Yesterday was a difficult day for many of us The Trump Blitzkrieg of executive orders was intended to overwhelm us and dispirit us. Do not give in to the defeatist thinking that Trump and his cohort are attempting to instill. RESIST in in all places, in all ways all of the time.
Yesterday was a difficult day for many of us The Trump Blitzkrieg of executive orders was intended to overwhelm us and dispirit us. Do not give in to the defeatist thinking that Trump and his cohort are attempting to instill. RESIST in in all places, in all ways all of the time.
TodayтАЩs topic of тАЬWhat can you do? and Ten Ways To RESIST Trump II" represents the beginning of movements that should unite us and not allow the show of fascism and power to allow us to become depressed and defeatist. Some people have accused the Democrats of тАЬRolling over and playing dead.тАЭ If that is the case, do not follow their example. Look for brave people and organizations and support them.
"The countryтАЩs largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police, has spoken out against the pardons, as has the International Association of Chiefs of Police.тАЭ - Heather Cox Richardson
Who would have guessed that it is the leadership of the police unions and Association of Chiefs of Police that would take the lead in the newly forming resistance movement. This is significant as the Trump Administration is counting on the police to begin enforcing his bat sh*t crazy flurry of executive orders. I never thought I would find myself praising the leadership of the police! United Resistance can unify strange bedfellows into becoming a united force for justice and freedom.
I wouldnтАЩt be surprised if a new protective force was created from loyalists. The new administration doesnтАЩt want to deal with existing forces that canтАЩt be trusted. A new law enforcement agency could be created and given powers of enforcement and never be punished for implementing тАЬunlawfulтАЭ orders. And everyone else goes to the camps.
Eventually theyтАЩll be punished. In the aftermath of complicit behavior, тАЬI was only following ordersтАЭ doesnтАЩt wash. And while their dear leader has immunity,they do notтАжand if the past is instructive heтАЩll leave them twisting in the wind.
Good point Mikey. Probably like the Guardia Civil when Franco was in power in Spain. When I was there in the USN in 1970-71 the Gaurdia had absolute final say over any local police decisions if they chose to do so. If there was any problem to be dealt with and they showed up everyone deferred to them. Even the local police chief.
It was said that even the Guardia Sergeant on the street was only three steps away from Franco. Him, his Captain, the District Commander and then Franco. Nobody messed with them. They always the had a sidearm, often a rifle too and sometimes one could see an Uzi style sub-machine gun hanging off their shoulder under the knee length cape they wore in the winter.
The few I met were very polite and professional young men. But remember they only worked for Franco, not the people directly. It's hard to imagine any Proud Boy filling this job with an even hand toward our citizens when they would only have to answer to DT. Just saying... GH
In 1932 Germany they were called the SS. Began as a special body guard detail for Hitler. My question is... can DT legally dismiss the Secret Service and replace them with the Proud Boys, and others like them? He has said he thinks they did a bad job protecting him and being "just" another government agency are they in the crosshairs for firing?
If this is possible then surely one of his billionaire buddies would be glad to foot the bill for their paychecks. Next question. Would the Air Force One crew be willing to let a bunch of armed anti-American terrorists actually board the plane? Just asking... GH
It has happened in the past, so why canтАЩt this scenario be considered in the USA? IтАЩm curious about your thinking on this scenario, instead of тАЬtroll alertтАЭ response without substance.
Thanks Nospam. I was just thinking out loud about how far DT might go with the revenge he has promised. If we are only listening to what he has to say, bad enough, and not anticipating what else he might be cooking up we will be caught with our pants down. Not a good place to be with the pervert-in-chief running the country. Sorry you missed the point Mary Ellen. All the best to everyone... GH
Appreciate your civility, Gary. IтАЩm certainly capable of missing the point. Not a good comments navigator, so I canтАЩt find the comment to which I responded to reconsider it. Thanks for your example of respectful discourse. тШоя╕П
I'm glad to see the Fraternal Order of Police is speaking out against Trump's pardon of the 1500, but unfortunately they are also criticizing Biden for his pardons, especially the pardon of Leonard Peltier. I read a book on Peltier's case and he was railroaded as the FBI needed to find someone to put away for the crime. The judge in the case was highly biased.
