Mr. Reich, never apologize for long Substacks. We all love reading your work no matter how long they are.

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But let’s not keep amplifying the evil message. There is a growing audience for this and while we’re calling them out we are also feeding them and making them feel powerful and confident that they are succeeding.

How do we combat the evil without saying we see you and see what you’re doing and we are afraid that there are so many of you?

I suggest that we remind the brownshirts of what became of them. Of how many died meaninglessly for the Fuhrer and Mussolini and Stalin. They ended up being the big losers.

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We should not convey fear of Trump’s thugs, but we should definitely point this stuff out, plainly, through media outlets that will be consumed by people in the Trump Bubble.

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Hopefully that twisted Trump bubble will begin to burst. It's beyond outrageous that he's allowed to continue with his threats while out on bail without any consequences. Rep. Swalwell stated recently that his kids can't even play in their front yard anymore. In the meantime, one of the brown shirt, goon squad leaders Roger Stone also remains free and continues to echo the mango madman's dangerous evil messages. Where the hell is the justice when we need it the most?

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You are so right, Rick. When i look at Roger Stone, i see an evil fiend just by looking at his creepy face, especially when he wears those goofy goggles on his fiendish face. It's truly appalling that this thing called Roger Stone isn't in a maximum security prison now in solitary confinement.

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Wonder how many people he killed who didn't do as he wanted? He seems like a pshycopath when he talks. Like Trump he is like a cartoon character...a bad one in a movie. His power gone to his head.

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Like Trump Stone has lived a whole life of crime with impunity. Are you old enough to remember Nixon's "dirty tricks"? Stone was a big part of it.

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Hmmm, Judith, i haven't thought about that. There is no telling how many people he has murdered. Stone is a perfect example of a psychopath, and TFG is a close second to him. TFG is a sexual predator and i read an article a while back that he used to peek in at little girls in one of those pageant things to watch them undress.. To me, that is about sick as it gets.

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Not so minor problem; there ain't no law against wishing someone were dead out loud and taking positive steps to to convert the wish to a fact! Then you get the free vacation.

That brings up Judith Stevens' question below. If the answer is 1 or more Roger Stone definitely qualifies for vacation time - - - but although he may be "like" a cartoon character he most certainly is not one and deserves suitable attention in the future.

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Yes he certainly is a "villain". And very open about it. Trump's mob now talks like Mafia.

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This kind of violence is mob violence, organized crime type violence.

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I am an American... non -violent, against the ownership of guns except for our police who owe their jobs to us, against vitriol and hate speech. For “choice” of freedom of religion and of personal decisions concerning private serious decisions women make concerning having children.

If I were to say things in public the ugly american Rump says I would feel overwhelming shame .I am for treatment of mental health issues done so with kindness and compassion.

I demand , as a serious defender of choice , that those who make public threats against another be held accountable in a serious and permanent way. Nothing on social media is private. Regulate the companies who feel no regard for sanity under their freedom to dump garbage on all of us through their so called business. Make them pay the price of fear! A huge fine would work.... I am talking a HUGE fine... one they totally understand as “business” as usual. Let them feel the pinch of non-existence.... broke, incriminated, out of work! Shame in the most visceral way... prison for life.... their life, not ours!

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Folk forget their Freedom ends at my nose. And, freedom entails responsibility- also ,too often forgotten. The vulgar, vile, threatening patterns we are now living in the US are destroying our sense of community. This is a distortion of freedom and our systems are failing to call it out. I agree with you.

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Voting is our superpower!

People who feel threatened into public support of tRump have the opportunity, in the privacy of the voting booth, to vote their conscience. Look at what happened to Roe in Kansas and Ohio. Women married to rabid MAGAs made their voices heard.

Agree with you, Vicki, that freedom entails responsibility!

I volunteer with Activate America, writing stacks of postcards to get out the vote. Strongly encourage others to get involved.

