It's amazing how people who never worked a day in their lives and get all the benefits provided by the government like roads, sewage, water, police forces, fire fighters, military protection, can bitch about the government spending a minimum to keep people fed and housed,

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And can have such an influence on our lives through the huge donations to candidates.

We need to get rid of Citizens United. The rich are buying our Presidents, our elected officials and influencing out Supreme Court justices.

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We' still have the capacity to overwhelm them at the ballot box. Millions of unregistered folk trend heavily Democratic. Register them to save democracy. Gen Z can outnumber them.


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I agree completely with Daniel Solomon. Democrats must vote in large numbers and with conscience. If we are able to recover control of our government we must restore rules that diminish money influence over citizen voting and elect candidates committed to common interests.

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As things now stand, voting is our only remaining option left in the battle between democracy and oligarchy. Even that is in jeopardy thanks to gerrymandering of voting districts with the intent to disenfranchise (mostly Democrat) voters.

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And the electoral college! What an outdated policy that has put the Republicans in office many times. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won by a good margin.

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You say "if we are able to recover control of our government", well, to me that is crucial. Since money/power rules, including the present SCOTUS, how is it even possible to get two thirds of the states to undue such a massive challenge? It seems we now need a bloodless revolution. What's our way out of this tragedy?

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To do that, we have to win not only the presidency, but the House, regain the Senate and dominate the legislatures in the states.

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These people have worked their wonders through the centuries regardless of form of government or philosophical divisions thereof. Thing have been arranged to where we all need money, and they control it. The only solution is to change how money works and not let it accumulate into individual hands. This is the bogus "freedom" we enjoy now and will give our lives to protect, to our great detriment.

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Yes and triple the estate tax for those estates over $10 million

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$10 million is too low. 10 million is the threshold of the 1%. Many hardworking, thrifty, people rise out of poverty to make it into the 1% bracket by the time they retire. In California, that is about 3 houses in silicon valley, and acquired mainly through inflation. It is 10 times harder to make it into the 50 million category.

In California the 1% per year property tax rule gives a huge advantage to those who own property. That needs to go. Wealth in the billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions is absurd. But out corporate laws make it possible. Look at Elon Musk as an example.

Corporations are not people. There must be transparency and limits on the funding of politicians and judges.

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Way too simplistic. Do you think if Bernie Sanders had won the election election in 2016 the estate tax would be 90%??

Democrats have had a greater opportunity to pass estate tax legislation than Republicans have had over the past 100+ years and have declined to do so. They’ve had total control over Congress and often the presidency for decades until fairly recently. Citizens have to promote and vote for candidates that are passionate about this issue which are few and far between since so many at the federal level are affluent or wealthy.

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You missed that we have an estate tax, which was "reformed "when Republicans had power. Section 201 of the Revenue Act of 1916..

In 2010 Congress passed superseding legislation that fixed the tax at 35 percent tax for 2011 and 2012 on estate in excess of $5 million. Like the 2001 legislation, the 2010 legislation had a sunset clause that would return the tax to its 2001 level, 55 percent, in 2013. On New Year's Day 2013, Congress made permanent a 40 percent tax on estates in excess of $5 million.

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The only problem is that Gen Z is smart and has realized the D & R are all but the same.

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Not really., the D's are not going to deport 11 million immigrants, Trump will

The D's are not behind the push for a Christian Theocracy, The R's are.

The D's are not hostile to women's and gay rights.

The R's are.

The D's don't have a plan to turn this country into an autocracy. The R's do.

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Don't forget: the D's are afraid to be labeled as socialists, so for the past 50 years they've caved to the R's when they could have helped the middle and lower classes. This is why some can't see the difference between the two.

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But when it comes to the influence of money, the dems and the pubs are similar. They choose some different sources of money, but otherwise they seem the same.

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Pretty naive, aren't you Ted. Even your RFK, Jill Stein, or who ever you are interceding for depend on money to run a political campaign.

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Those issues are not a based on principle but self preservation.

I have lost my faith and trust in them to the extend that I believe they don't have those plans because those are the issues that keeps them in power.

The genocide in Palestine and the D support for that genocide has removed any doubts, if there was any.

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Welcome to Trump land, then. I am sure that you will be pleased with what he has in store for Muslims.

More misuse of the word genocide. The Jews have no plan or ability to wipe out a billion Arabs and billions of Muslims.

The propaganda utility of words, Like the boy who cried wolf too many times, they lose all import.

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What planet are you living on?

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Hold that thought and then we talk next Nov.

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Great Link, thank you for sharing.

