The following is not precisely on topic, but lends a clear perspective. Quipped the brilliant comic Wanda Sykes: "Until a drag queen walks into a school and beats eight students to death with a copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' y'all are focusing on the wrong $hit."

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For me, I went back and forth between tRump/Repugs lying loudly and people feeling gloomy. I decided to go with how I felt. I am fully aware that tRump/Rethugs are law breaking liars. I am aware that SCOTUS is corrupt. I'm also aware that the economy IS getting better. There are new jobs and unemployment is going down. But I am gloomy. The good news doesn't help me. We are struggling. The bad news is, as my kids used to say, "harshing my buzz". You had a column the other day about how the Dems should be talking about the ultra wealthy/corporations raking in huges incomes and profits while many in America are food insecure (hungry), utilities insecure (power shut offs) and so on. I totally agree with that. Americans like me need to be more aware and educated about our 21st century robber barons.

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Trump is moving rapidly into senile dementia.

The GOP knows this.

Smith is about to release a fusillade of evidence of Trump’s intent to overthrow the government.

THAT will end his reign in the GOP.

You nailed it all, Robert

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Ignorance. People don't read. Don't discern from several sources accurate information. That is the reason Biden is not getting credit. Plus the barrage of right wing propaganda and slander agains the President.

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Mainstream media is more concerned about the outlandish behavior of The Right than in covering the positive aspects of the Biden administration, because it sells.

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Media is not covering the Biden economy

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While Biden has done many god things for the economy, it is still massively rigged for the one percent. This reality is a massive drag on Biden’s, or anyone’s popularity.. Improved Medicare for all; undoing student debt; undoing the Bush/Trump tax cuts; a wealth tax; overturning Citizens United; breaking up the electoral college; these are some of the things that would inspire Biden’s popularity.

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I think if food prices and gas prices went down people would believe the economy is getting better. Still paying close to 5 dollars a gallon for gas, in California, and 7 dollars for a jar of mayonnaise. It's spending less for basic living that will show people that things are getting better.

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THE FACT IS--GOP/dRUMPfsfers are more adept at using the Media and developing a message. They were smart enough earlier on to buy up lots of local radio stations and media outlets and constantly bombard their message. Dems, as usual, close the barn door after the horse galloped out. And they continue to do so. Dems do not know how to get ahead of the curve and SPIN A MESSAGE that an audience would be attracted to. Dems Leadership, and particularly their Media Messengers. tend to be too intellectually arrogant in their Message and Branding. They usually RE-ACT, rather that INITIATE. They don't know how to program their message; they should have bought /owned lots of LOCAL Media/Local radio stations and recruited, hired, and involved charismatic Radio Personalities.

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I am very concerned that Biden agreed to send cluster bombs, warfare outlawed by at least 100 countries, including France and England. Papers like the NYT and Washington Post question the dangers of that being seen by the world and many in the Democratic Party as a blow to our morality stand in the Ukrainian war. I certainly do.

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You ask for positive ideas and comments - OK: Despite Joe Biden being an excellent and beloved president, how about drafting Sheldon Whitehouse? Do some YouTube searches. Watch some recent videos and see if you don't agree with me. I think he'd make a great Commander in Chief, a real communicator!

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Had I the time, Laurie, I'd google evidence for all of my assertions - as I have done in the past. Odd, that in understanding the context of Biden's lack of popularity, you suggest expunging a piece of that context that had a powerful psychological impact on the minds of a lot of people. The corporate Democratic Establishment burying of Bernie. Perhaps, you are a person who finds the emotional/psychological implications of various actions unimportant because they are invisible instead of tangible. That is odd isn't it? Isn't popularity determined by feelings of affinity and being supported or ignored. All of which is invisible - the "intangibles". Giving speeches in union halls and then crushing a strike? What impact does that cognitive dissonant combinationleave on a union worker? Did you know this fact Laurie? "teen suicide has nonetheless traced an alarming upward trend since well before the onset of the COVID-19." (google) Interesting too, the youth do not like Mr. Biden. Why is that Laurie? Is it because he's simply an old foggy or perhaps, they find he does not support those things that are dire to them, or may support them but not passionately? Life on an habitable earth. Access to education. Upward mobility.

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First. The Democratic Party for at least a couple decades- plus became The Business Party - left tilting side, with the Republicans - right cult side. The Party Establishment is corporatized. They shoved the growing popular Bernie out to the back 70th acre and plopped Biden in. ("We're the boss; we know what's good for you" is the message. The impact? People realize their voice doesn't really count-even if they weren't for Bernie. The message is clear. Second. The rotten fruits of what has been essentially their collusion in supporting corporate dominance over the Peoples' interests is experienced in: the un-natural (ecologically speaking) wealth gap, the privatization of education, the replacement of federal educational loans to students with Bank centered (read piranha styled) loans, Bidens limp support of student debt forgiveness (insuring an overworked citizenry be a politically worn out citizenry), the weak support of unions, the crushing of the railway workers strike sent if not a shouting message then a subliminal one that corporate wins over people, no fire in the belly Obama standing firm for the poor but instead giving away our monies to the Wall Street Robbers and continue on-Private Equity style- to destroy what they consume (now, under Biden's welcome they enter the Medicaid/Medicare door to chew up like termites socialized programs highly popular to us), the weakening of meaningful Wall Street regulation, insipid climate amelioration, zero federal education of the public that life matters and we can and will- as we did in

WW2 change our life style so our children can live in an habitable earth, no Federal push to save the Post Office by booting deJoy out the door, the recent Federal termination of Covid-related Medicare for millions, the explosion over the past 20 years of blue tent homeless people, the billions thrown and continuing being thrown at the black hole Ukraine proxy War boosting the profits of the Forever War Industry and decimating that country, the ugliness of the two-tier (in)justice system, Obama's crushing instead of welcoming whistleblowers, the criminal Federal justice fang- showing determination to murder Assange, a citizen of Australia, for revealing our government's dastardly, if not evil, deeds giving the signal that the freedom of dissent and the freedom of the press do not count.....the list is endless. Weird. One could think that the prevalence of mass murder in the USA just might be - like the canary in the coal mine - a metaphor for the state of the psychic health of the nation. The same goes for the blatant militarization of the police. Militarizing against the people! Especially, non-white people! the Democratic Party has long ceased being an authentic opposition party that strongly, unremittingly supports, nourishes and protects the workers and the middle class. Everyone knows this. Much behavior is unconscious. We know - consciously and/or unconsciously - when push comes to shove, our interests will ultimately be thrown under the bus. How utter absolutely incredibly insane that the USA is the only so-called "developed" country without a strong health care system for all. Biden and the corporate democrats want us to think "isn't he wonderful!" Very little truth in that advertising blitz.

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Biden's slow and steady progress on the economic front doesn't mesh with the need of the media to command eyeballs. Breathlessly presenting everything as a horse race does. As a result, the real progress being made by Biden's policies is pushed to the back burner by the fluff and chaff of political sound bites.

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Really it is all of the above as the media is focused on trump and nothing else. He makes news the growing economy does not as it is boring. I forgot I have a job through it or that we are making more widgets. I only see the Feds rate hikes which hurt me get a house, a negative I see and feel.

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The media is too afraid of criticism from the right wing to give Biden credit for his accomplishments.

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