As for community, there's a huge Silent Majority who are just waiting to vote the bums out. The vile, vulgars get the most press, but they're the minority.

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Jean, i think an appropriate fine would be, one billion US dollars for the damage already done to our nation. No, make that one trillion dollars.

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Good afternoon Jean,

For what it's worth, most states do have criminal statutes against making credible threats to harm another person. The legal definition of "credible" varies and can be hard to prove, but such statutes do exist. For example, I (and maybe you) would prefer Trump were not around, and we may have said so in public, but if we take no positive steps to accomplish that end, i.e. to convert our wish to a "credible threat" (by hiring an assassin?) it remains just a wish and not a prosecutable threat.

I hope that helps - it shouldn't change one bit the opinion you or I hold for DJT - it's just that neither of us care to spend the rest of our lives in jail, but we would like to exercise our First Amendment Right to tell people what we think about him!

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Alex Jones got a taste of that recently for airing his cruel lies that kids and teachers really didn’t die at Sandy Hook Elementary, piling unimaginable pain upon the unspeakable agony of the families of those murdered children and teachers. He’s still fighting it in court, but there is a judgment against him and he’s less free to peddle his lies. The Proud Boys also may have been sued out of existence. The legal process can be glacially slow, but sometimes justice does get served.

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What media outlets are those? Trump consumers are not going to read Robert Reich's Substack, or watch CNN, MSNBC, or any other "fake news" outlets. On the other hand, Fox, NewsMax, and OAN certainly aren't going to say anything on air comparing Trump's vigilantes to Brownshirts.

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Ah, you ask the hard questions!

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Thanks, DK. What is needed, in my opinion, is a fundamental shift of paradigm. Let's remember FDR's quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." In other words, let us do the progressive work centred on political and economic justice despite the "brownshirts" threats. In essence, this takes spiritual courage, but it is essential to maintaining a democracy.

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It also takes physical courage. You, in 1/3 of the US have made accidental pregnancy or intentional pregnancy a gamut to be walked, unto death. But, the Repug Senate cowards, never able in 150 years to rid us of white supremacy structures, have admitted instead of speaking out, banding together, asking for state or federal protection ran away from their desired JOB for VOTERS . This is NOT ok. The underlying US structures are so compromised, corruption reigns. I remember my US when we did not get shot in grocery stores, school or churches. The Baby Boomers must undo what we have created. It will take what East Germany just did, hundreds and thousands of us in our locales in peaceful nonviolent protest. Truly, our brown shirts are active and here.

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I did NOT create this and I will not let anyone make a blanket condemnation of people born at a certain time in history. Not only is it unfair to those of us who’ve been actively trying our entire adult lives to make this world better than we found it, but it invites condemnation and even violence against older people. Please stop. We all, at every age, have to look at our own lives and figure out how we’re contributing to social problems and then try to do better. It’s not the responsibility of “Boomers” to fix the problems we also inherited or don’t have much control over.

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You must have little experience with historical context. This is exactly what Baby Boomers have created, with or without you and I. I feel as you stated myself, as a road not often taken person myself. But, this has been created in our time and in our context. Without claiming it, there is little motivation to fix it.

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My entire life has been about trying to fix it, no motivation required! No, I will not take responsibility for things that were not in my control. You are welcome to blame yourself if that motivates you, but you don’t have the right to blame an entire group of people for the sins of the oligarchs who brought us to this place.

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This is very true DK. I keep thinking about the foolish adoration of the orange jesus and how he will violently treat his followers at the slightest criticism.

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DK - I recall a wonderful Governor that we had out here in the West named Tom McCall. McCall was a visionary and he created a wonderful legacy for Oregonians including making all our beautiful beaches accessible and public. He got people jazzed up - and t focused on the future. It was easy to trust him. He was both genuine and direct... It was a tense time in Oregon and I remember he changed the narrative... declaring that "People are motivated to vote - when you talk about what you are for - rather than what you're against." He helped Inspire people - and excited people by talking about what we could do, what we wanted to protect, what people could create, and talked about a vision that felt safe, beautiful, and special. He inspired a renaissance in how we regarded our Oregon and led a whole generation to feel renewed energy and commitment to protect it.

