Some of us are organizing. I live in MAGA Florida & belong to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. We have formed committees for racial justice, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, feeding the unhoused, and many other worthy causes. Community service AT THE LOCAL LEVEL and involvement is the key. Small actions add up! Do what you can, even if it seems like it amounts to nil. We can’t do anything about the insane and erratic behavior of trump & his minions. But we can try to protect our most vulnerable. I will continue to attend school board meetings. I am a speech pathologist who worked for the schools. I’ve already spoken against Moms For Liberty at a meeting , and will continue to do so. Every small step counts! We must not let our great country be stolen from us by radicals.
Thank you Lisa for writing. Your comment serves as a critical reminder that one’s perspective from the outside looking in fails to account for the millions of us who are called to work as well as we can to safeguard our democracy, protect our most vulnerable communities and also our planet.
Indeed, amid one of the most terrifying moments in our nation’s history, I take heart from the presence of the increasing numbers who, like you, persist in remaining engaged in ways that initially may not seem particularly relevant to the larger struggle of resisting authoritarian and divisive agendas and building a democracy that works for us all. I take heart because none of us can predict when the causes we support will capture the public imagination, and our once-lonely quests transform into a mass moral awakening.
A BiG problem here is that too many ignorant OR younger people who did not read or understand history and WILL NOT RECOGNIZE FASCISM or how an authoritarian government comes about when they see it. Everyone has felt safe and protected for so long, they feel free to do anything break the laws! Big question: Will the USA wake up in time?
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it, us along with them now.
The breadth and depth of ignorance in America is stunning. Watch old episodes of Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" or any number of other "man-in-the-street" Q&A videos on YouTube; the vast majority of Americans interviewed can't answer almost any basic questions on politics, history, geography, math, science, technology, you name it.
Some are just wrong, but most are completely stumped, no clue. Forget nuances like how authoritarianism leads to fascism, most have no idea of the definitions of different types of governments, so Socialism is used as a scare word by Republicans.
The most shameful are the COLLEGE kids who know nothing!
This is a problem that starts in the public schools and extends to college. Public schools systemically disempower young people—at no point in their time in the public education institution are they involved in local political/civic matters. They are kept in a box (classroom) or allowed outside their pen to play sports (no threat to status quo local power there). Learned helplessness. This is not young peoples fault—it’s an institutional power play by the older gen’s who have created a system where young people graduate with useless knowledge because they have not been involved with the real activities of life and community.
I was on a school board and wrote a policy to have a student be a school board member. Clearly stated that board wanted to hear about important matters from their point of view and/or those of the student body. The superintendent stepped in as soon as I had left the board and restricted the student to talking only about “good news”—winning football games, etc. Rest of board did nothing.
As a requirement of graduation, young people either individually or in groups should be required to try to pass a bill at some level of government—whether for a major policy (lowering voting age to 16 may be an example) or even putting up a stop sign at a dangerous intersection. Instead, they are required to ask for a pass to go to the bathroom.
Notice for yourself how public school students are taught to stay far away from power. How helpless and beholden we have made them.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.”
The christian nationalists are strongly against public education. They want "charter schools" so they can begin religious indoctrination as young as two years old. This is verifiable, although I can't site a reference here. My 11 yr old granddaughter in MN will not be taught cursive writing even though many people still use it. This will make it hard for her to read anything written by hand. Many kids get little grammar so they do not understand how to write, they are too "bored" to read an entire book, and there is no one asking them challenging questions requiring interpretation of the great works of literature because many of the teachers don't know them. There is often no music education or it is very limited even though learning music is helpful to many other subjects. Instead of public school there is lots of "home schooling" where the parents may not teach science, literature or other subjects but spend time every day on the Bible. I have tried here, and in other places including commenting on the NY Times, to alert people about the dangers of the christian nationalists who are behind a lot of what is going on with Trump (who is NO christian). Everyone who is asking "why" and "how" should read the considerable literature on this group (books, articles and commentary) to be informed. Mr. Reich never addresses them. Why not? Involvement means recognizing what we are dealing with, as the GOP MAGA people are not truly christian but they are aligned behind the belief that they are destined by God to run the government after they take it apart. Please, commenters, read about this group!!! The Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a group founded in 1947 dedicated to preserving religious freedom and defending church-state separation. They suggest we all know some of the most powerful "influencers" (many of whom are very wealthy).
Remember when Obama was running and the GOP was up in arms that he would install Sharia Law because they thought that he was a closeted Muslim. How is Christian Nationalism any diff than Muslim Sharia Law??? I see allot of similarities. The promotion of only a certain type of individual, in the Christine Nationalist case that would be Male, White, the richer the better and all other forms of life are seen as subservient and inferior. The schools are primarily religious indoctrination and woman should keep the house and be baby makers if they manage to survive childbirth without proper medical care. Oh yeah and if they get tooo uppity they should be punished. (Quoting one of the speakers at the GOP National Convention who said that if the girls are bad they should be spanked). I think we are being taken over by Christine Nationalist Sharia Law.
Very important point, Jeannette. Indoctrinating children is child abuse. Since such abuse often takes place at home, and is a widespread phenomenon, we ought to offer a course in comparative religion at the high school level.
Public charter schools (and some private schools) are the only ones in our community that are involving young people in relevant matters. I see their students attending and observing in the courts, at town meetings, growing and preparing food, helping at the food bank. I asked some of the students if they like their schools and every single one said they “loved” them. Public charter schools are not the same as Christian nationalist schools—in fact most are progressive.
Although I’m a Dem, this is one issue the Dems are putting the political needs of teachers union members (who are a force in traditional district schools—in our community, those are the most boring and disempowering schools with—as a general rule— the most mediocre teachers and close-minded, fear-based administrators) ahead of the needs of young people for a more relevant and personalized education. The latter is where many public charter schools have filled the void. I live in a rural community, but this is especially the case in cities.
Yes, but... Public education, just like private/religious education, can be politicized and weaponized. Totalitarianism starts at the grade school level. We need to preserve the Department of Education to make sure that our values are not violated, and that the quest for truth is not derailed.
I'm not sure I agree, Liz. The public school where I went was quite strict with rules, as were pretty much all schools back then. Nevertheless, I got a thorough education in civics, government, and history. A school environment needs to be structured, if learning is to take place.
Rather, I think the deliberate, GOP-planned dumbing down of students since at least the Reagan years is the root of the appalling, widespread ignorance today. The concept of teaching only for tests is a main factor. Also, keeping teachers on comparatively low salaries and starving public school districts of funds for books and supplies does irreparable damage. Teaching today is a thankless job, and all too frequently, teachers are slotted into curricula far outside their areas of expertise, per my reading.
Certainly, engaging students in real-world activities has advantages, but the undermining of the learning process itself is where ignorance is originating, IMO.
Engaging young people in real world activities IS educating them. But we have cheaped out: the process has been mechanized, depersonalized, intentionally isolating young people from the rest of society.
Used to be that older adults would take young people (past elementary school age) under their wing as apprentices (around 14 years old) to gain mastery over solving very complicated problems. Have you ever seen the inside of an old watch, or how complicated it was to weave cloth, to design and sew clothing 200 years ago? Incredible. So, in these times the complicated problems are different (using technology to solve problems, etc.). But learning has become bureaucratic big business with administrators and unions in charge of the system—not a personalized way to pass along relevant skills from one gen to the next. We drop young people off at a large building that often looks like a prison and say, “good luck!”. For 13 years, jam a whole bunch of young people in rooms, ring a bell every 40-50 minutes, have them shuffle to the next room, feed them government surplus cheese as pizza mostly every day, give them a piece of paper at the end.
You do know that’s what traditional public school is like for most young people?
And then we call the adults that the traditional public school system spits out “ignorant.” Do we see why that would be? It’s more than a Republican v. Dem issue. It’s a systemic problem.
You are right too many have no appreciation of democracy and the price paid in lives and treasure to defeat authoritarianism so we can live in freedom. And almost half the electorate was willing to live under a dictator.
No. They don’t recognize fascism and they don’t care. To be fair, some of them hated Trump’s racist and sexism antics. But most of them don’t get it. That is largely the fault of their elders who failed to teach them. Those who voted for him loved it. They were all in. The pain that he will cause will change their minds. But it wil only be after the awful pain that he will bring to everyone.
I think our only hope is to get rid of dark money and the lies. Bring back the "Fairness Act" and/or something better. The amount of money and lies Trump used is obscene. If we allow this to continue, we will not have anything resembling fair or truthful, just the sham to continue like we are witnessing now in real time. Lies and money is what fueled the Hitler movement too. Read the book by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history and authority on authoritarianism. It is titled "Strongmen, Mussolini to the Present".
I appreciate all of these comments. The last 9 years have been eye opening for me as well as an education! Growing up, spending K-11th grade in a Catholic school did little to inspire a young girl in a Catholic school. I lost myself in books all those years in a quest to learn more about life. I was unable to convince my parents to allow me to attend public school until my senior year (needed parental approval). My final year was a real eye opener, one that I would not have traded in a million years.
The time is now & we are walking up more quickly than anyone could have expected or guessed. Will that save that day? I'm not here to speculate - I'm here to help educate so that those who can be shifted will be shifted.
I agree with you Lisa Hansen & Barbara Jo Kreiger. I cannot get distracted by perspectives, as real or newsworthy or fact-based as they might be. I have only so much room for fear in my heart & I can't give way to it.
Keep in mind that the election result was microscopic - that factors aplenty brought it to bear - and that there is a portion of the population who (for whatever reason) drank the Kool-aid. History has shown us what happens when you guzzle that stuff.
I take heart in the men & women (like Robert Reich & all of us here, Andy Borowitz, Heather Cox Richardson, Jen of the Contrarian, women federal judges signing pardons under duress but saying that whitewash will not cover up the Jan 6th truth that we saw with our own eyes, my US Senators Murray & Cantwell, Senators Collins & Murkowski, Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, and uncountable others) who are summoning the will & resources to oppose dictatorship
Even here on small Whidbey Island, WA we have 1,000 members in Whidbey Indivisible. We are strong when we are together. Like that old story about how you can break twigs one-by-one but tnot when they are bound into a bundle.
Will we go from democracy to oligarchy to tyranny and back to democracy in my lifetime? I have no clue. All I have is to join with others to make hope possible rather than despair convincing. Let's look for our bundle & become part of it.
If you don’t include the poor and working class, and schedule meetings and events at times when more people can go, everything you say sounds good but amounts to hot air.
I have reported it at least 10 times - if others take 10 secs to report it, the sub stack admins will take it down (this is about the the "Brain fog" advertisement)
This anti immigrant drum beat is racist. Unlike Europe's which is cultural/religious.
The majority of people who come in via our southern border are cultural conservatives, and after they settle in get naturalized and vote they vote Republican.
They are Cathlics, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, thus misogynistic, patriarchal and homophobic.
For example, Mayra Flores is a naturalized citizen who entered illegally, she is also the Congress critter from Texas 34, and she is an anti immigrant, misogynistic, homophobic Trump Humper
It is on many other good stacks too....I keep reporting it but then I wonder if that just gives them the attention or number of clicks they are after to get paid?
Sandra, this is spam - that's why it's so strikingly irrelevant. The poster hopes we'll click on it and buy something - or worse - have a handshake with your computer. SubStack has got to screen this brain fog ad out - but the names are different on each posting. If we have to authenticate our membership, how is it this as Bot gets through?
Not unless you believe a god will come to earth and And save us all from our sins of selfishness and the abuse of others humans.
Trumpet and the republicans have exploited the weaknesses of our constitution and system of laws to gain control of the Federal Government the Judicial Legislature ( you Mr Mike Johnson) and the executive branch s all at once .
We need a constitutional convention to rewrite our system of government to remove our antiquated system the Supreme Court and the Electorial College.
Get most of the money out of POLTICS ( money is the mother’s milk of POLTICS) and restore the system of laws to help the citizens of the country not just the owners and upper classes…
A Constitutional convention is the last thing anyone should want. A Con con would lead to the total undoing of the Bill of Rights, other than the Second. Think people have their shorts in a bunch about the 14th now? Gone.
Trump hacked our elections. Our founders fought to give us a Constitution and a bill of rights. For 248 years men and women fought to keep us free. Trump is an Oligarch that our founders fought against!
I will be wearing these kinds of shirts the next 4 years 👇
I think there will be very little people will accept to be removed. I mention SOCIAL SECURITY Often attacked by conservatives as socialism in fact during Bush II there was talk of letting people voluntarily leaving SS and use the stock market instead ( very profitable for brokerage houses) .
This Discussion ended when the stock market collapsed due to wild banking practices. I have faith in the populaces ability to make reasonable choices.
BTW the entire federal government backs the SS system.
yes, I remember my mother parroting this about privatizing Social Security and thinking maybe it would be good.. I told her she was crazy as she hardly understood any of her investments. A few months later the stock market crashed. She then denied she had ever supported privatizing Social Security.
Fair warning, Marla. Trump and the Heritage Foundation, and their allies, want a constitutional convention to create an entirely new constitution and a new country, one in which the pursuit of happiness is obeying the Word of God--as they interpret it.
In theory, a constitutional convention to remove antiquated provisions that don't work would be helpful. However, the way our politics exist right now, a constitutional convention would cause more harm than benefit. All of the destructive policies that Trump is pursuing could be codified.
In fact, right now, plutocrats like the Kochs seek a constitutional convention to codify their anti-freedom policies. Article V of the Constitution provides that, if the legislatures of two-thirds of the states agree, a convention to amend the Constitution will be called. A number of Republican state legislatures, frighteningly close to the two-thirds needed, have already approved calling for a constitutional convention.
Even though our Constitution could use some updating, maintenance of a democracy ultimately depends on elected officials acting in good faith. No matter how many laws we have, we depend on those in power to follow them. In the end, it's on us ordinary folks to elect competent people who will serve the country and not just themselves.
Montana and Wyoming need to be taken over by the LA expats. To prevent the electoral college and any constitutional convention being taken over by states with more cows than people.
