Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you so much. It all concerns me. It all seems unreal. It’s all confusing but your attempts to warn and explain it to those who need and appreciate it, like myself, makes me realize that my intuition is on point. I’m not imagining things. I just hope and pray Democracy wins in all future elections. I hope Garland and the courts do their jobs. I hope Democrats vote in massive, unprecedented numbers.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I agree Helen R. And reading Robert’s post’s title today, I thought that along with musk & trump’s “demeaning” of America, they are also just straight-up “Meaning” America. The joy they exhibit in being mean and cruel is chilling. And it’s helpful to know we are not crazy in identifying this.

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MLRGRMI, you are right about the "meaning" of America. It seems lately for a lot of our fellow citizens, cruelty is the point. Those folks who claim to be so religious and caring made excuses for separating asylum-seeking children from their parents, forcing women and children to remain pregnant, no matter what the impact on the person or fetus, making sure women keep carrying a dying or dead fetus until the woman becomes sick, building refineries in communities that already have serious illness from refineries that are already there, and so much more. Clearly, cruelty works for them because they call it being pro-life. Yep, the "meaning of America.

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Christianity has been perverted to embody cruelty and hate in clear opposition to Jesus' teachings.

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LeslieE ; the hate and cruelty happened in the Christain Crusades too. And the actual witch hunts that , over centuries ,tortured and killed millions.

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Christianity is the Janus-faced measure of a significant part of Western European culture. Humanity and inhumanity. Progress and beastliness. All evils in human existence can be seen in it.

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Spot on Laurie! Even today we see hatred of anyone outside of the christian tribe, anyone who does not follow rules made by uneducated men over 2000 years ago. Truly absurd.

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Seeking Reason ; yes, uneducated men 2000 years ago, still calling the 'shots'.

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Thank you for the lower-case "c". Putting a capital on the word "Christian", as the followers of the Orange Sadist do, is blasphemous.

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Yes. It often serves as a statement of tribe rather than of faith. I have long thought that so many who loudly proclaim their “Christianity” might as well have as their motto “What’s the opposite of what Jesus would do?” Not as catchy as WWJD. WTOOJWD doesn’t roll off the tongue but it is more accurate IMHO.

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Can someone please explain to me what IMHO means?

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It's In My Humble (or honest) Opinion. Ah, online conversation.

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In My Honest Opinion.

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If you were the devil won't you hide in sheep's clothing

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Not after trump. The shame is all gone :-(

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I'm very pleased that journalists, pundits and other observers have finally realized tha a love of cruelty is one of the main characteristics of Republicans and other Trump-like creatures. Its been right under our noses for years and we never quite put a name to it!

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I named drumpf "the Orange Sadist" as I watched him humiliate the other candidates with glee, during the repuglicant primaries in 2016. NOT ONE SINGLE "MODERATOR" called him on it! I was livid. Orange Sadist is the only name I ever use for the Mafia Don, aka DONald drumpf.

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Not just "moderators." The Republican Party -- including how many candidates that started out wanting the nomination? -- didn't either.

Remember how Lindsay Graham and Mitch (and others) thought Trump wasn't "credible" and couldn't (even shouldn't) win? Mitch said if Trump did win he'd learn to follow the mainstream Republican line.

I'd still be laughing if it weren't so bloody dire.

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Oh, yes, I remember. Cruz, too. But I think that the supposed NEUTRAL Moderators were the ones who are the ones to blame. For those others, it was just sheer politics -- unlike the Moderators who were SUPPOSED to be apolitical in their jobs.

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What's that German word for "taking pleasure in others' misfortune"? Double pleasure if you're the one who inflicted it. Encompasses a number of personality disorders, none easily treated, if at all.

Les Margosian, we civilized caring people didn't recognize it right away because we don't think like that. We recognized their behavior as cruel, but didn't realize how much they enjoyed inflicting it.

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Learn to pronounce


pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

"a business that thrives on schadenfreude"

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Thanks, Mimi. ❤️

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Remember, when you hear Repubs say they're the party of family values, what they mean is Manson Family values.

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I couldn't help laughing when I first read this! Now, a minute later, it feels way too close to reality.

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I’ve meditated recently on cruelty. It is a sign of collapse.

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Steve, thank you for this comment. I would not have thought of this but, of course, cruelty is a sign of collapse. I have long been horrified by the level of cruelty and violence in the US (spent years living in London where the populace doesn't have guns, etc) and came back here super-sensitive to our violence in general and the cruelty today is terrifying and breathtaking but you just nailed it, we are in severe decline, "collapse." How do we address it...oh geez.

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The human race flourished when we cooperated. This tribalism is a serious setback. People have reverted to their "lizard brains." But that's an insult to lizards. Bad news sells better than good news (it used to have survival value), so Biden's accomplishments are getting drowned out.

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God bless that man,he's accomplished SO MUCH,despite all the time and effort spent cleaning up the messes of this stinken lunatic before him.Too many are spending too much time criticizing him instead of being appreciative for what he's done.Who's perfect?

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I know. The answer is in those chemtrails all those jets flying in formation (but stingy on information about what they're spewing into the atmosphere to rain down on us unsuspecting ground-dwellers). Conspiracy? Consider Churchill's Operation Vegetarian, in whici he planned to bombard German pastures with millions of cattle Tastykakes loaded with anthrax to kill off both Germans and their food supply. And those appearance of those stragegically placed chemtrails can't be denied. Divide and conquer? What better way to conquer a population than get it fighting with each other and ignoring the threat from above?

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Steve Doll : Or the very wealthy who own the media and coordinate the attacks on reality and buy off the courts and blame the victims of their greed for inflation that obscures their high profits. "Ignore the man behind the curtain"...

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I agree wholeheartedly. The unanswerable question is: who is that man? Or men? Or men and women who are determined to control the world's population?

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Thank you Ruth! What you stated is what I have been trying so hard to explain, but I get too emotional and it sometimes comes across wrong. The cruelty and hypocrisy in “religion” is exactly why I left it behind.

