amendments!
The media says it will happen if he wins. He will 'just ' make it all go away. It's unthinkable that his obstruction of justice could continue.
Not amendments, but a brand new constitution. One that makes us a democratic parliamentary constitutional monarchy like Canada with His Majesty Charles III and his successors as the head of state.
How many times has he violated his Bail Agreement? Right. And, it did not matter, did it?
His lifetime of accrued bad karma will rise up and consume The Donald . As difficult as that may be for it to digest . Burrrp ! One must watch what they eat .
He is not "The Donald" - he is a wannabee - always has been his entire miserable existence.
Back in the NYC metro area, they hung that name on him years ago. Always made my skin crawl ! ! We used to call him Donald Douche ! ! HAHAHA ! !
The 'red mirage' falls in line with drumpf's political strategy and empty policy platform, since it is all a mirage. He has been running on fumes for eight years.
Yes, and those fumes stink all the way to southwestern Pennsylvania. Gas masks, anyone?
Mary Ann - I truly hope that the judge has the balls to put him in jail/prison. trump has delayed his court cases for far too long so I hope that the judge doesn’t let him delay any longer. It might be a pipe dream to wish him to finally pay for his crimes but one can always have hope.
This is a “Has To” election for him.
Won't he simply pardon himself and do away with all that annoying little rule of law shit?
Something is terribly wrong with this country.
Roy Cohn taught him that whatever happens claim victory. People think that tRump is tRump when in reality he is the reincarnation of Roy Cohn. For those who are not familiar with RC he was the personification of evil.
Maybe Roger Stone was inspired by Roy Cohn, as well as Richard Nixon, when he said "possession is 9 tenths of the law", as he plotted back before the 2020 election.
Yes, Roger Stone loved Nixon so much he has him tattooed on his back. The evil Roger Ailes was also a Nixon Aide, in charge of his television media. Which is why he came up with the idea of Fox (so-called) News: so no republican president would ever have to step down. Sad that Stone is still around.
Yes. The demonic Roy Cohn is still pulling Trump’s strings even from his grave. Maybe he should be dug up and have a stake driven through his heart if they can find it.
Ilene - While they are at it they should dig up his ex- wife just to check for stolen documents. ;)
And for those who believe in the hereafter, he got his just rewards.
We can count on his lack of honesty and honor, for sure.
In 2016, Trump didn't pivot to the middle after the Republican primary OR the General election. This was very unconventional. He went hard right, instead. This cost him the election in 2020.
What's really strange is that he's gone hard right again. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that moderates and independents are néeded to win. Maybe he's trying to appeal to the middle with his lies and just can't control himself from lashing out?
He is what he is: an undisciplined, impulsive loser, who cares only about himself.
Saw last nite that he's also gone "hard" on the stand mic and then put his open mouth
near it without saying mother (rest her soul) would call him a gutter snipe.
Thanks Prof. for pointing out the red mirage....something that I have mentioned here before.
Yeah, he blew it alright. Lol! It was great! He was losing it complaining about the microphone... Then he stroked the mic stand and leaned over it with his mouth open. Pure gold!
It was so funny, I thought that they used AI or editing to create it. I did a search with 3 key words and saw it had happened, indeed. I bet his staff had to take his phone away so he didn't see what everyone was saying about his demonstration with the microphone. LMAO!
Strange that he wants to fellate things when he claims to be straight, though.
Similar deal the Supreme Court could have postponed the Dobb decision until after the election. They must have been very certain of Trump winning to risk the backlash.
They just shot down a protest about excepting mail in's ( filed this week) .
They wanted votes discounted- state Court canceled it-_-_went Supreme court they ALOWED. They got stuff changed a week before election🚷🦺🛂fiddle/fiddle- thanks
Donny can go to his custom created level of hell.
This from the Guardian. Musk and Trump, and a "blizzard' of voter fraud claims.
Right. Just like last time. You Marxists are delusional and the funny thing is that whatever you accuse President Trump of doing is precisely what you all are guilty of doing. Cancerous Raskin and other Marxists are already “promising” not to accept the results. Funny how that’s not Trump or American Patriots promising this.
How do you call yourself a patriot and support a man who stole the nation's most protected secrets, wouldn't give them back when asked by the Justice dept, hid them and stored them in a restroom next to a copy machine? It could not be more obvious that he was selling them to our enemies. That's treason and the opposite of patriotism.
The Right has a very limited political dictionary Patriot Woman. Progressives are not Marxist, on the other hand Libertarians, and that includes at least half of the Republican party (that half that is not down right fascist) are Marxist.
You see Marx was a proto libertarian, yes he was. He was a free trader, and a gold bug.