I live in a small Montana town. We have found the CA refugees moving in to be decent people, leaving CA and its ways. There are places that have lots of CA $$ coming in, but not where I live.
Good point someone out there will want to count cows ( + -) some will want added votes for abused pets, or certain plants convert more co2 to o2 …. Federal ban on Fur more only electrical cars, immediate death penalty for smoking . And of course only one religion, one book ( the Bible) only vegan food etc…
But Carolyn....on all seriousness, how many "competent" candidates do we ever get to vote for? As one example, here in Ohio, in 2022, our U.S. Senate candidates were JD Vance and Tim Ryan. We all now know what Vance is, but Ryan came across as an idiot. I voted for him, as Vance was loathesome, but I really resented it that my choice was between two losers.
The Dems need to get a grip and start fielding candidates who can connect with people and who aren't obviously bought.
Denise - I was hoping that Sherrod Brown would run for governor because Amy Acton doesn’t seem to stand a chance (female and was for Covid protections) if we don’t get someone who has a hope of winning we will end up with ramaswary or yost. I would say “or worse” but I don’t think that it could get even worse than all of the republicans who have announced that they are running. At least Brown has experience and actually gives a damn about Ohio voters. Big sigh.
What? Are you working for the Kochs now? They’ve been working on a new constitution for years and just waiting for a convention. We saw how the right wing overtook our politicians. We know they want our constitution.
We need to be sure that we don’t go backwards but it is possible to rewrite our constitution to make it more revenant.
Some would say “ First We Kill All the Lawyers” then we rewrite the constitution but the ratification method has to be 100% Mandatory Voting by the population of the country and eliminate the electoral college concept completely .
Perhaps a section by section revision a step at a time.
Reining in the Supreme Court would a definite benefit and claw backs also.
NO I DONT WORK FOR THE KOCH BROTHERS . But they will find me if my opinions will impact their plans…
The people would have as much input into a new constitution as they have into DOGE. Yes, we may need some updates what we will get will change this country more than a second trump administration and not for the betterment of the common good.
Australia rewrote its constitution; for example if an updated constitution could be more good . If the total tax rate was uniform throughout the population .
Or prisons were only one kind not our crazy white collar crime country club hostel vs gritty local prisons.
We need to change or trumpets 🎺 type will exploit corrupt lawyers on the Supream court . Did king Solomon go to law school ? More improvements than decifets.
We belong to a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Frederick MD, and our congregation is also actively fighting for those rights that Lisa mentions. I'd suggest that anyone who has concerns about the impact of Trump's policies on at-risk communities check out a UU congregation. All are welcome, even members of other religions, and it might give people an opportunity to work for justice even if their own churches don't actively fight for justice.
Good on you, Lisa! I agree wholeheartedly that any positive change from now on will come from the bottom up, quietly but steadily and out of sight of the MAGA collaborators.
There is a congregation in Pensacola, which is where Democrat Gay Valimont is running to win the seat formerly held by Matt Gaetz. Even though I'm here in Georgia, I am donating money and time to her campaign. She appears to be a very, very good person!
Thank you so much, Lisa, for your post. If we only focus on what’s horrible, our energy will be drained in 2 seconds. If we can ask ourselves, what actions can we take for the good, then we do get energized. And hyper local does seem to be the way to go right now. Although yesterday, I set up a recurring monthly $10.00 pledge to the ACLU. If enough of us do this, or give only $5.00/month, if that’s what you can reasonably afford, it adds up. Here’s some math: $5.00 x 300,000 people per month = $1.5 million PER MONTH. The ACLU needs money like that, to protect those facing insanely unfair deportation, eg. Or donate to the Sierra Club. Anything. A famous Jewish saying that’s about 2000 years old and attributed to Rabbi Tarfon goes, essentially, like this: “ You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it, either.” Whatever spiritual, religious, and/or secular humanitarian values one has, now is the time to put those values into action.
I am so glad this is the first comment I saw. I am in FL and am desperate to find a group here that is fighting for these things locally. I will look into UU. Also, the Quakers (although smaller in numbers I suspect) are usually involved in local activism. I am going to try and find a meeting house as well. Keep up the fight! There are lots of us here in FL fighting along side you.
My elected rep is a do-nothing Democrat. He couldn’t even make an appearance to extol the work that the Biden admin had been doing. From the infrastructure package to $35 insulin, not a word was heard from that do-nothing. He should have been shouting from the rooftops. Did not make an appearance. Yet he was elected again. I don’t think he even had any competition. So I have no faith in elected politicians. It must be from the grassroots.
I am also very disappointed in the lack of any response & worse, those Dems who are switching sides. Two of our reps here in FL ran and won as Democrats, then promptly switched to GOP. That’s fraud!
Fellow UU here…. In White Plains NY. Yes! We are organizing. We are standing up for democracy, ourselves & others. NY could lead the opposition if the democrats do not allow themselves to be cowed & silenced.
Thank you, Lisa for writing and for doing things that should help make a difference. We retired to Florida and are sorry sometimes. As a former Early Childhood teacher, I am so disappointed and angry about what is happening in schools! Moms for Liberty is so frightening! Thanks for taking a stand against these things and for children and all those that are being persecuted.
There are few words I read in the course of a day (and I read a lot) when attached together in sentences that give me chills to the bone. These did. By not relying on the key catchphrases “Rule of Law”, “Law and Order”, “Unprecedented [insert latest crazy action here]”, and so on, the writer just cut deep through the fog into the horror show unfolding around us. Thank you for sharing this one. Much appreciated.
Rick, my only criticism of the piece is that he talked about a majority of Americans said "Yes, Please" to putting the felon back in power. In fact, a plurality of American voters did (77.3M), resulting in the 3rd-smallest vote margin since 1888. And when you add that to those who voted for Harris (75.02M) and the numbers of eligible voters who sat it out (said to be 90M), less than a third of the electorate voted for him, which is pretty consistent with the felon's popularity over time. I haven't even added the number of folks who voted 3rd party.
If you do the math of those who voted 3rd party, 2.5 million, he did NOT win the popular vote so NO, a majority of Americans did not say yes. The vote was NOT a mandate, but then, when it comes to MAGA and Trump, the facts have never been part of any equation.
Absolutely agree! My comment pertained to the numbers of those who did bother to vote and the numbers speak for themselves. No popular vote win and no mandate.
I think the non-voting, non caring crowd is mostly an American phenomenon. Most European nations, for example, have a history of actual warfare on their land. Makes people more engaged IMO.
It is nice to soothe your mind to think that he didn’t win a majority, but here we are. Nothing about what he is doing was unknown. Those that sat out are just as culpable. Giving up your voice means you have no voice, either in government or saying you didn’t vote for him.
So the key question is, what are you going to do about it? Trump nor the Republicans are going to give up power. At the very least you would think that most of what has been signed as EO should tank Republicans in two years, but that likely won’t be the case. Gerrymandering has all but destroyed elections and the next step is to just eliminate them. If you don’t think that will be tried you are foolish indeed.
I left the US for Canada 35 years ago, everything from healthcare to education is better here, but there has been the slow creep of “free market” neo liberalism that has seen those systems eroded. My greatest fear is becoming a part of the US, and once again here we are with what is supposed to be an ally alluding to taking over Canada.
I take no great comfort in the argument that he didn’t win a majority. He is still your president and thus your problem to solve.
Matthew, him winning by a slim margin doesn't soothe my mind at all. It makes me feel no better. I only said what Is said to counter the original author's statement that Americans said yes, please to another serving of trompy. But much of what you say repeats my thoughts.
As to what I'm doing about it, well, I did a fair amount before the election: writing and mailing postcards, making frequent donations, lawn signs, talking to people. Opportunities to resist and oppose are presenting themselves now, and I'm considering my next steps, as are millions of Americans.
So I'll send the question to you: you say you left the US for Canada 35 years ago, and are now finding a swing in the political situation. What are you doing about it?
I love Canada; it was the homeland of my ancestors going back to the mid-1600s. But we are staying here.
DougThis is important for everyone in the US and internationally to understand. I agree that is misleading. The writer doesn’t understand the corrupted cheating and manipulations that got the Seditionist Felon in. He puts us all at fault when nothing could be further from the truth.This is one of many problems. We will all be placed in the MAGA pool.
As a Canadian, I think we do all realize that the majority did not vote for #47. Also, the majority did not vote against him. Many didn’t vote in this pivotal election. Same challenges here in Canada with voter turnout. Many, for whatever reason, did not see the glaring impact of a second term, even though it was glaringly obvious to many. An immersive lesson for many countries, including Canada, who are facing a rising tide of far right sentiment. I still can’t get my head around it. Those taking positive action will have the support of most Canadians (IMO), but for me, a second term for #47 has impacted my perception of safety in crossing the border. So I’ll view Mount Baker from afar, and dream again of hiking there in 2028 (hopefully). My heart aches for you.
Thank you, Joan. Canada is the homeland of my ancestors dating back to the mid-1600s. It holds a special place in my heart, and I hope that it isn't harmed by any of trompy's actions; also, that Canada resists this right ward movement.
A Good Life Many younger people flat out refused to vote for a Democrat because both Biden and Harris touted Israel as a friend despite the Genocide in Palestine.That was a big factor.
Thanks. Great points. I’d just come off trying to decipher the blizzard of executive orders and memorandums issued on 1/20. His only reference to cost of food, shortage of housing, the main things the polls said were on the minds of voters, was a weakly worded, nonspecific, unaccountable Executive MEMO buried in stacks of lunacy he signed that day. Not even an official EO. Yet an avalanche of legally questionable, billionaire-relevant orders were right alongside it. And the Dems are still having tea and watercress sandwiches on inauguration day?? Seems however he slithered into the job, the opposition is asleep at the switch while we hurtle into a vast uncertainty that markets, bankers, employees, and parents don’t want. I only hope they wake up. Thanks again. Great points.
I certainly felt the same as I was reading this, hey, wait a minute, myself and my immediate cohort did not buy into this monster and his plans. Yet this writing is a piece of what one man in one country in this fragile globe is feeling right now. And I expect many more (women too) are feeling this way. So as has been expanded in many posts in this thread, we are going to fight this, we will do what we can, locally and for some of us nationally, to make this a dark shadow of our past that we overcame in future history books.
Thank you for pointing out the importance that the world should know, that the majority of United States voters did not choose trump. I am deeply angry at those Democrats who sat out the election because they couldn’t manage to vote for either candidate, unwittingly or even ignorantly, giving away their vote to trump. How anyone could not realize the dangerous disaster trump’s presidency would be,boggles the mind. I know educated people who voted for him thinking he wouldn’t do what he said he was going to do, which caused me to ask them why they would vote for someone who wasn’t going to do what he said he was going to do. What then was he going to do that was not clear to them? How could they not see this deplorable malignant narcissistic monster for what he is and the suffering that will follow…
I think a way to think about this that matches up to Rick Herbst's reactions is to think of the enormous number of legal voters who chose not to vote at all. As things turned out -- and compared to the previous election -- these non-votes were effectively votes for Trump.
Rick, I agree with you and with the Canadian journalist, a person of courage, deep perception and eloquence, on all counts. Thanks to Robert for bringing this out, and to Mr. Coyne for his piercing view of our national tragedy. No doubt this view is widespread among liberal-minded readers from abroad. Resistance from the grass roots on up has become the best option for our survival as a nation, since a person can't negotiate with a madman, nor can one deprogram 75 million cultists in less than two years.
Grassroots is the only way we can turn this ship around and it will be slow and agonizing but we need to prop each other up when we lose hope and falter. Make smart decisions where and how you spend your money. Don't shop where DEI protections are being degraded or removed. Don't shop at Amazon or any of there affiliates (audio books, pet supplies, prescriptions, music, movies etc.) Hit these oligarchs where it hurts most.
Perfectly stated; I could not have done better even as an American. Although I still have that last iota of optimism that the Fourth Reich will implode out of its own hubris and overreach.
That's now so easy to do, the grift and corruption is completely in the open. And the former "MSM" is not calling it out whatsoever, just normalizing it.
Thank you. I think you’ve already put your finger on it. There will be fights between Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Both of them think they are have the world in their hands. I think they underestimate good people in the United States.
I feel pretty letdown right now, but we all have to shake that off. We have to get up and do good things that show, this is a better life. Then people will wake up and follow us. But we can’t give up. I’m telling myself this as much as you.
America is on the road to ruin! This is what the White House Wacko, who pardoned and / or commuted all the Jan 6 criminals, told Sean Hannity when asked about the Capitol Police that were beaten by his MAGA CULT. Trump said there was some “very minor incidents”.
This proves beyond doubt that he has NO RESPECT FOR POLICE unless they are protecting him! News flash: Trump has no respect for anyone!
Congress has to unite to save our democracy by getting this maniacal disgrace out of the White House! America has to come together and fight against this madness!
Anyone who is reluctant to state unequivocally that an insane, sadistic, evil person now holds unfettered power over everything and everybody lacks the cognitive ability to see the reality in front of all of us. He is a madman. The short segments I saw of that show with his servant Hannity included a moment when he noted that Biden hadn't pardoned himself. There was barely concealed cunning in his eyes and voice. It was as if he could smell blood in what he perceived to be either a foolish mistake on Biden's part or a veiled challenge from Biden to "come and get him." Either way, you could see thump being aroused at the opportunity to either threaten Biden or harass him endlessly.
Of course he has, as you say, "no respect for police." The question is: why do any police, any of those sheriffs who formed an anti-law organization (!!! nobody talks about THAT particular un-lawful mob of "lawmen"!), any of the military, firefighters, ANY of the protectors - why do ANY of THEM respect/support/stand up for him??!! WHY??
And why in the name of anything sane is Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert anywhere but back in their local dive bars?! To hear Green about the pardoned January 6 criminals, to hear Boebert (and Green) plan to give them TOURS of the government buildings, to hear Green verbally attack a CNN reporter with vile language in the halls of OUR government - is another source of disgust, shame and anger.
