On a related note, if you find yourself questioning whether any sense of common good exists or thinking Professor Reich is just hoping we can somehow become some fantasy land, please turn off all mainstream tv shows and avoid typical newspapers for a while and then see how you feel. Remember that covering the countless stories of good people doing good things, stories that are everywhere even now in the face of horror, is simply not as profitable as plowing readers and viewers with endless rage-amplifying and terrifying stories.

Limit how many bleeds-it-leads stories that are being shoveled to your eyes, ears and brain and it becomes much easier to see how much good is actually around us.

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Ian, never doubt that “whether any sense of the common good exists.” In fact, I firmly believe that it is in these times of turmoil and challenge that we have the greatest opportunity to have deep systemic change. I do not shy away from the “news,” I consume more of it than ever before because I feel I am living in historic world changing times and I want to take in as much as I can. However, like my own food diet, I focus on sources of news that will feed me and expand my mind. Heather Cox Richardson is an important source of broad perspective and i take generous helpings of her analysis. PBS and the Guardian keep me informed on the day to day happenings in the world and are an important part of my diet also

I may differ from others on this forum Professor Reich has created and nurtured in that I firmly believe that out of chaos comes the opportunity for deep and lasting change. It is not with pessimism that I feel our current form of capitalism is failing. Instead the inherent weaknesses and destructiveness of rampant capitalism is coming into focus. We cannot overcome an enemy of the Common Good until we can see that “enemy” clearly and realize we need an improved way to have an economy and a government that serves the original ideals of “by the people and for the people.”

We can never return to the “good old days” for they were not designed to address a world facing the challenges we now face. Trumpism is a catastrophe, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a catastrophe and the situation in Gaza is a catastrophe beyond imagining only a few weeks ago. And not to be ignored is the day to day reminder of the ultimate threat to our existence is, the destruction of our climate.

So although in the United States we must reelect Joe Biden for our common good, we are also forced to look beyond our national borders and find solutions for the common good of the planet and I am completely confident we will this will be accomplished and I get to live in these turbulent and exciting times of the falling of the old ways and the builidng of the new.

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I,too, read Heather Cox Richardson and the Guardian and watch PBS. I also support other sources that I feel are reliable and informative. I wish everyone could be told the truth about all the happenings in DC as well as in the outside world. Maybe the hatred that is so rampant these days would subside. Thank you for your post!

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Margaret,I think one thing we are learning is that there is no longer an “outside world.” An act of terrorism in one part of the world travels in seconds to the rest of the world, and acts of heroism and good travel the world over also. President Biden's speech last night was viewed the world over in “real time” as he was speaking it. We are learning that we are all one people no matter what color, creed, religion or what country we live in. The song “We Are the World” is more relevant than ever. I once heard a slogan “Moralists of the World UNITE.” Now with current communication capabilities we have the possibility to do that. Even in this forum Professor Reich has attracted participants from the world over.

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I wish I could be as optimistic as you and Professor Reich, but with the threats of Climate Change and Nuclear weapons in the hands of insane dictators I'm worried for the future of the living creatures of the world.

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The trick is to know this probability and still "soldier" on. Being a Peaceful Warrior requires a willingness to step into the battle, while still staying sane. Do as much as you are able but not so much that you lose your balance or your heart. We will need the ability to face catastrophe yet keep the light of love still shining. Now that is a big order!

Yesterday I read somethng that resonated with me. Our best antidote to free-falling anxiety is creativity. Restore ourselves regularly by creating beauty. Even paint-by-numbers, or muraling or woodworking or basket weaving, quilting, gardening....

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The moral struggle is not a war to be won. It is the everyday battles by all good men and women.

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Thank you for your inspiration.

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When surrounded by darkness, a lantern is even more powerful than in the daylight. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a shining lantern of positivity and faith in better times in a time of great darkness and even despair for people of color. He did not rely on words like “hope,” he would say “Better times will come,” and they did.

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"Hope" is the motto of my current home, the Ocean State. Please do not cast aspersions on it! it has been a bright beacon for many throughout history.

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I don't worry about the future, I leave my life on God's hand. He is the one that decides our future. My wife is on chemo for cancer and she doesn't worry about the future either. I am being treated for cirrhosis of the liver and I don't worry about that either. We continue enjoying life like we always have.

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I understand your fears. But I also know that we are in control of our minds and that our focus needs to be on the solutions and not so much on the problems. There are leaders who are responsible for handling that. When you are hungry you focus on the food you have, not the empty fridge.

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If there were leaders who were addressing the problems that concern me, I guess I wouldn't be worried, but they don't appear to be.

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We access similar news sources. I suggest you add substack of Robert Hubbell.

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

11:58 AM (4 hours ago)

I'm watching the third installment of the ongoing saga that finds Jim Jordan refusing to admit there are people out there who really don't like him. Jordan's bid to sit in that elusive chair he so aggressively desires will meet with disaster due to his own self-inflicted political wounds. Jordan has chaired several committees whose function was aired on national television. The negative side of the man was thrust into the forefront for all to see. As the "Chair" Jordan was rude, abusive, and demeaning to the elected officials and private citizens he was in charge of interviewing. The man's true character was on display for all to see and it wasn't anything to be proud of. The bad taste Jordan left in the mouths of the viewers hasn't subsided in the least. Jimmy is an election denier, even though he knows fully well that Trump lost the 2020 election. He continues to spread the lies that keep Donnie Boy's heart palpitating. He simply isn't trustworthy on so many levels, how does he expect the free-thinking members of this country to ever embrace anything that remotely resembles Jim Jordan? His own personality betrayed him, with a little help from a golfer who cheats.