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Both of those concepts were bought and paid for at the Supreme Court,

Was it Shakespeare who said :

"First We Kill all The Lawyers”

The Supreme Court Has Sold Out our Country caused the Civil War made corporations People ; Taken Tremendous amounts Of Graft from the Rich with the Goal of subjugating the non Rich ( US ) and provided a Legal Path for Monetary Corruption and Even King For Life Trumpet 🎺 To Rule This Nation of Rubes…

Biden is Right our only recourse is to vote the Scum ,all of the Scum, out of Office.

Vote Like our Country’s Survival Depends On Us To Take back Our Government!!!

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Our country, as we knew it, is on the line without question. My concern is voter apathy with 80 percent of the people feeling hopeless. How to inspire them without a vibrant FDR?

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That Shakespeare quote was a favorite of one of my law professors.

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But since we’re talking about tRump, this is my favorite bit of Shakespeare (seeing as how I’m a sailor):

"I have great comfort from this fellow: methinks he hath no drowning mark upon him; his complexion is perfect gallows. Stand fast, good Fate, to his hanging: make the rope of his destiny our cable, for our own doth little advantage. If he be not born to be hanged, our case is miserable."

-- Gonzalo, in William Shakespeare, The Tempest.

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Citizen J, that's a new one on me. How did SCOTUS cause the civil war?

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They passed the buck and a lot of dead on both sides paid that price…

States Rights is a smoke screen used by lawyers to excuse slavery…

Enough Money will tip the SC scales in your direction…

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SCOTUS caused the civil war by requiring free states to apprehend and return runaway slaves to their masters (1850?). It in effect extended slavery into the North. A few stupid, arrogant men thereby contributed to the deaths of thousands.

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Aren't you talking about the Runaway Slave Act, an act by Congress.

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Hold on! Just us chickens coming home to roost. Logic and reason excel in the exercise of civil rights. The Chevron case really makes me hopeful that the days of unelected despots in agency law determining their own rules, their own penalties, and their own enforcement may be numbered. If you are a bureaucrat, consider turning over a new leaf. Mandates may not be the last word. God bless America.

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I believe it was Plato who suggested doing in the lawyers. I may be wrong, but it goes that far back.

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Not an uncommon desire

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It's old Billy Shakespeare from Henry VI, Part 2. And here's a lawyer arguing that Shakespeare was defending them, not condemning them (it's not the first time I've seen such sophistry from a lawyer in the same context):


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Already done! Is there enough Americans that will vote them out or will they become their blind, brainwashed, ignorant, and stupid cult followers and help them destroy our Democracy, Rule of Law, Constitution, and our freedom?

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That's my deep concern as well. People in London and Paris rise up in the thousands these days when they become alarmed by their governments but Americans usually don't when we must!

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Both political parties are enjoying the benefits of Citizens United, I don’t think Citizens United is going anywhere !

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Biden’s donations are mostly grass roots. Trump has the billionaires donating for him. Did you read the article?

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Yes, of course !

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Sit : Citizens United creates a huge poll tax for non wealthy citizens: increasing wealth Inequality and making justice a joke

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I wish that poll tax get divided equally between the candidates based on the number of voters live in their constituency !

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Sit ; The "poll tax" that I alluded to is not an actual tax ; it is the cost of voting ; having a voice, for non wealthy voters, when billionaires can have such a large say in elections (money is speech) : because they can simply buy the position, or legislation and now we know, even a verdict, as the "Supreme" ?Court itself is for sale, too. ("We, the people"),as in humans), are barely heard. Unless we are fortunate enough to have representatives who actually listen to us as constituents, and can actually get bills passed, with the cooperation of like minded representatives.

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It was a bit subtle for me ?

I thought, the billionaires’ money could be distributed to all voters, as contributions from each candidate in a certain proportion based on the candidate’s reach, then every voter could have a coffee or coffee plus donut, for taking the trouble to go to the polling booth ?

The Congress only pass bipartisan bills to continue wars or make new wars or to continue the Genocide by our favorite friends !

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So why do I still get money asks from 20 politicians a day, all across the country? And why isn’t it illegal for me to send money to candidates from New York to California, in an attempt to influence their elections? I don’t want their money going to candidates in my state,


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I don’t get requests for money from any Republican candidate, but I get requests for donations from many democratic candidates all over America…, as long as you contribute via their App known as ActBlue there is no limit, I used to give everyone…. But this year I am fed up with all politicians and their support for Genocide in Palestine !

No more support to any politician who is also getting money from AIPAC and support the Genocide in Palestine !

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Is someone paying you to make these comments?

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I don’t need money and I don’t accept any payments, I have feelings for the Victims of Holocaust and now I have similar feelings for the Palestinian Victims suffering under Zionist occupation and Genocide !

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I’ve gotten fundraising texts from tRump and Fled Cruz.