To hear on the news that Man of Great Piety and Sanctimonious Religiosity, Speaker of the House Uriah Heep is telling the newly formed "investigation" of the January 6 attack on our government NOT to subpoena Cassidy Hutchison. And why? Because it would bring into the public view all of the sexual texts and contacts she received from many Republican members of Congress. Yeah, that's right.
Folks a reminder: if nothing else wakes you up, the fact that these are OUR tax dollars being used for this kind of garbage should!!! As Jimmy Kimmel said about thump's statement to his servant-boy Hannity, that he doesn't think "we should give any help to California," that thump is talking about returning "OUR" tax dollars TO US!" (to California, that is).
He has great respect for police... as long as they are loyal to him. As long as they hate who he hates. As long as they attack who he hates. Those members of congress who were trying to ensure the peaceful transfer of power betrayed him. Mike Pence betrayed him. The cops who didn't just let them in to wreck shop betrayed him. That's why they were fair game. He's only loyal to cops who are loyal to him. You saw what happened to the black cop, Harry Dunn, who told one of the insurrectionists he voted for Biden. That rioter called him a "n*gger" and commenced to start whooping his @$$!
It's good to recall that Cassidy Hutchinson -- when she went to work in Trump's White House -- was much younger than Monica Lewinsky. (Still in college.)
Yes, she was very young. I have mixed feelings about Cassidy Hutchinson because she was a very dedicated thump/Mark Meadows follower, until January 6 happened. They didn't amazingly become bad guys on that date; they already were very bad guys who only got worse and worse. That said, she did make a difference in the efforts to hold the traitors accountable. If only Merrick Garland, et al had had similar courage....
My question will keep repeating about her then boss, now ghost: Where is Mark Meadows??
New question: Why didn't Biden pardon Cassidy Hutchinson? Nancy Pelosi? Alexander Vindman? Olivia Troye? .... and others of a long list of those who tried to stand up to the criminal overthrow of our government?
He doesn’t care. Like a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates. Noam Chomsky predicted 10 years ago he would take the world down with him. Of course we need to prove him wrong.
He blabs all of his whackaloon thoughts as if he thinks that no one is listening. He once talked about shipping out all the old & infirm, INCLUDING CHILDREN, & leaving them / us to die. He should reserve a place for HIMSELF, then, because HE'S NO ADONIS or Hercules either, except in his fucked - up excuse for a psyche.
KAO - A dude with a rectangular mustache who popularized a certain salute. & MAYBE partially the Spartans, who abandoned or killed male children who didn't show potential as warriors. 50 / 50.
King Leonidas or the Spartans may have ORIGINATED eugenics. Hitler made it " popular ".
Perfect description of 47. “a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates”. 👏👏 Have you read Mary Trumps first book? She is a not only his niece, but has a PhD in Psychology. She explains the toxic environment He grew up in and how his father shaped and molded him. Mary has lived and breathed his horror show since her early life. Let’s leave a legacy that says NO to his cruelty!
Anyone who is reluctant to state unequivocally that an insane, sadistic, evil person now holds unfettered power over everything and everybody lacks the cognitive ability to see the reality in front of all of us. He is a madman. The short segments I saw of that nauseating performance with his servant-boy Hannity included a moment when he noted that Biden hadn't pardoned himself. There was barely concealed cunning in his eyes and voice. It was as if he could smell blood in what he perceived to be either a foolish mistake on Biden's part or a veiled challenge from Biden to "come and get him." Either way, you could see thump being aroused at the opportunity to either threaten Biden or harass him endlessly.
You say, he “has no respect for police” but of course he has "no respect for police." He has no respect for anybody or anything that is not immediately to his advantage and his dominance. He is a madman. The question is: why do any police, any of those sheriffs who formed an anti-law organization that SELECTIVELY enforce only laws THEY agree with (!!! nobody talks about THAT particular un-lawful mob of "lawmen"), any of the military, firefighters, ANY of the protectors of public safety - why do ANY of THEM respect/support/stand up for him??!! WHY??
And why in the name of anything sane is Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert anywhere but back in their local dive bars?! To hear Green about the pardoned January 6 criminals, to hear Boebert (and Green) plan to give them TOURS of the government buildings, to hear Green verbally attack a CNN reporter with vile language in the halls of OUR government - is another source of disgust, shame and anger. The female versions of the lowest of the low that thump has put America in bed with.
(PSA time: Bed bugs. STDs. )
To hear on the news that Man of Great Piety and Sanctimonious Religiosity, Speaker of the House thump's personal Elf on the Shelf, Uriah Heep, is telling the newly formed MAGAt "investigation" committee of the January 6 attack on our government NOT to subpoena Cassidy Hutchison. And why? The report said it was because doing so would bring into the public view all of the sexually explicit texts and other contacts she received from many Republican members of Congress.
That raises another question: WHERE is MARK MEADOWS??
When do they hit the lowest possible point? Who are these people and who elects them? Have the rest of us been living in some kind of fairy tale-land where people are normal and decent? Are there any of those in our government – normal, honest, decent, morally sound?! People who hold decent values and stand up for them? Why were there ANY Democrats at that folly of an inauguration - or immolation as Federal Attorney John Flannery calls it?? Would they have attended the installation ceremony for Hitler too, you know, just because of "norms"??? Or free booze and food??
Folks a reminder: if nothing else wakes you up, the fact that these are OUR tax dollars being used for all of this kind of garbage should!!! As Jimmy Kimmel said about thump's statement to his servant-boy Hannity, that he/thump doesn't think "we should give any help to California," Kimmel reminded his audience that thump is talking about returning "OUR" tax dollars TO US!" (to California, that is, but to ANY state thump tries to play King with.) Like the fool that he is, he tried to put fake blame on a fish – two, or more, “birds” with one thump stone: environmental regulations, environmental protections, endangered species, blue-state California, nemesis Gavin Newsome, and greedy cruelty – all in one fell swoop: thump doesn’t want to “give” California any help. Well, a whole helluva a lot of us out here in AMERICA don't want to give thump any help!!
Cruel, sadistic monster. He is a lamprey eel to America’s tender salmon belly, sucking the life forces away to feed itself. Look up photo images of the lamprey eel. Think of thump’s open mouth.
The Madness of King George. Remember that? American patriots – ACTUAL patriots – fought a bloody, difficult war against him and his troops and his government. The 21st century has brought us The Madness of Wannabe King Don, or mob boss Sharpie Donnie and his “executive orders.” Today he signed the one to “release” the files on the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy. (“oooh, that’s a big one” he said. “All will be revealed,” he said.)
But what about Jeffrey Epstein, thump? Why aren’t you “revealing all” about Jeffrey Epstein? Not had time to take your sharpie to those records yet?
True, and remember Trump’s sociopathy also makes him a sadist, and one who doesn’t want to dirty his own tiny hands. He is content to have others do it for him.
He doesn’t care. Like a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates. Noam Chomsky predicted 10 years ago he would take the world down with him. Of course we need to prove him wrong.
Keith, I know you are right but what if there really are more of them than us? What if the majority of citizens have hitched their stars to the orange man's wagon? It seems to be on a lot of e-mails I get that his popularity is soaring while a good man and a good president's is plummeting! I am so distressed, worried and frightened that no one will stop him! The United States use to be a beacon of light and hope for people around the world wanting freedom and a better life. That is not so anymore.
Keith, I agree. Any by ANY means. I sincerely think the military should go in armed and physically remove the admin. They are illegitimately occupying our White House. But the biggest damage is done. The prisons COMPLIED with the monster. So many are complying…if we ALL refused, they cannot control us. They need the fear. And our military is derelict by not protecting the Constitution.
Can we please stop saying 'Americans voted for this'?!
That man did not even get 50%...of those who voted! 90+ million of eligible voters did not vote. A number of Americans voted for him but, no where near half!
He 'bested' Vice President Harris by a mere 1.4%!
A squeaker and certainly NOT a 'mandate' by any stretch of the imagination...and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
No, not even that is true. These election results were manipulated in various ways by Musk & others to make sure Trump prevailed regardless of the actual vote count, which most likely favored Harris. A thorough investigation & forensic audit should be conducted (should've been conducted over 2 months ago), as cybersecurity experts have been calling for, to verify results & get to the bottom of this.
Sure would've been a lot easier & less traumatic had it been done while Biden was still President, but it still should be done. And this tyrant is constitutionally disqualified! How could he have been allowed to get back into power, anyway? What an ineffective government we have! We have been so betrayed by those in power!
I saw a quote somewhere this week where the dumpster thanked muskrat for winning the election for him and said it was because of ‘the computer guys?’ Dis anyone else see that?
He said it at the pre-inauguration rally on Sunday night, so yes, everyone heard it and it was all over the media. Response to him sharing that the election was stolen by computer hacking: crickets.
Where? Can you find it? It was super suspicious also that he made that statement not far into Election Day that he was not worried; he knew they had the votes. When he says that, he means that he knew it was fixed for him.
On this last point We and MAGA agree. The problem is that they see a rescuer in Trump, who in turn sees them as gullible, narrow minded xenophobes. We may not be able to overcome their xenophobia, but we must try to detach them from Trump. It will take time and effort.
BUT....Americans DID vote for this. Just not the majority of us. But we cannot ignore/deny that many of our neighbors and colleagues did. And many others abstained from voting.
Which means we must work even harder. But denying that many Americans DID choose this is not the place to start. We must face this hard work without blinders on.
The people who voted for this, with the exception of a few, did so because they agree with him and all the horrible things he wants to do. They’re on board with him.
Therese, I am sorry if I phrased that in a way that sounded like I was criticizing you personally -- I was not. What I was thinking about was what I wrote: "we"....
Hi Therese
I said that "we" as progressive Americans cannot deny/ignore that there are many Americans who did vote for this, and I agreed it was not the majority. But I said that we can't deny/ignore this. It wasn't personal about you, though this comment sounds perhaps you thought so? I agree with your facts. AND...
And... I am faced with the Ugly Americans directly in my neighborhood daily. My neighbors all like fireworks and 4th of July and New Year's Eve are usually quite loud for 1-2 hours. I have lived here 10 years. I have never, ever heard as many fireworks for as long as I did as around 2 am of Nov 6th when the election was called for trump where I live (PNW).
Once I took a neighbor a painting I'd done for him (of his favorite plant) for a Christmas gift and he didn't open it, he just stood there and yelled at me for wearing a mask. Even though he knows I am on immune suppression for lung disease. We used to share garden produce. It took me months to paint him that gift. I suspect it ended up in the trash. I never received a thank you, only anger because I am protecting my health.
I want to be realistic and face the facts that even though not a majority, many people did choose trump. I understand the Canadian author's statement about being afraid of those Americans.
It is up to us -- you, me, others reading this Stack and others -- to both face the reality of what some people want this country to be AND to work to protect what this country could be if we ever did really live up to the ideals we espouse.
Therese Croteau ,Thank you! I agree that it is a cruel lie that "Americans voted for this". (And it must have been the Democrats, some say). B.S. The Republicans' long game and things like the Citizens United that allowed the sale of our country to anyone with the money to buy it, and the Courts. The federal courts, as Robert Reich has pointed out, may restrain trump and his supporters.
Cold and prickly: yes. Without the Fairness Doctrine of old, placing guardrails around the news media. Propaganda flourishes and misinforms the voters. Presently anything goes. We see the results now. Even with a majority voting against tRump, hacked elections allow his very thin "win" 1.5 %,"squeaker".
Agree! Citizens United as well as repeal of the fairness doctrine, which is why Fox “news” can openly lie without repercussions. And unfortunately many people still believe that the so called news is true. Unless their leader deems it “fake news “ we’re basically living in the upside down 🙃
Yeah I was going to say that all of the serious attempt to take us down began during Reagan. He was the catalyst for things that we are still suffering from and I would say he's culpable for what's happening now. He's the one that started the culture wars to get more votes. I am 64 years old. And my lifetime I have seen Republicans do nothing but cheat and diligently take us down brick by brick. This is the culmination of a very long and concerted effort to destroy our democracy and bring back the gilded age.
The people who voted for him are American, ergo, Americans voted for this. Not all, certainly, but a significant number of them. It's not as though he got 10% of the vote and somehow won anyway, he had nearly half of American voters buying his lies.
Well, Americans, and yes, Democrats did Vote for this. How? The Dems did nothing in their four years to release the chokehold of AIPAC bought congressmen, did nothing ZERO to stop the manslaughter hell that is Gaza and now West Bank but in fact bankrolled it in the billions, did absolutely nothing to regulate the vulture health insurance industry but instead supported free healthcare in Israel. They did nothing to scrape America’s education system off the floor so voters would have actual critical thinking skills. They self righteously did not examine their own policies for tone deafness but rather pointed to the orange man so they wouldn’t have to.
I am trying to follow your logic but I am getting lost... When you say Democrats voted for "this," you must mean something like, "the current mess" (because they certainly didn't vote for MAGA). You say Democrats didn't do enough to make things better, but actually, they did quite a lot considering their razor-thin majority in the Senate. If people had given Democrats a bigger majority, they could have accomplished more... Even if you are right that they "did nothing," that is still not the same as voting for the current mess. At most, "doing nothing" might create conditions to make people feel like they have to vote for an alternative, but, as has been noted many times, the people who did not vote Democrat because Biden didn't fix the Middle East are probably not going to be happier under Trump. I really can't wrap my head around blaming the Democrats for "this," and the idea that they somehow actively voted for this is as preposterous as Jewish space lasers.
Democrat is not the only alternative - Jill Stein? - The Dems clearly did not address the concerns of those who voted Dem last time but did not this time. What were their concerns? Have you considered what they might be? The Dems need an over-haul. They helped to usher in the oligarchs by maintaining the status quo rather than recognizing the effects of late stage capitalism and mitigating the effects on the people, the ones upon whom this economy is built but not built for. AIPAC chokehold to support a foreign country and its genocide robs Americans of billions that they could have used to address their own concerns.
