How can reasonable, educated, decent, honest, thoughtful people actually accept the existence of Trump, a sexual predator, a cheat, a liar, a dimwit, a fool, an insult to humanity? Who would vote for this?

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White men seem to be insecure idiots who are terrified of women. Latino men? Same.

I’m an astounded white man, feeling utterly ashamed of so many seditious cowards with zero respect tor women walking around. Repugnant and anything but “masculine!” Their hero worries more about his hairstyle than the country.

Maybe selective castration should be used to prevent the need for abortion that these terrified cowards so desperately seek to control. Start with Alito and Thomas.

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I've stated it before, Trump likely will be declared incompetent if elected and then we get Vance.

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Agree... only after significant chaos and tumult

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Only to be replaced by Vance, which would be just as bad. (If not worse.)

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The bigly drooler for the throne is muskrat. He will plop on vance like he's a sofa, ousting j.d. too.

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But, will the Republicans pay attention to him if he is declared incompetent with dementia?

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I've said it too many times--- EVERYONE, good or bad, has supporters as well as detractors.

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But the gap shouldn’t be razor thin. Why is it a close fight?

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Like supply and demand, supporters, detractors. Doesn't need to be any more straight forward than that. What Kamala shouldn't do is try to get into a pissing match with Trump. That's not the winning formula. She shouldn't lower herself to his level. That's a fight she cannot win. She should stick to her policies and solutions for the country and the American people. And besides all that there's MAGA, the ELECTORAL COLLEGE, big/corporate money PACs, and foreign interference. We saw what happened in 2016... Trump wasn't expecting to win. He knew he didn't. He had help but didn't know it. Now he has "experience" and an axe to grind. Money has no conscience nor morals.

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Some of them may indeed have made a Faustian bargain. Others however may have believed false promises. I wonder if such people simply ignore everything he says, or any criticism of him, because they believe that he will make them better off. People reaching out might point out that his promised tariffs will likely make them (as part of the majority) worse off, and that his promises of 2016 didn't make the majority better off then. But that may need some reference work to RR's past videos!

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What does Trump think he'll accomplish deporting all those people from America? Is he going to get out in the fields to help harvest our crops? Is he going to build houses for us? Try building or repairing our freeways and roads? Try anything working out in the weather. The majority of Americans want to work inside making a descent wage. Maybe Trump needs to get rid of Miller. He's the main one discriminating. We are a country on immigrants.

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Hoping for a Blue sweep of these Senate races plus more... and let's not forget the House!

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Can we please take long view of last 30 years and consider the pattern in what various POTUSes have been handed and have passed forward? Step back from the “me, here, now” gaslighting and disinformation from the Right…

Americans, after decades of GOP tax breaks to wealthy - drip drip, wealth shifting from the many to the very very few - drip drip, a R-wing-nut SCOTUS legislating from the bench - drip drip, fully corrupt pay-2-play legislator incentives - drip drip, money buying elections -  drip drip, corporate greed delivering top shelf results for execs and shareholders- drip drip. Society has been left with deep daily struggles, systems supportive of workers are gutted, hands UP (not out) to the poor greatly diminished, regulations protecting the people hammered whenever GOP in power, crime increasing - of course, healthcare and education decreasing - naturally.

America, inch by inch, she’s  become the plutocratic misogynistic oligarchy of the uber-wealthy and powerful, enabling a continued money grab / much more for them and much less for a healthy functioning society.

Sadly, over the past 3 decades, Dems have become the only party trying to lift from the middle and bottom. Face it.

Zoom out a bit, take a 30,000 foot point of view. In all big government decisions there is a natural “lag effect” — good and bad. If we don’t pull back we can’t see the gaslighting — cognitive dissonance enabled.

Dems wrongly blamed for outcomes of GOP deficit spending, massive debt increases, regulation cutting, gerrymandering and more, while GOP falsely claims they care about debt and deficits. GOP cuts regulation, which (ahem) results in epic train crashes (E. Palestine OH) or bank failures (Silicon Valley Bank implosion).


1. Clinton handed Bush 2 “surplus money in the coffers” - a good economy after he inherited  Regan and Bush 1 debt.

2. Bush 2 and early 2000’s “spend our kids’ money congress,” plus Allen Greenspan drove America and the globe to the very brink, giving us ‘08 global financial crisis. Here you go, Barack - a welcome gift on the eve of 2008 election - an economy bleeding 900,000 jobs per month.

3.  Obama does the heavy lift, pulling us from the brink of financial cliff. He hands Trumpler a healing economy, ready for gentle interest rate increases.

4. Trumpler, king of debt, lies and bankruptcies, jams his knee on Jerome Powell’s (apolitical Federal Reserve) neck and Powell demurs. Covid comes and we borrow $10 trillion more from the kids’ future.

5. Biden inherits from Trumpler - without even one day of “secure nation” transition between administrations - a nation 3 weeks shy of a Capitol insurrection by sitting POTUS, an economy shut down amidst a pandemic, unhealthy way-too-low interest rates, epic $30+ trillion in debt. Biden does not sit on Powell’s neck; rather he enacts additional debt, but this time infusing money to the middle for long term investment in workers, national security and infrastructure.

When we miss the importance of a semi-nuanced (just semi!) understanding of lag effect in government, we can easily be led astray, confused and sold a bag of sh*t by the very fox who is raiding the henhouse.

Misinformation, disinformation and lies are sown by the Right and thrust at the people. Media is not helping here!!

Do we know that national debt is for emergencies, not at all for every year budget deficits or to goose an economy to make the POTUS look good?