Also the Fraternal Order of Police strongly endorsed Trump in all 3 elections. I hope this group, along with everyone else who voted for Trump, will realize how wrong they have been.
I'm glad they spoke out but they need to keep speaking up and do more or it will amount to nothing.
FOP in their statement also said, ..".we thought he had our backs." How can they be so stupid? Did he have their backs on Jan. 6? Did they have their backs when he kept saying he would pardon the 1500 when he was reelected?
Hi Wayne. I was talking with a retired policeman friend just after Biden commuted the death sentences. He was very upset and predicted he would go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I can hardly wait to ask him about DT actually releasing the 1600 felons and traitors back onto the streets! At least, except for a few, Biden's actions will still make them spend the rest of their lives in prison. GH
People are not acting very rationally. Well they often don't. It seems they act on what they hope to be the case based on emotional /cultural connections to someone or some things.
Police are NOT inherently bad. There are generations serve and protect. The problem is NOT DEFUND the police. The problem is chronic underfunding, lax oversight, anemic recruiting, under training, under paying and militarization. Broken windows was a theory that backfired. Why isn't there an ROTC kind of service club in every high school and middle school to mentor kids to serve and protect your own neighborhood? Officer Friendly. His name was Fred.
Police are certainly not inherently bad, but then most of maga isn't either. They are just responding to right wing media lies that painting liberals as monsters and liberalism as evil.
Part of the problem is that we no longer teach civics, but I'm afraid we are soon to get a lesson.
Oh my! I wrote mentoring!!!!! Thank you for catching this horrific change my phone made! I am certain I saw it correctly before continuing my typing on this screen, and I had no idea such a horrible change was made!!!!! I am not sure how I can get that off, but thank goodness you caught it! At first I did not understand your reaction. Now that I see why, I am shocked!!!!!
So the police union is surprised that a felon pardoned a lot of felons? How quaint.
ItтАЩs not like they didnтАЩt know. Everyone knew.
For Donald, everything is transactional. Right, wrong, morally or ethically questionable? None of that matters. What matters is, тАЬwhat can you do for me.тАЭ
Except that the Cops have been the core of MAGA, until now. The cops perceive themselves as unappreciated victims of woke libs, I am pretty sure that 99.9% of them voted for Trump and that the FOP and IACP donated to Trump.
Stewart Rhodes is founder of the Oath Keepers, and then there is the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officrrs Association
, a nationwide organization of right wing cops and sheriffs.
CSPOA reported 4,500 dues-paying members, including over 200 sheriffs. In 2021, former CSPOA president Richard Mack said that 3,000 sheriffs in the United States were members of the association.
Hi William. There are 3,244 counties in the USA and 3,088 sheriffs. I don't know how many deputies. These are elected positions. The worst part of the CSPOA is they believe they don't have to enforce any law they don't like. My comment is if they don't want to enforce the laws of their county then why did they become police offices? Just asking ... GH
There have been studies, and cops become cops because they are bullies, have limited employment opportunities, good retirement programs, they believe the uniform elevates their social status. As regards Sheriffs indeed most are political positions, but deputies are civil service hires.
So why does a man become a sheriff, a variety of answers including becoming rich,protecting self interest. But I will give you one example of which I am aware.
in 1962 there was a very intense bid for sheriff of Washington county, MS (which was also the home of the Mississsippi KKK in Leland). One of the men running was killed.
The sheriff of Washington County,. MS is very lucrative. Mississippi is a dry state, but each county is responsible for it's own liquor laws, and they have what are called bootlegging licenses. Lots of "speak easies", drive into the parking lot of a local "diner" or restaurant and go through the kitchen to the back room, and you are in what you might call a bar.