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What is going on in the House of Representatives? Anger, confusion, and dissension seem to be the emotions of the day, at least on the Republican side of the aisle. The Republicans are blaming the Democrats, not unusual, for the ousting of Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his beloved chair. Excuse me, but didn't the motion to vacate come from the Republican contingency? The Republicans have lost control of their party and to save face within their voting block they have laid the blame for the entire mess on the Democrats. Their party contains a few mentally challenged individuals but I don't think even they are that stupid. Trump loves this out-of-control folly, with the aid to Ukraine on the table along with the new help to Israel being considered nothing will get done as long as the Republicans can't find the handlebars on their tricycle. Eyeing a possible shutdown of our government Trump wants things to stay exactly where they are, locked in the mud he promised to remove. People complain about how bad things seem, put Trump back in the White House and this is just a taste of what's to come. To all the Trumpers out there, if you like agony you're in bed with the right guy. 

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Trump and Chubby Checker had something in common. Chubby loved to twist his hips and feet while Trump simply loves to twist the truth.

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If this stuff was in a movie I wouldn't watch the thing because it wouldn't be believable.

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One of my favorite sources is Brian Tyler Cohen's "No Lie" on YouTube. He often does a joint video with Glenn Kirchner called "The Legal Breakdown" that is just brilliant in explaining what laws are being broken by the mostly MAGAts, and what the consequences will most likely be. They lift my spirits every time.

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Thanks. I’ve seen Cohen on YouTube and think he does a good job. Will have to watch more consistently.

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Always worthwhile watching BTC's program.

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Some refreshing and well-reasoned notes of optimism! Bravo! We must continue to march into the future defending and expanding our democracy and the common good!

And, contrary to the quote from Niebuhr, many of us (myself included) have lived long enough to have seen amazing and positive advances in the world. Of course there is a lot of work still to be done. Let us help each other be brave and strong enough to accomplish it! I'm sure Dr. Reich agrees!

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I'm sorry I have to use such an overused saying, and one that has often irritated me in the past, but it fits: It's always darkest just before the dawn.

History has cycles, and I believe we are at the end of one and at the dawn of another. Major changes rarely take place until the status quo becomes untenable.

I agree with you, Marc."It is in these times of turmoil and challenge that we have the greatest opportunity to have deep systemic change."

I am optimistic about my granddaughter's future.

My main fear is that powerful people are going to resist change for as long as possible, and that things might have to get much worse before they have no other options but to change.

We might all be dragged to the edge of the Abyss by these selfish evil people.

The common good may have to endure a common Hell.

Let it please be brief!

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Well said!

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We watch The Day from DW News on PBS for a European perspective. It offers news without the sensationalist bent that U.S. producers rely on to boost ratings.

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Great post, Marc. You are spot on.

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Yes Marc, the common good is all that will save us.

Professor Reich has created a serious community to engage with others in the process, the honest interaction that leads to identifying a successful course of action that will move us toward a possitive outcome, however small or large.

I am encouraged by so many Substackers who genuinely provide the gathering places for a growing community of knowledgable, caring, intelligent and focussed people. From Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance, Steve Schmidt, Karrem Abdul Jabbar Michael Moore and many others. All followed by so many of us who are, and have always been searching for the community that WILL come togetherfor our common good. There is no answer, only the process, that will get us there.

As Heather reminds us, when we feel powerless and frustrated "TAKE UP OXYGEN!"

This is a real community that will respond and further the conversation and quest.

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BRAVO, Marc! Absolutely outstanding post!

Change only comes when one thing is torn down so a better thing can rise.

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The notion of isolation from mainstream TV and newspapers is common sense advice. I live in an area where many families do not have a TV.

I used to think that was strange for modern times, but I see them always ready to help and come up with solutions for our community, and the needs of our community.

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Need to know thy enemy.

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All of us need to be aware of our enemies. In point of fact, last year there was a raid on a home in a small burg 10 miles from my home. Hiding in plain sight was a homegrown terrorist making incendiary devices. No one can or should be isolated from the world, completely, but it's nice to take a vacation from the "bad stuff" once in awhile.

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And, need to connect with our allies.

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Allies are more important than ever.

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Try the "Hopium Chronicles" as a balm against cases of Bad-News-itis caused by over exposure to mainstream media's hoserace style election coverages and fear mongering, among other negative aspects.

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I'm no physician but performing good acts should make you feel better. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endomorphin#:~:text=Endomorphins%20are%20considered%20to%20be,Phe%20amino%20acid%20sequences%20respectively.

If you want to spread "good news," do it yourself. Broadcast on social media. Send letters to the main stream media.

From acorns oak trees grow.

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This is absolutely true. Find yourself by serving others. It's remarkable.

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Yes Graig ,my comment to Daniel Solomon ,

confirms ,your sentence

,, find yourself by serving others ,,

150% ( my experience)

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The true poverty is having nothing to give. (A Buddhist saying)

It's a poverty of the spirit, and something that breaks my heart for those who suffer from it. It's especially tragic because those who have it cannot see it, and would argue it to the death.

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Measurable in endomorphs. Drugs may help, also.

Maybe proportional to light. Move closer to the equator?

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Very correct! PROGRESSive media is BUILT ON success and historic achomplishments. [sic]

The only reason to be sad, upset and indeed BUTTHURT is if you listen exclusively to The Bunkerboy Deathcult who THRIVE on fury and most of all, FEAR. (THEY are afraid of EVERYTHING.)

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This is precisely why I follow such segments as "Kindness 101" by Steve Hartman and his kids on CBS Mornings, as well as other segments like "What to Watch" and "Talk of the Table", because they tend to highlight positive stories about people acting out of kindness or simply being human, accomplishing great things, and often funny. ABC Evening News has a segment titled "America Strong" that also highlights the positive. Some mainstream news programs do report positive stories along with the horror of war, etc. You just have to keep your eyes open for them.

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Amazing...I read pretty far down.

No one comments on the disaster spreading in the middle east, most recently with the humiliating 0ct 7th attacks by Hamas. Extending immediately to another attack on Gaza; this one will finally wipe out a large % of the 2.1million who lived there. I say 'lived" because there won't be anywhere to live or ways to support life.

Next, we get to bomb Iran. Finally! Another war to lose for the USA.