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That's a fine idea, DK, but remind any of them of their fate in following their Orange Fuhrer and ask if they would die for him would only result in a full throated scream of 'Jawohl!' (Yes, indeed!).

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I believe they're paper tigers. If they get really threatened they will (most of them) run and hide. It's easy to say hell yeah when you're safe.

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If only… Hate is a powerful motivator. They follow Trump because he hates those they hate. He says the quiet part out loud.

Hitler sold the German people a pack of lies: That they were “victims” of predatory Jews. That Germany lost WWI bc the Jews betrayed them. Easily disproven, but people still fell for it.

A frightening percentage of Republicans, armed to the teeth, now support violence as the way to “get the country back.” The Heritage Foundation’s transition plan, Project 2025, is all set to go if Trump is re-elected. Trump fires all civil servants, replacing them with hand picked loyalists. It’s a blueprint for authoritarianism.

We are on our own. 80 years ago, the Allies landed at Normandy & saved democracy. We have 1 shot.

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Agreed. I am reading about North Korea and the thought comes to mind "when has ANY dictatorship ever truly succeeded?" It's all so easy to fall for a pack of lies. I am still looking for a dictatorship that ever worked out for the people. It worked out great for the dictator - until it didn't. We cannot, absolutely must not, let this guy take the reins again. We could easily go down a very bad road.

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The SHITler 1.0's SA brown shirts DIED due to, and at the very behest/ORDERS of their evil POS Fuehrer.

These current, dumber than a rock, MAGAt NAZIS are way too brain dead to realize that they too will be thrown under the bus by their worshiped, adored, and deified SHITler 2.0.

They may not wear brown colored shirts, and have visible swastika armbands, but the SCUMp's evil, murderous SA is just as blood oath loyal and dangerous.

WHAT (and when) will be THEIR 'Kristallnacht'??

The POS 'Proud'<-LOFL! Boyz DO wear black shirts, just like IL DOUCHEBAG Mussolini's Camicie Nere did, and I guess that's why.

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@David. Shitler. I like that!

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Yes, but only after many lost their lives and/or were tortured, not to mention the horrendous destruction across the world.

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DK Brooklyn ; It is a fact that those who threaten our Democracy and follow Donald J Trump are the minority, I'm not saying that they are not a threat. terrorism is cowardly, and dangerous. But they are not succeeding, except to show voters who they really are. Why would voters support dangerous extremists? Why would anyone believe the lie that "there are so many of you?" The brown shirts 'reminder ' will not be repeated in the media that most MAGAs consume. We can only hope that the Justice department works this time!

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And our Brown Shirts don't give a hoot. They're willing to die for bastard just like the brown shirts of Hitler were willing to die for Hitler.

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Professor Reich, thank you for today’s excellent historical summary essay on the present state of violence of the quisling GOP.

Brown shirts they are.

•••••••🇺🇸 VOTE BLUE 🇺🇸•••••••


…and it’s worth the Patriotic risk.

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Yes, I totally agree Keith.

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Agreed!!! I ADORE hearing the cute chatbot speak his words! It could be 60 minutes and I would be pleased.

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Patriotic Americans, please do not forget all the military men and women who have fought and died to protect our freedoms! MAGA, AKA the Grand Oligarch Party, has no respect for the fact that these Americans gave their lives to protect our Democracy and our country.

Trump has called the U.S. military weak because it is “woke.” He has called its LEADERS, “some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met in my life.” He has defamed John McCain over and over!

If you really think you have it terrible here in America please watch “Beyond Utopia” on PBS for a crushing dose of what it could be like if Trump or one of his disciples becomes president!