The VFW and American Legion has Saturday night dances, BYOB, which you could from a "bootlegger" who has a license and you sit a table and order very expensive "set ups" Ice and cokes.
The sheriff's position was worth a million dollars in 1962.
I was in Biloxi Mississippi in 1965 and it was the same there.
They are experiencing FAFO now. These organizations still endorsed Trump, in spite of the facts that Trump told the nation he would pardon the J6 domestic terrorists. What a stupid move on their part.
We can only hope these groups do not turn around like elected officials did by the end of January 2021 when pilgrimages to kiss the ring were in display.
One thing I do to cheer myself up and snap out of it, when I get down and overwhelmed by all of this - & I'm in the UK, so this goes back over the past eight years when the Tories were still in charge, cutting vital services, 'getting Brexit done', sucking up to Trump, letting Putin run riot over London & murder his dissidents all over England, etc - is just to look at what Led by Donkeys is doing. They're an absolute inspiration to clarity at all times. Their Musk action yesterday was stellar - just look it up.
Marc, I agree. There will be busloads of legal challenges. We must stop pretending that we have no power. TOTAL-RESISTANCE to a president who is NOT legitimate is EXPECTED. DO you want to scare the shit out of these peopleтАжREFUSE TO COMPLY. Doctors should NEVER let a woman die because of Felon-trumpтАЩs Fascist desires. And when that doctor defies the felon, we must overwhelmingly and loudly step in!!!
Women's clinics and abortion is still legal in Illinois. That said, many have volunteer citizens that take turns guarding the doors during open hours. I don't think they are armed but they do provide a show of support if any trouble makers show up.
I refer to many of his signings as тАЬThe MenusтАЭ which helps me appreciate the seriousness of some of them, but also to remind myself that 99% of the time, trump doesnтАЩt understand what heтАЩs signing.
In a way, I hope enough get through to wake up the MAGA faithful who idolize trump. When their ox gets gored and they suffer consequences of their vote for trump, they may have to realize how idiotic their dreams of "own the libs," erase those disloyal to trump, control the media, pardon all friends of MAGA/trump/GOP including jailed 1/6/2021 insurrectionists who attacked people and broke our laws. Sometimes the only way back is to let "loose the hounds of hell." I do not see much that can stop trump/GOP now that POTUS has special legal immunity for crimes if they are part of his undefined "official acts."
I donтАЩt even know what it will take to wake up the cult. I know someone who somehow went from being a progressive to joining the cult. She had an in between period of being a Stein supporter, but now she believes that everything against tRump is a Democratic lie. There will be a lot of blaming Democrats for the sh*t that tRump is pulling.
The only тАЬsideтАЭ IтАЩm interested is the one the Founders envisioned in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America. These documents define a nation based not on wealth or privilege but on the rule of law., one that recognized and sought to advance the inherent dignity of the human person. Let us continue the effort to build a more perfect union by working to uphold liberty and justice for all. ЁЯЗ║ЁЯЗ╕ ЁЯЧ╜
Trump is old and soon he will be gone and so will his odd hold on so mandy people. That is the wonderful thing about life. At some point in time even the worst people die. I encourage Trump to keep eating McDonalds and all the fried food he can get the White House kitchen to serve.
Yesterday was a difficult day for many of us The Trump Blitzkrieg of executive orders was intended to overwhelm us and dispirit us. Do not give in to the defeatist thinking that Trump and his cohort are attempting to instill. RESIST in in all places, in all ways all of the time.
TodayтАЩs topic of тАЬWhat can you do? and Ten Ways To RESIST Trump II" represents the beginning of movements that should unite us and not allow the show of fascism and power to allow us to become depressed and defeatist. Some people have accused the Democrats of тАЬRolling over and playing dead.тАЭ If that is the case, do not follow their example. Look for brave people and organizations and support them.