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Thank you Ian. And of course breathe in..... breathe in..... breathe in the completely absorbable articulate writing of Robert Reich and all of those who have the talent to give us hope. To energize us with “having our backs” by sharing the facts and the truth.

I sleep better( still some real tossing and turning)when I know the people who believe in striving to be a link in the chain of “common good”are dedicated to laws, truth, accountability, and in the hardest good of all.... giving back. No, not taking..... giving back.

Thank you all for leading me into a more comfortable zone.

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It is a fine line limiting ones awareness of important current events, and stories just to bring in more viewers and increase profits.

It would be a much better world if profit was measure in "The Common Good" instead of money. While keeping in mind a business has to turn some profit or it can't survive.

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Just to demonstrate how devastatingly the current political discourse is washing people's brains, I just came across a posting on Nextdoor.com in which the poster begins by saying: "Yesterday afternoon I was outside Woking in my yard..."

Now, I don't know which side of the "Overton Window" the poster views the world through, but if he can't be "working" in his yard without "Woking" in his yard, I'd say he'd better avoid listening to political media for a while - a considerable while! >I< certainly try to practice my own preaching, >particularly< when even >I< start noticing how cranky I'm getting! (And all the political spam I'm drowning in is >no< help - >no help at all!<)

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This is such a good suggestion and I have done this and it does help to feel more positive.Thank you for this response.

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Robert, a long-lens observation from New Zealand. The American I came to know and love was the 1970s version, when my coffee table groaned under the weight of picture books of America's iconic farmhouses, stunning national parks, and vibrant cities. Now having travelled to the US over 100 times over the last 50 years, I have mourned the slow decline of so many values I used to think were stitched into the fabric of American society. Now I see gun violence, inner city decay, and cult-leader led MAGA extremism. And a central driver of this decay? Not your failing, overpriced health system, not Republicans unable to even elect and retain a speaker, but US law enforcement, able on the basis of merely "we had a call" to stop and frisk innocent citizens, demand ID, deprive them of their 1st and 4th Amendment rights, and escalate to where over a thousand people are killed, shot, actually murdered, often over what started out as nothing more than a broken tail light. Individually, they are a tiny virus, but cumulatively, they exacerbate the decay of respect, trust, and civility.

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Kenneth, I fear you are right with this one. I suspect our history of allowing police and some others to interfere with people's rights has gotten out of hand. Our screening processes for selecting police has, let's say problems, then when some are recruited, the atmosphere they are entering is not so much about helping as it is stopping "the bad guys." And, often they get to determine who those "bad guys" are. There are often quotas officers must meet in terms of arrests, car stops, and other infractions. I was in a car that was stopped for no reason. The guy said we had not stopped for a stop sign which we clearly had. The ticket was for $100 and we had no recourse because it was his word against ours: the driver was an 18-year-old (excellent driver), and I was a middle-aged blind woman. The town later got recognized for its number of arrests and traffic stops even though it was later proven those stops were to get money for the town's treasury. They made over 8,000 traffic stops in a town that had 3 traffic lights, 5 stop signs, few businesses. There is so much pressure to keep the status quo even though it isn't working for a lot of the people. I doubt things will change until the whole system of law enforcement is overhauled and something more supportive, caring, honest, and unbiased is put into its place. The police have little incentive to do that because it might mean losing some of their power and for a lot of men, power is their life's dream.

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There are people who get into law enforcement or the military for all the right reasons & there are others who go there to get the license to kill. You have to try to screen out the latter group.

Sociopaths & psychopaths are attracted to positions of power, be it in law enforcement, the military, government, media, judiciary, religion or corporate world. In all of these fields, you want to spot them & get rid of them before they get to the top, & in some of them, including law enforcement & the military, you don't want them at any level. Unfortunately, it appears that our ability to spot sociopaths & psychopaths soon enough hasn't been good. We need to develop an effective system to accomplish that.

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Jaime, I think you are right about the challenge of some folks with personalities that are not suited to positions of authority in a democracy. Not only are we not interested in screening for people who are appropriate for the leadership and other power roles, when people in those roles display those negative behaviors, we give them "qualified immunity" or move them to other parishes, or say their bad actions are from PTSD or some other equally problematic explanation. We need to rethink how we decide who is eligible for certain military positions and need to more frequently call out bad behavior, then have real consequences for it. Telling someone they need to choose a different career should be done in a positive way because everyone is not suited to every career.

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Yes, my experience is that authority often goes to people's heads, and when it comes to targets (some politicians love them), the whole thing goes crazy altogether!

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Does anyone think 9/11 pushed us in a bad direction regarding rights?

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People drawn to power tend to exercise their power

upon those who are more vulnerable like those who are young and those who are old.

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Kenneth, I am also from NZ. My mother was a Pickett of Virginian origin and I've served (NZ Army) alongside USA forces. Meaning that although Kiwi I'm bent toward USA. Although I agree with your comments (as perceived from this country, far from the USA) we've also seen many changes; some good, some not. Michael

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Too true, Michael. So many good and valuable things in the world have come from American innovation, intuition, expertise and generosity. Take just one single example. President Jimmy Carter said he wanted the last guinea worm to die before he did. He's led the effort to free millions of people blighted by this horrible disease to now where there are only eight cases (not eight million, not eight regions, not eight communities - eight people - now are the remaining few to rid the world of this disease. Looks like he is going to achieve his wish.

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President Carter was a man who truly lived the common good. After his presidency ended, he and Rosalyn Carter worked so tirelessly for the common good. He is one of the good ones! I sincerely hope he is doing well.

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Close enough to perfect. What the south needs is a second coming.

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The late 60's and good part of the 70's, here in the States, was also full of protest, hate, Richard Nixon, etc. I think the MAGA extremists were always here, but "behind the woodwork." Donald Trump just brought them out of the woodwork and gave them a public platform and basically told them that their hate was good. I don't think there was any less hatred of blacks, or Jews. Now, Muslims have been added into that fold.