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Pam, religions are chains for the mind. Rules made up by men who seek power. Today it’s a big money making business based one fantasy and not one ounce of provability without resorting to the bible itself. Society needs to leave these chains off and more people are coming to that conclusion.

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Right now there are fundraisers to raise money around the world as the Baptist church (and others) send missionaries to establish churches and get their congregants to give as much money as possible to 'save" the poor souls from the horrible loneliness of life without the everlasting love of g.od . Meanwhile.they want forced birth, unfair taxation and loss of liberty for everyone; making them miserable and depressed. A vicious cycle, and a great way to screw the world.

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Laurie, thank you. The first amendment to the constitution says everyone has the right to practice his/her religion or, no religion at all. I believe in that constitutional amendment. That amendment protects all of us. I just don’t believe in organized religion mixing with politics because it is divisive, creates anger and, is counter productive to a united country. It makes me angry that anyones faith or higher power or no faith, is used for monetary, or power over another persons right to live peacefully. I believe too many people are manipulated through emotion and guilt. For myself, I will always believe in the faith that I was taught in my youth. I will never give up my faith in God. But, I have lost faith in religion that no longer reflects much of that faith. Also, aging has its advantages in seeing through many things. I believe women have the right to choose their reproductive health care rights. Innocent life isn’t given a choice of who or what circumstances they are born into. 98% of people in the U.S. can’t afford to hire nanny’s and housekeepers to raise their children. Most can’t even afford proper health care for their families. And, I believe abortion will be available to the wealthy and well connected for their mistresses and wives. I’m just tired of hypocrisy and religious and political cruelty. I’m tired of divisive crap that has no interest in humanity but only serves those pushing it. I hope with all my heart that democracy wins and wins big tomorrow. I also agree with your comment 100%.

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I was just in Europe. In Switzerland and Italy, the churches are magnificent monuments to the abilities of humans to create beauty. Yet all these mansion churches were built during times where people lived meagerly or in dire conditions. It’s an abomination frankly. Cult of control so the very very few prosper & live like kings. Priests were usually higher up than the kings.

The hypocrisy of it all!

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SeekingReason, thank you. I agree with you 100%. Hopefully, reason, compassion and truth win tomorrow.

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I think we’re going to do it. And then we must work to remove any fascist-loving republican from EVER serving any political office again. And we must come out boldly overturning EVERYTHING these forced through. I will thoroughly enjoy watching their demise.

If the complete their coup, they get a revolution. Shutting down businesses or whatever form it takes, time to show who the majority is.

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Fear and guilt are strong chains. So are incense, fancy robes, and the promise of a mystical happily-ever-afterlife (or 72 virgins if that's the way you roll). Quite patriarchial, doncha' think?

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Your observation on the cruelty is an expression of



I raised a question in a previous discussion on how sex seems to underpin half of the issues, these days:



Then there's the long-standing mystery surrounding >who< Q is:



(The last is just a bit of hype on my part, but it >is< a question in the back of my mind.)

This lecturer is a pretty good theologian, if not a gripping speaker. Although the lecturer is apparently a Christian minister of some flavor, he doesn't force it. This isn't "praise the lord" stuff. He's not trying to convert. He's trying to inform. Most importantly, what he has to say squares pretty well with my understanding. If you like lectures, enjoy.

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I will say that these people in no way, shape, form, or behavior are "Christian". They follow exactly NONE of the teachings of Christ. I use a lower-case "c" when referring to this sicko's.

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They are criminal,maniacal and have NO VALUE in any society.I pray every day that the Good LOrd give wisdom and enlightenment to all people who don't see that.We are better than this!

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Substitute mean with arrogant.

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It feels so unreal to me every day. Keeping elections fair is one of our most important jobs.

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Helen, I have all those hopes too. Those hopes being realized could change the situation tremendously. Voting for democracy instead of Republican-approved lies, and an effective impartial court system would help all of us.

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Cesar Chavez once said, “We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.”

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I remember the great lettuce boycott. Heart not working so here's one: ❤

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If the law was applied to seditionist criminals like the trump cartel, we wouldn’t be forced to vote under these circumstances. Most republicans should be removed, impeached, imprisoned. The fascists overseeing our laws (SCOTUS etc) is extremely bothering.

There’s no reason to have dragged the J6 hearings on and on and on.

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I saw this too. Very upsetting! It has me worried. I'm even wondering about my own mailed-in ballot... did I date it?

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Colorado has something called Ballotrax. Everyone who is registered gets a mail ballot. They send you a text that it's coming, then that you have returned it & it's received, then that it has been successfully counted. If there is a problem you get a text to fix it. Colorado has perfect system.

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Yes. Absolutely.

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They're disgustingly SICK and mega greedy.What is all this teaching young people,any age group?We are a nation of good ,God fearing people,MUCH BETTER THAN ALL THIS!

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This is sickening. Nauseating to use a better word. I had to use a mail-in ballot for the first time a few years ago. It was only at the very last minute that I realized that I had to sign and date the OUTside of the envelope, as well as my ballot. I have had 14 years of "higher education", and I almost screwed up. I remember thinking, "If I almost made this mistake, how many others out there, with far less education, are making the same mistake." It has worried me since. Now -- it terrifies me.

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Oh, how I HOPE you are correct!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

All that you say here is well understood by most of us who have followed, even cursorily, the trajectory of Trump and Musk. I guess it bears repeating for those few who may still be on the fence if such people read or can be brought around to reading your posts, which are informative and interesting to those of us who share your concerns and outlook. Only, I'm tired of the line that "so many Americans feel so helpless and insecure" that they gravitate toward bullies and sociopaths to solve, that is, palliate, their misery and inflame their anger.

If large numbers of American adults seem incapable of responsible thinking and behavior, what does that say about American citizens - people who do not appear to even understand citizenship or to care about anything other than identifying with Super Bullies and wishing that they themselves could be giant Freudian IDS like Trump, Musk and their like. It isn't just "Our Democracy" that is fragile; it's the human character.