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You and the Palestinians will certainly love tRump v2.0

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Miisuse and overuse of the word genocide, does no good. Throw it around freely and it becomes useless, just another word forI don't like them.

The UN convention defines what is and is not genocide, and it requires intention.

There is no evidence that Israel has the intention of wiping out Arabs and Muslims, and the very idea is ridiculous.

10 million Jews commiting genocide against a billion Arabs, billions of Muslims. On the other hand the Sacred Texts of Islam, call for the genocide of Jews, as does HAMAS.

Verse 1295-1296, Book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

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OK, I know what you mean,

Get used to the Genocide until they come to you !

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Maybe "ethnic cleansing" is a more palatable term? Whichever way you slice it, Netanyahu and his hard right supporters want the Arabs either under complete Israeli control or out of Palestine altogether (I would argue the latter is their preferred option). The Likud Party has previously used the same slogan as Hummus does, viz. "from the river to the sea". What we see happening in Israel/Palestine is a direct result of both sides basing their entire culture and political structure on fantasies written millennia ago and treating those fantasies as incontrovertible fact.

The Abrahamic religions are akin to the Dune trilogy:

Dune = Judaism

Dune Messiah = Christianity

Children of Dune = Islam

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If we don't gain the majority in both House and Senate, it won't make any difference who is president (at least until Trump and the Supremes cancel the legislative branch.)

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I agree, Marlo, but first as, Daniel Solomon says below, we have to win by a landslide, then we can start impeaching first Alito and Thomas, then if that isn't enough to scare the other four into upholding the Constitution (which happens to be their only mandated job) we can impeach Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. I do not want to stack the Supreme Court with Democrats or even Liberal Progressives. I want to stack it with honest, judges of honor and integrity who regard the Constitution with the same respect I have for it,

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Most of us are “the others” to these people. We are deemed not to have been smart enough, tough enough, if the right sex, of the right religion, culture or skin color. And so many of Trump’s cult followers believe these people know best. Remarkably, those who differ from their “betters” (as it was framed to me growing up near Pittsburgh) have delusions of how these people will reach out and tap them with the magic wand. Never ever will happen. And the worst are the tormented souls who sorta make it and forget their roots. Pity them. They will never have enough money or acceptance.

There are more of us. Many of us are sons and daughters (grandchildren) of the union movement. We are back where are family members started, and worse. SCOTUS gave royalty a foothold here in America.

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To do that, we need to get rid of the present SCOTUS. Does President Biden have the chops to take that on? If not, a 2nd term will be neutralized.

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I'm afraid that fighting fair has no place in mud wrestling.

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Now I started out to be honest

Everything on the square

But a man can’t fool with the Golden Rule

In a crowd that don’t play fair.

“In Lure of the Tropics”: Mac Rebennack (Dr. John)

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I agree, Marlo. Citizens United must be disbanded and declared an illegal organization. In the process, their assets must be seized and redistributed to serve the common good. That also applies to the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation and other private wealth clubs. These are run by rotten people hiding behind their money. The only problem is, who is going to declare them illegal? If, please God, Biden wins a second term, then, according to their latest ruling, the Supreme Court will be subject to Democratic wrath. Ooh, can’t wait!

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Ilene the only way to set things aright is by the Democrats getting a majority in the House and a 60 vote majority in the Senate., and of course the Presidency.

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Of course, William. I intend to do what I can to support Biden. I’m not wealthy In the least but I will join phone banks and door-to-door campaigning as the election draws closer. Nevertheless, I am still concerned that the Maga heads will do everything they can to rig the election in their favor.

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Bannon was interviewed on TV saying that all of the mechanisms are in order, from Alternate electors, to armed poll watchers and carefully drawn up legal challenges and they will have people sitting on the courthouse steps, if the vote doesn't go their way.

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Yes, and that's the kind of stuff that scares the heck of out me.

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Just start off with publicly funded elections at a preset limit, at least at the federal level.

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This is done by those in power and they never stick a finger in their own eye.

America needs a revolution and my hope pins on Gen Z for that.

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We need to rescind MANY and restore more setbacks to our democracy!!


Citizens United (Corporations are People/BIG MONEY allowed in politics)

SCOTUS Immunity


Shelby County vs Holder (Voting rights)

Jarkesy (SEC can’t punish fraudsters)

Loper/Chevron (Subject Matter experts at Federal Agencies - EPA, etc. squashed. SCOTUS will determine our Water/Air/etc., environmental standards requirements!)

Synder v US (Bribery become “gratuities when given by elected officials!)


Electoral College (should be Popular Vote, end E.C)

Senatorial allocation: Should be 2 per state minimum, then more based on Population; there is NO justification for Wyoming (Pop. 600,000) and California (Pop. 39,000,000) to have the SAME senatorial power.