We can look at history and see the rise and fall of empires and super powers, and I hate to even think this, but in a few hundred years from now (if we haven't all obliterated ourselves by then), students will be learning about the rise and fall of the United States. I know this is a REALLY pessimistic view, but do you think back in the Roman, or Greek times, any of them thought their empires would fall? The world hates the United States and there are so many governments that would love to bring us down.

We can always look and find good in the country and in the world among the hate. But I think you can find picture books of America from today that make everything look beautiful and rosy. Photographers can still take gorgeous pictures of the national parks, vibrant cities, and small iconic farmhouses (just might take longer to find them).

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Dave I am full of respect for your astute observation. Yes there are many many parts of the US that are stunning, vibrant or awe inspiring. But as Steve writes, the internet has opened the floodgates of information - here are you and me and hundreds of others communicating instantly and for free following Professor Reich’s insightful musings - but alas it seems the majority of information flowing is negative, destructive and malicious. Trump didn’t invent that vitriol or even create the types who support him. He merely gave them the cult in which their vitriol is given permission.

I used to work in the airline industry hence my number of trips to the US. Now I work in the Ag sector and to my delight that has connected me to the rural sector of America in which I have rediscovered many of the people, their values and their good humour I met during my first visit in 1976 - to my grateful delight.

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Thanks for the reply. I really can't disagree with you! You are definitely correct about the types of information flow. Elon Musk doesn't help this, either. It's sickening.

If Donald Trump does end up winning back the presidency this country is headed for destruction. If you have followed the TV series from Margaret Atwood's book, The Handmaid's Tale, it's easy to see to see this country heading towards that direction. Each day I read about more and more rights getting taken away....first and foremost, the right for a woman to decide on an abortion (personally, I don't believe in it, but I absolutely believe a woman should be free to choose!). Then there's one state that wants to be able to lock up women for using birth control. There's book bans, states using gerrymandering to change voting districts which would make it mathematically impossible for a democrat to win the district. Colleges and universities here in the U.S. are experiencing an incredible rise in antisemitism....that will carryon to their kids and eventually their grandkids. We have a corrupt Supreme Court which was stacked and paid for by right wing billionaires working in the background for years to make sure their picks got elected.

It's so incredibly depressing!

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It is not democracy that these RW extremists pedal, but fascism. Women and minorities must be marginalized in their world view. The hate is something that can be 'mined' as all sorts of people in any society who feel angry and want to blame someone or something. Someone like trmp comes along and it is his goal to feed and expand on that hate. Ever notice, that no matter what it is, the gop is against it in one way or another. Sometimes we step back and wonder, is there a reason? I am certain that there is no reason, aside from the chaeos of negativity. Just Keep Negating anything done that YOU don't do in expanding your power. We liberals have got to start seeing this and calling it out. They are in the end the ultimate cowards and people will see the truth. A few jail sentences by republicans in power will help with this. Jail is a black and white demonstration of wrong.

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Well said!

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Musk is in a position where he could do so much good, yet he has used it to do a lot of ill, which seems to be the case with the vast majority of multibillionaires. I really don't understand their thinking because if I had the power to be transformative in benefiting the world & mankind, I would do it. I know they are motivated by greed, but it seems that narcissism, if not malignant, would direct them to become famous by leaving a positive legacy. I think some of the very rich of the past possessed such a motivation, but I'm not seeing that from the superwealthy of today, except perhaps to a certain extent from Gates.

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I like to think that the internet has brought things out into the open and this dose of reality is causing pain but is a necessary transition to a more aware society. But maybe not.

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There will always be people and situations that are less than desirable when accessing their true worth. Do they represent, the "common good which reflects the real needs of the people" or small interest groups devoted to the acquisition of power and money. The louder they preach the more evident it is the latter is their goal. Promise, promises, that's all they seem to offer, never any real solutions to anything. The people's common good out weighs their greed, and no matter how much money and power they accumulate their wealth will never provide them with the good sense necessary to understand our people's needs.

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Kenneth all of your observations are correct and we are indeed an imperfect people. But we are

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Nora, while gracious of you to say, I am sure you have many "perfect" friends and family. I certainly have many near and dear friends across the US, some from 50 years ago and some from current commercial activities. This gives a wonderful perspective into the hearts and lives of families I know, and helps us all keep grounded that while we can expose corrupt, power-crazy cops and other flaws in our societies (NZ too is far from perfect), we can also treasure wonderful relationships that endure over the decades.

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It's my fantasy to move to New Zealand! It's taken me a long time to realize how completely alienated I feel from so-called American values. I've finally stopped blaming myself for not fitting in more and no longer wish to do so.

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Mary if that is what your heart is telling you, then listen - and then come here. America and New Zealand both have the attributes and foibles. But if you come to live here for the right reasons in your heart, Kiwis welcome you with open arms and warm to you and you to us.

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Isn't it very hard to immigrate into New Zealand? I've heard so many good things about your country. Everybody I know who has visited it simply love it!

Canada is another country I'd love to live in, & wish I'd moved there long ago, but it's hard to immigrate there after 50 unless you're very wealthy.

The Nordic countries sound like great places to live as well, but I suppose the same difficulty in immigration applies to them, too.

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Jamie there are certain requirements for residency as you would expect. But terms are less strenuous than elsewhere so I encourage you to get in touch with a good immigration advisor based in NZ as you may be pleasantly surprised.

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OK, thanks a lot!

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Thank u for clearly saying it.

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Thank you for this and more importantly for the work on behalf of part of my chosen family.

as often happens , I wake up in the middle of my night, needing to urinate, and turn on the computer perhaps to do some work or plan what I want to when I get out of bed latter in the morning and find your posts and they suck me in.

I have not read your essay/newsletter(btw I am not sure what to call them, you call them essays but I read them as newsletter from substack, which has a specific form that writers have to follow) yet, except for the first few lines. I plan on reading it latter.

However, I do want to tell you how impactful they have been on me.