"The countryтАЩs largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police, has spoken out against the pardons, as has the International Association of Chiefs of Police.тАЭ - Heather Cox Richardson
Who would have guessed that it is the leadership of the police unions and Association of Chiefs of Police that would take the lead in the newly forming resistance movement. This is significant as the Trump Administration is counting on the police to begin enforcing his bat sh*t crazy flurry of executive orders. I never thought I would find myself praising the leadership of the police! United Resistance can unify strange bedfellows into becoming a united force for justice and freedom.
Quite right, cops are thinking, I'm here to uphold the law. Trump's executive orders aren't the law.
To paraphrase. The enemy of my nemesis is my friend.
I wouldnтАЩt be surprised if a new protective force was created from loyalists. The new administration doesnтАЩt want to deal with existing forces that canтАЩt be trusted. A new law enforcement agency could be created and given powers of enforcement and never be punished for implementing тАЬunlawfulтАЭ orders. And everyone else goes to the camps.
Eventually theyтАЩll be punished. In the aftermath of complicit behavior, тАЬI was only following ordersтАЭ doesnтАЩt wash. And while their dear leader has immunity,they do notтАжand if the past is instructive heтАЩll leave them twisting in the wind.
Nah, that's the point of Patel as director of the FBI. Use the FBI as a domestic political police.
MikeyB- which it has always been. J.Edgar Hoover comes to mind.
My guess is that liberal professors such as Dr. Reich are on the list. Maybe all of us subscribers. If not yet, soon.
Isn't that the fascinating question.
Ahhh, the power of modern technology.
Still, and we aren't used to it, we have to resist.
Good point Mikey. Probably like the Guardia Civil when Franco was in power in Spain. When I was there in the USN in 1970-71 the Gaurdia had absolute final say over any local police decisions if they chose to do so. If there was any problem to be dealt with and they showed up everyone deferred to them. Even the local police chief.
It was said that even the Guardia Sergeant on the street was only three steps away from Franco. Him, his Captain, the District Commander and then Franco. Nobody messed with them. They always the had a sidearm, often a rifle too and sometimes one could see an Uzi style sub-machine gun hanging off their shoulder under the knee length cape they wore in the winter.
The few I met were very polite and professional young men. But remember they only worked for Franco, not the people directly. It's hard to imagine any Proud Boy filling this job with an even hand toward our citizens when they would only have to answer to DT. Just saying... GH
This has crossed my mind many times. ЁЯШЮ
In 1932 Germany they were called the SS. Began as a special body guard detail for Hitler. My question is... can DT legally dismiss the Secret Service and replace them with the Proud Boys, and others like them? He has said he thinks they did a bad job protecting him and being "just" another government agency are they in the crosshairs for firing?
If this is possible then surely one of his billionaire buddies would be glad to foot the bill for their paychecks. Next question. Would the Air Force One crew be willing to let a bunch of armed anti-American terrorists actually board the plane? Just asking... GH
Troll alert ЁЯЪи
It has happened in the past, so why canтАЩt this scenario be considered in the USA? IтАЩm curious about your thinking on this scenario, instead of тАЬtroll alertтАЭ response without substance.
Thanks Nospam. I was just thinking out loud about how far DT might go with the revenge he has promised. If we are only listening to what he has to say, bad enough, and not anticipating what else he might be cooking up we will be caught with our pants down. Not a good place to be with the pervert-in-chief running the country. Sorry you missed the point Mary Ellen. All the best to everyone... GH
Appreciate your civility, Gary. IтАЩm certainly capable of missing the point. Not a good comments navigator, so I canтАЩt find the comment to which I responded to reconsider it. Thanks for your example of respectful discourse. тШоя╕П
I'm glad to see the Fraternal Order of Police is speaking out against Trump's pardon of the 1500, but unfortunately they are also criticizing Biden for his pardons, especially the pardon of Leonard Peltier. I read a book on Peltier's case and he was railroaded as the FBI needed to find someone to put away for the crime. The judge in the case was highly biased.