Filibuster (KILL THE FILIBUSTER Permanently! Majority rule!!!)

Amendments for required laws;

POTUS Tax Returns

Progressive Tax reform (TAX THE RICH!!!!)

Congressional Ban on Stock Trading


Senatorial Term Limits

SCOTUS Term Limits

SCOTUS Court expansion

SCOTUS Ethics rules

SCOTUS Impeachment Rules

Congressional Ethics Rules (Emphasizing LYING penalties. 1st Rebuke, 2nd Censure,3rd expulsion)

Felons’ a disallowed from holding elected office

Mandatory 3 year Citizen Service (Citizen Conservation Corps like, or Military Service)


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Just because people have wealth does not mean they have good common sense!

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So much for "free and fair "elections! I guess if it can be bought: it can be stolen. See who the real thieves are.

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Reagan convinced them that food stamps and welfare would be the downfall of this country.

Well, he was half-right... welfare (corporate) IS killing us!

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Reagan was another fake reality star that ignorant Americans voted for him while he was destroying labor and their future for the benefit of corporations and billionaires!

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What was tat TV series he hosted? “Debt Valley Daze”? You know he was a Democrat back in the day.

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And that BIG, MACHO 10-gallon hat would remind me of my testosterone-driven self everytime I might "slip" and become empathetic, caring and compassionate towards the "other." An Academy Award winning performance 4SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And destroyed the unions, the Dept of Labor, Education, and the Fairness Doctrine in news reporting etc, etc, ect ad infinitum

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And also tried to destroy Social Security.

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Corporate Welfare paid for on the backs of the poor - a-okay. Welfare for others who need it - not okay, the losers need to work more.

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Susan, what are you basing this statement on? There are many who have physical and mental limitations that preclude them from work. There are many who are working often more than one job but who still need assistance . Walmart and McDonalds have the most employees on food stamps and medicaid. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/18/food-stamps-medicaid-mcdonalds-walmart-bernie-sanders/

Both of these companies have enough wealth to pay their employees a living wage, but their greed doesn’t let them do it, they prefer we all subsidize their workers. It is not the fault of hard working employees, but the fault of immoral employers. Why do you want to blame the victims of a bad system that allows employers to exploit, use, and financially harm their employees?

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Linda, I believe that Susan was being sarcastic -& not advocating for the corporations. I didn't get the impression she's blaming the poor.

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I was basing it on the opinion that Tim Mellon and others like him seem to hold. Tim Mellon has never really done anything but live off grandpa's money and buy & ruin any business he touched.

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Susan, sorry for the misunderstanding

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Tim Mellon and Don Trump are fruits of the same tree.

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Like many of the rich old money people in this country.

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Try to keep it all straight Susan, the "losers" are POWs and those who died defending that old, out-dated notion referred to as "democracy!" JeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZ

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Geez I thought it was obvious that I was reflecting Tim Mellon's view of life. Geeeeeèezzzzzzz

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And allow child labor. We don't want to subsidize childcare.

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Reagan began "welfare for the rich" instead with ye olde trickle down theory that the GOP still clings too. That stream never had water, not a drop flowing downward.

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Indeed. I overheard my young adult niece by marriage and her husband, both raised in VERY comfortable circumstances, discussing other people’s “sense of entitlement.”These are kids whose entire college and grad school was paid for by their grandfather, who never worked a day in their lives until they emerged with newly-minted diplomas, and were set up in nice apartments from day one. They are, of course, Republicans.

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NOW I know why we needed Historically White Colleges…

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It turns my stomach!

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I think he’s repulsive. I became disabled right as I was trying to write my dissertation and without help (and now on Social Security and a cobbled-together benefits package a fabulous caseworker set up for me) I would be homeless. I have always volunteered my time to help animals and those in need; including being a rape crisis advocate and working in the Pediatric Playroom at Sloan-Kettering. This guy writes a whomper of a check, bitches about people who he can’t even begin to understand and generally is a horse’s ass. People like that really get my back up! As if they are so much better than the rest of us. A healthy society provides for all, and a better-educated citizenry in turn creates a better society. This country has been a great disappointment-or maybe it’s the disconnect between the enormous wealth gap. I don’t know but I DO know there are better places to live than here.

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I hear you, and have been thinking, but sadly not taking action to leave what was once a hopeful place for all but hasn't been since Ronnie gained access to power with his crowd. Tragic.

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Fay Reid: I think "government spending a minimum to keep people fed and housed" is not only a proper function of Government, but I have come to view this as an essential role of Government.

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I agree

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YES, Armand!

