Please submit your caption in the Comments section. Winners will be announced next Sunday. For consideration, please post your caption by tomorrow (Monday), at 9 pm PT, 12:00 midnight ET.
Last time’s winner:
[Thank you, Jeremy!]
Twas the night before Griftsmas, when all through the house, The MAGA was trying, to break into the house.
Stock portfolios proudly hung by the chimney with a roar, In hopes that The cult leader soon would add more.
Americans wrestled to keep families well fed, Visions of union job security danced in their heads.
And MAGA in their scheming, and Trump with his Scams, Had plans for dismantling all of those plans.
When out on the Capitol there arose such a clatter, his evil elves sprang up to kick in the ladder.
Off to the treasury they flew like a flash, to loot our institutions of their remaining cash.
The greed of the moment of that new-fallen dough, Gave a sense of entitlement to the already so.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature mind, driving a bunch of even tinier steer.
An orange colored hater, so snidely and mean, I knew in a moment it must be their king.
More vapid than evil, his slavish they came, when he whistled, & commanded, came they running like slaves.
“Now, March! now, Dance! now, prance and you bray!! install me my slaves, or what I know I will say!!
To the top of the capitol! Over the top of that wall! Now smash away! Crash away! Burn away all!!
I’m your king, I’m your master, I will not go away! Democracy is an obstacle, to hell with it all!”
So up to the house, and the senate they flew, With their heads full of lies, not one that were true.
And then, in the limo, I heard someone choke “take me to the capitol, or your neck will be broke!!”
As he wrested the wheel with something to prove, back down to the White House Orange Caligula drove.
Draped all in ketchup, from his head to his toes, garnished with Big Macs and of course Diet Cokes .
A bundle of flies danced about his back, And he looked glazed and disheveled, while slurping Big Macs.
His eyes looked wrinkled, Like one off their meds, His cheeks were like roses, either drunk or possessed.
The drool from his mouth hung down so low, that the beard of his chin was wetter than snow.
From his gaping mouth, out came his false teeth. And the stench, it encircled his head like a wreath.
An orange face and large round belly, shook when he bellowed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, like Jabba from hell, And I cringed when I saw him, in spite of his wealth.
Yelling and screaming, convulsing his head, the sane wondered “what the hell’s in his head?”
Speaking 4th grade words, he said we’re the best, He filled heads of his lemmings who were at his behest.
And laying his finger inside of his nose, and flicking it off on whomever he chose,
Commanding his slaves, he gave them a twerk, And away they all flew to do his bad work.
But I heard him exclaim, as they drove out of fright, “HAPPY GRIFTSMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GRIFT’S NIGHT!”
How did the bottom feeders end up at the top of the food chain?
It's just bass ackwards!