As you note the last two weeks have been awful. In my case, I don't have heat, am not sure where I will be living in a few months, and I mostly have not been able to make myself develop and implement a plan to solve these personal problems, I have family in Israel and I am worried about there safety and the continuance of a safety net for many people who either think of themselves as Jewish or other people think of them as Jewish.

Yet... you have taught me, and many others it is OK to think that things will not work out. In your words be a pessimist but is not OK to act on that belief. In your words not be cynical.

So, I am in a fancy hotel room, in town hours from where I live, at conference "Housing Matters" where hundreds of people are trying to make a world where "Everyone should have a good , affordable place to call home.

I have not functioned as well as I would have liked. Yet I made the effort to be here and do this.

If this is a good thing, as many people have told me while I am here, it is in part a result of your essays/newsletters.

I thought you should know.

Thank you

With much love give peace a chance


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Oh Fred, I feel you man, I really feel you. I too have sat at conference and meeting tables working on solutions to problems I faced at home and very few, if any, of the other participants knew anthing about at such a personal level.

It took me a long time to realize that these efforts required the unique experience I had to offer. It took even longer to gain the courage to expose my circumstances in order to put them to use. LOL, once I did open up, I often found myself being consulted and viewed as the expert. While I would be remiss not to admit, that it gave me power, it also burdened me, heavily, because I could not forget that I was speaking on behalf of people in my circumstances who were not in those rooms.

If you should ever feel alone, please remember there are a lot of you out here.

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I have thought that in order to bring more humanity, people need to have a better understanding of the homeless. I wish someone would create a tv show (like Friends/Seinfeld ?) but have it be about a homeless community. It might show the struggles, humor, humanity of these people and how they got there. Too many Americans have a poor understanding of the situation. They might watch a tv program.

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Midwest, good ideas. TV shows really have become a major, even primary, source of education in this country.

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Midwest, I like the idea of a TV show, unfortunately, the tendency of TV is to idealize the situation, like making the Sopranos look like a lifestyle that someone would want. People can't imagine homelessness because if one has housing, it's hard to imagine not having it. A well-developed program either directed by, written by, or acted by people who have been homeless could help keep things real.

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I absolutely agree. It has to be done correctly and with people interested in the issue. If they had not experienced homelessness, they would need to get out in the field first to understand it themselves. Imagine all the characters that could come out in this script and all the backstories. Most Americans think the homeless are all drug addicts or mentally ill. I’m not educated on the subject, but I hear stories that have nothing to do with addictions or mental illness but poor wages, medical bills or an unfortunate turn of events.

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I don't know if you saw the story in the NYTimes this week about a woman and her college-age daughter living in their car in the Pacific Northwest. The mother had a reasonable income as a social worker, and the daughter was in college, but the mother had written a bad check, and their landlord raised the rent, and that's what they called home. Spending time in a rural SW landscape, we see people like this "camping" on public land frequently. It's not so far removed from "Fargo," the movie starring Frances McDormand that came out a while back, but it's not pretty. People on Long Island in New York could take some of the pressure of NYC, but they keep refusing to zone for multi-story buildings so that they can have individual lawns and private garages. A lot of this has to do with how we socialize people around the American Dream, IMO.

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Prog Woman, it seems somewhere along the way, we have decided homelessness is the price people pay for their bad behavior when in reality it is a whole range of things that happen to people. I am thinking it is easier for people and leaders to pretend such a "punishment," homelessness, is the right thing while they OK homeless camps being destroyed, people forced off main streets, and cars becoming people's homes. We the People should be able to do better, and in reality want to do better because this could be any of us under the right circumstances. We need more housing that is actually affordable and landlords that over charge, cheat renters, or raise rents beyond inflation should be heavily fined, lose their properties to a public management system or some other consequence. R.Sheets

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Absolutely. I remember years ago when someone I knew was trying to protect a widower with six children who hadn't filled out the paperwork to renew his Section 8 housing Section 8 voucher in New York. He was a hospital worker who, needless to say, was overwhelmed. I think she succeeded, but the fact that he had to keep filing was ridiculous. BTW, I got the wrong Frances McDormand movie about homelessness. It's Nomadland, not Fargo.

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Fred, I am sorry for what you are going through. I agree with you that everyone should have a place to call home. It is so hard for many people here in America to afford a home and that is a very sad fact. It is also very worrisome that landlords have turned into stingy lords and raise rent so high that most that need a place simply cannot afford one. I hope that a solution for your problems presents itself. Hold onto hope and remember to reach out when you need to.

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Until we have food and housing security and single payer universal healthcare, how are we going to be a beacon to the rest of the world? I just now watched Paul Krugman, the economist, admit that the economist's models were wrong. Capitalism created unimaginable inequality, populism, and ultimately fascism. Money is power, so we will buy respect by spending billions in foreign countries? We need to get our own house in order. You don't give money to your neighbors when your own children don't have the bare necessities and may soon be homeless. We now have new immigrants in Chicago sleeping on the streets. Biden is creating jobs with his infrastructure program, but that is just a start. How do we stop what Citizens United created with the crooked Supreme Court we have?

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Capitalism may work for a while but it needs to be regulated because it has no heart for human beings. When capitalism reaches its goal of having monopolies in most areas of business, where does it go from there? We now have billionaires that determine the flow of public conversation, whether countries have access to tech that determines their success in war, etc. One person with so much power and millions that feel they have none.

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Where does it go from here ? Apparently it eats itself up, ouroboros style.

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Gloria, we do away with Citizens United, pass the bipartisan bill that was developed by senators in Congress that addresses the problems with the Supreme Court, and give President Biden the time he needs to get us back on course. After what he's achieved in the first four years, imagine what he can do with four more AND a majority in the senate and house!!

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How do we do away with Citizens United? In itself is the reason we can't get rid of it.

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I often think of this when I get dozens of emails asking me for small donations. You give to one, and more sprout up. There is no possibility that small donors can counter all the mega ones.