I wish every American would take the time to watch this true story of a North Korean family and what they went through to escape from the dictatorship of North Korea.

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He calls veterans suckers and losers. He stole from Kids with cancer and disabled veterans.

The Catfood commission would cut VA benefits.

Still 80% of veterans support him.

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I was in Vietnam while cowardly Cadet Bone Spurs was dancing the night away. And he’s still criticizing now deceased war hero John McCain because he, Trump, doesn’t like those heroes who, like McCain, got captured. He won’t go to jail soon enough.

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I'm one of the 20% that don't. And I don't believe 80% is accurate. Still, it boggles the mind that there are veterans who are okay with the orange traitor.

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I would like to see the support for the 80% Vet support you claim.

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About nine-in-ten Republican veterans approve of Trump as commander in chief. 2019. Pew. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/07/10/trump-draws-stronger-support-from-veterans-than-from-the-public-on-leadership-of-u-s-military/

That number is down, but bot much.

Active duty are more Democratic.

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That was a poll from 2019. So much has happened since then. Is there anything more recent? My search didn't turn up anything newer than 2020. I can't believe that many veterans are that clueless. I hope not.

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I've been working in a Dem vets group. We need to turn the vets organizations -- the American Legion, VFW, DAV, Am Vets. Need to campaign at VA.

Just to give you an idea, several VA counselors who are 100% disabled, probably PTSD themselves, are MAGA campaign workers. Probably violate the Hatch Act. Lots of MAGA money spread around to vets.

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And they probably have Fox playing on all the TVs in the VA and VA hospitals. When trump was in office, I read they had it playing in all the mess halls.

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Hitler organized his far right groups from disgruntled WWI veterans; A similar movement, I think after WW I depression era America with Army vets. I am just wondering about how we may be facing a similar time.

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Jan 22, 2024
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Terry, - I don't mean to be offensive; I understsand your concern and share it. But I do think Democrat-leaning voters have been so busy formulating invectives against Trump to notice how popular Trump really is - and how desperately necessary it is for the Democratic Party to make an immediate and radical turn from incremental economic improvements - hardly noticed by the groups you need to reach - to an announcement of a New Deal-style policy that specifically target the voters who are hurting, financially and psychologically: the unemployed, the under-employed, the under-paid, the zero-hours contract workers, and those who are simply fed up with a corrupt election system.

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A guy I served with back in the '70's recently tried to reconnect. I looked at his Facebook page, and wanted to cry. We were best friends, did everything together, but his posts were all about trump and MAGA. Not sure I'll ever get over seeing that.

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I will be visiting a cousin I haven't seen since 1956. He lives in Missouri.

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And don't forget the police, many of whom openly support and socialize with militia groups like the "Proud" Boys. A few years ago this group was especially active in Salem, Oregon and several local police were seen drinking beer with them and in a few other instances when they in close proximity (usually they simply observed their antics from afar), exchanging symbolic hand gestures. It is very important for us to realize that the police are not on our side.

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Thank you Daniel, I suggest you should have stated your original comment with this clarification.

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Vets supporting Trump should have their veteran status revoked and be arrested for being traitors to the Constitution they once swore to defend.

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Roger, they have legitimate grievances.

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Active duty are more democratic in general or with respect to the above figure?

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I HOPE that last sentence is CORRECT, Daniel!!

For all of our sakes. ;)

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But that statistic is for only Republican vets, so your post wass misleading. What is the statistic for Democratic vets? I assume the reverse.

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Do you have any stats for the percentage of vets that are Republican and the percentage that are Democrats.

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I just looked this up. It seems that it’s impossible to get official statistics, but military people on Quora have said that while members of the military tend to be conservative, pro-Trump feeling has decreased significantly because of diversity and because of the things he’s said and done. There are official demographics about active duty and veteran members but there’s nothing about political affiliation in them.

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Considering we have been in so many wars I bet the number of vets is pretty high. A relative of mine who was in the Air Force for his career is a Trump fan as a vet. I can't get to him. Trump called the military losers. Selective listening?