The Democrats meanwhile are no joy to behold, even if they are better than the other side of the aisle. They too court that corporate money and grovel for Power at the expense of fighting for what they claim, passively and ineffectually, to support, in thrall to the money, as you wrote in a previous article.

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At least Democrats are not election deniers, yet I grant they have been far too corporate.

A little bit of stress and the cerebral cortex is unroofed, exposing the animal brain, with its pack mentality, its hostility towards animals outside the pack, and its savage devotion to the alpha male.

The solution? Look to 2024, and a robust leftwing platform modelled on the Sanders campaign. High taxes on the wealthy and on corporations, universal high-quality healthcare, a high minimum wage, and massive infrastructure spending.

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Michael, I like your idea of a more progressive platform for 2024. We will not be able to keep our democracy going with a weak hope for bipartisanship. Right now, there is no chance of that. We allowed Republicans to take over this election with their lies about crime and the economy because we couldn't even get out the truth and the reality check that pandemic and corporate greed have contributed to economic problems and lax gun regulation most likely led to the crime upsurge, which is worse in the red states and communities. I don't understand why people don't want the truth. Maybe the truth bursts their bubble of thinking things are out of control by those who follow evil fools like Trump and Musk. You can't throw tantrums if you know things aren't actually as bad as you were told they were.

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I agree with you - except look how corporate media treat Sanders and the progressives! So we'll never hear anything about them except pejorative right wing talking points. When the raygun cabal abolished the Fairness Doctrine, it did to the press what Citizens United did to campaign funding. 2024 is meaningless if we don't win this now.

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Let us please not blame our worst, stupidest impulses on what you call "the animal brain." The nonhuman animal brain, of which there is not one but many, is not the brain that is destroying the planet and doing horrendous things to others within their own species and beyond. Our iniquities far exceed those of other animals, if "iniquities" even apply to them. Iniquities certainly apply to us. Let's stick to fixing ourselves.

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Yes, but this will be a Democrat program - they can't ignore it. And remember that according to 538 Sanders was beating Trump 2:1 in hypothetical matchups, even without much in the way of news media coverage.

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No the solution is fair competition. With that everything works itself out. One comm. airline builder? One major food supplier? Three major military suppliers? Three major oil companies, Three major forestry suppliers? Three major Pham.? Well that is pretty much the whole economy controlled by 14 companies. Then add a handful of news outlets not telling you anything about it and well there you have it. Taxes are always going to be paid by the poor and middle. Break up the top and they will have to pay the workers more to compete then there is more taxes paid by those workers who are making more money and then we can balance our budget.

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Look no further than Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley and Mortimer Buckley of Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard, who control most of the goods and services of S&P, Hospitals, big Pharma and most of corporate America! You’re on the right track, but focusing on who controls everything we consume, or use is damn powerful…

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Yes, yes, yes. But that new platform must have a "workers' feel to it. The old fashioned union feeling. Otherwise it will be twisted into attempts to bring socialism to America.

Of course, if truly equal education that teaches the true history and universal healthcare and clean water and safe food are socialism...sign me up.

Pair that new "workers platform" with this question: What have Republicans done for you?And what is their platform now...for Social Security and Medicare, for instance.

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If Dems lose control tomorrow (or whenever Republicans finish manipulating votes), they won't get it together by 2024. They haven't managed to "group" for over 20 years, much less "regroup." We The People handed Dems the House in 2018 and the WH in 2020. It hasn't been enough. Too many corporatist Dems wouldn't make tough choices.

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you're exactly correct. the repugnants will challenge everything about this election - they've already started. i did notice that drumpf started the election nonsense a couple of years before his election loss. i hate to give him credit for long-range, long-game planning. but it sure has paid off for him. i wonder if garland will indict? (before drumpf announces)

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Me too! [wondering, that is]

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Perhaps Americans have lost the ability, and even the right, to govern themselves. The lack of character, the inability to think and behave responsibly and the lack of understanding citizenship, all of which you point out, certainly might lead one to think so.

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I hear the frustration and despair.

But that leaves who, then, to ‘govern?’

I have met the government, and it is US.

Every group is a democracy — some just do it a hell of a lot better than others.

This country has been substantially brutal and unfair for much of its history . We climbed past that, for some years of the late 1900s, unevenly, but life has not been what it should be for women, the poor, minorities and many other cohorts even then.

Some reversion to the mean could be due. ( I see what I wrote )

best luck to US — b.rad

<http://uswealthclock.com> We are rich, not broke!

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Well said! No wonder so many Americans don’t trust the Government anymore! Nevertheless, I think Democrats are the lesser of two evils.

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Lorraine, It is highly offensive to call a seditionist, law-breaking criminal fascist party on par with Democrats. It’s not that there aren’t corporate Dems or corruption, but there is NO COMPARISON!

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Thank you,let's focus on shoring up the deficiencies and IMPROVE OURSELVES!

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Thank you,let's focus on shoring up the deficiencies and IMPROVE OURSELVES!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

America is at a crossroads. This upcoming election - and, I've said this very same thing for the last two and will likely be saying it for the rest of the elections in my lifetime (I'm 75) - is the most important election in my lifetime. Of course, had democrats not taken control of the House in 2018 I don't even like thinking about the "what ifs." And, had Joe Biden not WON in 2020 I believe it's safe to say America, as we've known it, would have been turned into the authoritarian place progressives are worried about regarding these mid-terms - to me, a valid "worry." And, of course, whether it's Trump or DeSantis 2024 will be HUGE - and, very possibly, an election dominated by "election deniers." The bottom line is - the BATTLE for the "heart and soul" of this nation will be ongoing until voters show up in massive numbers - very possibly this 2022 election being the key. I've never been this concerned ahead of an election in the 45 years I've been voting. (The voting age was 21 when I was younger)

Regarding Musk and Trump - to me, they represent what's wrong with America - along with the other mega-rich geeks who managed to figure out how to monetize their internet skills when the rest of us "weren't looking." I believe, for example, you can see a parallel with much of the division in America being brought to the boiling point with the emergence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. It seems as if the investors who were there at the beginning have way too much money (gets back to the tax issues post Reagan) Trump, of course, is a master manipulator, pathalogical LIAR, extreme narcissist, racist, etc. etc. who got bailed out of his business incompetence first by his father, then by the Russians, and finally NBC and the Apprentice. He took the "Tea Party" to the extreme - creating a white nationalist "base" engulfing about a third or our country.