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This is where our voices can be heard!! We are their constituents and if we were to make clear we would not support a candidate that accepts large donations from corporate America then maybe they'll understand that they need to do what their constituency wants instead!

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That would be addressed in campaign finance reform. Average Americans need to speak up about candidates relying on these huge corporate donations. I, myself, would like to ask candidates when they are out stumping if they rely solely on grass root donors or do they accept money from corporations. That is just an idea about how to wean political candidates off of big money and rely on grass root constituents to put them in office.

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Gloria, as much as I agree with you that we need to get our own house in order, it is essential we help out where we can around the world, more food, medical, and infrastructure than military but, alas military does help to stop fascism from encroaching on civilization. We could do so much more here if we had the will and two political parties who thought "forming (and building) a more perfect union" is a worthy set of actions. Who knows what Republicans believe in beyond money and power, theirs!

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Is the military going to stop fascism in our own country?

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Ginsburg regretted that decision

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So do I.

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She argued & voted against it.

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I am commenting somewhat out of context for this article but didn't Trump incite violence towards Gretchen Whitmer well before Jan 6? I think it bears reviewing how the violent conspiracies against her unfolded because of Trump's unwarranted attacks against her, in the context of the legal perils he's facing now.

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Daniel, it seems Trump insulted and threatened a whole lot of people. He seems especially willing to threaten, insult, and dismiss women. He told everyone on that famous tape he has a right to do whatever he wants to women and implied they should just take it. It will be interesting to see if he can follow the gag order, the one that has no teeth behind it, just a daring grin. My guess is that his "legal team" will rein him in for a while, but the insults and threats will gradually creep into his speeches, tweets, and other communication and the judge will have to decide whether or not to respond. Large fines would probably work best, making Trump lose more of his sagging empire and putting into financial difficulty members of his cult who will then have to depend on the government they hate to survive. That is all nuts, but once Trump was on the scene, nuts is what we got every single day.

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I enjoyed your response and agree with most all of it. However, I don’t think judicial fines are the best way to get DJT’s attention. Financial consequences are certainly part of the solution; however I believe losing control of his businesses is a better strategy. Money is for counting, but what Trump really values is the power and control money gives him. So remove what he values, not just the bookkeeping element.

Along those same lines, and at least in the state and federal courts of which I am aware, judges have the power to impose some period of actual incarceration for contempt of court orders. Each act of contempt can trigger another, separate incarceration. There exists very little to compare with the effect on one’s psyche of being involuntarily placed in a cell and watching/hearing the door clang shut not knowing when one will get out. Our state courts developed a process called “shock probation” that was used most often on young offenders who had never experienced jail. An imperfect solution, of course, but a surprisingly useful one. Although at the other end of the age spectrum and nearing the end of it, the technique just might be effective in dealing with Trump’s unusually large ego and degrees of megalomania and selfishness. But to achieve optimal results the incarcerating shock would have to be administered in a real jail with real cells, real “facilities” and real jail food; and not in a federal country club for white collar offenders.

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Thank you Professor. The world can heal by doing small acts of kindness, like a pebble dropped in still waters, creates a ripple effect that reaches across the pond, in all directions. Lets build the ripple to a tsunami for the common good.

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Channel Taylor Swift. 84% of Americans use at least one social media network. The top 5 most popular Social Media Networks websites in United States in September 2023 are:

1. facebook.com

2. twitter.com

3. instagram.com

4. reddit.com

5. discord.com.

Maybe Robert can interview her.

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Not sure how that works, but you could post directly to the Professor, perhaps it’ll get better traction.

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That was beautiful!

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I see and feel hope all around me. A pivot point is coming soon. Maybe Democrats will help select the next Speaker from the Problem Solvers Caucus. Professor Reich suggested this in January, and I have written about it and contacted the subject of that article, Rep David Joyce of Ohio. His staff is encouraged by the notion.

Imagine if the House started to get things done through bipartisan negotiation, as our founders suggested. Imagine if the #MAGAlomaniacs like Jordan, Gaetz, and MTG lost all of their corrosive power in one day with one vote.

Robert, please call Rep. Joyce and make your pitch directly, because he might just be ready to hear it. Yes, some concessions will need to be made for the entire Democratic Caucus to be on board in unison.

That is the unexpected turn that our nation needs in the next few days. Who’s with me?

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I suspect Jordan may be prosecuted for insurrection once Powell starts spilling the beans. She has to have known he was a major architect of Jan. 6th.

If enough people called Patrick Mc Henry (202) 225-2576 and implored him to take an ANONYMOUS vote including Hakeem Jeffries, I feel certain by now they would have 5 Republicans who would support him for the sake of our country and the “common good”.

It would end this fiasco.

Actually I am supporting Rank Choice Voting. “There is nothing in the Constitution that says the House can't use rank-choice voting,1 or the Republicans could make it a rule in their conference, or McHenry could just DO IT since, as Speaker Pro Tempore, it is his one function to see a Speaker is chosen.

In rank choice voting, people order all of the candidates in terms of their preference, and the candidate with the lowest number of votes gets dropped and their votes given to their second choice candidate. The ballots are recounted, and the person with the lowest number of votes in the second round is dropped. It keeps going until someone gets a majority. “

Call McHenry & read this. 828-327-6100

Or 202-225-2576

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Mc Henry.

David Joyce is from a district next to Gym Jordan's. Try Don Bacon, a retired Air Force general.

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Yeah, I have been thinking Bacon, too. I know practically nothing about him, but he has been practically the most outspoken opponent of Jordan, at least partly because of all the bullying he & his wife have received from Jordan partisans.

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Professor Reich also suggested that Rep Fitzpatrick would be a reasonable choice for a bipartisan alliance. I heard him on MSNBC and he sounded like a smart, grounded guy.

Somebody hss to take the lead in re-shaping the Republican Party. This is the fast track to making that transition tangible.

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Thank you. I contracted something (Covid? Flu?) and it must have had an effect. I corrected it.