AMERICA rather than ameriKKKa

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I urge everyone to join RESULTS, an anti-poverty advocacy group. We push for legislation and tax policy to end poverty in the US, along with global funding for health and education worldwide. (results.org)

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Catherine Logsdon: Thank you so much for sharing as well as providing the link.

I will look into this!

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That is NOT a photograph of Andrew Mellon! That is a photograph of his father, Thomas Mellon. Here is a photo of Andrew. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Mellon

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Thanks Tim.

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Good point Fay. I would include the churches in that. They get all of the benefits from property tax but pay none. The original idea was the churches paid no tax but kept their ideas to themselves and kept their noses out of politics. How is that working for us now?

The radical, mostly Christian, mostly Fascist right now wholly owns the GOP. The old days are gone. They spend all of their money building mega churches and private schools to continue to brainwash their children from birth.

In some states they are making a play to get their hands on OUR TAX MONEY to pay for their schools to the detriment of our public schools! They have become big business so they should be taxed at least the 35% rate for their income and pay full rates for local property tax.

Then they can have a say in some government rules but NEVER any money for their schools unless they agree to at least half of their boards-of-directors be local folks not members of their church. I am reminded of their once common bumper sticker "What would Jesus do?" He would spend ALL of the money collected helping the poor and others in need.

That thought seems to have been traded for "I'm going to push my religious ideas down your throat." I'm so happy I gave up church and religion in the 6th grade.

Cheers... GH

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Organized religion is just another form of organized crime.

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I agree, Gary, The two entities, churches and NFL (my favorite team sport) need to pay their fair share of taxes. Maybe back in the 19th Century the churches were actually charitable, and a very, very few are today. As you point out the Mega-churches are money making machines, riding on the taxpayer dollar. I don't like to be too critical and harsh because in addition to reviling their tax-free status I am a nontheist.

As to the NFL back in the 1960's when they were just starting out they needed a helping hand but today the owners are raking in billions of dollars in tax free profits and can write off any expenditures on their personal "nice work, if you can get it"

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I am a Social Worker who assists GA and SNAP clients. You could not feed a cat on what these people call "largesse".

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I was and eligibility worker and employment and training counselor so I know exactly what you're talking about. And you and I both know what a pile of crap the trumpster is loading saying "we give them (undocumented migrants) Social Security, Food Stamps (which haven't existed since 1998) and all kinds of money" I used to hear that all the time and I'd say that's a lie without documentation they get NOTHING. But they'd insist, President Reagan told us and he wouldn't lie. Any slime that oozes out of the Republican mouths is taken as gospel.

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By their refusal to pay taxes the French aristocracy bankrupted the nation that harbored them. Their pride, arrogance, conceit, lack of sense of responsibility was mindless, and eventually they lost the heads to the guillotine.

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Great analogy, Victor

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Mind boggling. They need to read The Beatitudes

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But Jesus is irrelevant when the new savior is the orange god.

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Republicans are terrified by the Beatitudes.

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Fay: your comments are just emphasize the need for major, major tax reform. The basic truth is that people who don’t work for the privileges they receive don’t appreciate them and take them for granted. Where wealth accumulates to the extreme, humility evaporates.

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You are so on target,Fay

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Great comment.

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Welcome to America !

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Don’t feel desperate, for everything, there is AIPAC ! They will foot your bills as long as you raise your hand and say you support the Genocide in Palestine !

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So you are encouraging people to vote for Trump who has trashed our country?

Trump embodies Hitler. Wake up and smell the coffee. Read Project 2025.

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I don’t support him, but this year looks like a lucky year for him again !

I am not supporting anyone this year !

trump talks a lot, most of what he says are meaningless or placarding his base like a fellow bad guy ! He is a psychopath !

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Sir, Trump is not just talking a lot to placate his base. He is part of a decades long goal to completely alter this country, Please read this summary of Project 2025 and see why voting is so important this year


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What is more important right now is to stop the Genocide in Palestine !

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Fay Reid, so true! Man's inhumanity to man!

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Why not both: a wealth tax AND applying the capital gains tax to the appreciated value of assets held during someone’s life, before they die and hand them off to their heirs at current market values?

I wonder if Timothy Mellon would be "too honest of too proud" to accept government help if his wealth suddenly totally disappeared?

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He doesn't acknowledge the FREE government help he already gets

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That's because he isn't honest; nor is he "proud"--just vain.

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Timothy Mellon is no financial genius -- he bought an airport for $ 2 million and sold it 20 years later for $ 900,000.

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A man after Trump’s own heart.

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1. Andrew said he liked the income tax because it ensured that nobody would ever be as rich as he was.

2, Timmy is a trust fund baby who would probably takes his money to a foreign country if we impose a wealth tax.