Also the Fraternal Order of Police strongly endorsed Trump in all 3 elections. I hope this group, along with everyone else who voted for Trump, will realize how wrong they have been.
I'm glad they spoke out but they need to keep speaking up and do more or it will amount to nothing.
FOP in their statement also said, ..".we thought he had our backs." How can they be so stupid? Did he have their backs on Jan. 6? Did they have their backs when he kept saying he would pardon the 1500 when he was reelected?
Hi Wayne. I was talking with a retired policeman friend just after Biden commuted the death sentences. He was very upset and predicted he would go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. I can hardly wait to ask him about DT actually releasing the 1600 felons and traitors back onto the streets! At least, except for a few, Biden's actions will still make them spend the rest of their lives in prison. GH
People are not acting very rationally. Well they often don't. It seems they act on what they hope to be the case based on emotional /cultural connections to someone or some things.
Police are NOT inherently bad. There are generations serve and protect. The problem is NOT DEFUND the police. The problem is chronic underfunding, lax oversight, anemic recruiting, under training, under paying and militarization. Broken windows was a theory that backfired. Why isn't there an ROTC kind of service club in every high school and middle school to mentor kids to serve and protect your own neighborhood? Officer Friendly. His name was Fred.
Police are certainly not inherently bad, but then most of maga isn't either. They are just responding to right wing media lies that painting liberals as monsters and liberalism as evil.
Part of the problem is that we no longer teach civics, but I'm afraid we are soon to get a lesson.
Oh my! I wrote mentoring!!!!! Thank you for catching this horrific change my phone made! I am certain I saw it correctly before continuing my typing on this screen, and I had no idea such a horrible change was made!!!!! I am not sure how I can get that off, but thank goodness you caught it! At first I did not understand your reaction. Now that I see why, I am shocked!!!!!
So the police union is surprised that a felon pardoned a lot of felons? How quaint.
ItтАЩs not like they didnтАЩt know. Everyone knew.
For Donald, everything is transactional. Right, wrong, morally or ethically questionable? None of that matters. What matters is, тАЬwhat can you do for me.тАЭ
Except that the Cops have been the core of MAGA, until now. The cops perceive themselves as unappreciated victims of woke libs, I am pretty sure that 99.9% of them voted for Trump and that the FOP and IACP donated to Trump.
Stewart Rhodes is founder of the Oath Keepers, and then there is the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officrrs Association
, a nationwide organization of right wing cops and sheriffs.
CSPOA reported 4,500 dues-paying members, including over 200 sheriffs. In 2021, former CSPOA president Richard Mack said that 3,000 sheriffs in the United States were members of the association.
Hi William. There are 3,244 counties in the USA and 3,088 sheriffs. I don't know how many deputies. These are elected positions. The worst part of the CSPOA is they believe they don't have to enforce any law they don't like. My comment is if they don't want to enforce the laws of their county then why did they become police offices? Just asking ... GH
Why does anyone do what they do Gary?
There have been studies, and cops become cops because they are bullies, have limited employment opportunities, good retirement programs, they believe the uniform elevates their social status. As regards Sheriffs indeed most are political positions, but deputies are civil service hires.
So why does a man become a sheriff, a variety of answers including becoming rich,protecting self interest. But I will give you one example of which I am aware.
in 1962 there was a very intense bid for sheriff of Washington county, MS (which was also the home of the Mississsippi KKK in Leland). One of the men running was killed.
The sheriff of Washington County,. MS is very lucrative. Mississippi is a dry state, but each county is responsible for it's own liquor laws, and they have what are called bootlegging licenses. Lots of "speak easies", drive into the parking lot of a local "diner" or restaurant and go through the kitchen to the back room, and you are in what you might call a bar.
The VFW and American Legion has Saturday night dances, BYOB, which you could from a "bootlegger" who has a license and you sit a table and order very expensive "set ups" Ice and cokes.
The sheriff's position was worth a million dollars in 1962.