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Marlo, the only way Jordan would be implicated is if Powell were asked something like who else was in the room or on the phone, and Jordan was there.

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We shall see. I think for Powell not to go to prison and only have probation, they have something BIG.

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Todd, perhaps getting the budget passed immediately and then taken permanently off the table would be a way to get Dems on board. If a resolution or House rule were passed that if a budget is not passed on time, by Sept 30 each year, the previous year's budget will stand with an inflation-based increase. Then we wouldn't have the stupid grandstanding that Republicans have been pulling for decades. When people elect toddlers, that's what one gets, grandstanding, threats, hostage-taking, etc. That needs to stop and people everywhere need to be encouraged to vote for adults rather than toddlers.

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I like that approach.

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Bipartisan negotiating was the norm until something happened and now there is this huge divide. Republicans simply refuse to work with Democrats!! Why?

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It is harder to do this in public view because some R's fear they will lose in a primary to a hard right candidate. and this has changed from previous times because of the power of the right wing media to mobilize a base.

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Okay, then that is something to think about and try and find a solution! Thanks!

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For they sow the wind, and may they reap the whirlwind.

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The issue is his lies, continuously lying to the point where people start believing them. Then you have MAGA Republicans who still support the "Big Lie". And you have the most popular news organization in the country, Fox, espousing his lies and supporting them. When the only news you listen to is Fox how can you possibly think bad of Trump. Obviously, if Fox News is telling the lies you start believing them. Other people are not intelligent enough to do their own research so they listen to sound bites on TV and from their friends and that's how this propagates. It boggles my mind how some of my incredibly intelligent friends are so supportive of Trump.

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The quest would not be hopeless if enough of us took seriously our task of doing our part to "keep" our republic, to "keep" our representative democracy working for the common good of We the People.

ALL of the problems we currently face, all of the scary stuff threatening our republic/democracy are OUR FAULT for not being engaged citizens – for not being sufficiently engaged in OUR political process and in OUR self-government.

As important as voting is, that's really the least of what we can do and claim to have done anything. We need to keep informed, from reliable sources, about what our elected representatives are doing. We need to keep these representatives working for us, and holding them accountable so they can't get away with going astray and working instead for big money and big business and big power. We can't each do everything, but each of us can do something(s) to help "keep" OUR government, OUR elected officials and appointed officials, doing only the work of We the People.

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I seem to get the best information from reading Substack, particularly Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Vance & Hartmann.

It is time consuming to educate yourself. I am retired & single. I have immersed myself in the current events and have been trying to educate others. I suspect most working people are so busy they barely have time to sleep.

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Marlo, it would be great if there were a way to get working people informed with short, interesting, factual pieces they could get quickly on their phone or computer, then most important, trust it to be true and fair. NPR does that sometimes, but there is clearly bias too. Local TV news could be helpful but so many local stations are owned by a few huge corporations that have their own agenda and it is not accurately informing people about the political situation. Pushing Black crime, women getting abortions, how horrible trans people and drag queens are, etc. We need to go back to the old plan of no entity can own more than five stations and media platforms need to be limited in scope to reduce their power. It's time!

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Marlo...I read these same folks with hope and a breath of fresh air! Heather, Reich, Vance, Hartmann! I send on what I can to my sons and 6 grandkids (ages 19-24). Friends and neighbors also receive my attempts to "educate" myself. Living in a "red rural area" is challenging!!! Time-consuming, but so important! ONWARD!!!

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I want to caution everyone Covid is on the rise! Wear your mask. We need to encourage President Biden to as well . We need him to be strong & healthy to WIN!

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This is true. Many intelligent people that I know, seem to know nothing of current events. I work full-time and eschew most MSM sources for more unadalterated fare such as to be found in this forum, but they collectively "don't have the time."

That's a dangerous attitude to have in times like these.

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there is nothing intelligent about leaving politics completely to others

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There is a sad reality behind most people having no time or energy to put into being well informed or to put into being otherwise engaged in OUR political process and OUR government. Most people are far more interested in entertainment than anything else beyond basic survival in life — and, of course, "basic survival" varies greatly between individuals, with some being pretty satisfied with food, shelter, clothing, transportation, while others 'need' a great number of luxuries. But entertainment of various sorts has a very high value for most folks. This includes not only what we typically think of as entertainment, but also sports as a spectator phenomenon. Even so called news and weather reporting is very shallow and rushed through while being presented in a dramatic and entertaining manner. Most people spend a great deal of time, energy and money in order to avail themselves of entertainment, yet feel/believe that they don't have time, energy or money to dedicate to being engaged citizens. What this translates into is that they value entertainment more than they value democracy.

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Do you have kids? Kids are exhausting. I didn’t. I just had a grueling job working at a hospital that sucked the blood out of you with little pay. And yes I was a college graduate with advanced education.

I was exhausted. And I didn’t have kids. I ended up getting mononucleosis, contracted severe bronchitis seasonally and what little time I had I exercised to keep strong so I could have the stamina to endure.

Do you have a house? In addition to work, I purchased a homes which required my energy & attention.

While I received my Specialist in my department, the Star Award & the Service Excellence Award, I was not informed. I ONLY have become informed after I no longer worked as I had to care for my paralyzed mother and at which time Trump reared his ugly head.

I do know my sister worked& raised a family. She was exhausted and burst into tears one day saying, “I can’t do it al!!” (She was a conscientious teacher who went on to acquire a Master’s degree).

I didn’t watch much TV during the week in my younger years. And neither did my sister. We are both informed now, however.

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I was married for 40 years (wife now deceased) and we had one kid – being a parent was not exhausting. (Our kid has also not found being a parent to be exhausting.) My wife ran her own business and I ran my own business until I retired at age 73. Along the way, we took care of several family members (one at a time) with various issues: one post stoke until she died; dementia – three different people, all of whom died while living with us, the last one being my wife with me caring for her until she passed on from dementia. We each also helped care for a close friend for a few years until she moved away. My wife had her own place of business, I worked from home, and we heated both her business and our home exclusively with wood, which was primarily my job. I kept myself informed as best I could and was also council person and mayor for most of a decade.