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Maybe there should be a wealth export tax, too.

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Persons with huge fortunes should not be in government positions that allow themselves to manipulate their own fortunes. The Democrats have some office holders who, along with their children, have too much money to understand or care about the poor beyond not wanting them to be an embarrassment to our country. Soon the homeless will be incarcerated and become slave labor because SCOTUS has just allowed towns and cities to make sleeping on the streets a crime. We have returned to the days that Charles Dickens wrote about.

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I'm sorry but FDR, JFK and some of the most humane people I ever met have the empathy gene. Many ethical people in government use "blind" trusts.

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But they can still influence or can manipulate the system to favor the wealthiest through the tax structure, inheritance and so forth. Maybe there should be a maximum limit on fortunes to serve in government, but that will never happen.

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Daniel, I know what you mean, and I am confident that you know that there is no "empathy gene." Yes, I few individuals are serial rapists, psychopaths, narcissists, but in cases like the Mellons, the Kochs, the Trumps what we have is a self-serving Social Darwinist ideology. This odious, false ideology is incompatible with the US Constitution, hence the constitutional crisis we are experiencing today.

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Buffets (2 varieties), Taylor Swift, and many who observe noblesse oblige. Most are not politically involved. I've told this group that in my home town in Pennsyltucky the most powerful public official was the inheritance tax appraiser. My brother wrote pour over trusts fudded by key (wo)man insurance that skips generations from tax liability.

I worked with people with big money who saw public service as a moral commitment. They want to see everyone should pay a fair share.

I won't go into detail but a lot of shareholders of domestic corporations are foreigners who declare no US taxes. Here in Baghdad By the Sea a lot of the residents are not citizens, make most of their money domestically but do not, to some extent file tax returns. When I worked for SSA I could tell when claimants failed to pay taxes. When my wife worked at the US attorney's office, IRS and FBI investigators would bring cases involving off shore accounts, otherwise not taxed. We currently have a presidential candidate who makes most of his money from offshore interests, and probably does not disclose all of it. Romney had a similar problem. ,

We have a collection problem and we have to pay "taxes" because of price fixing and price gouging that affects all of us. High interest rates are another reason we have tax disparities.

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It was against the law to sit stand or lay down in public in Seattle 20 years ago when I was homeless. It was illegal to lay down in Austin 15 years ago. I have been arrested so many times for being homeless, asking for a dollar, jaywalking,

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"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread."

--Anatole France, The Red Lily

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Oh that our society would have such magnanimous thoughts. The quote reminds me of It's A Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart.

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That's horrible. how long did they keep you for that?

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Usually overnight. One time a cop illegally arrested me then said I spit on him. There were cameras that proved not only was he lying it also showed him assaulting me. They said they wouldn’t watch the videos because they didn’t matter. I spent 4 months in jail. Long story but eventually they dismissed the case. No compensation. That’s just one story out of lots.

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Wow Nancy, if I were a lawyer in the US, I'd sue those cops for you on a pro bono basis.

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Good, let him leave the country and stop interfering in our politics. He's doing more harm than good with his money.

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I pay (for me) a staggering amount of property taxes every month for my small house, 31 year old car, and 27 year old truck. It’s why I can’t afford to retire. I live in a neighborhood with no sidewalks, no curbs, and no storm drains and I don’t have kids, though I recognize the importance of supporting schools. So many people my age are being priced out of our homes by the rising property taxes. It doesn’t help us if our houses go up in value while we’re living in them. We get no benefit from that. In fact, it makes our homeowners insurance go up, too. It would make more sense to tax the sale of the house when it’s sold, at least on the primary residence. If someone owns six houses, that’s a different story.

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Can't reverse mortgage? I know some who did this and it helped a lot. But need to be careful.

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Where I live, insurance costs 10 x the amount of ad valorum tax.

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I think we should start with getting the corporations and very wealthy to pay their fair share of income tax. That will bring in billions.

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He seems to never have really done anything successfully in his life except spend inherited money and fail. And he looks down his nose at others who were not born so lucky - what a guy.


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Sounds like a lot of the born-rich, like Donald Trump.

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Perhaps it is the thought of the Dems taking his wealth away that is driving him to donate to Trump? 🤔

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I would guess he never fears such an outcome and he may be right. It's up to the people to course correct--always.

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Az, not taking his wealth away but daring to touch it!

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Could well be.

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Yet another great article, Robert - congratulations! Timothy Mellon's support for Trump and Kennedy, along with yesterday's disasterous decision regarding presidential immunity, shows why we have to support Biden and Harris even more as we head to November, and soak the rich! Soak it to 'em!

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If ever there was a time for Dem $billionaires to give to Dem campaigns, it is now.