You mean 'this' Jill Stein who hung out with Putin and Flynn in Russia? It was a dinner celebrating Russian 'journalists'. I wouldn't vote for her in a million years.
The fact is she went to promote peaceful disarmament and met also with peace groups in Russia. Her agenda was not hidden nor did she accept any payment or reimbursements. Any accusations beyond this are not factual.
Riiight. A peace envoy representing no one but herself.
Her previous candidacy was a 'nothing burger'...but she sure was a 'spoiler'.
Until a third party candidate has a snowball's chance in hell, it is a foolish choice.
The only candidate who could have pulled off a win in that category was Sen. Sanders but the Dems, being clear of his potential to garner a slew of votes, invited him to run in the Democratic primaries. Then 'stabbed him in the back'.
The world needs to stop panicking about Trump. We need instead to look at the power and influence of the cabal of billionaires in the USA that surround Trump and were on stage with him at the inauguration. Wr also need to look at the other authoritarian rulers world wide this cabal has been instrumental in putting in place. Trump is merely a symptom and symbol - as well as being a destraction from the real power brokers. We need to get clear on that and come up with strategies for taking our power back from the cabal.
I agree with you. Trump is but a puppet as a figurehead of the TechBros. We've been here before in the Gilded Age of the 1890's. The difference now is their control of internet based media. At that time, they controlled the railroads. We can and must fight back as Americans.
As for Europe, they must look at this as a unifying time. NATO, WHO and other organizations around the world must do without the US and become stronger. The US needs Canada and Mexico. We need a strong Europe. We need a strong Asia. They, together, should develop strategies to not need the US, for I believe, things are going to get worse before they get better, but I believe they will get better.
We all feed the cabal. The nice lady in my yoga class who drives a Tesla. My liberal sister with daily Amazon deliveries. My perpetual Instagram story posts. What are we willing, or even able to give up?
I think you are right except that it is not an "either-or" situation; both categories of danger are still dangerous. One reflects, enables and promotes the other. One feeds and enriches the other. It is the underlying inhumane, un-American (or should be un-American) principles that need to be overthrown, and those people or the categories they are in, should be overthrown.
Yvonne, now that the orange man has the United States in total chaos, those other authoritarian rulers are planning and strategizing how they can acquire more land and more power. Our world will be ruled by thugs like the orange man and the citizenry will be like pawns in their world domination chess game!
You have to feel sorry for our neighbor to the North. They must feel like they're part of a set of conjoined twins, where your sibling is an ax murder.
I am so profoundly sad and ashamed that "America" has done this to our country and to the world.
The American citizens who voted for this must hate this country so deeply that most of us cannot even fathom that kind of mentality.
I wish there were some way to let other countries know which "side" we voted on, but there is no way. We are all just "Americans" and that old term "the ugly American" has us all looking like donald trump, and there is NO uglier American - or "American" more precisely - than he is.
Seeing images of him at the desk with those stacks and stacks of executive orders to be signed, his sharpie pen in hand, is like seeing a chimp with its own feces to throw.
He reacted to the wise words of Bishop Budde spoken at the National Cathedral with such vile malice in the same way that Dracula reacted to seeing a crucifix; he recoiled in fury. This is a monster inflicted on the world. To all those who want us to love and embrace those who summoned, welcomed, invited, fed the monster into our midst, applauding him as he defiles all that we hold dear, praising his terrorism, I say to them: no. There are Americans and there are "Americans" and they are not the same, not at all the same.
To Canada, the real Americans are so very, very sorry and we wish you could distinguish us from those who are destroying the world. Nous sommes vos amis. thump est repugnante. Organize the world to stop him - please.
I too don’t like Trump’s behavior toward Canada. To Canadians, many of us didn’t vote for Trump and don’t like they way they treat you. We are ashamed of it and think you deserve better.
I share all your well expressed sentiments. I sit in abject horror and am struggling to interact with family who voted for him (unfathomable even before his reign began).
The people who did not vote at all are in the majority. It is the non voters who decided this election. I call that ignorance and a failed protest. Now we all will suffer.
A fully fascist USA is a threat to the entire planet, the rest of the world better start preparing now. Giving this vile vindictive man the power of nukes is insane. Seems like we are doomed to drag down the rest of the world with us in our idiocy.
The Evangelical nutjobs are counting on DJT to jumpstart Armageddon & the " Second Coming ". Armageddon will just leave lots of skeletons, corpses & vultures. God, that's depressing.
The Bible NEVER EXPLICITLY mentioned a " rapture ". " Caught up in the air " could mean sucked up by a TORNADO. 🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️OR BEING BEAMED UP TO A TRANSPORTER ROOM. 😆😄😅👽🖖
Wrong again, Harold Camping / Camping out waiting for a rapture that ain't happening.....🍭🍭
This is 100% a religious right move to use DT to create a theocracy. We must not pretend otherwise. White Christian nationalists will stop at nothing and the billionaires are using them to advance their agenda and get richer.
Tim Snyder's first lesson in his book On Tyranny is Do Not Obey in Advance. The Democrats are doing this by not raising a fuss. This gives Trump the time needed to normalize his radical directives.
I live in a very red state and our institutions are under attack. Our legislature is trying to defund our libraries, our public broadcasting, even our veterans services, and trying to cripple our public schools by introducing private school vouchers. It's a full frontal assault on our basic freedoms. Those here in power are following DJT's playbook. There is a lot of push back from the left, but yet I am surrounded by many who voted for the current administration and do not see the threat to their own lives.
The danger is very real. It's happening very fast.
That's not wholly fair. 24 Democrat-controlled states are suing Trump over his executive order to end birthright citizenship. Some Democrat governors are promising to take make laws and take legal action to stop Trump implementing some of his policies. For example, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker vowed to protect women who travel to Illinois for abortions and defend environmental regulations. He also said the state would take legal action if necessary to prohibit federal grants from being withheld from blue states that do not cooperate with Trump’s deportation efforts. It is true, however, the others are taking a more conciliatory approach (Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro, for example) but it remains to be seen whether this will succeed. I totally agree that the Democrat party needs to find a common approach to this assault on basic liberties.
Professor Reich: that was an impressive piece of writing: eloquent and damning. and living overseas as i do, directly in the path of another russian invasion (if it occurs), i find this assessment both accurate and terrifying.
Can i just say from the outside (australia) WHY has no attention been paid to how this clown got control? He says a LOT of things, that make little sense, but on multiple occasions Donald Trump has TOLD YOU WHAT HES DONE. As per Rachel Maddow, he said on multiple occasions, to half empty rallies, that he didnt need their votes, THAT THEY HAD ALL THE VOTES THEY NEEDED, so the rally goers neednt bother going to vote. Then he carries on at the inauguration about elons vote counting computers and credits him for winning in Pennsylvania. There is NO WAY trump was going to risk losing again, so elon came up with his beautiful vote counting computers as a solution and trumps behaviour changed. His word salad changed.
Youve been had by a rich nerd and his geriatric frontman. This is why techbros got front seats at inauguration. They are basically the president, he is a marionette with a lust for the appearance of power. He doesnt mind sharing that so much.. especially when techbros get him up against the wall to remind him exactly what he owes them.
I agree with all that you have said. It disgusts me that the Democrats decided to proceed without even looking into the matter. In my opinion, they took too many high roads in this election. A madman, indeed, is now running the country with the help of the worst among us.
He was compared to Nero. I compared him to Caligula, maybe even Emperor Qin of imperial China. He ingested MERCURY & went completely OFF THE RAILS & HOMICIDALLY INSANE.
The largest percentage of eligible voters didn't vote Republican, nor Democrat. They voted their belief that voting makes no difference anymore, protests aren't heard, even violence doesn't seem to make a dent, the entire system is broken, nobody is really interested in representing their interests, their needs... They voted their disappointment and disillusionment. They stayed home. All the finger pointing and blame solves nothing, it just reinforces their belief that their vote is only required to justify a corrupted electoral process. And until the Democrats start BEING the party that actually shows, by deeds as well as words, they are willing to work for the betterment of Americans instead of this constant "now, now, mummy knows best, just do what you're told" attitude, we will continue to elect the dregs. Bernie and AOC have been and continue to be sh*t on from a great height by the DNC unwilling to give up any power to progressives who people do like, do want to vote for, do believe in - and we end with the Trumps of this world as a result. I moved away from this craziness some time ago, now live and am a citizen of one of those dreadful socialist countries (New Zealand), where I'm just going to pop some corn, sit back, and watch the implosion - all this in four days? It's now a race to see who is destroyed first, Trump or the country...
Yet I ‘doubt’, AOC or Bernie will stop fighting, it’s who they are. Elizabeth Warren and many others are nose to nose with the enemy of every American citizen. Our unflinching support is needed!
I dumped my X account and refuse to go there. As for FB, my feed has, starting about a month or 2 ago, been stuffed with feeds from RWNJs. I block them and more come to surface. This is all planned. I wonder if others have had this issue as well, I can't believe I'm alone in this.
Nope. I don’t believe the “Ukrainians are done for”, not for one minute. Russia is on its heels as well, and even Trump said publicly Putin was destroying Russia.
Not sure there was much to ever admire of America. We have always been rotten to the core but did a good job of covering to up with falsehoods and half truths. We’ve been on this path to this extremism for quite some time. We no longer trust experts and even when truth stares people in the face it is ignored because the damage has already been done. Trump likes to call it the “golden age” but I’m afraid we are entering into the dark ages yet again.
Suggest you take a trip to the beaches of Normandy and take in the sacrifice as JUST ONE example of what to admire and respect in America - the golden generation sacrificed much, for what we (the west) have taken for granted until now. I am Australian, a 'baby-boomer', and have always admired America. I have read your history and there is much to admire. It is with deep concern and disbelief, that I see the attack on your institutions and values by this neo-fascist. The election outcome with the extraordinarily high proportion of non-voters, and the corruption of your SCOTUS, and judiciary are just some examples of a complacency and/or deep rot of values, the causes of which must be understood, so it can be counteracted.
…and alongside that golden generation of Americans ..were Brits ,and Canadians, and Australians , and Poles and others ..who had been in the battle from the start in 1939 …and whose fathers were there in 1915 and .whose grandchildren were dying in Afghanistan and Iraq …and now look on in disbelief .
Some of us are organizing. I live in MAGA Florida & belong to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. We have formed committees for racial justice, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, feeding the unhoused, and many other worthy causes. Community service AT THE LOCAL LEVEL and involvement is the key. Small actions add up! Do what you can, even if it seems like it amounts to nil. We can’t do anything about the insane and erratic behavior of trump & his minions. But we can try to protect our most vulnerable. I will continue to attend school board meetings. I am a speech pathologist who worked for the schools. I’ve already spoken against Moms For Liberty at a meeting , and will continue to do so. Every small step counts! We must not let our great country be stolen from us by radicals.
Thank you Lisa for writing. Your comment serves as a critical reminder that one’s perspective from the outside looking in fails to account for the millions of us who are called to work as well as we can to safeguard our democracy, protect our most vulnerable communities and also our planet.
Indeed, amid one of the most terrifying moments in our nation’s history, I take heart from the presence of the increasing numbers who, like you, persist in remaining engaged in ways that initially may not seem particularly relevant to the larger struggle of resisting authoritarian and divisive agendas and building a democracy that works for us all. I take heart because none of us can predict when the causes we support will capture the public imagination, and our once-lonely quests transform into a mass moral awakening.
A BiG problem here is that too many ignorant OR younger people who did not read or understand history and WILL NOT RECOGNIZE FASCISM or how an authoritarian government comes about when they see it. Everyone has felt safe and protected for so long, they feel free to do anything break the laws! Big question: Will the USA wake up in time?
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it, us along with them now.
The breadth and depth of ignorance in America is stunning. Watch old episodes of Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" or any number of other "man-in-the-street" Q&A videos on YouTube; the vast majority of Americans interviewed can't answer almost any basic questions on politics, history, geography, math, science, technology, you name it.
Some are just wrong, but most are completely stumped, no clue. Forget nuances like how authoritarianism leads to fascism, most have no idea of the definitions of different types of governments, so Socialism is used as a scare word by Republicans.
The most shameful are the COLLEGE kids who know nothing!
This is a problem that starts in the public schools and extends to college. Public schools systemically disempower young people—at no point in their time in the public education institution are they involved in local political/civic matters. They are kept in a box (classroom) or allowed outside their pen to play sports (no threat to status quo local power there). Learned helplessness. This is not young peoples fault—it’s an institutional power play by the older gen’s who have created a system where young people graduate with useless knowledge because they have not been involved with the real activities of life and community.
I was on a school board and wrote a policy to have a student be a school board member. Clearly stated that board wanted to hear about important matters from their point of view and/or those of the student body. The superintendent stepped in as soon as I had left the board and restricted the student to talking only about “good news”—winning football games, etc. Rest of board did nothing.
As a requirement of graduation, young people either individually or in groups should be required to try to pass a bill at some level of government—whether for a major policy (lowering voting age to 16 may be an example) or even putting up a stop sign at a dangerous intersection. Instead, they are required to ask for a pass to go to the bathroom.
Notice for yourself how public school students are taught to stay far away from power. How helpless and beholden we have made them.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.”
—Ben Franklin
The christian nationalists are strongly against public education. They want "charter schools" so they can begin religious indoctrination as young as two years old. This is verifiable, although I can't site a reference here. My 11 yr old granddaughter in MN will not be taught cursive writing even though many people still use it. This will make it hard for her to read anything written by hand. Many kids get little grammar so they do not understand how to write, they are too "bored" to read an entire book, and there is no one asking them challenging questions requiring interpretation of the great works of literature because many of the teachers don't know them. There is often no music education or it is very limited even though learning music is helpful to many other subjects. Instead of public school there is lots of "home schooling" where the parents may not teach science, literature or other subjects but spend time every day on the Bible. I have tried here, and in other places including commenting on the NY Times, to alert people about the dangers of the christian nationalists who are behind a lot of what is going on with Trump (who is NO christian). Everyone who is asking "why" and "how" should read the considerable literature on this group (books, articles and commentary) to be informed. Mr. Reich never addresses them. Why not? Involvement means recognizing what we are dealing with, as the GOP MAGA people are not truly christian but they are aligned behind the belief that they are destined by God to run the government after they take it apart. Please, commenters, read about this group!!! The Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a group founded in 1947 dedicated to preserving religious freedom and defending church-state separation. They suggest we all know some of the most powerful "influencers" (many of whom are very wealthy).