Musk, on the otherhand, to me, is just the epitome of the spoiled rich kid who was brilliant enough to create massive wealth - enough to waste over $40 BILLION on his "Twitter toy." His purchase of Twitter is simply exposing who he REALLY is as he ruthlessly "butchers" the company to the public who haven't been paying close attention to his arrogance and ruthlessness on display as the CEO of Tesla and Space X. I believe neither Trump nor Musk give a "rip" about America - although, again, there's two massive differences. Trump is facing EXTREME legal jeopardy. Musk is geeky brilliant - to the point where he almost seems to be on the autism "spectrum" to me. Both believe they're "above the law" - based on their actions - although, I believe Trump maybe pushed his "luck" too far with our legal system - the "walls are closing in." (I can hope, can't I?)

However, it's not just them - or Bezos, or Zuckerberg. Peter Thiel, of PayPal "fame" and an early investor in Facebook - to the tune of BILLIONS throws his money at right wing politicians as if it was candy. Larry Ellison of Oracle fame has a reported net worth approaching $100 BILLION and he threw a few BILLION Musk's way to help him finance his "toy." And, it goes on and on - Charles Koch and his network of MONEYED associates - most born into incredible WEALTH. Some of these families trace back to the "Gilded Age."

This is why, to me, the FIGHT to save our republic from evolving into a complete fascist state is so daunting. We're obviously already at the mercy of the corporate CEO's who survive by constantly increasing their PROFITS - by any means possible - the country be damned. And, a large segment of the population who are clammoring about "inflation" have no idea where it's coming from.

OK, you're correct, I'm rambling. Once I get going.............. (sorry) I'm worried about the next couple of days - I'm hoping and praying that progressives vote in massive numbers. I don't believe many of the people who are planning to vote for republicans have any idea of what the result will look like if they retake control of Congress! Will Trump and Musk be responsible? Well, maybe to a certain extent - However, I believe "we the people" will be mostly responsible - one way or the other - and my fear is progressives "staying home" and then blaming democrats over the next two years for all the things which go "wrong." I'm literally praying my fears are unfounded! Yikes!!!

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Yikes indeed!

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Could it simply be that the people - mostly liberal- who run the sports , entertainment and news media are at least partly, if not wholly responsible? They continuously perpetuate the ‘cult of celebrity’, and all in the name of profit. Hence every buffoon, regardless of education, or economic status who wants to be famous , wants to be heard , or thinks they’re opinions are relevant, spew out controversial comments or commit outrageous acts, knowing full well that traditional and social media will simply eat it up.

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Herschel Walker came to mind.

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Ashrey, Almosr EVERY single media conglomerate is owned by the ultra right. Look it up! Look up CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX etc. The owners are as far right as we can get. DEFINITELY NOT THE LEFT. QUIT trying to mislead!

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I agree about 'the cult of celebrity," but entertainment liberals aren't the same as "news influencers," for lack of a better phrase (I hope someone has a better one!).

News media are almost entirely owned by far right or at least right-leaning uber rich now. Think Murdoch (including the 2nd generation). Or Les Moonves who said in 2016 that Trump was "damn good for CBS." Idk whether Moonves votes Dem or Repub, but his glee at the $$ rolling in from political sources in 2015-16 was shocking (to me anyway). "I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I'm saying it anyway" has never seemed very smart to me.

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Ashley Benei ; interesting that I recently attended a Baptist church service where a few pastor's present had humorous comments that were sports specific. Lots of laughs : everyone was on board!

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Steady On David. You grasp the situation clearly. Take small actions to further the cause of justice. Encourage a friend. Be kind.

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David, Do be careful of following the right wing media points on everything from polling to pretending they are winning. In my state, Illinois, our great governor, JB Pritzker will blow his competition out of the water. Even right wing news has said Pritzker’s lead is double digits. What did the knuckle headed republican say? That’s not true, I believe I’m winning. They’re prepping for the coup, but we easily outnumber them. We will win unless they cheat. Chicago LOVES Pritzker and Chicago can carry the state.

If the fascist-republiCon party attempts the coup again, we’re not going to hang our heads and go home. This time, we’ll fight THEM off, figuratively (hopefully) but literally if they attempt to shut out our winning votes.

Women (Roe V Wade), LGBTQ+…How massive are these two groups of people! Let’s quit constantly cowering…get out there and win. I don’t think people will allow the numerous people they know who are LGBTQ+ or women who have needed abortions to take this lunacy anymore!

The fault of any success of a coup lies squarely on the shoulders of the DOJ and Congress members who refused to remove The Orange Dump or indict him in a timely manner.

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I get your point, but I don't believe I'm following "right wing media points." I'm genuinely concerned whether ALL those people who SHOULD be voting will - as I said, I'm praying they do. One thing I've been "pondering" in the past few days - but, didn't add to my post because it was too long already - are the reports of all the "conservative polls" showing up in the last week before the election - as if to lay the groundwork for the various attempts to overturn results around the country should republicans get what they deserve - and, that's a "blue wave." Yes, women SHOULD carry the day for democrats along with those who believe in equal rights for EVERYONE - that's my hope. And, one more issue which I don't believe has garnered nearly the attention it SHOULD - and, that's the PROMISE of people like Keving McCarthy, Ron Johnson, and other republicans to shut down the government over the debt ceiling (which is mostly the result of the republican's "trickle down" - I always have called it their "trickle up" - economic scam) if democrats and Biden don't cave in on cutting Social Security and Medicare. To me, that's an issue democrats may have "whiffed" on. At least, I haven't seen the messaging on that issue which I believe it deserves. (Full disclosure: I'm benefiting from BOTH programs)

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The right wing really does control the overwhelming majority of media…tv, radio etc. Their reach is extremely broad. Left wing have relatively low power broadcasts.