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100% of my father and his friends- Korean War vets, and their wives. 100% of the Vietnam vets I know. 50% of Afghanistan vets… it’s a mystery how they love their abuser- they’re all better men than Trump (I’ve told them to their faces. No longer on my feeds- I want to try to hold onto the shred of respect I have for them for the sake of my friendship with their spouses. I don’t bring up politics with them- but they keep me at an arm’s length for sure.)

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Sounds like a giant case of Stockholm Syndrome where the “captured” start identifying with their abuser.

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Peer pressure.

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I wonder that the kind of wars we are now fighting are leaving folk faithless. The injuries are often invisible and psych in the US has been degraded to homelessness.

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As their SCUMp SHITler is whipping the crap out of them; "THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!"

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Nationalism is a powerful, irrational force. Vietnam war protesters discredited themselves by burning and dishonoring the US flag. We may be living with some lingering consequences of this foolishness.

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Not all get VA disability Those who do need to know about the Catfood commission.

All should know he stole from disabled vets, Called us losers and suckers.

"Trump hates dogs" is effective.

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I was totally against the war, but I still did not even burn my draft card (STILL have it, in fact), let alone the flag of our nation. ;)

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Please someone explain how 80% of veterans can support someone whio has made comments that TFD has said. The threat that RR has presented is real and the parallels to Nazi Germany are such that every and anyone who is interested in preserving our Democracy should figure out what more we can do to assure that TFG does not gain any more power. He should be imprisoned for a long long time held incommunicado. We are sick of the coverage of his stupid comments. His supporters need to be called out for what they are and what they are doing. Law enforcement needs to track down those who are threatening officials and lock them up.

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Veterans as a group are not only more isolated than most, they are generally quite rigid in their thinking and unlikely to change.

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I agree, it’s not visible as far as I am concerned

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Which demonstrates that their true perceived needs are economic.

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Recently spotted bumper sticker in my town:

"It is the duty of a patriot to protect its citizens from its government."

COMPLETE misunderstanding of government "... by and for the people!"

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I would agree with that sticker if it implied/stated from a; despotic, fascist, totalitarian, SHITlerian REGIME 'government'. ;) :)

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Jan 22, 2024
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Paul, I am confused. Do you not think it is the governments responsibility to require vaccinations in order to keep people as safe as possible? Do you think typhoid Mary should have been allowed to continue to spread disease? Would you like to see our children in iron lungs, crippled, or dead from polio? Are you opposed to school vaccination requirements so people can be safe? Was it such a horrible thing that the government required you to get a covid vaccine so you and your coworkers could be protected from a deadly disease?. We still haven’t seen the deaths and disability that long covid will bring. Dis you know that being vaccinated can help prevent long covid for many?


As a nurse, I have seen too many deaths of patients and coworkers because people balked at masking, social distancing , amd vaccines. New Zealand had one of the best outcomes because they embraced public health practices like the ones mentioned that have been proven to work. I hope you will educate yourself on the real dangers of covid and realize that masking and getting a vaccine are because this government does care. Trump’s ignorance and policies caused a 40% increase in deaths. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy. Please care about the health of of your fellow living beings, and if you can’t then please care about your own health. and stop pushing misinformation.

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Paul, this just in, many who believed the lies about measles causing autism have not vaccinated their children against measles. Now we are seeing the death and disability from measles rise. People who do not understand these diseases and how vaccines work should not be spreading misinformation, It costs lives, and suffering and guilt for the families left behind.


Would you be so mistrusting of the advice from your plumber, electrician, or barber? Then why are you so doubtful of the real public health experts? Trump gave credence to a doctor that believed in demon sperm and hydroxychloroquine .