Remember when Obama was running and the GOP was up in arms that he would install Sharia Law because they thought that he was a closeted Muslim. How is Christian Nationalism any diff than Muslim Sharia Law??? I see allot of similarities. The promotion of only a certain type of individual, in the Christine Nationalist case that would be Male, White, the richer the better and all other forms of life are seen as subservient and inferior. The schools are primarily religious indoctrination and woman should keep the house and be baby makers if they manage to survive childbirth without proper medical care. Oh yeah and if they get tooo uppity they should be punished. (Quoting one of the speakers at the GOP National Convention who said that if the girls are bad they should be spanked). I think we are being taken over by Christine Nationalist Sharia Law.
Very important point, Jeannette. Indoctrinating children is child abuse. Since such abuse often takes place at home, and is a widespread phenomenon, we ought to offer a course in comparative religion at the high school level.
Public charter schools (and some private schools) are the only ones in our community that are involving young people in relevant matters. I see their students attending and observing in the courts, at town meetings, growing and preparing food, helping at the food bank. I asked some of the students if they like their schools and every single one said they “loved” them. Public charter schools are not the same as Christian nationalist schools—in fact most are progressive.
Although I’m a Dem, this is one issue the Dems are putting the political needs of teachers union members (who are a force in traditional district schools—in our community, those are the most boring and disempowering schools with—as a general rule— the most mediocre teachers and close-minded, fear-based administrators) ahead of the needs of young people for a more relevant and personalized education. The latter is where many public charter schools have filled the void. I live in a rural community, but this is especially the case in cities.
Ok. Then what?
Uneducated, ill informed, and dumb people will follow the leader. Scary.
Many well educated individuals feel a need to follow a leader. We are a tribal species.
Yes, but... Public education, just like private/religious education, can be politicized and weaponized. Totalitarianism starts at the grade school level. We need to preserve the Department of Education to make sure that our values are not violated, and that the quest for truth is not derailed.
I'm not sure I agree, Liz. The public school where I went was quite strict with rules, as were pretty much all schools back then. Nevertheless, I got a thorough education in civics, government, and history. A school environment needs to be structured, if learning is to take place.
Rather, I think the deliberate, GOP-planned dumbing down of students since at least the Reagan years is the root of the appalling, widespread ignorance today. The concept of teaching only for tests is a main factor. Also, keeping teachers on comparatively low salaries and starving public school districts of funds for books and supplies does irreparable damage. Teaching today is a thankless job, and all too frequently, teachers are slotted into curricula far outside their areas of expertise, per my reading.
Certainly, engaging students in real-world activities has advantages, but the undermining of the learning process itself is where ignorance is originating, IMO.
Engaging young people in real world activities IS educating them. But we have cheaped out: the process has been mechanized, depersonalized, intentionally isolating young people from the rest of society.
Used to be that older adults would take young people (past elementary school age) under their wing as apprentices (around 14 years old) to gain mastery over solving very complicated problems. Have you ever seen the inside of an old watch, or how complicated it was to weave cloth, to design and sew clothing 200 years ago? Incredible. So, in these times the complicated problems are different (using technology to solve problems, etc.). But learning has become bureaucratic big business with administrators and unions in charge of the system—not a personalized way to pass along relevant skills from one gen to the next. We drop young people off at a large building that often looks like a prison and say, “good luck!”. For 13 years, jam a whole bunch of young people in rooms, ring a bell every 40-50 minutes, have them shuffle to the next room, feed them government surplus cheese as pizza mostly every day, give them a piece of paper at the end.
You do know that’s what traditional public school is like for most young people?
And then we call the adults that the traditional public school system spits out “ignorant.” Do we see why that would be? It’s more than a Republican v. Dem issue. It’s a systemic problem.
You SAID right. The "Man on the Street" interviews by Leno were revealing.... more like frightening!
You are right too many have no appreciation of democracy and the price paid in lives and treasure to defeat authoritarianism so we can live in freedom. And almost half the electorate was willing to live under a dictator.
No. They don’t recognize fascism and they don’t care. To be fair, some of them hated Trump’s racist and sexism antics. But most of them don’t get it. That is largely the fault of their elders who failed to teach them. Those who voted for him loved it. They were all in. The pain that he will cause will change their minds. But it wil only be after the awful pain that he will bring to everyone.
I think our only hope is to get rid of dark money and the lies. Bring back the "Fairness Act" and/or something better. The amount of money and lies Trump used is obscene. If we allow this to continue, we will not have anything resembling fair or truthful, just the sham to continue like we are witnessing now in real time. Lies and money is what fueled the Hitler movement too. Read the book by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history and authority on authoritarianism. It is titled "Strongmen, Mussolini to the Present".
I appreciate all of these comments. The last 9 years have been eye opening for me as well as an education! Growing up, spending K-11th grade in a Catholic school did little to inspire a young girl in a Catholic school. I lost myself in books all those years in a quest to learn more about life. I was unable to convince my parents to allow me to attend public school until my senior year (needed parental approval). My final year was a real eye opener, one that I would not have traded in a million years.
The time is now & we are walking up more quickly than anyone could have expected or guessed. Will that save that day? I'm not here to speculate - I'm here to help educate so that those who can be shifted will be shifted.
I agree with you Lisa Hansen & Barbara Jo Kreiger. I cannot get distracted by perspectives, as real or newsworthy or fact-based as they might be. I have only so much room for fear in my heart & I can't give way to it.
Keep in mind that the election result was microscopic - that factors aplenty brought it to bear - and that there is a portion of the population who (for whatever reason) drank the Kool-aid. History has shown us what happens when you guzzle that stuff.
I take heart in the men & women (like Robert Reich & all of us here, Andy Borowitz, Heather Cox Richardson, Jen of the Contrarian, women federal judges signing pardons under duress but saying that whitewash will not cover up the Jan 6th truth that we saw with our own eyes, my US Senators Murray & Cantwell, Senators Collins & Murkowski, Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, and uncountable others) who are summoning the will & resources to oppose dictatorship
Even here on small Whidbey Island, WA we have 1,000 members in Whidbey Indivisible. We are strong when we are together. Like that old story about how you can break twigs one-by-one but tnot when they are bound into a bundle.
Will we go from democracy to oligarchy to tyranny and back to democracy in my lifetime? I have no clue. All I have is to join with others to make hope possible rather than despair convincing. Let's look for our bundle & become part of it.
If you don’t include the poor and working class, and schedule meetings and events at times when more people can go, everything you say sounds good but amounts to hot air.
Please do not presume who is or is not doing something before you weigh in with your opinion about how something should be done.
Respect invites questions that serve us better than judgments.
Eeeeeeek! Why did you share this horrible link?
The name changes but this link keeps appearing on this substack. Report it.
I have reported it at least 10 times - if others take 10 secs to report it, the sub stack admins will take it down (this is about the the "Brain fog" advertisement)
This anti immigrant drum beat is racist. Unlike Europe's which is cultural/religious.
The majority of people who come in via our southern border are cultural conservatives, and after they settle in get naturalized and vote they vote Republican.
They are Cathlics, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, thus misogynistic, patriarchal and homophobic.
For example, Mayra Flores is a naturalized citizen who entered illegally, she is also the Congress critter from Texas 34, and she is an anti immigrant, misogynistic, homophobic Trump Humper
Don't believe me, google her.
Oddly, it takes me to an ad (sounds like you're seeing something else)...but in any case, you can click on the 3 dots and report. I did (as spam).
I keep reporting it, it shows up in everyone of his posts.
It is on many other good stacks too....I keep reporting it but then I wonder if that just gives them the attention or number of clicks they are after to get paid?
I also reported it! 👍
Stop posting this stupid ad on all the platforms. It is totally out of place and irrelevant.
You might be talking to a bot.
Report it. Replying doesn’t go anywhere.
A serious matter is being discussed and best you can offer is an AD???
Sandra, this is spam - that's why it's so strikingly irrelevant. The poster hopes we'll click on it and buy something - or worse - have a handshake with your computer. SubStack has got to screen this brain fog ad out - but the names are different on each posting. If we have to authenticate our membership, how is it this as Bot gets through?
Thank you, Lisa!!!! You give me hope, and many great ideas for positive action.
Thank you Lisa! We ARE out here and I agree small actions add up. We may not make it into the press, but we are doing the work of resistance!
Thank You.
All of political actions have to be local …
Not unless you believe a god will come to earth and And save us all from our sins of selfishness and the abuse of others humans.
Trumpet and the republicans have exploited the weaknesses of our constitution and system of laws to gain control of the Federal Government the Judicial Legislature ( you Mr Mike Johnson) and the executive branch s all at once .
We need a constitutional convention to rewrite our system of government to remove our antiquated system the Supreme Court and the Electorial College.
Get most of the money out of POLTICS ( money is the mother’s milk of POLTICS) and restore the system of laws to help the citizens of the country not just the owners and upper classes…
A Constitutional convention is the last thing anyone should want. A Con con would lead to the total undoing of the Bill of Rights, other than the Second. Think people have their shorts in a bunch about the 14th now? Gone.
Women’s right to vote? Pfft!
The 22nd? Outta here.
Rethink this.
Trump hacked our elections. Our founders fought to give us a Constitution and a bill of rights. For 248 years men and women fought to keep us free. Trump is an Oligarch that our founders fought against!
I will be wearing these kinds of shirts the next 4 years 👇
FELON Trump will be recorded in the Annals of History as the BIGGEST Mistake America EVER made.
I don't think anyone expects to do a constitutional overdo with Trump in power. After we get him out of here!
I think there will be very little people will accept to be removed. I mention SOCIAL SECURITY Often attacked by conservatives as socialism in fact during Bush II there was talk of letting people voluntarily leaving SS and use the stock market instead ( very profitable for brokerage houses) .
This Discussion ended when the stock market collapsed due to wild banking practices. I have faith in the populaces ability to make reasonable choices.
BTW the entire federal government backs the SS system.
yes, I remember my mother parroting this about privatizing Social Security and thinking maybe it would be good.. I told her she was crazy as she hardly understood any of her investments. A few months later the stock market crashed. She then denied she had ever supported privatizing Social Security.
It’s sunshine and balloons until the market crashes. BTW the biggest investment ever was the war bond investments of WW2 .
The people giving money to the government to build war machines and fund research into atom bombs it worked
The government paid back every dollar…
Fair warning, Marla. Trump and the Heritage Foundation, and their allies, want a constitutional convention to create an entirely new constitution and a new country, one in which the pursuit of happiness is obeying the Word of God--as they interpret it.
Citizen J: the Constitution isn't the problem. The problem lies with many of the people who swore an oath to protect and defend it.
Constitutional Conventions are the dark alley you should be afraid to walk down.
In theory, a constitutional convention to remove antiquated provisions that don't work would be helpful. However, the way our politics exist right now, a constitutional convention would cause more harm than benefit. All of the destructive policies that Trump is pursuing could be codified.
In fact, right now, plutocrats like the Kochs seek a constitutional convention to codify their anti-freedom policies. Article V of the Constitution provides that, if the legislatures of two-thirds of the states agree, a convention to amend the Constitution will be called. A number of Republican state legislatures, frighteningly close to the two-thirds needed, have already approved calling for a constitutional convention.
Even though our Constitution could use some updating, maintenance of a democracy ultimately depends on elected officials acting in good faith. No matter how many laws we have, we depend on those in power to follow them. In the end, it's on us ordinary folks to elect competent people who will serve the country and not just themselves.
Montana and Wyoming need to be taken over by the LA expats. To prevent the electoral college and any constitutional convention being taken over by states with more cows than people.
I live in a small Montana town. We have found the CA refugees moving in to be decent people, leaving CA and its ways. There are places that have lots of CA $$ coming in, but not where I live.
From what I’ve read, Montana and Wyoming are being taken over by oligarchs.
libertarians invested in the extractive industries.
Good point someone out there will want to count cows ( + -) some will want added votes for abused pets, or certain plants convert more co2 to o2 …. Federal ban on Fur more only electrical cars, immediate death penalty for smoking . And of course only one religion, one book ( the Bible) only vegan food etc…
But Carolyn....on all seriousness, how many "competent" candidates do we ever get to vote for? As one example, here in Ohio, in 2022, our U.S. Senate candidates were JD Vance and Tim Ryan. We all now know what Vance is, but Ryan came across as an idiot. I voted for him, as Vance was loathesome, but I really resented it that my choice was between two losers.
The Dems need to get a grip and start fielding candidates who can connect with people and who aren't obviously bought.
Denise - I was hoping that Sherrod Brown would run for governor because Amy Acton doesn’t seem to stand a chance (female and was for Covid protections) if we don’t get someone who has a hope of winning we will end up with ramaswary or yost. I would say “or worse” but I don’t think that it could get even worse than all of the republicans who have announced that they are running. At least Brown has experience and actually gives a damn about Ohio voters. Big sigh.
What? Are you working for the Kochs now? They’ve been working on a new constitution for years and just waiting for a convention. We saw how the right wing overtook our politicians. We know they want our constitution.
We need to be sure that we don’t go backwards but it is possible to rewrite our constitution to make it more revenant.
Some would say “ First We Kill All the Lawyers” then we rewrite the constitution but the ratification method has to be 100% Mandatory Voting by the population of the country and eliminate the electoral college concept completely .
Perhaps a section by section revision a step at a time.
Reining in the Supreme Court would a definite benefit and claw backs also.
NO I DONT WORK FOR THE KOCH BROTHERS . But they will find me if my opinions will impact their plans…
Probably not a positive for me personally…😱
Revenant? It already needs to be revenant. May it haunt the people who flout it in so many ways.