The most dangerous thing Congress ignored was the utter media takeover by right wing nuts.

Progress made by Democrats really isn’t covered. They keep the focus on Trump & the lies.

That’s why we have the truth and their separate alternative universe. Ignoring it has helped create the monstee.

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Agreed! The reason Trump is constantly in the "news" is because the 9 corporations which control the media in America are making BILLIONS off of it. And, in my view, that includes outlets like MSNBC (where I land when I land anywhere). That's why I believe America also has one leg into the "pants" of fascism - via the partnership between the "too big to fail" corporations and our politicians - from the state level on up. If you know anything about the game of golf you've witnessed the Saudi's (LIV golf) proving that MOST of us "have our price." Politicians are simply more subtle. (for the non golf fans, forgive me) (Full disclosure: I have to admit I've been sucked in to sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Trump to be indicted - one of the last things on my bucket list is living long enough to see him prosecuted for, say, maybe HALF of his CRIMES)

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I kinda liked "monstee" (and I knew what you meant -- when we're wrought up, typos become more likely imo). 😉

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I'm on both programs, too, and deeply concerned. I've seen some very optimist projections by Dems due to high Dem early voter turn out. And it is clear there are many Repubs who will call fraud if they lose - some, like Kari Lake have already said they will. I think it is just a replay of 2020. Dems trust mail and early voting and are voting early. Repubs will show up at the polls in person tomorrow because they are brainwashed. What a situation. Fingers crossed for a miracle. Dems DID NOT message well AT ALL.

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Totally agree on DOJ. It was more important to act, in this case, than proceed slowly to dot every i. Garland didn't have the guts and a lot of fault lies with him.

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Unfortunately, that all sounded precisely like my own midnight guess of What's Really Going On, and the historical precedents of empires pulling out of tailspins of this nature are not encouraging 🥱 Thank God I'm Old

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I agree with you about being at a crossroads and the importance of this election. If certain Secretaries of State are elected and end up certifying the 2024 results they desire, if the Supreme Court validates the independent State Legislature theory so that voters can actually be disregarded, then the republic will be lost, and we may never have another election.

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Why is the Az Q-anon idiot allowed to be on the ballot when he stated he would only certify a Republican win? Insanity.

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SeekingReason : that and the fact that so many deny the legitimacy of President Biden, in spite of the bi partisan judgements of 60 + Judges. Yet are still on the ballot! No evidence of fraud in that election. Even the endless 'audit' showed a win for Biden!

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Laurie, I know. Our justice department is not carrying out justice! Even the big delays and allowing certifiable criminals to be placed on the ballot without consequence makes my blood boil!

This is what happens when politicians try to be centrist…supporting the idiotic 2A based on NRA dictates, and not legally punishing obvious crimes and national security risk people! The lies, the encouragement of violence against citizens who are Democrats. I WILL NEVER FORGET! Nor should anyone.

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Roger Overholt : I can imagine that if they 'win' illegitimately. There will be 'election deniers' with legitimacy on the Democrat side.

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I hope so too, David, and I'm just as scared and worried as you are. This go-around I'm not even sure "staying home" is an issue -- I'm more worried about Election Deniers rigging the vote straight-up. How would we know?

I spent election night 2016 dumbfounded. Tonight I'm going to play ostrich and read a book. Gotta go vote now...

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I read every word you so thoughtfully wrote. We’re the same age so I’ve been thinking the same horrible “what if” thoughts as you have. I would really hate to think that the country we’ve been able to enjoy for most of our lives will all be turned to “ashes” for our future generations but looking around, I’m not encouraged. Along with all the naked, in-your-face ugliness that has gone on during this election cycle, we still have the Russians openly admitting that they have and always will, mess in our elections.

I am still hoping that the Blue Wave will prevail when all the dust has settled, all the votes counted, all the lawsuits have been settled and all the scoundrels are in prison. Too much to ask? I sure hope not.

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David, I met Larry Ellison when I was a banker in Silicon Valley. That was 30 years ago when I was starting to climb the ladder. He was one of these classically geeky guys but wanted the exotic Asian woman (another tight wing fantasy-not based on reality). And he was heavily into making his surroundings very Asian style. That in itself isn’t bad, it’s just that he was the classic ass who felt he should be the centerpiece because he was building his fortune.

They're all the same…big losers inside but don’t realize people are on to them.

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David Piper : But are they truly progressive if they stay home and do not vote?

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Good point - but, I'm reminded of all the democrats who place blame on democratic members of Congress for the overturning of Roe v Wade when they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 allowing Trump to "win" the election - and, paving the way for THREE right wing justices on the Court. I've seen this scenario happen over and over in my lifetime. I take your point - maybe they're not really "progressive" after all.

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Or maybe they just thought sulking like spoiled children was an effective tactic.

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David P, we all have our eyes on 2024, but will it be possible to even have a free and fair election then? What can we do if the Repulsives win tomorrow to ensure that there will be?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

LeslieE : Good question: I wish there was something President Biden could do. On the order of declaring a National Emergency to prevent the illegal overthrow of our country by illegitimate actors who change the rules without a true mandate. And without following the rule of law and the Constitution.

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What a beautiful thought,too bad...

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It is an excellent column, Professor Reich. Using the word "megalomaniac" to describe Musk and Trump is particularly apt. The world of mental illness is the best place to find descriptions for those two. They both seem to be sadistic, cruel, and amoral. They demonstrate the most difficult personalities/personality disorders of the types that mental health professionals find nearly impossible to treat, extremely frustrating, and the word 'maddening' comes to mind.