In the period of the 19th Century in which he lived there were no concepts, no words for lower class, middle class, upper class. So called the lower class, the proletariat and the middle class the bourgeoisie,
But there is not a word in his writings for the upper class, the ruling class, because they were who financed him as The League of Just Men.
Marx had a partner, Frederick Engels. Fred had inherited a textile mill from his father, and textile mills exploited labor, especially child labor, dangerous places for kids to work, fatality rate was high as the kids rushed between and under looms.
Fred had problems making a profit, because he had to import the cheaper and inferior Egyptian Cotton, as Southern Cotton was too expensive.
Southern cotton was expensive because of slavery. Buying and maintaining slaves was not cheap. Slaves have to be fed, clothed, entertained, brainwashed by preachers who teach them about Jesus and how Jesus told them to obey their masters. (It is in the Bible)
Marx wrote scathing letters to the editors of Southern papers, imploring them to free the slaves and hire them back at market wages. Which would have reduced the cost of southern cotton.
The Soviet Union, priding itself on being Marxist, adopted a 100% gold standard, where a ruble equaled .981 grams fine gold, and restricted the amount of rubles in circulation to the amount of gold on hand, thus creating a perpetual shortage of money, which is a depression.
The Soviet Citizen could not present a ruble to a bank and get gold, but a foreigner could, at the NordBank in Paris, and that reduced the quantity of gold, making the depression worse, and so the Soviet Union forbade the export of Rubles, and anyone caught trying to carry a ruble out of the USSR found themselves in prison.
Where did you read that ?
She pulled it out of her ass Joan, It is just another lie floating around her echosphere.
How does it feel to live in a cess pool of profanity and idiocy ?
If you mean MAGA land, I wouldn't know. Where I live they stay out of sight.
Sad for you.
"Just ignore the iceberg" here are clips from TITANIC:
Beware of the MAGA who "only sometimes" show that they are "full of sh*t"... this is known as "prairie dogging it"
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
I'm following the live results from here in France, mostly on the excellent Guardian app. It is 5am, and already it looks like a Trump win. He's taking 51% of most of the ongoing counts, and likely to take Pennsylvania and Michigan.
The Republicans look likely to take both House and Senate too.
The slightly less bad news is there is far less likelihood of violence on the streets today and over the coming weeks, although there will surely be some as impatient MAGAs decide they have license to be racist and misogynist from now. The much worse news is that Trump seems likely to end up with a voter majority for Project 25, and that will mean he will get the support of the House, the Senate, the Courts and the Supreme Court.
I have been warning for months to have a Plan B, just in case of results like these. Hopefully, if you have and it involves getting out for a while, you have your passport(s), visas, tickets, jabs, copies of qualifications, etc. and whatever else you need. Because if you've left it, then I'm guessing you will be joining some very, very long queues tomorrow morning.
If you plan to stay put and sit this out, may I respectfully suggest you get the blue signs off your lawn and stickers off your car, and keep a low profile for a while. You are now living in a country where at least 51% of people disagree with you, and possibly even more in your neighbourhood.
You guys are heading into seriously uncharted territory, and it won't be easy in the coming months.
It is 8:45 PM here in SW Pennsylvania. The ‘red mirage’ is already in process; Florida is showing a Trump victory. My stomach is turning.
Speaking of FL, the media called it for Gore before the polls closed in FL in 2000. This mattered because people thought it was safe to vote for the Green Party in FL and across America. So yes, I totally agree that the election should not be called until after all polls are closed.
Absolutely. This election year has got all of us riled up quite enough. Give us a break! I’d rather live with suspense than despair.
We all know who owns the media: and weaponizes it. They want their treasury robbing candidate to "win" at all costs.
Said truth.
Agree- 80 million mail voted here in PA.With another 80million voting in- person.Let the count last 3-5 days( every state does it different ) ,we waited this long.All of congress is in flux.The red states habitually underfund election equipment; yet they want a decision in hours.•
Thanks,respectfully ☆♠︎
Try being in the path of said hurricane, it's like being stalked by a turtle.😉
Hopefully our blue wave will make quick work of the red mirage.
Hopefully, Fox News will surprise us and explain the red mirage, so be patient.
Too bad it is not a mirage, but a completely bought election. And Donald trump says the elections are "rigged " against Him. He has also said that there should be an investigation. Haha!
Heck, Fox/Faux news will DENY everything....
Winner comment!
Shirley you jest, Shirley!
Educating people is the antithesis of what they desire. But excellent humor on your part, thanks for the chuckle!
Mike - I was wondering if there will even be a red mirage this time since trump got so desperate that he was encouraging his followers to vote by mail (something that he has been doing himself for a long time). Maybe it will be a blue mirage with a continuation of an even bluer shift.
Don’t understand how he can try to claim that he won tonight when our time zones are so different.
All I know is that I am looking forward to no more damn political ads bombarding me.