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Better yet, there should be NO billionaires.

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A democratic polity is supposed to be based on egalitarian distribution of political power. In a system where virtually all resources are available for a price, economic power can be translated into political power by channels too obvious for mention. In a capitalist society, economic power is very unequally distributed, and hence democratic government is inevitably something of a sham. In a sense, the maintained ideal of democracy makes matters worse, for it adds the tensions of hypocrisy to the inequality of power.

Kenneth Arrow

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In a republic such as ours power is supposed to spread and diluted by means of the separation of powers, which SCOTUS is undermining.

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Actually, the recent Chevron case only dilutes agencies who became their own law maker, reviewer, and administration in one. The Chevron case is overdue.

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thanks for the rver ref even more than arrow

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The best government Grampa's money can buy! Happy 4th of July.

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Maybe bring out the kazoos ilo fireworks for the 4th. This 4th is nothing to celebrate as our system of government is being dismantled from within.

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Biden now has all the immunity awarded by the SCOTUS. They want him to act “boldly and fearlessly”. I hope Biden won’t have anyone killed, but I hope he will:

Revoke the FCC license for FOX and send the FBI to halt their operations.

Have Justice Thomas arrested for bribery and have him investigated by the IRS.

Seize Trump’s bank accounts and assets which were used to commit crimes.

Revoke bail bonds for all federally indicted defendants in the secret documents case.


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Ben, you are the first person I know of who has pointed this out: SCOTUS gave Biden enormous immunity. Would this humble man do what Trump would not hesitate to do?

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@Victor. That he might not do it is one reason we should ask him to step aside. We Democrats need a candidate that is Trump's equal/better in vigor, energy and add in penetrating intelligence. Wes Moore, Gov of Maryland. Sure, Newsome. I would name the excellent women leaders but I worry that Trump will trash them in the media, they won't be able to match him in filth and misogyny, AND that too many Americans won't vote for a woman at the top of the ticket. We need every little advantage right now...

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Yes, and we must abide by the Constitution.

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You can’t have Wes Moore! We need him in MD to recover from the Bananarepublican ex-governor Larry Hogan, who is running for US Senate now, Goddess help us.

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@Greg. Yes. Same with Hakkim Jeffries, we need him as Speaker. But we need to win the White House before those things matter...

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By all accounts Victor he's not that humble. So who knows.

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Probably not. Biden takes his office seriously

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Actually, I have been yelling about Biden invoking the insurrection Act for weeks on this Forum! But it's truly GREAT that Ben has,too.! Of course, Roberts did make this new ruling! S o we are both thinking like 🏆 winners, in theory 🤔.

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It may be our only hope!

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If you put your hope in the elite to save you, and that's all there is, you're done.

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The President does have executive power, and the insurrection Act was intended to put down or protect against an insurrection. I see President Biden as a President ; Not the "elite". the billionaires who bought the Courts are the elites, as far as I can see. whart will You do to protect yourself against Trump?

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If only! Invoke the insurrection Act! Maybe Chief Justice Roberts is "crazy like a fox!"?

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Send BORTAC to arrest you-know-who and confine him in Alcatraz pending trial for treason.

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Greg: Isn't Alcatraz closed?

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That makes it even better.

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Yes, it’s part of a National Recreation Area now. But I am sure they could let him have a 5’x9’ cell in The Hole.

Guantanamo would be an acceptable alternative.

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… and he’d make a Hell of a “living history” exhibit at Alcatraz.. They can sell Big Macs to the tourists to feed him.

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Invoke the Insurrection Act! It is happening right now, in case you did not notice!

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Ben : " winner, winner chicken dinner! If only Biden would or could! We all know that the orange one would not hesitate. Of course, just because he would do it does not mean it is a great idea. What the f else can we do? There IS an insurrection happening right under, or on top of US 🇺🇸. Why not use that remedy? I'm tired of being effed!

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Essentially what happened in France to an extreme degree in the 18th century with the inevitable response from the suffering multitudes. As Nick Hanauer said a few years ago: "The pitchforks are coming."

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Jul 2
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I bet you can find the instructions on YouTube. Thank you Google!

As Lenin said, “When we hang the capitalists, it’ll be with rope that they sold us.”

Gotta love that Lenin and his sense of humor.

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Lenin was not joking.

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I give up. Tons of money going to a fascist dictator who should be in prison..

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The lying, grifter, traitor MAGA Republicans want us to give up! Vote Blue from School Board candidates, County Commissioners, judges, etc. Investigate them and they party before you vote.

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Right on Sandra. And we must give them veto proof majorities where ever that applies.

Cheers... GH

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I meant to say their party . I can’t find an edit.

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Don't give up. The greedy never give up.