Wasn't it some 200 mental health professionals (both academics and clinical experts) who signed a letter or op-ed when Trump was running in 2016 offering their professional assessment that he was mentally unfit to be President?

We desperately need for wise, knowledgeable experts to analyze what has happened/is happening in America and tell us why. It seems we are in a national, collective nightmare from which we are unlikely to wake for the foreseeable future.

Human history tells us that socioeconimic pendulums swing and it is possible that this dark era we seem to be entering - or are being swept into and crushed by, like the horrific, tragic crush of the crowd in S. Korea - will eventually swing back to something sane. With inmates running the asylum though, it's hard to see that happening any time soon.

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Sadly this is all true.......and those who are feeling powerless are drawn to the illusion of 'power' both project. .....

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I kind of compare them to Travis Scott and his concerts,he likes to get people juiced up.

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Am a bit surprised to find someone here who keeps up on rappers (besides Kanye, who is hard to escape). Scott has been in real legal trouble since his those casualties from his concert.

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I don't keep up w/ rappers,I happened to read about Scott and was horrified to see what he's done.I don't care for that hostile,nasty stuff AT ALL!

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Good comment Annie. You are so correct to say the inmates are running the asylum! 🎯

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There was an interesting segment on 60 Minutes yesterday about anger and social media. They say that the far right and far left amount to only 7-8% of the population but that social media allows these extreme views to dominate the conversation in the US these days.

Social media and political polarization in America on 60 Minutes:



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deletedNov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022
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We hope and pray!

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They may be bullies, but what they do very well is to home in on the visceral fears of their heartland. It's the economy, stupid. If you don't feel you can put bread on the table, trans rights don't matter a damn. Democrats also fail to convincingly explain why the home economy depends on foreign policy and why a just transition to a low carbon economy is actually great for innovation and jobs. All the "basket of deplorables" sees is pain and loss.

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Yes. It think you’re right. With so many people feeling economically insecure it provides an opening for authoritarian bullies with simple answers to complex problems.

On the other hand, many of their most ardent supporters are not insecure or struggling. (Surveys have shown that about two thirds of Trump’s voters were upper income.)

The appeal for the well to do has to be something else — like their authoritarian personality and policies. Which is more disconcerting than being drawn to a candidate because you’re struggling.

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Randy, right on point! The well-off who are not well-off enough are trouble-makers all over the world. They have a heightened idea of their own importance and what their value should have gotten them. Like Trump and Musk, a lot of those folks are addicted to money and power and can't get enough of either. They need their daily dose and Trump for nearly 8 years and Musk intermittently for at least that long have provided a regular fix. The media loves both child-men because their toddler behavior brings eyes to their media platforms.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

It all gets back to Democrats' weak messaging. Indeed, Vance stood a couple of Ryan's ads right on their ears just that way, using outtake clips from the Ryan ads to make the point! (Which - by the way - is only that Vance asserts Ryan votes with Biden, presumably attacking Ryan's independence. Hell, 100% of the Wank-publicans voted with ol' Tweety 100% of the time, while Vance and nearly 100% of the Tweet-publicans are promising they'll >continue< voting with ol' Tweety 100% of the time!) Worse, maddening as it was, it was kind'a funny - thus making the ads even more effective, and thus, even more maddening.

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Yes, DZK, Republicans are great with the ads. IN PA, they made John Fetterman look like a crime lord who forced hardened criminals out of prison to terrorize the white population of the state. The problem, a lot of white people have been primed to be scared of everyone who does not look like them, so responded just exactly as the Oz PACs hoped. It is amazing that the election is even close when Oz has nothing to offer anyone, no experience, no knowledge of the state of PA, no concern for real people - in fact, he had to put out an ad to tell people he is a compassionate person. On the other hand, Fetterman has actually had experience helping to improve a community and make life better for its people as well as serving as the state's Lt. Governor. And, Oz, a supposed doctor has used the speech difficulties that result from a stroke as reasons people shouldn't vote for Fetterman. OMG! I am glad Oz is no longer practicing because I suspect he was not very good with patients and didn't respect the ones who had a disability. As a disabled person myself, I am deeply offended at the ableism displayed by the Oz campaign and those who jumped on board. Why can't Dems get the word out that Republicans are focused only on money and power and taking away the rights of people they don't like and want to control: women, LGBTQ persons, Black and Brown citizens, immigrants, asylum-seekers, etc.? I don't get it!

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I do believe John Fetterman himself spoke about that.

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I've long wondered why Republicans find clever PR firms and Dems find wankers.

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That makes >two< of us!

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

AN ASIDE: As for Musk, it'll be interesting to see how this "free speech absolutist's" vision of absolute free speech unfolds. I just heard on the morning news that he'll ban for life anyone who impersonates someone else. That's not absolute free speech. It infringes the absolute right to say you're anyone you wish to say you are!

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DZK, it seems to me Musk has no idea what he is talking about. He claims all kinds of things and throws them out her to see what will stick. He blurts out the stupidest things, maybe retracts them, but knows full well they will be in the ether forever. He grins and moves on to the next stupid thing he can say like that he believes in free speech unlimited. That is insane. Suppose the "free speech" calls for people to come after him and do harm to him and people do it. Will that kind of speech still be OK if Musk survives? In short, Musk has not really had to think much about the things he says, tweets, or otherwise puts out their for the Muskers to munch on. One group just thinks he is eccentric while the rest of us think he is a spoiled brat who never learned how to behave with other people or learned and decided he didn't have to because he is rich and male. I don't know, but whatever he says, in my book, is suspect.

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Took one look at him and thought"this is a stinken wiseguy!" Nothing impressive,wouldn't you say? Starlink was nice for Ukraine,but what he could do and doesn't disgusts me.So much need!

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Reception of my attempts at sarcasm are often unpredictable. I >totally< agree with you.