The people would have as much input into a new constitution as they have into DOGE. Yes, we may need some updates what we will get will change this country more than a second trump administration and not for the betterment of the common good.
I’m more optimistic.
Australia rewrote its constitution; for example if an updated constitution could be more good . If the total tax rate was uniform throughout the population .
Or prisons were only one kind not our crazy white collar crime country club hostel vs gritty local prisons.
We need to change or trumpets 🎺 type will exploit corrupt lawyers on the Supream court . Did king Solomon go to law school ? More improvements than decifets.
Where are the calls for a boycott of Amazon, X, Facebook, and Tesla? Money talks, as we have seen. It can work both ways.
We belong to a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Frederick MD, and our congregation is also actively fighting for those rights that Lisa mentions. I'd suggest that anyone who has concerns about the impact of Trump's policies on at-risk communities check out a UU congregation. All are welcome, even members of other religions, and it might give people an opportunity to work for justice even if their own churches don't actively fight for justice.
Good on you, Lisa! I agree wholeheartedly that any positive change from now on will come from the bottom up, quietly but steadily and out of sight of the MAGA collaborators.
There is a congregation in Pensacola, which is where Democrat Gay Valimont is running to win the seat formerly held by Matt Gaetz. Even though I'm here in Georgia, I am donating money and time to her campaign. She appears to be a very, very good person!
Thank you so much, Lisa, for your post. If we only focus on what’s horrible, our energy will be drained in 2 seconds. If we can ask ourselves, what actions can we take for the good, then we do get energized. And hyper local does seem to be the way to go right now. Although yesterday, I set up a recurring monthly $10.00 pledge to the ACLU. If enough of us do this, or give only $5.00/month, if that’s what you can reasonably afford, it adds up. Here’s some math: $5.00 x 300,000 people per month = $1.5 million PER MONTH. The ACLU needs money like that, to protect those facing insanely unfair deportation, eg. Or donate to the Sierra Club. Anything. A famous Jewish saying that’s about 2000 years old and attributed to Rabbi Tarfon goes, essentially, like this: “ You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it, either.” Whatever spiritual, religious, and/or secular humanitarian values one has, now is the time to put those values into action.
I am so glad this is the first comment I saw. I am in FL and am desperate to find a group here that is fighting for these things locally. I will look into UU. Also, the Quakers (although smaller in numbers I suspect) are usually involved in local activism. I am going to try and find a meeting house as well. Keep up the fight! There are lots of us here in FL fighting along side you.
It is so heartening to know we are not alone. Please do check out UU. 💙They offer so many ways to do good deeds.
I love that church. People who practice what they preach. Good luck in Florida.
Thank you. We need it here!💙
Lisa: noble work.
I hope more of us will join these kinds of efforts.
There are no "nil" actions, as you say.
Thank you.
I would add that I do not think Trump is acting insanely.
His actions are all calculated and supported by forces who remain largely invisible to us.
It is calculating autocracy and power grabbing.
Our elected reps need to stand up and shout out.
My elected rep is a do-nothing Democrat. He couldn’t even make an appearance to extol the work that the Biden admin had been doing. From the infrastructure package to $35 insulin, not a word was heard from that do-nothing. He should have been shouting from the rooftops. Did not make an appearance. Yet he was elected again. I don’t think he even had any competition. So I have no faith in elected politicians. It must be from the grassroots.
I am also very disappointed in the lack of any response & worse, those Dems who are switching sides. Two of our reps here in FL ran and won as Democrats, then promptly switched to GOP. That’s fraud!
Fellow UU here…. In White Plains NY. Yes! We are organizing. We are standing up for democracy, ourselves & others. NY could lead the opposition if the democrats do not allow themselves to be cowed & silenced.
Thank you for your good work, Lisa. Big hugs from NYC.
Thank you, Dianne. NY is my home state. I wish it was possible for me to move back💙
INVOLVEMENT is the key! "Small actions add up." Well said ..."be the Voice, not the Echo" (a little plaque found at Goodwill)
Thank you, Lisa for writing and for doing things that should help make a difference. We retired to Florida and are sorry sometimes. As a former Early Childhood teacher, I am so disappointed and angry about what is happening in schools! Moms for Liberty is so frightening! Thanks for taking a stand against these things and for children and all those that are being persecuted.
I’m going to a school board meeting Monday. moms for Liberty is a hate group. We must excise them from public education.
My kingdom for a DRONE..........
There are few words I read in the course of a day (and I read a lot) when attached together in sentences that give me chills to the bone. These did. By not relying on the key catchphrases “Rule of Law”, “Law and Order”, “Unprecedented [insert latest crazy action here]”, and so on, the writer just cut deep through the fog into the horror show unfolding around us. Thank you for sharing this one. Much appreciated.
Rick, my only criticism of the piece is that he talked about a majority of Americans said "Yes, Please" to putting the felon back in power. In fact, a plurality of American voters did (77.3M), resulting in the 3rd-smallest vote margin since 1888. And when you add that to those who voted for Harris (75.02M) and the numbers of eligible voters who sat it out (said to be 90M), less than a third of the electorate voted for him, which is pretty consistent with the felon's popularity over time. I haven't even added the number of folks who voted 3rd party.
But otherwise, spot-on.
If you do the math of those who voted 3rd party, 2.5 million, he did NOT win the popular vote so NO, a majority of Americans did not say yes. The vote was NOT a mandate, but then, when it comes to MAGA and Trump, the facts have never been part of any equation.
True, Alicia. But if we can't get the apolitical and non-voter engaged, the recipe for disaster continues.
Absolutely agree! My comment pertained to the numbers of those who did bother to vote and the numbers speak for themselves. No popular vote win and no mandate.
I know several people (related) that never vote. Ever! I don’t understand the thinking behind this at all!🇨🇦
I think the non-voting, non caring crowd is mostly an American phenomenon. Most European nations, for example, have a history of actual warfare on their land. Makes people more engaged IMO.
It is nice to soothe your mind to think that he didn’t win a majority, but here we are. Nothing about what he is doing was unknown. Those that sat out are just as culpable. Giving up your voice means you have no voice, either in government or saying you didn’t vote for him.
So the key question is, what are you going to do about it? Trump nor the Republicans are going to give up power. At the very least you would think that most of what has been signed as EO should tank Republicans in two years, but that likely won’t be the case. Gerrymandering has all but destroyed elections and the next step is to just eliminate them. If you don’t think that will be tried you are foolish indeed.
I left the US for Canada 35 years ago, everything from healthcare to education is better here, but there has been the slow creep of “free market” neo liberalism that has seen those systems eroded. My greatest fear is becoming a part of the US, and once again here we are with what is supposed to be an ally alluding to taking over Canada.
I take no great comfort in the argument that he didn’t win a majority. He is still your president and thus your problem to solve.
I will resist becoming an American citizen as long as I am alive!!
Matthew, him winning by a slim margin doesn't soothe my mind at all. It makes me feel no better. I only said what Is said to counter the original author's statement that Americans said yes, please to another serving of trompy. But much of what you say repeats my thoughts.
As to what I'm doing about it, well, I did a fair amount before the election: writing and mailing postcards, making frequent donations, lawn signs, talking to people. Opportunities to resist and oppose are presenting themselves now, and I'm considering my next steps, as are millions of Americans.
So I'll send the question to you: you say you left the US for Canada 35 years ago, and are now finding a swing in the political situation. What are you doing about it?
I love Canada; it was the homeland of my ancestors going back to the mid-1600s. But we are staying here.
Cheers to you.
Who among us would like to make some predictions about the coming 4 years on earth?
DougThis is important for everyone in the US and internationally to understand. I agree that is misleading. The writer doesn’t understand the corrupted cheating and manipulations that got the Seditionist Felon in. He puts us all at fault when nothing could be further from the truth.This is one of many problems. We will all be placed in the MAGA pool.
As a Canadian, I think we do all realize that the majority did not vote for #47. Also, the majority did not vote against him. Many didn’t vote in this pivotal election. Same challenges here in Canada with voter turnout. Many, for whatever reason, did not see the glaring impact of a second term, even though it was glaringly obvious to many. An immersive lesson for many countries, including Canada, who are facing a rising tide of far right sentiment. I still can’t get my head around it. Those taking positive action will have the support of most Canadians (IMO), but for me, a second term for #47 has impacted my perception of safety in crossing the border. So I’ll view Mount Baker from afar, and dream again of hiking there in 2028 (hopefully). My heart aches for you.
Thank you, Joan. Canada is the homeland of my ancestors dating back to the mid-1600s. It holds a special place in my heart, and I hope that it isn't harmed by any of trompy's actions; also, that Canada resists this right ward movement.
A Good Life Many younger people flat out refused to vote for a Democrat because both Biden and Harris touted Israel as a friend despite the Genocide in Palestine.That was a big factor.
It doesn’t matter. The end result is still the same.
he DOES understand actually
He doesn’t say that at all.
Thanks. Great points. I’d just come off trying to decipher the blizzard of executive orders and memorandums issued on 1/20. His only reference to cost of food, shortage of housing, the main things the polls said were on the minds of voters, was a weakly worded, nonspecific, unaccountable Executive MEMO buried in stacks of lunacy he signed that day. Not even an official EO. Yet an avalanche of legally questionable, billionaire-relevant orders were right alongside it. And the Dems are still having tea and watercress sandwiches on inauguration day?? Seems however he slithered into the job, the opposition is asleep at the switch while we hurtle into a vast uncertainty that markets, bankers, employees, and parents don’t want. I only hope they wake up. Thanks again. Great points.
I certainly felt the same as I was reading this, hey, wait a minute, myself and my immediate cohort did not buy into this monster and his plans. Yet this writing is a piece of what one man in one country in this fragile globe is feeling right now. And I expect many more (women too) are feeling this way. So as has been expanded in many posts in this thread, we are going to fight this, we will do what we can, locally and for some of us nationally, to make this a dark shadow of our past that we overcame in future history books.
Thank you for pointing out the importance that the world should know, that the majority of United States voters did not choose trump. I am deeply angry at those Democrats who sat out the election because they couldn’t manage to vote for either candidate, unwittingly or even ignorantly, giving away their vote to trump. How anyone could not realize the dangerous disaster trump’s presidency would be,boggles the mind. I know educated people who voted for him thinking he wouldn’t do what he said he was going to do, which caused me to ask them why they would vote for someone who wasn’t going to do what he said he was going to do. What then was he going to do that was not clear to them? How could they not see this deplorable malignant narcissistic monster for what he is and the suffering that will follow…
It’s all he needed, just like Hitler
I think a way to think about this that matches up to Rick Herbst's reactions is to think of the enormous number of legal voters who chose not to vote at all. As things turned out -- and compared to the previous election -- these non-votes were effectively votes for Trump.
Rick, I agree with you and with the Canadian journalist, a person of courage, deep perception and eloquence, on all counts. Thanks to Robert for bringing this out, and to Mr. Coyne for his piercing view of our national tragedy. No doubt this view is widespread among liberal-minded readers from abroad. Resistance from the grass roots on up has become the best option for our survival as a nation, since a person can't negotiate with a madman, nor can one deprogram 75 million cultists in less than two years.
Grassroots is the only way we can turn this ship around and it will be slow and agonizing but we need to prop each other up when we lose hope and falter. Make smart decisions where and how you spend your money. Don't shop where DEI protections are being degraded or removed. Don't shop at Amazon or any of there affiliates (audio books, pet supplies, prescriptions, music, movies etc.) Hit these oligarchs where it hurts most.
Perfectly stated; I could not have done better even as an American. Although I still have that last iota of optimism that the Fourth Reich will implode out of its own hubris and overreach.
I hope you iota of optimism comes to pass.
The Right Wing / Greedy Old Putzes / MAGA Maggots may collapse from infighting.
Always follow the money!
That's now so easy to do, the grift and corruption is completely in the open. And the former "MSM" is not calling it out whatsoever, just normalizing it.
Yes, just like the battle of Bannon v. Muskrat.
We can count on that I think to some extent.
I hope so. If I could think of some way to make that happen I'd do it no matter the consequences to me.
Put them in a cage with a life size replica of a virginal minor holding a large bag of money, then watch them BEAT THE SHIT out of each other !
I'd enjoy the show for sure. LOL
Thank you. I think you’ve already put your finger on it. There will be fights between Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Both of them think they are have the world in their hands. I think they underestimate good people in the United States.
We cannot count on that at all; I wish that we could...
without too many innocent people harmed
I feel pretty letdown right now, but we all have to shake that off. We have to get up and do good things that show, this is a better life. Then people will wake up and follow us. But we can’t give up. I’m telling myself this as much as you.
O hope you are right.
I hope you're right. The country looks to be barreling towards becoming the world's best armed failed state.
Kerry, it’s a hope we must hold on to but one with plenty of obstacles.
America is on the road to ruin! This is what the White House Wacko, who pardoned and / or commuted all the Jan 6 criminals, told Sean Hannity when asked about the Capitol Police that were beaten by his MAGA CULT. Trump said there was some “very minor incidents”.
This proves beyond doubt that he has NO RESPECT FOR POLICE unless they are protecting him! News flash: Trump has no respect for anyone!
Congress has to unite to save our democracy by getting this maniacal disgrace out of the White House! America has to come together and fight against this madness!
Anyone who is reluctant to state unequivocally that an insane, sadistic, evil person now holds unfettered power over everything and everybody lacks the cognitive ability to see the reality in front of all of us. He is a madman. The short segments I saw of that show with his servant Hannity included a moment when he noted that Biden hadn't pardoned himself. There was barely concealed cunning in his eyes and voice. It was as if he could smell blood in what he perceived to be either a foolish mistake on Biden's part or a veiled challenge from Biden to "come and get him." Either way, you could see thump being aroused at the opportunity to either threaten Biden or harass him endlessly.
Of course he has, as you say, "no respect for police." The question is: why do any police, any of those sheriffs who formed an anti-law organization (!!! nobody talks about THAT particular un-lawful mob of "lawmen"!), any of the military, firefighters, ANY of the protectors - why do ANY of THEM respect/support/stand up for him??!! WHY??
