Announcing our “Debunk” series, starting this Friday!
A new 10-part series, made for you. Right here. Beginning this Friday and running for the following 10 weeks.
I’m SO pleased to announce a special ten-part series debunking the ten biggest political-economic myths, starting this Friday, May 31, and running for the next 10 Fridays — right here on this Substack.
Economics has become so confusing to many people that they believe anything the gonzo Trumpers put out. People are vulnerable to such rubbish because they don’t have an accurate view of the economy to begin with.
So my colleagues and I have worked very hard to produce ten short video essays that will appear here in both written and visual form — along with my translucent drawings! — to debunk the most common mythologies that get in the way of clear thinking about the political-economy.
Each video is designed to be useful to you. They also fit together into a coherent narrative about the real organization of our system.
Please join me right here, starting this Friday.
Robert Reich
And if I may, I’d like to capture the truths you unearth in fitting memes, using phraseology and hashtags such as Swiss cheese Christianity and #ProSTRIFE. Evangelicals and the GOP have crafted a brand of Christianity with holes where The Golden Rule and “Judge not, lest ye be judged” used to go. And “family values” Republicans who choose to needlessly inflict economic hardships on the poor and middle class clearly don’t value families much, do they?
I'l do my best to be there Robert. You seem to be quoted and mentioned often these days STAY LOUD!.