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He has become a nervous wreck, his advertising $ is jumping ship, as are several of the twitter universe. In his panicked moments he purchased Mastodon. Seeing mass exodus from twitter, to a less judgmental and controlled platform. It’s quite laughable watching Musk and Trump crash and burn!

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Musk is well on his way, hence the $7.99 per month charge, he lit himself on fire already! The quivering orange jello mold of oleaginous sewage, appears close behind! Enjoy the show!!

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Yay,we'd be dancin' in the streets!

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he's already had GM and a Volkswagen group withhold advertising,etc. NAACP reps actually had a mtg. w/ him and let him know advertisers need to know where he's going w/ all this.I don't quite know how they got involved,but YAY!

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They don't want to be associated with anything that would potentially result in customers boycotting them.

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Donn't kid yourself. They are not all deplorables in that basket! I cannot cast all those voting for the GOP in this category. The real deplorables are Trump, Musk and others who steal the mind of voters with lies and their dispensing of hate.

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Absolutely. A lot of Republicans are changing their vote and abandoning the Republican party and Trump. Good for them! Let's hope there are enough to make a difference.

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Let's hope karma works in their cases,it could.

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Gerald, you are right that all Republicans are not deplorables, but alas, it is not just Trump, Musk, and the "mind-stealers." There are a lot of folks who just love seeing others in pain and thought separating children, even infants from their parents under Trump was somehow justifiable. They are OK with kids being forced to bear a rapist's or incestor's child, watching a woman suffer with an unviable fetus or have her life at risk. They also make fun of people dealing with a disability and think lying is acceptable if it gets them power and money. That makes those folks members of the deplorables club too, and there are a lot of them.

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You’re “ one of them”.

The brainwashed, self serving, uneducated, Cult followers, who knows only one way to comment .

through insulting, verbally attacking those who do not agree with you .


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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

What makes you think she's " one of them ?

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Perhaps she was being ssrcastic.

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Perhaps I was, as well?

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Kate Dushel, Who on earth are you replying to? I've tried to follow the connecting thread up to the source, and I can't find one comment in the line that is "insulting, verbally attacking..." Much less all the insulting and attacking personal descriptors you blasted out.

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Kate, alas, there are on occasion, some of the deplorables in this thread too. People here usually point it out and dismiss them. That's what thinking, caring people do.

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Please clarify Kate. Who are u replying to?

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Sarah, you are right about it being about the economy, but it is also true that the people who follow Trump and Kump continue to buy things they don't need while complaining about the prices. They don't want to know about what is real and you are also right that Trump and Kump and Musk have tapped into that. People who believe they should be rich and powerful themselves want to cling to people they think understand their desperate need to be important. I think what Democrats have neglected to do is stroke the egos of those people, mentioning the sacrifices they are making and asking them to do more for the benefit of the nation. Then, Dems need to curb the corporate greed and out of control money-grubbing. We could turn things around if we happen to win this election. The media has pumped up Republicans running in this election who have nothing to offer the people but who whine really well and do a lot of effective blaming. They don't even have to have any real ideas because they will just go along with whatever Republican leaders tell them to do no matter what the people want or need. After all, the people voted for them, right?

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Who is Kump?

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Well, there is Kemp, governor of Georgia, who unfortunately won reelection. I haven't followed him enough to know if he fits in with Trump & Musk, but Trump doesn't much like Kemp.

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I guess I kind of question your comment “ Democrats also fail to convincingly explain”. Where on Fox News, InfoWars, NewsMax, Breitbart, etc, are all the clips WE see of “Dems explaining convincingly”? If you intentionally put blinders on to NOT see more that your satisfying grumbles and distrust, what more can the Dems do? I hear constantly that gop anger, distrust, homophbia, xenophobia, misogyny, and stubbornness is OUR fault? If WE would just explain better, more compassionately, more humbly, more (fill-in-the-blank) then those visceral fears the Heartland voter is being intravenously fed and feet-massaged with, would go away. It’s simply not true. Their minds are willingly owned. They are manufacturing a Rapture that will take us all down. But at least they will still be able to hold on to their Hate.

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We do have some great explainers: Bernie, Warren, Whitehouse, Merkley, Grijalva, AOC, Porter, Raskin, Schiff, Buttigieg... They just don't get enough publicity from the corporate mainstream & right-wing media. Even our President, Biden, is too often ignored by the media, even when he gives a major speech, for which televised coverage used to be a given. More coverage is given to the previous head of state Trump.

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I didn't understand why there was retaliation from the WH for the failure to televise Biden's speech. I thought that if the President wanted to say something on the air he had to be allowed to do so. I also thought there's an "equal time" rule, so if someone has been shown on one side of an issue, someone for the other side HAD to be allowed to reply. Did "equal time" go down with the Fairness Doctrine?

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Oops, "why there WASN'T retaliation..."

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There used to be, & regardless the major networks used to consider it their duty & obligation to air the President's speeches. Now they cover Trump's speeches & everything else he does more than they cover Biden. That's why I felt I had to clarify it was Biden I was speaking about when I said "our President". It shouldn't be this way.

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Imo it shows the bias of media -- it's about $$, not about "news" or comprehensive reporting. People in the US don't have a clue about what's going on in the world -- or even in their own country -- unless they research on their own. Our MSM simply does not report what's happening. One celebrity slapping another gets more air time than the President of the USA? Astounding!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Weather permitting, and it does most of the time these days, I ride an electric bike on my commute. It is a pleasure to ride. You get invigorated by the wind in your face combined with the ability to see, hear and feel what is around you. Then I come to the windy, uphill, roller coaster of the solderless mile of the ride. Two types of drivers cause the most "terror" and anger, BMWs and pickup trucks without tools in the back. Both types like to pass on curves, accelerate loudly, a few "blowing coal", unaware that the upcoming curve or road hump just might lead to a head on crash. They remind me of the orange cartoon and Elon. The BMW drivers pay for Republican campaigns, the pickup drivers vote for bullies. Why? Likely because they both see those who badly want to change direction in this country as threats to their position. The former want uninhibited accumulation of wealth. The later want to retain what little power they have in the symbolic internal combustion engines that make loud noises and scare pedestrians and bike riders who, in their minds, have no rights to be on the road. The irony is that Musk builds electric cars (though really that is a collective of computer nerds and blue collar workers) and Trump makes his money by stealing blue collar wages. Yes, we would be better off without both of them, but they are a result of a systemic flaw in the democratic process which is the refusal to allow critical thinking within our institutions, especially education. They thrive on attention, and we give it to them all the time, calling it entertainment. Even when they are roundly critiqued, just listen to late night comedians, the verbal blows just build up their egos. The best way to defeat them, impossible in this communication age and likely the reason Musk bought Twitter, is to turn them off. Without attention they wither. Not much chance of that happening. Sadly, the greatest skill of Mussolini and Hitler was the ability to entertain massive crowds. What would they have done with TV and Twitter?