Agree ,,,we should have it NATIONAL HOLIDAY-corporations won't support.thanks
Yes, it will drown the red mirage out!
Red mirage my 🫏. It is going to be a blue tidal wave that women and Puerto Ricans will be responsible for.
WooHoo!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Preach it, Rocco!
Rocco Rizzo, yes, and other great women and men too.
The pollsters dont/can't poll the younger voters who don't have a landline. How can the polls not be biased?
Heck, I haven't had a landline in 10 years. I'm not a young voter either. So in all likelihood the polls are only reaching voters aged 60-100 who are more conservative.
I think you might be overly optimistic here. Pollsters do use cell phone contact as well as online surveys You're also assuming that we Baby Boomers are "more conservative"...that would be a big mistake! But I'm with you all the way - we will have President Harris in January!
They usually fail to include new voters in LV. They also miss that seniors are breaking for Harris and they dominate early voting in most states.
Today, Gen Z to the polls.......
What is LV Daniel? Las Vegas.?
Likely voters.
Dr Lucy, it was the baby boomers who elected Trump in 2016. FYI, I'mof the silent Generation.
I didn't say anything about Boomers. Younger voters are more liberal than older voters. Geography matters. In general, younger voters are less conservative... For good reason.
IMHO the SS trust fund issue is paramount. Facing possible imminent and immediate default if Trump wins....I speak to a lot of people who have flipped.... "Don't slit your own throat."
Check out doo wop for Harris....
I am old, with a landline and no (useable, for polls, anyway) cell phone. No one has asked me a thing. Just saying.
Statehood for the District and Puerto Rico.
Swifties, Gen Z, Ukrainian and Polish Americans, Hattians, and Yellow Dog Democrats.
And don't forget angry Puerto Ricans who live in USA...Yo no mas!!
Sorry, but they are "only: 65-35. Hattians should be 100%. Ukrainians close to that. Blacks 85-15. Jews 70-30. Yellow Dog Democrats 100%. Women 60% in FL.
35 % for Trump is a disgrace. Que idiotas. We have a longstanding problem in central Florida....
LOTS of Cubans are Repugnants due to their knee-jerk reactions to Democrats. To them, Democrats are socialism which equates Castro’s communism. 🤦🏻♀️
AND S.Fl and panhandle.
.Just say FL is a longstanding problem and leave it at that.
Deshitus, Voldemort Scott, Little Marco, the state legislators..
There is a reason for "A man from Florida" is followed by an example of stupidity. There is a limited TV series, "It is Florida, Man" One episode featured a redneck that went for a midnight swim in a Lake or Swamp.
And only lost an arm.
DonOld is voting today in Fl. Can someone explain how/why a convicted felon can vote??
AND disgusted Never Trumpers. AND young people!
The undemocratic Electoral College must go. My vote is worthless compared to Pennsylvania which is not the way democracy works. It is left over from slave days; shame on us for not getting rid of this after the Civil War.
100% agree, Molly! After Kamala wins the election, I am going to devote my time on working to get the electoral college abolished, term limits for politicians and judges, ending citizens united, fixing our broken education system and getting dark money out of politics! At my advancing years, sometimes I think there is so much to do and so little time! Onward and blue!
Peggy Freeman, you're a great role model. I love your list except for one goal. I hope you don't mind if I give my opinion on it. The word term limits for elected politicians always scares me. (For judges, I agree because they are appointed.) Elected politicians already are term limited by elections. That's when we throw the bums out.
Whereas legislating term limits also throws out the good. This is the problem. To strengthen our democracy and improve the well being of the people, we need more good Dems who are for all the people, not Corporate Dems. It's more difficult to find progressive Dems and get them elected. Corporate Dems and especially Corporate Republicans are easy to find and get elected because they have oodles of big money and a media ecosystem that sings their praises and incites fear and anger against electing progressive Dems. Imagine what big corporate D and R donors or big "Christian Fascists" donors think about term limits. Wouldn't they be happy to see Bernie Sanders, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jasmine Crockett, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, etc booted out?
To me, Bernie Sanders has done more than anyone to give the people words to their anger, to validate the anger, and give hope for a more progressive future. He has lit a fire of hope and action under millions. What if he had been term limited? He's has long been a thorn in the side of the big bad donors. Wouldn't it make sense for these big bad donors to fund a campaign to convince citizens that they should be in favor of term limits? Knowing full well that those harmed will be the people.
The people who yearn for smart, experienced, wise Dems who have built relationships with big good donors, other politicians, and communities (think Nancy Pelosi) so they can more rapidly help bring about change. We want fighters not schmucks. The big bad donors don't want a more fair and just America, a more robust democracy. No, they want dime a dozen Dem schmucks who will do their bidding. Term limits don't harm them. They harm us.