And why in the name of anything sane is Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert anywhere but back in their local dive bars?! To hear Green about the pardoned January 6 criminals, to hear Boebert (and Green) plan to give them TOURS of the government buildings, to hear Green verbally attack a CNN reporter with vile language in the halls of OUR government - is another source of disgust, shame and anger.
To hear on the news that Man of Great Piety and Sanctimonious Religiosity, Speaker of the House Uriah Heep is telling the newly formed "investigation" of the January 6 attack on our government NOT to subpoena Cassidy Hutchison. And why? Because it would bring into the public view all of the sexual texts and contacts she received from many Republican members of Congress. Yeah, that's right.
Folks a reminder: if nothing else wakes you up, the fact that these are OUR tax dollars being used for this kind of garbage should!!! As Jimmy Kimmel said about thump's statement to his servant-boy Hannity, that he doesn't think "we should give any help to California," that thump is talking about returning "OUR" tax dollars TO US!" (to California, that is).
Well said, Annie.
He has great respect for police... as long as they are loyal to him. As long as they hate who he hates. As long as they attack who he hates. Those members of congress who were trying to ensure the peaceful transfer of power betrayed him. Mike Pence betrayed him. The cops who didn't just let them in to wreck shop betrayed him. That's why they were fair game. He's only loyal to cops who are loyal to him. You saw what happened to the black cop, Harry Dunn, who told one of the insurrectionists he voted for Biden. That rioter called him a "n*gger" and commenced to start whooping his @$$!
Loyalty folks, LOYALTY. But in this case, FEALTY.
and cal.,like many blue states,sends more $ to wash. than many red states do,I think
That is correct.
thanks for the confirmation,Diane
It's good to recall that Cassidy Hutchinson -- when she went to work in Trump's White House -- was much younger than Monica Lewinsky. (Still in college.)
Yes, she was very young. I have mixed feelings about Cassidy Hutchinson because she was a very dedicated thump/Mark Meadows follower, until January 6 happened. They didn't amazingly become bad guys on that date; they already were very bad guys who only got worse and worse. That said, she did make a difference in the efforts to hold the traitors accountable. If only Merrick Garland, et al had had similar courage....
My question will keep repeating about her then boss, now ghost: Where is Mark Meadows??
New question: Why didn't Biden pardon Cassidy Hutchinson? Nancy Pelosi? Alexander Vindman? Olivia Troye? .... and others of a long list of those who tried to stand up to the criminal overthrow of our government?
That's what lack of empathy & Narcissism does to people.
He doesn’t care. Like a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates. Noam Chomsky predicted 10 years ago he would take the world down with him. Of course we need to prove him wrong.
He blabs all of his whackaloon thoughts as if he thinks that no one is listening. He once talked about shipping out all the old & infirm, INCLUDING CHILDREN, & leaving them / us to die. He should reserve a place for HIMSELF, then, because HE'S NO ADONIS or Hercules either, except in his fucked - up excuse for a psyche.
gosh, wonder where he got that idea from?
KAO - A dude with a rectangular mustache who popularized a certain salute. & MAYBE partially the Spartans, who abandoned or killed male children who didn't show potential as warriors. 50 / 50.
King Leonidas or the Spartans may have ORIGINATED eugenics. Hitler made it " popular ".
Perfect description of 47. “a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates”. 👏👏 Have you read Mary Trumps first book? She is a not only his niece, but has a PhD in Psychology. She explains the toxic environment He grew up in and how his father shaped and molded him. Mary has lived and breathed his horror show since her early life. Let’s leave a legacy that says NO to his cruelty!
Anyone who is reluctant to state unequivocally that an insane, sadistic, evil person now holds unfettered power over everything and everybody lacks the cognitive ability to see the reality in front of all of us. He is a madman. The short segments I saw of that nauseating performance with his servant-boy Hannity included a moment when he noted that Biden hadn't pardoned himself. There was barely concealed cunning in his eyes and voice. It was as if he could smell blood in what he perceived to be either a foolish mistake on Biden's part or a veiled challenge from Biden to "come and get him." Either way, you could see thump being aroused at the opportunity to either threaten Biden or harass him endlessly.
You say, he “has no respect for police” but of course he has "no respect for police." He has no respect for anybody or anything that is not immediately to his advantage and his dominance. He is a madman. The question is: why do any police, any of those sheriffs who formed an anti-law organization that SELECTIVELY enforce only laws THEY agree with (!!! nobody talks about THAT particular un-lawful mob of "lawmen"), any of the military, firefighters, ANY of the protectors of public safety - why do ANY of THEM respect/support/stand up for him??!! WHY??
And why in the name of anything sane is Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert anywhere but back in their local dive bars?! To hear Green about the pardoned January 6 criminals, to hear Boebert (and Green) plan to give them TOURS of the government buildings, to hear Green verbally attack a CNN reporter with vile language in the halls of OUR government - is another source of disgust, shame and anger. The female versions of the lowest of the low that thump has put America in bed with.
(PSA time: Bed bugs. STDs. )
To hear on the news that Man of Great Piety and Sanctimonious Religiosity, Speaker of the House thump's personal Elf on the Shelf, Uriah Heep, is telling the newly formed MAGAt "investigation" committee of the January 6 attack on our government NOT to subpoena Cassidy Hutchison. And why? The report said it was because doing so would bring into the public view all of the sexually explicit texts and other contacts she received from many Republican members of Congress.
That raises another question: WHERE is MARK MEADOWS??
When do they hit the lowest possible point? Who are these people and who elects them? Have the rest of us been living in some kind of fairy tale-land where people are normal and decent? Are there any of those in our government – normal, honest, decent, morally sound?! People who hold decent values and stand up for them? Why were there ANY Democrats at that folly of an inauguration - or immolation as Federal Attorney John Flannery calls it?? Would they have attended the installation ceremony for Hitler too, you know, just because of "norms"??? Or free booze and food??
Folks a reminder: if nothing else wakes you up, the fact that these are OUR tax dollars being used for all of this kind of garbage should!!! As Jimmy Kimmel said about thump's statement to his servant-boy Hannity, that he/thump doesn't think "we should give any help to California," Kimmel reminded his audience that thump is talking about returning "OUR" tax dollars TO US!" (to California, that is, but to ANY state thump tries to play King with.) Like the fool that he is, he tried to put fake blame on a fish – two, or more, “birds” with one thump stone: environmental regulations, environmental protections, endangered species, blue-state California, nemesis Gavin Newsome, and greedy cruelty – all in one fell swoop: thump doesn’t want to “give” California any help. Well, a whole helluva a lot of us out here in AMERICA don't want to give thump any help!!
Cruel, sadistic monster. He is a lamprey eel to America’s tender salmon belly, sucking the life forces away to feed itself. Look up photo images of the lamprey eel. Think of thump’s open mouth.
The Madness of King George. Remember that? American patriots – ACTUAL patriots – fought a bloody, difficult war against him and his troops and his government. The 21st century has brought us The Madness of Wannabe King Don, or mob boss Sharpie Donnie and his “executive orders.” Today he signed the one to “release” the files on the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy. (“oooh, that’s a big one” he said. “All will be revealed,” he said.)
But what about Jeffrey Epstein, thump? Why aren’t you “revealing all” about Jeffrey Epstein? Not had time to take your sharpie to those records yet?
The most inhuman and inhumane cunning predator of our age. And he has seduced like Dracula.
clarification: djt has no respect for police unless they are doing his bidding- acting to inflict his revenge
That's not respect. That's exploiting them for his evil purposes, the way he uses everyone around him.
True, and remember Trump’s sociopathy also makes him a sadist, and one who doesn’t want to dirty his own tiny hands. He is content to have others do it for him.
djt has no "respect" for anyone, unless they have power.
You mean the republicans in congress have to unite against trump. They won't. They are Un-American fools.
He doesn’t care. Like a genetically engineered wrecking ball + dumpster fire. What he doesn’t destroy he desecrates. Noam Chomsky predicted 10 years ago he would take the world down with him. Of course we need to prove him wrong.
Keith, I know you are right but what if there really are more of them than us? What if the majority of citizens have hitched their stars to the orange man's wagon? It seems to be on a lot of e-mails I get that his popularity is soaring while a good man and a good president's is plummeting! I am so distressed, worried and frightened that no one will stop him! The United States use to be a beacon of light and hope for people around the world wanting freedom and a better life. That is not so anymore.
Republicans have made Congress dysfunctional because they want a constitutional convention to undo the Constitution.
Keith, I agree. Any by ANY means. I sincerely think the military should go in armed and physically remove the admin. They are illegitimately occupying our White House. But the biggest damage is done. The prisons COMPLIED with the monster. So many are complying…if we ALL refused, they cannot control us. They need the fear. And our military is derelict by not protecting the Constitution.
Can we please stop saying 'Americans voted for this'?!
That man did not even get 50%...of those who voted! 90+ million of eligible voters did not vote. A number of Americans voted for him but, no where near half!
He 'bested' Vice President Harris by a mere 1.4%!
A squeaker and certainly NOT a 'mandate' by any stretch of the imagination...and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
No, not even that is true. These election results were manipulated in various ways by Musk & others to make sure Trump prevailed regardless of the actual vote count, which most likely favored Harris. A thorough investigation & forensic audit should be conducted (should've been conducted over 2 months ago), as cybersecurity experts have been calling for, to verify results & get to the bottom of this.
Sure would've been a lot easier & less traumatic had it been done while Biden was still President, but it still should be done. And this tyrant is constitutionally disqualified! How could he have been allowed to get back into power, anyway? What an ineffective government we have! We have been so betrayed by those in power!
I saw a quote somewhere this week where the dumpster thanked muskrat for winning the election for him and said it was because of ‘the computer guys?’ Dis anyone else see that?
He said it at the pre-inauguration rally on Sunday night, so yes, everyone heard it and it was all over the media. Response to him sharing that the election was stolen by computer hacking: crickets.
I did. And am surprised nobody talked about it. But we are now in a different world.
Where? Can you find it? It was super suspicious also that he made that statement not far into Election Day that he was not worried; he knew they had the votes. When he says that, he means that he knew it was fixed for him.
Yes, & more recently he credited Musk, with his computer hacking skills for winning Pennsylvania for him.
I dont doubt it one bit.
My understanding is there is no evidence for this. Trump was just bragging about something that did not happen.
DJT is practically A YOGI / YOGIN of delusion. A Dalai Lama of dementia.
GOP & trump manipulated & interfered with the election in many, many ways. Trump’s remark is only tip of iceberg.
On this last point We and MAGA agree. The problem is that they see a rescuer in Trump, who in turn sees them as gullible, narrow minded xenophobes. We may not be able to overcome their xenophobia, but we must try to detach them from Trump. It will take time and effort.
BUT....Americans DID vote for this. Just not the majority of us. But we cannot ignore/deny that many of our neighbors and colleagues did. And many others abstained from voting.
Which means we must work even harder. But denying that many Americans DID choose this is not the place to start. We must face this hard work without blinders on.
The people who voted for this, with the exception of a few, did so because they agree with him and all the horrible things he wants to do. They’re on board with him.
You give people way too much credit for knowing what they are voting for.
I did not deny. Yes, Americans voted for him...way more Americans did not...including third-party.
I provided factual context. Despite the Republican narrative being pushed by politicians and pundits, there was no 'mandate'.
Therese, I am sorry if I phrased that in a way that sounded like I was criticizing you personally -- I was not. What I was thinking about was what I wrote: "we"....
Hi Therese
I said that "we" as progressive Americans cannot deny/ignore that there are many Americans who did vote for this, and I agreed it was not the majority. But I said that we can't deny/ignore this. It wasn't personal about you, though this comment sounds perhaps you thought so? I agree with your facts. AND...
And... I am faced with the Ugly Americans directly in my neighborhood daily. My neighbors all like fireworks and 4th of July and New Year's Eve are usually quite loud for 1-2 hours. I have lived here 10 years. I have never, ever heard as many fireworks for as long as I did as around 2 am of Nov 6th when the election was called for trump where I live (PNW).
Once I took a neighbor a painting I'd done for him (of his favorite plant) for a Christmas gift and he didn't open it, he just stood there and yelled at me for wearing a mask. Even though he knows I am on immune suppression for lung disease. We used to share garden produce. It took me months to paint him that gift. I suspect it ended up in the trash. I never received a thank you, only anger because I am protecting my health.
I want to be realistic and face the facts that even though not a majority, many people did choose trump. I understand the Canadian author's statement about being afraid of those Americans.
It is up to us -- you, me, others reading this Stack and others -- to both face the reality of what some people want this country to be AND to work to protect what this country could be if we ever did really live up to the ideals we espouse.
Peace, and keep doing your good works.
Therese Croteau ,Thank you! I agree that it is a cruel lie that "Americans voted for this". (And it must have been the Democrats, some say). B.S. The Republicans' long game and things like the Citizens United that allowed the sale of our country to anyone with the money to buy it, and the Courts. The federal courts, as Robert Reich has pointed out, may restrain trump and his supporters.
Citizens United made this possible. Also the propaganda stations like Fox ‘News’
Cold and prickly: yes. Without the Fairness Doctrine of old, placing guardrails around the news media. Propaganda flourishes and misinforms the voters. Presently anything goes. We see the results now. Even with a majority voting against tRump, hacked elections allow his very thin "win" 1.5 %,"squeaker".
Social Media has become a propaganda machine too.
with AI it's likely to get even worse. The technology and science of opinion manipulation advances with few guardrails in place.
True. It was the lies that elected him. Mind control of those who could not think for themselves.
Agree! Citizens United as well as repeal of the fairness doctrine, which is why Fox “news” can openly lie without repercussions. And unfortunately many people still believe that the so called news is true. Unless their leader deems it “fake news “ we’re basically living in the upside down 🙃
Yeah I was going to say that all of the serious attempt to take us down began during Reagan. He was the catalyst for things that we are still suffering from and I would say he's culpable for what's happening now. He's the one that started the culture wars to get more votes. I am 64 years old. And my lifetime I have seen Republicans do nothing but cheat and diligently take us down brick by brick. This is the culmination of a very long and concerted effort to destroy our democracy and bring back the gilded age.