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All I can say to them is “careful what you wish for.” And, “They know not what they do.”

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And not even God should forgive them!

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“I hope that you die

And your death will come soon.

I’ll follow your casket

On a pale afternoon.

I’ll watch as you’re lowered

Down to your deathbed

And I’ll stand over your grave ‘til I’m sure that you’re dead.”

(Nobel laureate Bob Dylan, “Masters of War”)

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Yes! Well said!

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Sie wissen nicht mit wem sie reden,”

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Wait Greg I don't quite get the point of your use of German here. I understand the literal meaning but are you being satirical or what? Morning jolt of java hasn't quite kicked in. 🥴☕

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It's a line from "Seeraeuber Jenny ("Pirate Jenny") from the "Dreigroschen Oper" ("Three-Penny Opera") by Brecht and Weill. One of my favorite songs, as sung by Lotte Lenya. Briefly, Jenny is working undercover as a hotel maid but in reality is the head of the pirates. It's the same opera "Mack the Knife" comes from. Lenya also did it auf Englisch, as did Judy Collins and Nina Simone.

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O - maybe it's something my grandmother would have said under her breath. 😉

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As Jenny did!

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Does he get a pair of gold sneakers & a MAGA hat for it?

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Along with his bible…!

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Signed by the author, no doubt.

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In blood.

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No, those are extra. All he gets is control of our government.

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Only after the supreme court 6 get theirs! even though they are gauche and tacky.

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I hear the Extreme Court is having a Clarence Sale!

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Clarence Thomas should be forced to wear the gold sneakers! , and a MAGA "Dunce" cap! The 6 traitor justices all should!

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Love this humor. Thanks.

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They Sure have sold out justice, all ,"Right"! Nothing Left!

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Mellon looks like he would kill you before voting for anyone. A $50,000,000 donation to a sponge up like Trump should be a crime in itself. I support a limit on political donations. How about a tax leveed of donations that are political in nature. I mean a good one, in the area of at least 50%. However, the political coffers that wind up being stuffed by normal donations would be tax exempt. The overzealous attempts by the super wealthy to influence the outcome of an election should raises the eyebrows of every honest voter. Trump is a money whore, give him a lot and see what you get. How about a President that would love to "deconstruct" our country.

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How many times must we be reminded? "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime." All concentrated wealth is toxic to democracy, inherited wealth even more so.

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Jefferson was and is right. The rich have no idea about the world beyond their sphere and are only focused on getting more. Who made the Mellon fortune? The workers they malign

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Wealth tax, pay as should into Social Security, end Citizens United, and - oh yeah - defeat trump and trumpism!! And after the oligarchic fascist robber barons and their puppet "presidents" are defeated, pack the Supreme Court, reform government, go full-tilt on environmental protection, etc. etc. .... and let's get ourselves right, folks! (and maybe Carnegie Mellon University would want to change its name, maybe just drop an "l" and make the cantaloupe its symbol, Carnegie-Melon U.

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Eat the rich!

For a light summer dessert, try some Mellon balls.

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Just like the way workers with FSA lose the unspent money at the end of each year, we should have the entire wealth of a deceased returned to the state and used for social services. This will prevent the wealthy from accumulating more and more wealth and ease the social inequality that exists today. It will also ease the tax burden on the middle and low income families.

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That will repel voters. Not a good idea.

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Unfortunately true

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If you distribute the wealth of billionaires how much would everyone get? Would we all be rich?

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I don't know about all of them, but if the Mellon family is worth $14 billion, an equal distribution to 330 million people would provide just over $42 per person. Won't help me that much. Better to use progressive taxation of individual income and estate wealth to prevent accumulation and inheritance of large fortunes. I oppose taxation of investment gains year to year. And let's keep business taxes low for American competitiveness.

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The issue is not distribution of wealth. It is rather of living up to one's responsibilities and duties as citizen. It is also on of drowning the speech of those who cannot monetize it.

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You don’t want to leave surviving family members destitute.

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Speaking as a surviving family member, I concur.

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I have a problem with hand me down rich people using the word 'Work' as if it was something they have ever even done! And when they reference poor people as getting undeserved handouts, it is the hand me down rich people who are poor hearted, hard hearted, and destitute of Compassion!, Poor, haggard, mental confines that they are!

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I remember back in maybe 1973 or so when I was "rich by association" dating a chap from a very wealthy family. Mother had a large party on her summer house (and guest house and boat house) on the Maine shore. The mother of a college friend was there and I asked how her daughter was doing. She was working for BART in San Francisco. Mom then asked what I was up to. I also worked, duh! The woman standing next to her remarked: "I think it's so wonderful how you young people work these days."

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Well said

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