My wife was not at all political. We did not watch TV or go out to watch movies, but my wife watched movies at home, but I quit decades ago. People make choices about what to do with their time, money and energy. Far too many choose to be entertained and to not get involved and some won't even vote, which is the least we can do and claim to have done anything to be involved in our self-government. I've chosen to care about our democracy and our country.

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You are to be commended! You are a selfless, caring man. There aren’t many like you. You are remarkable.

I had gotten so wrapped up in all the turmoil I failed to get my exercise and eat as well as I should. I ended up with sweats, chills, fatigue, dry & unproductive cough. After nearly a week I am finding I have more energy. So there can be too much information coming at a person. There has to be a balance.

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And to prove your point, many of them chose an entertainer to be President. If what all they want in a President is someone to entertain them, then Trump is their man!

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One of the categories offered by the media for entertainment is disasters. The old "if it bleeds it leads" on the news. Trump is most certainly a disaster. Painful entertainment.

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Well said, Carl.

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That includes our state and local government. We are awash in media that focuses on national level politics. This site focuses on politics in the states: find your state affiliate here https://statesnewsroom.com/

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Write letters, sign petitions, and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

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And contact your politicians!

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Thanks, Marlo! That was one I forgot to add! Sending personal handwritten letters is quite effective!

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Too many people that vote only care about one issue such as abortion, guns, aid to _____. They seem not to care about the rest. Some don’t trust any politician will make a positive influence on their life.

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HulitC, that is where the common good is most important. It isn't just making a positive influence on one life. It is working to make good things happen for the majority of the people. I do agree that many have lost faith and trust in any politician!

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Once again...Thank You Dr. Reich.

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I urge people to remember that this is a big country, with 320 million people in it. Yes, I know the president and congress are powerful, but collectively speaking our state and local governments are far, far, far more powerful. Focusing too much attention on national politics, enables our state and local governments to operate without us - and believe you me, that is a very bad idea.

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Raffey, and that is how we have half the country with all kinds of abortion bans passed by ignorant mostly white men who despise women. Then there are the anti-trans bills passed by again ignorant mostly white men who have no clue about either abortion or trans people. Book bans and curriculum distortions take place at local levels and are so anti-American it is appalling that these bans and distortions are permitted to stand when they truly are against our Constitution. After Texas and other states passed totally illegal laws against abortion a few years ago and no one stopped them, it has become clear that the crazies can pass nearly anything with impunity. Why people elect such toddler jerks who stand for these anti-American, pro Confederacy piles of garbage is still a mystery for me. If one listens to them if they can be interviewed at all, they sound like someone who has not even graduated from 8th grade, uninformed, mouthing stupid lies, and generally demonstrating they have no business being in office anywhere. Wake up American people. We all can do better.

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Heather Cox Richardson just recently explained that with a structure like the Republicans have built today, they can afford to elect almost anyone to office and maintain themselves. Perhaps that's why there are so many empty suits and outright bigots on Capitol Hill. The House as not functioning as we talk about this, which I sometimes suspect is the point.

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“ they sound like someone who has not even graduated from eighth grade, uninformed, mouthing stupid lies,,,”

Ruth, you have inadvertently revealed the secret formula for Republican success. MTG was originally dismissed by the Republican establishment, but the more bonkers her rhetoric became, the more people loved her.

Democrats who reveal higher education are dismissed as tone deaf, know it all elitist.

It’s a strange world out there that Democrats need to figure out how to navigate.

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raffey, good reminder! We need to watch everywhere for the foxes in the henhouse.

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and driving that point down further, our Fragile Neighborhoods https://sethkaplan.org/

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Thanks Steve, put the book on my list. Particularly interested in good examples of change leaders.

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He seems happy to talk about his work if you know of a group that would be interested.

Not on Saturdays though.

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Raffey, that is what they have been doing and you are so right - a very bad idea! Here in my home state of Florida look at what the little man in Tallahassee has done! We may never recuperate from the mess he has created!

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You keep me going and having hope, Robert. If only we could make you required reading and studying for everyone!! Keep the hope coming!❤️❤️

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Your essays/book have been a breath of fresh air. They have been a passionate reminder of our essential nature. ------ the knowing, cooperating in, and embracing community for the benefit of all, which has been necessary for human survival throughout history. During the last 50 years, the conditioning has been so strong to the contrary, that it has lead many to believe that they themselves, as an individual are all that is necessary. Of course, this is false. Thank you, Robert Sir for doing your part to try to steer us back to the essential truth. I have been doing my part and sharing with others what I have learned from you, about where and how we went wrong and possible ways to reclaim the common good.

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Robert, your essays have indeed inspired me and given me hope. For that I thank you! This post is an incredible read and I will share it with my family now and in future conversations. I think it’s worth a 4th of July annual read or more!

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It is time to expand our sense of national identity into a sense of identity with all mankind. We are so interconnected now that we need to embrace the highest good for the world. This of course goes directly against all teachings of “my tribe/nation/religion is best” - the root cause of most conflicts. We need to learn to support and empower the common good in people everywhere so that they no longer need to fight to maintain their sense of limited identity.

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Judy, I wholeheartedly agree with embracing the highest good for the world. I also agree that tribalism and religion are the cause for so many conflicts today. But there is also greed and hunger for power like we see in Putin. While I am sure there are Russians that do have a sense of common good, Putin would not allow them to work with other nations.

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Absolutely true - it’s in the interest of the oppressor to limit the knowledge and experience of those they control. And - I’m a firm believer in the human spirit and its ingenuity in overcoming oppression.

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You know, I am sure there are people in Russia (underground so to speak) that do want freedom, otherwise why would Navalny gain so much popularity? I agree that the human spirit can and does overcome oppression!

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Thanks I needed that

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