I was in Biloxi Mississippi in 1965 and it was the same there.
The FOP endorsed Trump the felon! Sick.
They are experiencing FAFO now. These organizations still endorsed Trump, in spite of the facts that Trump told the nation he would pardon the J6 domestic terrorists. What a stupid move on their part.
But only after they endorsed DTs candidacy. ЁЯШб
We can only hope these groups do not turn around like elected officials did by the end of January 2021 when pilgrimages to kiss the ring were in display.
Well that's a bit of important good news, FOP and the IA of COP.
One thing I do to cheer myself up and snap out of it, when I get down and overwhelmed by all of this - & I'm in the UK, so this goes back over the past eight years when the Tories were still in charge, cutting vital services, 'getting Brexit done', sucking up to Trump, letting Putin run riot over London & murder his dissidents all over England, etc - is just to look at what Led by Donkeys is doing. They're an absolute inspiration to clarity at all times. Their Musk action yesterday was stellar - just look it up.
We need a Lions Led by Donkey movement in the US.
Thank you! YouTube seems the best way to get their latest.
Thank you!! I'm sure our ruling Junta will generate plenty of material going forward.
Just tell us!
Oh, I figured it outЁЯдУ
Marc, I agree. There will be busloads of legal challenges. We must stop pretending that we have no power. TOTAL-RESISTANCE to a president who is NOT legitimate is EXPECTED. DO you want to scare the shit out of these peopleтАжREFUSE TO COMPLY. Doctors should NEVER let a woman die because of Felon-trumpтАЩs Fascist desires. And when that doctor defies the felon, we must overwhelmingly and loudly step in!!!
Women's clinics and abortion is still legal in Illinois. That said, many have volunteer citizens that take turns guarding the doors during open hours. I don't think they are armed but they do provide a show of support if any trouble makers show up.
All the best to everyone in 2025 and beyond... GH
I refer to many of his signings as тАЬThe MenusтАЭ which helps me appreciate the seriousness of some of them, but also to remind myself that 99% of the time, trump doesnтАЩt understand what heтАЩs signing.
All organized and coordinated by Project 2025
Even if he doesn't know what he is signing, there are people behind it who do know. There are many in his administration who have their own agenda.
Hoping Trump drowns in a sea of litigation.
In a way, I hope enough get through to wake up the MAGA faithful who idolize trump. When their ox gets gored and they suffer consequences of their vote for trump, they may have to realize how idiotic their dreams of "own the libs," erase those disloyal to trump, control the media, pardon all friends of MAGA/trump/GOP including jailed 1/6/2021 insurrectionists who attacked people and broke our laws. Sometimes the only way back is to let "loose the hounds of hell." I do not see much that can stop trump/GOP now that POTUS has special legal immunity for crimes if they are part of his undefined "official acts."
I donтАЩt even know what it will take to wake up the cult. I know someone who somehow went from being a progressive to joining the cult. She had an in between period of being a Stein supporter, but now she believes that everything against tRump is a Democratic lie. There will be a lot of blaming Democrats for the sh*t that tRump is pulling.
Stick together and never forget тАШthereтАЩs strength in numbersтАЩ!!
You lost.
I think you might find, my friend, that you also have, in the long run. In ways you won't have been expecting.
The only тАЬsideтАЭ IтАЩm interested is the one the Founders envisioned in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America. These documents define a nation based not on wealth or privilege but on the rule of law., one that recognized and sought to advance the inherent dignity of the human person. Let us continue the effort to build a more perfect union by working to uphold liberty and justice for all. ЁЯЗ║ЁЯЗ╕ ЁЯЧ╜
Absolutely! Citizenship starts with knowing, understanding, and defending the Constitution.
Perhaps for now, but we WILL be back
Trump is old and soon he will be gone and so will his odd hold on so mandy people. That is the wonderful thing about life. At some point in time even the worst people die. I encourage Trump to keep eating McDonalds and all the fried food he can get the White House kitchen to serve.