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They blew the doors off using radio and talking pictures.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

The bullies don't give a damn about us, only themselves. Those who believe Musk/Trump are leaders are interested more in what they do to those they don't like than in what they do for them. Musk and Trump do not put bread on our tables, they put it on their's. Them wanting more means you have to have less - a zero sum game! In reply to Sarah, it is the economy but it is also dignity, honesty and inclusion. Musk/Trump want government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy - they mean to demean, period.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

A wonderfully succinct article explaining exactly why we are at this point in history

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In hindsight things such as this become absolutely apparent.

The U.S. governance system has a flaw of electing the equivalent of a king (as president) every four years. It was a novel idea in the 18th Century but deeply flawed and well past its time.

This faux royalty culture creates the opportunity for celebrity worship from the top down. With this as the guiding light of the country, being enthralled with strong men leaders is no real surprise. And, let's not forget that democracy never was instituted in the workplace with its royalty CEO culture.

There is now a clear and present imminent threat (see Timothy Synder's Substack video today). If we avert disaster this cycle, it is high time to address these flaws head on and move with a real sense of emergency towards a different model. There are plenty models around the world for a more participatory, egalitarian democracy. It's high time!

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I agree! It’s unfortunate that celebrity status in America means more to many in business than being a person of good character, with Integrity, who delights in caring for clients and customers while making a profit.

Seems that honesty, decency & ethics in business isn’t valued much, a rarity.

All that matters is to get as much money and fame as possible, by any means necessary, and trample on others to do so.

Everyday I see entrepreneurs and business owners sing the praises of Musk & Traitor Trump in awe.

I feel sorry for these raving fans because they don’t realize that those men would think nothing of trampling them for sport and profit.

I pray that folks who worship and admire these two sad souls will soon remove the scales from their eyes and recognize that these two are unloved boys in childhood who turned into mean adult bullies who take pleasure in destroying the lives of millions to feed their fragile egos.

Just imagine what sad empty lives they actually lead despite their wealth & influence.

Fortunately, Karma has the final say, so they’ll have the same fate as all the other strongmen throughout history who delighted in chaos and mayhem.

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America has a serious problem with worshipping wealth. This is bad enough but, we some how, gift those with money with outsized respect and worship. Having money has almost no relationship with being smart. Those who earn their money have at least accomplished something, but does not mean that in any way they have any skill at deciding how others should live. Those who inherited their money, which is most of those with real wealth are much worse. They organize to control the government and to them, it means not paying anything let alone a fair share. Citizens United is virtually insane.

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Mike Treworgy ; It is as unsustainable as it is unfair to have so much more than their fair share and not even contribute to the common good.

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It feels like the country is turning into Wrestlemania 45 !

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Keith Olson ; The thing is; wrestlemania is a kind of phony 'wrestling'/ entertainment /joke. This crowd of thugs are playing for keeps.

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Trump actually wrestled Vince McMahon of WWE in 2007, and yes it was scripted.

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Let me guess; They let him 'win'?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

First, I want to correct something. Most likely, Trump is NOT a billionaire and never was. When (not if) Letitia James gets done with the Trump's properties, it will become clear that the properties Trump has now are not worth a billion dollars. His father and family just wanted everybody to think that. Remember, DT has declared bankruptcy six times. That diminishes Trump worth a great deal. DT has always worked on the premise of "drain everything out of a property then declare bankruptcy."

People like Musk and Trump always wind up going down because they get sold on their own projection of themselves.

Right now, Elon could lose half his fortune by screwing up Twitter. That company only worked when people had some trust in it. That's gone now. It will only take a few months for creative people to find other platforms that advertisers want to use and that reliable advertising will leave Musk's Twitter ASAP. There are already plenty of platforms for lies and hate and most reputable companies are already bailing out.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Totally true, Lynn Bechdolt, omitting one important fact: Our side outnumbers theirs.

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Pride goes before the fall...

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Here’s the thing, I agree with the assessment you gave for both Musk and Trump and shall give them no pass for their demeaning of this country.

However, it also falls on those people who are so enthralled by them to eventually wake up and see their idols for who they really are and the damage they’ve done.

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I feel like it will be too late for all of us at that point.

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Unfortunately, you may be right.

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Those two are just the egotistical 'show' pigs, we should be equally concerned with the political dirty work being done from the wallow.

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Yes , show pigs!

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I'm not particularly religious but I do remember a bit of my Methodist catechism. Seems society keeps repeating the lessons they never learned. In this particular lesson America has made $$ their 'god' and Trump and Musk its Golden Calves. Unfortunately I don't believe America is still learning....the hard way.

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How much of their wealth came from the USA? Every time Space-Ex launches to the space station another check from NASA goes into his inbox. Trump's drain on the soul of America is for history to measure. I hope these grown children are more real in person than the botched Hollywood script that we see on the screen. And yet if Joe gets 6 more years will a mandate allow the guy to tip their karmic coffers?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

They're not against taking government money. They're only against having to cooperate with it or support it - and paying taxes at all, let alone fair taxes.

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