Can we please take a long view of last 30 years and consider the pattern in what various POTUSes have been handed and have passed forward?

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VERY well said . . . now just dumb it down to a 4th grade level so MAGAt Traitors can digest it.

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Problem is Dems don't know how to message. Republicans do. So they always control the narrative. Dems always on defense against Repubs on offense.

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Educated electorate, play the long game, vote in the right people changing laws for good, regulate elections (like other first world countries) to 90 days with limited and equal government funding for messaging. NO PRIVATE MONEY IN ELECTIONS! Repeal Buckley and Citizens United; requires SCOTUS overhaul. Hah!

On the regulation/deregulation example…

Absent in run up to ‘08 were regulations and restrictions that would have prevented deeply unqualified loan recipients from being duped, from inappropriate loan approvals and from tragic loss.

American housing market prices amplified exponentially across the nation — with exception of Nasdaq-connected markets - Denver/Boulder CO (the telcos) and Silicon Valley CA (tech). In fact, though not an economist, I saw the danger/exited stock market -June of 2008. Missed summer run up, but felt a sigh of relief.

Lesson: of course Americans need regulation protecting everyday consumers from being fleeced by corporate America and bogus operators. The ordinary people…. Financial crisis (and others…) demonstrate that deregulating costs the people. In the end, be it FEMA, the Fed, HHS.., we need protection and ironically when shit hits the fan, the panicked people demand federal government save them.

And now, worry amplifies with Chevron (for those who understand). Thanks corrupt right wing-nut SCOTUS.

There’s a cadence to regulation pendulum as GOP deregulates and Dems regulate. We, the people caught in the middle and most miss the lag effect. GOP liars lie, pointing fingers at “butter knife to a gun fight” Dems. It’s all so easy to see.

How to fix this problem of an uneducated, reactive, gaslit electorate wasting their votes as epic tides of wealth shift takes us further away from safe shores…

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"Can we please take a long view of last 30 years and consider the pattern in what various POTUSes have been handed and have passed forward?"

People are free to do that. But. with all due respect, I'm not sure how much that knowledge is relevant to today, and what it buys us. I am very concerned about what is not being taken into consideration looking ahead.

1) The rise of AI and how it will be applied to the military.

2) This ties to how Silicon Valley billionaires are so heavily investing in a Trump-Vance regime. More than likely it will be Vance in charge. Government spending on AI will know no limits.

3) Powering AI will require tremendous energy generation capacity. Nuclear will be brought back as "the clean solution."

4) The rise of China -- (which I do not consider to be a threat, but others do.)

5) Climate change.

6) The rise of fascist Christian nationalism -- allied with Israeli Zionism.

Brave new world?

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Agree on your points. They need to be yelled from the mountaintop too.

I do get frustrated with the repeat messaging from campaign. There’s so much more to say and people, many of them, are obviously IQ and fact challenged. They need truth and education.


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(Like) thank you for your kind reply. I have often felt that "where we've come from" is going to be really effective when linked to "where we are going."

The AI billionaires running trillion-dollar companies want tons of investment from taxpayers and NO regulations -- as their ideal. Peter Theil has penned essays which decry our democratic processes, with checks and balances, as a hindrance to progress. iow, it's not like he's trying to hide anything. Like Project 2025.

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Let’s beat these Nazi bastards on November 5th!

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I have another great concern. Just this morning it was revealed that Elon Musk has an ultra-top secret clearance through NASA because of SpaceX, Then with him having conversations with Putin over the years and then an ardent supporter of Trump, all this don't paint a very rosey picture for democracy and the entire country. I would urge many of you to question it also.

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All well and good, except that Trump, Pence, Thiel, Musk, the Republican Party and half of the voters want to overthrow the government and install a fascist, religious evangelical government. That will literally Trump the Senate and House and make them puppets.

I understand people want the reassurance that 'Business as usual' will continue but I'm not sure the very real threats are being taken seriously enough. It isn't as though Trump hasn't been telling you guys what he plans to do!

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Reich's team does not appear to be giving this the attention it needs.

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I have the impression Robert Reich is focussed on whatever will encourage the vote, rather than the possibilities (probabilities?) of what comes next.

I am sure Robert is very aware that he himself will be high on the list on Thiel's Palantir database. As will many contributors and subscribers on websites like this.

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Thank you Professor. Shared with hope; trying to spread truth as you do.

God Bless and keep you.



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Thank You, Professor, for sharing this evening and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Duly forwarded to friends and relations who are US citizens.

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(Pancha Chandra): American voters have a stark choice for the Presidency on November 5th 2024; a convicted felon in Donald Trump or an experienced hands-on Vice-President in Kamala Harris!

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(Pancha Chandra): With just five days left for the 2024 Presidential Elections, American voters have a clear choice; Kamala Harris for ethical governance or Donald Trump for unhinged leadership!

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I hope I live long enough to see Trump in an orange jump suit and butch haircut. But, I will bet a dollar to a donut that, after all the smoke he will throw up after the election, when it becomes apparent that he is a LOSER, he will try to bail out to a country with which the US does not have an extradition treaty --Saudi Arabia?? He, thanks to Jared, has a lot of connections there.

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We r now in FLA, originally the DMV all our lives. We voted straight BLUE ALL THE WAY DOWN BALLOT, like we always do.


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On January 4, 2020 -- two days before the insurrection -- the Financial Times (London) printed the following editorial, titled: "A moment of grave danger for US democracy."

One of the key lines: "Extraordinary as it may seem, what amounts to an undeclared coup d’état is being attempted in the US. It will almost certainly fail. But the next two weeks will severely test the strength of America’s institutions — and the courage of its public officials."

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