The people who voted for him are American, ergo, Americans voted for this. Not all, certainly, but a significant number of them. It's not as though he got 10% of the vote and somehow won anyway, he had nearly half of American voters buying his lies.
The people who did not vote held the biggest influence. How sad is that?
Context counts.
Well, Americans, and yes, Democrats did Vote for this. How? The Dems did nothing in their four years to release the chokehold of AIPAC bought congressmen, did nothing ZERO to stop the manslaughter hell that is Gaza and now West Bank but in fact bankrolled it in the billions, did absolutely nothing to regulate the vulture health insurance industry but instead supported free healthcare in Israel. They did nothing to scrape America’s education system off the floor so voters would have actual critical thinking skills. They self righteously did not examine their own policies for tone deafness but rather pointed to the orange man so they wouldn’t have to.
I am trying to follow your logic but I am getting lost... When you say Democrats voted for "this," you must mean something like, "the current mess" (because they certainly didn't vote for MAGA). You say Democrats didn't do enough to make things better, but actually, they did quite a lot considering their razor-thin majority in the Senate. If people had given Democrats a bigger majority, they could have accomplished more... Even if you are right that they "did nothing," that is still not the same as voting for the current mess. At most, "doing nothing" might create conditions to make people feel like they have to vote for an alternative, but, as has been noted many times, the people who did not vote Democrat because Biden didn't fix the Middle East are probably not going to be happier under Trump. I really can't wrap my head around blaming the Democrats for "this," and the idea that they somehow actively voted for this is as preposterous as Jewish space lasers.
Democrat is not the only alternative - Jill Stein? - The Dems clearly did not address the concerns of those who voted Dem last time but did not this time. What were their concerns? Have you considered what they might be? The Dems need an over-haul. They helped to usher in the oligarchs by maintaining the status quo rather than recognizing the effects of late stage capitalism and mitigating the effects on the people, the ones upon whom this economy is built but not built for. AIPAC chokehold to support a foreign country and its genocide robs Americans of billions that they could have used to address their own concerns.
You mean 'this' Jill Stein who hung out with Putin and Flynn in Russia? It was a dinner celebrating Russian 'journalists'. I wouldn't vote for her in a million years.
The fact is she went to promote peaceful disarmament and met also with peace groups in Russia. Her agenda was not hidden nor did she accept any payment or reimbursements. Any accusations beyond this are not factual.
Riiight. A peace envoy representing no one but herself.
Her previous candidacy was a 'nothing burger'...but she sure was a 'spoiler'.
Until a third party candidate has a snowball's chance in hell, it is a foolish choice.
The only candidate who could have pulled off a win in that category was Sen. Sanders but the Dems, being clear of his potential to garner a slew of votes, invited him to run in the Democratic primaries. Then 'stabbed him in the back'.
The Repubs have improved rigging the system. Have a read of the latest analysis by Forensic economist Greg Palast in the Hartmann report.
It doesn’t matter and the rest of the world doesn’t care.
The world needs to stop panicking about Trump. We need instead to look at the power and influence of the cabal of billionaires in the USA that surround Trump and were on stage with him at the inauguration. Wr also need to look at the other authoritarian rulers world wide this cabal has been instrumental in putting in place. Trump is merely a symptom and symbol - as well as being a destraction from the real power brokers. We need to get clear on that and come up with strategies for taking our power back from the cabal.
I agree with you. Trump is but a puppet as a figurehead of the TechBros. We've been here before in the Gilded Age of the 1890's. The difference now is their control of internet based media. At that time, they controlled the railroads. We can and must fight back as Americans.
As for Europe, they must look at this as a unifying time. NATO, WHO and other organizations around the world must do without the US and become stronger. The US needs Canada and Mexico. We need a strong Europe. We need a strong Asia. They, together, should develop strategies to not need the US, for I believe, things are going to get worse before they get better, but I believe they will get better.
We all feed the cabal. The nice lady in my yoga class who drives a Tesla. My liberal sister with daily Amazon deliveries. My perpetual Instagram story posts. What are we willing, or even able to give up?
owe my soul to the company store
At this point I have deleted all things META,deleted X long ago,deleted my Amazon account. Ready to do more.
I think you are right except that it is not an "either-or" situation; both categories of danger are still dangerous. One reflects, enables and promotes the other. One feeds and enriches the other. It is the underlying inhumane, un-American (or should be un-American) principles that need to be overthrown, and those people or the categories they are in, should be overthrown.
Yvonne, now that the orange man has the United States in total chaos, those other authoritarian rulers are planning and strategizing how they can acquire more land and more power. Our world will be ruled by thugs like the orange man and the citizenry will be like pawns in their world domination chess game!
You have to feel sorry for our neighbor to the North. They must feel like they're part of a set of conjoined twins, where your sibling is an ax murder.
Canada has its own problems. Pierre Poilievre, the man who is the favorite to become Canada’s next leader, is a Trump copycat.
I am so profoundly sad and ashamed that "America" has done this to our country and to the world.
The American citizens who voted for this must hate this country so deeply that most of us cannot even fathom that kind of mentality.
I wish there were some way to let other countries know which "side" we voted on, but there is no way. We are all just "Americans" and that old term "the ugly American" has us all looking like donald trump, and there is NO uglier American - or "American" more precisely - than he is.
Seeing images of him at the desk with those stacks and stacks of executive orders to be signed, his sharpie pen in hand, is like seeing a chimp with its own feces to throw.
He reacted to the wise words of Bishop Budde spoken at the National Cathedral with such vile malice in the same way that Dracula reacted to seeing a crucifix; he recoiled in fury. This is a monster inflicted on the world. To all those who want us to love and embrace those who summoned, welcomed, invited, fed the monster into our midst, applauding him as he defiles all that we hold dear, praising his terrorism, I say to them: no. There are Americans and there are "Americans" and they are not the same, not at all the same.
To Canada, the real Americans are so very, very sorry and we wish you could distinguish us from those who are destroying the world. Nous sommes vos amis. thump est repugnante. Organize the world to stop him - please.
Canada and the US will stand together and fight Trump. Canadians will never back down. 🇨🇦
I too don’t like Trump’s behavior toward Canada. To Canadians, many of us didn’t vote for Trump and don’t like they way they treat you. We are ashamed of it and think you deserve better.
I share all your well expressed sentiments. I sit in abject horror and am struggling to interact with family who voted for him (unfathomable even before his reign began).
The people who did not vote at all are in the majority. It is the non voters who decided this election. I call that ignorance and a failed protest. Now we all will suffer.
A fully fascist USA is a threat to the entire planet, the rest of the world better start preparing now. Giving this vile vindictive man the power of nukes is insane. Seems like we are doomed to drag down the rest of the world with us in our idiocy.
The Evangelical nutjobs are counting on DJT to jumpstart Armageddon & the " Second Coming ". Armageddon will just leave lots of skeletons, corpses & vultures. God, that's depressing.
No rapture to come.
The Bible NEVER EXPLICITLY mentioned a " rapture ". " Caught up in the air " could mean sucked up by a TORNADO. 🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️OR BEING BEAMED UP TO A TRANSPORTER ROOM. 😆😄😅👽🖖
Wrong again, Harold Camping / Camping out waiting for a rapture that ain't happening.....🍭🍭
This is 100% a religious right move to use DT to create a theocracy. We must not pretend otherwise. White Christian nationalists will stop at nothing and the billionaires are using them to advance their agenda and get richer.
Tim Snyder's first lesson in his book On Tyranny is Do Not Obey in Advance. The Democrats are doing this by not raising a fuss. This gives Trump the time needed to normalize his radical directives.
I beg to differ: there are 'fusses' being raised all over... especially by mayors, Governors and legislatures in Blue States.
Additionally, one of that guy's legal lackeys just lost his case in front of a Federal Judge today.
Despair is a choice I do not choose.
I live in a very red state and our institutions are under attack. Our legislature is trying to defund our libraries, our public broadcasting, even our veterans services, and trying to cripple our public schools by introducing private school vouchers. It's a full frontal assault on our basic freedoms. Those here in power are following DJT's playbook. There is a lot of push back from the left, but yet I am surrounded by many who voted for the current administration and do not see the threat to their own lives.
The danger is very real. It's happening very fast.
I still believe that we shall overcome...these are difficult times. Please keep the Faith!
That's not wholly fair. 24 Democrat-controlled states are suing Trump over his executive order to end birthright citizenship. Some Democrat governors are promising to take make laws and take legal action to stop Trump implementing some of his policies. For example, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker vowed to protect women who travel to Illinois for abortions and defend environmental regulations. He also said the state would take legal action if necessary to prohibit federal grants from being withheld from blue states that do not cooperate with Trump’s deportation efforts. It is true, however, the others are taking a more conciliatory approach (Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro, for example) but it remains to be seen whether this will succeed. I totally agree that the Democrat party needs to find a common approach to this assault on basic liberties.
Sounds like passive resistance or Sun Dzu.
Every critic can hurl a damn.
Professor Reich: that was an impressive piece of writing: eloquent and damning. and living overseas as i do, directly in the path of another russian invasion (if it occurs), i find this assessment both accurate and terrifying.
Can i just say from the outside (australia) WHY has no attention been paid to how this clown got control? He says a LOT of things, that make little sense, but on multiple occasions Donald Trump has TOLD YOU WHAT HES DONE. As per Rachel Maddow, he said on multiple occasions, to half empty rallies, that he didnt need their votes, THAT THEY HAD ALL THE VOTES THEY NEEDED, so the rally goers neednt bother going to vote. Then he carries on at the inauguration about elons vote counting computers and credits him for winning in Pennsylvania. There is NO WAY trump was going to risk losing again, so elon came up with his beautiful vote counting computers as a solution and trumps behaviour changed. His word salad changed.
Youve been had by a rich nerd and his geriatric frontman. This is why techbros got front seats at inauguration. They are basically the president, he is a marionette with a lust for the appearance of power. He doesnt mind sharing that so much.. especially when techbros get him up against the wall to remind him exactly what he owes them.
I agree with all that you have said. It disgusts me that the Democrats decided to proceed without even looking into the matter. In my opinion, they took too many high roads in this election. A madman, indeed, is now running the country with the help of the worst among us.
He was compared to Nero. I compared him to Caligula, maybe even Emperor Qin of imperial China. He ingested MERCURY & went completely OFF THE RAILS & HOMICIDALLY INSANE.
Right on, Phoenix!
The largest percentage of eligible voters didn't vote Republican, nor Democrat. They voted their belief that voting makes no difference anymore, protests aren't heard, even violence doesn't seem to make a dent, the entire system is broken, nobody is really interested in representing their interests, their needs... They voted their disappointment and disillusionment. They stayed home. All the finger pointing and blame solves nothing, it just reinforces their belief that their vote is only required to justify a corrupted electoral process. And until the Democrats start BEING the party that actually shows, by deeds as well as words, they are willing to work for the betterment of Americans instead of this constant "now, now, mummy knows best, just do what you're told" attitude, we will continue to elect the dregs. Bernie and AOC have been and continue to be sh*t on from a great height by the DNC unwilling to give up any power to progressives who people do like, do want to vote for, do believe in - and we end with the Trumps of this world as a result. I moved away from this craziness some time ago, now live and am a citizen of one of those dreadful socialist countries (New Zealand), where I'm just going to pop some corn, sit back, and watch the implosion - all this in four days? It's now a race to see who is destroyed first, Trump or the country...
I believe this is true. Even to this day. And the ones fighting for us, Bernie and AOC, continue to have their voices drowned.
Yet I ‘doubt’, AOC or Bernie will stop fighting, it’s who they are. Elizabeth Warren and many others are nose to nose with the enemy of every American citizen. Our unflinching support is needed!
And they voted the way Elon ($277B) Musk pointed them on XXX.
I dumped my X account and refuse to go there. As for FB, my feed has, starting about a month or 2 ago, been stuffed with feeds from RWNJs. I block them and more come to surface. This is all planned. I wonder if others have had this issue as well, I can't believe I'm alone in this.
Nope. I don’t believe the “Ukrainians are done for”, not for one minute. Russia is on its heels as well, and even Trump said publicly Putin was destroying Russia.
I Pray for the Ukrainians as Well... Zelinsky has been called 'Churchillian' by David Petreus... The Ukrainians have proven that Courage Matters...
It’s where my mind goes when I look to my heroes, these days.
Watch what they do not what they say - Rachael Maddow
Not sure there was much to ever admire of America. We have always been rotten to the core but did a good job of covering to up with falsehoods and half truths. We’ve been on this path to this extremism for quite some time. We no longer trust experts and even when truth stares people in the face it is ignored because the damage has already been done. Trump likes to call it the “golden age” but I’m afraid we are entering into the dark ages yet again.
Suggest you take a trip to the beaches of Normandy and take in the sacrifice as JUST ONE example of what to admire and respect in America - the golden generation sacrificed much, for what we (the west) have taken for granted until now. I am Australian, a 'baby-boomer', and have always admired America. I have read your history and there is much to admire. It is with deep concern and disbelief, that I see the attack on your institutions and values by this neo-fascist. The election outcome with the extraordinarily high proportion of non-voters, and the corruption of your SCOTUS, and judiciary are just some examples of a complacency and/or deep rot of values, the causes of which must be understood, so it can be counteracted.
…and alongside that golden generation of Americans ..were Brits ,and Canadians, and Australians , and Poles and others ..who had been in the battle from the start in 1939 …and whose fathers were there in 1915 and .whose grandchildren were dying in Afghanistan and Iraq …and now look on in disbelief .
It's really quite scary watching and reading about this in Australia makes us wonder what's to come with our elections coming up before May -
we Ozzies may be lucky - but of course we have Peter Dutton (aka Voldemort).