Hydroxychloroquine , a medication that treats malaria which is a parasite not a virus, as you remember was not only pushed by Trump and DeSantis, but they spent taxpayer money stockpiling it. a new study estimates 17000 deaths caused by improper use of this drug.

https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4389800-hydroxychloroquine-deaths-study/. Please get your information from reliable credible sources, not politicians who do not have your best interests at heart.

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Paul, the vaccines were tested and have proven to be highly effective, and with minimal side effects. So why do you spread lies? Is it to cover up the fact that Trump's incompetence caused the needless deaths of thousands?

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From what I have read it is misleading to say the Covid vaccines were untested and experimental. The mRNA vaccines had been in development since the 1970's, making the time required to develop one specifically for Covid much shorter than the time required for traditional vaccines.

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The gov't forced vaccination to save lives, including those of self-centered idiots.

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BS. If not for many Americans getting their COVID vaccines many of us would still be sick and dying in tents and warehouses. They had done a lot of research for years since COVID mutated from a previous virus. Also the technology for a non-live virus shot made it safer. NIH and other researches in the world have spent many years on viruses before it was COVID19.

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I said "perceived."

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STILL WRONG. 1. Hate. 2. Collective racial subconscious. 3. Peer pressure.

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Not at all Michael. The corporate media and it's wags, even the DNC keeps trying to convince us (and themselves) that it is all about the economy, when in fact out of Trumps own mouth it is the culture war. Race, religion, women, LGBT, that is his whole gig and we are being told over and again it is about the economy.

Bull shit.

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And in doing so, they are literally SHITTING on the graves of all of those true patriots in Arlington National Cemetery (and elsewhere), especially the ones who died fighting the VERY SAME FASCISM which they are now demanding we ALL be put under the bootheels of, in the form of their putrid orange fuehrer's scummy, EVIL, regime!!

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Only 57% of all veterans supported him. According to the PEW poll.

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Even if that's true, it's still over 50%.

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I have to believe there are veterans who decline to publicly comment on their lack of support. They have been trained to assess threats and act accordingly.

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My family member a career vet likes Trump but still got his COVID shots. Trump got his.

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Speaking as a vet, a retired officer. We aren't trained to assess threats, We are trained to react. By the time we assess anything it is too late, we are dead.

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Read the whole article.

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Only Steve? Only? 57% is a majority.


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Language is easy to distort to make polls say whatever you want.

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Yes. Trump’s words come from a man who dodged the draft five times, with alleged bone spurs in his foot. I was 4F because of polio. But a good friend of mine, who did two tours in Vietnam as a waist gunner in helicopter evacuation saw it all and has no time for such bullshit. And let us not forget, when Trump stole all those classified documents and then failed to securely store them, he not only put this nations national security at risk, but he also put the lives of every man and woman who wears the uniform at great risk. That is what EVERYONE needs to be reminded of.

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He not only stored them improperly but also showed them to foreign nationals.

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He probably sold copies, too.

Many people don’t understand what it means that Trump has no ideology. I too often forget that there are many for whom English is a second language. His closest friends say thatTrump has no personal philosophy nor guiding principles, other than self enrichment. Trump would betray this country in a heartbeat if he stood to make money.

Trump screwed over so many American banks that they were no longer willing to do business him. No biggie! His good buddy Putin introduced Trump introduced him to Deutsche Bank. That would be fine if Deutsche Bank did not launder money for Russian gangsters and oligarchs.

Ironically, in the days of yore, Trump’s progeny boasted in public that they had “all the money they needed from the Russians.” I will never understand why Trump has suffered no consequences considering the amount of Russian influence in the 2016 election.

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Well said, Sue. I wholeheartedly agree.

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John, - 'Dodging' the draft was seen as honourable during the Vietnam War. If I had been an American at conscription age, I would have been a 'draft dodger', too. Who in their right mind would fight for governments that are committed to 'eternal warfare' - the sort that George Orwell describes in "1984"?

As for the stolen documents, how many recent U.S. Presidents have 'borrowed' classified documents in order to furnish their private libraries? Who knows?

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